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Kinetics of optically pumped Ar metastables

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Optics Letters
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Abstract and Figures

Optically pumped lasers that use metastable excited states of Ar have been demonstrated using both pulsed and CW excitation. In terms of Paschen labeling of the states of Ar, the laser system uses excitation of the 2 p 9 - 1 s 5 transition, and lases on the 2 p 10 - 1 s 5 line. Collisional transfer of population from 2 p 9 to 2 p 10 is achieved using He as the buffer gas. For the purpose of modeling and developing this laser, rate constants for state-to-state transfer in Ar ( 2 p i ) + Ar / He mixtures are needed. As the 2 p 10 level can radiate down to 1 s 4 , this lower level also plays a significant role in the laser kinetics. Consequently, rate constants for the relaxation of 1 s 4 by Ar and He are also required. In the present study we have used pulsed laser excitation techniques to measure rate constants of relevance to the optically pumped metastable Ar laser.
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Kinetics of optically pumped Ar metastables
Jiande Han and Michael C. Heaven*
Department of Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, USA
*Corresponding author:
Received September 26, 2014; accepted October 13, 2014;
posted October 16, 2014 (Doc. ID 223910); published November 14, 2014
Optically pumped lasers that use metastable excited states of Ar have been demonstrated using both pulsed and CW
excitation. In terms of Paschen labeling of the states of Ar, the laser system uses excitation of the 2p9-1s5transition,
and lases on the 2p10-1s5line. Collisional transfer of population from 2p9to 2p10 is achieved using He as the buffer
gas. For the purpose of modeling and developing this laser, rate constants for state-to-state transfer in Ar2pi
ArHe mixtures are needed. As the 2p10 level can radiate down to 1s4, this lower level also plays a significant role
in the laser kinetics. Consequently, rate constants for the relaxation of 1s4by Ar and He are also required. In the
present study we have used pulsed laser excitation techniques to measure rate constants of relevance to the optically
pumped metastable Ar laser. © 2014 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (140.1340) Atomic gas lasers; (140.3380) Laser materials; (140.3460) Lasers; (140.3480) Lasers,
Diode-pumped alkali vapor lasers (DPALs) have been ac-
tively developed over the past decade [1,2]. These devi-
ces have yielded powers up to 1 kW [3] and have the
potential to provide far higher powers with excellent
beam quality. There are, however, some technical chal-
lenges for DPALs that are associated with the chemically
aggressive nature of alkali metal vapors [4,5].
It has been recognized that rare gas atoms, promoted
to metastable electronically excited states (Rg), have
spectroscopic properties that closely resemble those of
the alkali metals [6]. The metastables are generated by
promoting one of the np6valence electrons to produce
the np5n1sconfiguration. The spin triplet from this
configuration has well-known metastable components
[7]. Excitation of the n1selectron to the n1p
manifold can then be used to drive an optically pumped
laser. The energy transfer step needed to create a popu-
lation inversion can be accomplished using He as the col-
lision partner. Pulsed lasers of this kind have been
demonstrated using Ne,Ar
, and Xe[8,9], and
CW operation has been achieved for Ar[10]. The advan-
tage of this approach is that the lasing medium is chemi-
cally inert.
Figure 1shows the energy levels that are used for the
optically pumped Rglasers. The levels are labeled using
both Racah and Paschen notation. For convenience, we
use the latter in the following text. The system is excited
via the 2p9-1s5transition and lases on the 2p10-1s5line.
Note, however, that there is radiative branching to the
1s4level (20% of the spontaneous decay). In order to
adequately understand these lasers, the rate constants
for collisional energy transfer of population between
the 2pilevels and the rate constants for 1s4-1s5transfer
need to be determined.
To date, the ArHe laser system has been examined
in the most detail [811], and the focus of the present
study is on the ArAr and ArHe energy transfer
rate constants. The Ar2piAr kinetics have been ex-
amined at low pressures (<8Torr) in two previous stud-
ies [12,13], and the Ar1s4Ar relaxation rate constant
has also been determined [14]. Surprisingly, we were un-
able to find published reports for Ar2piHe and
Ar1s4He kinetics, but a value of 2.10.2×
1015 cm3s1was reported for Ar1s5He Ar1s4
He endothermic transfer [15].
Rawlins et al. recently reported a CW optically pumped
Arlaser [10]. In this device, a microplasma array was
used to generate Armetastables in the presence of
He at a pressure of 1 atm. An optical-to-optical power
conversion efficiency of 55% was achieved. Modeling
of this laser, using the room temperature rate constants
reported here, indicated that the ArHe 1s4-1s5rate
constant was too small to be consistent with the laser
performance. For the laser system, lineshape data
yielded a local temperature of 600 K within the discharge.
Consequently, Rawlins et al. [10] suggested that the tem-
perature dependence of the 1s4relaxation rate constant
may account for the discrepancy between the observa-
tions and the model.
Here, we report room temperature measurements of
the Ar2piHeAr and Ar1s4HeAr rate constants,
and preliminary data for the temperature dependence of
the Ar1s4He rate constant.
Metastable Ar1s5atoms were generated by a pulsed
electrical discharge, and the 2p8,2p9,or2p10 states were
populated by pulsed laser excitation of the 2pi1s5tran-
sitions. Parallel plate electrodes were used to generate a
glow discharge in pure Ar and Ar/He mixtures. The elec-
trodes were square 2.5×2.5cm stainless steel plates sep-
arated by 0.5 cm. One plate was held at ground while a
Fig. 1. Partial energy level diagram for Ar.
November 15, 2014 / Vol. 39, No. 22 / OPTICS LETTERS 6541
0146-9592/14/226541-04$15.00/0 © 2014 Optical Society of America
... Time-and wavelength-resolved fluorescence detection was used to follow the energy transfer and radiative decay kinetics. The apparatus has been described previously [14]. The measurements were conducted in a cylindrical glass cell (5 cm diameter, 15 cm long) that was equipped with parallel plate stainless steel electrodes. ...
... Fluorescence was observed along an axis that was perpendicular to the excitation laser beam, dispersed by a 0.2-m monochromator and detected by a photomultiplier tube (Hamamatsu R1767). The pulsed lasers used for these measurements all exhibited pulse durations that were close to 10 ns (FWHM), and the characteristic response time of the fluorescence detection system was 6.7 ns [14]. Decay rates were derived from time-resolved fluorescence data by means of kinetic modeling. ...
... The interval between the laser pulses was controlled by a precision delay generator (Quantum Composers model 9614). As the temperature dependence of this particular transition is of interest [14], a few measurements were made with the cell heated to a temperature of 393 K. ...
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Optically-pumped atomic gas lasers that utilize metastable excited states of rare gas atoms ( Rg * ) have been demonstrated using both pulsed and CW pump sources. These devices resemble diode-pumped alkali vapor lasers, but have the advantage of using a chemically inert lasing medium. Collisional energy transfer is needed to sustain a population inversion, and He is used as the transfer agent. Consequently, values for the Kr * + He state-to-state energy transfer rate constants are needed for the analysis and prediction of laser performance characteristics. In the present study, we report He energy transfer rate constants for Kr * in the 5 p [ 5 / 2 ] 2 , 5 p [ 5 / 2 ] 3 , 5 p [ 1 / 2 ] 1 , and 5 s [ 3 / 2 ] 1 states.
... Helium at an atmospheric pressure provides fast collisional energy transfer between the pump and the upper laser levels, but, unlike other heavier rare gases, [6][7][8] it does not induce intermultiplet 2p ! 1s transitions 8,9 that decrease laser efficiency. ...
... Calculated discharge energy load (9) was $55 lJ, close to the estimated in Ref. 5, from that amount about $18 lJ was released in the cathode sheath. Mean specific heat release (8) for these conditions was $38 W cm À3 , while additional $3 W cm À3 radiated through spontaneous emission. ...
An atmospheric pressure nanosecond (few tens of ns) repetitively pulsed discharge (NRPD) in a mixture of helium with a small fraction of a heavier rare gas Rg allows producing a large number density of metastable atoms Rg(1s5), required, for example, for optically pumped rare gas lasers. At the repetition rate of hundreds of kilohertz, the memory effect in this type of discharge becomes important because the initial conditions for the discharge pulse are determined by the afterglow kinetics from the previous pulse. In addition, the overall plasma kinetics is strongly dependent on the dynamics of the cathode sheath formation. Therefore, the characterization of an NRPD requires simulation of the discharge plasma together with its decay during the afterglow across the entire discharge gap. In this work, a periodic numerical solution for the NRPD in the 1% Ar in the He mixture at near atmospheric pressure was found within the frame of extended drift-diffusion approximation. Spatial and temporal distributions of discharge parameters were calculated and conditions for production of Ar(1s5) with the number density ∼1013 cm−3 determined. The influence of atmospheric impurities on the Ar(1s5) yield and the specific heat release was assessed. Results of modeling were compared with available experimental results. The sensitivity analysis of the model to the choice of kinetic constants is presented, and the applicability of drift-diffusion approximation is justified.
... Till now, most research on DPRGLs has been carried out using Ar* as the gain medium [15][16][17][18] and a few on the Xe* laser [5,19,20] . The only research for the Kr* laser was on concept verification and kinetics investigation [1,21] , and no study using high-power diode pumping was reported. As compared with Ar*, the Kr* has some noteworthy characteristics. ...
... The energy gap between the 2p8 and 2p9 levels is only 13 cm -1 . A kinetics study in Kr showed that the populations of 2p8 and 2p9 were in Boltzmann thermal equilibrium due to the fast collisional mixing rate at atmospheric helium [21] . So a considerable amount of the population was transferred to the 2p8 state (~70% relative to 2p9), which supported the lasing due to population inversion between 2p8 and 1s4. ...
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Diode-pumped rare gas lasers are potential candidates for high-energy and high-beam quality laser systems. Currently, most investigations are focused on metastable Ar lasers. The Kr system has the unique advantages of higher quantum efficiency and lower discharge requirements for comparison. In this paper, a diode-pumped metastable Kr laser was demonstrated for the first time. Using a repetitively pulsed discharge at a Kr/He pressure of up to approximately 1500 Torr, metastable Kr atoms of more than 10 ¹³ cm –3 were generated. Under diode pumping, the laser realized a dual-wavelength output with an average output power of approximately 100 mW and an optical conversion efficiency of approximately 10% with respect to the absorbed pump power. A kinetics study involving population distribution and evolution was conducted to analyze the laser performance.
... Owing to the intricate energy level configuration of Ar and the complex laser generation process of DPRGL, researchers have extensively conducted studies and made various assumptions regarding the kinetic models of DPRGL [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. In 2015, Yang et al. [4] proposed a DPRGL model based on multi-rate equations, studied the impact of various key parameters on the DPRGL system, and simulated a laser with 50-60 % optical conversion efficiency. ...
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Diode-pumped rare gas lasers (DPRGLs) have the potential for high optical conversion efficiency and excellent beam quality, positioning them as promising candidates for directed energy lasers. This study proposes a semi-analytical model for a flowing gas diode-pumped rare gas laser considering the influence of temperature elevation resulting from increased pump power on the output. Furthermore, we explore the relationship between laser output power density and gas temperature with respect to gas flow velocity. The results of numerical simulation agree well with those of Rawlins et al.’s experiment. The model addresses the existing gap in DPRGL dynamic models by incorporating temperature considerations, emphasizing the crucial role of a gas flow device in achieving high-energy laser. With the best set of parameters, the output power of DPRGL reaches 100 kW/cm2, at pumping power density of 300 kW/cm2 and gas flow velocity of 140 m/s. Parameter optimization is helpful for design of a relatively high-power DPRGL system.
... During the collision process of electrons, influenced by factors such as collision angle and electron velocity, both electron impact ionization and electron impact excitation transpire simultaneously. In OPRGL, He atoms play a crucial role in expediting relaxation between the energy levels of Ar atoms [49,50]. When certain Ar atoms are populated on the excited states by multiphoton excitation and electron impact excitation, the result is the rapid generation of Ar atomic emission spectra after the radiation process. ...
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Preparation of metastable atoms (1s5) through laser-induced preionization holds the potential to mitigate the electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues associated with the large volume, atmospheric pressure discharge of traditional optically pumped rare-gas metastable laser (OPRGL). In this work, we conducted experimental investigations into the temporal evolution of the Ar 763.5 nm (2p6→1s5) spectral line in Ar-He mixture. These experiments unveiled the intricate interaction mechanism involving the laser, Ar atoms, He atoms, and free electrons within the laser-induced plasma. Our findings highlight the dual contributions of the multiphoton ionization and the inverse bremsstrahlung process to the initial plasma formation. Notably, the time-resolved atomic emission spectrum at 763.5 nm reveals two distinct regimes, namely Regime1 and Regime2. Regime1 primarily arises from the “excitation + radiation + collisional relaxation” process, wherein excited states Ar atoms, populated via multiphoton excitation and electron impact excitation, accumulate on the 2p6 level. Conversely, Regime2 is predominantly a result of the “ion-electron recombination” process. In this regime, highly excited states Ar atoms are generated through the recombination of ion and electron, subsequently populating the 2p6 level through a combination of radiation and collisional relaxation channels. The differences in the temporal evolution between 763.5 nm and 811.5 nm spectral lines can be attributed to the distinct radiation and collisional relaxation channels in the two aforementioned processes.
... However, since He gas may leak through the wall of a glass vessel, pure Kr can be selected as the discharging gas for sealed glass lamps. Previous studies have obtained the VUV emission rates and the Kr-He plasma involved chemical rate constants via experimental measurements [24,44,45]. The chemistry process of Kr-He plasma was simulated based on the available kinetic parameters. ...
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The vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light source derived from the Kr-He discharge is widely used for organic analysis, however the relevant model that greatly facilitates the design of high-performance VUV light sources remains to be developed. This study explores a model for simulating the light intensity of the VUV lamps based on the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) discharge in the low-pressure Kr-He mixture. Two typical ICP based light sources, i.e., a 13.56 MHz VUV lamp with an external coil and a 2.65 MHz VUV lamp with an internal coil, were successfully simulated with the COMSOL Multiphysics software coupled with a fluid model. The rate coefficients of the main reactions involved in the production of VUV radiations from Kr-He plasma were summarized and input in the model. The concentrations of Kr*(³P1) and Kr*(¹P1), which are main VUV-generation species, were set as output to evaluate the overall light intensity of the VUV lamp. As a result, the optimal designing parameters (the length and density of the coil and the radius of the lamp) as well as operating parameters (the input power, the pressure inside the lamp, and the mixing ratio of Kr to He) were obtained for the maximum light intensity. The reliability of the model was further verified by comparing the measured photon flux with the simulated concentrations of Kr*(³P1) and Kr*(¹P1) as functions of the pressure and mixing ratio of Kr-He mixture, which showed good agreements in variation tends. The model provides a great convenience for the development of ICP based VUV lamp with high light intensity and stability.
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Pulsed lasing from optically pumped rare gas metastable atoms (Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe) has been demonstrated previously. The laser relies on a three-level scheme, which involves the ( n + 1 ) p [ 5 / 2 ] 3 and ( n + 1 ) p [ 1 / 2 ] 1 states from the n p 5 ( n + 1 ) p electronic configuration and the metastable ( n + 1 ) s [ 3 / 2 ] 2 level of the n p 5 ( n + 1 ) s configuration (Racah notation). Population inversions were achieved using relaxation from ( ( n + 1 ) p [ 5 / 2 ] 3 to ( n + 1 ) p [ 1 / 2 ] 1 induced by collisions with helium or argon at pressures near 1 atm. Pulsed lasing was easily achieved using the high instantaneous pump intensities provided by a pulsed optical parametric oscillator excitation laser. In the present study we examine the potential for the development of a continuous wave (CW) optically pumped Ar laser. We report lasing of the 4 p [ 1 / 2 ] 1 → 4 s [ 3 / 2 ] 2 (912.547 nm) transition following CW diode laser excitation of the 4 p [ 5 / 2 ] 3 ← 4 s [ 3 / 2 ] 2 line (811.754 nm). A pulsed discharge was used to generate Ar 4 s [ 3 / 2 ] 2 , and the time-resolved lasing kinetics provide insights concerning the radiative and collisional relaxation processes.
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An analytical model of a cw diode pumped laser that uses metastable rare gas atoms as the lasing species is developed, providing a method for quick assessment of a rare gas laser performance. Ar mixtures with He are analysed as examples of active media. Ar metastables are supposed to be produced in a glow discharge. Laser efficiency, gain and output power of this novel system are assessed as functions of Ar content, pressure, pump intensity and the system size along the direction of pumping radiation. Efficiency of metastables' excitation in a glow discharge is estimated solving Boltzmann equation. It was found that for efficient operation at 300 K optimal Ar content is of the order of 1% and the pressure is near atmospheric. Output power and specific discharge power increase with pump intensity essentially linearly, starting from 300 W cm−2. With pump intensity of 840 W cm−2 optical and total efficiency reach ~60%, specific output power—500 W cm−3. At the same time, the discharge power density required to sustain sufficient metastables' number density amounts to 18 W cm−3 only.
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End-pumped alkali vapor lasers excited on their D 2 transition and lased on their D 1 transition offer a pathway to high average power that potentially competes with diode-pumped solid-state lasers in many applications that require cw or quasi-cw laser operation. We report on the first experimental demonstration of an end-pumped Cs laser using a Ti:sapphire laser for pump excitation. Detailed experimental and model results are presented that indicate our understanding of the underlying physics involved in such systems is complete. Using an extrapolation of our developed model, a discussion is given on power scaling diode-pumped alkali lasers, indicating a potential efficiency advantage over power-scaled diode-pumped solid-state lasers.
In recent studies, an optically pumped Ar*/He laser has been demonstrated using the Ar 4p[1/2]1→4s[3/2]2 transition at 912.55 nm. Time-resolved data for this system, recorded using CW laser excitation and pulsed discharge production of Ar* 4p[3/2]2, yielded laser output pulses that were of unexpectedly short duration. It was speculated that radiative relaxation from the upper laser level to the 4s[3/2]1 state (607 cm-1 above 4s[3/2]2) caused termination of the laser pulse. In the present study this hypothesis has been tested by observing the energy transfer kinetics of the 4s[3/2]2 and 4s[3/2]1 states in Ar/He gas mixtures. Following pulsed laser excitation out of 4s[3/2]2, population recovery was observed on a μs time scale. Energy transfer from 4s[3/2]1 to 4s[3/2]2, induced by collisions with He, was characterized. The rate constant was found to be (1.0±0.5)x10-13 cm3 s-1. These observations confirmed that radiative transfer to 4s[3/2]1 was responsible for the short duration laser pulses. Modeling of a fully CW optically pumped Ar* laser shows that radiative transfer to 4s[3/2]1 reduces the number density of the Ar* atoms involved in lasing, but is otherwise benign.
The optically pumped rare-gas metastable laser is a chemically inert analogue to diode-pumped alkali (DPAL) and alkali-exciplex (XPAL) laser systems. Scaling of these devices requires efficient generation of electronically excited metastable atoms in a continuous-wave electric discharge in flowing gas mixtures at atmospheric pressure. This paper describes initial investigations of the use of linear microwave micro-discharge arrays to generate metastable rare-gas atoms at atmospheric pressure in optical pump-and-probe experiments for laser development. Power requirements to ignite and sustain the plasma at 1 atm are low, <30 W. We report on the laser excitation dynamics of argon metastables, Ar (4s, 1s5) (Paschen notation), generated in flowing mixtures of Ar and He at 1 atm. Tunable diode laser absorption measurements indicate Ar(1s5) concentrations near 3 × 1012 cm-3 at 1 atm. The metastables are optically pumped by absorption of a focused beam from a continuous-wave Ti:S laser, and spectrally selected fluorescence is observed with an InGaAs camera and an InGaAs array spectrometer. We observe the optical excitation of the 1s5-->2p9 transition at 811.5 nm and the corresponding laser-induced fluorescence on the 2p10-->1s5 transition at 912.3 nm; the 2p10 state is efficiently populated by collisional energy transfer from 2p9. Using tunable diode laser absorption/gain spectroscopy, we observe small-signal gains of ~1 cm-1 over a 1.9 cm path. We also observe stable, continuous-wave laser oscillation at 912.3 nm, with preliminary optical efficiency ~55%. These results are consistent with efficient collisional coupling within the Ar(4s) manifold.
In this review we present an analysis of optically pumped alkali laser research and development from the first proposal in 1958 by Schawlow and Townes to the current state. In spite of the long history, real interest in alkali vapor lasers has appeared in the past decade, after the demonstration of really efficient lasing in Rb and Cs vapors in 2003 and the first successful power scaling experiments. This interest was stimulated by the possibility of using efficient diode lasers for optical pumping of the alkali lasers and by the fact that these lasers can produce a high quality and high power output beam from a single aperture. We present a review of the most important achievements in high power alkali laser research and development, discuss some problems existing in this field, and provide future perspectives in diode pumped alkali laser development.
Lifetimes and bimolecular quenching rate constants have been determined for two‐photon laser excited states of Xe∗(5p56p,5p56p′,5p57p) and Kr∗(4p55p) in krypton and xenon buffer gases. Collisional mixing between Kr∗5p[5/2]2 and Kr∗5p[5/2]3 in krypton is observed and analyzed using a coupled two‐state model to obtain the rate of mixing. The measured rate constants for quenching of Xe∗(6p′,7p) by krypton are 15%–20% smaller than those measured previously in xenon while bimolecular rates for the Kr∗(5p) states are an order of magnitude larger in xenon than those in a krypton buffer. Measurements of state‐to‐state rate constants for deactivation and excitation transfer are also reported for these states in krypton and xenon buffer gases.
Diode Pumped Alkali Lasers (DPALs) suffers from damage to its optical windows due to atomic alkali exposure. DPALs are of great interest since they can combine multiple lasers to achieve higher laser output power, scalable to megawatts, with very high quantum efficiency. However before scaling to higher laser output beam power, damage to the optical windows from atomic alkali exposure in the gain medium has to be addressed. A DPAL emulator chamber was constructed for the purpose of evaluating different optical windows in a representative hot alkali rich environment typical of a DPAL gain cell. Sample optical windows of fused silica, alumina, magnesium fluoride and calcium fluoride were exposed in the DPAL emulator in order to qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate and assess the damaging effects of the atomic rubidium vapor on the optical windows. Methodologies to examine the damage were developed for comparing exposed and unexposed optical windows. We found that damage to the optical windows due to the atomic rubidium can be quantified by means of changes in laser energy transmission through the optical window after rubidium exposure.
The effects of heating, ionization, high electronic excitation and chemical reactions on the operation of diode pumped alkali lasers (DPALs) with a static, non-flowing gain medium are calculated using a semi-analytical model. Unlike other models, assuming a three-level scheme of the laser and neglecting influence of the temperature on the lasing power, it takes into account the temperature rise and losses of neutral alkali atoms due to ionization and chemical reactions, resulting in decrease of the pump absorption and slope efficiency. Good agreement with measurements in a static DPAL [B.V. Zhdanov, J. Sell, R.J. Knize, Electron. Lett. 44 (2008) 582] is obtained. It is found that the ionization processes have a small effect on the laser operation, whereas the chemical reactions of alkali atoms with hydrocarbons strongly affect the lasing power.