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The efficiency of regulation and self-regulation: Croatian media's protection of children's rights (2008 - 2012)



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CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
The Eciency of Regulation and Self-regulation:
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci1
Association for Communication and Media Culture (DKMK), Croatia
Igor Kanižaj
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science, Study of Journalism, Croatia
Danijel Labaš
University of Zagreb, Centre for Croatian Studies, Croatia
Summary: No research exists about the eciency of regulation and self-regulation in regard
to the protection of childrens rights in the Croatian media. Until today no analysis has been
conducted on how relevant Croatian institutions monitor the implementation of media laws
and by extension the provisions relating to the protection of children’s rights in the media. In this
paper we seek to examine complaints of citizens and institutions sent to the Croatian Journalists
Association (CJA) regarding violations of the CJA Code of Honor as well as reports by the Oce
of the Ombudsman for Children, the Electronic Media Council and the Croatian Media Coun-
cil, regarding complaints about violations of children’s rights in the media in the past ve years
(2008-2012). We shall not only analyze reports by the Ministry of Internal Aairs and the Oce
of the Attorney General of the Republic of Croatia, but also analyze and demonstrate whether
these institutions have adequately, through which methods and to what extent, responded to the
disregard of children’s rights in the media, in line with their legal authorities.
Based upon research ndings, we oer proposals for the better protection of children’s rights
in the media, as well as for the work of institutions that are responsible for supervising the imple-
mentation of legal codes and ethical norms. It is necessary to dene the authorities and obligations
of an ad hoc body, or to transfer authorities to a previously established body. In this way the gap
in the regulation of print and electronic media in Croatia would be bridged. It is also of central
importance that the institutions responsible for implementing on their own initiative legal and
self-regulation acts, do indeed process cases of children’s rights violations, in line with their au-
thorities. Improved coordination, new educational programs for journalists and better cooperation
among the relevant institutions is expected as well.
Keywords: regulation, self-regulation, Croatian media, childrens rights
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
ree years ago, in close collaboration with the Oce of the Ombudsman
for Children and the Croatian Heritage Association (Matica hrvatska), together
with our colleagues we conducted an extensive content analysis study. e aim
of the study was to analyze main characteristics of seven Croatian daily news-
papers reporting on children in 2010. e results of this study took us by sur-
prise, particularly the fact that of 3,453 analyzed articles only 5.5% dealt with
childrens rights (Ciboci et al., 2011: 143). In 23.1% of the articles the identity
of the children was revealed, although it should have been kept secret (Ciboci
et al., 2011: 153). In particular, we highlight the fact that 3.5% of articles that
dealt with the issue of sexual oences against children revealed their identities.
Jones et al. (2010) emphasize that
“child victims need to be able to trust that their privacy will be protected
as much as possible by those whom they have turned to help (…) In one
study, over one-half of surveyed rape victims reported that they would be ‘a
lot’ more likely to report an attack to the police if there was a law prohibit-
ing the news media from disclosing their name and address” (Kilpatrick et
al, 1992, cited in: Jones et al., 2010: 350).
In an attempt to explain this situation, we began by researching the issue of
eciency in the regulation and self-regulation of the Croatian media. Do par-
ents of children whose identities have been revealed in the media indeed have
nowhere to turn to and can their only satisfaction be found in the warnings
issued by the Croatian Journalists’ Association Board of Honor to the author of
the article, or to the newspaper editor who published this information?
is article analyzes the eciency of regulation and self-regulation mecha-
nisms and seeks to establish what the specic aspects of the Croatian media
system are, by focusing on everyday practices. In this article, we will also pro-
vide results of research (from 2008 until 2012) on activities of the institutions
that have, in line with legal and honor codes, jurisdiction over this issue: Oce
of the Ombudsman for Children, Electronic Media Council, Croatian Me-
dia Council, Croatian Journalists’ Association – Journalists’ Board of Honor,
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
Ministry of Internal Aairs, Oce of the Attorney General of the Republic of
Our initial hypothesis was that we would be able to prove that relevant in-
stitutions are ensuring the protection of childrens rights accordingly, primarily
the right to privacy, based upon led reports and ongoing legal action against
violators of childrens rights in the news media. With this goal in mind and in
line with the Croatian Right to Information Act, we approached the relevant
institutions in writing, as legally prescribed, requesting of them to provide us
with information about actions they have taken and are currently taking against
violators of childrens rights, as well as to inform us about actions that have
been concluded. Other sources of information about ongoing actions against
violators of childrens rights were found on ocial web pages of particular in-
stitutions, since this data is publicly available. In the period from 1st of March
until 1st of May 2013 we collected all ocial reports and documents, available
on web pages of the institutions that were the subject of our analysis. Follow-
ing this we embarked on an analysis, from which we derived conclusions and
proposals for the improvement of the current situation.
From regulation and self-regulation to co-regulation
Our analysis of the eciency of media regulation or self-regulation does not
deal with regulation in terms of infrastructure, the user’s approach to content
or the approach used by the content source. On the contrary, it focuses on the
regulation of media content (McQuail, 2010: 236), keeping in mind the best in-
terests of the public as the end-users, since here we are researching the violation
of childrens rights, as prescribed by international conventions. Although there
is probably hardly any broadcaster or publisher who is thrilled with the concept
of regulation, one has to admit that “media regulation started its development
hand in hand with guaranteeing, promoting, and protecting freedom of expres-
sion. In fact, the ultimate goal of regulating media should be to protect and
deepen this fundamental right” (Puddephatt, 2011: 7).
“Media regulators are supposed to improve the overall quality of the media
and some certainly play a relevant role. ey are expected to raise media
standards and therefore to contribute to the expansion of public and pri-
vate media social responsibilities” (Sousa et al., 2013: 5).
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
They also emphasize the impact that media regulation could have on
democracy, while other authors (Puppis, 2009) see media diversity as a key
objective of media regulation. For him, “regulating media structure is an at-
tempt to inuence media content indirectly” (Puppis, 2009: 13). Quoting
Grisold (1996) and Karppinen, (2006), Puppis (2009) identies “two dierent
approaches to media diversity that can be distinguished: the competition or
market approach, endorsing economic regulation to prevent market failure,
and the interventionist or public regulation approach, involving active media
policy” (Grisold, 1996: 505; Karppinen, 2006: 58, cited in Puppis, 2009: 13).
In this respect, the regulation of print-media, radio, television and the in-
ternet varies greatly, while technology has imposed entirely new standards and
challenges. McQuail (2010) points out that even an analysis of public media
services, for instance of those in the United States and Europe, reveals great
variations in approach. Even within a European context, it would be entirely
incorrect to compare Croatian experiences with those of Germany or Scandina-
via, for instance. However, what is common to all of them is what Peter Lunt
and Sonia Livingstone recognize as
“changes in media and communications regulation in the wider context
of globalization, market harmonization (i.e. supposedly deregulation to
reduce constraints on trade within states and across borders) and techno-
logical convergence (the much-hyped ability to deliver media content on a
range of platforms and devices)” (Lunt and Livingstone, 2012: 3).
Research conducted in 2003 by Piermarco Aroldi “has conrmed how each
of six analyzed countries in the EU has, in accordance with its own cultural
sensitivity, focused attention on the contents of television communication and
the educational problems connected” (Aroldi, 2004: 191).
“Implementing a balanced governance and moving toward a viable co-reg-
ulation system as promoted by the European Union, both imply the need
to call on all major actors in the media environment (decision-makers, pro-
ducers and broadcasters, educators and parents, not forgetting researchers)
and to hold them accountable” (Frau-Meigs, 2004: 35).
Similarly, Pier Cesare Rivoltella and colleagues echo this call in the study
(2006, 2012).
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
As one might assume, the responsibility of self-regulation rests on the shoul-
ders of each individual member of the media and consequently of each member
of the Croatian Journalists’ Association Board of Honor. “Self-regulation is a
combination of standards setting out the appropriate codes of behavior for the
media that are necessary to support freedom of expression, and process how
these behaviours will be monitored or held to account” (Puddephatt, 2011:
12). e fundamental notion of self-regulation – i.e. “it protects the right of
journalists to be independent and impartial, and to be judged for professional
mistakes, not by those in power but by their colleagues. It aims at establishing
minimum standards on accuracy, professional ethics, protection of privacy and
other personal rights (…)” (Zlatev, 2011: 18) – has proven itself ineective, at
least when it comes to the protection of childrens rights, because it does not
guarantee compensation to those whose rights were violated. To be sure, self-
regulation is necessary and with ecient self-regulation the journalist profes-
sion does send a very clear message to the public, but when it comes to protect-
ing the rights of children, youth and marginalized groups in society, current
practices raise the issue of human rights protection in Croatia.
“Self-regulation suers from a lack of democratic legitimation. It originates
from economic players or groups with their own specic interests – interests
that may contribute to or even be partly congruent with the general interest;
nevertheless, these special interests do not necessarily coincide totally with the
general interest” (Palzer and Scheuer, 2004: 169).
In this paper we shall provide strong arguments why, from our perspective,
the existing practice of media self-regulation and regulation cannot guarantee
ecient childrens rights protection in the Croatian media.
Legal and ethical protection of children in Croatia
e legal protection of children2 in Croatia is well developed, at least when
it comes to media reporting. e Croatian Constitution and international agree-
ments, as well as a large number of legal acts protect the privacy, reputation and
honor of children in the media.
As the supreme legal act of the Republic of Croatia, the Constitution guar-
antees freedom of expression and thinking, freedom of the press and other
2 According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, children are dened as all persons under 18, except when the
adult age threshold is dened beforehand by a legal act that applies to a child.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
forms of communication, in particular. However, this freedom is not absolute,
as Article 35 of the Constitution (85/10) guarantees to all, including children,
respect and legal protection of private and family life, dignity, reputation and
International agreements that are an inherent part of the internal legislative
structure of the Republic of Croatia and which, from a legal perspective, stand
above national laws have great signicance in the Croatian legal system.3
In Croatia, a wide range of legal acts protects the privacy, dignity, reputa-
tion and honor of children. For journalists, the Media Act (59/04, 84/11) is of
utmost importance, which in Article 16 prescribes that the media are obliged
to respect the privacy, dignity, reputation and honor of citizens, particularly
children, youth and families regardless of gender and sexual orientation. e
same Article also forbids the publication of information that could reveal the
identity of children, if this jeopardizes the well being of the child. A violation of
this decree is punishable by a ne of up to one million kuna (approx. 131,000
euros). In the Electronic Media Act (153/09, 84/11, 94/13) it is also stressed that
the publication of information that could reveal the identity of children under
18 involved in any form of violence, regardless of whether the child is a witness,
victim, perpetrator or has attempted or committed suicide, is not permitted,
nor is it allowed to reveal specic information about relations within the child’s
family or his or her private life. Media that reveal the identity of children in
the aforementioned context can be ned from 100,000 to 1,000,000 kuna
(13,000 to 131,000 euros). When it comes to public television, the privacy,
dignity, reputation and honor of children and youth are protected by the Croa-
tian Radio-Television Act (137/10, 76/12). Although a sublegal document, the
Regulations for the Protection of Juveniles (60/10) prescribe that in reporting on
the role of a minor involved in any form of violence, the identity of the minor
shall always be protected by a blurred, altered or masked appearance and a
modulated tone, so that the minor cannot be recognized. In such instances it
is prohibited to reveal specic information from the child’s family or personal
3 Article 141 of the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia (Ocial Gazette 85/10). e Convention on the Rights of
the Child, which Croatia signed in 1991, is the most important legal document protecting the rights of children.
With respect to the media, the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Chil-
dren, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography is also of key importance as well as the United Nations Standard
Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
life, particularly in instances when revealing such information could jeopardize
the well being of the child.
e Criminal Code plays a central role in the protection of childrens rights.
We should note that the Criminal Code from 1997 was relevant for the period
investigated in this study (2008-2012).4 Apart from ensuring the condential-
ity of criminal proceedings against juveniles, the Criminal Code also prescribes
incarceration from six months to three years for anyone who „presents or dis-
seminates any information about the personal or family life of a child, resulting
in the ridicule of the child on the part of the child’s peers or other persons, or
resulting in serious mental disturbances“ (Article 201 of the Amendments to
the Criminal Code, 71/06). e new Criminal Code went into eect on Janu-
ary 1, 2013 and marked a step forward in the protection of childrens rights in
the media. Apart from prescribing heavy nes for criminal oenses damaging
one’s reputation and honor (e.g. insult, disgrace, slander), Article 178 (Criminal
Code, 125/11, 144/12) also prescribes incarceration for anyone who
“presents or disseminates information about the personal or family life of
a child, publishes the child’s photograph or reveals the child’s identity in
violation of the law, which causes the child to become agitated, or results in
ridicule on the part of the child’s peers or other persons, or jeopardizes the
well being of the child in any other way”.
Anyone who commits this through print media, radio, television, the com-
puter system or internet, at a public gathering or by any other means through
which this information becomes available to a greater number of people, shall
be punished by a jail sentence of up to two years, and if the act is committed
by an ocial or by an individual on duty, such a person shall be punished by
a jail sentence of up to three years (Article 178 of the Criminal Code, 125/11,
144/12). e same sentence is prescribed for persons
“who without the permission of the court publish information about the
course of a legal proceeding against the child, a legal proceeding for a crimi-
nal act committed against the child or a proceeding in which the protection
of rights and interests of the child is being deliberated, as well as for reveal-
ing information about any decision reached during the legal proceeding”
(Article 307 of the Criminal Code, 125/11, 144/12).
4 Following amendments to the Criminal Code in the period 1997-2011.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
e Juvenile Courts Act and the Criminal Oenses Act protect the identity of
children who are undergoing a criminal or legal proceeding for other violations
(during all phases of the proceeding).
Although a self-regulating act, the Code of Honor for Croatian Journalists is
also very relevant for the work of journalists, as it prescribes that they protect
human rights and uphold dignity in their work, particularly of children and
youth. In comparison to certain other key international documents, such as the
International Federation of Journalists’ Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of
Journalists, the Munich Declaration of the Duties and Rights of Journalists or the
UNESCO International Principles of Professional Ethics in Journalism – which
do not contain any regulations on the protection of children in the media – the
Code of Honor for Croatian Journalists is very protective of childrens rights.5
Although Croatia has a very well developed legal foundation for protecting
children in the media, it is on rare occasions that citizens opt to engage in legal
proceedings, but it is also the case – as the ndings of this study show – that
government institutions responsible for ensuring the successful implementa-
tion of aforementioned legal regulations, rarely sanction the media for violating
Regulatory institutions
Electronic Media Council
e Electronic Media Council (in further text: Council) is responsible for
monitoring electronic media in the Republic of Croatia. Although the Council
performs systematic monitoring of electronic media, the ndings of this study
point to the fact that the Council most often considers cases of childrens rights
violations only at the initiative of others and that it rarely does this on its own
initiative. Since the Council did not respond to the request of the authors of
5 According to the Code of Honor, the journalist cannot interview or photograph children under the age of 14 without
their consent and without the presence and consent of parents or guardians. Even with their consent, the journalist
cannot interview or photograph the child if this in any way jeopardizes the child’s well being. e journalist must
never reveal the identity of the child or minor involved in cases of sexual misconduct or any other form of violence
or criminal act, regardless of whether the child is a minor, witness, victim, suspect or has been charged. e identity
of the child or minor may be revealed only in exceptional circumstances, when it is in the public interest and when
it does not jeopardize the well being of the child or minor, with the consent of the parents or guardians of the child
or minor, or when government bodies request the child’s identity to be revealed for the sake of the child’s well being.
e well being of the child is superior to the public interest.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
this text regarding access to information – although they were obliged to do so
as a public authority body (even by the law) – data recorded in annual reports
and published on ocial web pages of the Agency for Electronic Media, about
the activities of the Council, was used in this study.
Table 1: Responses of the Electronic Media Council to childrens rights violations in elec-
tronic media (2008 – 2012)
Year Warnings Condemnations
Legal proceed-
ings for viola-
2012 1 0 0 0
2011 1 0 0 0
2010 1 2 1 1
2009 0 0 0 0
2008 0 0 0 0
From 2008 until 2012 the Council responded six times to children’s rights
violations in the media, issuing three warnings, two condemnations and in one
instance opening a legal proceeding for the violation. e greatest number of
cases in which the Council responded to childrens rights violations occurred in
2010, when it issued one warning, two condemnations and opened one legal
proceeding for the violation (due to one of its decisions an administrative pro-
ceeding was opened against the Council, as well).6 In comparison to 2010, in
2011 and 2012 the Council issued one warning annually.7 In 2008 and 2009
e warning was issued to HRT. at same year, following a report led by the Ombudsman for children and as a
result of continued monitoring, the Council issued two condemnations to RTL Television Croatia for revealing the
identity of a minor in a news program. Because of its disagreement with the Council’s decision to issue a condemna-
tion for a television news report about a racist masked ball in one primary school in Osijek, RTL Television Croatia
started an administrative proceeding against the Council.
In 2011 the warning was addressed to RTL Television for a featured report in the show Exkluziv about underage girls,
whose identities were uncovered. Initiative: citizens' complaints. A report about a mother and three daughters who
discuss their living conditions. e diseases that aicted two of the daughters were mentioned and the identities of
the underage girls were revealed, along with details of their private lives. Having the parents' consent does not mean
that the broadcaster has no responsibility for the well being of the children. e aired report violated Article 12
(paragraph 1) of the Electronic Media Act. Source: Electronic Media Council (2011). The online newspaper Jutarnji.
hr was warned for revealing the identity of a child in 2012.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
the Council did not respond at all to any cases of childrens rights violations in
the media, although this does not mean that there werent any.
ere was only one legal proceeding for violations opened by the Council
in the analyzed period. Such a proceeding took place in 2010 at the initiative of
the Ombudsman for Children for a childrens rights violation case in the media.
It was opened against Nova TV because of an interview that aired in the show
Red Carpet, in which one actress revealed a row of information about the under-
age daughter of her husband. e legal proceeding concluded in 2012 with a
non-binding judgement and was won by the Agency for Electronic Media, with
Nova TV being forced to pay a high ne.
Ministry of Internal Aairs of the Republic of Croatia
From 2008 until 2012 the Ministry of Internal Aairs of the Republic of
Croatia conducted four criminal investigations for suspicions of violations of
rights to privacy, dignity, reputation and honor of children in the media.8 ese
investigations were conducted by only two police oces: the Bjelovar-Bilogora
County Police Oce and the Šibenik-Knin County Police Oce. All four cases
dealt with articles published in print media.
e Bjelovar-Bilogora County Police Oce conducted criminal investiga-
tions on three cases in 2008, 2010 and 2011. e daily Bjelovarski list and
the weekly Bjelovarac were investigated.9 Following the investigation, written
documentation for all three cases was forwarded to the local District Oce of
the Attorney General, in order to obtain an ocial government opinion on the
In the analyzed period, the Šibenik-Knin County Police Oce conducted
one investigation in which it led a criminal report to the local District Oce
of the Attorney General against two individuals suspected of committing a
8 Data was collected based on a right-to-information request, from the Police Directorate (Oce of the Police Chief)
of the Ministry of Internal Aairs of the Republic of Croatia, on April 15, 2013. No. 511-01-43-152-21-1/2013 23.
9 In 2008 a criminal investigation was conducted due to the publishing of a newspaper article in the daily Bjelovarski
list, which on its cover page published a photograph and the rst and last name of a boy involved in an accident. In
2010 the weekly Bjelovarac was investigated for publishing an article with the rst and last names of minors who
abused their underage peer. In 2011 the same weekly was investigated for an article about the abuse of an underage
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
crime under Article 304, paragraph 110 of the Criminal Code (110/97), after
the journalist of a daily newspaper published an article containing personal
information about an underage girl who was a victim of sexual abuse.
Oce of the Attorney General of the Republic of Croatia
From 2008 until 2012 nine criminal reports were led to the Oce of the
Attorney General of the Republic of Croatia for suspicions that the crime of
violating the condentiality of legal proceedings was committed, by revealing
information about the course of the proceedings against underage citizens, or
information about a court decision without its permission11. Eight reports were
dismissed, whereas in one case the local Oce of the Attorney General issued
charges together with a criminal warrant. e proceeding is currently underway
in a district court.
Self-regulating institutions
Croatian Journalists’ Association Board of Honor
e central mission of the Croatian Journalists’ Association Board of Honor
is to “uphold the dignity, honor and promote ethics and responsibility of the
journalist profession” (Article 1 of the Regulations for the Operation of the
Board of Honor ). In its annual reports, the Board of Honor regularly issues
warnings about frequent violations of childrens rights in the media. e Board
of Honor issued ve warnings, 40 condemnations and 21 very serious condem-
nations to journalists and editors for violations of childrens rights, in the period
10 Article 304 (1): Whoever leads the witness or court expert to give false testimony in a court or during an admini-
strative proceeding, a proceeding before a public notary, or a disciplinary proceeding – by force, threat, or by some
other means of coercion, or by the promise of a gift or any other benet – shall be punished by incarceration from
six months to ve years. Criminal Code, 110/97.
11 Data was collected based on a right-to-information request, from the Oce of the Attorney General of the Republic
of Croatia, on April 22, 2013. No. PPI-DO-9/13.
12 Presenting a great challenge to this study was the inconsistency between the statistical data from the Board of Honor
annual reports and the data contained in individual decisions of the Board of Honor, available on the web pages of
the Croatian Journalists' Association. Board of Honor president Trpimir Matasović issued the following explanation
regarding this inconsistency: “(1) Annual reports are provided to the Assembly of the Croatian Journalists’ Associa-
tion before the end of the current calendar year, so they do not contain data about decisions that may have been
reached in the period between the holding of the Assembly and the end of the calendar year – such data is usually
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
Table 2: Actions taken by the Croatian Journalists’ Association Board of Honor
in response to children’s rights violations in the media13
Year No action
Warning /
advice Condemnation Very serious
2012 4 2 4 4
2011 2 2 9 4
2010 2 114 4
2009 3 0 5 6
2008 2 0 8 3
In 2012 the Board of Honor deliberated eight cases of children’s rights
violations guaranteed by the Code of Honor and some of these cases included
a greater number of media outlets. Most of the reports were led to the Board
of Honor by the parents of children whose rights were violated in the media.
Based on the reports, the Board of Honor issued two warnings, four condem-
nations and four very serious condemnations, while in four cases the Board
included in the report of the following year. (2) Much of the subject matter includes reports led and/or decisions
taken against a greater number of individual journalists and/or media – hence, the data on the number of reports
and decisions, on the one hand, diers from the data on the measures issued (or unissued) against individual jour-
nalists, on the other. (3) Data from annual reports on the type of Code of Honor violation is usually divided into a
number of general categories, meaning that individual cases commonly contain elements of more than one type of
Code violation – hence, this portion of the statistics must also be viewed generally”. Based on this advice, this study
presents results that are derived from individual decisions of the Board of Honor, available on the web pages of the
Croatian Journalists’ Association.
13 All of the data listed in the table was collected based on the decisions of the Croatian Journalists' Association Board
of Honor and published on the ocial web pages of the Croatian Journalists' Association. e table does not inclu-
de decisions for eight cases because from the conclusions of the Board of Honor it is not clear, for instance, how
many condemnations were issued in some cases. One such conclusion was reached at the 3rd Session of the Board of
Honor held on February 29, 2008. Since the decision, which is listed on the web pages of the Croatian Journalists'
Association, does not contain information about who the authors of these texts were, and given that the texts are no
longer available on the internet, it is impossible to know how many condemnations were issued. It is, therefore, pro-
posed that the Croatian Journalists' Association creates a public database of cases that it deliberated and for which it
formulated decisions, particularly if it issued condemnations. e second obstacle we faced in the study dealt with
unclear conclusions reached by the Board of Honor. Specically, in certain cases it was not clear whether the Board
issued warnings to journalists/editors or if it decided that no violation of the Code of Honor occurred. For instance,
at its 24th Session held on April 30, 2010, the Board announced its decision in response to a request led by the
ombudsman for persons with disabilities, due to an article about a child involved in an accident in the daily 24 sata.
e Board of Honor concluded that “no measures are to be taken against the editorial board, because it apologized
immediately after realizing its mistake; however, the Board warns that such things should by no means ever occur”.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
decided that no violations of the Code occurred. at year the Board of Honor
(2012) issued the greatest number of very serious condemnations for inap-
propriate media reporting on children, in relation to other rights guaranteed
by the Code. e ndings of this study point to the fact that the greatest num-
ber of very serious condemnations was directed towards editors-in-chief, not
journalists, which echoes the position of the Board of Honor that the greatest
responsibility rests on the shoulders of the editors, not the journalists. One
such conclusion was reached at the 7th Session of the Board of Honor held on
September 18, 2012.14
In 2011 the Board of Honor deliberated 11 cases of alleged children’s rights
violations in the media, on the basis of which it issued two warnings/propos-
als, 13 condemnations, four very serious condemnations and in two cases
concluding that there was no violation of the Code of Honor.15 As it mentions
in its annual report, the Board of Honor (2011) has not only responded to
cases of direct uncovering of childrens identities, but also in instances when the
identities were revealed indirectly “through detailed descriptions of places and
circumstances, or by other details that indirectly revealed to the reader who the
child was”. In cases in which it was clear that the journalist wanted to protect
the identity of the minor, but nevertheless provided information that could lead
to the minor’s identity being revealed, the Board of Honor (2011) issued warn-
ings to journalists about the inappropriate nature of such texts. e greatest
number of childrens rights violation reports – altogether seven – was received
14 Very serious condemnations were issued to the editors of the dailies Jutarnji list and Slobodna Dalmacija, on the
basis of the request made by the Ombudsman for Children. e ombudsman for children warned that “information
about the family, the photograph of the father published in Slobodna Dalmacija and Jutarnji list and, particularly,
the diagnosis of the disease aicting the girls, as well as other details from their private lives, reveals the identity
of the sexual abuse victim – an underage girl, as well as the identity of her younger sister who witnessed this act.
(…) e Code explicitly forbids the uncovering of the identity of a child who is a victim of sexual abuse, and this
assumes that the identity of the perpetrator must also not be revealed if it would lead to the indirect revelation of
the victim’s identity”. In its explanation, the Board of Honor states that no measure has been taken against journalist
Dinko Borozan “because in the article, which was published in Podravski list, he did not reveal any information that
could lead to uncovering the identity of the victim. However, the Code was seriously violated by the chief editors of
Slobodna Dalmacija and Jutarnji list, who published a photograph of the father, poorly disguised by a black marking
across his eyes, along with a row of other text details that unmistakably point to the identity of the perpetrator and,
as a result, the identity of the underage sexual abuse victim. Due to the fact that there are cooperation agreements
between the three newspapers, Slobodna Dalmacija and Jutarnji list carried the same article published in Podravski
list, insisting that the journalist, in spite of his objections, provides them with a photograph of the father and with
additional details in the text”. Source: (Logged on
web page on April 15, 2013)
15 Decisions made by the Board of Honor regarding two cases were not included in the statistics because they were not
completely clear, as described in note no. 13.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
from the Ombudsman for Children. In other cases, it was motivated citizens
and institutions that led reports, such as the Ministry of Internal Aairs and
In 2010 the Board of Honor issued, during the analyzed period, the greatest
number of condemnations for childrens rights violations in the media – alto-
gether 14. It issued four very serious condemnations, one warning/proposal and
in two cases it concluded that there was no violation of the Code of Honor.16 Of
the 10 reports received, nine were led by the Ombudsman for Children, echo-
ing a great lack of interest among citizens to seek the opinion of relevant public
institutions at their own initiative, upon noticing childrens rights violations in
the media.
In 2009 and 2010 the Ombudsman for Children led the most reports, as
well. Of the seven reports in 2009, the Ombudsman led four. e Board of
Honor issued six very serious condemnations and seven condemnations for vio-
lations of childrens rights, concluding in three cases that there was no violation
of the Code of Honor.17 Of the 10 reports of childrens rights violations being
deliberated by the Board of Honor in 2008, the Ombudsman for Children led
seven. e Board of Honor issued condemnations in eight cases, very serious
condemnations in three cases, and in two cases it concluded that no violations
of the Code of Honor occurred18.
Croatian Media Council
In 2011 a self-regulating body was established in Croatia – the Croatian
Media Council – with responsibility for monitoring and sanctioning violators
of ethical norms in journalism.19 However, since its establishment until today, it
has not yielded any discernible results. It does not publish any reports on their
web site.
16 Decisions made by the Board of Honor regarding four cases were not included in the statistics because they were not
completely clear, as described in note no. 13.
17 A decision made by the Board of Honor regarding one case was not included in the statistics because it was not
completely clear, as described in note no. 13.
18 Ibid.
19 Its founder was the Association of the Croatian Media Council, with the support of the Ministry of Culture,
Electronic Media Council, Croatian Chamber of Economy and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation from Germany.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
Ombudsman for Children20
According to the Act, the duty of the Ombudsman is, among other things,
to monitor the fulllment of obligations of the Republic of Croatia, stemming
from the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international docu-
ments having to do with the protection of childrens rights and interests; to
monitor the implementation of all legal regulations dealing with the protection
of childrens rights and interests (Article 6 of the Ombudsman for Children Act,
96/03). From this it can also be deduced that it is the duty of the ombudsman
to monitor media reporting on children and the respect of their rights. Al-
though lacking the authority to sanction anyone for violating childrens rights
in the media and having permission only to issue warnings and oer advice, the
Ombudsman regularly monitors media content about children and informs rel-
evant institutions21 about cases of childrens rights violations. One of the nd-
ings of this study is that these institutions most commonly respond to childrens
rights violations in the media only after the denunciation of the Ombudsman
for Children, while cases of independent responses of these institutions, at their
own initiative, are very uncommon.
Table 3: Reports led by the Ombudsman for Children to relevant institutions about viola-
tions of children’s rights in the media (2008 – 2012)
Year Reports
Warnings of the
ombudsman sent to
journalists, editors and
Reports to
Reports to
the Elec-
tronic Me-
dia Council
to the
2012 21 5 3 1 3
2011 29 21 12 5 7
2010 40 15 12 3 6
2009 13 6 6 0 1
2008 28 + 10
notices 11 15 0 2
20 e Oce of the Ombudsman for Children of the Republic of Croatia was established in 2003, in line with the
Ombudsman for Children Act (96/03).
21 I.e. the Electronic Media Council, Attorney General of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian Journalists’ Asso-
ciation Board of Honor.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
From 2008 until 2012 the Ombudsman for Children led nine reports
about childrens rights violations to the Electronic Media Council (in further
text: Council), the body responsible for monitoring electronic media.22 e
greatest number of cases, which prompted the Ombudsman for Children to re-
spond, occurred in 2011. Five reports were led to the Council for violations of
childrens rights: one for Radio Petrinja, and, respectively,
and two for the internet portal e Council issued warnings or con-
demnations in three of these cases. In 2010 the Council was informed of three
cases of violations of childrens privacy. e rst two involved Nova TV and
RTL, while the third involved a number of electronic media outlets, which re-
ported about an artist suspected of sexually abusing his son. Namely, the outlets
indirectly revealed the identity of the abused child while providing information
about the father. e Council responded in two of these cases.
e Ombudsman for Children is also responsible for informing the At-
torney General of the Republic of Croatia about serious violations of childrens
privacy in the media, particularly when it comes to sexual abuse or uncovering
the identity of children who are perpetrators of criminal oenses and other vio-
lations. Nineteen such cases were reported in the analyzed period and they most
commonly dealt with the uncovering of identities of children who were victims
of sexual abuse. In 2008 the Ombudsman reported two such cases, although
they involved a greater number of media outlets – altogether nine23. In 2009 the
Ombudsman informed the Attorney General of only one childrens rights viola-
tion case24. In 2010 six cases were reported to the Attorney General: two reports
involved the daily Jutarnji list and the others involved Slobodna Dalmacija, Glas
Slavonije, Glas Istre and HINA. One year later reports were led against seven
media outlets for childrens rights violations: Radio Petrinja, (two re-
22 According to the Oce of the Ombudsman for Children, reports to the Electronic Media Council for children's
rights violations in the electronic media started to be led systematically since 2010, when the protection of privacy
was more clearly dened in the Electronic Media Act and in the Regulations for the Protection of Juveniles. However,
most of the reports led to the Council are in regard to inappropriate media content for children.
23 In the rst case, eight media outlets (Narodni list Zadar, Nova TV,,, Jutarnji list,, Total-
Portal, revealed the identity of the father of the sexual abuse victim, suspected of abusing his daughter, which
indirectly led to the uncovering of the identity of the abused girl. In the second case, a report was led against the
local newspaper Bjelovarski list after it published on its cover page photographs of a child whose face was deformed
by severe burns, after attempt of suicide, as well as for revealing the child’s rst and last name with other personal
24 It involved an article in the daily newspaper 24 sata, which falsely informed about the death of a young girl, also
including photographs of the girl, and which was published while the young girl was undergoing therapy and even
happened to see the article herself.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
ports), Jutarnji list, Večernji list, Slobodna Dalmacija and Novi list. In 2012 the
reports involved Slobodna Dalmacija and two reports centered on Jutarnji list
for its revelation of the identity of a sexual abuse victim.
e Ombudsman also reports cases of childrens rights violations in the
media to a self-regulating body, the Croatian Journalists’ Association Board of
Honor (in further text: Board of Honor). e most reports, altogether 48, were
led to this association in the past ve years. e Board of Honor does not per-
form independent monitoring of the media. Instead, it responds to particular
actions and evaluates whether they were ethical and in line with regulations
of the Code of Honor, but only after receiving complaints about possible Code
violations. is study found that it is the Ombudsman for Children who most
commonly les reports to the Board of Honor about cases of childrens rights
being violated in the media. Few reports were led by the citizens themselves.
In almost all cases, the Board of Honor issued warnings, condemnations, or
very serious condemnations to journalists and editors of the media outlets
in question. In 2012 the Ombudsman for Children led three reports to the
Board of Honor, on the basis of which the Board issued four very serious con-
demnations to editors-in-chief and three less serious condemnations to the
journalists involved. In 2011 there were 12 cases reported. e Board of Honor
issued condemnations to journalists and editors on the basis of 10 reports, in
one instance issuing a warning and in another taking the position that there
was no violation of the Code of Honor. e same number of reports was led in
2010. In 2009 the Ombudsman for Children led six reports to the Board of
Honor for childrens rights violations in the media, which responded to all of
them by issuing condemnations and very serious condemnations to journalists
and, in most cases, to editors as well. In the analyzed period, the greatest num-
ber of reports was led in 2008 – altogether 15 – following which the Board
of Honor issued condemnations and very serious condemnations to journalists
and editors in 13 cases.
e greatest number of reports led by the Ombudsman for Children to the
Board of Honor – altogether 37 – centered on print media. One can explain
this by the fact that the Ombudsman for Children does not perform system-
atic monitoring of the media, due to a lack of funds, and therefore its focus is
mainly on print media and, in particular, daily newspapers. Six reports were
led concerning web portals, three centered on television stations and one of
each was led in regard to a radio station and a news agency, respectively.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
Table 4: Reports led by the Ombudsman for Children to the Croatian Journalists’ Associa-
tion Board of Honor according to media type (2008 – 2012)
media Radio Television Web portals News agencies Total
37 1 3 6 1 48
e Ombudsman for Children does not only inform relevant regulatory
and self-regulating bodies about violations of childrens rights to privacy, dig-
nity, reputation and honor in the media, but also regularly issues warnings to
journalists, editors-in-chief and publishers/broadcasters to draw to their atten-
tion omissions in the reporting process and to warn of childrens rights viola-
tions in the media and of the consequences that follow. In the past ve years
such warnings were issued on 58 occasions.25
e responsibility of regulation and self-regulation institutions has proven
to be a serious obstacle, as it does not exist in the Croatia media system. With-
out this responsibility, it is not possible to ensure the full protection and pro-
motion of childrens identities. Although obliged to respond by sanctioning,
either from a legal or moral perspective, it is uncommon for institutions such
as the Electronic Media Council, the Ministry of Internal Aairs, the Oce
of the Attorney General, the Croatian Journalists’ Association Board of Honor
and the Croatian Media Council to issue nes for childrens rights violations
in the media. Indeed, instances of childrens privacy rights violations in the
media are much more frequent than the legal processing of such cases. is can
best be observed by using the example from 2010, when the annual analysis of
25 e greatest number of warnings was issued to media outlets in 2011 – altogether 21. In 2008 11 warnings were
issued, in 2009 six were issued, in 2010 15 were issued and in 2012 ve were issued. e greatest number of warn-
ings was issued to print media – a total of 38 – most of them being addressed to journalists and newspaper editors,
once again as a result of the aforementioned lack of systematic media monitoring. In nine instances the warnings
were issued to journalists and editors of national television stations (HTV, NOVA TV, RTL) and an equal number
of warnings were addressed to web portals. Only one warning in the past ve years was issued to a radio station and
a news agency, respectively. Although these ndings cannot draw us to the conclusion that children’s rights are more
often violated in the print media, as opposed to electronic media and new media – due to the already mentioned lack
of systematic media monitoring – it is noticeable, for instance, that some print media violate children’s privacy more
often than others. While 10 warnings were issued to the Jutarnji list daily, eight to the Slobodna Dalmacija daily and
six to the 24 sata daily, the newspapers Novi list and Glas Istre, which enjoy a reputation as more serious newspapers,
were issued only one warning each in the past ve years.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
seven Croatian daily newspapers showed that there were 602 articles in which
the identities of children were revealed, as well as 197 articles that included
photographs revealing childrens identities, although they should clearly have
been protected because the cases involved children who were victims, witnesses
or perpetrators of crimes, or whose family members participated in criminal
By monitoring the work of the relevant institutions, the extent to which
childrens rights are being violated in the media is not apparent, since – as the
ndings of this study conrm – signicantly less cases were processed in the
analyzed period, as opposed to those that actually occurred. Of all the analyzed
institutions, the Oce of the Ombudsman for Children has proven as the
most ecient in the defense of childrens rights, and through its actions and
reports led to other relevant institutions, in spite of lacking the authority to
legally process cases, the Ombudsman armed its central role in the protection
of childrens rights in the media. In contrast to regulatory bodies, which have
in the analyzed period responded to only a few cases, the Croatian Journalists
Association Board of Honor issued warnings and condemnations on a yearly
basis for childrens rights violations, most commonly following the submission
of reports from the Ombudsman for Children and some motivated citizens.
However, as we have shown by an analysis using the example of Croatia,
legal regulations are often not implemented in practice, or the path to their
implementation is arduous, leading many parents and children to give up on
the realization of their rights. Likewise, relevant bodies responsible for the ap-
plication and implementation of ethical and legal norms tend to approach the
issue of childrens rights violations in the media with varying levels of intensity
and engagement, as the example from 2010 shows.
In Croatia the Electronic Media Council is in charge of the monitoring
and regulation of electronic media. But there is no council or institution with
similiar tasks or obligations responsible for print media. Consequently, we pro-
pose the following: when it comes to the issue of childrens rights violations it is
necessary to dene, in a timely fashion, the authorities and obligations of an ad
hoc body, or to transfer authorities to a body that already exists. In this way the
gap in the regulation of print and electronic media, in matters of protection of
childrens privacy rights, would be bridged. is is a fundamental prerequisite
to systematic monitoring of the media, particularly when it comes to reporting
about children.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
Apart from the systematic monitoring of the media, it is of key importance
that the institutions responsible for implementing on the own initiative legal
and self-regulation acts indeed do process cases of childrens rights violations,
in line with their authorities, but not only at the initiative of the Ombudsman
for Children or motivated citizens and institutions. Improved coordination and
better cooperation among the relevant institutions is needed as well, in order to
adequately warn of childrens rights violations and to sanction perpetrators in a
timely fashion, as well as to prevent such acts or those of a similar nature from
occurring in the future.
Finally, we would like to highlight the urgent need for a large spectar of
journalists’ in-service educational programs. Ten years ago through activities of
ICEJ (International Center for Education of Journalists, established by CJA),
numerous seminars, workshops and conferences for journalists were organized,
at which they could learn and practice reporting on childrens rights. However,
at the present time and outside academic society, it is dicult to nd similar
specialized courses for journalists covering childrens rights.
While journalists’ associations have failed in providing special courses,
academic socitey has founded new studies, programs and courses on several
educational levels. e University of Zagreb has through its Centre for Croa-
tian Studies and Faculty of Political Science initiated courses on Children and
Media and Media and Rights of Children. Since these institutions still educate
large numbers of journalists and communicologists, we believe this will have a
strong impact in the long term. Simultaneously, the University of Zagreb Fac-
ulty of Law has founded a special postgraduate interdisciplinary study program
on Childrens Rights. Academic institutions will play a signicant role in raising
awareness of the public about the importance of protection of childrens rights
in the media, but journalists and other media sta should also invest great ef-
forts not only by following ethical codes and regulations but also by providing
examples of good practices.
While the media have undergone a signicant transformation in the past
decade, the need for professional reporting about children and their rights most
denitely has not. e Croatian media system lacks both more ecient media
regulation and self-regulation. Children, as the most helpless members of soci-
ety who are not capable of protecting their rights on their own, deserve to have
a unique system in place for the protection of all of their rights, including their
rights in the media.
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
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e Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, Ocial Gazette 85/10
e Media Act, Ocial Gazette 59/04, 84/11
e Electronic Media Act, Ocial Gazette 153/09, 84/11, 94/13
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e Regulations for the Protection of Juveniles, Ocial Gazette 60/10
e Criminal Code, Ocial Gazette 110/97, 125/11, 144/12
e Amendments to the Criminal Code, Ocial Gazette 71/06
e Juvenile Courts Act, Ocial Gazette 84/11, 143/12
e Criminal Oenses Act, Ocial Gazette 107/07
Croatian Media’s Protection of
Children’s Rights (2008 – 2012)
Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš
CM : Communication Management Quarterly : Časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem 29 (2013) 147–170 © 2013 CDC and author(s)
Code of Honor for Croatian Journalists
Croatian Journalists’ Association Board of Honor Annual reports and statistics (Logged on web
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Electronic Media Council (2012) - Annual report for 2012.les/repozitorij/KRSENJE_ZEM-a_2012.pdf.
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Electronic Media Council (2011) - Annual report for 2011. .
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Electronic Media Council (2010) - Annual report for 2010.
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Electronic Media Council (2009) - Annual report for 2009.
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Electronic Media Council (2008) - Annual report for 2008.les/izvjesca/IZVJESCE_ELEKTRONICKI_
MEDIJI_151.pdf. (Logged on web page on February 17, 2013)
... Igualmente Ciboci, Kanizaj, & Labas (2013: 147-169) realizaron una investigación en Croacia y concluyeron que no se estaban respetando los derechos de los niños, con respecto a la protección de su identidad. Durante el 2010 en el estudio realizado por Ciboci se verificó que de un total de 3.453 artículos en el año, relacionados con menores de edad en siete diarios croatas se demostró que había 602 artículos en los que se revelan las identidades de los niños, así como 197 artículos que incluían fotografías que revelaban las identidades de los niños, aunque deberían claramente han sido protegidos porque los casos se trataba de niños que eran víctimas, testigos o autores de delitos, o cuyos familiares participaban en actividades delictivas (Ciboci et al. 2013). ...
... En comparación con el estudio realizado por Ciboci, Kanizaj, & Labas (2013), se diferencia en que ellos no diferenciaron el número de artículos que trataban sobre menores víctimas o autores de delitos, lo cual no permitía saber que diferencia existía cuando se trataba de uno u otro protagonista del artículo, al informar y cuidar de la protección de su identidad. En el caso de Vesna (2016) hizo un estudio sobre la identificación de los nombres de los delincuentes o presuntos delincuentes que informaban tres diarios croatas, pero no diferenció entre menores y adultos, con lo que no se sabe con exactitud si el porcentaje que obtuvo hubiese variado, pues no es lo mismo informar sobre un adulto o un menor de edad. ...
... en, EE.UU.,Ciboci, Kanizaj, & Labas (2013) en Croacia,Vesna (2016) en Macedonia y Blas Mesón (2013) en España, en tanto que los medios de comunicación algunas veces suelen brindar datos del entorno social, características o algún otro tipo de información relevante que permiten identificar a menores de edad. ...
Partiendo de los presupuestos teóricos que rigen la estructura, en cuanto a contenido y forma, de los informativos de televisión en la actualidad, la investigación abarca desde un prisma holístico a la incidencia y correlato práctico que han tenido esas bases dogmáticas en el desarrollo de los noticiarios de la televisión cubana, adentrándose en un estudio de caso referido a la revista informativa de la programación del Canal Educativo de Cuba y su posterior modificación a partir de criterios sólidos sostenidos en el estudio que dinamizan su algoritmo de realización y ponderan la toma de nuevos valores estéticos. El estudio se ubica dentro de la línea de estudios Teórico-Metodológicos de la Información y la Comunicación de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de La Habana
... Igualmente Ciboci, Kanizaj, & Labas (2013: 147-169) realizaron una investigación en Croacia y concluyeron que no se estaban respetando los derechos de los niños, con respecto a la protección de su identidad. Durante el 2010 en el estudio realizado por Ciboci se verificó que de un total de 3.453 artículos en el año, relacionados con menores de edad en siete diarios croatas se demostró que había 602 artículos en los que se revelan las identidades de los niños, así como 197 artículos que incluían fotografías que revelaban las identidades de los niños, aunque deberían claramente han sido protegidos porque los casos se trataba de niños que eran víctimas, testigos o autores de delitos, o cuyos familiares participaban en actividades delictivas (Ciboci et al. 2013). ...
... En comparación con el estudio realizado por Ciboci, Kanizaj, & Labas (2013), se diferencia en que ellos no diferenciaron el número de artículos que trataban sobre menores víctimas o autores de delitos, lo cual no permitía saber que diferencia existía cuando se trataba de uno u otro protagonista del artículo, al informar y cuidar de la protección de su identidad. En el caso de Vesna (2016) hizo un estudio sobre la identificación de los nombres de los delincuentes o presuntos delincuentes que informaban tres diarios croatas, pero no diferenció entre menores y adultos, con lo que no se sabe con exactitud si el porcentaje que obtuvo hubiese variado, pues no es lo mismo informar sobre un adulto o un menor de edad. ...
... en, EE.UU.,Ciboci, Kanizaj, & Labas (2013) en Croacia,Vesna (2016) en Macedonia y Blas Mesón (2013) en España, en tanto que los medios de comunicación algunas veces suelen brindar datos del entorno social, características o algún otro tipo de información relevante que permiten identificar a menores de edad. ...
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La presente investigación consiste en el estudio del tratamiento informativo que los diarios del Perú: Correo, La República y El Comercio, brindan cuando emiten información relacionada con menores de edad que se ven involucrados en actos delictivos. El estudio se centró en analizar los artículos difundidos en sus plataformas web durante tres meses, con el objetivo de determinar si los medios protegen la identidad de los menores de edad tomando en consideración aspectos legislativos y deontológicos
... Kada je riječ o pitanjima privatnosti i zaštite osobnih podataka, u fokusu autora posljednjih su godina uglavnom bili medijski sadržaji koji narušavaju privatnost na internetu (Brautović, 2007), mogućnosti roditelja da zaštite djecu od štetnih sadržaja na društvenim mrežama (Ciboci, Kanižaj i Labaš, 2013;Ciboci, 2014;Grmuša, Tomulić i Anđelić, 2019) i regulatorni okvir elektroničkih medija u kontekstu zaštite maloljetnika (Lisičar i Jurić, 2014). Pravni stručnjaci bavili su se pravom (novinara) na pristup informacijama od javnog značaja, ukazujući na probleme u primjeni i potrebu za redefiniranjem pravnog okvira radi sprječavanja zloupotreba na tom polju (Rajko, 2002;2012), kao i na velik rast broja tužbi temeljenih na povredi Zakona o pravu na pristup informacijama (Vajda Halak, Romić i Tršinski, 2016). ...
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Rad se nastavlja na prethodna istraživanja discipline medijskih i komunikacijskih znanosti u Hrvatskoj te prikazuje dio rezultata iz prve hrvatske studije slučaja na međunarodnom znanstvenoistraživačkom projektu MEDIADELCOM. U radu se bavimo analizom znanstvene i stručne produkcije u posljednja dva desetljeća (2000.-2020.) te donosimo pregled radova koji tematski pokrivaju četiri konceptualne domene medijskog sustava – pravni okvir za slobodu izražavanja i informiranja, novinarstvo, obrasce upotrebe medija i medijske kompetencije publika – koje stvaraju prilike ili rizike za ostvarenje deliberativne komunikacije, odnosno deliberativne demokracije. Uzorak analize čini nešto više od 500 znanstvenih i stručnih radova, poglavlja u knjigama i zbornicima, izlaganja sa skupova, istraživačkih izvještaja itd. prikupljenih iz različitih domaćih i međunarodnih baza radova. Provedena analiza ukazuje na neujednačenost interesa za pojedine domene i istraživačke teme te na promjenu istraživačkih fokusa i metoda u pojedinim desetljećima.
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Diversity and pluralism are foundational principles that seem to underlie much of the arguments in European communication and media policy. Consequently, the positive value associated with these concepts can be exploited in arguments for various and often-incompatible objectives. This paper discusses the uses and implications of different definitions and empirical objectifications of media diversity in media policy with a particular focus on how certain definitions and political rationalities become institutionalized and normalized in expert and policy discourses. It is argued in the article that the growing body of research on media diversity as a measurable concept implies a shift from the normative and political questions to more narrowly defined technocratic and market-driven definitions of media and culture, a move which itself is not without normative and political implications.
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When the names of child victims and other identifying information appear in the media it can exacerbate trauma, complicate recovery, discourage future disclosures and inhibit cooperation with authorities for the children involved. In this study, we evaluated the amount of identifying information available in a systematic sample of 561 newspaper articles about non-fatal child victimizations published from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2004. Identifying information about the victim (e.g. name of the child’s street, school or a family member’s full name) was published in 51 percent of articles covering child victimizations. For cases of sexual assault, victim identifiers were most likely to be included when the alleged offender was related to the victim or was a high-profile community member. Based on these findings, we examine the arguments for and against more restrictive policies regarding identifying information, and suggest some guidelines that would provide additional protections for child victims.
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Diversity and pluralism are foundational principles that seem to underlie much of the arguments in European communication and media policy. Consequently, the positive value associated with these concepts can be exploited in arguments for various and often-incom- patible objectives. This paper discusses the uses and implications of different definitions and empirical objectifications of media diversity in media policy with a particular focus on how certain definitions and political rationalities become institutionalized and normal- ized in expert and policy discourses. It is argued in the article that the growing body of research on media diversity as a measurable concept implies a shift from the normative and political questions to more narrowly defined technocratic and market-driven defini- tions of media and culture, a move which itself is not without normative and political im- plications.
What is so special about small media systems? The following article touches upon their structural peculiarities, arguing that the small states perspective in communication science is not limited to Western Europe: small production and sales markets, dependence on and the high penetration with foreign media make the operation of domestic media organizations in small states more difficult. In some countries, this problem is intensified by giant next-door neighbours sharing the same language. The main claim of this article is that size has an impact on media regulation as well. It is suggested that small states, in order to protect and promote media diversity, are inclined to an interventionist approach of media regulation. They may even revert to protectionist measures undermining the goal of media diversity.
What is so special about small media systems? The following article touches upon their structural peculiarities, arguing that the small states perspective in communication science is not limited to Western Europe: small production and sales markets, dependence on and the high penetration with foreign media make the operation of domestic media organizations in small states more difficult. In some countries, this problem is intensified by giant next-door neighbours sharing the same language. The main claim of this article is that size has an impact on media regulation as well. It is suggested that small states, in order to protect and promote media diversity, are inclined to an interventionist approach of media regulation. They may even revert to protectionist measures undermining the goal of media diversity.
This article deals with the newspaper industry in small states with a big, more powerful neighbouring country where the same language is spoken. Austria and Ireland are used as examples to show the similarities within the different frameworks, the chosen newspaper sector displaying typical characteristics of traditional market failure and providing output with strong political relevance. Therefore public policy measures are even more important than in other industries. An economic analysis of the developments in the newspaper industry (in the two countries especially) is given, followed by a survey and interpretation of recent economic policies as well as media policy options. With an overview of the changes in the newspaper industries in Austria and Ireland as a starting point, the article aims to explore whether and what can be done to hinder or even unravel the observed concentration processes.