Conference Paper

Design of the monitoring system of a learning organizer

  • atlanTTic Research Center for Telecommunication Technologies. Universidade de Vigo (Spain)
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Self-regulated learning is an active field of research in pedagogy. Self-regulation techniques are being tested at several educational levels, including university degrees. One of the main problems found by the educators is that they need to monitor all their students constantly and thoroughly. This cannot be done properly if the number of students is not small, which happens specially at university levels. They need tools to address this problem and to be able to monitor their learning progress. We are developing a tool for self-regulated learners, to provide them support for their learning process using embedded learning strategies and tools to enable planning, monitoring and evaluation of their own learning process. Its functionalities have been extended in order to enable both the educators and the learners to monitor in depth their learning progress in order to improve their self-regulation skills. In this paper we present the monitoring system designed for this tool.

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... In this paper we present how using xAPI-SRL to record data from different sources can allow us to extract valuable information to facilitate self-monitoring and self-evaluation, and also enable SRL assessment for educators, using some of the ideas introduced in [9]. First, we introduce SRL theory in section II, focusing on monitoring in section IV. ...
... The monitoring system of any learning software tool "should provide both students and educators with useful information about the evolution of the learning process" [9]. It is very important to choose an adequate data set in order to be able to extract relevant information from raw activity data. ...
... In [9] we presented our vision of a monitoring system that was embedded in a full modular system, and showed how to combine pieces of data to extract useful information. The problem there was that this monitoring system would not work outside that full system, and therefore we were missing important SRL information. ...
Conference Paper
Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) is being promoted and adopted increasingly because of the needs of current education, based on competences and student centered. At the same time, the use of technology for learning is now usual and also increasing. Nevertheless, current learning software offers poor support for SRL. Learners use different tools to organize their learning, to visualize content, to submit assignments, to answer questionnaires, etc. These functionalities are useful, but they are not relevant from the SRL approach. Particularly, monitoring students' development of SRL strategies and students' self-monitoring are not well supported in existing systems. This paper introduces a proposal to improve monitoring support in e-learning systems. The proposal is based on Tin Can API or xAPI, a recent standard to record data about users' activity in learning systems.
...  Progress control: at any time, the users can see their progress in the goal tree with progress bar indicators attached to each goal.  This is completed with the learning analytics module discussed briefly in section IV, and in depth in [13]. ...
... Detecting the need of a strategy recommendation is a complex problem that we tackled in [13]. ...
... This information allows us to self-monitor our learning progress and may help to locate problems like contents we need to review, which learning strategy does not work for us, which ones we use the most or how dedicated we were the last week. We tackled this in [13], extending the amount of data gathered by the system and defining the method used to automatically detect possible problems and therefore to recommend specific learning strategies. ...
Building and using a personal learning environment is challenging and requires the students to have their metacognitive skills developed. Many students need help to develop these skills, to learn how to manage and evaluate their learning process in order to improve it. We designed an organizer with metacognitive support to help users to meet their learning goals. Here, we propose: 1) embedding learning strategies to support metacognitive learning; 2) a learning strategies recommender; 3) our vision of a learning analytics module for learners to support learning awareness and the reflection process; and 4) our solution for recommendations based on tag relationships, tag enrichment, and folksonomies.
... These graphs are easy to understand, but the key is what information is shown, and how the available raw datait is combined and/or processed. We showed some examples of raw data combinations for SRL in [14]. ...
Conference Paper
Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) has become one of the most suitable approaches to learning and teaching for the development of competent and autonomous lifelong learners. A main issue is to support learners setting up their own learning goals, managing their own resources, including spaces and time, and monitoring and reflecting about their performance. Time management plays a main role in this approach. During the last years many web tools and mobile apps have been developed to support students managing their agendas, recording the time they devote to different activities and visualizing it in attractive graphics. In general these systems provide a view of the activities performed by the student in a particular system and the time devoted to each activity. In this paper we propose a contribution on this subject focused on two issues: self-regulation and interoperability. We are working towards the recording of online and offline student activities not just taking into account the functionalities or resources used, but also the goals, strategies, tasks or rewards considered from a SRL point of view. From the interoperability point of view, our goal is to support the tracking from different systems using a specific SRL xAPI profile.
... Educational Data Mining (EDM) is an extensive and active area of research. In [4] Figure 17: Percentage of final exam grade correct predictions based on standard quizzes using a training based on historical data. Four different grade levels are considered: non-attending, fails, passes and Good&Merit. ...
... The idea is to offer tools for planning, monitoring and evaluating their own learning using embedded learning and self-regulation strategies, with the intention of promoting the improvement of metacognitive skills and self-regulation, so learners are provided with support for common learning tasks [20]. It is based on modules, which have been explained with more detail in [19] and its monitoring system based on learning analytics in [21]. ...
In all the projects centered on the promotion of self-regulation, self-regulation strategies and learning strategies are taught, to enable the students to use them in order to improve their learning and self-regulatory skills. When the students use these strategies, they choose the tools that they want to use to implement the strategies, pen and paper in many cases, and generic software tools in other cases, as the range of specialized tools is very poor or they do not enable the implementation of the strategies more efficiently than the generic ones. The requirements of the support for self-regulated learning provided by a software tool are not clear. The goal of this paper is, on the one hand, to define the design criteria for tools intended to support self-regulated learning, based on the study of self-regulated learning theory and strategies, and on the other hand to discuss the evaluation of tools' capabilities for supporting self-regulated learning.
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This article reviews the social origins of students' development of self-regulatory skill with special emphasis on observational learning through modeling. A social cognitive perspective on self-regulation is presented. In this view, students' academic competence develops initially from social sources of academic skill and subsequently shifts to self sources in a series of 4 levels: observational, imitative, self-controlled, and self-regulated. The effects of models on observers depend in part on perceptions of self-efficacy, or beliefs about one's capabilities to learn or perform designated behaviors. Research on social influences is reviewed, and includes factors such as cognitive modeling, coping and mastery models, self-modeling, learning goals, and progress feedback. Related theoretical perspectives are discussed along with suggestions for future research.
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This ECAR research bulletin details the arguments emerging in the blogosphere and elsewhere both for and against the learning management system. It examines whether the LMS is destined to continue as the primary means of organizing the online learning experience for university students. The bulletin is a companion to an earlier ECAR research bulletin that examines the factors leading to the selection of the open source learning management system at the Open University in the United Kingdom.
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El objetivo de este trabajo era elaborar y validar un cuestionario de evaluacion de las estrategias de aprendizaje de los estudiantes universitarios mas completo que los clasicamente utilizados. Para ello utilizamos un diseno de validacion de pruebas. Usamos dos muestras de estudiantes universitarios, la primera de 545 estudiantes y la segunda de 1127. Los resultados de consistencia interna, validez de constructo, validez predictiva y estabilidad temporal, recogidos en el texto del articulo, son buenos. El producto final es un cuestionario con dos escalas, seis subescalas, veinticinco estrategias y 88 items, mas solido y completo que los anteriormente disponibles.
Extracts available on Google Books (see link below). For integral text, go to publisher's website :
Publisher Summary There is considerable agreement about the importance of self-regulation to human survival. There is disagreement about how it can be analyzed and defined in a scientifically useful way. A social cognitive perspective differs markedly from theoretical traditions that seek to define self-regulation as a singular internal state, trait, or stage that is genetically endowed or personally discovered. Instead, it is defined in terms of context-specific processes that are used cyclically to achieve personal goals. These processes entail more than metacognitive knowledge and skill; they also include affective and behavioral processes, and a resilient sense of self-efficacy to control them. The cyclical interdependence of these processes, reactions, and beliefs is described in terms of three sequential phases: forethought, performance or volitional control, and self-reflection. An important feature of this cyclical model is that it can explain dysfunctions in self-regulation, as well as exemplary achievements. Dysfunctions occur because of the unfortunate reliance on reactive methods of self-regulation instead of proactive methods, which can profoundly change the course of cyclical learning and performance. An essential issue confronting all theories of self-regulation is how this capability or capacity can be developed or optimized. Social cognitive views place particular emphasis on the role of socializing agents in the development of self-regulation, such as parents, teachers, coaches, and peers. At an early age, children become aware of the value of social modeling experiences, and they rely heavily on them when acquiring needed skills.
Conference Paper
Personal Learning Environment is a concept that is in line with Self-Regulated Learning. Building and using a PLE is a challenging task that requires students to have developed their metacognitive skills. In Self-Regulated Learning and lifelong learning, typical PLE scenarios, there is no guidance or tutoring. There is a need of helping the students to develop these skills, to learn how to manage time and how to evaluate their learning process in order to improve it. We propose the creation of an organizer with support for the development of metacognitive skills to help users meeting their learning goals.
Self-regulated learning (SRL) involves metacognition, motivation, and strategic action, and self-regulated learners are successful in and beyond school. Therefore, studies of how SRL develops and, perhaps, how it can be taught, are needed. Our research examines whether and how beginning teachers can be mentored to develop practices that support elementary school children's development of and engagement in academically effective forms of SRL. Here, we present post-observation data of student teachers discussing their classroom teaching with their school-based mentor teachers and their university-based faculty associates. We analyzed the transcripts from these discussions to determine whether and how student teachers talked about SRL with their mentors and faculty associates, and how mentors and faculty associates scaffolded student teachers’ understanding and use of practices that promote SRL. Findings indicate that the post-observation discussions contained content relating to SRL and practices that promote it. Also, findings indicate faculty associates and mentor teachers applied a wide range of scaffolding techniques to engage student teachers in planning for and reflecting on teaching SRL. Implications for making SRL in classrooms as prominent as research suggests it should be are discussed along with recommendations for more research to understand how to help teachers develop practices that support SRL.
La adquisición de las competencias de autorregulación Análisis de su concepción y aprendizaje en diferentes estudios universitarios
  • T Majós
  • R Colomina
  • C Martínez
T. Majós, R. Colomina, C. Martínez, and M. Rieradevall, "La adquisición de las competencias de autorregulación. Análisis de su concepción y aprendizaje en diferentes estudios universitarios.", Revista d'Innovació i Recerca en Educació (REIRE), no. 2, pp. 33-60, 2009.
Análisis de su concepción y aprendizaje en diferentes estudios universitarios
  • T Majós
  • R Colomina
  • C Martínez
  • M Rieradevall
T. Majós, R. Colomina, C. Martínez, and M. Rieradevall, "La adquisición de las competencias de autorregulación. Análisis de su concepción y aprendizaje en diferentes estudios universitarios.", Revista d'Innovació i Recerca en Educació (REIRE), no. 2, pp. 33-60, 2009.