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Forced Air Warming Devices in Orthopaedics: A Focused Review of the Literature



The current focus on maintaining normal body temperature in the operating room makes the use of patient warming devices routine—or even mandatory—in many hospitals. Forced air warming devices such as the Bair Hugger (3M Healthcare, St. Paul, Minnesota) maintain or increase core temperature in patients during the perioperative period, with benefits that include reduced surgical wound infections, maintenance of normal coagulation, and faster discharge from the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU)1-5. However, some recent literature has raised concerns regarding a possible increased risk of deep surgical site infections specifically associated with the use of the forced air warming systems in the orthopaedic operating room5-12. One concern is that a convective device could disrupt unidirectional downward laminar airflow, which may be especially critical in joint arthroplasty operating rooms. This concern is based on theoretical mechanisms, laboratory simulations, retrospective case series, and studies showing potentially pathogenic organisms growing in the hoses and filters of forced air warming devices6-12. However, multiple other studies13-15 and a Continuing Education statement by the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN)16 suggest that proper use of the forced air warming devices mitigates or eliminates this risk while maximizing the benefits of patient warming. The purpose of the present manuscript is to review the current literature on the use of patient warming devices in orthopaedic surgery, specifically in joint arthroplasty. Hypothermia (core body temperature, <36°C) is a constant risk during general anesthesia because of factors such as impaired thermoregulation, heat loss secondary to a cold operating room, redistribution of body heat from the core to the vasodilated periphery, and infusion of cool intravenous fluids. Major adverse consequences of perioperative hypothermia can include adrenergic activation, myocardial ischemia, thermal discomfort, decreased drug metabolism, coagulopathy and increased …
Forced Air Warming Devices in Orthopaedics:
A Focused Review of the Literature
Robby S. Sikka, MD, and Richard C. Prielipp, MD, MBA, FCCM
The current focus on maintaining normal body temperature in
the operating room makes the use of patient warming devices
routineor even mandatoryin many hospitals. Forced air
warming devices such as the Bair Hugger (3M Healthcare, St.
Paul, Minnesota) maintain or increase core temperature in
patients during the perioperative period, with benets that in-
clude reduced surgical wound infections, maintenance of nor-
mal coagulation, and faster discharge from the post-anesthesia
care unit (PACU)
. However, some recent literature has raised
concerns regarding a possible increased risk of deep surgical
site infections specically associated with the use of the forced
air warming systems in the orthopaedic operating room
One concern is that a convective device could disrupt unidi-
rectional downward laminar airow, which may be especially
critical in joint arthroplasty operating rooms. This concern is
based on theoretical mechanisms, laboratory simulations, ret-
rospective case series, and studies showing potentially patho-
genic organisms growing in the hoses and lters of forced air
warming devices
. However, multiple other studies
and a
Continuing Education statement by the Association of periOp-
erative Registered Nurses (AORN)
suggest that proper use of
the forced air warming devices mitigates or eliminates this risk
while maximizing the benets of patient warming. The pur-
pose of the present manuscript is to review the current litera-
ture on the use of patient warming devices in orthopaedic
surgery, specically in joint arthroplasty.
Importance of Normothermia
Hypothermia (core body temperature, <36°C) is a constant
risk during general anesthesia because of factors such as im-
paired thermoregulation, heat loss secondary to a cold operat-
ing room, redistribution of body heat from the core to the
vasodilated periphery, and infusion of cool intravenous uids.
Major adverse consequences of perioperative hypothermia can
include adrenergic activation, myocardial ischemia, thermal
discomfort, decreased drug metabolism, coagulopathy and in-
creased blood loss, wound infections, prolonged recovery room
stay, and increased staff and hospital costs
. Moreover, it is
now accepted that maintaining normothermia in surgical pa-
tients substantially lowers the risk of postoperative surgical site
. Indeed, Kurz et al. showed that an intraoper-
ative core body temperature decrease of only 2°C can triple the
rate of soft-tissue wound infection
. Therefore, maintaining
normothermia is a vital part of the SCIP (Surgical Care Im-
provement Project) measure developed by The Joint Commis-
sion and the PQRS (Physician Quality Reporting System)
measure developed by the CMS (Centers for Medicare & Med-
icaid Services) in the U.S., and documented use of patient
Disclosure: None of the authors received payments or services, either directly or indirectly (i.e., via his or her institution), from a third party in support of any
aspect of this work. None of the authors, or their institution(s), have had any nancial relationship, in the thirty-six months prior to submission of this work,
with any entity in the biomedical arena that could be perceived to inuence or have the potential to inuence what is written in this work. Also, no author has
had any other relationships, or has engaged in any other activities, that could be perceived to inuence or have the potential to inuence what is written in
this work. The complete Disclosures of Potential Conicts of Interest submitted by authors are always provided with the online version of the article.
Peer Review: This article was reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and one Deputy Editor, and it underwent blinded review by two or more outside experts. The Deputy Editor
reviewed each revision of the article, and it underwent a nal review by the Editor-in-Chief prior to publication. Final corrections and clarications occurre d during one or
more exchanges between the author(s) and copyeditors.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014;96:e200(1-7) d
warming devices is a part of the requirements for receiving full
reimbursement from the CMS. Any warming device may be
used for the purpose of active warming intraoperatively. The
goal is to maintain normothermia, or at least a body temper-
ature of 36°C(96.8°F) recorded within the thirty minutes
immediately before, or the fteen minutes immediately after,
anesthesia end time. Moreover, these normothermic goals ap-
ply to all patients, regardless of age, who are undergoing sur-
gical procedures under general or neuraxial anesthesia lasting
sixty minutes or more, although SCIP normothermia require-
ments are limited to colorectal procedures
Forced air warming devices such as the Bair Hugger sys-
tem rely on convective warming and denitively improve the
ability of anesthesia professionals to maintain normothermia in
patients undergoing abdominal and orthopaedic procedures
Other devices (e.g., HotDog; Augustine Temperature Manage-
ment, Eden Prairie, Minnesota) use conductive heating as the
primary energy mechanism and may theoretically result in
higher thermal efciency compared with forced air warming
The issue of rewarming patients who are already hypothermic
is another challenge, as rewarming generally requires greater en-
ergy and more time compared with maintaining normothermia.
Plattner et al. investigated rewarming by means of a resistive
warming device (HotDog) and a forced air warming device (Bair
Hugger), and they showed that core temperature increased twice
as rapidly in the Bair Hugger group. The hypothermic patients
randomized to forced air warming achieved a higher mean core
body temperature during surgery at two, three, and four-hour
time points
However, Leijtens et al. showed the prevalence of hypo-
thermia in patients undergoing major joint arthroplasty to be
26% to 28% despite the use of forced air warming, and those
patients who developed hypothermia during total hip arthro-
plasty were 3.7 times more likely than normothermic patients
to develop a periprosthetic infection
. Thus, maintaining
normothermia during total hip arthroplasty surgery is a
straightforward strategy to reduce the risk of surgical site
infectionand at far less cost than the highly specialized
orthopaedic laminar-air-ow operating room
Warming Devices and Laminar Airow
The rate of infection following joint arthroplasty involving the
lower limbs is currently <1%
. In a multicenter study involving
8052 joint replacements, Lidwell et al. concluded that the risk
of deep and supercial wound infections was substantially re-
duced in surgical procedures performed in operating rooms
with ultraclean air ventilation compared with conventional
. Current ultraclean ventilation systems protect the
surgical site from airborne contamination through a constant
delivery of ltered air with a uniform downward velocity (0.3 to
0.5 m/s)
. This system is dependent on proper airow vol-
umes and temperature gradients. Unidirectional vertical air-
ow ventilation is more effective than horizontal ventilation,
especially in combination with walls around the operating area.
Body exhaust suits also reduce the number of airborne bacte-
. However, local sources of excess thermal energy can result
in temperature gradients that interrupt the downward airow
of ultraclean air
. These interruptions in the velocity of down-
ward airow likely increase the entry of contaminants into the
surgical site. Heat rising against the downward laminar airow
may also draw nonsterile contaminants up and into the surgical
TABLE I Proper Maintenance and Use of Forced Air Warmers
1. The lter should be changed every 6 months or 500 hours. A counter is available on some devices (e.g., Bair Hugger 700 series) to indicate the
total hours of use.
2. Calibration testing should occur every six months by biomedical engineering staff at the users institution. The manufacturer should check or
replace devices that fail calibration testing.
3. Do not warm patients with the warming units hose alone, as severe thermal injury may occur. Always connect the hose to a new, manufacturer-
approved warming gown for each patient.
4. Do not continue warming if the red overtemperature indicator light illuminates or an audible alarm sounds, as thermal injury may result. Turn the
warming unit off immediately and check the patients skin.
5. Do not use a forced air warming device over transdermal medications; increased drug delivery and patient death or injury may result.
6. Do not allow the patient to lie on the warming unit hose or allow the hose to contact the patients skin during patient warming.
7. Equipment is not suitable for use in the presence of a ammable anesthetic mixture (e.g., containing air, oxygen, or nitrous oxide).
8. Do not place the nonperforated side of the blanket on the patient. Thermal injury may result.Always place the perforated side (the side with small
holes) toward the patient.
9. The warming device should be disconnected from the power source before cleaning. Between patients, the outside of the hose should be
cleaned with a damp, soft cloth and a mild detergent or antimicrobial spray and then dried with a separate cloth.
10. If a fault occurs in the unit, unplug the temperature management unit and wait for ve minutes. Reconnect the temperature management unit to
a grounded power source. The unit will perform the normal power-on-reset sequence and then enter the standby mode. If the unit does not return to
normal operation, contact a service technician.
11. Temperature and calibration testing should be performed every 6 months or 500 hours of use.
According to several recent studies, forced air warming
devices may be a source of rising thermal currents that affect
the normal downward airow of laminar airow systems
This may raise the number of bacterial particlesas well as the
temperatureover the surgical site. McGovern et al. reported
an infection rate of 3.1% with use of forced air warming com-
pared with 0.8% with a conductive warming device
authors suggested that discontinuing the forced air warming
would decrease the infection rate by 74%
. Legg et al. showed
that forced air warming devices increased the mean tempera-
ture and the number of particles over the surgical site, thereby
increasing the number of pathogens over the surgical site
However, several of those studies were funded by the manu-
facturers of competing devices
. Most studies on the use of
forced air warming devices and other warming technologies in
combination with laminar airow are clearly underpowered
and poorly controlled, and conclusions regarding the indepen-
dent effect of the warming devices on surgical site contamina-
tion and infection are uncertain
Other studies (again, usually industry-funded) have indi-
cated that forced air warming does not increase the risk of par-
ticulate dispersion near surgical sites
. These studies have
shown that perioperative temperature management with forced
air warming actually decreases the risk of surgical site infection.
Sessler et al.
conducted a simulation study similar to that of
McGovern et al.
and showed that forced air warming did not
reduce air quality in an operating room with laminar ow ven-
tilation. No difference in infection rate was evident in a series of
patients undergoing vascular, breast, and hernia surgery who
were warmed with either a conductive heating or forced air
warming (Bair Hugger) device. However, patients who did not
have any warming device did have a higher rate of infection
The authors of several systematic reviews have recommended
the use of forced air warming because of its improved ability to
maintain normothermia and suggested that it has little role in
disrupting laminar airow
. Thus, the literature appears to
indicate that forced air warming can impact laminar ow under
certain very specic conditions, but any actual clinical impact on
surgical site infections must be considered unproven at this time.
On the basis of the current evidence, it is likely that both forced
air warming and conduction-based warming decrease the risk of
hypothermia in orthopaedic patients undergoing arthroplasty,
and maintenance of normothermia is critical to a strategy for
minimizing surgical site infections. Neither type of device can
completely eliminate the risk of hypothermia, and both share
risks of adverse side effects such as burns and pressure sores
Indeed, all medical devices require training, education, and
maintenance for proper use.
TABLE II Alternative or Adjunctive Warming Options for Patients*
Device Example Benets, Potential Risks, Contraindications
Patient warming blanket QUINEN Warming Blanket (Shreeyash) Covers large part of patient, making observation of
skin difcult; not practical for extremity surgery
Circulating water garment Allon ThermoWrap (MTRE) Potential for leaking and burns as well as pressure
sores; not practical for extremity surgery. Typically
uses microprocessor in device
Thermal pad Patient Warming System (Pintler) Potential risk for cutaneous burns
Warming mattress PerfecTemp (Medline) Potential risk for cutaneous burns
Fluid warmer HOTLINE (Smiths), Fluid Ranger (3M),
Level 1 (Smiths)
Air emboli
Reective blanket GRI-Alleset Healthcare or Thermoreect
patient warming products
Risk of cutaneous burns is low but may increase if
combined with FAW; pressure sores may develop.
Passive warming with reective heating blankets
or elastic bandages wrapped tightly around the legs
were found to be ineffective in reducing the
prevalence or magnitude of hypothermia
Passive covering Blanket Increased risk of burns if used with FAW and areas
of high heat develop
Conductive warming HotDog (Augustine) Risk of pressure sores and cutaneous burns
Forced air warming Bair Hugger (3M) Risk of cutaneous burns and of colonization of lter
and tubing. Proper maintenance minimizes risk, and
proper draping and use may decrease risk of
disruption of laminar airow
*For forced air warming (FAW) devices, the maximum contact surface temperature should not exceed 48°C, and the mean contact surface
temperature should not exceed 46°C under normal conditions. For circulating liquid devices, the contact surface temperature should not exceed
43°C, and the mean contact surface temperature should not exceed 42°C under normal conditions. The uid warming standard requires that the
device does not heat the uid above 44°C under normal conditions
Proper Use of Equipment and Drapes
The primary heating unit in forced air warming devices re-
quires cleaning and routine maintenance (Table I). Delayed
or decient maintenance may result in adverse events. Gjolaj
et al.
described the results of bacterial testing of Bair Hugger
units. After six months or more than 500 hours of usage (the
time at which the manufacturer recommends installation of
new lters), the distal end of the outow hose was positive for
TABLE III Articles Evaluating Forced Air Warming Devices* ä
Belani 2013
Legg 2012
Dasari 2012
Legg 2013
Reed 2013
Study design Lab. expt. Lab. expt. Lab. expt. Retrospective
case series
Lab. expt. Lab. expt. Lab. expt. Lab. expt.
Simulated or
Simulated Simulated Simulated Patients
Simulated Simulated Simulated Simulated
No. of
patients or
n = 5. Particle
counts, n =
25. Swabbing,
n = 17.
Rinsing, n = 9
11 2 per group 1437 with
371 treated
with conductive
warmer and
1066 with FAW
5 5 locations at
5 heights
5 1 hospital with
23 FAW units
End points Particle
Intake lter
particles, FAW
Bubble count
over the
surgical site
Infection Particle
counts and
temp. over
surgical site
Temp. at
surgical site
drape temp.,
and particle
Intake lter
performance and
air path microbial
No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Summary of
design is
with respect
to its ability
to prevent
58% of FAW
units were
found to
tion. No direct
link between
infection and
FAW. New
lters may
FAW disrupted
laminar airow;
disruption was
on the exact
setup of the
High risk of
deep infections
with FAW use
(odds ratio =
3.8, p = 0.024)
Temp. over
surgical site
and the no. of
particles were
greater with
FAW. Unable
to denitively
conclude that
these are
causes of
Greater temp.
over the
surgical site
with FAW vs.
warming and
of laminar
airow and
increased no.
of particles
over the
surgical site
with FAW.
Drape temp.
also increased.
certain OR
setups may
laminar ow
Filter efciency
was 64% in
lab. experiments
but lters
performed within
specications in
the OR. 70% of
FAW units had
higher particle
counts at the
hose end
compared with
the intake
Testing was
done without
the blanket,
which is
required for
proper airow.
Did not
that detected
particles were
Author conict
of interest
Testing was
done without
the blanket,
which is
for proper
airow. No
of proper
of lters and
FAW units.
Author conict
of interest
Did not control
for room
setup. Author
conict of
Coauthor was
employee of
company. Did
not account
for age or
causation. Did
not account for
other infection
during study
Did not
simulate OR
trafc and
higher temp.
at surgical
site increases
risk of
infection. Did
not simulate
normal OR
trafc. Author
conict of
No direct
laminar airow
being affected
and increased
bacteria over
surgical site
Relied on
particle counts
rather than
sampling of
from hose-end
airow. High
percentage of
control swab
(50%). Testing
was done
without blanket
*THA =total hip arthroplasty, TKA =total knee arthroplasty, FAW =forced air warming, OR =operating room, ICU =intensive care unit, and CFU =colony-forming unit.
bacterial growth in twelve of twenty-nine units, and the lter
was positive in three units. Routine care that included changing
of the lter and cleaning of the unit was then performed, and
the testing was repeated after three months. The repeat cultures
of the units with a previous positive culture showed no growth
in the tubing or lter. This suggests that proper maintenance of
the Bair Hugger is essential to reduce the risk of infection.
Other studies have also revealed measurable growth of bacteria
in ventilation lters, and the authors attributed the cause
of infection outbreaks to colonized lters
. Frequent mainte-
nance of the forced air warming units and cleaning of the
outside and tubing of the warming unit are required to reduce
TABLE III (continued)
Baker 2002
Huang 2003
Sharp 2002
Tumia 2002
Zink 1993
Lab. expt. Lab. expt. Retrospective
case series
Lab. expt. Clinical study Lab. expt. Clinical study Retrospective
case series
Lab. expt.
Neither Neither Patients
aortic surgery
with prosthetic
Simulated Actual patients
and lab.
Simulated Actual
patients but
Actual Neither
1 FAW system 1 FAW system 16 patients 12 different
ranging from
empty ORs
to various
with FAW
6 2 8 30 patients,
20 who
received FAW
and 10 who
did not
10 FAW
systems from
Cultures of
FAW hose and
Cultures of
FAW hose and
Culture sites
on patient
and in FAW
of laminar
ow using
smoke visual
Increase in
number of
of laminar
ow using
smoke visual
Culture sites
of abdomen
Infections and
culture sites
on patient
and in FAW
Cultures of
lter and hose
No No No No No No Yes No No
Heavy growth
of bacteria
from all sites
Same strain of
as that
responsible for
an outbreak.
After device
was cleaned,
the bacteria
were not found
Decrease in
counts at all 6
sites, including
the axilla and
the FAW
No signicant
effect of FAW
use on laminar
increase in
CFUs when
FAW was on
with when it
was off (p =
No impairment
of laminar
ow and no
using FAW
colonies when
FAW system
was off (p <
0.05), but
overall no
difference in
total no. of
between when
it was on and
No postopera-
tive infections
40% of FAW
system hoses
had potentially
100% showed
no growth
from the air
when the FAW
system blanket
was worn
Only a single
device was
Only a single
device was
tested. The
study was a
part of an
into an
outbreak in
the ICU
Small number
of patients.
No mention of
air handling
method in the
Did not
normal OR
of FAW
Did not
normal OR
Skin was not
prepped. No
surgical team
was present
and no surgery
was performed
on patients.
Only skin ora
was assessed
location of
FAW cover.
Small no. of
cultures from
tubing may
not be
with infection
in the patient
colonization and the associated risk to the patient. Some au-
thors even propose the addition of an HEPA (high-efciency
particulate air) antimicrobial lter to forced air warming sys-
tems, but relevant studies are lacking
Legg and Hamer simulated the impact of surgical drapes
and equipment on forced air warming devices and laminar ow
in an operating room environment
. For instance, the authors
noted that, depending on the arrangement of medical equip-
ment in the operating room, forced air warming devices may be
more likely than conductive warmers to disrupt laminar airow
around the surgical eld. They also noted that even the use of a
vertical drape between the surgical eld and the anesthesia
team at the head of the table affects the laminar ow. Surgical
drapes placed vertically as part of the sterile surgical eld may
themselves be warmed by forced air warming devices, leading
to accessory convection currents traveling upward and disrupt-
ing downward laminar ow. Indeed, the authors suggest that if
the articial enclosure created by the vertical drape is elimi-
nated, the production of additional heat is less likely to be
important because warm air can leave more easily. They rec-
ommend using a well-insulated surface that is not in contact
with the patient to distribute the additional heat that may oth-
erwise be transferred to the drape. The authors further recom-
mend putting the vertical drape up before the Bair Hugger is
turned on, ensuring that the Bair Hugger is properly connected
to the gown with no leaks, and following all manufacturer in-
structions regarding the placement of the gown. Clearly, proper
use of forced air warming devices and associated warming
gowns is required to maximize heat transfer to the patient while
minimizing heat transfer to the drapes and surrounding lam-
inar airow.
The risks of burns and pressure sores, even involving the
nonoperatively treated extremity, increase when warming de-
vices are not used properly. Burns can result from improper
placement of the warming device or from placement of the
tubing on the patient. Mayo stands, trays, and surgical equip-
ment placed on or near a patient can limit expansion of the
warming blanket or gown. This can force air into a small area
and increase the risk of burns. These burns are often rst or
second-degree and may heal with scarring. Appropriate con-
sultation with plastic surgeons or wound nurses may allow
for prompt treatment and skin coverage as needed. There are
also several alternatives or adjunctive warming devices that
may be used to increase patient temperature. Some of these
devices and their risks and benets are described in Table II.
Several studies have indicated that the use of these devices in
addition to forced air warming increases the ability to main-
tain normothermia
Clinical Importance
It is important to consider both the risks and benets of warm-
ing devices when deciding how to utilize them for patients
undergoing joint arthroplasty. There are medical, safety, and
economic implications to the choice
warranted to prove or disprove a causal relationship between
use of forced air warming and periprosthetic joint infections
(Table III). In the meantime, appropriate strategies include
proper maintenance of equipment and lters to reduce bacte-
rial colonization, appropriate placement of forced air warming
blankets in accordance with manufacturer recommendations,
and recognition of the potential effects of these devices on
laminar airow. Future studies will need to limit bias, include
large study populations, have a consistent denition of hypo-
thermia, carefully control associated and relevant variables
(e.g., operating room trafc and antibiotic protocols), and en-
sure equivalent efcacy of warming in all study groups. Such
studies will aid clinicians in choosing appropriate future strat-
egies for warming. n
NOTE: The authors acknowledge Drs. Marc Swiontkowski and Thomas Vangsness for their editorial
Robby S. Sikka, MD
TRIA Orthopaedic Center,
University of Minnesota,
8100 Northland Drive,
Minneapolis, MN 55431.
E-mail address:
Richard C. Prielipp, MD, MBA, FCCM
Department of Anesthesiology,
University of Minnesota,
420 Delaware Street S.E.,
Minneapolis, MN 55455.
E-mail address:
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... Perioperative hypothermia, defined as a core temperature below 36°C, has been associated with adverse outcomes in surgical patients, including intraoperative blood loss, cardiac events, coagulopathy, and increase hospital stay and associated costs. [1][2][3] Perioperative hypothermia may be prevented by active and passive warming methods. Active methods include warming intravenous fluids, patients warming devices and passive methods include insulation and radiant heat loss prevention using blan-ket. ...
... 4 Although these warming devices are known to be effective in preventing hypothermia, they had to be used around the surgical field, causing many concerns about their relationship with surgical site infection (SSI). [2][3][4] However, there are still many controversies about the effect of these active warming devices on the rate of SSI after surgery. 5,6 In addition, there has been no study on the association in posterior spinal fusion surgery, which is performed in a relatively large number compared to other spinal surgeries but has a higher SSI rate. ...
... Device using conduction involve the use of conductive polymer fiber sheets that produce heat and warm patients through conduction. 3,4 Forced air warming systems may increase the risk of SSIs by acting as a vector or causing unwanted airflow disturbances. McGovern et al. 5 reported forced air warming disrupts laminar flow ventilation and significantly increases SSI in patients undergoing arthroplasty surgeries. ...
Objective: Perioperative hypothermia can lead to various complications. Although various warming techniques have been used to prevent perioperative hypothermia, the effect of these techniques on surgical site infection (SSI) during posterior fusion surgery is unclear. The effects of warming devices on SSI rates were therefore analyzed using data complied by the Health Insurance and Review Assessment (HIRA) Service in Korea.Methods: This study included 5,406 patients in the HIRA Service database who underwent posterior fusion surgery during the years 2014, 2015, and 2017. Factors related to SSI in these patients, including warming devices, antibiotics, and transfusion, were analyzed.Results: The incidence of SSI was higher in patients who underwent forced air warming than in those who did not undergo active warming (odds ratio [OR], 1.73; p = 0.039), especially above 70 years old (OR, 4.11; p = 0.014). By contrast, the incidence of SSI was not significantly higher in patients who underwent device using conduction. Infection rates were higher in patients who received prophylactic antibiotics within 20 minutes before incision, than within 21 to 60 minutes (OR, 2.07; p = 0.001) and who received more blood transfusions (1 pint < volume ≤ 2 pint; OR, 1.75; p = 0.008, > 2 pint; OR, 2.73; p = 0.004).Conclusion: SSI rates were higher in patients who underwent warming with forced air devices than with devices using conduction, as well as being higher in patients who older age, received blood transfusions and administered antibiotics within 20 minutes before incision. Devices using conduction have more advantages in preventing SSI than forced air warming device. In addition, the reduction of other risk factors for SSI may improve postoperative results.
... Hypothermia during surgery can be generated by various factors such as: exposure to surgical environment, thermoregulatory dysfunction during general or regional anesthesia and medications. PH leads to intraoperative blood loss, cardiac events, coagulopathy, an increase in hospital stay and associated costs (1,2). Even mild hypothermia (approximately 2 • C below normal temperature) can triple the incidence of wound infection and prolong hospitalization by about 20% (2). ...
... PH leads to intraoperative blood loss, cardiac events, coagulopathy, an increase in hospital stay and associated costs (1,2). Even mild hypothermia (approximately 2 • C below normal temperature) can triple the incidence of wound infection and prolong hospitalization by about 20% (2). Passive and active warming methods are used in the operating room (OR) to prevent the incidence of PH. ...
... RH system converts electrical energy into heat and warms the patient through conduction (2). Effective warming is delivered by non-disposable carbon polymer fiber fabric strips (7,8). ...
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Introduction: Perioperative hypothermia is one of the most common phenomena seen among surgical patients, leading to numerous adverse outcomes such as intraoperative blood loss, cardiac events, coagulopathy, increased hospital stay and associated costs. Forced air warming (FAW) and resistive heating (RH) are the two most commonly used and widely studied devices to prevent perioperative hypothermia. The effect of FAW on operating room laminar flow and surgical site infection is unclear and we initiated an extensive literature search in order to get a scientific insight of this aspect. Material and Methods: The literature search was conducted using the Medline search engine, PubMed, Cochrane review, google scholar, and OSU library. Results: Out of 92 Articles considered initially for review we selected a total of 73 relevant references. Currently there is no robust evidence to support that FAW can increase SSIs. In addition, both of the two warming devices present safety problems. Conclusion: As unbiased independent reviewers, we advise clinicians to weigh the risks and benefits when using either one of these devices; no change in the current practice is necessary until further data emerges.
... By contrast, active warming is an effective strategy for the prevention of IH, which is based on increasing the total body heat to compensate for the body temperature decrease due to heat dissipation [9]. Active warming systems such as forced-air warming (FAW) and circulating-water warming have been widely used in clinical practice; FAW application in major surgeries is now recommended by guidelines, particularly in obstetrics, gynecology [10,11], orthopedics [12,13], cardiology [14], abdominal surgery [15][16][17], laparoscopic cholecystectomy [18], and prostatectomy [19]. ...
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Purpose: Historically, studies suggested that intraoperative hypothermia (IH) could result in significant resource consumption, but more recent studies have found the opposite. The purpose of this study is to estimate the value of active warming devices for IH prevention based on synthesized evidence. Methods: A cost-benefit analysis was conducted using the effect of active warming versus passive warming devices for intraoperative hypothermia from a meta-analysis. The item-based aggregated treatment cost approach was adopted to estimate the cost of each adverse event, which was then weighted to calculate the total cost of IH. Results: IH was associated with higher risks of bleeding, surgical site infection, and shivering compared with normothermia. The cost of one case of IH was 363.80,andtheuseofactivewarmingdevicesmightsave363.80, and the use of active warming devices might save 152.80. Extra investment in active warming (e.g., 291.00)mightonlybecostbeneficialwhentheminimumwillingnesstopayis291.00) might only be cost-beneficial when the minimum willingness-to-pay is 150.00. Conclusions: Synthesized evidence showed that the cost of IH might be overestimated. Furthermore, the value of using active warming devices remains uncertain because the willingness to pay may vary between decision-makers. As not enough awareness of hypothermia prevention in some countries, further research into the clinical use of active warming devices during major surgeries is warranted.
... Additionally, despite FAW filtration systems meeting HEPA standards, potentially pathogenic organisms have been found in hoses and blower systems [15][16][17][18][19]. Avidan et al. [16] found that higher airborne bacterial loads were associated with higher infection rates in patients kept warm with FAW, but this was not confirmed in later studies [13,20,21] and has been actively challenged by others [22][23][24]. Therefore, negating the protective effects of laminar airflow is highly disputed since the evidence does not directly link disruption of laminar airflow ventilation by FAW with risk of infection [25][26][27][28][29]. Until more is known about the potential influence of FAW on the incidence of SSIs, recent recommendations to not install laminar airflow in operating rooms for the purpose of preventing SSIs should not be implemented [30,31]. ...
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Background Approximately 70,000 to 75,000 proximal femoral fracture repairs take place in the UK each year. Hemiarthroplasty is the preferred treatment for adults aged over 60 years. Postoperative infection affects up to 3% of patients and is the single most common reason for early return to theatre. Ultraclean ventilation was introduced to help mitigate the risk of infection, but it may also contribute to inadvertent perioperative hypothermia, which itself is a risk for postoperative infection. To counter this, active intraoperative warming is used for all procedures that take 30 min or more. Forced air warming (FAW) and resistive fabric warming (RFW) are the two principal techniques used for this purpose; they are equally effective in prevention of inadvertent perioperative hypothermia, but it is not known which is associated with the lowest infection rates. Deep surgical site infection doubles operative costs, triples investigation costs and quadruples ward costs. The Reducing Implant Infection in Orthopaedics (RIIiO) study seeks to compare infection rates with FAW versus RFW after hemiarthroplasty for hip fracture. A cost-neutral intervention capable of reducing postoperative infection rates would likely lead to a change in practice, yield significant savings for the health economy, reduce overall exposure to antibiotics and improve outcomes following hip fracture in the elderly. The findings may be transferable to other orthopaedic implant procedures and to non-orthopaedic surgical specialties. Methods RIIiO is a parallel group, open label study randomising hip fracture patients over 60 years of age who are undergoing hemiarthroplasty to RFW or FAW. Participants are followed up for 3 months. Definitive deep surgical site infection within 90 days of surgery, the primary endpoint, is determined by a blinded endpoint committee. Discussion Hemiarthroplasty carries a risk of deep surgical site infection of approximately 3%. In order to provide 90% power to demonstrate an absolute risk reduction of 1%, using a 5% significance level, a full trial would need to recruit approximately 8630 participants. A pilot study is being conducted in the first instance to demonstrate that recruitment and data management strategies are appropriate and robust before embarking on a large multi-centre trial. Trial registration ISRCTN, ISRCTN74612906. Registered on 27 February 2017. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s13063-018-3011-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
... Sikka and Prielipp [43] published a focused review of the literature in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery and concluded that there is not enough evidence to support or disprove a link between FAW and periprosthetic joint infection. They did list recommendations that need to be followed for the proper use of the devices including frequent filter changes, calibration, and always using the device with the accompanying blanket. ...
Forced-air warming is commonly utilized to prevent perioperative hypothermia. Underbody warming blankets are often employed to secure a larger area for patient warming. While forced-air warming systems are generally regarded as safe, improper usage poses a risk of cutaneous complications. Additionally, the influence of underbody blankets on cutaneous complications remains uncertain. We present a case of cutaneous complications resulting from the improper utilization of a forced-air warming device and an underbody blanket. A 79-year-old man presented to the hospital for robotic proctectomy under general anesthesia. The surgery lasted for 7 hours, and the forced-air warming device with underbody blanket operated continuously for 5 hours intraoperatively. The surgery was completed without any incidents. However, first-degree burns on the patient’s back, along with superficial decubitus ulcers on his right scapula, were observed after surgery. To prevent cutaneous complications, clinicians must adhere to the manufacturer's guidelines when utilizing a forced-air warming system. Compared to overbody blankets, underbody blankets have limitations in monitoring cutaneous responses. Ensuring patient safety requires selecting an appropriate blanket for scheduled operations.
Efforts to maintain normothermia should be a part of every patient's perioperative care. Risks, benefits, and economic implications should be considered when deciding how to use active warming devices for orthopaedic surgery. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has implemented economic incentives and penalties driving hospitals to invest in active warming devices, including forced-air warmers and resistive heating devices. Even though forced-air warmers and resistive heating blankets are likely to statistically improve patient temperatures, they may not be worth the additional cost for shorter, less invasive, elective arthroscopic surgeries. In addition, recent research demonstrates minimal clinically significant differences between these 2 types of devices. Concern regarding possible increased risk of surgical-site contamination with forced-air warmers warrants further study but, again, is unlikely clinically relevant to arthroscopic cases, and proper staff training and warming equipment routine maintenance could minimize patient risk.
Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is an uncommon complication after unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) but leads to significant morbidity and mortality. Prevention is one of the most important strategies in combating PJI after UKA. There are many prevention strategies, and they can be categorized as preoperative, intraoperative, or postoperative. Preoperative strategies emphasize medically optimizing the host, modifying patient risk factors for PJI, appropriate skin cleansing, and infection screening. Intraoperative strategies are focused on creating and maintaining a sterile environment, antibiotic prophylaxis, and limiting operating room time. Postoperative strategies are focused on avoiding allogeneic blood transfusions, utilizing aspirin for venous thromboembolic event prophylaxis, and antibiotic prophylaxis prior to dental, genitourinary, or gastrointestinal procedures. Future research is warranted to determine the most cost-effective and clinically efficacious strategies to preventing PJI after UKA.
Background: Active warming during surgery prevents perioperative hypothermia but the effectiveness and postoperative infection rates may differ between warming technologies. Aim: To establish the recruitment and data management strategies needed for a full trial comparing postoperative infection rates associated with forced air warming (FAW) versus resistive fabric warming (RFW) in patients aged >65 years undergoing hemiarthroplasty following fractured neck of femur. Methods: Participants were randomized 1:1 in permuted blocks to FAW or RFW. Hypothermia was defined as a temperature of <36°C at the end of surgery. Primary outcomes were the number of participants recruited and the number with definitive deep surgical site infections. Findings: A total of 515 participants were randomized at six sites over a period of 18 months. Follow-up was completed for 70.1%. Thirty-seven participants were hypothermic (7.5% in the FAW group; 9.7% in the RFW group). The mean temperatures before anaesthesia and at the end of surgery were similar. For the primary clinical outcome, there were four deep surgical site infections in the FAW group and three in the RFW group. All participants who developed a postoperative infection had antibiotic prophylaxis, a cemented prosthesis, and were operated under laminar airflow; none was hypothermic. There were no serious adverse events related to warming. Conclusion: Surgical site infections were identified in both groups. Progression from the pilot to the full trial is possible but will need to take account of the high attrition rate.
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The American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Postanesthetic Care presents a systematically developed set of recommendations based on analysis of the current literature and a synthesis of expert opinion.
Forced-air warming devices are effective for the prevention of surgical hypothermia. However, these devices intake nonsterile floor-level air, and it is unknown whether they have adequate filtration measures to prevent the internal buildup or emission of microbial contaminants. We rated the intake filtration efficiency of a popular current-generation forced-air warming device (Bair Hugger model 750, Arizant Healthcare) using a monodisperse sodium chloride aerosol in the laboratory. We further sampled 23 forced-air warming devices (same model) in daily hospital use for internal microbial buildup and airborne-contamination emissions via swabbing and particle counting. Laboratory testing found the intake filter to be 63.8% efficient. Swabbing detected microorganisms within 100% of the forced-air warming blowers sampled, with isolates of coagulase-negative staphylococci, mold, and micrococci identified. Particle counting showed 96% of forced-air warming blowers to be emitting significant levels of internally generated airborne contaminants out of the hose end. These findings highlight the need for upgraded intake filtration, preferably high-efficiency particulate air filtration (99.97% efficient), on current-generation forced-air warming devices to reduce contamination buildup and emission risks.
The potential that forced-air warming systems may increase the risk of surgical site infections (SSIs) by acting as a vector or causing unwanted airflow disturbances is a concern to health care providers. To investigate this potential, we examined the literature to determine whether forced-air warming devices increase the risk of SSIs in patients undergoing general, vascular, or orthopedic surgical procedures. We examined 192 evidence sources, 15 of which met our inclusion criteria. Most sources we found indirectly addressed the issue of forced-air warming and only three studies followed patients who were warmed intraoperatively with forced-air warming devices to determine whether there was an increased incidence of SSIs. All of the sources we examined contained methodological concerns, and the evidence did not conclusively suggest that the use of forced-air warming systems increases the risk of SSIs. Given the efficacy of these devices in preventing inadvertent perioperative hypothermia, practitioners should continue to use and clean forced-air warming systems according to the manufacturer's instructions until well-conducted, large-scale trials can further examine the issue.
Intraoperative hypothermia is difficult to avoid and may present a significant clinical risk during the early postoperative phase. We evaluated a forced-air system [Bair Hugger, OR-type (BH)] for warming intraoperative patients with open abdominal surgery. Twenty patients received BH warming [BH(+) group] and another 20 patients, who served as controls, did not [BH(−) group]. Patients in both groups also received circulating blanket warming. Tempertures were measured at 30-min intervals throughout the operation in the rectum and on the tip of the index finger opposite the nail bed. The average operation time was 168.8±16.2 min. Rectal and fingertip temperatures in the BH(+) group were significantly higher than those in the BH(−) group, and central-peripheral temperature gradients in the BH(+) group were significantly smaller than those in the BH(−) group during the study, except at 180 min. No shivering occurred in either group. Therefore, BH is an effective warming device during open abdominal surgery.