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Polygonal faults in chalk: Insights from extensive exposures of the Khoman Formation, Western Desert, Egypt


Abstract and Figures

Although polygonal fault systems and related features are common in fine-grained sediments in modern submarine basins and have been studied in basins worldwide using three-dimensional (3-D) seismic data, extensive on-land exposures have remained elusive. We report here on the discovery of a polygonal fault system occurring in nearly continuous surface exposure over ~900 km2 in chalk of the Cretaceous Khoman Formation near Farafra Oasis, Egypt. Field exposures reveal polygon boundaries defined by clusters of dozens of normal faults with strongly grooved fault surfaces and coarse calcite veins along faults with evidence for multiple fluid flow events. Geometric patterns and fault intersections reveal that mechanically interacting normal faults with multiple orientations were active contemporaneously in a horizontal strain field that was essentially isotropic and extensional. We interpret the very steep dips (~80°) to reflect fault initiation in response to elevated pore fluid pressures. In the uppermost part of the Khoman Formation, a terrain of isolated circular structures displaying shallow inward dips overlies the polygonal fault network. The spatial relationship to the underlying faults is consistent with these small circular basins having formed as fluid escape structures as the polygonal fault system evolved. Outcrops in the Khoman Formation provide an unprecedented look into the 3-D geometry of a polygonal fault system, providing context for the analysis of analogous systems in marine basins and other on-land exposures.
A-C: Low, strongly grooved, coarse calcite veins mark faults in chalk. Rock hammer in C is 27 cm long. D: Throw calculated from fi eld measurements (at stars) on prominent fault in polygonbounding cluster is 2-3 m. E: Multiphase veins with calcite crystallized in dilatant space, forming casts of grooves along fault surfaces. Rock hammer head is 9 cm long. F: Faults are arranged in clusters that border polygonal areas with lower fault density. Faults appear to be prominent ridges in satellite imagery (illumination from southeast). Field exposures (in A) show that this is an illusion produced by concentration of dark surface lag on upwind (northwest) sides of low calcite veins. G: Fault traces mapped using satellite imagery show polygonal plan view of fault clusters. Rare faults cut across multiple polygons (red arrow). H: Azimuths of faults in representative 25 km 2 area mapped on satellite imagery and divided into 25 m segments. I: Faults in north-northwest, northeast, and northwest sets (defi ning individual polygon sides) commonly curve from one polygon side into an adjacent one. Multiple fault orientations occur where polygon sides meet and interact, with inconsistent crosscutting patterns related to overlap in timing of fault growth. Insets: Faults a, b, and c were each infl uenced by the others in terms of mechanical interactions (curving of one fault into another) and crosscutting, implying overlap in timing of growth of each fault orientation. Image centers: D-27.178449N, 27.965212E; F-27.160982N, 28.015432E; G-27.175447N, 28.010321E; I-27.160073N, 28.020536E. Images D, F, and I are DigitalGlobe WorldView I satellite images ( Also see Figures DR1-DR7 (see footnote 1).
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June 2014
| 479
The formation of layer-bound normal faults
and shear fractures arrayed in broadly polygonal
networks is recognized as a common occurrence
during the early burial history and diagenesis of
very fi ne-grained sedimentary sequences. Over
the past 20 years, polygonal fault systems have
been discovered using two- and three-dimen-
sional (2-D and 3-D) seismic data in >100 sedi-
mentary basins worldwide, almost exclusively
in the subsurface in marine settings on conti-
nental margins (Cartwright, 2011).
Despite the fact that polygonal fault systems
are remarkably common in modern and ancient
marine basins, few on-land exposures have been
documented that lend themselves to fi eld study.
Polygonal faults have been proposed to occur in
Paleogene claystones in Belgium (Verschuren,
1992) and in discontinuous, widely separated
outcrops and quarry exposures of Cretaceous
chalk in the UK and France (Hibsch et al., 2003).
Chalk of the Khoman Formation near Far-
afra Oasis, Egypt (Fig. 1), contains thousands
of narrow, low-relief ridges exposed nearly
continuously over a minimum of 900 km2 and
extending, partly mantled by eolian sand, over
at least 1800 km2. Our work with high-resolu-
tion satellite imagery shows that these ridges
are arrayed in a polygonal network with geom-
etries and scales similar to those of polygonal
faults studied using 3-D seismic data. Our fi eld
analysis has documented an extensive tract of
polygonal faults and related features, allow-
ing us to characterize the 3-D architecture of
a polygonal fault system in chalk, small-scale
fault zone features, the formation mechanics,
and the role of fl uids in fault system evolution.
Polygonal fault systems consist of an array of
layer-bound normal faults that partially or fully
intersect in broadly polygonal patterns. Faults
of different orientations in a polygonal system
have been suggested to form synchronously in
an essentially isotropic horizontal stress fi eld
(Shmax = Shmin) (Cartwright and Dewhurst, 1998;
Cartwright et al., 2003; Hibsch et al., 2003; Gay
et al., 2004; Cartwright, 2011). Although strains
are radially isotropic and extensional, layers con-
taining polygonal faults are suggested to have
undergone no net extension because host rocks
undergo simultaneous volume loss accompanied
by fl uid expulsion. As the layer shrinks radially,
polygonal networks of small-scale and meso-
scale normal faults develop.
Polygonal faults form early in the burial histo-
ry of fi ne-grained sediments. Although the vast
majority previously described occur in clay-rich
sediments, polygonal fault systems have been
reported in chalk (Hibsch et al., 2003; Hansen
et al., 2004). Faults extend nearly to the seafl oor
in some systems, and polygonal fault systems
continue to develop as burial increases, with
compaction-induced rotation resulting in shal-
Polygonal faults in chalk: Insights from extensive exposures of the
Khoman Formation, Western Desert, Egypt
Barbara J. Tewksbury1, John P. Hogan2, Simon A. Kattenhorn3, Charlotte J. Mehrtens4, and Elhamy A. Tarabees5
1Department of Geosciences, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York 13323, USA
2Geology and Geophysics Program, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri 65409, USA
3Department of Geological Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83844, USA
4Department of Geology, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405, USA
5Department of Geology, Damanhour University, Damanhour 22516, Egypt
Although polygonal fault systems and related features are common in fi ne-grained sedi-
ments in modern submarine basins and have been studied in basins worldwide using three-
dimensional (3-D) seismic data, extensive on-land exposures have remained elusive. We
report here on the discovery of a polygonal fault system occurring in nearly continuous sur-
face exposure over ~900 km2 in chalk of the Cretaceous Khoman Formation near Farafra
Oasis, Egypt. Field exposures reveal polygon boundaries defi ned by clusters of dozens of
normal faults with strongly grooved fault surfaces and coarse calcite veins along faults with
evidence for multiple fl uid fl ow events. Geometric patterns and fault intersections reveal
that mechanically interacting normal faults with multiple orientations were active contem-
poraneously in a horizontal strain fi eld that was essentially isotropic and extensional. We
interpret the very steep dips (~80°) to refl ect fault initiation in response to elevated pore
uid pressures. In the uppermost part of the Khoman Formation, a terrain of isolated cir-
cular structures displaying shallow inward dips overlies the polygonal fault network. The
spatial relationship to the underlying faults is consistent with these small circular basins
having formed as fl uid escape structures as the polygonal fault system evolved. Outcrops in
the Khoman Formation provide an unprecedented look into the 3-D geometry of a polygo-
nal fault system, providing context for the analysis of analogous systems in marine basins
and other on-land exposures.
GEOLOGY, June 2014; v. 42; no. 6; p. 479–482; Data Repository item 2014165
Published online 15 April 2014
© 2014 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or
28.0°E 28.3°E
27.0°N 27.15°N
Waddi Hennis,
El Hefhuf Fms.
20 km
Thebes Gp.
Cretaceous Paleogene
Esna Shale
Tarawan Fm.
Dakhla Shale
Khoman Fm.
areas of
polygonal faults
areas of small
circular basins
Fig 3A
Fig 3B
Fig 3A
Fig 2
Figure 1. Geologic map showing areas of Khoman Formation that display polygonal
faults and small circular structures. QF—Qasr Farafra. Regional geology is adapted from
Klitzsch et al. (1987). Inset shaded relief map was developed from Shuttle Radar Topog-
raphy Mission DEM data.
June 2014
low fault dips in more deeply buried systems
(Cartwright, 2011). Berndt et al. (2003) argued
for long-term fl uid fl ow over millions of years in
the Vøring Basin, with multiple events related to
progressive evolution of the underlying polygo-
nal fault system. Polygonal faults are potential
uid conduits (Cartwright et al., 2003), and fl uid
escape pipes and seafl oor pockmarks have been
documented in sequences both within (Andre-
sen and Huuse, 2011) and overlying polygonal
faults (e.g., Berndt et al., 2003; Gay et al., 2004).
The mechanism of polygonal fault formation
remains unclear. Early models involving density
inversion, syneresis, and low coeffi cients of slid-
ing friction along fault planes (e.g., Cartwright
et al., 2003; Goulty, 2002) have been joined by
models invoking diagenesis (e.g., Davies et al.,
2009; Shin et al., 2008; Cartwright, 2011). To
date, no consensus model has emerged.
Our study area lies in massive white chalk
of the Late Cretaceous Khoman Formation, ex-
posed in the core of the broad regional Farafra
anticline (Fig. 1). The low relief of the wide, fl at-
oored Farafra Valley coupled with extremely
low limb dips (2°–3°) of the Farafra anticline
(Omara et al., 1970) combine to create wide-
spread bedding surface exposures over hundreds
of square kilometers. The chalk is fi ne-grained,
soft to medium-hard, and moderately consolidat-
ed with no clay insoluble residue, siliceous mi-
crofossils or macrofossils, quartz veins, or chert.
Exposures of the chalk display narrow resis-
tant fi ns 10–50 cm high, consisting of calcite
veins and vein complexes developed along faults
with steep dips (70° to nearly 90°) (Figs. 2A and
2B; see also Figs. DR1–DR3 in the GSA Data
Repository1). The host chalk is strongly grooved
along the fault surfaces (Fig. 2C), and rakes of
80°–90° indicate dip slip. Fault dip direction
combined with rare offsets of planar features
indicates normal slip (2–3 m calculated for the
fault in Fig. 2D).
Veins range in thickness up to 25 cm and
consist of coarse calcite crystals both parallel
and perpendicular to fault surfaces, commonly
extending into dilatant space. The veins create
casts of preexisting strongly grooved fault sur-
faces in the chalk (Fig. 2E; Figs. DR4 and DR5).
Calcite veins commonly exhibit multiple phas-
es, some with slivers of chalk between veins.
Damage zones within the host chalk are narrow
(5–10 cm) and are characterized by fractures of
multiple orientations fi lled by thin calcite veins.
The chalk also hosts very thin (1–2 mm) pla-
nar goethite veins that lack grooves and slick-
enlines and that were likely originally iron
sulfi de (pyrite or marcasite). Iron sulfi de (now
goethite) also occurs as crystal clusters, veneers,
and masses within some calcite veins. Isotopic
analyses from a small number of calcite vein
and host rock samples suggest reequilibration of
formation-generated (marine calcite) fl uids with
isotopically light meteoric waters (for methods
and data, see the Data Repository).
The overall organization of faults is spec-
tacularly revealed in high-resolution satellite
images. Faults are arranged in clusters of 5–20
quasi-parallel normal faults and fault segments
that defi ne polygonal areas 500–1000 m across,
with fewer faults in the polygon cores (Figs. 2F
and 2G; Fig. DR6). Faults show no regional pre-
ferred orientations (Fig. 2H), although rare faults
cut across multiple polygons (arrow, Fig. 2G).
Polygon corners are complex interaction zones
containing multiple fault orientations with in-
consistent crosscutting relationships that imply
overlap in the timing of their growth (Fig. 2I;
Fig. DR7), as well as arcuate faults that gradu-
ally curve from one side into an adjacent side of
the polygon. These features imply simultaneous
activity of normal faults with distinctly different
strikes and no dominant extension direction.
The polygonal network of faults in the Far-
afra Valley is confi ned to the Khoman Forma-
Fig. 2I
down wind
NW fault set
NE fault set
EW fault set
curving faults
100 m
NNW fault set
interaction zone
between NNW
and NE faults
No. of 25 m
1GSA Data Repository item 2014165, supplementary methods, and Figures DR1–DR11, is available online at, or on request from or Documents Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA.
Figure 2. A–C: Low,
strongly grooved, coarse
calcite veins mark faults
in chalk. Rock hammer in
C is 27 cm long. D: Throw
calculated from fi eld mea-
surements (at stars) on
prominent fault in polygon-
bounding cluster is 2–3 m.
E: Multiphase veins with
calcite crystallized in dilat-
ant space, forming casts
of grooves along fault sur-
faces. Rock hammer head
is 9 cm long. F: Faults are
arranged in clusters that
border polygonal areas
with lower fault density.
Faults appear to be promi-
nent ridges in satellite im-
agery (illumination from
southeast). Field expo-
sures (in A) show that this
is an illusion produced by concentration of dark surface lag on upwind (northwest) sides of low calcite
veins. G: Fault traces mapped using satellite imagery show polygonal plan view of fault clusters. Rare
faults cut across multiple polygons (red arrow). H: Azimuths of faults in representative 25 km2 area
mapped on satellite imagery and divided into 25 m segments. I: Faults in north-northwest, northeast,
and northwest sets (defi ning individual polygon sides) commonly curve from one polygon side into
an adjacent one. Multiple fault orientations occur where polygon sides meet and interact, with incon-
sistent crosscutting patterns related to overlap in timing of fault growth. Insets: Faults a, b, and c
were each infl uenced by the others in terms of mechanical interactions (curving of one fault into an-
other) and crosscutting, implying overlap in timing of growth of each fault orientation. Image centers:
D—27.178449N, 27.965212E; F—27.160982N, 28.015432E; G—27.175447N, 28.010321E; I—27.160073N,
28.020536E. Images D, F, and I are DigitalGlobe WorldView I satellite images (
Also see Figures DR1–DR7 (see footnote 1).
June 2014
| 481
tion, which is at least 220 m thick (Barakat and
Hamid, 1974). The faults die out almost entirely
in the uppermost part of the Khoman Formation
and are absent in the underlying El Hefuf and
Wadi Hennis Formations (Fig. 1).
The upper part of the Khoman Formation is
characterized by more than 2000 isolated small
circular basins 50–200 m in diameter, spaced
200–500 m apart, and with inward dips of 5°–
20° (Figs. 1 and 3). The circular basins highest
in the section form small mesas <10 m high
capped by an inward-dipping resistant lime-
stone layer (Fig. 3A; Fig. DR8). Basins slightly
lower in the section lack both resistant caprock
and topographic relief. Some low-relief basins
occur in strong spatial association with poly-
gon boundaries and triple junctions (Fig. 3B;
Fig. DR9), are cut by normal faults, and display
radial vertical veins of calcite and goethite (orig-
inally pyrite or marcasite) (Fig. DR10).
Figure 3C shows the spatial relationship
among faults, low-relief basins, and basin-capped
mesas (Fig. DR11). Most of the small circular ba-
sins lie stratigraphically above the fault network,
although rare faults with grooved, multiphase
calcite veins extend upward through the basin-
capped mesas, which are highest in the section.
We propose that the Khoman Formation dis-
plays the fi rst extensively exposed occurrence of
polygonal faults and related fl uid fl ow features
to be described on land. Faults are layer-bound
normal faults clustered in a linked polygonal
network at scales typical for polygonal faults
(Cartwright, 2011) and formed in a strain fi eld
with no dominant extension direction. We also
propose that the small circular basins overlying
the polygonal fault system are fl uid escape fea-
tures related to polygonal faulting. The basins
are similar in size (100–200 m) to fl uid escape
pipes and seafl oor pockmarks that overlie po-
lygonal fault systems (e.g., Berndt et al., 2003;
Gay et al., 2004) and that have been attributed
to long-term fl uid fl ow and vertical stacking of
pockmarks as sedimentary layers accumulate
(Moss and Cartwright, 2010).
Our observations suggest an intimate rela-
tionship between fl uids and polygonal faults in
the Khoman Formation, supported mechanical-
ly using Mohr-Coulomb failure considerations.
The very steep fault dips (~80°) indicate that
shear failure occurred under conditions where
the Mohr circle intersected the failure envelope
where σ3 was negative (tensile), but had not
reached the tensile strength of the rock. This
condition was most likely achieved by driving
a small Mohr circle (with maximum shear stress
less than the rock cohesion) to the left by in-
creasing pore fl uid pressure. In contrast, a σ3 de-
crease caused solely by syneresis or diagenetic
volume decrease with a constant σ1 would have
resulted in an expanding Mohr circle intersect-
ing the failure envelope at positive σ3, unless σ1
were very small. Resultant faults would have
dips of ~60°, which is not what we observe.
Elevated pore fl uid pressure played a promi-
nent role in early models for polygonal fault
initiation (e.g., Henriet et al., 1991; Cartwright,
1994; Cartwright and Lonergan, 1996). Re-
cent attention has shifted to diagenetic models
to account for the signifi cant volumetric strain
involved in polygonal fault formation (e.g., Da-
vies et al., 2009; Shin et al., 2008; Cartwright,
2011). The absence of any evidence for silica
and clay in the Khoman Formation, however, in-
dicates that a model of fault initiation by volume
loss due to diagenesis of biogenic silica (Davies
et al., 2009) or smectite (Cartwright, 2011) is
neither applicable nor necessary to account for
polygonal faulting. For polygonal faults in the
Khoman Formation, we therefore conclude that
pore fl uid pressure played an important role
in fault initiation and subsequent activity. The
origin of these fl uid pressures is unknown, but
could reasonably be linked to the compaction
and induration of sediments during burial.
Once faults formed, repeated fl uid fl ow events
clearly utilized the faults as conduits, forming
vein systems. Although we have no unequivocal
evidence for the timing of fl uid ow and vein
mineralization, our isotopic data permit vein
formation as polygonal faults evolved (see the
Data Repository). One possibility is that cre-
ation of steep fault surfaces enabled subsequent
slip events to occur under hybrid dilational/shear
conditions, with euhedral calcite crystallizing in
dilational space as casts of grooved fault sur-
faces. As each slip event dilated the fault further,
new veins would have formed alongside older
ones. Alternatively, all veins may have postdated
faulting, with high fl uid pressures causing epi-
sodic dilation and vein formation along existing,
steep fault surfaces. Whichever timing relation-
ship is correct, simultaneous dilation occurred
in multiple directions, evidenced by numerous T
intersections along fault and vein systems.
Small circular basins cut by polygonal faults
in the Khoman Formation, along with sets of
basins with strong spatial correlation to polygon
boundaries and junctions (Fig. 3C), suggest that
polygonal faults grew upward over time through
basins formed earlier. The radial geometry of
veins around some of the low-relief circular ba-
sins spatially associated with polygonal faults
(Fig. 3B) is consistent with radial fracturing
caused by high transient fl uid pressures around a
uid escape pipe in a horizontally isotropic stress
eld. If true, this relationship may favor a model
in which high fl uid pressures and fl ow events
along faults occurred coeval with fault activity.
The Khoman Formation hosts extensive ex-
posures of polygonal faults and related fl uid
ow features, with macroscopic characteristics
compatible with polygonal fault systems known
from the marine environment. Our fi eld obser-
vations reveal small-scale features that were
El Hefhuf Formation
~1000 m
~200 m
polygonal faults
small circular basins
Figure 3. A: Small mesas capped by inward-dipping layers. Inset shows mesa profi le. B:
Low-relief circular structures with inward-dipping layers and radial rays of calcite and
iron oxide (originally iron sulfi de) veins; circular structures are spatially associated with
polygon-bounding fault clusters (arrows). C: Schematic representation of faults and small
basins in Khoman Formation at current level of erosion. Image centers: A—27.289982N,
28.491490E; inset is located at 27.230642N, 27.930565E; B—27.221490N, 27.976172E. Im-
ages A and B are DigitalGlobe WorldView I satellite images ( Also
see Figures DR8–DR11 (see footnote 1).
June 2014
previously unknown, such as tight fault clusters
within contemporaneously developing polygon
arms, extensive vein systems, and slip indica-
tors. Steep fault dips and abundant vein systems
suggest an intimate relationship between pres-
surized fl uids and faulting during both initial
mechanical failure of the chalk and the subse-
quent evolution of the system. Our fi eld observa-
tions provide new insights into these polygonal
fault systems in marine environments and may
assist in the recognition of on-land exposures
This study was supported by funding from the
National Science Foundation (grants 1030224 and
1030230) and Hamilton College (New York, USA).
Imagery was supplied by the Polar Geospatial Cen-
ter (Minnesota, USA). We gratefully acknowledge
mapping by Joseph Coons, Eric Doubet, David
Saint-Jacques, and Carolyn Tewksbury-Christle, and
isotopic analyses by Anthony Haigh and Jacob Vin-
cent, and Andrea Lini of the University of Vermont
Environmental Stable Isotope Laboratory. Careful
reviews and thoughtful commentary by editor Rob-
ert Holdsworth and reviewers Ian Alsop, Joseph
Cartwright, and Mads Huuse greatly improved the
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Manuscript received 8 December 2013
Revised manuscript received 2 March 2014
Manuscript accepted 4 March 2014
Printed in USA
... On the coherence slices, their distribution appears as polygons, such as quadrilaterals ( Figure 6c) and pentagons (Figure 6b). Polygonal faults exhibit a widespread distribution in submarine formations globally and are widely acknowledged as preferential pathways for fluid migration [32][33][34][35][36], which is consistent with the conclusions of previous studies in the region [10,11]. The time-depth range of the polygonal faults is estimated to be 3300-3600 ms, with their left portion connecting to the gas chimneys and their upper part linking to the low-amplitude formations (Figure 11c). ...
... On the coherence slices, their distribution appears as polygons, such as quadrilaterals (Figure 6c) and pentagons (Figure 6b). Polygonal faults exhibit a widespread distribution in submarine formations globally and are widely acknowledged as preferential pathways for fluid migration [32][33][34][35][36], which is consistent with the conclusions of previous studies in the region [10,11]. The time-depth range of the polygonal faults is estimated to be 3300-3600 ms, with their left portion connecting to the gas chimneys and their upper part linking to the low-amplitude formations (Figure 11c). ...
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Shallow gas reservoirs play a crucial role in the gas hydrate system. However, the factors influencing their distribution and their relationship with the gas hydrate system remain poorly understood. In this study, we utilize three-dimensional seismic data to show the fluid pathways and shallow gas reservoirs within the gas hydrate system in the Qiongdongnan Basin. From the deep to the shallow sections, four types of fluid pathways, including tectonic faults, polygonal faults, gas chimneys, and gas conduits, are accurately identified, indicating the strong spatial interconnection among them. The gas pipes are consistently found above the gas chimneys, which act as concentrated pathways for thermogenic gases from the deep sections to the shallow sections. Importantly, the distribution of the gas chimneys closely corresponds to the distribution of the Bottom Simulating Reflector (BSR) in the gas hydrate system. The distribution of the shallow gas reservoirs is significantly influenced by these fluid pathways, with four reservoirs located above tectonic faults and polygonal faults, while one reservoir is situated above a gas chimney. Furthermore, all four shallow gas reservoirs are situated below the BSR, and their distribution range exhibits minimal to no overlap with the distribution of the BSR. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of shallow gas reservoirs and the gas hydrate system, providing valuable insights for their future commercial development.
... The widespread occurrence of PFSs within the shallow subsurface of many slope or basin floor settings suggests they initiate and begin to propagate early in the burial history of the host tier (Cartwright, 1994a, b;Berndt et al., 2003;Stuevold et al., 2003), perhaps within tens of metres of the sea floor (Morgan et al., 2015). Numerous studies have suggested that polygonal faults propagate upwards through the near surface sediments with continued burial and sedimentation (Lonergan et al., 1998a;Goulty, 2001a;Stuevold et al., 2003;Gay and Berndt, 2007;Davies and Ireland, 2011;Tewksbury et al., 2014). The important question of whether or not polygonal faults can be regarded as syn-sedimentary faults in which the upper fault tip breaches the contemporaneous depositional surface is still open, although several authors have used growth indices or fault network characteristics to argue that this is generally the case (Lonergan et al., 1998a;Stuevold et al., 2003;Morgan et al., 2015). ...
... We characterised our models with a single continuous fault plane with a uniform residual friction angle over its entire surface. However, outcrop observations of polygonal faults show that the fault zones may comprise a multitude of smaller fractures and splays (Verschuren, 1990;Hibsch et al., 2003;Tewksbury et al., 2014;Faÿ-Gomord et al., 2017;Verschuren, 2019) that would aggregate to give the appearance of a single plane at the resolution limits of seismic reflection data. These heterogeneities and fault intersections may explain the differences between the smoothly tapering throw profiles produced in our simulations (Fig. 19) and the jagged or stepped throw profiles recorded from polygonal faults imaged in seismic reflection data (Neagu et al., 2010;Morgan et al., 2015;Turrini et al., 2017;Wrona et al., 2017). ...
Despite over three-decades of active research and wide debate in the published literature, the mechanisms that govern the growth of polygonal faults are poorly understood. Here we investigate the growth of polygonal faults using a suite of geomechanical finite element forward models that couple dynamic fault propagation, sedimentation, and the mechanical compaction of unconsolidated granular sediment. We undertook a suite of numerical model simulations to explore the relationships between varying fault plane dip, residual friction of the fault, and the bulk material properties of the sedimentary sequence hosting the polygonal fault system. We find that the growth of polygonal faults within laterally-pinned sedimentary tiers can be explained by gravity-driven differential compaction and does not require additional causative elements to explain the gross pattern of strain accumulation. We also find that the magnitude of fault throw is influenced by the material properties and the original fault plane dip, but is most sensitive to the residual friction angle. Our models yield values for maximum throw versus height for the faults that fall within the range of global values compiled for polygonal faults, and throw rates are comparable to those recently measured in naturally occurring polygonal faults.
... (3) diagenetically induced shear failure (Shin et al., 2008); (4) silica diagenesis (Davies et al., 2009;Davies & Ireland, 2011); (5) density inversion of variable density sedimentary layers (e.g., Watterson et al., 2000); (6) low coefficients of friction (Goulty, 2001). However, there is currently no consensus on their formation (Tewksbury et al., 2014). A broadly equilateral hexagonal pattern (Cartwright, 2011) is considered the idealized PFS planform arrangement, with the strike length of individual faults being almost equal; this suggests PFS form under a broadly isotropic stress regime, that is during times of relative tectonic quiescence, where δ1 is vertical, and where the two horizontal stresses, δ2 and δ3, are broadly equal (Cartwright, 2011). ...
Polygonal fault systems (PFS) are developed in many sedimentary basins, and their formation, growth, and ultimate geometry have been widely studied. The geometry and growth of PFS forming under the influence of regionally aniso-tropic stresses, however, are poorly understood, despite the fact these structures may serve as key paleo-stress indicators that can help reconstruct the tectonic and stress history of their host basins. We here use high-quality 3D seismic reflection data and quantitative fault analysis to determine the geometry and evolution of a PFS in the Qiongdongnan Basin (NW South China Sea), and its possible relationship with the geological and stress history of the basin. The PFS is dominated by two intersecting NNW-toN and E-striking fault sets, which initiated in the Early Miocene. The dominant fault strike at the structural level at which the faults nucleated and where strain is greatest (i.e., Lower Miocene) is close to NW-SE. However, at the top and bottom of the PFS tier faults strike NNW-SSE, thereby defining a very slight vertical, clockwise rotation of strike. Based on the observation that the host rock is flat-lying, it is unlikely that basin-tilting perturbed (i.e., δ2 ≠ δ3) the otherwise radially isotropic stress field that typically characterize PFS. Likewise, diapirs that punctuate the host rock and that are spatially related to the PFS appear not to control fault geometry. We instead infer that the PFS geometry reflects a combination of local isotropic and regional, extension-related tectonics stress affecting the Qiongdongnan Basin during the Early Oligocene to Middle
... If this novel interpretation is correct, the polygonal-like faults of Val d'Agri are among the few polygonal faults so far known in exposure. Commonly, polygonal faulting is identified in offshore basins with seismic data (e.g., Tewksbury et al., 2014;Petracchini et al., 2015). Furthermore, this model could likely be expanded to the Irpinia area (Fig. 1). ...
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The Val d’Agri Basin is a Quaternary sedimentary basin topping multiple tectonic units of the southern Apen nines fold-and-thrust belt and a giant oilfield within deeper Apulian Platform carbonates. This basin is bounded by the seismically active East Agri (EAFS) and Monti della Maddalena (MMFS) extensional fault systems. The reservoir rocks are sealed and separated from shallower thrust sheets by a clay-rich and overpressured m´ elange. The role of this m´ elange during fault evolution at shallow crustal levels is widely debated and perhaps under estimated. Here, through multi-scale structural analyses and U–Pb dating of syn-tectonic calcite mineralizations, we gain new insights into the Val d’Agri fault system architecture, their structural maturity, and their relations with both natural and induced seismicity. Consistent with present-day NE-SW crustal stretching, the macro-scale structural architecture of both EAFS and MMFS is controlled by NW-SE and NE-SW fault sets, which displaced and in part re-sheared inherited pre- and syn-orogenic structures. The lack of evident clustering of meso-scale faults and the radial pattern of related slickenlines suggest that polygonal-like faulting occurred, particularly along the EAFS, due to lateral spreading of the Irpinia m´ elange in the subsurface. Structural data show that the MMFS is characterized by a higher structural maturity (slip longevity), with calcite U–Pb ages indicating the onset of long-lasting extensional tectonics in Early-Middle Miocene time. The original results are discussed in terms of seismotectonic setting of the study area, emphasizing the role played by both the thickness and spatial distribution of plastic m´ elange in modulating fluid pressure and seismic faulting.
... Polygonal faults are present in neither ultra-shallow layers nor in the deep basin, but rather in certain layers beneath the seismic anomaly ( Figure 4). Although many theories have been put forth in order to explain how polygonal faults form, including density inversion [53], syneresis [54][55][56], a low coefficient of friction [57] (Goulty and Swarbrick, 2005), gravity sliding [58], or a genetically shear failure [59], their formation in this area is largely related to the syneresis that results from gravitational spreading and the overpressure of hydrofracture [60]. In geneses, firstly, the main fault in deeper formations partially controls these polygonal faults, and the continuous activity of the main fault causes the differential subsidence of its down wall (Figure 4), which leads to the inhomogeneous compaction of the sedimentary layers. ...
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The Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB), located in the north of the South China Sea, is a Cenozoic rift basin with abundant oil and gas resources. Large flake hydrates have been found in the core fractures of Quaternary formations in the deep-water depression of the QDNB. In order to understand the spatial distribution patterns of these fractures, their geneses in sedimentary basins, and their influences on gas migration and accumulation, such fractures have been observed using high-resolution 3D seismic images and visualization techniques. Four types of fractures and their combinations have been identified, namely bed-bounded fractures/microfaults, unbounded fractures, fracture bunches, and fracture clusters. Bed-bounded fractures/microfaults are mainly short and possess high density; they have developed in mass transport depositions (MTDs) or Meishan and Sanya Formations. The unbounded fractures/microfaults that occur in Miocene–Pliocene formations are mainly long and discrete, and are dominantly caused by strong tectonic movements, the concentration of stress, and sustained intense overpressure. The fracture bunches and fracture clusters that occur in Oligocene–Early Miocene formations have commonly developed with the accumulation of large numbers of fractures and may be related to the release of pressure, diapirs, and basement fault blocks (228.9 ± 1 Ma). In this study, six fluid charging or leakage models are proposed based on distinct fracture types, assuming the uniform conductivity of each fracture. In a 3D space view, a vertical decrease in the fracture scale (number or density) will more likely result in gas supply than dispersion, thus promoting the accumulation of gas in the reservoirs. Nevertheless, the fractures above the Bottom Simulating Reflect (BSR)/seismic anomaly are excessively developed, and bed-bounded fractures within a particular layer, such as MTDs, can easily cause seabed leakage. These results are useful for explaining the vertical migration of gas/fluids in areas and formations with less developed gas chimneys, faults, diapirs, and other structures, particularly in post-rifting basins.
... Many authors have described the geology of Farafra area, such as Said (1962), EGPC (1987), Hermina (1990), Issawi et al. (2009), andTawadros (2011). It is approximately 10,000 km 2 in area, with a triangular shape that tapers to a northern apex and widens to the south. ...
Nonrenewable hydrocarbon energy sources provide the bulk of Egypt’s energy. However, the nation needs to diversify its energy portfolio and use conventional and renewable energy in tandem to ensure its long-term economic growth; therefore, harvesting untapped geothermal resources might help Egypt meet its energy needs in a sustainable and effective manner. The Farafra Oasis is located in the midst of Egypt’s Western Desert and has been selected as the focal point for sustainable long-term development in the Western Desert. Using a magnetotelluric (MT) survey, a deep exploration of the Farafra region has been conducted to explore the underlying geological state and, as a result, explain the origin of several thermal wells around the oasis. None of the prior studies reached the necessary depths to offer information on the surface of deep igneous rocks, which may be the source of heat in the study area. Two field excursions were conducted to measure 19 stations along a line crossing the Farafra Oasis and extending more than 130 km. The MT instrument measured periods greater than 1000 s to gather low-frequency data with great efficiency. On the basis of 2D inversion of MT data, a mathematical model of the Farafra region’s geothermal system was built to visualize and characterize the heat sources underneath the Farafra Oasis. It was shown that the existence of a high-temperature pluton at considerable depth is the primary cause of the temperature rise in the aquifer under the Farafra Oasis, as the water mass builds up on top of plutonic rocks and flows upwards via fractures and faults.
The overpressure record of the Cenozoic rifting basins in China was recently renewed in the Miocene reservoirs of the Yinggehai Basin, which became an ideal natural laboratory for revealing the hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism under the ultrahigh overpressure setting. Using 3D seismic data, two new fluid expulsion structures were identified in the Yinggehai Basin: layer‐bound faults and pipes. Layer‐bound faults were primarily generated at ~10.5 Ma and subsequently served as vertical channels for hydrocarbon migration. Pipes can be divided into three episodes, generated at ~5.5, ~2.4 and < 1.9 Ma, caused by hydraulic fracturing during focused flow in highly overpressured reservoirs. Pipes generated simultaneously with hydrocarbon charging indicate that the aqueous pressure before hydrocarbon charging did not reach the threshold of hydraulic fracturing and could result in dynamic hydrocarbon accumulation. In contrast, pipes generated before and after hydrocarbon charging increased the unfilling and draining risks of the traps, respectively.
Layer‐bound polygonal fault systems (PFS) are a prevalent feature in fine‐grained sediments across many continental margin basins worldwide, yet their origin remains enigmatic. In this study, we report on the structural characteristics of polygonal faults recently discovered in Middle Miocene mudrocks of the Yinggehai Basin, northern South China Sea. Our data reveal that the polygonal arrays of normal faults, which comprise master faults and minor synthetic/antithetic faults with complex tiers, exhibit either straight or curvilinear traces with frequent orthogonal intersections, forming a highly interconnected fault network. We observe several sub‐circular to elliptical‐shaped depressions that lie above the faulted interval and are filled with syn‐deformation deposits, with the long axis of these depressions aligned sub‐parallel to the structure contour lines. Our findings suggest that the polygonal faults emerged during the sediment deposition and compaction preceding the deposition of overlying sediments. The faults were created through the nucleation of penecontemporaneous faults due to the overloading of sandy sediments onto unconsolidated clays, followed by the propagation of the faults along with continuous sediment deposition. The cessation of fault propagation coincided with the termination of sedimentation in the faulted interval. Additionally, the local horizontal stress anisotropy resulting from topographic‐gravitational effects may have played a crucial role in the development of polygonal faults. Our study provides novel insights into early sediment deformations in the northern South China Sea region and sheds light on the timing and genesis of PFS.
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The fault system is one of the structural carrier systems of gas hydrate accumulation, which plays a vital role in controlling the distribution of natural gas hydrate (NGH) accumulation. The previous studies mainly focus on summarizing the vertical migration mode of high flux fluid along the fault with obvious geophysical response characteristics on the seismic profile, such as “fault with gas chimney,” “fault with mud diapir,” and “fault with submarine collapse”, but lack of evaluation methods for the fault carrier system. We use the X sag in the deep-water continental margin slope area of the northern South China Sea as an example to study the fault systems closely related to NGH. This paper puts to use attribute technologies, such as coherence, curvature, and fusion, to analyze the characteristics and combination of the fault systems. We discussed migration patterns and evaluation methods of dominant fault carrier systems. This research proves that the strike-slip fault system in the platform area can directly connect the gas source bed with high-quality hydrocarbon generation to the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). The activity of this fault system is more conducive to the accumulation of hydrocarbon in the GHSZ. This area has a good site for pore-filling gas hydrate prospecting and a preferential favorable fault carrier system. The composite fault system, consisting of a normal dip-slip fault system and a polygonal fault system, in the slope area can jointly communicate the biogenic gas-rich reservoir. Its activity and well-migration performance are the main reasons for the submarine gas leakage and collapse. It is a secondary favorable fault carrier system in the study area. There may be massive and vein natural gas hydrate formation in fractures in the leakage passage, and pore-filled gas hydrate may exist in the submarine nonleakage area. In this work, a three-factor evaluation method of the fault carrier system is proposed for the first time. This method is of great significance for the evaluation and exploration of NGH reservoirs in the continental margin slope area of the northern South China Sea.
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PhD Thesis. Thick argillaceous shelf sequences in tectonically quiet settings can be generally faulted and fractured, with fluids escaping from undercompacted compart­ments, at a very early stage of burial (a few hundred m). 'Clay tectonic' deformation as described here in the Southern North Sea and in Belgium is intraformational to the Eocene Ypresian clay, without regional tectonic influence and apparently caused by the clays own abnormal compaction history. This thesis documents an original pseudo-3D seismic interpretation, a representative faulted surface that was modelled with own software developed from scratch, extensive and detailed field and microscopic observations, and paleostress, micropaleontological and chemical analyses. Analysis of all these observations across a continuous range of scales from kilometres to micrometres led to a new synthesis and geological story to try and offer a coherent explanation of this clay-endogenic phenomenon, that later became more widely known as clay polygonal faulting.
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2D and 3D seismic data from the mid-Norwegian margin show that polygonal fault systems are wide-spread within the fine-grained, Miocene sediments of the Kai For- mation that overlie the Mesozoic/ Early Cenozoic rift basins. De-watering and devel- opment of polygonal faults commenced shortly after burial and is an ongoing process since Miocene times. This is evident from the polygonal fault system's stratigraphic setting, the statistical properties of fault throw, and the stratigraphic setting of fluid flow features that are related to de-watering of the polygonal fault systems.
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This paper documents normal fault sets observed in chalks exposed in widely separated localities in the UK and France. These faults are characterized by having a wide range of strikes at any one locality, are developed entirely within the chalk succession and do not seem to interconnect to deeper or shallower structures. These structures may result from two different mechanisms: (1) complex polyphase deformational histories involving contrasting stress states; or (2) a single deformational phase in which the faults develop to accommodate compactional strains. Evidence is presented from microstructural and petrographic data to support the latter interpretation. In particular, the association of calcite and marcasite mineralizations with fracture surfaces and fault zones and textural observations relating flint occurrence to early fault formation point towards fault propagation at a very early stage of burial and compaction of the chalky sediments. An analogy is drawn between these outcrop-scale structures and polygonal fault systems at a larger scale recognised from seismic observations of chalk sequences deposited at passive continental margins. The origin of these structures may be related to syneresis at an early stage of deformation followed by pressure solution phenomena that may reactivate this early-inherited polygonal fault pattern until the present day.
A proposed general model for the episodic dewatering of thick shale successions is based on the recognition of a pervasive polygonal extensional fault network developed in the dominantly fine grained lower Tertiary of the North Sea basin. Seismic data show that the faults are arranged in stratigraphically bound structural units (tiers) that are delimited vertically by almost undeformed condensed sections, and are restricted in distribution to the lowest permeability slope and basin-floor facies. I propose an episodic three-stage mechanism to explain the fault genesis, involving (1) the development of basin-wide overpressured compartments, (2) a density inversion between the overpres-sured units and the overlying seal, and (3) natural hydraulic fracturing, pressure bleed-off, and resealing of the pressure compartment leading to a repeat of the cycle.
Polygonal fault systems (PFS) are widely developed along many continental margin basins and some interior cratonic and foreland basins. They are networks of small normal faults that are usually found in tiers which are crudely layer-bound successions consisting mainly of fine-grained sediments. Their origin has been widely debated with explanations ranging from dewatering of overpressured layers to gravitational loading under fixed lateral boundary conditions. Their distribution in fine-grained intervals suggests that their genesis is connected to their initial lithology. Recent experimental work suggests that diagenesis of clay-rich sediments can lead to shear failure under low confining stresses. This explanation accords well with all subsurface observations of PFS made to date, and seems the most likely mechanism to explain their genesis. This diagenetic mode of shear fracturing in fine-grained sediments could be much more prevalent than in polygonal fault systems alone, and this has significant implications for shale gas exploration, CO2 sequestration and exploration for methane hydrates.
This study describes a new type of pockmark association from the Lower Congo Basin offshore West Africa, consisting of up to 8 stacked paleopockmarks separated by intervals of drape and onlap fill. The stacked paleopockmarks occur within the depocentres of polygonally-faulted Plio-Pleistocene sediments and are distributed evenly in the downslope parts of two salt mini-basins. The majority of the stacked pockmarks initiated synchronously in the late Pliocene (~3Ma) with a subordinate initiation phase in the mid Pliocene (~4Ma). The primary agents in pockmark formation are interpreted to be pore water expelled during early-stage compaction together with biogenic methane. Bottom simulating reflections (BSRs) associated with free gas overlain by gas hydrates are currently found in the area. It is speculated that biogenic methane accumulated within and below a clathrate cap, which was repeatedly breached, forming pockmarks at discrete horizons separated by intervals of draping sedimentation. The mid and late Pliocene pockmark initiations appear to coincide with sea-level falls following periods of relatively stable highstand conditions. Several subsequent pockmark horizons may similarly correlate with subsequent sea-level falls during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene. The stacked paleopockmarks are completely surrounded by polygonal faults and consistently occur within polygonal fault cells that crosscut the succession containing the stacked pockmarks. Early-stage compaction and dewatering of the Pliocene sediments thus preceded polygonal faulting, providing a constraint on the conditions leading to polygonal faulting of the fine-grained host sediments. The relationship documented here is interpreted as due to the presence of a hydrate cap in the Plio-Pleistocene mini-basins which may have retarded the normal compaction processes and facilitated pockmark formation by allowing the build up of gas hydrate and free gas in the basin centres. The relative timing and spatial relationships implies that fluids expelled due to polygonal faulting were not implicated in pockmark formation in this area.
Shear failure in sediments is universally linked with active boundary conditions, such as those imposed by tectonic stresses. Under conditions of no lateral strain, and in the absence of tectonic stress, soil mechanics theories predict a simple one-dimensional compaction in which sediment particles displace vertically without shear failure during pressure diffusion. Conflicting with this theory, shear failure planes are often round in sediments that Formed under near-horizontal burial conditions. We investigated the effect of particle-scale volume contraction as a potential cause of shear failure in uncemented particulate materials and found that loss of particle volume under confined conditions (no external loading) resulted in pronounced lateral stress reduction, often reaching Coulomb frictional failure conditions. Shear strain localization was analytically predicted and modeled numerically, due entirely to volume loss at the grain scale. We define this mode of internally driven shear failure as "contractile" to distinguish it from that caused by external loading, and show that it can explain many natural fracture systems without invoking regional tectonics.
This paper describes examples of a recently recognized type of soft-sediment deformation associated with early compaction of fine-grained sediments. This type of deformation was originally described from the North Sea Basin, where Paleogene slope and basin-floor claystones are deformed over an area of >150 000 km2 by a layer-bound system of minor extensional faults arranged in polygonal patterns in map view. The development of this regionally extensive polygonal fault system has been attributed to volumetric contraction during early compactional dewatering on the basis of detailed strain measurements carried out using high-resolution three-dimensional seismic data. A comprehensive review of published two-dimensional and three-dimensional seismic data from 27 other layer-bound fault systems from many different sedimentary basins is presented in this paper. The only factors common to all 28 examples of layer-bound faults are that the deformed units are only found in marine depositional settings, are dominantly composed of ultrafine-grained smectitic claystones or carbonate chalks, and are characterized by high porosity and extremely low permeability. Other factors such as sedimentation rate, organic carbon content, age, depth of burial, methane content, and pore-fluid chemistry are not systematically correlated with this deformational response. The correlation between distribution of deformed units and ultrafine grain size suggests that the deformation mechanism is related to colloidal properties as part of this type of compactional response. The restricted distribution of layer-bound fault systems to predominantly pelagic depositional units with often low sedimentation rates is compatible with a recently presented model of volumetric contraction during early burial. We build on this model of fully three-dimensional compaction to propose that layer-bound faulting is an expression of the process of syneresis, whereby pore fluid is expelled from sedimentary gels under the spontaneous action of osmotic or electro-chemical forces.
This paper documents a large number of large km-scale fluid escape pipes with complex seismic expression and a diatreme-like geometry from the mapping of a 3D seismic survey, offshore Namibia. These pipes are crudely cylindrical, but occasionally have steep conical geometry either narrowing upwards or downwards. They are generally ovoid in planform and their ellipticity varies with pipe height. Vertical dimensions range from ca. 100 to >1000 m and diameters range between 50 and 600 m. The lower part of the typical pipe is characterised by a sag-like or collapse type of structure, but this is only imaged well in the wider pipes. The upper part of the typical pipe is characterised by gently concave upwards reflections, with a negative relief of tens of metres. There is some evidence (pipe cross-section geometrical variations and amplitude anomalies) that these concave upwards reflections are vertically stacked palaeo-pockmarks. A conceptual model for pipe formation is proposed that involves hydraulic fracturing and localisation of focused vertical fluid escape with volume loss at the base of the pipe inducing collapse within the pipe. Continuing episodic fluid migration through the pipe produces further collapsing of the core of the pipe and pockmark structures at the top of the pipe. Longer term seepage through pipes is manifested in zones of amplification of reflections above the top of the pipe.