
SAS user's guide: Statistic

... Data was analyzed by the least square analysis of variance using the General Linear Model Procedure (SAS, 2004). The design was one way analysis and the model was as follows: ...
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This work aimed to study the influences of drinking saline well water and the alternation with fresh tap water every week as one of the bio-stimulation methods to reduce the harmful effects of continuous drinking saline water on reproductive performance of rabbits. A total number of 48 V-Line rabbits old 5 months (30 does, body weight of 2955.0 ± 32.6 g and 18 bucks, body weight of 2850.0 ± 31.2 g) were used in this study. Rabbits were randomly divided into three equal groups (10 does and 6 bucks / group). Rabbits of the 1 st group (G1) considered as control group drank tap water (301 ppm total dissolved solids, TDS), rabbits of 2 nd group (G2) drank well water (5568 ppm TDS), while rabbits of 3 rd group (G3) drank well water followed with drank fresh tap water every week until the end of experiment (alternated system). The results showed that, conception rate was found to be higher (P<0.05) in the does of G3 (+ 21 %) than that in the does of G2. Moreover, does of G3 has insignificant decrease in the number of services per conception by-10 % compared to the does of G2. Does of G3 had higher (P<0.05) litter traits when compared to the does of G1 and G2. On the other hand, overall mortality rate was significantly increased in the does of G2 (26.5 %) as compared to the does of G1 (10.3 %). Daily water intake was increased (P<0.05) in rabbits of G2 and G3 as compared to the rabbits of G1. Efficiency index and feed conversion were significantly improved in the rabbits of G3 when compared to the rabbits of G1 and G2. Moreover, The cost of feeding for producing one kg live weight was decreased (P<0.05) in does of G3 by 4.08 and 2.40 L.E. as compared to the rabbits of G2 and G1, respectively.
... Data were analyzed by the least square analysis of variance using the General Linear Model Procedure (SAS, 2004). The design was one way analysis and the model was as follows: Y ij = + Tr i + e ij Where, Y ij = any observation of j th animal within i th treatment. ...
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1009 | P a g e 3 0 N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6 w w w. g j a r. o r g ABSTRACT This work aimed to study the effect of alternation of drinking saline well water with tap water on blood picture, metabolites and blood minerals of rabbits. A total number of 48 V-Line rabbits old 5 months (30 does, body weight of 2955.0 ± 32.6 g and 18 bucks, body weight of 2850.0 ± 31.2 g) were used in this study. Rabbits were randomly divided into three equal treatments (10 does and 6 bucks / treatment). Rabbits of the 1 st treatment (T1) considered as control group drank tap water (301 ppm TDS), rabbits of 2 nd treatment (T2) drank well water (5568 ppm TDS), while rabbits of 3 rd treatment (T3) drank well water followed with drank fresh tap water every week until the end of experiment (alternated system). The results demonstrated that values of red blood cells and hemoglobin decreased (P<0.05) in the doe rabbits of T2 by 27.6 and 21.4 %, respectively and by 19.7 and 19.6, respectively in the bucks when compared to T1 treatment. On the other hand, white blood cell significantly deceased in the doe rabbits of T2 by 26.1 % and insignificantly decreased in the buck rabbits of T2 by 22.2 % when compared to T1 treatment (control group). However, no significant differences in the white and red blood cells and hemoglobin were observed among the rabbits of T3 and two other treatments. In contrary, Hematocrit (%) increased (P<0.05) in doe and buck rabbits of T2 and T3 when compared to T1 treatment. Total protein, globulin and glucose concentrations of rabbits drank saline water (T2) decreased (P<0.05) in does and bucks as compared to T1 treatment. However, doe rabbits of T3 showed decreases (P<0.05) of total protein concentration by 6.7 % and globulin concentration by 18.5 % as compared to the rabbits of T1. On the other hand, rabbits of T3 showed insignificant increase in glucose concentration by 9.6 % comparing with the rabbits of T2. Cholesterol and total lipids concentrations were significantly increased in the does and bucks of T2 as compared to the rabbits of T1. Doe and buck rabbits of T2 showed significantly increased in alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase concentrations as compared to T1 and T3 treatments. Drinking saline well water (T2) increased (P<0.05) concentration of calcium by 14.7 and 10.2 % in doe rabbits compared to T1 and T3 treatments, respectively. However, phosphorus concentration was insignificantly decreased in the rabbits of T2 as compared to other two treatments. Sodium and chloride concentrations were increased (P<0.05) in the does and bucks of T2 as compared to rabbits of T1. In contrary, potassium concentration was decreased (P<0.05) in the does and bucks of T2 as compared to rabbits of T1. Aldosterone and tri-iodothyronine hormones were decreased (P<0.05) in the rabbits of T2 than that of T1 and T3 treatments. In conclusion, V-Line rabbits drank saline well water (5568 ppm TDS) showed harmful effects on hemato-biochemical, minerals and hormonal parameters. However, rabbits alternated drank saline water with tap water every week may alleviate the drastic effect of drinking saline well water on blood parameters and thus may be positively reflected on rabbit's performance.
... The average of pens was used as the experimental unit for all parameters studied, based on a completely randomized block design (room was block effect). Data were statistically analyzed based on a 4 x 2 factorial analysis of variance (4 diets x 2 feed form) using the GLM of SAS software (SAS, 2008). The statistical model used was as follows: ...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of diets supplemented with exogenous proteases on the performance, carcass characteristics, digestibility and histomorphology of broilers. A total of 1,536 male broilers (one day old) were used for the study. All broilers were divided into 96 floor pens with 16 chicks each. The dietary treatments were as follows: A= basal diet; B= basal diet + 0.02% RelePro (alkaline, acidic, and neutral proteases), C= basal diet + 0.03% Kemzyme (multiproteases), and D=basal diet + 0.02% ProAct (protease-derived Bacillus licheniformis). They were fed in two forms of diets (mash or pelleted) in a 4x2 factorial design. Growth performance and carcass traits were evaluated. The digestibility of dry matter and crude protein were measured, as well as histomorphological parameters. The results showed that birds in the C and D groups in pelleted form had a higher body weight, production and performance index, and better feed conversion ratio. Chickens fed a pelleted diet with protease C, followed by proteases B and D, and chickens fed a diet mashed with protease C had a higher digestibility of dry matter and crude protein. Animals in the group receiving protease B in the pelleted diet had a higher crypt depth. Chickens fed pelleted diet with protease C had higher villus height to crypt depth ratio and goblet cells. The live weight and relative weight of the breast increased, and the relative weights of the wings decreased with pelleted diet. In conclusion, the use of protease had positive effects on growth performance, dry matter and crude protein digestibility, and ileum histomorphological parameters without negatively affecting carcass characteristics, which was more evident when feeding a pelleted diet to broilers. Keywords: Proteases; diets forms; performance; digestibility; histomorphology; broilers
... A completely randomized experimental design with three treatments and seven replications was used for this study. The results were analyzed using the GLM procedure of the Statistical Analysis System software (SAS, 2002). An analysis of variance was performed for each recorded variable, followed by a comparison of means using Tukey's test (p0.05). ...
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Objective: To determine the productive performance and milk quality of goats, including two levels of popped amaranth in their diet.Methodology: Forty-five lactating goats, randomly distributed into three groups of 15, were studied. Each group was allocated a treatment that matched the isoenergetic and isoproteic diets with increasing percentages of popped amaranth grain, in replacement of soybean meal: T1, 0%; T2, 20%; and T3, 30%. Data were collected across three intervals during the 45-day experimental period. Milk production was recorded, along with its crude protein (CP), fat, and total solids (TS) content.Results: Milk production differed significantly (p0.05) between treatments, increasing as the amount of amaranth in the diet increased, with values of 1.35, 1.38, and 1.65 kg d1 for T1, T2, and T3, respectively. Milk composition did not record any difference between treatments, with averages of 28.07, 32.89, and 113.7 g kg1 of milk for crude protein (CP), fat, and total solids (TS), respectively.Study Limitations/Implications: Given the exploratory nature of this study, determining the functional components of milk is required to complement the study.Conclusions: Amaranth grain can be used as a protein source in animal feed. Including 30% of amaranth in the diet of dairy goats has been proven to increase production compared to conventional protein sources. However, no changes were observed in the main milk components
... A completely randomized experimental design with three treatments and seven replications was used for this study. The results were analyzed using the GLM procedure of the Statistical Analysis System software (SAS, 2002). An analysis of variance was performed for each recorded variable, followed by a comparison of means using Tukey's test (p0.05). ...
... And there are no significant differences during the period of 3 and 4 weeks and as a reason there are no significant differences the total weight gain. These results are consistent with those of [14][15][16], and The Results differed with [17,18], who indicated significant differences between treatments with different protein levels in the rate of weight gain for the different weeks due to the lack of significant differences between the treatments due to the fact that the level of protein 20% and the energy 2800 (Kcal/kg)led to the meeting of the bird's needs of protein and energy The needed for growth. The different letters within the same column indicate significant differences between treatments at a significant level (p<0.05) ...
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The study was conducted in one of the research farms in the Department of Animal Production / College of Agriculture at Tikrit University for the period from 17 /10/ 2020 to 11/1/2021 in order to determine the appropriate diets from energy and protein and impact on the production performance of the egg producing brown Japanese quail 35 days' age. the birds were categorized and divided into six treatments, each treatment contains three duplicates and each repeater contains 8 birds (6 females 2 males) raised for 12 weeks three durations for four weeks. The Experiment treatments were fed on the following diets: treatments resulting from the first treatment 2800 kcal/kg energy feed and 20% crude protein. (first treatment use (2800 kcal/kg and CP18 protein ratio), second use (2900 kcal/kg and CP20 protein ratio), third use (2700 kcal/kg and protein ratio) CP17) and treatments resulting from the second treatment 2900 kcal/kg energy feed and 22% crude protein (first use (2800 kcal/kg and CP18 protein ratio), second (2900 kcal/kg and CP20 protein ratio) third use (2700 kcal/kg and CP17 protein ratio). The results of the statistical analysis showed that there were no significant differences between the factors in the percentage of egg production, the weight of eggs, and the feed consumption rate during the total period (6-17 weeks) and significant treatments exceeded the first, third, fourth and sixth treatments compared with the fifth treatment, There was no significant difference between them and the second treatment in the egg mass and the feed conversion factor was improved during the total period of all experiment treatments by compared with fifth treatment.
... A completely randomized experimental design with three treatments and seven replications was used for this study. The results were analyzed using the GLM procedure of the Statistical Analysis System software (SAS, 2002). An analysis of variance was performed for each recorded variable, followed by a comparison of means using Tukey's test (p0.05). ...
Objective: To determine the productive performance and milk quality of goats, including two levels of popped amaranth in their diet. Methodology: Forty-five lactating goats, randomly distributed into three groups of 15, were studied. Each group was allocated a treatment that matched the isoenergetic and isoproteic diets with increasing percentages of popped amaranth grain, in replacement of soybean meal: T1, 0%; T2, 20%; and T3, 30%. Data were collected across three intervals during the 45-day experimental period. Milk production was recorded, along with its crude protein (CP), fat, and total solids (TS) content. Results: Milk production differed significantly (p<0.05) between treatments, increasing as the amount of amaranth in the diet increased, with values of 1.35, 1.38, and 1.65 kg d⁻¹ for T1, T2, and T3, respectively. Milk composition did not record any difference between treatments, with averages of 28.07, 32.89, and 113.7 g kg⁻¹ of milk for crude protein (CP), fat, and total solids (TS), respectively. Study Limitations/Implications: Given the exploratory nature of this study, determining the functional components of milk is required to complement the study. Conclusions: Amaranth grain can be used as a protein source in animal feed. Including 30% of amaranth in the diet of dairy goats has been proven to increase production compared to conventional protein sources. However, no changes were observed in the main milk components.
... Analysis of variance was performed with the GLM procedure of Statistical Analysis System 9.3 [21]. The statistical model used included sources of variation due to year, system, nitrogen and interactions of year × system, year × nitrogen, system × nitrogen and year × system × nitrogen. ...
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Water availability is one of the most limiting factors in crop production, and understanding crop water use efficiency is especially important in environments where changes in crop performance are driven by water availability. The stable isotope δ13C has been proposed to evaluate the water management and physiological water use efficiency (WUE) for upland crops. However, this technique has rarely been used for rice, especially for water-saving management systems such as the Ground Cover Rice Production System (GCRPS), which can significantly improve WUE. Therefore, a two-year lowland rice field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of sampling time, plant organ and yearly climatic changes on δ13C and its relationship to WUE. Our study revealed the following: (1) Significant differences in shoot and leaf δ13C were found between paddy and GCRPS plants only at the maximum tillering stage but not at the flowering stage. (2) The shoot δ13C at maximum tillering showed a significant positive correlation with irrigation (WUEi) and total water use efficiency (WUEt), but there was no such relationship at the flowering stage. (3) Shoot δ13C was significantly higher in 2013 than in 2014, most likely related to higher solar radiation from transplanting to maximum tillering in 2013, as there were no significant differences between the years in other climatic factors and soil water content. Our results suggest that the δ13C of rice shoots sampled at the maximum tillering stage shows the best correlation with crop water use efficiency.
... Probit analysis [62] was used to analyze bioassay results using the PROC PROBIT procedure from SAS version 9.4 [63]. This analysis estimated the slope values, standard error, lethal concentrations at 50% (LC 50 ) and 90% (LC 90 ), fiducial limits (95%), and χ 2 for each population. ...
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This study examines resistance inheritance to the pyrethroid insecticides esfenvalerate and deltamethrin in a Puerto Rican strain of fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda, a major global pest of corn. The resistant strain (PPR) showed significantly higher resistance compared to a susceptible strain (SUS), with a 62-fold X-linked and 15-fold autosomal-linked resistance ratio (RR50) for esfenvalerate and deltamethrin, respectively. Resistance was incompletely dominant for both insecticides. Synergist bioassays revealed that detoxification enzymes play a key role in resistance, with PPR exhibiting increased toxicity across all tested synergists, especially with a 12-fold increase when all were combined. Deltamethrin assays confirmed the importance of these enzymes, with a 17-fold increase in PPR toxicity when combined with esterase inhibitors. These findings highlight the complexity of pyrethroid resistance, involving multiple non-target site mechanisms, and suggest that heterozygous individuals could survive in treated crops due to incomplete dominance. The results emphasize the need for diversified pest management strategies, including insecticide rotation, to effectively control FAW populations.
... One-way ANOVA analysis of variance using the General Linear Model, (SAS software) was used in the statistical analysis (SAS, 2004). To separate the means when significant differences exist Duncan used. ...
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The current study was carried out to estimate adipose tissue hormones during puberty in obese girls and compare it with control group, in addition to its relationship with the total antioxidants capacity (TAC). The study included 50 females aged 11-15 years from primary and secondary schools located in Nineveh governorate. The study contain 2 groups depending on the body mass index (BMI): The first group included the control group BMI equal to (20.4±0.44) kg/m 2 with pubertal age (13.58± 0.16) years and the second group was the obese females group and overweight females BMI equal to (30.14±0.51) kg/m 2 with pubertal age (11.38± 0.19) years After obtaining the approval of the parents, this number of females was joined to the study and blood was drawn and serum separated from it for the purpose of conducting the tests under study. The results observed that the group2 showed a significant increase the BMI, TNF-α and Leptin and Vaspin hormones with a significant decrease in the Pubertal age and Adiponectin hormone compared to the group1, in addition to a significant decrease in the TAC of in the second group compared with the control group.
... Os escores SQ VESS foram medidos conforme Guimarães et al. (2011). Os dados obtidos de densidade e porosidade, bem como dos escores Sq VESS, foram submetidos ao teste t para amostras independentes utilizando o software SAS (SAS, 2002). ...
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O Parâmetros físicos como a densidade e porosidade do solo e o escore VESS são fundamentais para a identificação dos impactos de práticas de manejo sobre a de qualidade física e estrutural dos solos. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o impacto do uso de condicionador de solo na densidade, porosidade e no escore de qualidade estrutural do solo medido pelo método VESS. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que, no tratamento com aplicação do condicionador, há um melhor equilíbrio físico do solo mostrado pela redução da densidade, aumento da macroporosidade e da capacidade de armazenamento de ar e de escores Sq VESS indicativos de melhor qualidade da estrutura do solo. A aplicação do condicionador melhorou a estrutura do solo reduzindo o escore SqVESS em cerca de 22% e a melhoria na estrutura do solo é compatível com o melhor equilíbrio físicos do solo sob o tratamento com a aplicação do condicionador.
... An ANOVA was carried out using the general linear model procedure of SAS (Statistical Analysis System Institute, version 9.3, Cary, NC, USA) to analyse the effect of dietary treatment on overall growth performance, carcass and internal organ characteristics, mortalities and economics [64]. The Fisher's least significant difference test was used to compare means between test subjects and were significant when P < 0.05. ...
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The growing pressure and irreversible process of reducing and eliminating the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) has stirred research towards development of phytogenic feed additives (PFA) as future alternatives for profitability and sustainability of poultry enterprises. The experiment aimed to compare the effects phytogenic Moringa oleifera leaf powder (MO) vs antibiotic growth promoter on growth performance, carcass characteristics, lymphoid organ indices, intestinal lesions, bloody excreta, microbial population, mortality, and economic viability of broiler chicken. Day-old Cobb-500 (n = 1600) unsexed chicks were allotted 16 pens and randomly assigned to a control standard basal diet group containing antibiotic growth promoters zinc bacitracin (486 mg) and salinomycin (650 mg per kg of feed) (CON) or a basal diet + 1% MO (MO1) or a basal + 3.0% MO (MO3), or basal diet + 5% MO (MO5) in a completely randomised design. The experiment lasted for 35 days. Supplementation with MO in diets significantly decreased ADFI, ADG, and FCR (P < 0.05) during the starter, grower, and finisher phases. The highest ADFI and ADG (P < 0.05) for the whole phase (d 1–35) was recorded in the control group, whilst the lowest was observed for in MO5. Feed conversion rate was highest (P < 0.05) in birds on MO1 diets during starter, grower, as well as the overall period whilst the lowest was noted for MO5 group. There was no significant effect of MO on breast, thigh and heart proportions (P < 0.05). The mean proportions of drumstick, wing, feet, neck, small intestine, liver, and gizzard (P < 0.05) improved with MO supplementation. The highest (P < 0.05) abdominal fat was observed in the control group. The spleen, Bursa of Fabricius, liver and intestine indices were highest in birds on MO5 group and comparable among other groups. Results show a reduction in necrotic scores with an increase in dietary MO levels. The control group and birds receiving 5% MO in diets recorded the least bloody excreta scores among all treatment groups (P < 0.05). Incremental levels of MO led to reduced total aerobic bacteria, E. coli, C. perfringens and increase lactobacillus spp. counts in all intestinal segments. Overall total cost of feed per bird was highest in birds in 5% MO (39.97) followed by 3% MO (30.58) and 1% MO (20.90) and lowest in CON (20.42). The CON group obtained the highest gross and net revenue per bird, whereas birds fed 5% MO recorded losses per bird. The highest economic efficiency (1,14) was achieved in birds on CON diets, and lowest in MO5 group (− 0.11) birds. Moringa oleifera leaf meal can be offered at 1–3% as an alternative to antibiotics for better feed conversion ratios, reduced abdominal fat, improved immune indicators, gut microbiota populations and low mortality. The high cost of MO reduces the economic efficiency and thus cheaper sources are necessary for sustainable small-scale communal and commercial enterprises.
... The determination of in vitro digestibility, F57 filter bags were prepared and were loaded with approximately 0.5 g TMR, heat sealed filter bags were placed into the digestion jars along with prepared buffered rumen fluid and incubated in DAISY II incubator (ANKOM Technology, Fairport, NY) for 48 h at 39°C. Data obtained were analyzed using the general linear model procedure of SAS (1996) according to a completely randomized design. Means were separated by Duncan New's Multiple Range Test at P<0.05 significance level. ...
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A study was conducted to determine the effect of physically effective neutral detergent fiber (peNDF) and moisture content in dairy cattle diets containing rice straw as based roughage of in vitro digestibility. The experiment was designed as a completely randomized design including three levels of peNDF (20, 25 and 30 %) and 3 levels of moisture (40, 50 and 60%). The result showed that the digestibility of DM and NDF were highly significant increased in 20 and 25% peNDF with 60% moisture (69.11% and 33.34%, P<0.001); whereas all treatments were non-significant different in (P=0.07) on IVADFD. This study indicated that the critical peNDF 20 and 25% within 60% moisture in TMR is better for the great dry matter digestibility on in vitro study as it can follow the minimal recommended dietary.
... fermented TMR, heat sealed filter bags were placed into the digestion jars along with prepared buffered rumen fluid and incubated in DAISY II incubator (ANKOM Technology, Fairport, NY) for 48 h at 39°C. Data obtained were analyzed using the general linear model procedure of SAS (1996) according to a completely randomized design. Means were separated by Duncan New's Multiple Range Test at P < 0.05 significance level. ...
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The experiment aimed to observe the effectiveness of physically effective neutral detergent fiber (peNDF) and moisture content in different fermented days of fermented total mixed ration (FTMR) on in vitro digestibility. The study was designed as 2 × 2 × 4 factorial combinations in a completely randomized design. Total mixed ration (TMR) containing 20 and 25% peNDF with 40 and 60% moisture content was fermented in 0, 7, 14 and 21 days. The result showed that IVDMD was increased approximately 8% on the 20% peNDF with 40% moisture content (70.30%) in 0 days and 6% with 60% moisture content (72.87) in 14 days of fermentation compared to 25% peNDF. Additionally, 40% and 60% moisture in 0 and 14 days were the critical levels that affected to improve the digestion but there were non-significantly affected to FTMR digestibility between 20 and 25% peNDF in all fermented days. Oppositely, it was increased on NDF digestibility when FTMR contained 25% peNDF with 40 and 60% moisture in days 0 and 14; whereas increased or decreased of IVADFD were correlated to peNDF and NDF content in dietary. This result can conclude that 20% peNDF with 60% moisture content with the fermented 14 days is great for in vitro dry matter digestibility as the recommended of dairy cattle requirement.
... A qualidade dos ovos foi avaliada em 2 ocasiões (28 o e 56 o dias), com toda a produção do dia, através dos seguintes parâmetros: gravidade específica (HAMILTON, 1982), unidades Haugh e percentual de casca. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância (SAS, 1992), utilizando-se, para a comparação entre as médias, quando aplicável, o teste de Tukey (p < 0,05). ...
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Ninety-six twenty weeks-old hens (Babcock) were given rations containing either 0 (controls), 100, 300 or 500 µg aflatoxin B1 (AFB1)/kg feed, during 8 weeks. Egg production and feed conversion were similar for all treatments. The group fed rations with 100 µg/kg presented low feed consumption, whereas the hens of treatments 300 and 500 µg/kg showed lower weight gain (p < 0.05). Egg quality parameters studied (average egg weigth, Haugh unit, specific gravity and percent egg shell) were not affected. The results indicated that AFB1 at levels above 100 mg/kg can adversely affect the performance of young laying hens, emphasising the importance of controlling aflatoxin levels in rations. KEYWORDS: Aflatoxin B1; toxicity; laying hens; eggs; quality.
... The determination of in vitro digestibility, F57 filter bags were prepared and were loaded with approximately 0.5 g TMR, heat sealed filter bags were placed into the digestion jars along with prepared buffered rumen fluid and incubated in DAISY II incubator (ANKOM Technology, Fairport, NY) for 48 h at 39°C. Data obtained were analyzed using the general linear model procedure of SAS (1996) according to a completely randomized design. Means were separated by Duncan New's Multiple Range Test at P<0.05 significance level. ...
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A study was conducted to determine the effect of physically effective neutral detergent fiber (peNDF) and moisture content in dairy cattle diets containing rice straw as based roughage of in vitro digestibility. The experiment was designed as a completely randomized design including three levels of peNDF (20, 25 and 30 %) and 3 levels of moisture (40, 50 and 60%). The result showed that the digestibility of DM and NDF were highly significant increased in 20 and 25% peNDF with 60% moisture (69.11% and 33.34%, P<0.001); whereas all treatments were non-significant different in (P=0.07) on IVADFD. This study indicated that the critical peNDF 20 and 25% within 60% moisture in TMR is better for the great dry matter digestibility on in vitro study as it can follow the minimal recommended dietary.
... fermented TMR, heat sealed filter bags were placed into the digestion jars along with prepared buffered rumen fluid and incubated in DAISY II incubator (ANKOM Technology, Fairport, NY) for 48 h at 39°C. Data obtained were analyzed using the general linear model procedure of SAS (1996) according to a completely randomized design. Means were separated by Duncan New's Multiple Range Test at P < 0.05 significance level. ...
The experiment aimed to observe the effectiveness of physically effective neutral detergent fiber (peNDF) and moisture content in different fermented days of fermented total mixed ration (FTMR) on in vitro digestibility. The study was designed as 2 × 2 × 4 factorial combinations in a completely randomized design. Total mixed ration (TMR) containing 20 and 25% peNDF with 40 and 60% moisture content was fermented in 0, 7, 14 and 21 days. The result showed that IVDMD was increased approximately 8% on the 20% peNDF with 40% moisture content (70.30%) in 0 days and 6% with 60% moisture content (72.87) in 14 days of fermentation compared to 25% peNDF. Additionally, 40% and 60% moisture in 0 and 14 days were the critical levels that affected to improve the digestion but there were non-significantly affected to FTMR digestibility between 20 and 25% peNDF in all fermented days. Oppositely, it was increased on NDF digestibility when FTMR contained 25% peNDF with 40 and 60% moisture in days 0 and 14; whereas increased or decreased of IVADFD were correlated to peNDF and NDF content in dietary. This result can conclude that 20% peNDF with 60% moisture content with the fermented 14 days is great for in vitro dry matter digestibility as the recommended of dairy cattle requirement.
... Os dados obtidos nas análises foram avaliados utilizando um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado (DIC) em esquema fatorial 4x5+1 (quatro períodos de armazenamento, cinco tipos de revestimento e um grupo testemunha formado por ovos frescos sem armazenamento e revestimento), com 12 repetições. Os resultados foram analisados pelo procedimento General Linear Models do Statistical Analysis System (12). Todos os dados foram testados por análise de variância (ANOVA) e comparados pelo teste de Tukey a um nível de significância de 5%. ...
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This study aimed to evaluate the possible effects of storage for up to 28 days on the quality of hen eggs coated with different materials in the shell. Were used 300 eggs from 52-week-old Hisex White laying hens. Control samples (eggs without any type of synthetic coating), with gelatin coating on the entire egg, with gelatin coating only on the air chamber region, with mineral oil coating on the whole egg and with mineral oil coating only on the region of the air chamber were evaluated in natura and after seven, 14, 21 and 28 days of storage at room temperature. Physical analyzes were performed (white and yolk pH, yolk color, storage weight loss, yolk and albumen index, albumen, yolk and shell weights) in all samples. It can be seen that the use of surface coatings delayed the process of loss of internal quality of the eggs, and the coating on the entire surface, regardless of type, was more efficient than just coating the surface of the air chamber.
... Concentrations of the pigments were determined according to Shoemaker et al. (1985). Statistical Analysis Protein, enzyme, and pigment data were analyzed using PROC GLM (SAS Institute, 1985). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) provided a measure of significant differences among data collected from the four soybean lines. ...
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Variations in enzyme activities and pigment concentrations of Asgrow w4-m soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] were used to evaluate plausible mechanisms for chlorosis in mutant soybean lines. Asgrow w4-m and three chlorophyll-deficient mutants, designated as CD-1, CD-2, and CD-3, were grown in an indoor growth room and harvested at the V3 to V4 stage of development. Crude extracts from leaf tissues were analyzed for malate dehydrogenase (MDH), cytochrome c oxidase (CCO), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activities, as well as concentrations of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids. Results revealed that MDH activity and pigment concentration were highest in Asgrow w4-m, followed by the mutant soybean lines ranked in descending order from CD-3 to CD-1. Relative differences in enzyme activities and pigment concentrations disclosed by these results suggest that a genetic alteration or decreased flow of metabolites may be responsible for chlorophyll abnormalities in the mutant lines of Asgrow w4-m soybean.
... Using a completely randomized design and SAS 9.2's general linear model (GLM) method, the statistical analysis was carried out 32 . The dosage of Nano-Se supplementation was a single element in the model. ...
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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementation of nanoparticles of Selenium (Nano-Se) on productive performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass criteria, selenium retention, blood biochemistry, and histopathological examination of broiler chicken. A total of 192 1-day-old male broiler chickens (Cobb 500) were randomly assigned to one of four treatment diets, with each diet given to six replicates of eight chicks. The birds were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups, each of which included Nano-Se at levels of 0, 0.2, 0.3, or 0.4 mg/kg. The feeding experiment lasted 35 days. Nano-Se addition to broiler diets at 0.2 and 0.3 mg/kg enhanced body weight and body weight gain linearly compared to the control diet and 0.4 mg/kg. The apparent digestibility coefficient of ether extracts linearly increased with increasing Nano-Se levels up to 0.4 mg/kg. Increasing Nano-Se decreased serum cholesterol, triglycerides, alanine aminotransaminase, aspartate aminotransaminase, and creatinine in broiler chickens. Also, serum antioxidants showed a significant increase with increasing Nano-Se levels. As Nano-Se levels were supplemented, improvements in cooking loss, water-holding capacity, and antioxidants were observed as compared to the control. Additionally, a noticeable improvement in meat quality was observed regarding the obtained meat characters. It was preferred to use low doses of Nano-Se (0.3 mg/kg), as tissue retention of Se for both meat and liver was more comparable to the control. In conclusion, nutritional supplementation with Nano-Se increased growth performance, nutrient digestibility, selenium retention, meat quality, blood biochemistry, histological indices, and antioxidant activity of broiler chickens. Overall, the best performance of broilers was observed with Nano-Se supplementation at 0.3 mg/kg, highlighting its potential as a novel supplement for broiler diets.
... The studied environmental factors of each trait were determined by a general linear model (GLM) procedure using SAS software version 9.1 [19]. The studied environmental factors include the birth year of lambs (2019-2022), birth season (four seasons) of lambs, herd (fourteen doe flocks), sex (male or female), and age of recipient dam (2-5 years old). ...
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Citation: Wang, R.; Wang, X.; Liu, B.; Zhang, L.; Li, J.; Chen, D.; Ma, Y.; He, H.; Liu, J.; Liu, Y.; et al. Estimation of These authors contributed equally to this work. Simple Summary: Simple Summary: Dumeng sheep is a novel, specialized meat sheep breed created through crossbreeding innovation, cross-fixation, and herd expansion, using Dorper sheep as the father and Mongolian sheep as the mother. Given the critical role of early growth and development stages in determining the meat production potential of livestock animals, estimating the genetic parameters of early growth traits is crucial for the genetic advancement of meat sheep populations. This study aimed to investigate the genetic and non-genetic factors that affect the nine early growth traits of Dumeng sheep, as well as to estimate the variance components and genetic parameters associated with these traits. It was found that the growth traits of Dumeng sheep could be improved indirectly by selecting for weaning weight. Abstract: This study aimed to estimate the genetic and non-genetic factors that affect the nine early growth traits of Dumeng sheep, as well as to estimate the variance components and genetic parameters associated with these traits. A dataset containing detailed information on 17,896 preweaning trait records of 4474 lambs was collected. In addition, 5015 postweaning trait records of 1003 lambs were documented. The effects of recipient dam age, sex, year, season, and herd on the early growth traits were assessed using the general linear model procedure of the statistical analysis system, revealing different levels of significance across different traits. To determine the most suitable model for estimating the genetic parameters, the likelihood ratio (LR) test was employed, fitting six animal models that either excluded or included maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects within the average information restricted maximum likelihood (AIREML) framework using WOMBAT software (Version: 23/11/23). The model incorporating direct additive genetic effects, maternal genetic effects, and maternal permanent environment effects as random effects (model 6) provided the best fit for birth weight (BW) estimation. In contrast, the model combining direct additive genetic effects and maternal permanent environment effects as random effects (model 2) demonstrated a superior fit for estimating the genetic parameters of weaning weight (WW), average daily gain weight from birth to weaning (ADG1), and Kleiber ratio from birth to weaning (KR1). With regard to the genetic parameters of body weight at 6 months of age (6MW), average daily gain weight from weaning to 6 months (ADG2), average daily gain weight from birth to 6 months (ADG3), Kleiber ratio from weaning to 6 months (KR2), and Kleiber ratio from birth to 6 months (KR3), model 1, which incorporates only direct additive genetic effects, was identified as the optimal choice. With the optimal model, the heritability estimates ranged from 0.010 ± 0.033 for 6MW to 0.1837 ± 0.096 for KR3. The bivariate analysis method was employed to estimate the correlation between various traits using the most suitable model. The absolute values of genetic correlation coefficients among Animals 2024, 14, 2298. Animals 2024, 14, 2298 2 of 16 the traits spanned a range from 0.1460 to 0.9998, highlighting both weak and strong relationships among the studied traits. Specifically, the estimated genetic correlations between WW and ADG1, ADG3, KR1, and KR3 were 0.9859, 0.9953, 0.9911, and 0.9951, respectively, while the corresponding phenotypic correlations were 0.9752, 0.7836, 0.8262, and 0.5767. These findings identified that WW could serve as an effective selection criterion for enhancing early growth traits.
... r Statistical analysis Data were analyzed using a SAS Institute [2003] software at the University of Jordan / Computer Center. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the different flours/doughs/pasta was performed using complete randomized design (CRD) using a t-test in which the rheological properties and chemical characteristics were used as a source of variation. ...
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This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) oil cake on pasta processing and the functional characteristics of the end product. The pasta produced from wheat flour fortified with 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, and 15% (w/w) sesame oil cake showed a significant increase in total protein (i.e., ranging from 12.3 and 16.0 g/100 g), lipid (i.e., 3-fold) and crude fiber (i.e., 0.58 to 0.91 g/100 g) contents with the increasing addition of sesame oil cake. Consistograph tests showed that the pressure maximum decreased significantly from 267.2 kPa for the wheat flour dough (control) to 157.6 kPa upon the addition of 15% (w/w) sesame oil cake to wheat flour. Drop-in pressure after 250 and 450 s was lower for the control sample than for those containing 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, and 15% (w/w) sesame oil cake. The elasticity value for the control dough was 500.1 Pa, and it was reduced to 392.3 Pa with the addition of 15% (w/w) sesame oil cake to wheat flour resulting also in a significant reduction in the extensibility. The pasta from the flour blend with 7.5% (w/w) sesame oil cake exhibited the highest cooking loss, at 5.40 g/100 g. Sensorial evaluation of the flavor and stickiness of pasta produced from the flour blends containing up to 10% (w/w) of sesame oil cake was satisfactory and recommended to open the door for industrial utilization of such valuable and nutritious by-products. Sesame components and gluten network interactions are believed to play a key role in modifying pasta's functional characteristics and require more investigation.
... The data were checked for completeness and consistency and coded. All quantitative data were entered into the Microsoft Office Excel worksheet, 2019 and analysed using the general linear model (GLM) procedures of Statistical Analysis System (SAS 2002), whereas qualitative data were entered, coded, and analysed using SPSS, version 22 software. Before the main data analysis, screening of outliers was employed. ...
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This study describes the goat production system and breeding practices in selected districts of North Wollo zone, Ethiopia. Data were collected from 180 respondents through a semi-structured questionnaire and group discussions. Descriptive and GLM procedures were employed for data analysis. A mixed crop-livestock production system was the main production system in the area. The mean number of goats per household is 9.66 and they are mainly kept for cash income and meat consumption. The flock structure of indigenous goats consisted of a large number of female goats. Natural pasture and crop residue were the major feed resources in the dry and wet seasons, with an overall mean of 37.53% and 54.26%, respectively. Feed shortage, diseases, and drought were the major constraints for goat production. Most goat owners (97.1%) practiced an uncontrolled mating system. Most farmers (88.93%) reported selecting breeding goats to be a parent for the next generation. Body conformation and coat colour were the preferred traits for the selection of goats. The current level of goat management and breeding methods would not significantly enhance goats’ productivity and profitability. Therefore, designing management and genetic improvement programmes would be vital to improving the productivity of indigenous goats.
... Carcass piece ratio % = (Organ weight (g) / Carcass weight (g)) × 100 The results were analyzed statistically using the SAS program [25] and the Duncan test [26] to test the significance between the coefficients at the 5% probability level. ...
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The current experiment was conducted in the poultry field of the department of animal production at the College of Agriculture - University of Kirkuk for the period from 28/12/2023 until 2/7/2024, to study the effect of improving the nutritional value of local sunflower seed meal used in broiler diets by adding a mixture of enzymes and its effect on production traits and blood biochemical traits. 280 one-day-old, unsexed Rose 308 broiler chicks were randomly distributed into seven treatments, with four replicates for each treatment (ten birds for each replicate). The treatments were as follows: (T1) the control diet without any additives, (T2) 25% of the soybean meal replaced with sunflower meal, (T3) 50% of the soybean meal replaced with sunflower meal, (T4) 75% of the soybean meal replaced with sunflower meal, (T5) 25% of the soybean meal replaced with sunflower meal and the enzyme mixture added, (T6) 50% of the soybean meal replaced with sunflower meal with the addition of the enzyme mixture and (T7) 75% of the soybean meal with sunflower meal with the addition of the enzyme mixture. The results showed that there were no significant differences (P≥0.05) for the nutritional treatments in the first, third, quarter and sixth weeks in Feed consumption rate. While in the second, fifth and cumulative weeks, the first treatment (control) was significantly differ (P≤0.05) to the other of the treatments at a rate of (390.25, 1160.50 and 4580.50 g/bird), respectively. In the rate of weight gain, it was significantly differ (P≤0.05). For the fourth treatment in the first week over the other of the treatments at a rate of (152.38 gm/bird), and the moral significantly (P≤0.05) was found for the second treatment over the other of the treatments in the second week at a rate of (359.25 gm/bird), while in the fourth week the seventh treatment was significantly differ (P ≤0.05) over the other treatments at a rate of (724.28 g/bird), and in the sixth week, the second and fourth treatments outperformed the other treatments significantly (P≤0.05) at a rate of (686.50, 655.50 g/bird) respectively. It was also noted that there were no significant differences (P≥0.05) in nutritional parameters for the third, fifth and seventh weeks. As for the feed conversion factor rate, there were significant differences (P≤0.05) in the first week of the fourth treatment over the other treatments at a rate of (0.76 gm feed/gm weight gain), but in the second and fifth weeks it decreased significantly (P≤0.05) in the treatment. Control (first) with a ratio of (0.77, 0.57 gm feed/gm weight gain), respectively.
... While [29] multinomial test was used to test the significance of the differences between the studied means at the probability level (0.05). The ready-made statistical program [30] was used in the statistical analysis of the data. Table 1 shows the effect of adding different levels of powder or alcoholic extract of Purslane grains on the average ejaculate volume (ml) of ROOS 308 broiler chickens. ...
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This study was conducted at the College of Agriculture/University of Diyala in the fields of the Animal Production Department to determine the effect of Purslane grain powder and its alcoholic extract on the semen characteristics of male Ross 308 broiler breeders. Thirty-two 54-week-old roosters were used and randomly distributed into eight groups with four replicates per group (Rooster/refined) The roosters of the first treatment (negative control group) were fed a standard diet without any additives, and the second treatment (positive control group) was fed with the addition of 0.250 gm vitamin E/kg feed, the third treatment added 5 gm Purslane grain powder/kg feed, The fourth treatment, adding 7.5 grams of Purslane pills powder/kg of feed, the fifth treatment, adding 10 grams of Purslane pills powder/kg of feed, the sixth treatment, adding 5 ml of Purslane pills alcoholic extract/liter of drinking water, the seventh treatment, adding 7.5 ml of Purslane pills alcoholic extract/liter of water. Drinking, the eighth treatment, adding 10 ml of alcoholic extract of Purslane tablets per liter of drinking water. Roosters treated with grain powder and its alcoholic extract showed a significant increase at the level of p≥ 0.05 in ejaculate size, collective and individual movement, sperm concentration, and the percentage of live sperm, as well as a significant decrease at p≥ 0.05 in the percentage of dead and deformed sperm in all powder and extract addition treatments compared to the control treatments and for all five experimental periods (10 weeks). The results show that adding Purslane seed powder and its alcoholic extract to the diets and drinking water of elderly broiler broilers improved the characteristics of semen, and a concentration of 10 g/kg feed and a concentration of 10 ml/liter of water recorded the best results.
... The experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three blocks, treating each tree as an experimental unit, resulting in a total of 48 trees. After collecting the study's data, statistical analysis was performed using [18], and means were compared using the Duncan's multiple range test at a significance level of 0.05. ...
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The experiment was conducted on two-year-old apple trees of the ‘Crystal’ variety, grafted onto quince rootstock, planted in an orchard at the Horticulture and Landscape Engineering Department, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University. The orchard had dimensions of 3.5 × 4 meters and was irrigated by drip irrigation. The trees were fertilized with two fertilizers: first, NPK compound fertilizer at four levels - no fertilization as a control, balanced 40:40:40, high nitrogen 60:40:40, high potassium 40:40:60 - at a rate of 200 grams per tree for each. The second fertilizer was Hummix Power humus material at four levels - no addition as a control, 250, 500, 750 grams per tree. The fertilizer levels were divided into two equal doses, with the first half applied before the initiation of vegitative bud development and the second half two months later. The experiment followed a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications, and one tree per experimental unit. The results indicated that the treatment with high nitrogen compound fertilizer and 500 grams per tree of humus material gave the highest values for chlorophyll content (a, b, and total) without significant difference from the treatment with high nitrogen compound fertilizer and 750 grams per tree of humus material. Meanwhile, the high potassium compound fertilizer, humus material at 750 grams per tree, and the interaction between these two factors outperformed in achieving the highest values for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium percentages, total leaf carbohydrate content, and the carbohydrate to nitrogen ratio in the leaves.
... The significant differences between the means were compared with [21] multinomial test at the probability level (0.05) to test the significance of the differences between the studied means. The ready-made statistical program [22] was used for statistical analysis. Table (2) shows a significant decrease in the concentration of protein in seminal plasma in all experimental treatments compared to the two control treatments, which recorded the highest values of 5.40 and 4.52 g/100 ml. ...
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This study was conducted at the College of Agriculture/University of Diyala in the Department of Animal Production fields to determine the effect of Purslane powder and its alcoholic extract on the semen characteristics of male Ross 308 broiler broilers. Thirty-two 54-week-old roosters were randomly divided into eight treatments, four roosters for each treatment. The roosters of the first treatment (negative control group) were fed a standard ration without any addition, the second treatment (positive control group) added 0.250 gm vitamin E/kg feed, the third treatment added 5 gm Purslane grain powder/kg feed, the fourth treatment added 7.5 gm Purslane pill powder/kg feed, the fifth treatment, adding 10 g of Purslane grain powder/kg of feed, the sixth treatment, adding 5 ml of Purslane grain alcoholic extract/liter of drinking water, the seventh treatment, adding 7.5 ml of berberine grains alcoholic extract/liter of drinking water, the eighth treatment, adding 10 ml of Purslane grains alcoholic extract/ A liter of drinking water. The results showed that adding Purslane grain powder and its alcoholic extract to roosters’ rations or drinking water led to a significant decrease of 0.05 p in the concentration of total protein and cholesterol in all treatments of the study compared to the control treatments and a significant increase of 0.05 p in the concentration of glucose in all treatments of the study compared to the control treatments. During the 10-week study period. The results indicated a significant improvement of ≥0.05 p in the case of antioxidants, represented by a significant increase of ≥0.05 p in the concentration of the glutathione enzyme in all study treatments compared to the control treatments and a significant decrease of ≥0.05 p in the concentration of malondialdehyde in all study treatments compared to the control treatments during the study period 10 weeks. The results also indicated a significant decrease of p≥0.05 in the concentration of stress enzymes ALT and AST for all treatments compared to control treatments.
... Data obtained (growth performance, egg production egg quality, and heamatological parameters) were analyzed using the general linear model procedures of Statistical Analysis Systems software (SAS) with the model containing treatments. Differences between treatment means were separated using Tukey's test (SAS, 2001). Significant differences were declared at p < 0.05. ...
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At Sumitra Research Institute in Gujarat, India, research was carried out to ascertain the impact of Cordyline fruticosa on the growth performance, egg quality, production, and some heamatological indices of laying hens. 500 – 35 weeks Lohmann brown birds with an initial weight of 1717 grams were randomly distributed into five treatments with five replicates (20 hens per replicate). The basal diet was formulated according to the requirements of the birds. Hens in treatment 1 (control group) were fed basal diet only. The other experimental groups were fed the same diet with the addition of C. fruticosa meal at 10, 20, 30, and 40 g respectively in treatments 2, 3, 4, and 5. Birds were given free access to feed and clean water and a completely randomized design was adopted throughout the 90-day experimental period. Results showed that average weight gains and average daily feed intake followed a similar trend, birds fed C. fruticosa meal had higher body weight compared to the control in this order treatment 5 (T5) (1270.0 g), 4 (1263.0 g), 3 (1233.6 g), 2 (1230.0 g) and 1 (983.1 g) (p < 0.05) respectively. The treatment influenced the average daily feed intake, feed conversion, and mortality rate (p < 0.05). Hen day egg production and hen house egg production were higher in T5 (72.98%, 65.90%), T4 (72.72%, 69.85%), T3 (72.88%, 69.83%), intermediate in T2 (60.09%, 51.00%) and lower in T1 (51.19%, 41.85%). Eggshell strength, eggshell thickness, egg weight, albumen weight, yolk weight, yolk index, and haugh unit were significantly (p < 0.05) different among the treatments. Pack cell volume, haemoglobin, red blood cell, white blood cell, heterophil, and lymphocyte count were influenced by the treatment. However, values fall within the established range for healthy laying hen. It was concluded that Cordyline fruticosa meal can be fed to laying hens up to 40 g kg-1 diet without having any negative effect on their performance and health status.
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This study examined the effect of LED light colors and intensities on production performance and economic feasibility of 720 Babcock® White layers. The layer birds were reared for 13 weeks from 17 to 30 weeks of age during the layer production cycle. Light treatments of 6 different colors, i.e., cool white (control group), red, blue, green, yellow, and warm white light with 3 different levels of light intensities (15, 20 and 25 lx), were provided. Weekly growth parameters, egg production, egg quality characters and economics were evaluated. Hormonal profile (FSH, LH, GnRH, estrogen, progesterone, cortisol) and antibody titers against Newcastle Disease (ND) and Infectious Bronchitis (IB) were also evaluated. The graphical presentation was done by Origin Pro 2024. The results showed that red light increased feed intake (p < 0.05) but led to lower body weights and inefficient feed conversion ratios (FCR), whereas birds under warm white light at 25 lx gained higher weight (p < 0.05), had better FCR (1.89 in the 30th week), laid more eggs (97.34% by the 30th week), with improved egg quality (p < 0.05). Mortality rates and hormonal levels also varied notably with light conditions, with warm white light showing the lowest mortality (p < 0.05) and optimal hormonal balances conducive to productivity. Birds kept under yellow and warm white light having 15 lx intensity may be applied during (17–30) weeks of age to reduce the cost of production for better profitability in commercial layer farming in Pakistan.
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To evaluate the quality of silage composed of Cenchrus purpureus cv. Taiwan A-146 and Paspalum virgatum L. under laboratory conditions, both forage species were harvested south of Lake Maracaibo-Venezuela. The plant material was reduced to 2.5 cm and distributed according to the treatments (T): T0: 100% C. purpureus (CPT); T1: 100% P. virgatum (PV); T2: 50% CPT + 50% PV; T3: 75% CPT + 25% PV and T4: 25% CPT + 75% PV; then, polyethylene bags were used to fill the silo, in which each mixture was placed, incorporating molasses at 6% of its weight as an additive; then, oxygen was extracted to seal the bags and they were kept in darkness for 30 days. All mixtures were subjected to proximate analysis before and after storage. A completely randomized design was chosen, using Tukey's test for multiple comparisons of means. Statistical analysis revealed that CPT and fresh PV were different (p<0.05) for the variables moisture, dry matter, crude protein and ash, but similar (p>0.05) in ethereal extract, crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and nitrogen free extract. After fermentation, crude protein (CP) content increased (p<0.05) in CPT, while the other parameters increased without changes (p>0.05), except for nitrogen free extract, which reduced its post-silage concentration, although energy increased (p>0.05), since the calculated theoretical value (kcal/g) was higher in the silage but similar (p>0.05) with respect to the initial fresh forage; Aerobic stability was influenced by the proportion of CPT, because the high moisture content reduced its suitability time to be consumed. It is concluded that, theoretically, under laboratory analysis conditions, the forage species evaluated represent a feasible alternative for supplementing large ruminants, since they are medium quality pastures with a better nutritional profile when ensiled.
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The inclusion of triticale in rabbit diets can negatively affect production parameters due to the presence of arabinoxylans that increase the viscosity of intestinal contents, making digestion and absorption of nutrients difficult. Therefore, the addition of the enzyme xylanase can improve intestinal morphology and the digestive process. This study aimed to conduct histological and histochemical evaluations of the small intestine and caecal appendix in growing-finishing rabbits fed diets containing 14% triticale supplemented with varying levels of xylanase. The rabbits had an initial average live weight of 822 g and reached a final weight of 2097 g. For this purpose, forty 35-d-old male rabbits crossbred New Zealand × California were used. Rabbits were housed in individual cages and randomly divided into four experimental treatments (xylanase at doses of 0, 4000, 8000 and 12 000 xylanase units (XU)/kg of dry matter). At the end of the experimental period, rabbits were slaughtered at seventy days of age and samples were taken from the duodenum, jejunum, ileum and caecal appendix. Samples were stained using the standard Haematoxylin-Eosin (HE) technique for the histological evaluation and Alcian Blue (PAS) for the histochemical evaluation. The addition of xylanase linearly increased the height of villi in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, while villi width was linearly reduced in jejunum and increased in ileum. Crypt depth was linearly reduced by xylanase dose in duodenum, while the response was linear and quadratic in jejunum and ileum. The villi height to crypt depth ratio was linearly increased by the xylanase dose in the duodenum and jejunum, although the effect was quadratic in the ileum. The dome height of the caecal appendix increased linearly with the addition of xylanase. Epithelial mucus count was linearly reduced by xylanase dose in the base of the duodenum, jejunum and caecal appendix, although this linear reduction was only observed in the villi of the jejunum and in the caecal appendix. In conclusion, the addition of xylanase positively affected the histological and histochemical characteristics of the small intestine and caecal appendix, so its use could improve digestive and productive performance in rabbits.
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Abstract Introduction: Nowadays, eggs have become a valuable source of essential nutrients for health, as it has been shown that certain valuable nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, can be enriched in eggs. One of the challenges with using oils containing omega-3 fatty acids is their susceptibility to oxidation. Additionally, a general issue with using liquid oils is their reaction with phosphoric acid in the digestive system, leading to the formation of phospholipids that create soaps. These soaps are later excreted along with pigments, phospholipids, and other essential nutrients. Furthermore, another issue with liquid oils is the difficulty in mixing them with other feed ingredients, which can be mitigated by using calcium fat powder. Nowadays, oils like fish oil and flaxseed oil, which contain valuable omega-3 fatty acids, can be produced in solid powder form and used for egg enrichment. Materials and Methods: This experiment was conducted over eight weeks on 49-week-old laying hens (Hy-Line W80). The study was a completely randomized design with 160 hens divided into 4 treatments with 5 replicates each. The experimental treatments included diets without flaxseed oil fat powder (control) and diets with 0.75%, 1.5%, and 2.25% flaxseed oil fat powder, which were fed for eight weeks. Feed intake, egg production percentage, egg weight, egg mass, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were measured at the end of the period. The data were analyzed using SAS software, and significant differences between treatments were compared using Duncan's test at the 5% level. Results and discussion: The results show no significant difference in egg weight and daily feed intake in hens fed different levels of fat powder (P>0.05). However, the levels of flaxseed oil fat powder had a significant effect on egg production percentage, egg mass, and FCR. Adding 1.5% flaxseed oil fat powder to the diet significantly increased egg production percentage and egg mass compared to the control group (P<0.05). Additionally, FCR in the 1.5% group significantly decreased compared to the control group (P<0.05). It is clear that increasing the level of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet of laying hens leads to an increase in egg production and egg mass. However, at higher levels, due to excess energy availability, the biochemical pathway for fat synthesis and storage in tissues is altered, causing disruptions in energy efficiency and reduced egg production. This reduction in egg production and egg mass was observed at flaxseed oil fat powder levels above 1.5% in the present study. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that using 1.5% flaxseed oil fat powder significantly increases egg production, egg mass, and significantly reduces FCR, but has no significant effect on feed intake and egg weight. Keywords: Calcium Fat Powder, Flaxseed Oil, Laying Hens, Performance
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of selected factors on rearing performance of Charolais calves to day 90 of life. The experimental material comprised 83 Charolais cows calving in the winter and spring seasons and calves they reared (84 head) to day 90 of life. All calves born by the experimental females were weighed at birth and then at days 30, 60 and 90 of life. Calves were also subjected to zoometric measurements. Their height at sacrum and width at hips were measured at days 10 and 30 of life. The increments for height at sacrum and width at hips between day 10 and 30 of life were calculated for the calves. Rearing indexes of the calves were assessed in terms of calf sex (heifer vs. bull calves), calving season (winter vs. spring), successive calving of the cow (1, 2, 3 and >3), parturition type (normal vs. dystocia), body condition of the cow after calving (good vs. poor). It was shown that rearing performance of Charolais calves to day 90 of life was significantly affected by their sex, calving season, parturition type and body condition of the dam during calving. The most advantageous results for the assessed rearing parameters of Charolais calves to day 90 of life were recorded for male animals born in the winter season coming from normal births and produced by dams in good body condition during parturition.
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Continual removal of phosphorus (P) by the crop gradually decreases soil fertility and drives the need for fertilizer inputs for agricultural production. Phytate is considered as the major storage pool for P in the seeds, but its contribution to human nutrition is low. The objective of this study was to characterize quantitative P concentrations (phytate, inorganic P and total P) of 50 native maize genotypes of Zea mays L. of the Patzcuaro lake, Michoacan, Mexico. The average total P and phytate concentration observed across all the genotypes was 3,1, 2,64, and 0,43 mg g-1, respectively. The relationship between phytate and total P was strong (r= 0,98**). This clearly suggests that with an increase in total P there is a corresponding increase in phytate concentration. Cluster analysis of data indicated five distinct groups with 1, 14, 11, 15 and 9 genotypes, respectively. Clusters I and II contained low phytate genotypes (1,74 mg g-1) while cluster V grouped most of the high phytate (4,9 mg g-1) contenting genotypes. Principal component analysis and F test showed the attributes more influencing group separation. Those attributes were total P and phytate. The first two components explained the 95% of the accumulation variation among groups. The race of the genotypes, however, was no clearly related to the group differentiation. These observations provide the first study on the genetic variety for breeding maize with lower P concentration to reduce P extraction from maize field at harvest.
Background: This study aimed to investigate the effects of adding sprouted barley in the diet of lambs on growth performance, digestibility, nitrogen utilization, hematological and biochemical blood parameters and economic evaluation over 75 days. Methods: Thirty-six healthy 3-month-old Awassi lambs were used in this experiment. All lambs were individually divided into four dietary treatments with nine lambs each (T1 to T4: lambs receiving 0%, 25%, 50% and 75% sprouted barley as a replacement for the traditional diet, respectively). The growth performance, dry matter intake and dry matter excretion were assessed. The digestibility of the ingested dry matter and nitrogen, nitrogen balance, blood health markers, hematological and blood biochemical and economic evaluation were estimated. Result: Lambs fed T3 had a lower body weight on day 75 than those fed the other dietary treatments, with weight gain also being reduced for those fed sprouted barley during both the 45-75 and 1-75 day period. Feed intake generally increases with the sprouting of barley, resulting in a higher feed-to-gain ratio. White blood cell count and hemoglobin concentration reduced in lambs receiving T3 and T4. Total protein, globulin, triglyceride and glucose levels decreased in lambs receiving T3 and T4, whereas total cholesterol and HDL increased. Urea and ALT levels were lower in lambs fed sprouted barley. Sprouted barley had the highest dry matter content and nitrogen digestibility. Economic evaluations, including the profit rate, relative economic efficiency and investment rate, were higher. Overall, this experiment suggests that sprouting barley at 25% (T2) had no negative effect on the hematological and blood biochemical parameters of lambs, whereas economic evaluation indicators were higher at T2. The inclusion of sprouted barley resulted in the highest nitrogen balance and digestibility of dry matter and nitrogen. However, its effects on growth performance require further investigation.
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This study was conducted to investigate the effect of spraying the hatching eggs of layer eggs (Lohman) with water extracts of pomegranate, clove, and anise on the hatching characteristics and the weight of the hatched chicks. The eggs were distributed randomly into five treatments, each containing 60 eggs per treatment as three replicates. The experimental treatments were divided into T1: control treatment, T2: spraying distilled water, T3: spraying aqueous clove extract at a level of 5 ml / 100 ml water, T4: spraying the aqueous pomegranate extract in 5 ml / 100 ml water, and T5: spraying the aqueous anise extract with 5 ml / 100 ml water. Then, the eggs were transferred to the incubator to start the hatching process for 21 days. The results indicated a significant improvement in the hatching percentage of fertilized eggs with a significant decrease in the number of deaths of total embryos from fertilized eggs of T2, T4, and T5 and a significant decrease in the percentage of live clicker chicks and deformed chicks in (T2, T4, and T5) during the total incubation period for all egg spraying treatments compared to T1. All spraying treatments had the highest significance in the relative weight of hatched chicks, with a highly significant improvement for all spraying treatments in the phenotypic characteristics of hatched chicks compared to control treatment T1. Citation: Gatea, S.M.; Baqer, H.Q.; Altaie, S.M.S.; Aljanabi, T.K.; Hussain, M.A. & MUSA, B.A.H. 2023. Effect of spraying some plant extracts on hatching eggs of broiler chickens on the hatching rate and embryo mortality and the weight of hatched chicken. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology (Special Issue 1): 280-285.
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The bermudagrass stem maggot (BSM; Atherigona reversura Villeneuve) is known to have a detrimental effect on bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.). Currently, two strategically timed pyrethroid applications are recommended for BSM suppression in each harvest cycle. However, producers are interested in applying spinosad because of its residual effects for other insects or reducing the number of pyrethroid applications to cut input costs. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the agronomic and economic implications of one or multiple pyrethroid (zeta‐cypermethrin) and/or spinosad applications on ‘Alicia’ and ‘Tifton 85’ bermudagrasses. Generally, zeta‐cypermethrin treatments resulted in a greater herbage accumulation compared to the untreated control in both cultivars. Regardless of cultivar, spinosad only treatments did not improve upon the herbage accumulation observed in the untreated control. Crude protein and total digestible nutrients were not affected by insecticide treatments in either cultivar. Finally, two zeta‐cypermethrin applications resulted in greater net profit compared to other insecticide treatments. These data illustrate that there is not yet an alternative for two pyrethroid applications for BSM suppression. Ongoing research and breeding efforts are focused on BSM tolerance and reduced pyrethroid usage to prevent resistance to the insecticide.
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This study was carried out to determine the optimum frequency of semen collections, dilution rate , and artificial insemination dose of Domyati duck semen in order to set up the commercial semen quality which could be applied to the conservation of genetic resources, breeding, and commercial production in Domyati ducks. In experiment 1, the three levels of the frequency of semen collections (once, twice and three times weekly) and dilution rates (raw, 1:1 and 1:2) were studied to determine efficacy of these variables on semen quality, fertility percentage and relative weights of thyroid gland, testis and liver as well as some blood plasma hormones were determined at the end of semen collection period. Experiment 2, was conducted to determine the effects of using different artificial insemination dose (10, 20, and 50 million spermatozoa) on fertility percentage as well as economic efficiency. Results showed that the ejaculate volume and sperm concentration were significantly decreased in the thrice semen collections weekly as compared to the once and twice collection. Coiled , clumping and dead sperm percentages were significantly decreased in the twice semen collections weekly and dilution rate 1 : 1 as compared with other treatments, whereas, sperm advanced motility values were significantly increased. Fertility percentage was significantly improved due to interaction between frequency of semen collection twice weekly and dilution rate 1:1, also, it was significantly improved for the groups inseminated by dose containing 20 and 50 million spermatozoa as compared to that contained 10 million sperm. In addition it was significantly improved for the group inseminated by dose containing 20 million spermatozoa at 6 and 10 days from last insemination as compared to the groups inseminated by dose containing 10 and 50 million spermatozoa.-2-Thyroid hormones (T 4 and T 3) ,testosterone and insulin-like growth factor hormone were insignificantly increased due to increasing the frequency of semen collections per week. These results indicated that the frequency of semen collections twice weekly with dilution rate 1:1 and an artificial insemination dose being 20 million spermatozoa per duck two times a week , could be used in laying duck insemination to maximize the fertility percentage , in addition to the higher economical efficiency of Domyati ducks.
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Diabetes is one of the high-risk diseases; one of its complications is nephropathy. This can be reduced by eating some foods. The goal of this study was to study the effect of different concentrations of ginger and its extracts on kidney functions and glucose in rats (2010-2011) at King Saud University in Riyadh. Six weeks Wister Albino rats were divided into six groups each of ten rats: control group (C) , diabetic group (DC), while other groups were fed by addition of ginger Freeze-dried or extract concentration (0.5%-2%) respectively (DGL, DGH, DGEL, DGEH). Diabetes was induced by an intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (50 mg/kg of body weight). The results showed that DGH, DGEL and DGEH groups had less weight than the two control (C, DC) groups. The DGEL and DGEH group showed statistically lowered food intake compared with the C and DC group. Ginger and its extracts caused an increase in glucose level. With regard to nitrogen blood urea (NBU) and urea, the DGL, DGEL and DGEH groups had no significant differences when compared with the C and DC groups. With regard to creatinine and uric acid there were no significant differences among all groups. This study recommends intake of the low dose of ginger (0.5%) and the high dose of the ginger extract (2%) for improvement of the kidney tissue of diabetic patients.
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2024) Effects of three different strains of Bacillus-based probiotics and Saccharomyces cerevisiae-based prebiotic on performance, egg components and gene expression of laying hens during phase II ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate the impacts of three strains of probiotics (Bacillus spp. (B.)) and one prebiotic based on Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall (SCCW) supplements on performance, egg quality and immune-related gene expression of laying hens. The experiment lasted 16 weeks (52-68 weeks), during which 450 Hisex white layers at 52 weeks were randomly allocated into five dietary regimens (five replications of 18 birds per floor pen): T1, basal diet; T2, basal þ 0.5 g/kg B. subtilis (DSM17299); T3, basal þ 0.5 g/kg B. subtilis (DSM 5750) and B. licheniformis (DSM 5749); T4, basal þ 0.4 g/kg B. subtilis PB6; and T5, basal þ 0.25 g/kg SCCW. The results showed that hen-day egg production (HDEP) improved in T4 and T5, egg mass (EM) improved in T3, T4 and T5, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) improved in T4 and T5 compared to T1 (p < .001). Relative wet and dry yolk weight were higher in hens received T2, T4 and T5 (p < .05) and T2, T3, T4 and T5 (p < .001), respectively, compared to T1. Moreover, T2, T4 and T5 had higher expression of GnRH-2 gene compared to T1 (p < .01). In conclusion, the dietary inclusion of SCCW-based prebiotic (T5) and Bacillus spp. probiotic strains, especially T4 B. subtilis PB6 improved production performance, egg components and GnRH-II gene expression of laying hens during phase II of the production cycle and hold a great promise for boosting productivity and supporting health status of layers raised on AGPs-free diets. HIGHLIGHTS � Supplements used in this experiment improved laying hen's performance significantly compared to the un-supplemented group. � Supplements improved significantly egg components and gene expression compared to the un-supplemented group. � Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall-based prebiotic and B. subtilis PB6 showed better improvements for production performance, egg components and GnRH-II gene expression compared to other additives. ARTICLE HISTORY
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The aim of the study was to evaluate the growth performance and antioxidant status as well as immune responses as affected by supplementation of different selenium (Se) sources in the ration of lambs. This experiment was carried out at the Animal Production Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University, Sohag. Twenty-four healthy Sohagi lambs of about 7-8 month of age and an average body weight of 24.47±0.15 kg were randomly assigned into four dietary treatment groups (6 animals each).The experiment was extended for 25-wk after two weeks as adaptation period. Basal diet was formulated to meet all nutrient requirements except selenium. Lambs in the first group were fed a basal diet as a control (T0), whereas lambs in groups T1, T2, and T3 were fed the basal diet supplemented with 0.1 mg/kg DM from sodium selenite, vitamin E and selenium and selenized yeast, respectively. Animals were weighed at the beginning of the experimental period and thereafter at monthly intervals (for two consecutive days) before offering the morning feed and water throughout the experimental period to assess their growth rate. Values of total gain, average daily gain and feed conversion were calculated .Three blood samples from three animals in each group were collected before offering the morning feed and water throughout the experimental period from jugular venipuncture at 8.0 a.m. into 10-mL heparinized tubes at days 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 of the experiment. The concentrations of Se in whole blood were determined. The activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) was determined in whole blood of lambs and the concentrations of interleukins (IL-1& IL-2) in blood plasma were analyzed as well. Results indicated that T3, T2 and T1 treatments increased body weight (BW) at the end of experimental period by 24.17%, 18.24% and 8.53%, respectively compared to control group. Also, T3, T2 and T1 treatments increased the daily gain (DG) by 56.28%, 43.76% and 22.81% respectively in comparison with control group. The feed conversion ratios differed (P<0.01) among treatments. The best values were recorded in T3 followed by T2, while the worst values were recorded in T1 and control groups. Values of blood Se concentrations differed (P<0.01) among groups. The highest value of Se concentration was recorded in T3 followed by T2, T1 and the lowest value was recorded in control group. Moreover, the GSH-Px activities in T3 and T2 were higher (P< 0.01) than those in T1 and control groups, but there was no significant difference in the GSH-Px activities between T3 and T2 groups. In addition, data showed that the concentrations of IL-1 and IL-2 in plasma increased in all of the supplemented groups during the period of supplementation. The highest values of plasma IL-1 and IL-2 concentrations were recorded in T3 followed by T2, T1 and the lowest values were recorded in the control group. In conclusion, supplementation of Se in the ration of sheep especially in the form of selenized yeast is highly beneficial for improving the productive performance and physiological responses as a result of positive effect on glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) as indicator of antioxidant and interleukins (IL-1& IL-2) concentrations as indicator of immune responses.
The aim of this study was to evaluate mathematical tests allowing a more precise statistical analysis of the SCC values contained in a millilitre of milked milk and measured with an electronic counter. The study was conducted on a herd of 800 hf cows (100%) with an average yield of ~9,500 kg of milk, which were kept in cubicles in a free-stall system. The analyses carried out showed that a comparison of the Nelson Philpot coefficient column values with the values of the other parameters and with the course of their curves suggests that the course of the geometric mean and natural logarithm curves was the most similar – but not identical – to the fluctuations in the height of the linear index columns. It should be pointed out, however, that the values of this logarithm turned out to be ~3.7 times greater than the linear coefficient, and the first of these averages was as much as ~50 times greater than the aforementioned coefficient. Despite the ever-increasing number of electronic counters used for quantitative cytological milk tests, the use of field cellular reaction tests (TOK or CMT) will not decrease at all. It is necessary, though, to sample more precisely and to harmonise the data of the linear Philpot index and the interpretation of the former Drury–Reed index. At the same time, since the dairy industry has already accepted the natural logarithm and the geometric mean in milk assessment, threshold values for SCC should also be established for these by means of an appropriate field trial. As it was noted in the study, each of the averages had its advantages and disadvantages; it would be worthwhile to assess the harmonic and quadratic averages similarly (observation under natural conditions).
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O Objective: To evaluate the biomass production, nutritional value and animal production of an association with fabaceae species and grasses with grazing calves. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study compared Mombaza (Megathyrsus maximus) – Kudzu (Pueraria phaseoloides) association pasture against a Mombaza in monoculture control. Ten calves, five in each pasture type, were grazed in rotation for seven months. Dry matter yield, proportion of Kudzu in the association, protein, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), ash, and daily weight gain were evaluated every 36 days. Results: Dry matter yield did not differ between pasture types, but varied by sampling dates, being higher at the onset of the rainy season (May 20th). The proportion of Kudzu in the association was low, decreasing from 8.42% to 1.71% over the study period. Lignin content increased in the association during the driest month (April). Daily weight gain was 978 g in the monoculture pasture and 678 g/day in the association, with no significant difference. Study Limitations/Implications: The low persistence of the fabaceae in the association limits the nutritional value of the pasture, consequently, the improvement of grazing animal production. Findings/Conclusions: During the drought season, both pastures exhibited the highest protein concentration and the greatest weight gain at the beginning of this period. However, the association did not result in greater weight gains due to the low persistence of the fabaceae.
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