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Abstract and Figures

A study was conducted to demonstrate the development of a micro twin-rotor cyclocopter capable of autonomous hover. The blades used on the twin-cyclocopter were fabricated mostly out of foam with carbon-fiber reinforcement inside and a single-layer 0/90 degree carbon composite prepreg skin wrapped around the foam core at the blade tips. Foam helped in maintaining the required airfoil shape for the blades, while most of the bending and torsion stiffness was provided by the carbon-fiber structure embedded inside the foam. One of the key requirements for the success of a cyclocopter was a simplified lightweight blade-pitching mechanism. A feedback control system was required to provide sufficient attitude damping and stiffness to achieve stable hover.
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Engineering Notes
Development of a Micro Twin-Rotor
Cyclocopter Capable of
Autonomous Hover
Moble Benedict,Elena Shrestha,Vikram Hrishikeshavan,
and Inderjit Chopra
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742
DOI: 10.2514/1.C032218
I. Introduction
GROWING interest in highly portable versatile flying platforms
and recent advancements in microelectronics have led to the
development of a scaled-down class of unmanned aerial vehicles
known as micro air vehicles (MAVs) [1,2]. The potential applications
of MAVs could range from reconnaissance, terrain mapping, and
search and rescue in both military and civilian settings. For these
types of missions, hover/low-speed flight capability, high endurance,
maneuverability, and the ability to tolerate environmental distur-
bances such as wind gusts are critical requirements for MAVs.
Because MAVs operate in a unique aerodynamic regime (low
Reynolds numbers) with a different set of mission requirements and
challenges as compared to a full-scale aircraft, it is important to
explore novel out-of-the-box vehicle concepts that might have the
potential for superior performance at these scales. This note describes
the vehicle design and control system development of one such MAV
concept: the cyclocopter (shown in Fig. 1). The cyclocopter uses
cycloidal rotors (cyclorotors), a horizontal axis propulsion concept
that has many advantages such as higher aerodynamic efficiency [3],
maneuverability, and high-speed forward flight capability [4,5]
when compared to a conventional helicopter rotor. A cyclorotor is
essentially a rotating-wing system where the span of the blades runs
parallel to the axis of its rotation. The pitch angle of each blade
is varied cyclically by mechanical means such that the blade
experiences positive geometric angles of attack at both the top and
bottom halves of the azimuth cycle (Fig. 2). Varying the amplitude
and phase of the cyclic blade pitch is used to change the magnitude
and direction of the net thrust vector produced by the cyclorotor.
Although many breakthroughs in cyclorotor research have
occurred in recent years, attempts to develop a cycloidal rotor-based
aircraft date back to the early 20th century [6,7]. Numerous full-scale
manned aircrafts were designed and built, but none of the attempts
was successful in achieving flight. However, recently, the feasibility
of this concept was demonstrated at the University of Maryland by
developing two cyclocopter configurations (a hybrid twin-rotor
cyclocopter [8] and quad-rotor cyclocopter [9]) capable of free hover.
The only other cyclocopter capable of controlled free flight was
developed at the Seoul National University [10]. The main focus of
the present work is to develop an improved version of the cyclocopter
built in [8] to demonstrate efficient hover capability and to develop
and implement a closed-loop control strategy that can be used to
autonomously stabilize and control the vehicle in hover without a
human pilot.
II. Twin-Rotor Cyclocopter Vehicle Design
As shown in Fig. 1, a twin-rotor cyclocopter (twin-cyclocopter)
weighing 210 g was designed and built. The vehicle has a lateral
dimension (rotor tip-to-tip) of 35 cm (14 in.), longitudinal dimension
of 30 cm (12 in.) and a height of 18 cm (7 in.). Most of the design
specifications are provided in Table 1. In the present vehicle con-
figuration, both the cyclorotors spin in the same direction, producing
a large nose-up reaction moment that is counterbalanced by the thrust
produced by the horizontal tail rotor.
A. Cyclorotor Design
Systematic experimental and computational studies were
performed in the past to optimize the performance of MAV-scale
cyclorotors [3,7,1114]. Several blade kinematics and rotor
geometric parameters (blade-pitching amplitude, location of pitch
axis, chord/radius ratio, blade airfoil, planform, etc.) were varied to
improve overall rotor performance in hover. Using the understanding
obtained from these studies, the present cyclorotors are designed
for maximum thrust-to-power ratio (power loading). The design
specifications of the cyclorotor are given in Table 1. While optimizing
the rotor parameters for maximum aerodynamic performance,
emphasis was also placed on the blade and rotor structural design to
reduce the overall rotor weight. Details on the design of the cyclorotor
structure is provided in [8].
B. Blade Structural Design
One of the biggest disadvantages of a cyclocopter is that rotor
weight forms a significant fraction of the empty weight of the vehicle.
The rotor weight is directly related to the blade weight because it
governs the centrifugal force, which is the predominant structural
load on a cyclorotor. Designing lightweight blades for the cyclorotor
is challenging because the centrifugal force acts in the transverse
direction, producing large blade deformations and even structural
failure of the blades. Previous studies have shown that large bending
and torsional deformations degrade the thrust producing capability
and efficiency of the cyclorotor [7,12,14]. Therefore, the emphasis of
the present work was to design and fabricate extremely lightweight
blades with large stiffness-to-weight ratio.
The blades used on the twin-cyclocopter were fabricated mostly
out of foam with carbon-fiber reinforcement inside and a single-layer
090 deg carbon composite prepreg skin wrapped around the foam
core at the blade tips, as shown in Figs. 1 and 3. Foam helped maintain
the required airfoil shape for the blades, whereas most of the bending
and torsion stiffness was provided by the carbon-fiber structure
embedded inside the foam. Each of the finished foam blades was
around 1.5 g. Therefore, with the foam blades, there is almost 50%
reduction in blade weight compared to the carbon-fiber blade design
(1.5 g versus 3 g) used on the previous generation twin-cyclocopter
[8], which is a huge advantage because each gram of blade produces
almost 200 g of centrifugal force at the operating rotational speed.
C. Blade-Pitching Mechanism
One of the key requirements for the success of a cyclocopter is a
simplified lightweight blade-pitching mechanism. Modeled after a
Received 28 November 2012; revision received 12 July 2013; accepted for
publication 15 August 2013; published online 11 March 2014. Copyright ©
2013 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All
rights reserved. Copies of this paper may be made for personal or internal use,
on condition that the copier pay the $10.00 per-copy fee to the Copyright
Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; include
the code 1542-3868/14 and $10.00 in correspondence with the CCC.
*Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Aerospace Engineering.
Member AIAA.
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Aerospace Engineering.
Student Member AIAA.
Alfred Gessow Professor and Director, Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center.
Fellow AIAA.
Vol. 51, No. 2, MarchApril 2014
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND on December 15, 2014 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032218
four-bar linkage system, the present pitching mechanism enables
passive blade pitching as the blades move about the circular
trajectory. The schematic of the mechanism is depicted in Fig. 4,
where the four bars of the linkage system are labeled L1,L2,L3, and
L4.L1, also referred to as rotor radius, is the distance between the
blade-pitching axis and the horizontal axis of rotation. The pitch links
(of length L3) are connected to the end of the offset link on one end,
and the other end is connected to point B, which is at a distance L4
behind the pitching axis. The connections at both ends of the pitch
link are through pin joints to allow the rotational degree of freedom.
With this arrangement, as the rotor rotates, the blade automatically
pitches cyclically, where the pitching amplitude depends on the offset
length L2when the other linkage lengths remains fixed. The rotation
of the offset link changes the phasing of the cyclic pitching and
thereby changes the direction of the thrust vector. More details on the
implementation of this pitch mechanism on the actual vehicle are
provided in [8].
Once the rotors were built, systematic tests were conducted for a
range of rotational speeds where the thrust and electrical power were
measured. Variation of thrust and power with rotational speed for
each of the cyclorotors used on the twin-cyclocopter are shown in
Figs. 5a and 5b, respectively. At the operating rotational speed of
1800 rpm, each rotor produced around 80 g of thrust providing
enough thrust for the twin-cyclocopter to hover along with the
tail rotor.
III. Control System Development
Figure 6a shows the pitch, roll, and yaw axes definition for the
twin-cyclocopter. With the present controls strategy, pitch, roll, and
yaw moments are completely decoupled other than through
gyroscopic effects. The control strategies for pitch, roll, and yaw are
shown in Figs. 6b6d, respectively. The red dotted arrows show the
thrust vectors for trimmed flight and the green solid arrows show the
new thrust vectors for generating a control moment. The tail rotor is
used to control the pitch by varying its rotational speed. For instance,
a positive pitching moment can be obtained by decreasing the tail
rotor rotational speed, and vice versa for negative pitch (Fig. 6b). Roll
is directly controlled by differential rotational speed variation of the
Fig. 1 Twin-cyclocopter.
Fig. 2 Blade-pitching kinematics.
Table 1 Design specifications for the twin-cyclocopter
Design features Value
Cyclorotor diameter 5 in.
Blade span 4 in.
Blade chord 1.3 in.
Blade airfoil section NACA 0015
Blade pitch amplitude 45 deg
Blade pitch axis 45% from LE
Cyclorotor motor ELE AD-100 1850 KV Outrunner (13 g)
Tailrotor motor 18-11 2000 KV Outrunner (10 g)
Tailrotor propeller EP5030 (5-in.-diam)
Cyclorotor gear ratio 61
Thrust vectoring servo Blue Bird BMS 306 (7 g)
Processor-sensor board GINA 2.2 (2 g)
Battery 25 C three-cell 350 mA ·h
Fig. 3 Blade structure.
Fig. 4 Schematic of the blade-pitching mechanism.
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND on December 15, 2014 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032218
cyclorotors. Positive roll is executed when the rotational speed ofthe
left cyclorotor is greater than the right (Fig. 6c). Finally, yaw is
controlled by differentially rotating the two thrust vectors of the
cyclorotors (Fig. 6d). A positive yawing moment is produced by
tilting the thrust vector of rotor 1 forward and rotor 2 backward.
A. Avionics and Telemetry
A feedback control system is required to provide sufficient attitude
damping and stiffness to achieve stable hover. This was implemented
using a telemetry setup. A 2.4 GHz Atmel AVR transceiver was
attached to a base station. This was used to wirelessly update (IEEE
802.15.4 protocol) the feedback gains, trim inputs, and attitude
reference commands to the vehicle in flight. Due to the lack of
damping, an aggressive high-bandwidth attitude feedback control is
required. This was made possible by incorporating a lightweight (2 g)
processor-sensor board (GINA2.2 developed by U.C.Berkeley [15])
on the vehicle. The principal components of this board are a TI
MSP430 microprocessor for onboard computation tasks, ITG3200
tri-axial gyros, KXSD9 tri-axial accelerometer, and an Atmel radio
and antenna for wireless communication tasks. The wireless
communication has a latency less than 2030 ms. The time-critical
inner-loop feedback occurs at an update rate of 3 ms. The user
communicates with the vehicle using a LabVIEW interface.
B. Inner-Loop Feedback Control System
The gyros measure the pitch q, roll p, and yaw rattitude rates,
while the accelerometers record the tilt of the gravity vector. The
vehicle attitude can be extracted by integrating the gyro measure-
ments with time. However, it is known that this leads to drift in
attitude measurements [16]. Accelerometers, on the other hand, offer
stable bias but are sensitive to vibrations and, in general, offer poor
high-frequency information [17]. Therefore, a complementary filter
600 1000 1400
Rotational speed (rpm)
Thrust (grams)
Cyclorotor 1
Cyclorotor 2
Operating rpm
a) Resultant thrust
600 1000 1400
Rotational speed (rpm)
Electrical power (W)
Cyclorotor 1
Cyclorotor 2
Operating rpm
b) Input electrical power
Fig. 5 Variation of thrust and input electrical power with rotational speed for the two cyclorotors used on the twin-cyclocopter.
Fig. 6 Control strategy for the twin-cyclocopter.
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND on December 15, 2014 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032218
was incorporated to extract the pitch and roll Euler angles using a
high-pass filter for the gyros (4 Hz cutoff) and a low-pass filter for
accelerometers (6 Hz cutoff). The rotor vibrations were filtered out
because it was sufficiently higher than the body dynamics.
The onboard inner-loop feedback was implemented using a
proportionalderivative (PD) controller as shown in Fig. 7. The
feedback states were the pitch and roll Euler angles (θ,ϕ) and the
attitude rates (p,q, and r). An outer-loop feedback capability was
provided for translational positioning by a human pilot or a position
tracking system such as VICON. The final control inputs to the
vehicle actuators are the individual rotational speeds for the two
cyclorotors and tail rotor and the two servo inputs as shown in Fig. 7.
IV. Flight Testing in Hover
Prior to free flight testing, it was necessary to investigate the
closed-loop attitude stability of the vehicle on a constrained setup.
This was achieved by mounting the vehicle on a spherical gimbal,
which restricted the vehicle in translation but allowed free rotation in
pitch, roll, and yaw. The proportional and derivative gains were tuned
using the ZieglerNichols approach. The gains that offered
acceptable stiffness and damping to reject external disturbance with
minimal oscillations were chosen. Once repeatability in vehicle
stability was established with a given set of trim and gain values, free
flight tests were conducted. It must be noted that achieving stable
attitude in the gimbal setup was an important necessary condition to
ensure stable free flight. It enabled quick troubleshooting with
minimal damage to the vehicle. However, the trim values would
change because the position of the center of lift (of the entire vehicle
based on the relative contribution from each rotors) is not known
exactly a priori, and therefore they would have to be determined in
free flight.
The flight tests were conducted by providing a pure throttle
command and ensuring that the vehicle comes out of ground effect
sufficiently quick. The flight performance was determined by
observing if the vehicle assumed a stable hover attitudewith minimal
drift. Now, a pure throttle command simultaneously increases the
rotational speed of all the rotors such that all of the moments are
cancelled and the center of lift is at the center of gravity of the vehicle.
However, it is possible that the rate of increase of tail rotor rotational
speed with throttle input does not match that of the cyclorotors. This
results in a travel of the center of lift, which results in the vehicle
quickly going out of trim in pitch mode, leading to undesirable
crashes. Therefore, an appropriate rotational speed ratio must be
determined beforehand on the gimbal stand. Roll was trimmed by
differentially adjusting the rotational speed of the cyclorotors. Pitch
trim was done by varying the rotational speed of the tail rotor. These
trim values were determined through multiple systematic free-flight
tests and was considered to be a key step. Once trim was achieved and
the proportional and derrivative gains of the inner-loop control
system were correctly tuned, the vehicle successfully executed stable
hover flight without a human pilot (shown in Fig. 8).
V. Conclusions
This note discusses one of the pioneering studies that successfully
culminated in the development of a flying vehicle using the
cyclorotor concept. The present study showed that the key elements
to the success of a cyclocopter are 1) developing an extremely
lightweight cyclorotor, which is only possible through innovative
lightweight and high strength-to-weight ratio blade and rotor
structural design along with a simplified passive blade-pitching
mechanism, and 2) choosing the right vehicle configuration and
attitude control strategy. Another notable achievement is the fact that
the present vehicle could be controlled completely without a human
pilot using aggressive inner-loop feedback stabilization. Attitude
disturbances were satisfactorily damped out without exhibiting
unstable flight modes.
This research was supported by the U.S. Armys Micro
Autonomous Systems and Technology (MAST), Collaborative
Technology Alliance (CTA), Center for Microsystem Mechanics
with Brett Piekarski Army Research Lab (ARL), and Chris
Kroninger Army Research Lab Vehicle Technology Directorate
(ARL-VTD), as Technical Monitors. The authors would also like to
thank Shane Boyer for his valuble insights during flight testing.
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... Cyclocopter UASs have many advantages, such as higher aerodynamic efficiency (in terms of power loading), maneuverability, and high-speed forward flight capability in comparison with a conventional helicopter with the same disk loading (thrust per unit actuator area) [166]. Cyclocopters have a uniform aerodynamic loading on their blade, and favorable unsteady phenomena such as the leading-edge vortex formation enable their blades to operate at very high lift coefficients and low rotational speeds to produce the same thrust [167]. ...
... Several attempts have been made to combine ducted fans with tail- Fig. 48. Views of cyclocopter developed by (a) Benedict et al. [166], and (b) Shrestha et al. [161]. Fig. 49. ...
... Besides these studies, in 2013, Adams et al. developed and tested a small-scale cyclocopter that was utilizing a novel cam-based passive blade pitching mechanism[165]. Benedict et al. in 2014, designed a micro twin-rotor cyclocopter capable of autonomous hover[166] (seeFig. 48(a). ...
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) have a variety of applications in our daily life that have attracted the attention of many researchers around the world. There are a variety of innovations in the flight mechanisms that UASs are applying for flight. There is also a significant interest in the development of new types of drones that can fly autonomously in different locations, such as cities, marine, and space environments and perform various missions. This paper reviews the different configurations, flight mechanisms, and applications of UASs. First of all, UASs are divided into four main categories, including Horizontal Takeoff and Landing (HTOL), Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL), Hybrid, and Bio-Based drones. Then each category is divided into some sub-categories in order to have a coherent review. The characteristics, advantages and drawbacks of each category are discussed elaborately. Moreover, a comprehensive study is carried out on the applications of UASs and their specifications.
... There have been numerous studies in the recent past focused on developing MAV scale cyclorotors [Refs. [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. Figure 1 shows a 1.2 lbs. cyclocopter MAV in flight, where each cyclorotor is capable of producing 0.5 lbs. of thrust. ...
... In Eq. 13, is Young's modulus, is shear modulus, is torsion constant, is pitch angle of rotor blade and and are moment of inertias along radial and tangential directions, respectively. Equation 13 shows that the nonlinear moment, is generated due to nonlinear coupling of bending curvatures. Figure 37 shows that shear stress due to centrifugal force scales up in a 2 fashion. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
The cycloidal rotor is a novel vertical flight concept, which has shown significant performance benefits when compared to a conventional rotor at micro air vehicle (MAV) scales. This has sparked interest in the feasibility and usefulness of this concept for larger scale unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) applications. This paper investigates the upward scalability of cycloidal rotor from an aeromechanics standpoint, which entails both aerodynamic and structural scalability. To understand the aerodynamic scalability, a 2D CFD solver tailored towards the blade kinematics of cycloidal rotor is utilized. The CFD model is validated with in-house experimental data obtained from a larger UAV-scale cycloidal rotor operating at a maximum chord-based Reynolds number (Re) of 2 × 10 5. Once systematically validated, the CFD model is used to understand how the thrust production capability and aerodynamic efficiency of cycloidal rotor varies with increasing Reynolds numbers up to Re= 5 × 10 6. It is observed that the non-dimensional thrust remains almost unchanged with increasing Re, while the non-dimensional torque and power decrease significantly from Re = 10 4 to 10 5 , which clearly shows that the cycloidal rotor scales-up favorably from thrust production and aerodynamic efficiency standpoints. Structural scalability involves understanding how the rotor weight and blade stress scale up and this is investigated using a lower-order aeroelastic model. The aeroelastic model consists of an unsteady aerodynamic model coupled with a fully nonlinear geometrically exact structural framework. Since the blade weight is the most significant fraction of the total rotor weight and drives the weight of all other rotor components, detailed investigation is carried out to understand the scaling of blade weight and stress. It is observed that the blade weight per unit thrust remains constant as the cycloidal rotor size is increased. However, the blade stress increases monotonically if the rotor geometry is kept similar and the scaling of blade stress is found to be independent of blade structural design. Choosing the correct blade structural design is important to minimize blade weight; especially, inclusion of a spar helps in significantly reducing the blade weight at larger scales. In order to bound the blade stress with increasing size (or thrust), the diameter of the cycloidal rotor needs to be increased at a faster rate compared to blade span, which reduces the rotor aspect ratio (blade-span/rotor-diameter). Proper scaling laws necessary to bound the blade stress is derived. Utilizing these insights, an optimization framework based on genetic algorithm is developed to determine optimal cycloidal rotor configuration for a thrust range from 1 lb. to 1000 lbs.
... A fundamental reason for the higher efficiency of a cyclorotor is the uniform load distribution along the blade span which not only makes the inflow distribution more uniform but also reduces the rotor speed required for a certain thrust (compared to a conventional rotor). Recently, many small scale cyclocopters have been built and flight tested by the co-author at the University of Maryland [17][18][19]. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) studies shows that another reason for the improved performance of cyclocopter is the favorable unsteady aerodynamic mechanisms such as leading edge vortices [8][9]. As the thrust vector of a cyclorotor can be instantaneously set to any direction perpendicular to the rotational axis, the concept may also have better maneuverability compared to a conventional rotor based MAV, which makes it ideal for highly constrained indoor operations. ...
... The insights from these studies along with autonomous flight control strategies, led to the development of the first flying cyclocopter in the history [17]. Since then different cyclocopter configurations at different scales were built and flight tested as shown in Fig. 1 [17][18][19][20][21][22][23]. Experimental data as well as analytical models to predict cyclorotor performance are limited. ...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, the aeromechanics of a cycloidal rotor (or cyclorotor) is investigated to understand the effect of blade flexibility on hover performance of the rotor. Towards this, experiments were conducted on cyclorotors using moderately and highly flexible blades and rotor performance was measured in terms of net thrust and power requirement. These studies showed that with increasing blade flexibility the rotor thrust decreases, whereas, the power consumption increases leading to a significant drop in power loading (thrust/power). To investigate these phenomena, a coupled aeroelastic model of cyclorotor has been developed and systematically validated with experimental results. Aeroelastic model consists of an unsteady indicial aerodynamics model coupled with a geometrically exact beam-based structural model. In comparison with a second-order nonlinear structural model inclusion of a geometrically exact model proved to be essential in accurate prediction of rotor performance, especially while using highly flexible blades. Based on a systematic analysis performed using the validated model it was observed that the large torsional deflections of the blades produced by the transverse centrifugal loads is the key reason for drop in thrust. The torsional deflections occur from two sources which are, (1) moment produced directly by the centrifugal force because of the offset between the chordwise elastic axis and center of gravity location, and (2) non-linear moment created by the radial and tangential bending curvatures. Because of this non-linear moment, the reduction of bending stiffness also increased torsional deflections, which led to a reduction in thrust.
... Since then, MAV-scale cyclocopters with different configurations such as twin-cyclocopter, quad-cyclocopter, etc. have been built and flight-tested as shown in Fig. 1 (Refs. [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. ...
This paper investigates the upward scalability of a cycloidal rotor (also known as a cyclorotor) from an aeromechanics standpoint while utilizing a two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver and a lower order aeroelastic model. The CFD results show that the nondimensional thrust remains almost unchanged with increasing Reynolds number, while the nondimensional torque and power decrease significantly from Re=104 to 105, which clearly shows that the cycloidal rotor scales up favorably from thrust production and aerodynamic efficiency standpoints. The structural scalability study shows that as the cyclorotor size is increased, the blade weight per unit thrust remains constant; however, the blade stress increases monotonically if the rotor geometry is kept similar. This monotonic increase in the blade stress is found to be independent of the blade structural design. To bound the blade stress with increasing size, the diameter of the cyclorotor needs to be increased at a faster rate compared to the blade span, which reduces the rotor aspect ratio (blade-span/rotor-diameter). Proper scaling laws necessary to bound the blade stress are formulated. Utilizing these insights, an optimization framework based on a genetic algorithm is developed to determine optimal cyclorotor configurations for a thrust range from 1 to 1000 lb.
In this paper the flight dynamics of a 33-gram twin-cyclocopter is analyzed via deriving a Linear Time Invariant (LTI) dynamics model from flight test data. The twin-cyclocopter is a novel micro air vehicle that uses two co-rotating cycloidal rotors to generate thrust and a coaxial nose rotor to counteract the reaction torque and provide additional thrust. During flight tests, perturbation maneuvers were performed about the hovering state to excite different modes and a 3D motion capture system collected attitude and position data. The data was used to extract a bare airframe LTI model linearized about the hovering state using time-domain system identification techniques. The model demonstrated that the roll and yaw modes are gyroscopically coupled with stable high-frequency and low-frequency modes. Comparing the two different yaw control methods: thrust vectoring of the cycloidal rotors and differential torque of the coaxial nose rotor, the former was more effective.
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The cycloidal rotor is a novel configuration which has shown significant aerodynamic performance benefits when compared to a conventional rotor at MAV (Micro Air Vehicle) scale. The objective of the present study is to investigate the aeroacoustics of larger size UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) scale cycloidal rotors through a well-balanced experimental and computational approach. To predict the noise of the cycloidal rotor, an aeroacoustic framework is developed which consists of an aeroelastic model of the cycloidal rotor coupled to an acoustic solver. The aeroelastic framework of cycloidal rotor is developed by coupling a high fidelity unsteady aerodynamic model with a fully nonlinear geometrically exact beam model. The aerodynamic loads predicted by the aeroelastic model of cycloidal rotor are utilized by the acoustic solver to generate loading noise. The harmonic noise is predicted using Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings solver tailored to the kinematics of the cycloidal rotor. The aerodynamic and acoustic performance of cycloidal rotor predicted by the developed model is validated with results obtained from in-house experiments. For this purpose, systematic experiments were conducted to measure thrust, power and sound pressure level of a UAV scale cycloidal rotor while varying different rotor design parameters. The aeroacoustic framework is then utilized to understand the acoustic benefits of the cycloidal rotor. The aerodynamically generated noise of the cycloidal rotor is concentrated in the blade passing frequency, with little noise generated at higher harmonics. Due to the low operating rpm of the cycloidal rotor, this will lead to considerable decrease in A-weighted noise levels. The model developed in this paper can be utilized for design and optimization of quiet and efficient next generation cycloidal rotors.
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In this paper, detailed development of a nonlinear aeroelastic model of a cycloidal rotor in forward flight is presented. Towards this, effect of forward flight on several aerodynamic phenomena such as virtual camber, inflow characteristics as well as effects of several unsteady phenomena such as leading-edge vortices, near and shed wakes are rigorously modeled. It is shown that forward flight velocity changes curvilinear geometry of flow associated with cycloidal rotor, which changes chord-wise variation of incident flow velocity angle on the blade and hence the dynamic virtual camber and incidence. The magnitude and direction of forward velocity along with phasing of cyclic blade pitch is shown to determine induced flow velocity magnitude and direction. The aerodynamic model is validated with in-house experimental data and CFD results. Once validated, the aerodynamic model is coupled with a geometrically exact beam-based blade structural model to develop a fully nonlinear aeroelastic model. Based on a systematic analysis performed using the validated model, it was observed that the dynamic nature of virtual camber and incidence plays an important role in production of net vertical and propulsive force by a cycloidal rotor in forward flight. It is important for a cycloidal rotor to have a backwards rotation with respect to forward speed (blade moving away from the flow in the upper half) for generating an upward vertical force; whereas, the propulsive force is insensitive to the direction of rotation. The vertical force increases with increase in advance ratio, while net propulsive force decreases.
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In this paper, detailed development of a nonlinear aeroelastic coupled trim model of a twin-cyclocopter in forward flight is presented. Twin-cyclocopter consists of two cycloidal rotors as main thrusters and a conventional nose rotor for pitch-torque balance. It is shown that five control inputs (mean and differential rpm, mean and differential phase offset of cyclorotors, rpm of nose rotor) are needed to balance three moments and two forces on cyclocopter in forward flight while forces along lateral direction remain balanced at all stages. In this coupled trim procedure, blade aeroelastic response equations and vehicle trim equations are solved together by simultaneously updating control inputs and blade response. To obtain the blade response and forces for a given set of control inputs, an aeroelastic model of cyclorotor and an aerodynamic model of the conventional nose rotor in forward flight is developed. The nonlinear aeroelastic model of the cyclorotor is developed by coupling unsteady aerodynamic model of cyclorotor in forward flight with a geometrically exact beam based structural framework capable of predicting large bending and torsional deflections of rotor blade. Towards this, complex aerodynamics of the cyclorotor is thoroughly investigated and various underlying phenomena, such as dynamic virtual camber, effects of near and shed wake and leading-edge vortices are rigorously modeled. A modified Double Multiple Streamtube (D-MS) model is implemented to capture the complex dynamic inflow characteristics of cyclorotor in forward flight. The present model is validated with previously published in-house experimental data on the performance of a trimmed cyclorotor at different forward speeds.
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In this paper, a lower-order unsteady hydrodynamic model of a cycloidal propeller along with in-house experiments to validate the model is presented. Towards this, the hydrodynamics of a cycloidal propeller is investigated thoroughly and various underlying physical phenomena such as dynamic virtual camber, effects of near and shed wake, leading edge vortices are rigorously modeled. It is shown that the chord-wise variation of incidence velocity angle on cycloidal propeller blade is manifested as dynamic virtual camber, which depends on curvilinear flow geometry, pitch angle, pitch rate and also inflow distribution. By including all these effects together, a generalized expression of additional lift due to virtual camber effect is developed. To capture the effects of near wake, a nonlinear lifting line model is incorporated. Rapid pitching of rotor blades produces unsteady phenomena such as strong leading edge vortices and shed wakes. Polhamus leading edge suction analogy is applied to model leading edge vortex. To capture effects of shed wake, a method based on Theodorsen's approach has been developed. A modified Double Multiple Streamtube (D-MS) model is used for modeling the complex inflow characteristics of a cycloidal propeller. The present hydrodynamic model is validated with measured time-history of forces obtained from in-house experiments at low Reynolds numbers.
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In this paper, detailed development of a nonlinear aeroelastic coupled trim model of a twin-cyclocopter, consisting of two cycloidal rotors (also known as cyclorotors) as main rotors and a conventional horizontal tail-rotor for anti-pitch torque and control, is presented. Coupled trim analysis requires simultaneous computation of trim controls, vehicle orientation and blade structural responses so that both blade response equations and vehicle trim equations are satisfied. To obtain the blade structural response and the hub loads in the vehicle frame for the cyclorotors, a nonlinear aeroelastic model of cyclorotor is developed. For this purpose, a high-fidelity unsteady aerodynamic analysis of a cyclorotor is developed, which includes rigorous modeling of effects such as dynamic virtual camber, effects of near and shed wake, and leading edge vortices. To include effect of blade deformations on cyclorotor performance, a structural framework consisting of fully nonlinear geometrically exact beam model and an FEM based solver is developed. An aeroelastic framework of cyclorotor is developed by coupling the aerodynamic and structural models and the coupled aeroelastic model is validated with in-house experiments with flexible cyclorotors. To obtain the performance of the conventional horizontal tail rotor a modified BEMT based model with CFD-based airfoil lookup tables is developed and validated with test data. Once the complete aeroelastic framework of cyclocopter is developed, coupled trim analysis is performed by simultaneously solving blade response equations and vehicle trim equations until trim controls, blade response, inflow and circulation converge all together. Variation of control inputs required for hover trim is investigated with change in gross-weight and longitudinal center of gravity location of the vehicle.
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Performance and flowfield measurements were conducted on a small-scale cyclorotor for application to a micro air vehicle. Detailed parametric studies were conducted to determine the effects of the number of blades, rotational speed, and blade pitching amplitude. The results showed that power loading and rotor efficiency increased when using more blades; this observation was found over a wide range of blade pitching amplitudes. The results also showed that operating the cyclorotor at higher pitching amplitudes resulted in improved performance, independently of the number of blades. A momentum balance performed using the flowfield measurements helped to quantify the vertical and sideward forces produced by the cyclorotor; these results correlated well with the force measurements made using load balance. Increasing the number of blades increased the inclination of the resultant thrust vector with respect to the vertical because of the increasing contribution of the sideward force. The profile drag coefficient of the blade sections computed using a momentum deficit approach correlated well with typical values at these low chord Reynolds numbers. Particle image velocimetry measurements made inside the cage of the cyclorotor showed that there are rotational flows that, when combined with the influence of the upper wake on the lower half of the rotor, explain the relatively low efficiency of the cyclorotor.
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The status in the development of the new class of micro air vehicles (MAVs) and some emerging trends in the technology that can lead to more efficient small-scale flying machines, are discussed. These vehicles have been defined to have no length dimension greater than 6 in. with gross takeoff weights of approximately 200g or less. The new capabilities projected for the next generation of MAV designs include silent flight as fuel cells and battery technology supplant internal combustion engines, 60% gains in endurance caused by increasingly efficient turbine engines, and self-repairing, damage compensating, more survivable. The emerging technology is the combination of multifunctional structures and propulsion technology.
After reporting observations on the flight of gulls which indicated that the wing top moves with a cycloidal motion, the author proceeds to an analysis of this type of motion as it might be applied to the propulsion of aircraft. Various aspects of cycloidal propellers, including their efficiency, are discussed, and their application to heavier-than-air and lighter-than-air craft is urged. The advantages of this method of propulsion are discussed. Tests of model and full-size propellers are referred to, but are not included in the paper.
This paper describes the systematic measurements conducted to understand MAV-scale cycloidal rotor (cyclorotor) performance in forward flight. Experimental parametric studies were carried out in an open-jet wind tunnel using a custom built 3-component balance to determine the dependence of rotor performance on the amplitude of blade pitching and its phasing with respect to the wind direction, at different advance ratios. The effect of advance ratio was also studied for different blade kinematics. The effects of blade pitch amplitude and phasing were found to be strongly coupled and their impact on lift, thrust and power were found to vary for different advance ratios. At high forward speeds, the pitching amplitude was found to primarily impact rotor power and thrust whereas the phasing of pitch impacted the net lift. Rotor performance in trimmed flight conditions where the rotor was in level, steady flight was studied. The power requirements, lift-to-drag ratio and control parameters were determined for varying values of lift and rotational speeds corresponding to the trimmed flight conditions. The lift producing efficiency (lift per unit power) of the cyclorotor was found to increase with increasing advance ratio (up to μ = 0.77). The thrust producing efficiency (thrust per unit power) was found to remain relatively constant with increasing advance ratio (up to μ = 0.77). For a constant lift and rotational speed, the power requirements decreased with increasing forward speed. For higher values of lift, the power required to maintain trimmed conditions was higher at low speeds. However, the relative differences in power for different values of lift decreased with increasing forwards speeds. For a constant rotational speed of 1740 rpm and lift of 2.82 N, the minimum power occurred at 13 m/s (μ = 0.94); the rotor power at 13 m/s was 36% lower than for hover and the lift-to-drag ratio was 1.73. Finally, decreasing the rotational speed (for a constant lift) led to significant decreases in power requirements. At higher flight speeds, the power requirements for the lower rotational speed increased faster than those of higher rotational speeds. ©2012 by the authors. Published by the AHS International with permission. All rights reserved.
This paper describes the systematic performance measurements conducted to understand the role of rotor geometry and blade pitching kinematics on the performance of a microscale cycloidal rotor. Key geometric parameters that were investigated include rotor radius, blade span, chord, and blade planform. Because of the flow curvature effects, the cycloidal-rotor performance was a strong function of the chord/radius ratio. The optimum chord/radius ratios were extremely high, around 0.5-0.8, depending on the blade pitching amplitude. Cycloidal rotors with shorter blade spans had higher power loading (thrust/power), especially at lower pitching amplitudes. Increasing the solidity of the rotor by increasing the blade chord, while keeping the number of blades constant, produced large improvements in power loading. Blade planform shape did not have a significant impact, even though trapezoidal blades with a moderate taper ratio were slightly better than rectangular blades. On the blade kinematics side, higher blade pitching amplitudes were found to improve the power loading of the cycloidal rotor. Asymmetric pitching with a higher pitch angle at the top than at the bottom produced better power loading. The chordwise optimum pitching axis location was observed to be around 25-35% of the blade chord. The power loading of the optimized cycloidal rotor was higher than that of a conventional microrotor.
Conference Paper
This paper describes the systematic experimental and computational (2-D CFD) studies performed to obtain a fundamental understanding of the physics behind the lift and thrust production of a cycloidal rotor (cyclorotor) in forward flight for a unique blade pitching kinematics. The flow curvature effect (virtual camber and incidence due to the curvilinear flow) was identified to be the key factor affecting the lift, thrust and power of the cyclorotor in forward flight. The experimental study involved systematic testing of an MAV-scale cyclorotor in an open-jet wind tunnel using a custom built three-component balance by varying rotor chord/radius ratio and blade pitching axis location, since these two parameters have a strong impact on flow curvature effects. Because of the virtual camber/incidence effects and the differences in the aerodynamic velocities around the azimuth, the blades produce a small downward lift when they operate in the upper half of circular trajectory and a large upward lift in the lower half producing a net lift in the upward direction. The magnitude of this lift depends on the chord/radius ratio and the blade pitching axis location and the direction of lift depends on the sense of rotation. The positive thrust on the cyclorotor is produced when the blades operate in the rear half of the rotor, while they produce a small negative thrust as they operate in the frontal half. The lift per unit power of the rotor is increased with chord/radius ratio until a c=R of 0.67. Moving the pitching axis location closer to the leading edge also increased the lift producing efficiency of the cyclorotor. It was observed that the optimum chord/radius ratio for maximum thrust per unit power decreased with forward speed. A key conclusion was that the lift producing efficiency (lift per unit power) of the rotor (for a constant thrust) increased with forward speed while the thrust producing efficiency (for a constant lift) decreased with forward speed. This study also disproves the conventional argument that a cyclorotor needs two completely different pitching schedules for efficient hover and forward flight because it is clearly shown that a simple phase shifting of the hover kinematics could result in an efficient forward flight kinematics provided the cyclorotor has a high chord/radius ratio.
This paper describes the aeroelastic model to predict the blade loads and the average thrust of a micro-air-vehicle-scale cycloidal rotor. The analysis was performed using two approaches: one using a second-order nonlinear beam finite element method analysis for moderately flexible blades and a second using a multibody-based large-deformation analysis (especially applicable for extremely flexible blades) incorporating a geometrically exact beam model. An unsteady aerodynamic model is included in the analysis with two different inflow models: single streamtube and double-multiple streamtube inflow models. For the cycloidal rotors using moderately flexible blades, the aeroelastic analysis was able to predict the average thrust with sufficient accuracy over a wide range of rotational speeds, pitching amplitudes, and number of blades. However, for the extremely flexible blades, the thrust was underpredicted at higher rotational speeds, and this may be because of the overprediction of blade deformations. The analysis clearly showed that the reason for the reduction in the thrust-producing capability of the cycloidal rotor with blade flexibility may be attributed to the large nosedown elastic twisting of the blades in the upper half cylindrical section, which is not compensated by a noseup pitching in the lower half-section. The inclusion of the actual blade pitch kinematics, unsteady aerodynamics, and flow curvature effects was found crucial in the accurate lateral force prediction.
A cyclocopter propelled by a cycloidal blade system is a new concept of vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. The cycloidal blade system, which can he described as a horizontal rotary wing, offers powerful thrust levels and a unique ability to change the direction of the thrust almost instantly. This paper investigates the development of the cyclocopter with four rotors, file aircraft was designed through computational fluid dynamics and finite element structural analyses. Elliptic blades and a swash plate were applied to the rotor system to improve the rotor performance and control mechanism. Efficient dc brushless motors and lithium-polymer batteries were used for power transmissions. Almost all parts of the rotor blades and fuselage were manufactured out of composite material. Thrust and required power were measured experimentally on the test bed. The experimental result shows that the cyclocopter on produce sufficient thrust for both hovering and low-speed forward flight.
The cycloidal-rotor (cyclorotor) is a revolutionary flying concept which has not been systematically studied in the past. Therefore, in the current research, the viability of the cyclorotor concept for powering a hover-capable micro-air-vehicle (MAV) was examined through both experiments and analysis. Experimental study included both performance and flow field measurements on a cyclorotor of span and diameter equal to 6 inches. The analysis developed was an unsteady large deformation aeroelastic analysis to predict the blade loads and average aerodynamic performance of the cyclorotor. The flightworthiness of the cyclorotor concept was also demonstrated through two cyclocopters capable of tethered hover. Systematic performance measurements have been conducted to understand the effect of the rotational speed, blade airfoil profile, blade flexibility, blade pitching amplitude (symmetric and asymmetric blade pitching), pitching axis location, number of blades with constant chord (varying solidity), and number of blades at same rotor solidity (varying blade chord) on the aerodynamic performance of the cyclorotor. Force measurements showed the presence of a significant sideward force on the cyclorotor (along with the vertical force), analogous to that found on a spinning circular cylinder. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements made in the wake of the cyclorotor provided evidence of a significant wake skewness, which was produced by the sideward force. PIV measurements also captured the blade tip vortices and a large region of rotational flow inside the rotor. The thrust produced by the cyclorotor was found to increase until a blade pitch amplitude of 45° was reached without showing any signs of blade stall. This behavior was also explained using the PIV measurements, which indicated evidence of a stall delay as well as possible increase in lift on the blades from the presence of a leading edge vortex. Higher blade pitch amplitudes also improved the power loading (thrust/power) of the cyclorotor. When compared to the flat-plate blades, the NACA 0010 blades produced the highest values of thrust at all blade pitching amplitudes. The NACA blades also produced higher power loading than the flat plate blades. However, the reverse NACA 0010 blades produced better power loadings at lower pitching amplitudes, even though at high pitch amplitudes, regular NACA blades performed better. Among the three NACA sections (NACA 0006, NACA 0010 and NACA 0015) tested on the cyclorotor, NACA 0015 had the highest power loading followed by NACA 0010 and then NACA 0006. The power loading also increased when using more blades with constant chord (increasing solidity); this observation was found over a wide range of blade pitching amplitudes. Asymmetric pitching with higher pitch angle at the top of the blade trajectory than at the bottom produced better power loading. The chordwise op timum pitching axis location was approximately 25--35% of the blade chord. For a constant solidity, the rotor with fewer number of blades produced higher thrust and the 2-bladed rotor had the best power loading. Any significant bending and torsional flexibility of the blades had a deleterious effect on performance. The optimized cyclorotor had slightly higher power loading when compared to a conventional micro-rotor when operated at the same disk loading. The optimum configuration based on all the tests was a 4-bladed rotor using 1.3 inch chord NACA 0015 blade section with an asymmetric pitching of 45° at top and 25° at bottom with the pitching axis at 25% chord. The aeroelastic analysis was performed using two approaches, one using a second-order non-linear beam FEM analysis for moderately flexible blades and second using a multibody based large-deformation analysis (especially applicable for extremely flexible blades) incorporating a geometrically exact beam model. An unsteady aerodynamic model is included in the analysis with two different inflow models, single streamtube and a double-multiple streamtube inflow model. For the cycloidal rotors using moderately flexible blades, the aeroelastic analysis was able to predict the average thrust with sufficient accuracy over a wide range of rotational speeds, pitching amplitudes and number of blades. However, for the extremely flexible blades, the thrust was underpredicted at higher rotational speeds and this may be because of the overprediction of blade deformations. The inclusion of the actual blade pitch kinematics and unsteady aerodynamics was found crucial in the accurate sideward force prediction.