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Unsaturated zone modelling: the role of soil database classification


Abstract and Figures

Physical and hydraulic soil properties are essential input parameters for models from different sciences (e.g. hydrology, agriculture, water management, nature preservation). Generally texture composition, porosity and other easily measurable physical properties of soils are known. However, saturated hydraulic conductivity and characteristic values of the water retention curve are usually missing information. Therefore, based on the physical similarity of soils (classes), they are substituted by data derived from soil databases. The aim of this study was to assess the currently unknown uncertainties of such classified databases. To do so, a large variety of tests were carried out: (i) static and dynamic, (ii) 1D and 3D (iii) hydraulic and hydrologic applied tests, (iv) real and synthetic soils, parameterized accordingly, and (v) HUNSODA and/or HYPRES databases. The results were sorted with respect to FAO and USDA classification systems. Soil class overlapping was evaluated through the statistics of basic hydraulic parameters (retention curve, hydraulic conductivity). Indicators related to hydrologic extremities (excess water and drought) were used to quantify the uncertainties of soil texture based on parameter substitution. It was concluded that the two evaluated soil classification systems did not sort soils reliably from the hydrologic and hydraulic viewpoint: the test results of classes showed major overlaps. Moreover, in most cases class synthetic parameter combinations poorly represented real soils. As a general consequence the results based on classified soil databases should be accepted only with reservation.
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Unsaturated zone modelling:
the role of soil database classification
Z. Kozma, T. Ács & L. Koncsos
Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Physical and hydraulic soil properties are essential input parameters for models
from different sciences (e.g. hydrology, agriculture, water management, nature
preservation). Generally texture composition, porosity and other easily
measurable physical properties of soils are known. However, saturated hydraulic
conductivity and characteristic values of the water retention curve are usually
missing information. Therefore, based on the physical similarity of soils (classes),
they are substituted by data derived from soil databases. The aim of this study was
to assess the currently unknown uncertainties of such classified databases. To do
so, a large variety of tests were carried out: (i) static and dynamic, (ii) 1D and 3D
(iii) hydraulic and hydrologic applied tests, (iv) real and synthetic soils,
parameterized accordingly, and (v) HUNSODA and/or HYPRES databases. The
results were sorted with respect to FAO and USDA classification systems. Soil
class overlapping was evaluated through the statistics of basic hydraulic
parameters (retention curve, hydraulic conductivity). Indicators related to
hydrologic extremities (excess water and drought) were used to quantify the
uncertainties of soil texture based on parameter substitution. It was concluded that
the two evaluated soil classification systems did not sort soils reliably from the
hydrologic and hydraulic viewpoint: the test results of classes showed major
overlaps. Moreover, in most cases class synthetic parameter combinations poorly
represented real soils. As a general consequence the results based on classified soil
databases should be accepted only with reservation.
Keywords: unsaturated zone, soil database, soil classification, hydrological
modelling, agricultural yield estimation.
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1 Introduction
The hydraulic behaviour of unsaturated soils is an important factor in a number of
environmental phenomena. The rate of water and solute transport in the
unsaturated zone directly or indirectly governs most hydrologic processes, as well
as erosion, plant growth, ecosystem functioning, nutrient cycling and diffuse
According to its importance, unsaturated zone is assessed in the frame of many
sciences at various scales. Among others hydrologic, water management,
agricultural (e.g. crop yield – McCown et al. [1], van Ittersum and Rabbinge [2])
and climate (e.g. regional atmospheric) models must handle the impacts of
hydraulic processes in the unsaturated zone to a certain extent. The topic has a
great significance in Hungary as well, since the country has to face a unique
combination of extreme hydrologic symptoms: the extensive, regular appearance
of flood, excess water (see definition in e.g. van Leeuwen et al. [3]) and drought.
As a result of increased computational capacity the theoretical insight is
broadening remarkably in the topic. Up-to-date one- or multidimensional solvers
as well as integrated hydrologic models attain great complexity and became
essential parts of research (Harter and Hopmans [4]). However, there are still many
open questions and problems in relation with understanding and predicting the role
of vadose zone in landscape scale hydrology (Pachepsky et al. [5]). Probably the
most important of these issues is data reliability. Considering the quality of the
simulation results, usually the bottleneck is the input data. Soil maps and databases
(Wösten et al. [6], Soil Survey Staff [7]) are used expansively to provide
information about the 3D spatial distribution of various soil types and their
hydraulic parameterization (e.g. water retention and hydraulic conductivity). Such
databases are often developed by using soil classification. Though it is a common
practice, even the magnitude of uncertainty associated to soil categorization is
practically unknown.
Concerning the aspects above, recently a research was started with the aim to
(i) quantify the uncertainty related to classified soil data used for hydrologic
modelling, and to (ii) derive useful information and hydrologic indicators for soil
samples from Hungary. In the first phase of the study (Kozma et al. [8]) the
well-known FAO classification system (FAO [9]) was analysed by using it on the
Unsaturated Soil Hydraulic Database of Hungary (HUNSODA – Nemes [10]).
Three possible directions were outlined for the second phase of the research:
(a) the dynamic analysis of all soils in the database instead of using only
parameter class envelopes,
(b) the evaluation of the USDA classification system (USDA [11]) with the
same methodology, and
(c) the analysis of the FAO and/or USDA methods using the Database of
Hydraulic Properties of European Soils (HYPRES).
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In this paper task (a) and (b) will be discussed in detail. Since the complete
HYPRES database is not accessible for the broad scientific community, task (c) is
limited to the published FAO class averages derived for HYPRES.
The time-invariant and dynamic tests applied so far consider only a single
homogeneous soil column (pedon), therefore their ability to analyze complex
landscape scale hydrologic behaviour is limited. For this reason, another type of
test, a simple sensitivity analysis was carried out as well: hydrologic processes and
excess water were simulated with the WateRisk integrated hydrologic model
(Kozma and Koncsos [12]) at a relatively humid Hungarian lowland watershed.
2 Theoretical background
2.1 Classified soil databases
As the direct determination of soil properties is expensive and time-consuming,
such data is often provided by pre-parameterized spatial soil databases. These
contain the 2D/3D distribution of soil types and physical parameters associated to
them. The magnitude of uncertainty related to database elaboration is usually
unknown, but probably there are two major sources of error: (i) spatial
interpolation between sample locations, and (ii) soil classification. As stated
above, in this research only (ii) is analyzed.
The aim of classification is to synthesize field data, so that predictive
estimates/concepts can be set up about soil behaviour. Samples are categorized
into soil types with respect to easily definable properties (e.g. genesis,
morphology, texture). Classes are then characterized with geometric average
values for also such properties that are more difficult to quantify or expensive to
measure and can be missing for many soils (water retention, saturated hydraulic
conductivity, etc.). This way classification allows the extrapolation of scarcely
known soil information.
Figure 1: The soil texture triangle showing class limits for (a) the USDA
method and for (b) the FAO method.
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Two of the most widespread systems are the FAO [9] and the USDA [11]
method. Both robust approaches sort mineral soils into classes with respect to their
textural composition (sand, silt and clay content). The applied limit values are
shown on Figure 1. The USDA method uses 12 classes (class names are created
from the words loam, sand, silt and clay, e.g.: sicL – silty clay Loam), while the
FAO system uses only five types (C – coarse; M – medium; MF – medium-fine;
F – fine; VF – very fine).
One would expect that the twelve-class USDA method provides more detailed
and sound representation of soils. Contrary, Wösten et al. [6] and Nemes [10]
suggest that the estimation of hydraulic behaviour is more reliable in case of the
FAO method. This might be a reason, why this method is more accepted in Europe:
among others the HYPRES as well as the HUNSODA was developed with the
FAO method.
2.2 Soil hydraulic functions
Water flow and solute transport in various soils can differ significantly. To
describe hydraulic behaviour, generally two characteristic functions are used: the
WRC and the hydraulic conductivity function (HCF). The WRC provides the
water content (
[m3 m-3]that a soil can hold at various matric pressures
[cm]). Figure 2 illustrates the physically interpretable content of the WRC for
an arbitrary medium textured soil (note that pF = log(-
Experimentally the WRC is defined by measuring
data pairs. Various
parametric analytical formulas can be used to express the WRC. These functions
have to be fitted to the measured discrete data points. Most accepted among these
is the function introduced by van Genuchten (vG) [13], which was used in this
study as well. In eqn. (1)
and n are fitted parameters, while m = 1 – 1/n.
Figure 2: The water retention curve of a medium textured soil, showing
characteristic water content values.
residual water content:
(pF 6.2);
water content at wilting point:
(pF 4.2);
water content at field capacity:
(pF 2.5);
saturated water content:
(pF 0);
available water content:
specific yield:
SY =
pF [-]
wilting point
field capacity
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rsr αψ1θθθψθ
Hydraulic conductivity function describes the variation of the k(
)/Ks [-] ratio
with respect to water content (where k(
) [cm day-1] is the unsaturated hydraulic
conductivity and Ks [cm day-1] is the saturated hydraulic conductivity). Since Ks
values can vary in a wide range within soil classes, usually this is the dominant
source of uncertainty. Moreover, the HCF is strongly non-linear, also ranging over
several orders of magnitude (OMs), and its measurement is heavily biased with
error. In this research for the HCF – as van Genuchten suggested [13] – the
Mualem model was used.
3 Time-invariant analysis
In the first phase of this research FAO classes of the HUNSODA database showed
significant uncertainties in soil hydraulic parameters (Kozma et al. [8]). Therefore
the database has been categorized and analyzed also with the USDA method.
Figure 3: Comparison of (a) FAO and (b) USDA class statistics for specific
yield and available water content and for saturated hydraulic
water content [-]
number of soils [-]
SY AWC nSoil
Ks [cm day
USDA 1988
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Figure 3 illustrates the number of soils in classes, class averages and their
variation for AWC, SY and Ks values. The AWC and SY are derived from
at two pF level, thus they provide the best single value aggregated information
about the WRC shape.
Three remarks can be taken: (i) the number of soils in certain classes is diverse.
The VF class of FAO and four USDA classes contain less than 20 samples, which
questions the reliability of any derived statistical measure for these classes (the sC
USDA class contains no soils, so it is not included on the graph). (ii) The relative
values of class variances are between 20–80% (FAO) and 15–72% (USDA) of the
average, indicating major diversity of the WRC shapes. And finally (iii) variances
often exceed the change between class averages – especially in case of mixed,
medium textured soil types.
The saturated hydraulic conductivity varies within a wide range: values in
certain classes cover 3 to 5 OMs for both methods. The only exceptions are the S,
scL and Si USDA classes with only 2 OMs intervals. However scL and Si contain
only 11 and 9 soils respectively, which in fact emphasizes the diversity of Ks.
Large values of class variances (displayed with error bars) indicate great scatter in
data as well.
At the same time, class averages show surprisingly moderate trends: in case of
the FAO method 2 OMs are barely covered and the physically expected
monotonous decline is biased by the known anomaly of the VF class (Nemes [10],
Wösten et al. [6]). For the USDA method the trend is more obvious: when moving
from coarser to finer textured soils, average Ks decreases over 3 OMs. Only the
sicL and siC mixed classes serve as exceptions: their lower conductivity is usually
attributed to their special textural composition.
The very fine FAO class contains only 13 WRCs and 6 Ks values. Such small
sample demonstrates well, how uncertainties of class averaging arise. As an
obvious consequence, class statistics are rather obscure. A more complex effect
can also be observed: for soils with measured Ks values the WRC decreases
relatively fast: average SY is 0.085, indicating that the theoretical capillary
fringe would reach up only to 100-200 cm above the water table. Thus these soils
– regardless of their Ks – have limited water conveying capacity under unsaturated
conditions. However, for the 7 soils without Ks the lower portion of the WRC is
steep, the average SY is 0.012, and the capillary fringe would extend to more than
10 meters. By averaging all 13 WRCs (determining geometrical means of
s at all
pF levels), the summation curve has a SY of 0.010 (note that the resultant SY is
not a linear combination of individual SY values), which would lead to great
capillary rise. As a result, with its large averaged Ks value the synthetic soil
representing the VF class average shows unexpected and rather unrealistic
hydrologic behaviour (see results of VF class in Figure 5).
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4 Dynamic numerical analysis
Beside the time-invariant analyses two transient numerical tests were applied on
soils of HUNSODA database to assess how the revealed uncertainties would affect
the dynamic behaviour of soils and soil classes. In the first one 1D unsaturated
flow was simulated in soil columns with Hydrus-1D (Simunek et al. [14]),
focusing mainly on the hydraulic responses of certain soils to real meteorological
conditions. In the second test the WateRisk model was used in order to evaluate
the hydrologic behaviour of soil types at heterogeneous regional scale. The second
test is discussed under section 4.2.
Due to the climatic, topographic and hydrographical conditions of the Great
Hungarian Plan, excess water and drought occur regularly, even in the same year.
Therefore, assessment of soils was carried out with emphasis on these hydrologic
extremities. Model input data (meteorology for the 1D analysis; topology,
hydrometeorology and HUNSODA based soil map for the 3D analysis) was
selected from affected lowland regions.
4.1 1D unsaturated flow test
The HUNSODA database contains 840 soil samples, of which 576 have ten-point
WRC and 252 have measured Ks values. Due to lack of measured Ks or measured
data pairs, 588 records were neglected from further assessment. Additionally,
the test was applied on two other datasets as well, namely the collection of fictive
soils characterized by the five-five FAO class average parameter sets derived from
the (i) HYPRES and (ii) HUNSODA databases.
Atmospheric boundary condition with 100 cm allowed maximum water cover
depth was set at ground surface of the soil column. Daily precipitation (P) and
temperature time series recorded at Napkor weather station for the period
2010–2012 were used as input. Potential evapotranspiration PET was estimated
by the robust Varga-Haszonits equation (Varga-Haszonits [15]). The evaluated
time period is relevant for both excess water and drought. 2010 was the wettest
year of the last century (P 900 mm and PET 740 mm) while 2011 and 2012
were extreme dry years (P 730 mm and PET 2180 mm for the two years).
Vegetation with 50 cm root depth was assumed. Plant rooting distribution
decreased linearly with depth from 1 to 0. For the separation of evapotranspiration
to evaporation and transpiration, LAI for crops was used.
Soil columns were homogeneous and depth was set to 20 m. The possibly finest
(1001 nodes), uneven discretization was used to minimize numerical problems.
Constant flux (Q = 0 m3day-1) was used as lower boundary condition.
Considering drought, one of the most important question from agricultural and
nature preservation viewpoint is the ratio of water uptake and water demand of
plants. As a rather practical and simple approach, this ratio was assessed through
transpiration. Among other characteristics current excess water management
practice focuses mainly on spatial and temporal extent of water coverage. In case
of a 1D approach only the latter can be analyzed (see the 3D analyses for
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Sustainable Irrigation and Drainage V 203
evaluation of other factors). Both extremities are affected by the status of the
groundwater. Considering the above mentioned aspects, evaluation of soils was
carried out through three hydrologic indicators. These are:
(a) T / TP, where T [cm] stands for actual transpiration and TP [cm] is
potential transpiration;
(b) ExWat cover – total duration of excess water [days];
(c) Avg GW level – average groundwater level [m below/above surface].
Figure 4 illustrates the variation of the indicators as a function of time for a
randomly chosen soil profile. Note that evaporation is not displayed on the figure.
Results of converged simulations are summarized on Figure 5. Coloured stripes
represent the ± one sigma interval while vertical black lines show the minimum
and maximum values of the indicators for each class. To emphasize the trends
related to classification, medians were also displayed on the figures.
The median of the T / TP and ExWat cover indicators denote moderate trends
that meet the general expectations: the finer the soil (i) the less water it can
transport to the root zone and (ii) the longer it takes to the water to infiltrate from
the surface. However, considering the other statistical measures there are
remarkable overlaps between the soil classes. More homogeneous is the picture in
case of Avg GW level where even the median does not show significant difference
between classes. Simulation results of HYPRES and HUNSODA class average
parameterization show unexpected anomalies when compared with real soils.
It is to be noted that the evaluation of the results with USDA classification was
also carried out. In harmony with the findings of Wösten et al. [6] and Nemes [10]
it was concluded that even though USDA is a more detailed classification system,
it holds uncertainties at least at the same magnitude.
Figure 4: Simulated boundary water fluxes and groundwater level for an
arbitrary soil.
time [days]
ExWat cover Precip. Infilt.
Pot. Transp Act. Transp GW level
cumulative fluxes [cm]
groundwater level [m]
Avg GW level
Ground surface
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Figure 5: Summarized results for the three hydrologic indicator.
4.2 3D hydrologic sensitivity analysis
WateRisk (Kozma and Koncsos [12]) is a physically based, distributed parameter,
fully coupled hydrologic model. It simulates the major processes of the hydrologic
cycle, including evapotranspiration, channel and overland flow as well as
unsaturated zone and shallow groundwater movement.
To analyze soil data uncertainty, hydrologic processes were simulated at the
Szamos-Kraszna Interfluve, a 457 km2 large sub-catchment in north-eastern
Hungary. The area had been a marshland before it was drained off to be adapted
to arable crop production. Ever since, an extremely long and costly drainage
channel network is maintained on the territory to mitigate excess water. However
the area suffers from this phenomenon almost every year. The heterogeneous but
mostly finer soil composition of the region is a defining factor in this issue.
Sensitivity analysis (SA) was carried out for the five year period between
the summers of 1995 and 2000 (average annual precipitation was 724 mm for the
period). The model was previously calibrated for recent past conditions at this area
(Jolánkai et al. [16]). 3D spatial soil data was based on the FAO method and the
HUNSODA database (Bakacsi et al. [17]). During the SA all boundary conditions
and parameters were unchanged except of porosity and specific yield values.
Porosity represents total soil storage capacity, while specific yield determines
mainly the intensity of groundwater table fluctuations under given boundary
conditions. As physically these two properties are strongly related, their
Avg GW level [m]
of soils
number of soils median
HUNSODA class avg HYPRES class avg
Excess Water [days]
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Sustainable Irrigation and Drainage V 205
simultaneous SA was preferable. The SA included a reference and two perturbed
simulations: the reference (denoted ‘mean’) represented the calibrated model setup
except of porosity and SY. For latter parameters the FAO class averages of the
HUNSODA soils were used. For the two perturbed runs (‘- sigma’ and ‘+ sigma’)
class averages were reduced or increased with class variances (Table 1).
Table 1: Porosity and SY mean and variance values of FAO soil classes.
FAO class Specific yield Porosity
Mean [-] Variance [%] Mean [-] Variance [%]
Coarse 0.215 44.1 0.419 15.7
Medium 0.104 62.0 0.458 14.1
Medium fine 0.069 74.1 0.477 9.9
Fine 0.062 69.9 0.486 9.9
Very fine 0.044 91.1 0.552 6.8
Figure 6: Water coverage time series for the Szamos-Kraszna Interfluve in
case of the three SA simulations.
Table 2: Sensitivity analysis results for aggregated hydrologic indicators.
indicator - sigma mean + sigma
ExWat. coverage
max [ha] +32 % 3596 -32 %
mean [ha] +40 % 1547 -36 %
dur. [day] +7 62 -8
ExWat. pumping [1e6 m3] +28 % 11.7 -11 %
Avr. annual ET [mm] -4 664 +12
GW depth mean [cm] -7 158 +13
var. [cm] +6 60 -7
1 000
2 000
3 000
4 000
5 000
6 000
7 000
8 000
2.14 3.12 4 .8 5.5 6.1 6.28
Time [m.dd]
Water coverage [ha]
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Based on simulation results, Table 2 provides four aggregated indicators,
which quantify (i) the severity of the excess water (denoted ‘ExWat.’) in 2000
and (ii) the hydrologic behaviour of the area for the 5 years period. These
indicators also give information about model sensitivity to soil data. Excess water
related indicators (maximum, mean and duration of water coverage that exceeds a
certain threshold) are displayed in Figure 6.
Several conclusions can be drawn: (i) in accordance with theoretical knowledge
about hydrologic processes and experiences with the WateRisk, the partly
nonlinear model behaviour is reasonable, (ii) all excess water indicators behave as
presumed: as soils get finer, the situation becomes more severe, (iii) as expected
in case of excess water coverage, the variation of mean values exceeds the changes
of maximums, (iv) groundwater response was also reasonable: depth and
fluctuation correlated with porosity and SY.
5 Conclusions
The time-invariant analyses proved that both Ks values and the characteristic
values of WRCs show considerable variances for each soil class. Furthermore, in
harmony with the results of the 1D numerical test it was shown that in some cases
variances exceed the differences between class averages. Also, it was concluded
that class averaging may result in unrealistic parameter combination that poorly
represents soils they stand for. Moreover, hydrologic responses of class average
synthetic soils differed significantly from the majority of soils from the same class.
General consequences are: (i) texture based classification holds considerable
uncertainties concerning hydraulic behaviour and (ii) it is not obvious that
synthesized parameter combinations derived from soil databases appropriately
characterize classes when modelling hydrological processes.
A step forward in the topic could be the establishment of a new soil
classification method that focuses mainly on hydrologic characteristics of soils.
However, it is questionable that such system can be built based on only generally
available physical properties.
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Published on DVD.
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... The solution of the governing equations is carried out either with analytical approximations or with a finite difference numerical scheme [26]. The model was used successfully in several case studies to describe the water budget of Hungarian lowland catchments [16,25,[27][28][29]. As part of the Implementation of the Flood Directive it was also applied to derive the excess water hazard and risk maps of the Szamos-Kraszna Interfluve [23]. ...
... To cope with data uncertainty, we performed a manual sensitivity analysis, which clearly showed that soil properties (capillarity and horizontal/vertical hydraulic conductivity) are the most sensitive parameters regarding all modelled variables [28]. Beside these, vegetation parameters, surface roughness, channel roughness and a site-specific empirical factor for evaporation were also involved in the sensitivity analysis. ...
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During the 20th century in the Hungarian lowlands the emphasis was put on maximizing provisioning ecosystem services (ES), which caused the weakening of regulating and other services. With the growing environmental pressures, it is crucial to apply a more adaptive landscape management. This, however, leads to territorial conflicts, as large areas with water-tolerant land cover (i.e., wetlands, meadows, riparian forests) are needed to buffer extreme hydrological events.We present some findings of the WateRisk project, a research that focused on the possible solutions of these conflicts. In a scenario-based case study, we analyze the outlined issue for the Szamos-Kraszna Interfluve, a 510 km2 lowland catchment heavily affected by excess water. Scenarios were evaluated with an integrated methodology that focuses on the water budget and the total values of ES. The efficiency of the drainage network was found to be minor/moderate as it provided only -1–5% reduction in the spatial extents of inundations, and it contributed only ~20% to the elimination of water coverage. Furthermore, comparing the present (defense-focused) and the alternative (water retention focused) scenarios, the latter turned out to provide higher monetary value for the summed individual and social benefits of ES. This underlines the need for extensive adaptive measures in both water management and landscape planning to create resilience and the ability to cope with contemporary environmental challenges.
... Usually soil hydrologic data sets are compared against each other through model applications (Nemes et al., 2003;Vereecken et al., 1992;Zhao et al., 2018). As certain model inputs, the hydraulic data sets based on different data sources are evaluated usually separately (a single dataset per study) and/or indirectly (comparing measured and simulated state variables, which are indirectly affected by soil hydraulic parameters) (Ganot et al., 2017;Kozma et al., 2014;Scanlon et al., 2002). Ganot et al. (2017) indirectly proved the reliability of the European pedotransfer functions (EU-PTF-s, Tóth et al., 2015), by using seepage hydraulic simulations they modelled the effects of an artificial recharge lake on groundwater levels. ...
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Novel soil datasets and the application of pedotransfer functions provide soil hydraulic input data for modelling hydrological processes at different scales. We aimed to evaluate the reliability of soil hydraulic parameters derived by indirect methods in simulation of soil moisture time series and water budgets at profile level of three sites (Forest, Orchard and Grassland) from a Central European catchment (Lake Balaton, Hungary). Five soil-vegetation-atmosphere model variants were set up with the Hydrus-1D model for each site, differing only in the parametrization of input soil data: i) a calibrated reference, ii) measured values, iii) values predicted from measured basic soil properties, iv) values predicted from national soil map information, v) values derived from the 3D soil hydraulic dataset of Europe. Calibrated soil parameters led to Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency 0.50, 0.54 and 0.71 for the Forest, Orchard and Grassland Site respectively. The outcomes for model efficiency of soil moisture underline the superiority of local databases over regional ones and the need for more detailed vertical discretization during modelling. The model performance according to soil moisture and water budget accuracy led to different rank order of model variants. Water budget comparisons indicated moderate differences between the hydrologic fluxes simulated by the different model variants, emphasizing the uncertainties associated with soil hydraulic parametrization either at local or at watershed scale.
... Both surface runoff calculations and instream flow routing are necessary, as water movement can be neglected neither on terrain nor in the complex drainage network. In case of excess water, the subsurface processes are as important as the surface accumulation (Kozma et al., 2014). Finally, the abovementioned processes occur simultaneously and influence one another. ...
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In many years excess water inundations generate a major obstacle to farming in the lowland part of Hungary, including the Marosszög area. Diverting water to large distances requires an infrastructure that is costly to develop and maintain. Alternatively, low-lying local land segments could be withdrawn from cultivation and utilized to collect the surplus water. The Ecological Focus Area (EFA) requirement of the EU points to the same direction: it requires that 5% of arable land is converted to other, ecologically more beneficial uses. During the research project it was tested if it is feasible to apply a novel economic policy instrument, an auction to trade land use change obligations, to achieve the EFA requirement in a cost effective way through the cooperation of farmers, while also creating a practical solution to manage the seasonal surplus water cover on land. The research was carried out in an interdisciplinary way: a dynamically coupled fully integrated hydrological model, including surface and subsurface modules, was applied by engineers to better understand the interconnections of land use, local hydrology and the role of the water diversion infrastructure; while a pilot auction exercise was conducted by economists with the participation of farmers to understand if cost reductions can be achieved through cooperation, as opposed to individual fulfilment of EFA obligations. The analysis also revealed which segments of the water diversion network are economic to maintain. It was confirmed that it is possible to improve local water management and satisfy the EFA requirements at a reduced cost if appropriate economic incentives are applied to trigger the cooperation of farmers.
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A síkvidéki vízgyűjtőkön végbemenő hidrológiai folyamatok, így a belvíz számszerűsítése a mérési, térinformatikai és szimulációs eszköztár fejlődése ellenére a mai napig kihívást jelent. A dolgozatban szakirodalmi áttekintést nyújtok a jelenség soktényezős hidro-lógiai leírásáról, az adatellátottság helyzetéről és az elérhető matematikai modellekről. A folyamatalapú szimulációs eljárásokkal kap-csolatban kitérek a szóba jövő modellek korlátaira, a modellépítés és a kalibráció nehézségeire, külföldi tapasztalatokra. Hazai alkal-mazási példákkal szemléltetem, hogy az elemzések célja (például az elöntést, a lefolyást, a talajvízszinteket, vagy egyidejűleg mind-kettőt akarjuk-e leírni), illetve tér-és időléptéke hogyan befolyásolja az eredmények alakulását. A Szamos-Kraszna Közi belvízvé-delmi rendszer példáján keresztül összevetem a különböző módszerekkel (terepi szemrevételezéssel, szintézistérképezéssel, hidroló-giai modellezéssel) készült veszélyeztetettségi térképeket. Végül a belvíz kár-és kockázat szempontú megítélésével kapcsolatban röviden kitérek az ökoszisztéma szolgáltatások jelentőségére. Kulcsszavak Belvíz, hidrológiai modellezés, kalibráció, elöntés és veszélyeztetettségi térkép, Szamos-Kraszna Köz, ökoszisztéma szolgáltatások Process based modelling of lowland hydrology and excess water: challenges and opportunities Abstract Despite the recent development of observational, GIS and simulation tools, the quantitative description of lowland catchments and the phenomenon of excess water is still a challenging task. This paper provides a literature overview about the hydrological description of excess water, the relevant mathematical models and data availability. The advantages and limitations of some process-based simulation algorithms is discussed as well as the general experience and most important difficulties of practical model building and calibration. I refer to pilot applications from the Hungarian Great Plain to illustrate the significance of research goals, choice of methods and spatio-temporal scales as these have a great influence on the expected results. Excess water hazard maps are compared for the Szamos-Kraszna Interfluve in order to give an overview about the different available mapping methods (field survey, regression kriging, hydrologic modelling). Finally, the importance of ecosystem services is briefly discussed: the quantification and mapping of different provisioning and regulating services can foster the reduction of losses and risks caused by water shortage and surplus. Keywords Excess water, hydrologic modelling, calibration, inundation and hazard maps, Szamos-Kraszna Interfluve, ecosystem services BEVEZETÉS A hazai síkvidéki vízgyűjtők különleges szélsősége a bel-víz. Jelentőségét visszatérő terepi tapasztalatok, számos adat és tanulmány igazolja (Pálfai 2004, Bíró 2016), okait, hatásmechanizmusát, befolyásoló tényezőit és bekövetke-zésének valószínűségét a hazai szakirodalom részletesen tárgyalja, kiforrott módon térképezi (Rakonczai és társai 2011, Szatmári és van Leeuwen 2013, Pásztor és társai 2015). A szélsőség sokrétű környezeti és gazdasági követ-kezményei szintén jól ismertek, ugyanakkor azok precíz számszerűsítése a korlátos adatellátottság miatt a mai na-pig kihívást jelent (Pinke és társai 2018). Ez különösen igaz a károk-ideértve a mezőgazdasági és infrastrukturá-lis károk mellett a védekezés állandó és eseti költségeit is-statisztikai jellemzésére és az erre alapuló kockázattér-képezésre. A helyzetet a kárszámítás terén tovább árnyalja a belvíz kapcsolódása az aszályhoz. A térben és időben gyakran átfedő két hidrológiai szélsőség, a "sok víz-kevés víz" problémakör összehangolt kezelése hosszú ideje a ha-zai területi vízgazdálkodás egyik megoldandó feladata. Ezen a téren a műszaki-technológiai fejlődés mellett a Víz Keretirányelv (EU VKI) által elvárt, és az Országos Víz-gyűjtő-gazdálkodási Tervben (OVF 2015) előírt preventív, integrált szemlélet gyakorlatba ültetése jelenthet elmozdu-lást (vízvisszatartás, nem kizárólag vízügyi megoldások, ágazati kapcsolódások stb.). A belvíz értelmezésében alap-vető személetváltást eredményezhet a különféle ökoszisz-téma szolgáltatások (ÖSz) figyelembevétele (Kovács és társai 2011, Szöllősi-Nagy 2018). A síkvidéki vízgyűjtők hidrológiai modellezése a gyakorlati területi vízgazdálko-dás és az elméleti megközelítésű határterületi kutatások számára is értékes információkkal szolgálhat. A dolgozat-ban az idevágó hazai és nemzetközi irodalom mellett a Szamos-Kraszna Közre végzett elemzéseink néhány ered-ményét, tanulságát mutatom be. MÓDSZERTANI ÁTTEKINTÉS Javuló technikai háttér A belvíz hidrológiai és kockázatalapú vizsgálata az el-múlt időszakban jelentős módszertani előrelépésen ment keresztül. Ennek hátterében négy kulcsfontosságú terület fejlődése áll: (1) automata hidrometeorológiai monitoring, (2) távérzékelés, (3) térinformatikai megoldások és adat-bázisok, valamint (4) hidrológiai folyamatok matematikai szimulációjának technikai háttere. Az (1)-(3) területek eredményeiről általánosságban a következőket érdemes kiemelni: a monitoring hálózat fejlesztése a különböző módszertannal elvégzett regressziós és vízmérleg számítá-sokhoz, továbbá az előrejelzéshez szolgáltat folyamatosan javuló tér-és időbeli részletességű alapadatokat (Fiala és
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Inland excess water on the Great Hungarian plain is an environmental and economic problem that has attracted a lot of scientific attention. Most studies have tried to identify the phenomena that cause inland excess water and combined them using regression functions or other linear statistical analysis. In this article, a different approach using a combination of artificial neural networks (ANN) and geographic information systems (GIS) is proposed. ANNs are particularly suitable for classifying large complex non-linear data sets, while GIS has very strong capabilities for geographic analysis. An integrated framework has been developed at our department that can be used to process inland excess water related data sets and use them for training and simulation with different types of ANNs. At the moment the framework is used with a very high resolution LIDAR digital elevation model, colour infrared digital aerial photographs and in-situ fieldwork measurements. The results of the simulations show that the framework is operational and capable of identifying inland excess water inundations.
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An essential input for environmental studies, especially for hydrological simulations is the soil information, which is usually provided by spatial soil databases. Despite the growing number of related analyses little is known about the uncertainty associated to databases. This study aimed to evaluate this issue. (i) the World Soil Classification System was used to classify soil horizons of the Unsaturated Soil Hydrologic Database of Hungary, (ii) the resulting soil classes were statistically analyzed, (iii) various static measures were derived and dynamic numerical simulations were carried out to assess the uncertainties of the classification method from hydrologic viewpoint. The results question the reliability of the FAO method.
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Databases with information on soils often constitute a basic source of information for studies in production agriculture, environmental engineering, and remote sensing. A new, searchable, relational database of soil physical and hydrophysical properties has been developed for Hungarian soils. The database is stored in MS-Access format. The database is compatible with most of the popular software and can be run on a personal computer as well as on computer networks. It currently stores data of 840 soil horizons, 576 having soil hydraulic data, measured using nationally and internationally accepted standard methodology. An outline of the structure and the contents of HUNSODA, as well as a basic guide to its operation has been given. Developing this database may enhance the ability of Hungarian soil scientists to address many more environmental issues of concern, however, further expansion of the database is recommended. Additional data can easily be included in the database. Expansion of the database may he...
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A new and relatively simple equation for the soil-water content-pressure head curve is described. The particular form of the equation enables one to derive closed-form analytical expressions for the relative hydraulic conductivity, when substituted in the predictive conductivity models of N. T. Burdine or Y. Mualem. The resulting expressions contain three independent parameters which may be obtained by fitting the proposed soil-water retention model to experimental data. Results obtained with the closed-form analytical expressions based on the Mualem theory are compared with observed hydraulic conductivity data for five soils with a wide range of hydraulic properties.
Conference Paper
Quantitative state and future of water resources in Hungary is briefly reviewed. A novel scientific approach is suggested to evaluate possible future scenarios. The key element of the proposed DSS is a novel integrated hydrologic model system (WateRisk Model System, WRMS). After brief evaluation of the state of art the methodological aspects of the model development are reviewed. Major novelties include the fast simulation of large regions using hydrologic description coupled with fully dynamic 1D hydrodynamics. A pilot study was carried out to validate the WRMS. Results of manual calibration indicate promising agreements, but also set the course of further development.
Many environmental studies on the protection of European soil and water resources make use of soil water simulation models. A major obstacle to the wider application of these models is the lack of easily accessible and representative soil hydraulic properties. In order to overcome this apparent lack of data, a project was initiated to bring together the available hydraulic data which resided within different institutions in Europe into one central database. This information was then used to derive a set of pedotransfer functions applicable to studies at a European scale. These pedotransfer functions predict the hydraulic properties from parameters collected during soil surveys and can be a good alternative for costly and time-consuming direct measurement of these properties. A total of 20 institutions from 12 European countries collaborated in establishing the database of draulic operties of uropean oils (HYPRES). This database has a flexible relational structure capable of holding a wide diversity of both soil pedological and hydraulic data. As these data were contributed by 20 different institutions it was necessary to standardise both the particle-size and the hydraulic data. A novel similarity interpolation procedure was successfully used to achieve standardization of particle-sizes according to the FAO clay, silt and sand particle-size ranges. Standardization of hydraulic data was achieved by fitting the Mualem-van Genuchten model parameters to the individual θ(h) and K(h) hydraulic properties stored in HYPRES. The HYPRES database contains information on a total of 5521 soil horizons (including replicates). Of these, 4030 horizons had sufficient data to be used in the derivation of pedotransfer functions. Information on both water retention and hydraulic conductivity was available for 1136 horizons whereas 2894 horizons had only information on water retention. Each soil horizon was allocated to one of 11 possible soil textural/pedological classes derived from the six FAO texture classes (five mineral and one organic) and the two pedological classes (topsoil and subsoil) recognised within the 1:1 000 000 scale Soil Geographical Data Base of Europe. Next, both class and continuous pedotransfer functions were developed. By using the class pedotransfer functions in combination with the 1:1 000 000 scale Soil Map of Europe, the spatial distribution of soil water availability within Europe was derived.
APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator) is a software system which allows (a) models of crop and pasture production, residue decomposition, soil water and nutrient flow, and erosion to be readily re-configured to simulate various production systems and (b) soil and crop management to be dynamically simulated using conditional rules. A key innovation is change from a core concept of a crop responding to resource supplies to that of a soil responding to weather, management and crops. While this achieves a sound logical structure for improved simulation of soil management and long-term change in the soil resource, it does so without loss of sensitivity in simulating crop yields. This concept is implemented using a program structure in which all modules (e.g. growth of specific crops, soil water, soil N, erosion) communicate with each other only by messages passed via a central ‘engine’. Using a standard interface design, this design enables easy removal, replacement, or exchange of modules without disruption to the operation of the system. Simulation of crop sequences and multiple crops are achieved by managing connection of crop growth modules to the engine.A shell of software tools has been developed within a WINDOWS environment which includes user-installed editor, linker, compiler, testbed generator, graphics, database and version control software. While the engine and modules are coded in FORTRAN, the Shell is in C++. The resulting product is one in which the functions are coded in the language most familiar to the developers of scientific modules but provides many of the features of object oriented programming. The Shell is written to be aware of UNIX operating systems and be capable of using the processor on UNIX workstations.