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Bagasra O, Pace DG. Smell of autism: Synthetic fragrances and
cause for allergies, asthma, cancer and autism. OA Autism 2013
Jun 19;1(2):15.
Competing interests: none declared. Conflict of interests: none declared.
All authors contributed to conception and design, manuscript preparation, read and approved the final manuscript.
All authors abide by the Association for Medical Ethics (AME) ethical rules of disclosure.
Smell of autism: Synthetic fragrances and cause for allergies, asthma, cancer and autism
O Bagasra1, DG Pace2
Corresponding Author: Dr. Omar Bagasra, M.D., Ph.D
Corresponding Author's Institution:
South Carolina Center for Biotechnology at Claflin University
400 Magnolia Street
Orangeburg, SC 29115
Office: (803)-535-5253
Fax: (803)-535-5776
1 South Carolina Center for Biotechnology at Claflin University
400 Magnolia Street
Orangeburg, SC 29115
2 Department of English & Foreign Languages
Claflin University
The widely believed notion that autism is genetically conveyed to the next generation has been
seriously disputed. And the recent sequencing of the exomes of autistic children and each of their
biological parents, as part of recent trio investigations, cast serious doubt on this paradigm.
Rather, environmental causation seems to have greater explanatory power. The link between
ASD and exposure to toxic ingredients in perfumes, even at minute (femtomolar) levels has been
suggested by recent scholarship. Scents are known to have the capacity to reach the brain,
including the brain of a fetus whose mother uses perfume that derives from synthetic scents
made from mutagenic chemicals
For hundreds of thousands of years humankind has adored fragrances from flowers, fruits, and
living organisms. This co-evolution of civilization and fragrances has created a balance between
humans and their environment-meaning that the natural chemicals do not harm humans. This
adoration of pleasant scents developed into an art form as humans devised methods to capture
perfumes and store them in bottles so that they could smell their captured odors year around. The
world’s age old fascination with fragrance has resulted in capacity to capture and preserve scents
that promote the pleasant, the beautiful, and the positive. At least that is what the term fragrance
has come to connote. In the mid-1900s, several counter evolutionary events emerged. Chemists
began to synthetize perfumes and fragrances by utilizing benzene ring based pterochemicals
chemicals. Tragically, benzene is a known mutagen and carcinogen, or cancer causing agent (1-
2). Initially, perfumes were combinations of natural oils and synthetic compounds created in a
laboratory. Gradually, most natural fragrances were replaced by their synthetic imitations, where
they were most dependent upon the certainties of the scientific laboratory than the uncertainties
of the natural world.. These fragrances have now become part of life to the extent that they
invade every part of life and are added into household items where they are not needed,
including soaps, detergents, car and house fresheners, hair products, candles, cosmetics, food
flavorings, etc. Since these synthetic products are unnatural and do not mimic natural fragrances
at the molecular levels, human immune systems have found them to be unpleasant smelling
allergens that cause sneezing and watery eyes, while constricting both bronchial tubes and
pocketbooks. Asthma rates and respiratory illnesses have increased along with corporate profits.
Ironically, talented marketing professionals have led modern consumers by the nose to such an
extent that fragrances have become an environmental hazard to a large segment of the
population, and have been particularly menacing to children.
This review summarizes some of the subjective concerns and the attempts to date that
have brought greater objective scrutiny to the debate over the safety of the components used in
the imprecise objects called fragrances (2) The major challenge surrounding the use of such
terms as fragrance or perfume is the elusive imprecision that cloaks them in what can be
dangerous evasions of transparent labeling. It may make good marketing sense, and dollars, to
describe how chemicals will impart a tropical rain forest smell to a teen’s hair or a fresh smell to
a baby skin, but there must be understandable substance to descriptions in addition to clever
phrases. A product that invokes the imagery of tropical rain forests should contribute positively
to human lungs, eyes, and skin rather than promote asthma, allergies, eczema or cause autism in
the unborn fetus when a excepting mom is inhaling some of the most toxic chemicals found in
fragrances (1-2). Surely the term fresh should not mask carcinogens and fetal brain altering
chemicals that threaten unborn, infants or humans of any age.
The widely believed notion that autism is genetically conveyed to the next generation has
been seriously disputed (3-7). And the recent sequencing of the exomes of autistic children and
each of their biological parents, as part of recent trio investigations, cast serious doubt on this
paradigm (8). Rather, environmental causation seems to have greater explanatory power (9-11).
The link between ASD and exposure to toxic ingredients in perfumes, even at minute
(femtomolar) levels has been suggested by recent scholarship (1-2, 4, 11). Scents are known to
have the capacity to reach the brain, including the brain of a fetus whose mother uses perfume
that derives from synthetic scents made from mutagenic chemicals (4, 9, 11).
Fragrance is a seemingly innocuous term added to health and beauty products. Ultimately
this mysterious term may actually undermine both health and beauty. Fragrance is a common
euphemism for an undisclosed blend of chemical ingredients drawn from an arsenal comprised
of about 3,100 total ingredients. “Musky” may increase sales, “exotic” may attract customers,
and “floral” may sound beautifully natural, but these terms may also conceal the existence of
petrochemicals and other synthetic chemicals that, when blended with natural ingredients, can
form dangerous cocktails of fragrance (1-2, 11). In a careful recent study of 17 name-brand
products, 38 different chemicals were unidentified. Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue hid the fewest
number of fragrance ingredients from the public (N = 7), while American Eagle Seventy Seven
concealed over three times that amount (12), and out did all 16 other name-brand products.
Chanel Coco came in second with 18 hidden ingredients. Among the other culpable popular
fragrances were Britney Spears Curious (13), Quicksilver (16) and Abercrombie & Fitch Fierce
(11). One might wish for fewer, if any, secrets in the 13 hidden fragrance chemicals in Victoria’s
Secret Dream Angels Wish. Calvin Klein’s Eternity for Men (14-15) has one more covert
chemical than its for-women brand, Calvin Klein Eternity, which veils 14 chemicals to produce
its enticing fragrance (15 )So what are some of these chemicals that are founds in the majority of
the fragrances? These include limonene, alpha-pinene, diethyl phthalate, butylated
hydroxytoluene, musk Ketone, benzyl benzoate, benzophenone, octinoxate etc. Many are known
mutagens, carcinogens and may cause alterations in human fetal brain development (1-2, 4 and
unpublished data from Bagasra lab). One of the saddest situations is that after the publication of
Silent Spring in 1962 and establishment of EPA and hundreds of environmentalist activist groups
against DDT and many other insecticides and chemicals, the fragrance industry realized that they
need to find a way to limit any law suits resulting from adverse effects of fragrances. Therefore,
in 1973 the US Law makers passed The Federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (16),
exempting fragrance makers from declaring the list of ingredients that are part of the fragrances.
Therefore, fragrance concealment is not illegal, and is often used by the industry to hide from the
public the full list of ingredients, including substances that can cause grave health problems
including breast cancer, and autism (2, 17-20). We have recently provided evidence, , obtained
from Ames test analysis of fetal brain cell lines, that exposure to femtomolar concentrations of
various perfumes leads to mutagenesis and neuromodulations in human fetal brain cells (24).
The NPD Group reported that annual global perfume industry sales revenue has reached $27.5
billion in 2011 and it is most likely an underestimation.
In response to public concern over the impact of chemicals on cancer levels, the President’s
Cancer Panel issued a 2010 report on the risks of cancer from chemicals. Their main conclusion
was troubling: there is a positive correlation between environmental chemicals and cancer rates.
Because many chemicals are known or suspected carcinogens, it should come as little surprise
that such is the case. Of particular note in the 2010 publication was the assertion that the number
of cancer cases that were environmentally prompted had been vastly underestimated. Benzene,
commonly an ingredient in synthetic fragrance products, was of particularly concern
In spite of concerns over the safety of fragrances for humans, there use is on the rise, not
declining. We hypothesize that the one of the major reasons that there is an alarming rise in
autism and autism spectrum disorder is due fragrant use of fragrances (2). It should be noted that
autism used to be a relatively rare diseases at the turn of the 2oth century (2-6, 21-23), but now
we have 1;88 child is suffering from ASD and this may be an underestimate. Since, a neonate’s
brain is still developing after birth and therefore we should expect a rise in other neurological but
related conditions i.e. ADHD, regressive autism (where a child is born normal and begin to
suffer from autism after 18 months or later (21-24). Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are
developmental conditions characterized by deficits in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal
communication, and obsessive/stereotyped patterns of behavior. In addition, there is evidence of
impoverished language and empathy, and a profound inability to adopt another's viewpoint - a
failure to construct a "theory of mind" for interpreting another person's thoughts and intentions
(3-4). Although there is no reliable neurophysiological marker associated with ASDs,
dysfunction of olfactory bulb (OB) and mirror neuron system (MNS) has been documented (3-4,
23). The illustration in Figure 1 the bars indicate periods when organs are most sensitive to
damage from teratogenic agent. Note that in the most literature development of olfactory system
is missing. The brain starts developing 18 days after fertilization and many times mothers who
become pregnant don't know they are pregnant until after a few weeks have passed. Therefore,
mothers who are exposed to certain synthetic fragrances, either through inhalation and epidermal
exposure, and food-flavor chemicals, through ingestion (e.g. teas, chewing gum and other food
flavors) may put their embryo at risk without even knowing it (Figure 1)
While it seems counterintuitive, humans do not always make rational choices, now are
they always well enough informed to make logical decisions even if so disposed. Fragrances are
not only significant in producing perfumes, but in detergents, foods, drugs, hygienic items,
household products, solvents, and industrial greases.
Public policy responses have, in limited instances, recognized the problems fragrances
pose and have responded. Some hospitals and government offices have limited the use of scents
on their premises. Those wearing fragrances to the Tuttle, Oklahoma City hall are not allowed to
enter The city of Portland, Oregon has requested that custodians utilize cleaning products that are
unscented, and prohibits city employees from wearing fragrances (24)). Consistent with its
policy for other employees, resident physicians in South Carolina’s Palmetto Health system have
been instructed that fragrances, including but not limited to colognes, after shaves, and perfumes,
are not to be worn during work time. The policy has a thesis: fragrances are a potential cause of
allergic reactions in coworkers and patients (25). Such a trend in public policy is
understandable, especially since an estimated the ingredients in fragrance have either been
inadequately analyzed or inadequately regulated.
These are not new concerns, but analysis and regulation have not kept pace with the aggressive
marketing and sales of synthetic scents. In 1986, the category fragrances were identified as one
of six that should receive high priority, according to the National Academy of Sciences, in the
area of neurotoxicity testing. The remaining categories were solvents, selected air pollutants,
heavy metals, insecticides, food additives, and solvents. Even then, this association was
concerned that synthetic petroleum-based compounds accounted for some 95% of the chemicals
from which fragrances derived their desirable scents. If advertised directly and openly, sales
would likely plummet if a product were reported to consist of carcinogens known to cause birth
defects, autism, trigger allergic responses, and harm the central nervous system. What would
happen to sales if labels openly included aldehydes, dioxine, chloromethane, butanone, pinene,
limonene, linalool, benzene derivatives, and other toxins, and alerted the public to the dangers
these fragrance ingredients can cause.
Neurotoxicity concerns have been raised due to the inclusion in fragrances of zinc-
pyridinethione; Isobutanol; 1-Butanol; 2-butanol; tert-Butanol; acetyl-ethyl-tetramethyl-tetralin;
t-Butyl Toluene; hexachlorophene; and 2,4,dinitro-3-methyl-6-tert-butylanisole. Testicular
atrophy has been observed in lab tests with animals, as has neurotoxicity (myelin disease Nerve
damage is an obvious threat when the myelin sheath, which shields nerves from damage, is
damaged. Time does not bring the regeneration one might hope for because the myelin sheath is
not capable of regeneration. The logic behind US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) codes
is to protect the population from hazardous practices and substances, including ethanol, methyl
isobutyl ketone, meythl ethyl ketone, benzal chlorise, touluene, and methylene chloride (26).
Each of these hazardous substances, according to code, is to be disposed of according to
prescribed hazardous waste disposal guidelines. EPA code regulations are put in place primarily
to protect people. Ironically, each of these toxic substances has been found in flagrances (26) .
Time and time again throughout US history, governments have stepped in to regulate in the
public interest. Self-regulation by businesses themselves has made its contributions, but the
potential for self-interested self-regulation and for unethical collusion are very real in a
capitalistic society. Yet greater federal regulation of fragrances seems in order. One National
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health report stated that from a partial list of 2,983
fragrance chemicals, some 884 were identified as toxic. If such toxins were smeared on a
person’s skin involuntarily, a lawsuit may be brought; ironically, individuals seeking to wear the
scents of success and popularity inadvertently may be damaging their or others’ central nervous
system, especially an unborn fetus who has even inhaled a single breath of air get but is exposed
to these toxins that will never allow him/her to protest against “these wonderful fragnrances’ that
killed his olfactory neurons and he will never would know the smell of them, since these
fragrances had killed his neurons that would have developed into smell recognizing senses, if he
was not exposed to them! (3-4),
Awareness of the potential negative side effects of perfumes is growing. In January 2013,
a team from the Department of Cardiology at the (Manipal, Karnataka, India) Kasturba Hospital
reported an unusual situation in which a hospitalized dental patient suffered from a totally
unexpected case of cardiac arrest, finally succumbed on the ninth day of hospitalization to sepsis.
They concluded that some poison, perhaps from a hand sanitizer, had triggered the peculiar
anaphylactic reactions. As they sought for potential toxins, they found that a commonly used
hand sanitizer had perfume added to Isopropyl alcohol and glycerin (27. In a study of 256
Turkish university students regarding barriers to sleep, some 53.1% mentioned “room scents
(sweat, perfume, humidity, naphthalene, etc.)” (28).
Advertisers have been creative in their use of advertisement strips scented with cologne
or perfume. They have paid greater attention to profits than to the adverse effects such strips
might have on persons allergic to their products, including asthma patients. Can the inhalation of
perfume embedded in magazine scent strips exacerbate asthma. A research team headed by P
Kumar found the answer to be yes. Following perfume challenges, one in five (20.7%) of the
asthmatic patients they tested experienced wheezing and tightness in the chest. Asthmatic
exacerbations of some sort were experienced by 36% of patients suffering from severe asthma,
with declining yet still troubling rates for those with moderate asthma (17%) and mild asthma
(8%). Scented strips can obstruct airways, particularly in those who airways are already
compromised by asthma. We maintain that fragrances should be studied for their potential effects
on the molecular pathogenesis of ASD (3-4).
Acknowledgements: The authors would like to acknowledge the illustrations of Dr. Golkar and
Muhammad Hossain for this article.
Figure 1: The bars indicate periods when organs are most sensitive to damage from teratogenic agent.
Note that in the most literature development of olfactory system is missing. The brain starts developing 18
days after fertilization and many times mothers who become pregnant don't know they are pregnant until
after a few weeks have passed. Therefore, mothers who are exposed to certain synthetic fragrances, either
through inhalation and epidermal exposure, and food-flavor chemicals, through ingestion (e.g. teas,
chewing gum and other food flavors) may put their embryo at risk without even knowing it.
Figure 2: The illustration demonstrates the hypothesis that exposure to perfumes capable of
modulating olfactory bulb development and could cause ASD, which results in damaged or
underdeveloped neuronal pathways.
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