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Root-knot nematode in field corn.


Abstract and Figures

Corn damaged by root-knot nematodes often is stunted and has the appearance of moisture and nutrient deficiencies. Severe infestations can result in the death of younger plants. Affected plants typically occur in patches in the field and symptoms are often attributed to other causes such as compacted or acidic soils, nutrient deficiencies, or soil insects, such as annual white grubs, wireworms, or seedcorn maggot. Rootknot nematodes typically are more common and most damaging to plants in light, sandy-textured soils. Belowground symptoms include roots that are galled, stunted, and discolored. Sometimes the corn root system may appear healthy and galls may be small and difficult to notice even though root-knot nematode numbers may be very high. In either case, root growth is often restricted to shallow depths of only 8 or 10 inches below the surface when heavily infected. This reduces yield by restricting access to water and nutrients that are needed for plant growth and development. In field corn, root-knot nematodes may also cause stubby root symptoms because they stop the growth of root tips.
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Order: Tylenchida
Family: Heteroderidae
Species: Meloidogyne incognita (southern root-knot
nematode), M. arenaria (peanut root-knot nematode),
M. javanica (Javanese root-knot nematode), M. hapla
(northern root-knot nematode; not found in corn)
Size: Adult females are up to 1/16 inch in diameter.
Color: Adult females are a translucent cream color.
Description: Adult females are pear shaped and sed-
ent a r y.
Range: M. incognita, M. arenaria, and M. hapla are
commonly found throughout Virginia. However, M.
javanica is rare and found mostly in the warmer areas
such as near the coast.
Habitat: Root-knot nematodes are obligate endopara-
sites that complete most of their life cycle inside the
host plant. The only stages found outside the host plant
are the egg, the motile portion of the second juvenile
stage, and the adult vermiform male.
Hosts: Root-knot nematodes have a wide range of hosts.
The more than 2,000 host plants include all major eld
crops, most vegetable crops, fruit trees, ornamental
plants, and weeds. Some of the common host plants are
bean, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrot, celery, chard, corn,
cotton, cucumber, dandelion, eggplant, lettuce, mallow,
okra, onion, peach, pepper, plantain, potato, pumpkin,
purslane, radish, rhubarb, sorghum, soybean, spinach,
squash, sugarbeet, sugarcane, sweet potato, tobacco,
tomato, turnip, and watermelon.
Life Cycle: The short-lived adult males are vermi-
form and motile, and move into the surrounding soil
to copulate with nearby females. However, males are
not necessary since female root-knot nematodes are
able to reproduce asexually. Adult females deposit
eggs into a protective gelatinous matrix, near or just
outside the root surface. A single female lays about 500
to 1,500 eggs during her life, which lasts about two to
three months (Fig. 1). Eggs hatch only under favorable
conditions, such as adequate moisture and warm tem-
peratures. The life cycle takes anywhere from 17 to 57
days, depending on the host plant and environmental
conditions. Typically, root-knot nematode development
begins inside the egg. After the completion of embryo-
genesis, the rst-stage juvenile remains inside the egg
until it molts into the second-stage juvenile. Second-
stage juveniles hatch from the egg and move freely in
the soil in search of a suitable host plant (Figs. 2a, 2b).
Root-knot nematode second-stage juveniles undergo
an additional three molts before transforming into the
adults. Root-knot nematodes have a low host plant pen-
etration rate at temperatures below 50ºF, and a reduced
reproduction rate at temperatures below 58ºF.
Root-knot Nematode in Field Corn
Siddharth Tiwari, Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech
Jon D. Eisenback, Department of Plant Pathology, Physiology, and Weed Science, Virginia Tech
Roger R. Youngman, Extension Entomologist, Virginia Tech
Fig. 1: Root-knot nematode female and an egg-mass dissected
from a galled root.
Produc ed by Com municat ions and Marketin g, Colle ge of Agr icultur e and Lif e Scienc es,
Virgin ia Polyt echnic I nstitute and State Univers ity, 200 9
Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion,
age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia State University,
and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. Mark A. McCann, Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg; Alma C. Hobbs, Administrator, 1890 Extension Program, Virginia State, Petersburg.
publication 444-107
Type of Damage: The second-stage juvenile enters the
plant root behind the root cap, in the zone of elonga-
tion where it then migrates toward the root tip. Once
it reaches the root tip, it turns 180º and travels in the
center of the root cylinder to the zone of differentiation.
In the zone of differentiation, the second-stage juvenile
injects esophageal gland secretions that cause proxylem
root cells to divide, enlarge, and form multinucleate gi-
ant cells. These giant cells act as metabolic sinks that
actively transfer nutrients from host plant to the devel-
oping nematode. Cells around the developing juvenile
also become hypertrophic and more numerous, which
ultimately results in the formation of the characteristic
root galls, associated with Meloidogyne infections.
Although corn is not often damaged by root-knot nema-
todes, it can serve as a host to three of the four common
species of Meloidogyne (M. incognita, M. arenaria, and
M. javanica); therefore, root-knot nematode populations
may be increased during corn production so that the crop
following corn in a rotation scheme may be severely af-
fected if it is sensitive to one of these nematodes.
Corn damaged by root-knot nematodes often is stunted
and has the appearance of moisture and nutrient de-
ciencies. Severe infestations can result in the death
of younger plants. Affected plants typically occur in
patches in the eld and symptoms are often attribut-
ed to other causes such as compacted or acidic soils,
nutrient deciencies, or soil insects, such as annual
white grubs, wireworms, or seedcorn maggot. Root-
knot nematodes typically are more common and most
damaging to plants in light, sandy-textured soils.
Belowground symptoms include roots that are galled,
stunted, and discolored (Fig. 3). Sometimes the corn
root system may appear healthy and galls may be small
and difcult to notice even though root-knot nematode
numbers may be very high. In either case, root growth is
often restricted to shallow depths of only 8 or 10 inches
below the surface when heavily infected. This reduces
yield by restricting access to water and nutrients that
are needed for plant growth and development. In eld
corn, root-knot nematodes may also cause stubby root
symptoms because they stop the growth of root tips.
If nematode populations are high and growing condi-
tions are good, damage may not be visible, but yield
may be reduced. Severe damage is often visible and
yield losses heavy if corn was stressed during the early
part of the season. A fourth common species of root-
Fig. 2b. Second-stage juveniles of root-knot nematode,
Meloidogyne sp., inside a plant root.
Fig. 2a. Second-stage juveniles of root-knot nematode,
Meloidogyne sp.
Fig. 3: Comparison between root-knot nematode infected root
(left) and a non-infected root (right).
knot nematode, M. hapla (northern root-knot nema-
tode), is not a parasite of corn.
Control Methods
Non-chemical: Rotating corn with a non-host crop such
as alfalfa or oats may be effective in reducing root-knot
nematode populations. Because different species have
different host ranges, it is always good practice to iden-
tify the particular species in the eld before deciding
on crop rotation as a management strategy. Plants that
are non-hosts of M. incognita can serve as good hosts
for M. arenaria or M. javanica. Fields with successive
seasons of corn will suppress populations of northern
root-knot nematode, M. hapla, but at the same time this
scheme may enhance populations of other root-knot,
stubby-root, lesion, sting, lance, and ring nematodes.
Resistant cultivars are currently unavailable for south-
ern root-knot nematode, M. incognita; however, there
are a few commercial cultivars that are resistant to
M. arenaria and M. javanica. In order to utilize these
resistant lines, an accurate identication to species is
necessary because more than one species of root-knot
nematodes may occur in some elds.
Chemical: The decision to apply nematicides should be
based on root-knot nematode counts from soil samples
collected in the fall immediately after harvest. Usually
corn production is not adversely affected until an eco-
nomic threshold of 500 second-stage juveniles per 500
cubic centimeters of soil is detected. At this level, it
may be cost effective to apply a nematicide in corn-
elds with root-knot nematode counts that exceed this
economic threshold [
va.html]. The history of a eld with nematode prob-
lems should be taken into account when a nematicide
or other control tactic is being considered. For more
details on nematicides and their application rates, refer
to the Pest Management Guide: Field Crops, Virginia
Cooperative Extension publication 456-016, htt p://
... For all treatments, pots were sown with four seeds of the respective crop cultivars and maintained in a glasshouse at the temperature range of 20-28 ± 1.6 • C and a photoperiod of 14L:10D. Two weeks after germination when the seedlings were at the two-leave stage, they were thinned to contain one seedling per pot and each plant root system was inoculated with ± 500 eggs and J2 of the in vivo reared M. enterolobii population (1 egg/J2 per cc) as this was reported as damage threshold for Meloidogyne (Bowen et al., 2008;Tiwari et al., 2019). Five weeks after nematode inoculation -required time for M. enterolobii to have at least one generation (Collett, 2020), all plants were uprooted, the aerial parts and roots cut off into small pieces (2 cm) and incorporated into the soil (4-8 cm deep). ...
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Root-knot nematodes (RKNs) are one of the most important plant-parasitic nematodes of cereal crops in sub-Saharan Africa. This study was designed to evaluate the rotation effects of different cultivars of sainfoin (Esparsette, Perly, Taja and Visnovsky), soybean (DM-5953-RSF) and alfalfa (BAR 7) with maize (P-2432-R), on a Meloidogyne enterolobii population, compared to monoculture maize. The results showed that sainfoin (Perly and Esparsette) and alfalfa had significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower numbers of M. enterolobii eggs and second stage juveniles (J2) compared to the monoculture maize in the first experiment. However, in the repeat experiment all treatments had significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower numbers of eggs and J2 compared to monoculture maize. Rotation of sainfoin Esparsette/maize resulted in the lowest numbers of eggs and J2 (91 and 202, respectively) in the first and repeat experiments. Rotation of sainfoin Esparsette/maize reduced M. enterolobii population density by 81 and 60% in the first and repeat experiments, respectively, followed by alfalfa (54 and 43%, respectively). Ultimately, substantial variation was evident in terms of the efficacy of different sainfoin cultivars with regards to their effect on nematode reduction when used in rotation with maize.
... Least fecundity was observed with Gayeshpur isolate of M. graminicola being, 85-950 eggs/female at 40DAI. This observation was in parity with earlier findings made by Atamian et al. (2012) though Tiwari et al. (2009) stated that a single female lays about 500 to 1500 eggs during her life. These differences in fecundity might be due to differences in type of nematode isolates. ...
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A pot experiment was conducted to inspect the variations in the duration of life stages and biological activities of different geographic isolates of Meloidogyne graminicola in susceptible rice cultivar IET-4786. Four isolates of M. graminicola were collected and used for the purpose. Ex situ incubation period of M. graminicola varied from 1-3 days among four isolates. In situ incubation period was found minimum 2-5 days in Ashui isolate and minimum 2-5 days in Shyamsundarpur isolate. Penetration of rice root by J2 of M. graminicola was started at 6 hrs after inoculation in Shyamsundarpur isolate. J2 took at least 18 hrs to penetrate the root. Maximum duration of J2, egg to young female and egg to adult female stages was recorded with Gayeshpur isolate being, 7-8 days, 12-13 days and 14-16 days, respectively. Time lag between commencement of ovi-position and formation of adult female was more with Ashui isolate i.e. 3-5 days. Minimum time required completing egg to second generation egg stage and J2 to second generation J2 stage was observed with Shyamsundarpur isolate being, 13.8 days and 14.7 days, respectively at 11.9 o C to 39.4 o C temperature and 46.6% to 92.8% RH. Maximum fecundity (100-1200 eggs/female) was encountered with Shyamsundarpur isolate. Shyamsundarpur isolate produced multiple elongated and button shaped root galls despite terminal 'fish hook' galls. The study revealed existence of three types of M. graminicola isolate in the West Bengal state. Shyamsundarpur and Gayeshpur isolates were noticeably different from Sumitrapur and Ashui isolates, which were more or less similar in their biological activities.
... Phần đầu của con cái cắm sâu vào phần nội bì và libe rễ, phần thân con cái phình to ngoài phần vỏ rễ, túi trứng nằm ngoài vỏ rễ. Tiwari et al. (2009) ghi nhận rễ cây ngô bị nhiễm tuyến trùng Meloidogyne có hiện tượng còi cọc, đổi màu, các nốt sần nhỏ hoặc rất khó để nhận biết mặc dù số lượng tuyến trùng ký sinh lớn, ngô bị nhiễm tuyến trùng sẽ bị suy giảm năng suất do tuyến trùng ký sinh, hủy hoại bộ rễ, ngăn cản quá trình hấp thu dinh dưỡng của cây. ...
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The root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne incognita, is one of the most important pest on many crops such as coffee, pepper, vegetables, etc. Firstly, the root-knot nematode populations were collected on corn in Krong Nang (Dak Lak province) and analyzed in comparision with other root-knot nematodes on morphology, ITS sequencing and specific primers. The results confirmed that the corn root-knot nematode population is M. incognita species. The study also added variations of different M. incognita populations on different host plants in the morphological characteristics. PCR product with specific primers for M. incognita is 1000 bp. The genetic diversity based on ITS-rDNA sequencing the M. incognita populations, and between populations of M. incognita, M. javanica and M. arenaria were very low.
... Meloidogyne spp. are extremely polyphagous, with more than 2000 hosts that include all major field crops, most vegetable crops, fruit trees, ornamental plants and weeds (Tiwari et al. 2005). These nematodes were present at 31 % of the localities, associated, among others, with bean, pigeon pea, taro and tea. ...
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Kök-ur nematodları [Meloidogyne spp.(Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae)], sebze yetiştiriciliğinde ekonomik düzeyde verim ve kalite kayıplarına neden olan önemli zararlılardandır. Nematodlarla mücadelede, nematodlara dayanıklılık yönünden ıslah edilmiş çeşitlerin kullanımı ön plana çıkmaktadır. Dayanıklı bitkilerin ıslahı ise zor ve uzun yıllar almakla birlikte hem ekonomik hem de çevre sağlığı açısından tercih edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, morfolojik olarak birbirinden farklı heterojen yapıya sahip 26 beyaz baş lahana ıslah hattının Meloidogyne incognita Irk 2’ye karşı dayanıklılık seviyeleri araştırılmıştır. Nematodla bulaşık olan ve olmayan uygulamalarda incelenen bitki boyu, bitki yaş ağırlığı, bitki kuru ağırlığı, kök yaş ağırlığı, yaprak sayısı ve yaprak alanı özellikleri yönünden istatistiksel olarak önemli düzeyde farklılıklar olduğu saptanmıştır. Çalışmada, değerlendirmeye alınan lahana genotiplerinin tamamında urlanma tespit edilmiştir. Genotiplerin köklerindeki urlanma oranları, 1.5 ile 5.0 skala değerleri arasında değişmiştir. Yumurta kümesi skalasının 0-5 arasında değişim gösterdiği ve lahana genotipleri arasında sadece 183 nolu hatta yumurta kümesi tespit edilmemiştir. Ur skalası ve yumurta kümesi skalası değerleri bir arada değerlendirildiğinde, 173, 183, P33 ve 530 nolu hatların kök-ur nematoduna dayanıklı oldukları saptanmıştır. Dayanıklı olarak belirlenen bu genotipler, hibrit lahana çeşit ıslah programlarında değerlendirilmektedir.
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Root-knot nematodes [Meloidogyne spp.(Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae)], are one of the serious harmful causing losses of yield and quality at economic level in vegetable growing. For nematode management, use of improved varieties resistant to nematode is a priority. Although breeding of resistant plants is difficult and taking long years, using resistant plant for nematode control is preferred for both environmental health and advantage. In this study, resistance level of 26 white head cabbage breeding lines with heterogeneous structure and morphologically different from each other to Meloidogyne incognita Race 2 was investigated. Plant height, fresh and dry weight of plant, fresh weight of root, leaf number and leaf area were found to be statistically significant in nematode-infected and non-infected applications. Galls formation was detected for all the cabbage genotypes evaluated in the study. The rates of gall on the roots of genotypes were varied from 1.5 to 5.0 scale values. Egg masses scale was between 0-5 among the cabbage genotypes, only the line 183 had not egg masses. When gall end egg masses scales were evaluated together, 173, 183, P33 and 530 were detected as resistant lines to Root-knot nematode. These resistant genotypes have evaluated in breeding programs of hybrid cabbage varieties.
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