... Among all the schemes, the gird based on regular octahedron has the characters of clear positioning, relatively simple structure and moderate deformation, and it is the most researched and applied discrete gird data model(Zhao, X. S., et al, 2002). Types of spherical solid grid are relatively few, only eight kinds, including latitude and longitude grid, the radially extending spherical triangular mesh grid [Baumgardner, J R., et al, 1985], the Cubed-sphere grid [Tsuboi, S., et al, 2008], the "Yin Yang grid" [Kageyama, A., et al, 2004], the based on triangulation and radial spherical discontinuity divided grid [Ballard, S., et al, 2009], the adaptive mesh refinement (Adaptive Mesh Refinement, AMR) [Stadler, G., et al, 2010], the degradated octree grid, and the great arc QTM octree grid [Jinxin, W., et al, 2012;. From the following discussion shows that the Grids which fit for GIS spatial data model, or the universal Earth system (Lixin, W., et al(2012) called it as Earth System Spatial Grid, ESSG) only are latter degenerated octree and octree . ...