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Advances in information and communication technologies, especially in Multimedia, Networking and Software Engineering allow the appearance of a new generation of computer-based training systems. Despite its obvious advantages in terms of reduced costs, simplified training programs and flexibility, e-learning was not always the miracle solution. Conceived as a powerful educational tool, e-learning was destined to change the face of learning but unfortunately, this change wasn’t exactly the intended one. The constant interest in researching and testing the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), eLearning and multimedia in the learning process led to educational imperatives about the indicators that can reveal the level of quality for teaching and management of the course. Modern eLearning solutions now recognize the importance of learning as a social process and offer possibilities for collaboration with other learners, for interaction with the learning content and for guidance from teachers, trainers and tutors. Our aim is to analyze the importance of using ICT in a “learning society”. The present paper focuses on the strong potential that ICT provides, in order to develop the learning possibilities among students. The great challenge is to draw up a quality indicators framework which can represent an instrument for teachers on how to organize their online course – including ways of developing the teaching methods.

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... The definition of E-learning is using Internet to enhance knowledge and performance. Taking advantage of the Internet technologies enables the individual to build their own educational curriculums outside of the traditional classrooms [5]. E-Learning is widely used for educational purposes [6]. ...
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E-learning is the acquiring of information that takes place through electronic devices and media, also known as online learning or electronic learning. E-learning can be understood as "learning is enabled electronically". Typically, online learning is conducted online. E-Learning typically occurs in the form of online courses, online degrees or online programmes. Online learning has many benefits over in person classes. These include students being able to undertake and study using self-paced learning and the opportunity to choose their study environment. This leads to low expenditure, low staff training, and low capital outlay. All these factors prove that e-learning will perform well in terms of business growth and development. Over the long-term, worldwide e-learning market is expected to grow significantly from 107Billionin2015to107 Billion in 2015 to 325 Billion in 2025. E-learning forces learners to concede some of their privileges. Higher cheating rate, peer pressure, and lack of skill development for online students are some challenges that need to be dealt with. This work integrates the usage patterns and reviews on the quality factors of e-learning based course materials for effectual outcomes in the academia
... Specifically specific to the humanities disciplines, these types of examinations / verifications are however difficult to evaluate objectively even in a traditional way, their implementation in an automatic evaluation system being difficult to achieve (Ceobanu et al., 2009). Communication between teacher and students via e-mail, Moodle discussion forums or video conferencing can also allow this type of examination to be organized. ...
... Konsep pembelajaran e-learning adalah suatu pendekatan pembelajaran yang mengoptimalkan perangkat teknologi sebagai media pembelajarannya (Inglis & Ehlers, 2009;Lwoga, 2012). Pembelajaran online memiliki karakteristik sama dengan pembelajaran berbasis digital (Ahmed, Sangi, & Mahmood, 2017;Ceobanu, Roxana, & Asandului, 2009;Woodill & Officer, 2004). Dalam konsep pembelajaran e-learning, posisi pengajar tidak lagi harus melakukan interaksi dan komunikasi secara langsung (Aparicio & Bacao, 2013) melalui tatap muka di dalam kelas dalam jam intra yang sudah ditentukan, akan tetapi e-learning lebih fleksibel dalam mengatur waktu tatap muka di dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran. ...
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Era digitalisasi adalah suatu era yang mampu mengindikasinya adanya perubahan dinamika kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang harus direspon positif oleh kita untuk dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin dalam berbagai aktivitas sehari-hari, termasuk dalam kegiatan pendidikan “belajar mengajar”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh pengaruh aplikasi mobile edmodo untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan tari pendidikan melalui pendekatan blended learning yang memadukan dua strategi pembelajaran yakni konvesional learning dan virtual learning melalui sistem aplikasi mobile edmodo. Penelitian eksperimen ini menggunakan sampel penelitian sebanyak 36 mahasiswa pada semester 5 yang menggontrak mata kuliah tari pendidikan. Untuk mengungkap data dan informasi lebih mendalam dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan data kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif dengan program SPSS 17.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (Mobile- Aplication) Edomodo merupakan salah satu aplikasi yang bisa diakses melalui smartpone atau perangkat teknologi lainnya seperti laptop dan computer, dapat dijadikan sebagai forum atau sarana belajar mengajar dalam perkuliahan tari pendidikan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa. Aplikasi mobile edomodo mampu menciptakan ruang pembelajaran yang tidak hanya dapat dilakukan secara konvensional learning, akan tetapi dapat dilakukan secara virtual learning yang tidak terbatas dengan ruang kelas perkuliahan yang biasanya dilakukan di dalam kelas secara bersamaan dan bertatap muka langsung.
... Not only a number of studies (e.g. (Agariya & Singh, 2012;Al-Mushasha & Nassuora, 2012;Bremer, 2012;Ceobanu & Asandului, 2009;Clements & Pawlowski, 2012;Dobre, 2012;Gamalel-Din, 2010;Cheung & Vogel, 2013;Iqbal & Ahmad, 2010;M. Z. Iqbal, Maharvi, Malik, & Khan, 2011;Islam, 2013;Jayakumar, Manimaran, & GopiAnand, 2013;Jung, 2012;Lai & Sanusi, 2013;Liu, Huang, & Lin, 2012;Marshall, 2012;Masoumi & Lindström, 2012;Meier, Seufert, & Euler, 2012;Ossiannilsson & Landgren, 2012;Ramakrisnan, Yahya, Hasrol, & Aziz, 2012;Saatz & Kienle, 2913;Tamrakar & Mehta, 2011;Teodora, Mioara, & Magdalena, 2013;Voogt, Knezek, Cox, Knezek, & Brummelhuis, 2013;Zhang & Cheng, 2012) have been published, but various interest groups and commercial institutions dealing with these issues rose recently, one of them being the European Foundation for Quality in eLearning (EFQUEL). ...
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For the purpose of clarity and consistency, the term e-learning is used throughout the paper to refer to technology-enhanced learning. This paper describes selected aspects of the implementation model, which aims at the improvement and complex assurance of quality and cost efficiency in the context of e-learning. Within the described project, a complex quality assurance method, based on a model for quality assessment of e-learning - ELQ, has been proposed and verified. A modified Kirkpatrick Evaluating Four Level Model has been used for evaluation of quality of blended learning. After implementation of described models, experimental data has been collected and analyzed. These will drive the direction for future improvements.
... Quality and standards are used differently in different educational contexts. Quality in teaching and course design in eLearning may refer to course content with clear objectives; teaching activities, strategies and resources linked to the course objectives; contact information and the ways to correspond with the teacher; information on the copyright and information security [5]. ...
Introduction. The sustainable development concept lies in the core of the UNESCO Global Program, in which education is considered as a way for developing competencies (which are) necessary to achieve specific sustainable development goals (SDGs). Education for sustainable development (ESD) is based on the implementation of the concept of life-long, high-quality and inclusive learning, which implies the creation of conditions for the learning and development of each member of society and the possibility of acquiring the competencies necessary in a knowledge society. Providing quality lifelong learning opportunities for all learners at all levels and in all learning communities is the foundation for better lives and sustainable development. The content and means of ESD implementation differ significantly across the globe due to variety in socio-economic conditions, way of life and the level of technological development of countries and regions, therefore, it is important to analyze the general features of ESD and the characteristics of the educational environment to support ESD. Purpose. To study how the ideas of sustainable development can be incorporated into the learning content and the instructional process by integrating digital didactics methods, knowledge structuring, and digital technologies. To show by applying a task-based approach, that support for performing the tasks of learning, instruction (teaching) and dialogue in an open learning environment is crucial for achieving the SDGs. Methods: Systems approach, problem theory, problem approach, generalizations. Results: It is demonstrated how lifelong learning, as a basis for the implementation of ESD, and access to knowledge in the digital age can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. The features of the tasks of teaching, learning and interaction for achieving the SDGs in education have been investigated, the corresponding task models have been formulated. The requirements for the functionality and technologies of an open learning environment which allows learners to achieve the set of goals when solving learning problems in the framework of ESD are described. Conclusion. The results of this research show that education should be considered as both an independent goal (SDG4) and a means to achieve all the SDGs. It is not only an integral part but also a key factor for sustainable development in terms of achieving the SDGs, which requires consideration of learning tasks other than traditional ones. There is a need for a learner to develop skills for independent search and critical assessment of information, participation in planning and management of one’s own learning, as well as skills for interaction and communication with other actors in the process of solving new problems. Mastering of these meta-skills is associated with training procedures, the impact of which is increased in the course of interaction between the student and the open learning environment. At the same time, the instructional (training, teaching) task determines the creation of a personal environment for performing the learning task, which facilitates the development of learners’ key competencies in the field of sustainable development, which is necessary to achieve any of the SDGs.
The purpose of this research study was to examine preservice teacher technology integration in internship-based teaching experiences. Using mixed methodologies, particular focus was placed on the mentor teacher/preservice teacher relationship and its impact on classroom technology integration. Recommendations are provided to elevate the overall internship-based instructional paradigm from that of direct instruction to more technology-integrated constructivist learning.
Conference Paper
To refer technologically enhanced learning, the term e-learning is used throughout the paper. In this paper selected aspects of implementation model is used to improve the quality of e-learning. A complex quality assurance method for e-learning quality (ELQ) has been proposed and verified in this paper. To evaluate the blended learning quality a modified Kirkpatrick evaluation four model has been used. Then collection and analysis of the experimental data has been performed. From these analysis future improvements will be obtained.
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E-learning has emerged as a new paradigm in today's education. Many e-learning applications have been developed to meet the increasing demand by education institutions. Previous research mainly focused on a variety of factors that influence the uptake of e-learning. However, very little is known about the quality and the extent of usage of these applications among end users. This study presents results that contain information on the uptake and use of e-learning. The uptake of e-learning is measured by the extent to which different technologies were used by students. A mail survey was conducted to examine the uptake of e-learning among undergraduates. The respondents for this study comprised of 419 respondents representing 16.8% from a random sample size of 2500 students. Thirty four applications available from Universiti Utara Malaysia Learning information system (Learningzone) were grouped into six categories that served as e-learning benchmarks to assess the uptake of e-learning among undergraduates. The results show that accessing for course materials, communications, viewing information are the commonly used applications while helpdesks and support, and link to other centres are least popular among undergraduates.
The European e-Learning Forum for Education (ELFE) is a project initiated by the ETUCE (European Trade Union Committee on Education). An important objective of the project has been to study good experiences with implementing the use of ICT in schools. This objective has been broken down in seven operational research questions. Three of these questions will be discussed in this article: (1) What difference does the use of ICT make in schools where ICT is intensively used for instructional/pedagogical purposes? (2) How are the students influenced by this different way of teaching as compared to the traditional classroom education, both individually and as a collective? 3) What factors influence the intensive pedagogical use of ICT? The ELFE study applied a case study approach. Three innovative schools in each of five European countries (Denmark, England, Germany, Norway and Portugal) were purposively selected. Data were collected via questionnaires, interviews, observations and school documents. The findings resulting from the ELFE schools case studies illustrate that the implementation of ICT for teaching and learning may influence the functioning of schools in a number of ways. One can also conclude that students like working with computers and that they have no ‘instrumental’ problems. A number of factors seem to influence the successful implementation of ICT at school level such as a good infrastructure, a clear vision, policy and strategy. A crucial factor is support from national, regional and local authorities, as well as from the school leadership and parents.