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Indigenous biocultural knowledge in ecosystem science and management: Review and insight from Australia



Place-based IBK materials (circles) over Australia's national biodiversity hotspot bioregions (shaded areas). 3.1.3. IBK temporal analysis Temporal analysis of the documented materials showed a general trend for early documentation of IBK in eastern Australia moving towards central and Western Australia and more recently building in northern Australia (Figure 4). Many of the early documents contained the observations of explorers and much of this material covered vast areas and contained snippets of IBK (e.g. Eyre 1845; Leichhardt 1847; Orton 1836). The most detailed pre-1900 place-based documents on IBK came from New South Wales (Baylie 1843; Howitt and Fison 1880), Victoria (Beveridge 1889; Cary 1899; Curr 1883; Dawson 1881), South Australia (Cawthorne 1885) and northern Queensland (Palmer 1884; Roth 1897) corresponding to early settler regions. Following the early period of colonial 'exploration' by non-Indigenous authors, there was a period of early ethnography and anthropology during the first of the 20 th century where much more concerted efforts to better understand Aboriginal people, customs and culture were evident. Much of the published material in this period came from several key non-Indigenous researchers: the detailed and comprehensive ethnographic work of Roth in north Queensland (e. g. Roth 1897; Roth 1910); the collaborative work of Hale, Tindale, Cleland and Johnston in southern and central Australia (e. g. Cleland 1966; Cleland and Johnston 1937; Hale and Tindale 1925; Tindale 1974); and the work of Basedow, Thompson, Mountford and Specht in Arnhem Land (Basedow 1929; Specht and Mountford 1958; Thomson 1939).
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Indigenous biocultural knowledge in ecosystem science and
management: Review and insight from Australia
Emilie J. Ens1*, Petina Pert2, Marita Budden3, Philip A. Clarke4, Lilian Clubb3, Bruce Doran5, Cheryl
Douras3, Jitendra Gaikwad6,7, Beth Gott8, Sonia Leonard9, John Locke10, Joanne Packer11, Gerry
Turpin3,12, Marilyn Wallace3,13, Peter Wallace3,13 and Steve Wason3
1 Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, ACT, Australia,
2 CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, Cairns, Qld, Australia, 4870
3 Tropical Indigenous Ethnobotany Centre, Cairns, Qld, Australia, 4970
4 School of Environment, Griffith University, Nathan, Qld, Australia, 4111
5 Fenner School, Australian National University, ACT, Australia, 0200
6 iDiv-Biodiversity Informatics Unit, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany, 07743
7 German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Germany, 4103
8 Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia, 2800
9 James Cook University, Cairns, Qld, Australia, 4870
10 Biocultural Consulting Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 4000
11 Indigenous Bioresources Research Group, Macquarie University, NSW, 2109
12 Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation, Arts, Cairns, Qld, Australia, 4870
13 Bana Yarralji Bubu Incorporated, Shiptons Flat, Qld, Australia, 4871
* Corresponding author:
Emilie Ens, current address, Department of Environment and Geography, Macquarie University,
NSW, 2109, Australia. Email:, Phone: +61 2 98508405
Worldwide, environmental conservation directives are mandating greater inclusion of Indigenous
People and their knowledge in the management of global ecosystems. Colonised countries such as the
United States of America and Australia have responded with an array of policy and programs to
enhance Indigenous involvement; however, balancing Indigenous and non-Indigenous priorities and
preferred methods is a substantial challenge and much progress has been ad hoc. Using Australia as a
case study, we argue that with more strategic direction to enhance the recognition of Indigenous
People and their knowledge, ecosystem science and management could greatly benefit. Focussing on
the terrestrial environment, this innovative review paper aims to increase broader uptake of
Indigenous biocultural knowledge (IBK) by conducting a spatial, temporal and content analysis of
publically available, documented IBK materials. A spatial analysis of the place-based resources
identified Australian IBK hotspots, gaps and opportunities for further collaboration. A temporal
analysis of IBK material showed exponential growth in documented IBK material since the 1970’s.
Indigenous authorship remained negligible until the 1990’s. Working through Australia’s ecosystem
science priorities, we demonstrate how IBK has and can be used to inform research and management
of fire, threatened species, invasive species, aquatic ecosystems and climate change. Lastly, we
synthesise documented suggestions for overcoming cross-cultural awareness and communication
challenges between Indigenous people and biologists, environmental managers and policy makers.
Overcoming these challenges through development of inclusive strategies geared towards building
socio-ecological resilience will guide more informed and sustainable management of global
biocultural resources.
Indigenous ecological knowledge; Traditional Knowledge; cross-cultural ecology; biocultural
diversity; socio-ecological systems; sustainable development
1. Introduction
Indigenous knowledge systems contain a deep understanding of the forces that have shaped the
diversity and condition of past and current environments (Gadgil et al. 1993; Berkes 1999; Drew and
Henne 2006). The potential contribution of Indigenous knowledge to contemporary ecosystem
science and management is irrefutable; the complex challenge we face worldwide, is how to mesh the
knowledge, preferred methods and inclusion of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples to reach
local to international environmental and cultural conservation objectives. In recognition of this
significant challenge, many international and national agencies and agreements focussing on
environmental conservation, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity, the United States of
America Environmental Protection Authority’s Tribal Science Council (1999) and the Australian
Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, similarly advocate for enhanced
engagement of Indigenous societies in respect of their rich environmental knowledge, land ethic and
the need for more equitable benefit sharing (Langton and Rhea 2005; Sachs et al. 2009). Notably,
these authorities place much responsibility upon wider society to create inclusive approaches to
biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of the world’s resources. Biological diversity is
increasingly being linked to cultural diversity, suggesting that combined biocultural resources are
integral to the survival of life on Earth (Harmon 2007; Maffi and Woodley 2010; Hill et al. 2011a).
Consideration of biocultural assets as well as biological assets will elevate the role of Indigenous
Peoples in broader conservation agendas.
Globally, Indigenous Peoples are recognised as a disadvantaged group and they tend to
disproportionately rely on direct access to natural resources for cultural maintenance and survival
(Eversole et al 2005). Therefore, inclusion of Indigenous knowledge and People in environmental
conservation pursuits must consider extant power imbalances as well as cultural differences in ways
of knowing and doing. Discussions between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people about culturally
specific and more holistic development aspirations in relation to the environment is required to
devise approaches that meet local needs (endogenous development; see Rist et al. 2011) as well as
national and international obligations.
Australia has made substantial progress in building Indigenous-focussed conservation initiatives from
local to national scales that aim to serve both environmental and cultural objectives. Currently, about
30% of Australia is legally recognised as Indigenous owned land, with another approximately 45%
under land claims, shared or co-management arrangements (Grech et al. in prep). The Australian
Government has provided increasing support for Indigenous land and sea management through the
Working on Country and Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) programs. The IPA program is based on
voluntary declarations of Aboriginal owned land to the National Reserve System (NRS) where the
land owners are remunerated for continued management of land according to IUCN guidelines
(Szabo and Smyth 2003). To date, 52 IPAs have been declared in Australia, adding over 36 million
hectares to the NRS which equates to 4.75% of the continent (Australian Government 2013).
Australia’s national biodiversity conservation strategy is stratified and assessed through the NRS’s
Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia (IBRA) which was developed to ensure
comprehensive, adequate and representative protection of the nation’s biological resources. There are
89 IBRA regions, with conservation prioritised for IBRA regions that have less than 10% protected
in reserves (including IPAs). Government obligations to meet the 10% target gave support to the IPA
program as some bioregions are entirely owned by Aboriginal people (Langton and Ma Rhea. 2005).
Therefore, IPA’s offer local to international benefits by contributing to Australia’s international
conservation commitment (the Convention on Biological Diversity) and providing land management
funding opportunity to Aboriginal People. At the local scale, hundreds of community-driven
Indigenous natural and cultural resource management (INCRM) enterprises have emerged over the
last few decades as a result of increasing legislative support for Aboriginal land ownership and self-
determination. INCRM has recently been described as the fastest growing sector of Australia’s
conservation effort (Hill et al. 2013).
Despite achievements in Australian INCRM, there are widespread cross-cultural tensions in the
planning, governance and preferred types and methods of on-ground activity. These tensions are
largely attributed to the lack of understanding of alternative Indigenous knowledge systems by
mainstream society and the continual privileging of Western scientific approaches (Langton and Ma
Rhea 2005; Barbour and Schlesinger 2012; Hill et al. 2013). These tensions are correspondingly
reflected in the disproportionately low funding and resourcing for INCRM (Hill et al. 2013). For
example, the recent Australian Government funded Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, made
of up Australia’s most eminent ecologists, has largely ignored the large proportion of Indigenous land
ownership and wealth of Indigenous knowledge in their development of a national long-term
ecological research and management strategy (Ens et al. 2014). Lack of Indigenous involvement, and
social dimensions more broadly, are also evident in other international Long Term Ecological
Research Network’s, such as in the United States of America and Europe (Ohl and Swinton 2010).
The challenge for contemporary Indigenous people is how to maintain biocultural knowledge,
customary obligations and livelihoods in the future amidst increasing pressures from dominant
society to conform to ‘Western modes of living and environmental conservation. Aboriginal elders
recognise the challenge of maintaining their cultural identity in the face of these changes:
People. They can’t listen for us. They just want money. Money. We want goose, we want fish.
Other men want money. Him can make million dollars, but only last one year. Next year him
want another million. Forever and ever him make million dollars. Him die.
Million no good for us. We need this earth to live because we’ll be dead, we’ll become earth.
This ground and this earth, like brother and mother.
Trees and eagle. You know eagle? He can listen. Eagle our brother, like dingo our brother. We
like this earth to stay, because he was staying for ever and ever. We don’t want to lose him. We
say ‘Sacred, leave him.’
Bill Neijdje, Bunitj clan (Neidjie 2002)
A major challenge for the wider Australian population (and other nations) is to understand the crucial
enabling factors that are required to facilitate self-determination and endogenous development - the
development that is generated by the community for the community (Rist et al. 2011; Van der Ploeg
and Long 1994). To achieve this, there needs to be greater recognition by non-Indigenous people of
the value and diversity of non-scientific knowledge systems operating within society. Senior
Custodians of Australian IBK emphasize this:
we believe that our traditional knowledge has not been recognised. However we need to be
engaged and take full control of our heritage. Goal is to protect our lore and custodial rights for the
future generation, which has been passed down from ancestor’s knowledge.
Tropical Indigenous Ethnobotany Centre Advisory Board (personal communication)
1.2 Indigenous biocultural knowledge and Western ecological knowledge
Indigenous biocultural knowledge (IBK) is a modified phrase for what is widely known as
Indigenous Ecological knowledge or Traditional Ecological Knowledge, with an emphasis on the
importance of cultural connections. Gerry Turpin, Mbabaram Traditional Owner, co-author of this
paper, describes Indigenous biocultural knowledge as knowledge that encompasses people, language
and culture and their relationship to the environment.
Interconnectedness is also a feature of the ‘Western’ scientific discipline of ecology, which is defined
as the study of the interactions within the environment, and includes sub-disciplines including human
and fire ecology. Considering these overlapping areas of interest in holistic and interactive
knowledge systems, it is surprising that integration of ‘Western ecology and IBK has not been more
common (Bohensky and Maru 2011).
Worldwide, IBK (or its equivalent) has long been touted as valuable to conservation science, policy
and management (Agrawal 1995; Berkes 1999; Gadgil et al. 1993; Huntington 2000). While IBK is
an interconnection of bio-physical, social, spiritual and cosmological realms that are manifested
through Country (for further information see Smyth 1994), ‘Western ecological knowledge is
restricted to bio-physical entities and is rigorously bound by hypothetico-deductive methodological
constraints (Agrawal 1995). The two forms of knowledge are distinct but not always mutually
exclusive and they can complement each other if a diversity of knowledge systems and approaches
are valued (Christie 2006; Clarke 2007; Ens 2012; Hill and Smyth 1999; Nakata 2007; Russell-Smith
et al. 1997). It is also important to note that the distinctions between Indigenous and Western
science are not always clear. Neither knowledge system is static; both have been and will continue to
be influenced by cultural, social, economic, political and environmental factors. The meanings of
IBK and ‘Western’ science have been the subject of much debate (e. g. Agrawal 1995; Bohensky and
Maru 2011; Drew and Henne 2006; Shackeroff and Campbell 2007; Wohling 2009) and will not be
elaborated further here; although we acknowledge that use of these simplistic terms is not ideal but
they are employed for concise delivery of our key messages.
Although IBK exists largely in oral forms held by Indigenous custodians, in many instances, this
knowledge has been documented, often in collaboration with non-Indigenous researchers. This
knowledge tends to be held in widely dispersed records such as private journals, linguistic
dictionaries, unpublished reports, community publications, academic journal articles, books,
databases, digital archives, photos and videos. Many records are not publically available or in
accessible forms, and sometimes, Indigenous People themselves cannot access material about their
own families due to author copyright or privacy laws. For more information about research,
intellectual property issues and documentation of Indigenous knowledge’s see Nakata and Langton
(2006) and Janke (2009). As a result of these complexities, this review presents a broad synthesis of
publically available and accessible material intended to provide a platform to guide further respectful,
collaborative documentation and use of IBK for the maintenance of biocultural resources.
Irreversible modification of the environment continues to occur at a rapid rate, with no definitive
abatement afforded by ‘modern tools such as biological or chemical control of weeds. It is timely to
review and respect Indigenous biocultural knowledge and methods that have shaped the landscape for
millennia and offer highly valuable insight for more effective and sustainable management of
Country (Altman et al. 2007; Howitt 2001; Howitt and Suchet-Pearson 2006).
To provide a foundation for further contributions of IBK to ecosystem science and management in
Australia this paper presents:
1. Spatio-temporal syntheses of publically available Australian IBK projects involving
Indigenous People;
2. A case study to demonstrate the extent to which IBK is ‘living’ and has not yet been
3. An overview of how IBK has informed Australia’s ecosystem research and management
priorities; and
4. A reflection on key principles for effective cross-cultural partnerships in ecosystem science
and management.
2. Methodology
To be included in this review of IBK in Australia, material needed to directly address the relationship
between Aboriginal people and the environment, and have involved Indigenous people. Therefore,
for example, archaeological work conducted by non-Indigenous researchers alone was not included.
To collect the material, author databases were searched, as well as Scott’s (2004) bibliography of
Indigenous Ecological Knowledge in Australia, CSIRO’s Indigenous land and sea management
database, Google searches (using terms: Australia and Indigenous/ Aborigin*/ or ethno) and a public
call for contributions (via email). The list of references was separated into place-based material,
reviews, methodology and related resources. Place-based materials that identified particular clans,
tribes, regions, towns or homelands were attributed a place-name’ and were geo-referenced (given a
latitude/longitude) using the Australian Gazetteer ( This enabled a
spatial analysis and display of material using ArcGIS.
The following spatio-temporal analyses were conducted on the place-based literature:
i) Spatial analysis of IBK materials in relation to the Indigenous estate;
ii) Spatial analysis of IBK materials in relation to Australia’s IBRA regions;
iii) Spatial analysis of IBK hotspots and Australia’s biodiversity hotspots;
iv) Temporal analysis of IBK documentation;
v) Temporal analysis of Indigenous authorship of IBK materials.
We also present a case study of living knowledge based on the current work of the Tropical
Indigenous Ethnobotany Centre (TIEC) in Cairns, Australia. Lastly, we conducted a qualitative
content review of all collated IBK materials in relation to Australia’s ecosystem science priorities:
fire, threatened species, biodiversity, aquatic species and climate change (NRMMC 2010). We
assessed how these materials have informed or could inform Australia’s research and management of
these issues.
3. Results
Our desktop literature search resulted in a representative list of 1325 documents that contained
information on Australian IBK. Of these references, 568 were place-based, 245 contained
methodological or instructional content, 255 were review materials and 267 were related resources
(not directly containing IBK material). These references are available on the ACEAS IBK website
3.1 Spatio-temporal analyses of place-based literature
3.1.1. Spatial analysis of IBK in relation to the Indigenous estate
A spatial analysis of the place-based materials against Indigenous owned land (under Native Title
determinations and the Northern Territory Aboriginal Lands Rights Act 1976) and declared IPAs is
shown in Figure 1. We found that 40% of materials originated from within legally recognised areas
of Aboriginal owned land and 19% from within areas declared as IPA’s.
The year of IPA declaration was not related to the quantity of available materials. For example, we
found the highest number of publically available IBK materials for the Djelk IPA that was declared
in 2006, some 14 years after the first IPA, Nantawarrina, was declared (1992), for which we found no
publically available IBK materials. Publication of materials appeared to be largely dependent upon
partnerships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, especially researchers. The top two
published IPA’s, Djelk and Dhimurru, have long standing relationships with several Universities and
government researchers (e. g. Altman 1982; Haynes 1985; Kennett et al. 1997; Griffiths et al. 2003;
Smyth 2007; Hoffmann et al. 2012).
Figure 1: Map of place-based IBK material in Australia on the Indigenous and non-Indigenous estate
Spatial analysis of IBK in relation to IBRA regions
We found that 69% of the IBRA regions had at least one publically available piece of IBK material.
The richest biocultural regions (IBRA regions with the highest number of IBK materials) were the
Arnhem Coast, Gulf Fall and Uplands, and Cape York Peninsula IBRA regions which are all in
northern Australia (Figure 2). The bioregions which were not well represented in the publically
available IBK literature were mainly in Australia’s agricultural zones and Tasmania.
Figure 2: Density analysis of place-based IBK materials in IBRA regions, showing biocultural
hotspots as darker areas
Table 1: The top 15 IBRA regions with the highest number of IBK materials and suggested as
biocultural knowledge hotspots
IBRA name
Count of
Arnhem Coast
Gulf Fall and Uplands
Cape York Peninsula
Darwin Coastal
Murray Darling Depression
Wet Tropics
Central Ranges
Arnhem Plateau
Burt Plain
MacDonnell Ranges
3.1.2. Spatial analysis of IBK material in relation to Australia’s biodiversity hotspots
If we follow the biodiversity hotspot classification (Myers et al. 2000), which in Australia is based on
the IBRA system, the top 15 biocultural hotspots (IBRA regions with the highest number of IBK
materials) could be listed as priority regions for preserving biocultural richness (Table 1).
Comparison of these biocultural hotspots (Figure 2; Table 1) with Australia’s 15 national
biodiversity hotspots (Figure 3) showed that the two data sets or systems were mutually exclusive.
Figure 3: Place-based IBK materials (circles) over Australia’s national biodiversity hotspot
bioregions (shaded areas).
3.1.3. IBK temporal analysis
Temporal analysis of the documented materials showed a general trend for early documentation of
IBK in eastern Australia moving towards central and Western Australia and more recently building in
northern Australia (Figure 4). Many of the early documents contained the observations of explorers
and much of this material covered vast areas and contained snippets of IBK (e.g. Eyre 1845;
Leichhardt 1847; Orton 1836). The most detailed pre-1900 place-based documents on IBK came
from New South Wales (Baylie 1843; Howitt and Fison 1880), Victoria (Beveridge 1889; Cary 1899;
Curr 1883; Dawson 1881), South Australia (Cawthorne 1885) and northern Queensland (Palmer
1884; Roth 1897) corresponding to early settler regions.
Following the early period of colonial exploration by non-Indigenous authors, there was a period of
early ethnography and anthropology during the first of the 20th century where much more concerted
efforts to better understand Aboriginal people, customs and culture were evident. Much of the
published material in this period came from several key non-Indigenous researchers: the detailed and
comprehensive ethnographic work of Roth in north Queensland (e. g. Roth 1897; Roth 1910); the
collaborative work of Hale, Tindale, Cleland and Johnston in southern and central Australia (e. g.
Cleland 1966; Cleland and Johnston 1937; Hale and Tindale 1925; Tindale 1974); and the work of
Basedow, Thompson, Mountford and Specht in Arnhem Land (Basedow 1929; Specht and
Mountford 1958; Thomson 1939).
Figure 4: Map of documented place-based IBK material sorted by time period.
In the 1970’s there was a dramatic increase in the number of IBK publications (Figure 5) which
fanned out across Australia (Figure 4). The increase in publication rate appears to be the result of
many new researchers entering the field. The exponential increase in publications continued to the
present with an increase in obvious Indigenous authorship from the 1990’s (Figure 5). Some notable
prolific publishers dominate the IBK material of recent decades: Bradley and the Yanyuwa people (e.
g. Bradley 1988; Bradley 2005; Yanyuwa familes et al. 2013); Clarke (e. g. Clarke 1985; Clarke
2012); Wightman and northern Australia clans (e. g. Roberts et al. 2011; Wightman and Smith 1989);
the Alice Springs CSIRO research group (e. g. Baker et al. 2001; Davies et al. 1999; Dobson 2007;
Walsh and Douglas 2011; Walsh and Mitchell 2002; Young 1987); and the wet tropics research
group (e. g. Smyth 1981; Hill and Smyth 1999; WTAPPT 2005; Hill et al. 2011b).
3.1.4. Temporal analysis of Indigenous authorship
Using our search methodology, the earliest material with clearly identified Aboriginal IBK
custodians as authors were publications on bush medicines (Dhamarrandjai and Guyamirrilili 1979;
Henshall et al. 1980; Nabarula et al. 1978). Although there was a clear shift in practice in the 1990’s
to acknowledge Indigenous co-authors, to date only 14% of papers containing IBK have identifiable
Indigenous authors (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Cumulative frequency curve for all collated IBK materials (black line) and those with an
identifiable Indigenous author/s (dashed line).
3.2. Living knowledge case study
The previous spatial analyses suggest that for many areas of Australia, IBK has not been
documented, although it certainly is not absent. Indigenous knowledge is customarily transmitted
orally and is still retained, modified and used by many Aboriginal people.
The Tropical Indigenous Ethnobotany Centre (TIEC) was established in 2011 as a unique
Indigenous-driven initiative established to engage, support, and build the capacity of Traditional land
owner groups to maintain IBK, mainly in tropical Queensland (Hill et al. 2011b). The Centre is
managed by Gerry Turpin (Mbabaram clan) and an Indigenous Cultural Advisors Working Group
consisting of five members from various clans in northern Queensland (who are co-authors of this
paper). The main aim of the TIEC is to record and utilise Indigenous ethno-biological and ethno-
ecological knowledge for cultural use on Country. Projects include: an electronic ethno-botanical
database; and seasonal indicator species information for a climate change eco-tourism enterprise. To
date, the TIEC has engaged with 11 Indigenous communities through 27 established or emerging
projects (Figure 6). If we consider these ‘living projects’ alongside the documented IBK material, the
contribution of this small centre in only a couple of years is manifold, especially for the bioregion
around the TIEC (Wet Tropics) and the pastoral lease regions of the Mount Isa Inlier and Einasleigh
Uplands (Figure 7).
Figure 6: Living knowledge projects of the TIEC in relation to documented publically available
literature (1: Mt Isa Inlier region; 2: Einasleigh Uplands region).
Figure 7: Number of TIEC Living knowledge projects and documented IBK materials for
Queensland IBRA regions.
3.3. Contributions of IBK to Australia’s national ecosystem science and management priorities
Australia’s ecosystem science and management priorities were broadly identified in Australia’s
Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010-2030 (NRMMC 2010) as fire, threatened species,
biodiversity, aquatic ecosystems, invasive species and climate change. The following section reviews
how IBK has and could contribute to these contemporary environmental issues.
3.3.1. Fire management
The IBK of fire is an outstanding example of how IBK has informed fire management in Australia (e.
g. Jones, 1969; Gill and Groves 1981), particularly in northern Australia over the last few decades (e.
g. Haynes 1985; Yibarbuk et al. 2001; Hill et al. 2004; Russell-Smith et al. 2009). Thirteen percent of
the collated IBK material in this review directly related to fire. One of the earliest and most
influential examples of IBK use in fire management is the innovative Western Arnhem Land Fire
Abatement (WALFA) project in northern Australia. For over 20 years Northern Territory
Government scientists and bushfire staff, the Northern Australian Indigenous Land and Sea
Management Alliance (NAILSMA) and Indigenous land and sea management (Ranger) groups have
collaborated to promote early-dry season burns to prevent destructive late-dry season fires, protect
fire sensitive species, community infrastructure and concurrently abate carbon emissions (Russell-
Smith et al. 2009). This project hinges on recreating customary mosaic burning practices which have
been shared with scientists by Senior Knowledge Custodians of the region (e. g. Garde et al. 2009).
The collaboration inherent to this project was recognised with a prestigious national Banksia Award
in 2011 and was the basis for the first formal carbon-offset agreement in Australia (Russell-Smith et
al. 2009).
There has also been a wealth of collaborative research and application of Indigenous fire
management practices in the wet tropics region of northern Queensland (e. g. Hill et al. 1999; Hill et
al. 2004). Here, Senior Knowledge Custodians have worked with Indigenous Rangers and researchers
to record Indigenous burning practices using audio-visual technologies and multi-disciplinary
techniques to promote the benefits of customary Indigenous fire management. Participatory action
research has been a key feature of this work which aims to build the capacity of Indigenous and non-
Indigenous participants to better understand and manage fire using both knowledge systems. A key
product of this work is Yalanji-Warranga Kaban: Yalanji people of the rainforest fire management
book (Hill et al. 2004). Following from the successes of these projects, many other Indigenous
groups across Australia aspire to initiate collaborative cross-cultural fire management projects.
3.3.2. Threatened fauna
There have been some significant, albeit few, long-term documented partnerships where Aboriginal
people have worked with Western scientists to better understand the distribution, ecology and status
of threatened species. However, there are likely to be many more undocumented examples
considering the well-known animal tracking skills of Indigenous People (e. g. Southgate and Moseby
One of the first and most publicised collaborative studies between Aboriginal people and Western
scientists was that of the declining mammals of the central Australian deserts (Burbidge et al. 1988).
Aboriginal people were shown museum skins and provided information about local names, the
biology and ecology and the current and past status of the animals. During this research new data
were collected on the distribution, biology and ecology of many species. Recently, Ziembicki and
others (2013) replicated this method and supplemented it with on-Country trips and mammal trapping
with Aboriginal people in northern Australia to expand the knowledge of declining species. This
expert knowledge research has been used to inform collaborative management and planning in the
region, especially for fire and feral animals.
Some linguists have also conducted research into threatened fauna when building Aboriginal
language dictionaries. For example, when compiling a dictionary for the Adnyamathanha People of
the Flinders Ranges, Tunbridge became interested in Indigenous knowledge of the mammal fauna
which had largely disappeared following European settlement in the late 1800’s. Tunbridge’s book
The story of the Flinders Ranges mammals (1992) records detailed information on the habit, diet
and behaviour of 58 species. In a review of this book in Australian Mammalogy, Burbidge (1992)
commented on the significant range extensions of many species as well as the amazing ability of
Aborigines to identify mammals from skins, and to relate information about animals and places that
they have never seen but which had been passed onto them by earlier generations. He concluded the
review by stating that he hoped the book would encourage others to record Aboriginal knowledge in
other parts of the country, particularly knowledge of extinct and threatened species of mammals,
before it is too late. Twenty years on there has been some continuation of this work; however, such
collaborations are far from reaching their potential with progress warranting even more urgency as
the threats of feral animals, altered fire regimes, disease and habitat destruction continue to decimate
Australia’s small mammals and reptiles (e. g. Woinarski et al. 2007).
In terms of pro-active management of threatened species, the Anangu People of the Anangu
Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands offer an outstanding example as they have shared
knowledge and developed management approaches for the threatened Black-footed Rock Wallaby
(warru, Petrogale lateralis) with scientists since the first biological survey in the region in 1985
(Muhic et al. 2012; Read and Ward 2011). When a rapid decline was detected in populations from
1999, Anangu have worked alongside scientists to try and protect this species. In 2007, the Anangu
Warru Recovery Team was established as part of the Threatened Species Recovery Plan for the
warru. The team, including Anangu Warru Rangers, established a breeding colony at the Monarto
Zoo in southern South Australia and have recently translocated joeys back to the APY Lands into
large feral animal exclosures. The Warru Rangers monitor the fence, conduct traditional burning,
predator baiting and monitor warru populations. In 2011, the warru team won the National
Aborigines and Islanders Day Observerance Committee (NAIDOC) Caring for Country Award for
their work on this threatened species. Anangu have played critical roles in this project through their
use of traditional knowledge of warru behaviour, preferred habitat and spiritual connections and
practices (including song) to facilitate project success (Muhic et al. 2012).
3.3.3. Biodiversity
Biodiversity surveys that targeted species significant to Indigenous people (those used for material
culture, bush tucker and bush medicine), were the earliest IBK documents produced by Indigenous
authors (Nabarula et al. 1978; Dhamarrandjai and Guyamirrilili 1979) and have become more
common (e. g. Latz 1995; Packer et al. 2011); although, are still considered vastly under-prescribed
considering that about 250 Indigenous language groups occur across Australia (McConvell and
Thieberger 2006). Such studies are often described as ethno-biological, ethno-ecological or ethno-
pharmacological studies. A rare example of documented detailed collaborative ethno-biological
research was published by Telfer and Garde (2006) who conducted one of the most comprehensive
reviews of Indigenous knowledge of several species - rock kangaroos in western Arnhem Land. This
work greatly expanded the ecological literature for several species of conservation interest, including
information on diet, habitat use, distribution, behaviour and predation. A feature of this work was that
it involved a linguist who ensured that the nuances of local Indigenous knowledge were correctly
documented. Notably, there has been a concentration of ethno-biological research in the Top End of
northern Australia, largely driven by collaborations involving the Northern Territory Herbarium (e.g.
Wightman and Smith 1989; Roberts et al. 2011). Much of this knowledge would have been lost as
elders passed away if these records were not produced (Horstman and Wightman 2001). Surprisingly,
in Australia, ethno-biological research has not featured prominently in any other State or Territory
Government institution until very recently, through the TIEC (Hill et al 2011b) and Macquarie
University (eg Packer et al. 2011; Gaikwad 2011; Gaikwad et al. 2011).
The prevalence of cross-cultural systematic biological surveys has increased around Australia,
especially since the advent of the Indigenous Protected Area and Working on Country programs.
Biological surveys range from inventories to inclusion of distributional and ecological information.
For example, recently, a group of Western Australian Government biologists conducted a series of
biodiversity surveys with the Pila Nguru (Spinifex people) of the Great Victoria Desert, which
greatly contributed to the documented biodiversity knowledge of the region, including several new
species to science and of conservation interest (Brennan et al. 2012). Notably, these authors reiterated
that such projects can be more productive when both Indigenous and Western knowledge and
survey methods are employed and drew attention to the paucity of publically available documentation
on this type of research. Clearly there are vast opportunities for more collaborative biodiversity
surveys across Australia, where multiple benefits for conservation, cultural maintenance and socio-
economic outcomes are possible (Moritz et al. in press).
3.3.4. Aquatic ecosystems
Aboriginal people have long had a spiritual and life-sustaining connection to aquatic ecosystems
(Bayly 1999; Humphries 2007; Clarke 2009a), which according to Humphries (2007), is not well
understood and appreciated by mainstream aquatic ecologists. An outstanding example of IBK
contribution to aquatic ecosystem research and policy in Australia is the demonstration of Aboriginal
occupation, understanding and use of the land and waters in the Murray-Darling Basin (e. g. Weir
2009; Clarke 2009a; Birckhead et al. 2011). This work has resulted in landmark contributions of
Indigenous perspectives in large-scale water management strategies (Birckhead et al. 2011), such as
the National Water Initiative (Jackson and Morrison 2007); although controversy and calls for greater
Indigenous involvement continue (Weir 2009; Birckhead et al. 2011; Bark et al. 2012).
Similarly, Indigenous and non-Indigenous stakeholders have made substantial headway into
promoting Indigenous water rights and customary water uses in northern Australia (e. g. Jackson et
al. 2005; Altman et al. 2009; Kennett et al. 2010). Socio-economic studies on the contributions of
freshwater resources to the Indigenous customary economy (e. g. Jackson 2004; Barber and Jackson
2011; Woodward et al. 2012) provide substantial evidence for the imperative to honour Indigenous
peoples rights to use their ancestral Country to support wellbeing and livelihoods, especially in the
absence of adequate essential service delivery to Indigenous communities by governments.
Based on the present collation of IBK materials, the majority of Indigenous contributions to aquatic
ecosystem research management primarily centred on Indigenous water rights. However, by
international standards, recognition of Indigenous water rights in Australia is considered poor
(Durette 2008; Bark et al. 2012). Therefore, there is substantial potential to further document and
expand public awareness of IBK of aquatic environments, which would certainly have positive
implications for more holistic management of aquatic natural and cultural resources as well as
Indigenous-driven socio-economic development opportunities related to the customary economy and
eco-tourism (Altman et al. 2007).
3.3.5. Invasive species
There was scant publically available IBK material related to invasive species, despite great potential
for Indigenous insight into their historical distributions, impacts and ecology, particularly where
Indigenous people have had enduring connection to Country. The relatively limited documented IBK
about invasive species primarily focused on large exotic animals (e. g. camel, buffalo and pig) and
comparisons of perceptions and preferred management approaches by Indigenous and non-
Indigenous stakeholders (Rose 1995; Robinson et al. 2005; Edwards et al. 2008; Trigger 2008).
These studies clearly demonstrated differences in world views and are very useful for building cross-
cultural awareness. Few publicly available documents went on to offer practical suggestions or
guidelines for working with these differences, which are particularly necessary for co-managed areas
and Indigenous land for which management is often funded by non-Indigenous agencies. A rare
example was detected in Edwards et al. (2008) on extensive collaborative research in central
Australia where a structured study into management options and stakeholder perceptions of feral
camels were used in decision making tools that defined a range of management suitability areas.
For invasive plants there was far less documented material incorporating IBK, and for microbial
invaders, we found nothing. Of the few documented materials relating to IBK and invasive plants
most related to management and preferred eradication of invasive plants (Storrs et al. 1996; CSIRO
2012; Grice et al. 2012). Several materials contained information on the positive values and uses of
plants by Aboriginal people, species that Western’ science call invasive or pests (e.g. Wightman et
al. 1994; Smith 2000; Packer et al. 2011; Clarke 2012). Again, there is ample opportunity to expand
our understanding of different world views in relation to invasive species and development of
preferred management approaches that serve these alternate views.
3.3.6. Climate change
Climate change is expected to have significant social, economic and environmental impacts,
particularly for Indigenous communities who are least resourced to adapt (Green et al. 2009). The
predicted effects of rising sea levels and changing seasonality include: a loss of community and
environmental assets, loss of cultural heritage sites, a significant downturn in the human quality of
life, and the establishment of potential favourable conditions for the spread of invasive plant diseases,
weeds and pests (Green et al. 2009).
There is a growing body of published literature discussing the importance of IBK and worldviews in
the climate change debate (e. g. Green and Raygorodetsky 2010; Petheram et al. 2010: Alexander et
al. 2011; Leonard et al. 2013), although there has been limited documented use of IBK by Australian
climate scientists. Indigenous communities have long observed and recorded the phenology of flora
and the seasonal behaviour of fauna through biocultural knowledge systems. Recently, many
Indigenous groups across Australia have begun to document their seasonal knowledge (e. g.
Hoogenraad and Robertson 1997; Clarke 2009b; Green et al. 2010; Woodward et al. 2012). IBK
paradigms, as described earlier in this paper, have high levels of socio-ecological complexity that
help explain the changing relationships between cycles of inter-annual weather patterns, water
availability and the subsequent response of flora and fauna in the landscape. The use of seasonal
calendars has the potential to highlight the Indigenous identified bio-temporal indicators of landscape
response to climatic change and provide a basis for developing detailed climatic monitoring and
evaluation programs (eg Leonard et al. 2013), particularly for the growing extent of Aboriginal
owned and managed lands.
4. Discussion
Langton and Ma Rhea (2005) assert that the documentation of traditional or Indigenous knowledge
is fundamental to the capacity of traditional knowledge holders to promote, protect and facilitate the
proper use of their knowledge. For this to occur, IBK custodians and their communities must see the
value in documenting inherited and new knowledge, understand the variety of forms that this can
take as well as incumbent Intellectual Property issues (see Janke and Frankel 1998; Janke 2009). To
facilitate the funding and support for IBK documentation, arguably a greater impediment is the
attitude of dominant non-Indigenous society and the resultant values and priorities of funding bodies.
Therefore, a shift in society’s values towards more inclusive, diverse and equitable approaches is
required (Barbour and Schlesinger 2012; Ens et al. 2014). In ecosystem science and management this
will require strengthening the understanding and acceptance of different knowledge systems, values
and priorities to facilitate greater cross-cultural or two-way learning approaches (Marika et al. 2009;
Yunupingu and Muller 2009; LaFlamme 2011; Ens et al. 2012).
The review of Australian IBK material presented in this paper is not reflective of the entire body of
IBK in Australia as much knowledge has not been documented. It is also likely that the methodology
deployed here did not capture all documented IBK works as many may not be publically available for
good reason relating to information sensitivities and property rights. However, an examination of
publically available IBK material is beneficial as this is what is likely to shape broader community
perceptions about IBK, unless people have closer connections to Indigenous people and
communities. Despite these limitations, this review clearly demonstrates that IBK has and can
continue to make substantial contributions to the understanding and implementation of Australia’s
national ecosystem science and management priorities. The large spatial gaps in IBK documentation
detected in this study illustrate vast opportunities to expand cross-cultural research, management and
awareness of Australia’s unique assets to deliver environmental, cultural and socio-economic
outcomes. Of particular note are the IBK material gaps in agricultural areas and Tasmania which are
areas where Indigenous people suffered great disruption following colonisation.
We found that Indigenous land ownership clearly offers a stable platform for enhanced collaboration
and mobilisation of IBK resources; however, has not prohibited the documentation of IBK on other
land tenures (where 60% of IBK materials originated). For example, the TIEC works with many
Indigenous groups in Queensland where vast tracts of land are currently held under pastoral leases
and private non-Indigenous ownership. In some cases there has been great incentive to maintain and
document Indigenous knowledge for the Native Title process where Indigenous ownership of
Country is granted following demonstration of continuous occupation. There are also benefits to
raising public awareness of the biocultural value of Indigenous owned land (including government
supported IPAs) as a perceived higher value by the public and funding bodies can leverage greater
investment. In support of this supposition, a recent study by Hill et al. (2013) showed that between
2002 and 2012 the Dhimurru and Djelk IPAs received the highest income of all IPA’s which
corresponds with our finding that these two IPAs also had two of the highest numbers of publically
available IBK materials, and therefore public awareness and arguably perceived value. This
correlation between IBK material availability and income may not be causal; nevertheless, it is an
interesting coincidence when considering the aspirations for culturally meaningful development of
many Indigenous communities.
If we are to move beyond simple biodiversity conservation by incorporating socio-ecological systems
thinking (e. g. Sachs et al. 2009) that serves to promote more inclusive conservation practice,
conservation priorities could adopt our biocultural hotspot concept. Broadening the biological hotspot
targets to include culture is one way of enhancing the role of Indigenous people, knowledge and land
into national conservation priorities. Therefore, following the logic of Myers et al (2000) the most
bioculturally and biologically rich areas undergoing exceptional threats could be targeted for
conservation. Alternatively, the gaps in IBK documentation could be considered a priority for
funding and work as in these areas, IBK may be critically endangered. Decision making about
biocultural asset maintenance is similar to the debates about biodiversity and threatened species
conservation do we conserve the richest ‘intact’ areas, try and maintain or increase richness in less
‘intact’ areas, or adopt a blend of approaches (Kareiva and Marvier 2003)? We acknowledge again
that the gaps’ identified in this study may simply be an artefact of the methodology as we only used
publically available and accessible IBK materials; however this foundational work raises the question
about what should or could be supported to maximise return on investment. Considering the
increasing interest in Australian IBK documentation shown in Figure 6, it is timely to assess the
content and geographic spread of the baseline data and look to develop a more strategic approach to
managing Australia’s biocultural resources, importantly, in collaboration with Indigenous people. To
do this, there needs to be greater awareness of the value of Indigenous knowledge and a willingness
to accept differing knowledge systems by broader society.
4.1. Breaking down intellectual and institutional barriers
Globally, the value of cultural brokers for negotiating divergent knowledge systems and
understanding has been recognised when working in complex cross-cultural or cross-disciplinary
spaces (Guston 2001). Use of cultural brokers is of particular relevance for work on Indigenous land,
with Indigenous people or when using IBK (Maru and Davies 2011; Robinson and Wallington 2012).
Drawing on champions that may be individuals or larger groups or agencies who have the power to
drive institutional change may also strengthen efforts to raise awareness of the value of IBK in
national conservation decision-making. The conglomerate of leading ecologists which make up
Australia’s Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) could play a leading role in driving
change and reaching out to mainstream society, in line with Australia’s Biodiversity Conservation
Strategy Priority 1 Engaging all Australians. Of all the 12 long-term ecological research projects
under the banner of TERN, only one project (the Tropical Savanna project) has formally engaged
Indigenous stakeholders (Ens et al. 2014). While internationally, initiatives to incorporate long-term
socio-ecological research into national ecology networks like TERN are gaining momentum (e. g.
Ohl and Swinton 2010).
It is clear that we need to move beyond participation to more active engagement of Indigenous
people, knowledge and Country in environmental conservation initiatives (Colechester 1996; Hill et
al. 2012; Walsh and Mitchell 2002). There are many examples of tokenistic and limited
collaborations between Indigenous people and environmental scientists and managers. Generally, in
Australia and likely in other colonised countries, the reasons for limited Indigenous involvement can
be distilled down to a poor understanding of Indigenous history and culture by the wider populous
and a general failure to appreciate alternate knowledge systems as a result of Eurocentric education
systems. The result of dominant colonial histories has been the development of rigid environmental
project and funding frameworks that tend to work against Indigenous involvement.
In Australia, key principles for effective collaboration between Indigenous and non-Indigenous
people have been widely documented (e. g. Janke and Frankel 1998; Davies 2007; Desert Knowledge
Cooperative Research Centre 2008; Marika et al. 2009; Davies et al. 2011; Ens et al. 2012; Hoffmann
et al. 2012). In summary they are:
1. Cross-cultural awareness and sensitivity;
2. Respectful consultation and partnerships from project conception to completion and
3. Enough time and adequate resources to discuss, consult and conduct the work;
4. Legal advice on Intellectual Property rights;
5. Prior informed consent of all people involved;
6. Equitable remuneration and acknowledgement of collaborator’s time and knowledge; and
7. That the principles of the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the
Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) guidelines
for research with Indigenous People’s be followed.
Indigenous land and sea management corporations are increasingly seeking collaboration with non-
Indigenous scientists, managers and policy makers to fulfil their own research questions and
organisational needs (Hoffmann et al. 2012; Marika and Roeger 2012). As Hemming et al. (2007)
comment, government programs and support institutions come and go which ...means that
universities are even more important as partner organisations for capacity building, knowledge
development and knowledge exchange for Indigenous communities seeking social transformation.
Development of respectful partnerships with long-term commitment has proven to deliver mutual,
nationally significant and transformative benefits for ecosystem science and management, such as the
warru and Western Arnhem Land Fire Abatement projects previously described.
5. Conclusions
Over the last two centuries, there have been large shifts in the way non-Indigenous people have
engaged with Indigenous people, land and biocultural knowledge towards much more inclusive and
respectful interaction, although inequitable benefit sharing remains. Many Aboriginal people still
refer to Indigenous knowledge systems and Law when trying to making sense of environmental
change, despite the impacts of European colonisation. There are clear hotspots of documented IBK in
Australia that have greatly enhanced the broader understanding and management of coupled natural
and cultural systems. We have shown that all of Australia’s conservation priorities could be greatly
informed by IBK, although the existing opportunities far outweigh the advances made to date.
Threats to global environments are increasing, so it is timely to rethink our ecological knowledge
base and develop more holistic and inclusive research, management and funding options for the
future. Enhanced cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary engagement has great potential to strengthen
global capacity to build socio-ecological resilience for more holistic, inclusive and sustainable
environmental management strategies.
We acknowledge and respect all Indigenous People and IBK custodians past, present and future. This
work was supported by the Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (ACEAS), a
facility of the Australian Government-funded Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
(, a research infrastructure facility established under the National
Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and Education Infrastructure Fund - Super Science
Initiative, through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.
The authors thank ACEAS for logistic and financial support of two Indigenous Biocultural Working
Groups from which this paper originated and the Quandamooka and Yirrganydji Traditional Owners
of North Stradbroke Island and Cairns, respectively, where the two meetings were held. We also
thank our respective institutions and funding bodies for allowing us time to develop the Working
Group products.
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... To our awareness, no literature has fully summarized the integration of TEK in forest ecosystem management and resilient livelihoods research. Our study aims to address this gap by providing a comprehensive analysis of the current state of TEK literature focusing on resilience and livelihoods in forest ecosystems, expanding beyond previous geography or ecosystem-specific reviews (Ens et al. 2015;Guerrero-Gatica et al. 2020;Loch and Riechers 2021;Malapane et al. 2022). We employ bibliometric visualizations to illustrate research trends and topic relationships. ...
... TEK as social institutions and customary laws(Ford et al. 2020;LaRochelle and Berkes 2003;Luna-José and Aguilar 2012;Singh et al. 2011;Ens et al. 2015;Ford et al. 2020). ...
In recent years, Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) has gained prominence in ecosystem science and governance, enhancing understanding of landscape conditions, systems dynamics, and ethical restoration practices. However, Indigenous community engagement in science and practice remains limited. In this paper, we investigate TEK's contribution to forest ecosystem research for resilient livelihoods , methods for bridging TEK with Western science, and share insights from Ojibwa perspectives on ecological restoration and well-being. A systematic review of TEK literature from 2001 to 2022 was conducted using Web of Science, with bibliometric analysis and narrative review using VOSviewer and Biblioshiny. Our findings suggest that while TEK is prevalent in social-ecological resilience and climate change mitigation research, forest ecosystem restoration receives less attention. Most literature considers Indigenous peoples as research participants rather than collaborative research partners. Differences in ontologies and sociological barriers between Indigenous peoples and government agencies may hinder TEK's inclusion in restoration practices. Reflecting on the wild rice restoration efforts of Ojibwa in the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, we discuss timescale dimensions of research partnerships and restoration projects with Indigenous communities. Guided by Indigenous knowledge systems, we conclude that restoration activities have the potential to strengthen human-ecosystem livelihoods in our shared landscapes and futures.
... An independent review of the EPBC Act by Samuel (2021) argued that the Act failed to meet international directives for Indigenous inclusion and leadership in conservation decisionmaking. However, there is growing recognition of the importance of engaging with Australian Indigenous peoples to co-develop solutions to protect threatened and culturally valued species and places (Baker et al. 1992;Ens et al. 2015;Paltridge and Skroblin 2018;Goolmeer et al. 2022a). At a national level, the federal government recently developed 'First Nation' targets within the Threatened Species Action Plan (2022-2023) that prioritises working with the right people to include their 'knowledges in conservation assessments, processes and planning to guide recovery actions, research and monitoring activities' (Target 15; DCCEEW 2022). ...
... However, factors continue to threaten ecosystem health and biodiversity values, namely the impacts of accelerating sea level rise, and introduced species such as water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), feral pigs (Sus scofra), feral cats (Felis catus) and cane toads (Rhinella marina) (Yirralka Rangers 2017). Alongside the recognised biodiversity value of this region, north east Arnhem Land is also considered a significant stronghold of Indigenous Australian traditional cultures and languages (Marmion et al. 2014) and a hotspot of Indigenous biocultural knowledge documentation (Ens et al. 2015). ...
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Context Amidst growing international calls for inclusive conservation and a backdrop of declining species and cultural diversity, Indigenous-led approaches that offer opportunities for biocultural benefits are of growing interest. Species prioritisation is one area that can be decolonised, shifting from quantitative, large-scale threatened species metrics to pluralistic, place-based approaches that include culturally significant species. Aim This study aimed to establish a list of priority animals of concern to Ŋaḻapaḻmi (senior knowledge holders) in the Laynhapuy Indigenous Protected Area, north-eastern Arnhem Land, Australia. This list could focus the research and management efforts of the Yirralka Rangers and collaborators. Methods Adhering to local governance structures, through six group-elicitation sessions, Ŋaḻapaḻmi were asked to identify animals of concern and describe reasons for concern. Existing occurrence records and threat status of these species were compiled to assess baseline data and guide next steps. Results The Ŋaḻapaḻmi-defined Laynhapuy Priority Animal List contained 30 animals (species/groups), with the highest-ranked animals including Marrtjinyami wäyin (walking animals), Rupu (possums), and Djanda (goannas), all mammals and varanid lizards. The list of 30 animals included 43 species from a Western-science perspective, of which 12 were also listed as threatened through Western conservation frameworks. Some animals were considered high priority locally, such as the waṉ’kurra (northern brown bandicoot, Isoodon macrourus), although not a concern from a Western-science perspective, demonstrating mismatch between local and larger-scale approaches. To help disentangle whether this mismatch is due to cultural significance and/or localised decline not captured at larger-scale assessments, we provide the animal’s publicly known Yolŋu clan connections and reasons for concern alongside existing baseline occurrence data. Recent collaborative surveys have substantially increased data for Laynhapuy Priority Animals, demonstrating the benefits of community engaged wildlife research. Conclusions Multidisciplinary research collaborations can produce Indigenous-led ‘working’ lists of priority animals to guide culturally attuned on-ground action. Approaches that draw on different cultural knowledge systems require interrogation of how knowledge is created and conveyed to ensure mutual comprehension and practical use. Implications Indigenous-led approaches offer possibilities for enhanced management of species by local groups, with anticipated co-benefits to species and cultural knowledge.
... Além disso, a revisão identificou uma escassez de estudos aprofundados de longo prazo sobre estratégias adaptativas lideradas pela comunidade. Pesquisas mais extensas sobre o conhecimento local e sua integração com insights científicos modernos podem ser fundamentais para moldar futuras estratégias adaptativas[50].Tendo em conta os impactos expansivos e interligados das alterações climáticas nos ecossistemas costeiros, é indispensável uma abordagem de gestão adaptativa e multifacetada. Para os tomadores de decisão políticos:.I. ...
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Os ecossistemas costeiros, com a sua rica biodiversidade e papéis socioeconômicos vitais, estão cada vez mais ameaçados pelas alterações climáticas. Esta revisão abrangente investiga os impactos multifacetados das alterações climáticas nesses habitats frágeis, examinando dimensões ecológicas e centradas nos seres humanos. As mudanças induzidas pelo clima, como o aumento do nível do mar e a acidificação dos oceanos, têm efeitos reverberantes que vão desde a degradação direta do habitat até ramificações socioeconômicas mais amplas. Observações significativas incluem a vulnerabilidade pronunciada de ecossistemas como manguezais, estuários e restingas entre outros, que simultaneamente oferecem serviços ecossistêmicos inestimáveis e desempenham papéis cruciais na mitigação do clima. Há necessidade de soluções adaptativas, interdisciplinares e globalmente colaborativas, considerando como insuficientes as abordagens reativas. Priorizar estratégias holísticas, integrativas e com visão de futuro é primordial. Destaque aos caminhos potenciais para a resiliência, enfatizando a importância da cooperação internacional e da harmonização de iniciativas científicas, políticas e comunitárias. Esta revisão visa não apenas elucidar os desafios atuais, mas também desencadear um impulso coletivo para salvaguardar os ecossistemas costeiros diante dos crescentes desafios climáticos.
... Awareness of the close bond between culture and biological diversity has grown since then. Important contributions have been made to the understanding of biocultural diversity as being a result of evolutionary processes in human history and the development of traditional livelihoods that depend directly on nature (Berkes & Davidson-Hunt, 2006;Boege, 2008;Ens et al., 2015;Hladik et al., 1993;Loh & Harmon, 2014;Maffi, 2005;Mathez-Stiefel et al., 2007;McKey et al., 1993;Moreno-Calles et al., 2013;Oviedo & Maffi, 2000;Posey, 1999;Toledo & Barrera-Bassols, 2008). The 1990s saw the emergence of an interdisciplinary scientific approach dedicated to the study of the deep connections between language, culture, and biodiversity. ...
A geographical perspective can help to overcome the current lack of structure in approaching the levels of aggregation of biocultural phenomena and how they relate to spatial scales. For this, a conceptual framework to address the scalability of biocultural phenomena is needed. Since the emergence of the concept of biocultural diversity, important questions have been asked regarding patterns of spatial distribution of biodiversity, culture, and language, with a new interdisciplinary academic field emerging in the late twentieth century. In the past decade, the landscape has become the appropriate scale for assessing nature-culture relations. However, there has been little discussion about the integration of biocultural heritage at different levels, and which basic elements should be incorporated at higher levels such as the landscape and region, and how this relates to geographical scales. Furthermore, there is a lack of clarity about what can be called a biocultural landscape. Here we propose an initial framework to describe the different levels of integration of biocultural heritage. It relates biocultural phenomena with geographical space at six levels: resources, entities, places, territories, landscapes, and regions. These elements are all the result of culture-nature interdependencies and represent different levels of expression of biocultural phenomena. It represents their relationships to socio-spatial organization, biological, and linguistic dimensions, and proposes a set of geographical scales as relevant for approaching each level. resumen: La perspectiva geográfica puede ayudar a resolver la actual falta de estructura en el abordaje de los distintos niveles de agregación del fenómeno biocultural. Para ello, se necesita un marco conceptual que aborde la escalabilidad del fenómeno y su correspondencia con escalas geográficas. Desde el surgimiento del concepto de diversidad biocultural se han plant-eado importantes preguntas de investigación sobre los patrones de distribución espacial de la biodiversidad, la cultura y el lenguaje, y la última década del siglo XX vio nacer un nuevo campo académico interdisciplinario. En la última década el nivel de paisaje se señaló como el nivel adecuado para evaluar las relaciones cultura-naturaleza, no obstante poco se ha discutido sobre los diferentes niveles de integración del patrimonio biocultural y cuáles son los elementos básicos que son considerados en los niveles superiores de integración, por ejemplo a nivel de paisaje, así como su relación con las escalas geográficas. No existe claridad sobre lo que puede ser considerado un paisaje biocultural. Se propone aquí un marco incipiente para la exploración de los diferentes niveles de integración del patrimonio biocultural. El esquema general relaciona principalmente las expresiones tangibles de la bioculturalidad con el espacio geográfico, y considera hasta el momento seis niveles de integración: recursos, entidades, lugares, territorios, paisajes y regiones. Los elementos listados son todos resultado de la inter-dependencia entre naturaleza y cultura, y representan diferentes niveles de agregación del fenómeno biocultural; estos niveles son a su vez relacionados con otras dimensiones como la organización socio-espacial para el manejo de la naturaleza, así como las dimensiones biológicas y lingüísticas asociadas. Se proponen las escalas geográficas relevantes para abordar cada nivel de integración.
... Awareness of the close bond between culture and biological diversity has grown since then. Important contributions have been made to the understanding of biocultural diversity as being a result of evolutionary processes in human history and the development of traditional livelihoods that depend directly on nature (Berkes & Davidson-Hunt, 2006;Boege, 2008;Ens et al., 2015;Hladik et al., 1993;Loh & Harmon, 2014;Maffi, 2005;Mathez-Stiefel et al., 2007;McKey et al., 1993;Moreno-Calles et al., 2013;Oviedo & Maffi, 2000;Posey, 1999;Toledo & Barrera-Bassols, 2008). The 1990s saw the emergence of an interdisciplinary scientific approach dedicated to the study of the deep connections between language, culture, and biodiversity. ...
La perspectiva geográfica puede ayudar a resolver la actual falta de estructura en el abordaje de los distintos niveles de agregación del fenómeno biocultural. Para ello, se necesita un marco conceptual que aborde la escalabilidad del fenómeno y su correspondencia con escalas geográficas. Desde el surgimiento del concepto de diversidad biocultural se han planteado importantes preguntas de investigación sobre los patrones de distribución espacial de la biodiversidad, la cultura y el lenguaje, y la última década del siglo XX vio nacer un nuevo campo académico interdisciplinario. En la última década el nivel de paisaje se señaló como el nivel adecuado para evaluar las relaciones cultura-naturaleza, no obstante poco se ha discutido sobre los diferentes niveles de integración del patrimonio biocultural y cuáles son los elementos básicos que son considerados en los niveles superiores de integración, por ejemplo a nivel de paisaje, así como su relación con las escalas geográficas. No existe claridad sobre lo que puede ser considerado un paisaje biocultural. Se propone aquí un marco incipiente para la exploración de los diferentes niveles de integración del patrimonio biocultural. El esquema general relaciona principalmente las expresiones tangibles de la bioculturalidad con el espacio geográfico, y considera hasta el momento seis niveles de integración: recursos, entidades, lugares, territorios, paisajes y regiones. Los elementos listados son todos resultado de la interdependencia entre naturaleza y cultura, y representan diferentes niveles de agregación del fenómeno biocultural; estos niveles son a su vez relacionados con otras dimensiones como la organización socio-espacial para el manejo de la naturaleza, así como las dimensiones biológicas y lingüísticas asociadas. Se proponen las escalas geográficas relevantes para abordar cada nivel de integración.
... Coastal marine restoration requires collaboration from many actors (Fig. 3, Figure S10) (Ens et al., 2015;Hahs and Evans, 2015). Effectively sharing knowledge about causes of restoration success or failure is essential to learn from past experiences and to move forward successfully. ...
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A discoverable inventory of items of value and importance to a community, country, or region has many benefits. These benefits can be for reporting (state of the environment, achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, conservation objectives), for research (exploration of international phylogenetics, development of new pharmaceuticals), or for economic reasons. Confidence in the value of data is best achieved if the information used to underpin statements and conclusions is open to scrutiny. This paper presents a framework for the creation of a collaborative data network for the Asia-Oceania region that will allow members to hold, manage, and share data about their countries and regions. We propose a 'Collaborative Regional Data Access Network' (CREDAN) that will blend the attributes of centralised and decentralised networked databases for the management and discovery of data. Following the CARE principles, data owners will determine the sovereignty and sharing permissions for their data. To ensure ownership is always clear, and subsequent use of data is tracked, we harness blockchain technology alongside smart contracts and decentralised identifiers to allow secure discovery and sharing. The use of blockchain will ensure the information about each dataset (metadata, provenance, and access rights) is immutably connected to each dataset. We recommend a strong governance structure to ensure best practices are aligned with international criteria and those set by the component communities. Management of the eventual large volume of data should be anticipated, and partnerships may need to be considered. We propose a seven-step pathway to creation of such a network.
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For centuries, the Sarolangun community in Central Sumatra has depended on kepayang for its essential roles in nutrition, medicine, environmental conservation, and cultural practices. However, modernization now threatens the preservation of indigenous knowledge and traditions related to kepayang. This study investigates the shifts in ethnobotanical knowledge concerning kepayang in six villages across three sub-districts of Sarolangun Regency, Jambi Province, encompassing urban, peri-urban, and rural landscapes representative of the region’s main kepayang production areas. Using a descriptive-analytical approach, data were collected from 68 participants through in-depth interviews and participatory observations utilizing snowball sampling. Findings reveal the plant’s diverse uses and evolving application patterns, with a broader range of uses in rural areas compared to urban ones. Despite these shifts, kepayang retains its culinary significance throughout the community, symbolizing cultural continuity. Additionally, its role in oral traditions continues to impart moral values to younger generations, supporting collective wisdom essential for conservation. This research advocates for a balanced conservation strategy that integrates ecological preservation with cultural heritage and sustainable development, adapting to local knowledge’s evolution while exploring kepayang's potential for economic benefits within the community.
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North Australia is a significant reservoir for biodiversity and contains some of the least impacted ecosystems found anywhere, but it also faces a range of environmental threats. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples living in north Australia have gained significant legal recognition of their rights to own and manage their traditional lands. Many Indigenous community-based land and sea organizations have emerged that support ranger programmes that actively manage traditional estates. Coupled with recognition of land claims, support for ranger programmes is a practical and culturally effective way to support the rights of Indigenous peoples to manage their traditional lands under international, national, and customary laws. The I-Tracker project, an initiative of the North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA), empowers Indigenous communities by providing them with the tools and skills to effectively collect and manage environmental data. Utilizing robust field computers and internationally-acclaimed CyberTracker® software, the project is underpinned by a set of guiding principles that are centred on the cultural rights and obligations of Traditional Owners. While focused on providing tools to inform local-level management and decision-making, the project also facilitates data sharing to address regional, national, and international environmental issues, thus supporting Australia in meeting its national and international conservation obligations. International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Policy Matters 17, 2010
Bat species recorded during recent CSlRO fauna surveys of Kakadu National Park (1980-83) are documented, together with information on abundance and distribution of species in five habitats. Twenty-one species were detected comprising 12 genera and six families. More species were recorded in the open forest and woodland areas, probably because of their greater structural complexity, the availability of tree hollows as roost sites and the larger area of such habitat in the region. A further four species are known to occur in the Park, bringing the total to 25 species comprising 14 genera and six families. The richness and composition of this assemblage was compared with that of other areas in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of Australia. The Kakadu bat fauna has its strongest affinities with that of the Kimberley region. Specific similarity declines linearly with (direct) distance from Kakadu, but generic similarity shows no significant linear trend. The Kakadu region supports a rich bat fauna, including several species which are regarded as rare or of limited distribution. This has considerable significance for their conservation.
Walter E. Roth's 1897 study of the Aborigines of North-West-Central Queensland was among the first of its kind in Australia, and established his international reputation as a leading anthropologist and ethnologist. Roth, a physician who was later appointed 'protector of Aboriginals' by the government, gained the confidence and trust of the Aboriginal people among whom he lived, and tried to stop the exploitation and injustice they suffered, in the face of fierce political opposition. His book provides a fascinating and closely observed account of the Aborigines' traditional way of life, including their language, kinship and customs. It describes social organisation, food, tools and weapons, personal decoration, travel and trade, birth and death, and even cannibalism. Containing over 430 illustrations and a glossary summarising key vocabulary, this thoroughly-researched book is widely recognised as a valuable and enduring anthropological record.
Published in 1847, this is a fascinating account by the Prussian explorer Ludwig Leichhardt of his 3,000-mile expedition from north to south across Australia, from 1844 to 1846. One of the most authoritative early recorders of Australia's environment, Leichhardt was also the best trained naturalist to explore Australia during this time. The expedition departed on 1 October 1844 from Jimbour, the farthest outpost of settlement on the Queensland Darling Downs. Leichhhardt describes in detail the difficulties his party encountered from the very start, the extreme weather conditions they battled, the kindness of the people they met and his close observations of the habits of the aborigines. He also presents detailed analysis of his findings of natural phenomena. After travelling nearly 3,000 miles, Leichhardt arrived in Sydney on 25 March 1846 to a hero's welcome. Engaging and historically revealing, the volume will capture the imagination of the modern reader.
‘Weir’s book gives me hope that these blasted places and the lives of so many species, humans and not, might again be whole, in new ways and old.’ Professor Donna Haraway, University of California, 2009 This book is my doctoral thesis, and contains the development of my key understandings around nature/culture, tradition/change and ecology/economy, and how these hyper-separated binaries interact to produce a series of opportunities and challenges for both Indigenous peoples and river regulation. You will have to get the book from your library, I cannot upload it. More book endorsements: '...beautifully written and simply brilliant perspective on the nature of human connections to water, and what might be involved in renegotiating the terms on which we humans share the planet and its water' Professor Richie Howitt, Australian Geographer, 2011 'This superbly presented and well argued book ... deserves to be widely known - it is one of the most sophisticated contributions to contemporary ecological awareness.' Professor Anna Yeatman, Australian Journal of Public Administration, 2010 ‘Murray River Country pushes us to go further; to think differently about the Murray-Darling Basin, to consider what is a river, and in what ways can any of us manage it?' Professor Lesley Head, Australian Aboriginal Studies, 2010 Back cover blurb: Murray River Country brings a fresh narrative to Australia’s water crisis — the intimate stories of love and loss of the Aboriginal people who know the inland rivers as their traditional country. The Murray River’s devastation demands that something fundamental changes in our water philosophies. Weir moves readers beyond questions of how much water will be ‘returned’ to the rivers, to understand that our economy, and our lives, are dependent on river health. She draws on western and Indigenous knowledge traditions to unsettle the boundaries of the current debates. In doing so she shows how powerfully influential yet unacknowledged assumptions continue to trap our thinking and disable us from taking effective action.By engaging with the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia’s agricultural heartland, and the Murray River, Australia’s greatest river, Murray River Country goes to the heart of our national understandings of how we are to live in this country