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TerraClass: classificação dos padrões de uso e cobertura da terra da Amazônia Legal

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... Entre os usos da terra, atividades que promovem o desmatamento são vistas como uma das maiores ameaças à proteção da sociobiodiversidade da região. Ao mesmo tempo, possibilitam monitorar a região e auxiliar na elaboração de diagnósticos com função de informar aos gestores e auxiliar no planejamento territorial da Amazônia (Almeida et al., 2014). ...
... 047,66 Km 2 ). A predominância da classe agropecuária é reflexo do processo de ocupação e colonização desordenada da região do Nordeste Paraense, onde os grandes proprietários de terra direcionam investimentos à criação de gado e produção agrícola (Almeida et al., 2014). ...
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O estudo foi conduzido na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Marapanim, localizada na região Nordeste do estado do Pará e se propôs a realizar a análise das transformações da paisagem por meio de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento a fim de identificar e entender os processos existentes. A região onde a bacia está inserida passa por uma modificação em sua dinâmica de uso da terra frente a uma nova fronteira agro energética através da introdução e expansão do dendê, que emerge como um caminho para conter o crescimento da soja e da pecuária. Foram realizadas análises nos períodos de 1984, 2008 e 2017. Os resultados revelam uma intensa dinâmica de mudanças na paisagem, onde as classes Agropecuária e VS compõe a maior parte da paisagem modificada da área da bacia. Vem ocorrendo uma perda gradativa das áreas de Floresta e estas estão em grande parte ao longo da drenagem, exercendo a proteção dos mananciais e com limitada reserva. Ressalta-se a importância de ações que garantam a conservação das áreas de remanescentes florestais dada à intensidade com que as mudanças vêm ocorrendo na região da bacia. Nota-se nos dados o crescimento das áreas de Silvicultura onde este está aumentando em decorrência da expansão do cultivo do dendê no Nordeste Paraense, onde existe uma grande extensão de áreas degradadas e com potencial segundo conduzido pelo ZAE Dendê. Em seis dos doze municípios presentes na área da bacia já existe a presença desta expansão e estes são: Castanhal, Igarapé-Açu, Marapanim, São Francisco do Pará, Santo Antônio do Tauá e Vigia. Analysis of Land Use Dynamics in the Marapanim River Basin, Pará A B S T R A C TThe study was conducted in the Marapanim river basin, located in the Northeast region of the state of Pará and proposed to perform from analysis of landscape transformations through remote sensing techniques and geoprocessing modeling dynamic in order to understand current processes and reflect on the future. The region where the basin is inserted undergoes a change in its land use dynamics in the face of a new agro-energy frontier through the introduction and expansion of palm oil, which emerges as a path to contain soybean and livestock growth. Analyses were performed in the periods of 1984, 2008 and 2017. The results reveal an intense dynamics of changes in the landscape, where the Agricultural and VS classes make up most of the modified landscape of the basin area. There has been a gradual loss of forest areas and these are largely throughout the drainage, exercising the protection of springs and with limited reserve. It is emphasized the importance of actions that ensure the conservation of areas of forest remnants given to the intensity with which the changes have been occurring in the basin region. The growth of forestry areas where it is increasing as a result of the expansion of palm oil cultivation in northeast Pará, where there is a large extension of degraded areas with second potential conducted by ZAE Dendê. In six of the twelve municipalities present in the basin area there is already the presence of this expansion and these are: Castanhal, Igarapé-Açu, Marapanim, São Francisco do Pará, Santo Antônio do Tauá and Vigia.Keywords: Watershed. Land use. Marapanim River.
... Finally, we compared the amount of potential distribution area occupied by each Hylexetastes ESU with the amount of native forest under protection and affected by deforestation, and other habitat conversions. For this comparison we used raster files for Amazonian land uses at a spatial resolution of 30 m (Almeida et al. 2014; http://www. ...
... Diversas fontes de dados são utilizadas para a composição de séries temporais.A utilização de séries temporais de IVs auxilia na diferenciação de classes de uso da terra que possuem assinaturas espectrais parecidas no período seco, mas apresentam comportamentos diferentes ao longo de seu perfil temporal, como a pastagem e a agricultura anual(ALMEIDA et al., 2014). O monitoramento detalhado do processo de degradação de pastagens requer uma frequência de observações intensa, especialmente no bioma amazônico, onde ocorre o rápido Em um conjunto de dados, diversos atributos estão relacionados com cada registro ou instância. ...
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The highest percentage of deforested areas in the Legal Amazon is occupied by pastures. The expansion of pasture areas over the forest may be associated with factors such as land speculation and loss of productivity over time. In any case, this expansion remains an obstacle to fight against deforestation. The detection and evaluation of pasture conditions allow better monitoring and control it, as well as the identification of suitable areas for recovery. In this context, the objective of this work is to develop a methodology for the recognition of pasture areas in the Amazon, based on the detection and classification by time series attributes and data mining techniques, according to the vegetation conditions. The study area consists of three path/rows of Landsat 8 satellite distributed in four Brazilian states (AC, MT, RO and AM): 001/067, 226/068 and 231/067. Surface reflectance images from OLI sensor (Landsat 8 satellite) were used for the period between April 2013 and December 2015. Clouds and cloud shadows were detected by the FMask algorithm and excluded from the dataset. The classification was carried out in two steps: pasture detection (differentiate them from other targets in the scene) and, later, the classification of pastures between Herbaceous Pasture and Shrubby Pasture. For the characterization of these classes, the following attributes were used: vegetation indices (NDVI, EVI, EVI2, SAVI and NDII), fractions of the Linear Spectral Mixture Model (vegetation, NPV and soil), bands of the Tasselled Cap Transformation (Greenness, Brightness and Wetness), other spectral attributes and textured attributes. The two steps of classification were performed using three classifiers (decision tree, random forest and neural network) and two different approaches: per pixel and object-based. The evaluation of the classification results was based on fieldwork and visual interpretation of RapidEye satellite images. The results showed improvements in the accuracy when segments were used instead of pixels, since pastures have a large amount of mixture of elements in their composition. The models created and evaluated in the same scene obtained high accuracy (close to 90%), but they were not able to classify other scenes with the same efficiency. When samples from two different scenes were combined for model generation, the accuracy was similar between the images, around 80%. The greatest difficulty was in the separation between Herbaceous Pasture and Shrubby Pasture, since pastures in Amazon may vary according to some factors, such as: adopted management, soil type, rainfall regime and type of grass used.
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The Planalto Santareno region includes areas of the municipalities of Santarém, Belterra and Mojuí dos Campos, state of Pará, Brazil, and has emerged as an emblematic case of the conflict between agribusiness and family farming. In this article, we present the forms of interaction between these two production models, based on the results of a Participatory Zoning of Family Farming in the Santareno Plateau, carried out with local actors as part of an effort to co-build an Observatory of Social and Environmental Dynamics in the Amazon. The results show that albeit a relatively homogeneous logic of agribusiness expansion in the Planalto Santareno, family farming configures itself and interacts with agribusiness in various ways in this territory. We argue that this diversity of family farming, characterized by distinct zones, reflects local trajectories that vary according to a series of contextually operating factors, such as occupation history, physical landscape attributes, market access, infrastructure, social organization, proximity with urban centers, among others. Taking this diversity into account, we propose reflections on the relationship between the different production models addressed, pointing out possible strategies for strengthening family farming.
Psophiidae) 2. rabo-branco-de-bico-reto -Phaethornis bourcieri (Trochilidae) 3. corujinha-orelhuda -Megascops watsonii / usta (Strigidae)
  • Jacamins -Psophia Spp
jacamins -Psophia spp. (Psophiidae) 2. rabo-branco-de-bico-reto -Phaethornis bourcieri (Trochilidae) 3. corujinha-orelhuda -Megascops watsonii / usta (Strigidae)
Thamnophilidae) 12. rendadinho -Willisornis poecilinotus / vidua (Thamnophilidae) 13. mãe-de-taoca -Phlegopsis nigromaculata (Thamnophilidae) 14. arapaçu-da-taoca -Dendrocincla merula (Dendrocolaptidae) 15
  • Guarda-Floresta -Hylophylax Naevius
guarda-floresta -Hylophylax naevius (Thamnophilidae) 12. rendadinho -Willisornis poecilinotus / vidua (Thamnophilidae) 13. mãe-de-taoca -Phlegopsis nigromaculata (Thamnophilidae) 14. arapaçu-da-taoca -Dendrocincla merula (Dendrocolaptidae) 15. arapaçu-barrado -Dendrocolaptes certhia (Dendrocolaptidae)
A Case Study of INPA's Bio-DB and an Approach to Provide an Open Analytical Database Envi-ronment". International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
  • J L C Santos
  • D E By
  • R A Magalhães
SANTOS, J L C, DE BY, R A, MAGALHÃES, C. "A Case Study of INPA's Bio-DB and an Approach to Provide an Open Analytical Database Envi-ronment". International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 33 (B4): 155-163, 2000.