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Many-to-many linear-feedback shift register

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There are both the one-to-many and many-to-one types of linear-feedback shift registers. In this paper we filled the gap between them. Our linear-feedback shift register has many-to-many configuration. It generates the Galois field different from finite field formed Galois linear-feedback shift register. We consider inference for appropriate primitive polynomial. Our principle can be implemented very efficiently on common microprocessors.

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... Another problem is the fact that images are usually viewed as undistorted by noise, which is often not true in the considered cases. It is obvious that almost all image processing stages introduce distortions into the original signal to varying degree, including distortions due to complex nonlinear operations [13,14]. In the considered case, noise is the dominant factor determining their quality. ...
... In the past two years, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the speed of digitalization in all areas of life has accelerated significantly [2,3]. The introduction of information technology has changed areas such as finance and digital commerce [4,5], governmental processes [6,7], project and personnel management [8,9], green technologies [10], insurance [11], education [12], decision making [13], healthcare [14,15], epidemiology [16,17], medical diagnostics [18], etc. ...
Remote sensing and medical imaging are very important in human’s life. The former deals with many applications from weather monitoring to military purposes and is performed by sensors mounted onboard of satellite and aerospace carriers. Medical imaging assists in disease detection and diagnostics. Images acquired by synthetic aperture radar or ultrasound medical imagers, alongside with well-known advantages have several drawbacks, particularly, spatially correlated speckle which corrupts images and, simultaneously, restricts possibilities of lossless image compression of remote needed due to a large size typical for modern applications. Therefore, a very important task is lossy compression of such images with acceptable quality that can be described in different ways including visual quality metrics. Three lossy coders are considered in our study: AGU, BPG, and JPEG2000. Three quality metrics are used: PSNR, PSNR-HVS-M, and MSSIM where two latter ones are visual quality metrics. Performance comparisons are performed. Recommendations are given for remote sensing as well as medical imaging applications.KeywordsRemote sensingSynthetic aperture radarUltrasoundSpatially correlated noiseLossy compressionVisual quality
... IV. DISCUSSION Noninvasive detection of internal intravital peculiarities is extremely important for human organism morphology and function [20] with nonobligatory linear-feedback connection [21]. Adherence to the principle of non-invasive investigation is so important that often the study of processes in the human body is replaced by modeling or setting up an experiment [22][23][24] and connecting with some changes in the structure of bones or even red bone marrow [25]. ...
... The lower wall of the maxillary sinus is a common cause of pathogenic spread into the orbit. Noninvasive detection of internal intravital peculiarities is important for human organism morphology and function (Krivenko et al. 2020), with nonobligatory linear-feedback connection (Krivenko and Krivenko 2014). Adherence to the principle of non-invasive investigation is so important that often the study of processes in the human body is replaced by modeling or setting up an experiment (Lyndin M et al. 2019). ...
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The course of menopause transition (MT) is associated with peculiarities of alterations occurring in a woman’s body, in particular, in the structure of bone tissue. Considering that bones of the paranasal sinuses (BPNSs) play a natural defense role against the spread of dental infection, their structure is important in dentistry. However, no information was found pertaining to changes of BPNSs during MT – a time when dental maladies increase in many women. The aim of our study was to collate density of BPNSs with status of adrenal steroids in women during MT, since the pattern of their changes determines the course of MT. Cross-sectional associations were examined between bone density of PNSs assessed by Spiral Computed Tomography and Serum content of testosterone (T), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), free androgen index (FAI), insulin, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), Adione, and Adiol in 113 women of perimenopausal age (age range from 45 to 55 years) who had already experienced premenopausal menstrual decline (amenorrhea less than 2 years). Strong positive (r = 0.73) correlation between minimal bone density of maxillary sinus in women with level of DHEAS was detected. It is important to note, that the correlation between minimal density of the lower wall of frontal sinus is a weak positive (0.3). Therefore, it can be suggested that bone tissue of the maxillary sinus is more sensitive to changes in DHEAS. The study showed that the level of male steroids, in particular DHEAS, affected the state of bone tissue in participants older than 50 years of age.
... Noninvasive detection of internal intravital peculiarities is extremely important for human organism morphology and function [10] with nonobligatory linear-feedback connection [11]. ...
Background. The anatomical structure of the paranasal sinuses of a person predetermines the risk of development, diversity of presentation, possibility of complications and features of surgical treatment of rhinosinusitis. Objective: of our study was to determine the thickness and density of the walls of the maxillary and frontal sinuses, which are potentially dangerous in terms of the development of complications. Materials and methods: Our study involved 121 subjects without any ENT diseases, who underwent SCT examination due to the reasons that were not related to abnormalities of ENT organs. Thickness and density in the region of the lower (orbital) wall and posterior (cerebral) wall of the frontal sinus were calculated. Results and Discussion: The maximum density was characteristic of the lower wall of the frontal sinus under physiological conditions and appeared 107.96 ± 201.64 Hu, the minimum for the lower wall was -29.98 ± 208.54 Hu. The thickness of the bone tissue in the frontal sinus was 4.05 ± 2.04 mm. Conclusion: The minimum density and thickness of the lower and posterior walls of the frontal sinus and upper and lower walls of the maxillary sinus was established under physiological conditions. The density of the posterior wall was found to be 25.4% lower than the density of the lower wall, and the thickness 22.2% lower.
... Consideration is given also to using other data protection technologies, such as file system level encryption, cryptographic hardware installation, and more. Our work is important for obtaining correct data about human organism according to the principle of non-invasive investigation with experiment and biomedical research [20,21] but with peculiarities of evaluation of medical images [22,23] partly it can be assumed that the severity of these changes correlates with the severity of injury. ...
... Most filters fulfil the task only partially. Some types of noise and artefacts are random in nature and lie in a wide frequency range [14][15]. Therefore, filters are not able to clear the signal from interference that is within the range of the heart signal. ...
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The electrocardiogram (ECG) of the first lead, obtained using portable signal collection tools is noise sensitive. One of the most common and poorly filterable types of noise is muscle artefact. As a result of the simulation, a criterion was found that identifies situations in which the use of kernel-based ECG smoothing after the filtering stage is relevant. This criterion is based on the difference in compression coefficients of the ECG smoothed after filtering and filtered ECG. The use of post-filtering smoothing is recommended if this difference is greater than zero. In this case, post-filtering smoothing improves signal quality in terms of mean-square error. The correctness of the criterion was confirmed on real ECG results (MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database), distorted by real muscle artefact (MIT-BIH Noise Stress Test Database).
... Linear-feedback shift register having many-to-many configuration is claim. It generates the Galois field different from finite field formed Galois linear-feedback shift register [12]. Finite field allows you to conjunction both functions shift a list and all possible binary condition vectors for a logical system with finite number of inputs. ...
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Objective: The aim: Was to evaluate the anatomical variability of the frontal and maxillary sinuses, ostiomeatal complex components (OMC) and to identify factors that contribute to complications of inflammatory processes and development of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis. Patients and methods: Materials and methods: The study involved assessment of 100 spiral computed tomograms (SCT) of human patients without pathological processes in the PNS area. The basic parameters of the anatomical structure of the ostiomeatal complex (the area of the hooked process and the middle nasal conch, their transverse dimensions, the density and dimensions of the natural connection), the thickness and the density of the lower wall of the maxillary and frontal sinuses were determined. These parameters were investigated by the method of uncertainty calculation. Results: Results: The findings showed that the bone density of the maxillary sinus on the left was 57.713 ± 440.356 Hu (minimum), 1101.507 ± 613.4882 Hu (maximum); 96.2752 ± 395.0 and 1028.691 ± 620.4051 on the right, respectively, the density of the inferior frontal sinus wall on the right was 5.5179 ± 276.43 and 831.1607 ± 732.274, on the left 12.069 ± 310.56 and 898.293 ± 748, respectively. In the same way, the probable OMC structure parameters, in the range ± U at the confidence level p = 0.95, were calculated. Conclusion: Conclusions: Thus, some variants of the anatomical structure of the ostiomeatal complex can be a prerequisite for hypoventilation of PNS and, as a consequence, lead to inflammatory processes in them. Features of the same structure of the walls of the PNS are a prerequisite for the propagation of the inflammatory process in the surrounding tissues and the development of complications.
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Nowadays are being held intensive researches involving the use of deterministic chaos in communication systems. Indeed chaotic oscillations in such systems serve as a carrier of information signals, and means of encryption, both in hardware and in software. This work is devoted to the complex analysis of the practical implementation of a chaotic secure communication system. The generalized synchronization as a synchronization response was selected. The circuit implementation of a modified Colpitts oscillator as a source of chaos was proposed. We also discussed questions of modeling chaotic oscillations and, in this context, analyzing the differences between chaotic, pseudo-chaotic and pseudo-random oscillations.
In this paper, the authors consider how to label and save a large number of images that should be predicted in a single file. The technique of automatic labeling the data set with the finite element model for training of artificial neural network in tomography are proposed. A simple transparent example of thirty-two images to be predicted in a single HDF5 file training of artificial neural network in tomography show accuracy 100% for training set as well for the test set. Then this technique is able to build an information model of salivary immune and periodontal status and to evaluate the correlation between salivary immunoglobulin level, inflammation in periodontal tissues and orthodontic pathology. For this study, patients were divided into the following groups: 76 patients with chronic gingivitis and atopic diseases (group 1), among which the proposed treatment was used; 50 patients without clinical signs of gingivitis with atopic diseases (group 2) for which specific prevention was prescribed; 30 patients with chronic gingivitis and atopic diseases to which the standard treatment of gingivitis has been applied (group 3); 30 patients without clinical signs of gingivitis with atopic diseases using traditional preventive measures (group 4); 35 patients made control group with intact periodontal tissues without somatic pathology (group 5). This study was conducted to assess the state of lipid peroxidation in the oral liquid and the periodontal disease and to detect the correlation between the level of antioxidants in children and inflammation in periodontal tissues by means of regression analyses. The results showed changes in the antioxidant balance in children with atopy that were expressed in an increase in malondialdehyde level, a decrease in superoxide dismutase activity, and a level of reduced glutathione. These indicators can be considered as biological markers of the development of gingivitis at the preclinical stage in children against atopic diseases.
Conference Paper
Arithmetic computations can be on integer or floating(real) numbers. In digital systems, ALU handles arithmetic operations. However, ALU is not suitable for handling operations on real numbers as the result may not be precise and accurate. Hence to perform operations on real numbers digital systems use a dedicated unit called floating point unit(FPU). In this paper, the designed FPU is single precision and operates on IEEE - 754 - 2008 format. The available arithmetic operations on this FPU are floating point multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. The designed FPU can operate on both normal(normalized) and subnormal(denormalized) numbers present in floating point numbers. In this paper, stuck-at fault model using Built in self test(BIST) method is designed for the floating point unit to check the fault in the design. Basic idea behind the BIST is testing the device by itself. The proposed design is modified for parallel testing by dividing the FPU into 3 independent blocks. In this method when one of the blocks is in its normal operation the other block of the FPU is tested in parallel. The design's RTL code is written in Verilog HDL and Xilinx Vivado 2015 is used for simulation. The proposed method reduces the dynamic power by 10.47% compared to the conventional method.
Conference Paper
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Stream ciphering devices seem to be one of the best alternatives in order to provide confidentiality to high-speed transmissions. Several indices on the security of stream ciphers have been proposed for guaranteeing their strength. According to the literature, the linear complexity of the key stream, randomness and correlation-immune attacks are of great importance. But the proposed indices are not sufficient to guarantee the security of stream ciphers. It is possible that sequences with a high linear complexity have a very bad “linear complexity stability”, i.e., after changing a few bits of the original sequence, its linear complexity decreases or increases fast. In this case, a BAA attack (best affine approximation) could be very successful; the sequences may be very well approximated by another one with very much lower linear unpredictability. This problem is especially important when linear feedback shift registers are used. To solve this problem, nonlinear next state functions are a possible solution. This paper shows stream ciphering alternatives based on nonlinear feedback shift registers (NLFSR), and some techniques in order to analyse them. Finally, we compare a structure based on NLFSR with the best-known stream ciphering schemes
This book is intended to provide a comprehensive coverage of digital communication systems for senior-level undergraduates, first-year graduate students, and practicing engineers. Even though the emphasis of the book is on digital communications, necessary analog fundamentals are included, since analog waveforms are used for the radio transmission of digital signals. Contents: Signals and spectra, Formatting and baseband transmission, Bandpass modulation and demodulation, Communications link analysis, Channel coding, Modulation and coding tradeoffs, Synchronization, Multiplexing and multiple access, Spread-spectrum techniques, Source coding, Encryption and decryption, A review of Fourier techniques, Fundamentals of statistical decision theory.
Digital communications
  • B Sklar