Conference PaperPDF Available

Implementation of a Continuous Adjoint for Topology Optimization of Ducted Flows

  • Engys Ltd., United Kingdom, London

Abstract and Figures

Topology optimization of fluid dynamical systems is still in its infancy, with its first academic realizations dating back to just four years ago. In this paper, we present an approach to fluid dynamic topology optimization that is based on a continuous adjoint. We briefly introduce the theory underlying the computation of topological sensitivity maps, discuss our implementation of this methodology into the professional CFD solver OpenFOAM and present results obtained for the optimization of an airduct manifold wrt. dissipated power. I. Fluid dynamic topology optimization In structure mechanics, topology optimization is a well-established concept for design optimization with respect to tension or stiness. 1 Its transfer to computational fluid dynamics, however, began just four years ago with the pioneering work of Borrvall and Petersson. 2 Since then, this topic has received significant interest in both academia and industry 3 9 . The starting point for fluid dynamic topology optimization is a volume mesh of the entire installation space. Based on a computation of the flow solution inside this domain, a suitable local criterion is applied to decide whether a fluid cell is favourable or counterproductive for the flow in terms of the chosen cost function. In order to iteratively remove the identified counterproductive cells from the fluid domain, they are either punished via a momentum loss term, or holes are inserted into the flow domain, with their positions being determined from an evaluation of the so-called topological asymptotic. In the former case, the momentum loss term is usually realized via a finite cell porosity, i.e. the whole design domain is treated as a porous medium: Each cell is assigned an individual porosity i, which is modeled via Darcy’s law. The value of i determines if the cell is fluid-like (low porosity values) or has a rather solid character (high values of i). In other words, the porosity field controls the geometry, and the i are the actual design variables. Within this framework, an adjoint method can be applied to elegantly compute the sensitivities of the chosen cost function wrt. the porosity of each cell. The obtained sensitivities can then be fed into a gradientbased optimization algorithm ‐ possibly with some penalization of intermediate porosity values in order to enforce a “digital” porosity distribution, and after several iterations, the desired optimum topology is finally extracted as an iso-surface of the obtained porosity distribution or similar post-processing operations. In a recent study, Othmer et al. 8 were able to verify the applicability of this methodology to typical
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18th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Miami, FL
Implementation of a continuous adjoint for topology
optimization of ducted flows
Carsten Othmer
Volkswagen AG, 38436 Wolfsburg, Germany
Eugene de Villiers
Icon CG, London, W14 9DH, U.K.
Henry G. Weller
OpenCFD Ltd., Reading, Berkshire, RG4 7AN, U.K.
Topology optimization of fluid dynamical systems is still in its infancy, with its first aca-
demic realizations dating back to just four years ago. In this paper, we present an approach
to fluid dynamic topology optimization that is based on a continuous adjoint. We briefly
introduce the theory underlying the computation of topological sensitivity maps, discuss
our implementation of this methodology into the professional CFD solver OpenFOAM and
present results obtained for the optimization of an airduct manifold wrt. dissipated power.
I. Fluid dynamic topology optimization
In structure mechanics, topology optimization is a well-established concept for design optimization with
respect to tension or stiffness.1Its transfer to computational fluid dynamics, however, began just four years
ago with the pioneering work of Borrvall and Petersson.2Since then, this topic has received significant
interest in both academia and industry39.
The starting point for fluid dynamic topology optimization is a volume mesh of the entire installation
space. Based on a computation of the flow solution inside this domain, a suitable local criterion is applied to
decide whether a fluid cell is favourable or counterproductive for the flow in terms of the chosen cost function.
In order to iteratively remove the identified counterproductive cells from the fluid domain, they are either
punished via a momentum loss term, or holes are inserted into the flow domain, with their positions being
determined from an evaluation of the so-called topological asymptotic.
In the former case, the momentum loss term is usually realized via a finite cell porosity, i. e. the whole
design domain is treated as a porous medium: Each cell is assigned an individual porosity αi, which is
modeled via Darcy’s law. The value of αidetermines if the cell is fluid-like (low porosity values) or has a
rather solid character (high values of αi). In other words, the porosity field controls the geometry, and the
αiare the actual design variables.
Within this framework, an adjoint method can be applied to elegantly compute the sensitivities of the
chosen cost function wrt. the porosity of each cell. The obtained sensitivities can then be fed into a gradient-
based optimization algorithm – possibly with some penalization of intermediate porosity values in order to
enforce a “digital” porosity distribution, and after several iterations, the desired optimum topology is finally
extracted as an iso-surface of the obtained porosity distribution or similar post-processing operations.
In a recent study, Othmer et al.8were able to verify the applicability of this methodology to typical
automotive objective functions, including dissipated power, equal mass flow through different outlets, flow
uniformity and angular momentum of the flow in the outlet plane. In that proof-of-concept study, Automatic
Differentiation techniques were applied to an academic CFD code in order to obtain a discrete adjoint solver.
For industrial-sized problems, however, this code is not suitable. Therefore, we implemented the methodology
via a continuous adjoint into the professional CFD environment OpenFOAM.10 The underlying equations
and their implementation will be presented in the following sections, before we demonstrate the application
of this methodology to an airduct manifold.
Computational Engineer, CAE Method Development
Consultant Engineer, Open Source Services Devision
Core Developer, OpenFOAM
Copyright c
2007 by the authors. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. with
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II. Computation of topological sensitivity maps: theory
If Jstands for the cost function to be minimized, the optimization problem can be stated as follows:
minimize J=J(α, v, p) subject to R(α, v, p) = 0 ,(1)
where αrepresent the design variables, i. e. the porosity distribution, and vand pstand for velocity and
pressure, respectively. R= (R1, R2, R3, R4)Tdenotes the state equations, in our case the incompressible,
steady-state Navier-Stokes equations:
(R1, R2, R3)T= (v· ∇)v+p− ∇ · 2νD(v)+αv(2)
R4=−∇ · v,(3)
with the rate of strain tensor D(v) = 1
2v+ (v)Tand νbeing the effective viscosity, i. e. the sum of
turbulent and molecular viscosity: ν=νt+νm. The essential component for the topology optimization
methodology is the the Darcy term αv.
We thus have a constrained optimization problem, with the constraints being the state equations. Such
problems are commonly tackled by introducing a Lagrange function Land reformulating the cost function
L:= J+Z
(u, q)Rd,(4)
where we have introduced the adjoint velocity uand the adjoint pressure qas Lagrange multipliers.
The first objective function of our implementation is the power dissipated by the fluid dynamic device. It
can be computed as the net inward flux of energy, in our case total pressure, through the device boundaries:
dΓ (p+v2/2)v·n.(5)
This objective function involves only an integral over the outer surface of the flow domain and has no
volume contribution from the domain itself. In such cases the adoint partial differential equations read:
2D(u)v=−∇q+∇ · 2νD(u)αu(6)
∇ · u= 0 .(7)
These are the equations that have to be implemented into the CFD solver, along with appropriate boundary
conditions that depend on the chosen cost function. In the case of dissipated power optimization, these are
ut= 0 (8)
un=(0 at wall
vnat inlet (9)
for the adjoint velocity at wall and inlet (for details of the derivation of boundary conditions we refer to Ref.
11). At the outlet, the adjoint quantities have to satisfy
q=u·v+unvn+ν(n· ∇)unv2/2v2
0 = vn(utvt) + ν(n· ∇)ut.(11)
While Eqn. (10) defines the adjoint pressure at the outlet, Eqn. (11) is used to determine the tangential
component of the adjoint velocity ut. For the gradient of the normal component un, continuity then implies
(n· ∇)un=∇ · u− ∇k·ut=−∇k·ut.(12)
This completes the adjoint equation system for optimization wrt. dissipated power. After solving it for u
and q, the desired sensitivities can be computed according to Eqn. (4) as
(u, q)R
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where ∂L/∂αiis the sensitivity of the cost function wrt. the porosity αiof cell i. For the topology optimization
methodology, the porosity is just an auxiliary variable to describe a continuous transition from fluid to solid.
Therefore, there is no explicit dependence of the cost function on the porosity: J/∂αi= 0. Furthermore, as
the porosity αienters the primal equation system only in cell iand only via the Darcy term, we can write
with χibeing the characteristic function of cell i. Hence, according to Eqn. (13), we can finally compute the
desired sensitivity for each cell as the scalar product of adjoint and primal velocity times the cell volume:
III. Solver implementation
OpenFOAM (Open Field Operation And Manipulation) is a CFD toolbox that can be used to simulate
a broad range of physical problems. The code was chosen as the development environment for the topology
optimizer due partially to its open source (GNU General Public Licence – GPL) and therefore transparent
nature, but primarily because of its high level symbolic application programming interface (API). The
flexibility of this interface allows for a straight forward implementation of the continuous adjoint, using
previously validated components that make up the other applications in the toolbox. Fig. 1 shows the source
code for the adjoint solver component of the topology optimization tool.
Figure 1. Adjoint solver implementation in OpenFOAM.
The main symbols in Fig. 1 are defined as follows:
phi - primal inter-cell volume flux
phia - adjoint inter-cell volume flux
q- adjoint pressure
U- adjoint velocity
V- primal velocity
where fluxes are calculated using the velocities from the previous iteration. Throughout fvm:: prefaces
implicit finite volume operators, while fvc:: denotes the explicit equivalents. The solver uses a segregated
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approach and a SIMPLE-type algorithm to couple the adjoint velocities and pressure. Turbulence is assumed
to be “frozen”, so that the primal turbulent viscosity can be re-used for the adjoint diffusion term.
The adjoint momentum predictor is constructed in lines 1-7, with the first term consisting of the negative
convection of the adjoint velocity by the primal (line 3). The next term (line 4), which describes the dot
product of the adjoint gradient with the primal velocity, has to be represented explicitly, since the dot
product of the gradient creates cross-coupling between the adjoint velocity components. The capability to
solve cross-coupled equations is not currently available in the code library.
Turbulent and laminar diffusion is handled via a plug-in module, in this case denoted by the turbulence
-> divR(U) term which is defined as:
−∇ · 2 (νt+νm)D(u),(16)
where νtis the primal turbulent viscosity and D(u) was defined earlier. The current formulation additionally
groups the calculation of the wall shear stress with the turbulence library, such that
νtw =τw/|∇v0| − νm,(17)
where τw, the primal wall shear stress, is calculated from some wall function. The assumption of “frozen”
turbulence raises some difficult questions, particularly when applied to the correlation between the wall
shear and the near-wall velocity gradient. Eqn. (17) is known to exhibit very non-linear behaviour, so a
more accurate approach would be to derive the adjoint wall function equivalent and use it to calculate the
adjoint of the wall shear stress. For this exploratory study the current approach is however assumed to be
The final term in the momentum equation represents the effect of porosity (alpha) used as a momentum
sink in counterproductive cells. The adjoint momentum is then solved by setting the matrix equal to the
adjoint pressure gradient (line 9). The construction of the adjoint pressure equation (lines 17-20) requires
an intermediate adjoint flux found by dividing the right hand side of the Ueqn matrix (.H()) by the diagonal
coefficient (.A()) (lines 11, 13 and 15). After the pressure has been solved the intermediate flux and velocity
have to be updated so that they obey continuity (lines 22 and 24).
Once both the primal and adjoint fields have been solved, the porosity should be updated using the
calculated sensitivities. For stability reasons, modifications of alpha have to be under-relaxed (a typical
value is around 0.1). A steepest descent method can then be implemented as follows:
αn=αo(1 γr) + γrmin (max (αoλ(u·v),0) , αmax),(18)
γr- relaxation factor
λ- the product of the cell volume, Viand the sensitivity response step size δ
αmax - maximum allowed porosity corresponding to a “blocked” cell
αn, αo- porosities at new and old times respectively.
Despite being based on a continuous rather than a discrete adjoint, the current code uses the so-called
“one-shot” approach for the solution procedure, i. e. the porosity update uses partially converged primal and
adjoint solutions to calculate the sensitivities. Experience with simple test cases has shown that the results
at convergence are comparable to using a segregated approach.
IV. Ventilation duct application
The flow splitter manifold shown in Fig. 2 represents the space envelope and inlet/outlet boundaries for a
typical climatisation system component. As such it represents a relatively simple, yet topical and sufficiently
interesting case for initial investigations of the topology optimization methodology. The duct consists of a
single inlet with four outlets leaving the domain at a right angle to the inlet. The boxed section represents
the possible design envelope. To save computational resources, the domain is halved through the use of a
symmetry plane.
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Since the optimization can potentially displace the porous/non-porous boundary to anywhere within the
calculation domain, the space is discretised using a uniform cell size of 2x2x2 mm. The resulting mesh
consists of approximately 7.5 million primarily hexahedral cells. Lower than hex elements are found on
some surfaces due to projection of the mesh to the surface to produce surface conforming boundaries. The
flow is assumed to be incompressible and isothermal with physical properties derived from air at 293 K.
The air enters the 0.175 m diameter inlet with a fixed velocity of 21 m/s, resulting in a Reynolds number
of 250,000. A hybrid formulation of the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is used and constant inlet
properties are set using a turbulent length scale of 0.015 m and an intensity based on the inlet velocity of
5%. Pressure boundary conditions are zero-gradient everywhere except on the outlets, where a fixed relative
pressure of 0 is enforced. The adjoint velocity at the inlet and walls is set equal to the primal velocity. At
the outlet the normal components of primal and adjoint velocity are found from the pressure flux, while the
tangential velocity is zero-gradient. For the adjoint pressure at the outlet, a boundary condition according
to Eqn. (10) is applied.
Although inaccurate, it was found that first-order upwind discretisation had to be employed for convection
terms to ensure stability. The impact of this approximation should be somewhat ameliorated by the small
grid element size. The flow is assumed to be steady state and advanced using standard under-relaxation for
all solution variables.
Figure 2. Flow splitter manifold geometry.
The solver is run initially without porosity updates to obtain a steady solution for both the primal and the
adjoint (2000 iterations). Fig. 3 depicts results on the symmetry plane for the primal and adjoint velocities
(aand brespectively) and the sensitivity derived from their dot product (c). The primal velocity (Fig. 3a)
clearly shows 2 large recirculation zones at the top left and bottom right corners. In the sensitivity map (Fig.
3c) the black iso-line of zero sensitivity delineates these zones as counterproductive, i. e. once the porosity
update starts they will be penalized.
After initiating porosity update, the solution is stepped forward for an additionally 20,000 iterations
before a quasi-steady solution is obtained. Full convergence is not achieved for all variables as the porous
region fluctuates around a mean distribution. Fig. 4 shows the solution on the symmetry plane for the
adjoint and primal velocities alongside the final porosity distribution. The optimized primal velocity (Fig.
4a) is seen to be much more compact than in the baseline case (Fig. 3a), with negligible amounts of flow
in recirculation regions. The reason for this is obvious from the optimized porosity distribution (Fig. 4c),
with all counterproductive cells having been penalised with high porosity, while the main channels are free
of blockage. In addition, the approaches to the outlet sections have been tapered, which has the effect of
removing the previously observed small recirculation regions downstream of the outlet duct throats.
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(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3. Initial results for the flow splitter manifold: (a) Primal velocity, (b) Adjoint velocity, (c) Sensitivities (blue:
counterproductive, red: favourable, black line = 0).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4. Optimized results for the flow splitter manifold: (a) Primal velocity, (b) Adjoint velocity, (c) Porosity (blue:
no blockage, red: maximum blockage).
According to Eqn. (5), the power dissipated by a constant density fluid flowing through a duct can be
computed as
dA (p+v2/2)v·nZoutlets
dA (p+v2/2)v·n.(19)
For the baseline case this gives a power dissipation of 60.8 W, while the optimized duct displays a dissipation
of 34.8 W, an improvement of 43%. While the baseline case clearly represents a worst-case scenario, the
magnitude of the improvement is encouraging considering the relative simplicity of the implementation.
While the porosity can be used directly to extract an iso-surface from the solution for design purposes,
experience has shown that the current methodology does not in general produce a smooth manufacturable
duct. An alternative is to use an iso-surface of velocity magnitude to exclude very low velocity regions
from the educed shape, which tends to include small unwanted features produced via instabilities and other
inaccuracies. A comparison of the shapes produced via these two methods is shown in Fig. 5.
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(a) (b)
Figure 5. Optimized duct surface: (a) Zero porosity, (b) Velocity magnitude (|v|>3m/s).
V. Summary and Outlook
We have presented the theory underlying the computation of topological sensitivity maps and its imple-
mentation into the CFD environment OpenFOAM. The application of the developed code to the minimization
of power dissipation of a 3D airduct manifold demonstrated the potential of this methodology.
Even though the obtained results are very promising, the method suffers from some deficiencies: Cur-
rently, no account is taken of wall functions in the adjoint, and the turbulence field is assumed to be “frozen”.
Future work will therefore be dedicated to remedy these shortcomings. In addition, extension of the code
to other objective functions is planned, which for a large number of objective functions only involves modi-
fication of the adjoint boundary conditions. Thanks to the flexible high level symbolic API of OpenFOAM,
such adaptations within the developed adjoint solver framework are straight forward.
1M.P. Bendsøe and O. Sigmund, Topology optimization: theory, methods, and applications, Springer, Berlin, 2004.
2T. Borrvall and J. Petersson, Topology optimization of fluids in Stokes flow, Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids,41, p. 77, 2003.
3O. Sigmund, A. Gersborg-Hansen, and R.B. Haber, Topology optimization for multi-physics problems: A future FEMLAB
application?, Proc. Nordic MATLAB Conf. 2003, L. Gregersen (Ed.), Comsol A/S, Søborg, Denmark, p. 237, 2003.
4L.H. Olesen, F. Okkels, and H. Bruus, Topology optimization of Navier-Stokes flow in microfluidics, ECCOMAS 2004,
Jyv¨askyl¨a, 2004.
5O. Moos, F.R. Klimetzek, and R. Rossmann, Bionic optimization of air-guiding systems, SAE 2004-01-1377, 2004.
6C. Othmer and Th. Grahs, Approaches to fluid dynamic optimization in the car development process, EUROGEN 2005,
Munich, 2005.
7J.K. Guest and J.H. Pr´evost, Topology optimization of creeping flows using a Darcy-Stokes finite element, Int. J. Num.
Meth. Engng.,66 (3), p. 461, 2006.
8C. Othmer, Th. Kaminski, and R. Giering, Computation of topological sensitivities in fluid dynamics: Cost function
versatility, ECCOMAS CFD 2006, Delft, 2006.
9L.H. Olesen, F. Okkels, and H. Bruus, A High-level Programming-language Implementation of Topology Optimization
Applied to Steady-state Navier-Stokes Flow, Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng.,65, p. 975, 2006.
11C. Othmer, A continuous adjoint formulation for the computation of topological and surface sensitivities of ducted flows,
priv. commun., 2007.
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... The design variables are iteratively updated by the sensitivity information. The update of the design variables is conducted with different algorithms such as the steepest descent method [5], [11], [12], Method of Moving Asymptotes (MMA) [3], [4], [13], Sequential Linear/Quadratic Programming (SLP/SQP) [2], [10], etc., as reviewed by Dbouk [1]. On the other hand, gradient-free methods such as genetic algorithms [14], [15], particle swarm optimization [16], and Bayesian optimization [17] have the potential to find the global minimum, since it does not rely on the local gradient. ...
... The solid region can be parameterized by a few design variables [20] or the porosity or material distribution defined at each grid point [5], [11]. The latter approach dramatically increases the degrees of freedom of design variables, while it enables more flexible topology changes. ...
... This approach involves optimising the layout or distribution of materials within a given design space to meet specific performance criteria, while satisfying constraints such as the total volume or cost. It has been utilised in the design of numerous electromagnetic devices, including antennas [47,48], waveguides [49,50], and metamaterials [51][52][53][54], among others [55][56][57]. The benefit of topology optimisation has been shown to significantly improve device performance, resulting in higher efficiency, reduced weight, and improved bandwidth. ...
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We introduce an inverse design methodology for a new class of eigenfrequency-invariant metamaterial-resonators, targeting nuclear magnetic resonance detection at ultra-high B0\mathbf {B_0} field, and operating at two specified frequencies selected from within the 100-1500 MHz range. The primary optimisation goal is to maximise the magnetic field intensity and uniformity within a liquid sample, while the electric energy should be kept to a minimum level to reduce dielectric heating or quadrupolar moment excitation effects. Due to the symmetric geometry requirement of the cavity, a demultiplexer is also designed to direct each discrete resonant signal to another predetermined output port of the resonator. In order to reduce the geometrical dependency of the resonance frequency, a bespoke metamaterial is used for the cavity host. Therefore, an additional optimisation problem for a unit cell domain is defined to seek a proper material layout for the host region of the resonators. Given the sensitivity of the frequency domain, the optimisation process is effectively regulated through the utilisation of both a Helmholtz filter and a projection method. It is found that considerable improvements of the resonator quality factor can be obtained through this optimisation process.
... The optimization algorithm decides for each element whether it should be fluid or solid to optimize some performance functions such as power loss. Examples of flow optimization applications include Stokes flow [18,20,21,22], steady-state flow [23], weakly compressible flow [24], unsteady flow [25], channel flow [26], ducted flow [27], viscous flow [28], fluid-structure interaction (FSI) [29,30,31], fluidthermal interaction [32,33], microfluidics [34], aeronautics [35,36], and aerodynamics [37,38], to name a few. [39] developed a dynamic differentiable fluid simulator and integrated the pipeline with neural networks for learning controllers. ...
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We present a novel framework to explore neural control and design of complex fluidic systems with dynamic solid boundaries. Our system features a fast differentiable Navier-Stokes solver with solid-fluid interface handling, a low-dimensional differentiable parametric geometry representation, a control-shape co-design algorithm, and gym-like simulation environments to facilitate various fluidic control design applications. Additionally, we present a benchmark of design, control, and learning tasks on high-fidelity, high-resolution dynamic fluid environments that pose challenges for existing differentiable fluid simulators. These tasks include designing the control of artificial hearts, identifying robotic end-effector shapes, and controlling a fluid gate. By seamlessly incorporating our differentiable fluid simulator into a learning framework, we demonstrate successful design, control, and learning results that surpass gradient-free solutions in these benchmark tasks.
... The algorithm was implemented in the open-source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software OpenFOAM and is based on the adjointShapeOptimizationFoam solver by Othmer et al. [6]. This solver uses an immersed boundary (IB) method, where the fluid and solid parts of the computational domain are modeled in a single mesh and the shape of the solid geometry part of the static mixer is modeled by blocking the flow through certain cells of the mesh by means of one single variable α [7]. ...
... In addition, various numerical methods, such as the adjoint method, for topology or shape optimization are becoming increasingly accessible and widely utilized in different fields. The method itself has been introduced in numerous publications [13][14][15][16] and successfully applied to various applications, such as optimizing the aerodynamics (drag and lift force) of cars, 17 wind turbines, 18,19 or airfoils. 20 The concept of topology optimization initially emerged in the domain of finite element method (FEM) analyses, aiming to mitigate stresses within mechanical components. ...
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Pollen filters play an essential role in protecting people from airborne allergens and ensuring indoor air quality. Allergic reactions to pollen can lead to discomfort, reduced productivity, and increased healthcare costs. A low pressure drop of these pollen filters not only enhances the comfort of individuals using the filters but also contributes to energy savings in ventilation systems, thereby promoting environmental sustainability. This research focuses on the shape optimization of pollen filters using the adjoint solver in computational fluid dynamics, aiming to enhance both human health and environmental sustainability. In a previous study, an approach using the adjoint solver was developed to optimize both the separation efficiency and the pressure drop. In the current work, a methodology is presented that exploits these findings and allows the design of initial structures, subsequent optimization, and detailed experimental and numerical comparisons with a reference filter using the example of a pollen filter. To validate the effectiveness of the optimized filter, the initial geometry and the optimized geometry were fabricated and tested on a test bench. Compared to a reference filter, our filter disk was able to separate 2.9% more particles of size 6 μm and the pressure drop was lower by 34.2%. This research work demonstrates that the developed method can effectively be used to improve the performance of pollen filters. The results obtained from the validation suggest that the optimized geometry of the filter exhibits higher separation efficiency while keeping the pressure drop low compared to state-of-the-art pollen filters.
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Flow topology optimization (TopOpt) based on Darcy’s source term is widely used in the field of TopOpt. It has a high degree of freedom, making it suitable for conceptual aerodynamic design. Two problems of TopOpt are addressed in this paper to apply the TopOpt method to high-Reynolds-number turbulent flow that is often encountered in aerodynamic design. First, a strategy for setting Darcy’s source term is proposed based on the relationship between the magnitude of the source term and some characteristic variables of the flow (length scale, freestream velocity, and fluid viscosity). Second, we construct two modified turbulence models, a modified Launder–Sharma k − ϵ (LSKE) model and a modified shear stress transport (SST) model, that consider the influence of Darcy’s source term on turbulence and the wall-distance field. The TopOpt of a low-drag profile in turbulent flow is studied using the modified LSKE model. It is demonstrated by comparing velocity profiles that the model can reflect the influence of solids on turbulence at Reynolds numbers as high as one million. The TopOpt of a rotor-like geometry, which is of great importance in aerodynamic design, is conducted using the modified SST model. In all the cases considered, the drag, the total pressure loss, and the energy dissipation are significantly reduced by TopOpt, indicating the proposed model’s ability to handle the TopOpt of turbulent flow.
The adjoint reversal of long evolutionary calculations (e.g. loops), where each iteration depends on the output of the previous iteration, is a common occurrence in computational engineering (e.g. computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation), physics (e.g. molecular dynamics) and computational finance (e.g. long Monte Carlo paths). For the edge case of a scalar state, the execution, as well as adjoint control flow reversal, are inherently serial operations, as there is no spatial dimension to parallelize. Our proposed method exploits the run time difference between passive function evaluation and augmented forward evaluation, which is inherent to most adjoint AD techniques. For high dimensional states, additional parallelization of the primal computation can and should be exploited at the spatial level. Still, for problem sizes where the parallelization of the primal has reached the barrier of scalability, the proposed method can be used to better utilize available computing resources and improve the efficiency of adjoint reversal.We expect this method to be especially useful for operator-overloading AD tools. However, the concepts are also applicable to source-to-source transformation and handwritten adjoints, or a hybrid of all approaches. For illustration, C++ reference implementations of a low dimensional evolution (lorenz attractor) and a high dimensional evolution (computational fluid dynamics problem in OpenFOAM) are discussed. Both theoretical bounds on the speedup and run time measurements are presented.KeywordsAlgorithmic DifferentiationAdjointsMPI
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Modern CAD systems provide parametric geometric models which allow variations in shape to optimize function. However the models produced can be so complex, with tens or hundreds of parameters, that it is very difficult to choose which parameters or set of parameters should be used in design optimization. The boundary method of shape sensitivity allows a single adjoint analysis to determine a sensitivity map over the domain boundary which quantifies the performance improvement caused by inward or outward perturbation of the boundary at any point. The "design velocity" field quantifies the shape change caused by a given parametric change. Combining the sensitivity map with the design velocity fields, the performance sensitivity to any parametric change can be determined from a single analysis. This combination gives the steepest descent vector in parameter space and suggests possible methods for adding new design features in simulation-driven design.
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We perform shape optimization and state control at a low computational cost. To this end, we propose to only use information available for cost function evaluation, and to use incomplete sensitivities not requiring the solution of the linearized state equation. The application of the method is presented for microfluidic MEM design and control.
We study how the inertial term in the steady state Navier-Stokes flow can drive transitions in the optimal topology of a microfluidic network. Our method is a generalization of the work by Borrvall and Petersson on topology optimization of fluids in Stokes flow [Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 41, 77 (2003)]. We state the Navier-Stokes flow problem in a generic divergence form that allows the problem to be solved using of the commercial finite element software package Femlab. Moreover we show how Femlab can be used as a high-level programming language that allows a wide range of optimization objectives to be easily dealt with.
A survey is provided of shape parameterization techniques for multidisciplinary optimization, and some emerging ideas are highlighted. The survey focuses on the suitability of available techniques for multidisciplinary applications of complex configurations using high-fidelity analysis tools such as computational fluid dynamics and computational structural mechanics. The suitability criteria are based on the efficiency, effectiveness, ease of implementation, and availability of analytical sensitivities for geometry and grids. A section on sensitivity analysis, grid regeneration, and grid deformation techniques is also provided.
Structural design sensitivity analysis concerns the relationship between design variables available to the design engineer and structural responses determined by the laws of mechanics. The dependence of response measures such as displacement, stress, strain, natural frequency, buckling load, acoustic response, frequency response, noise-vibration-harshness (NVH), thermo-elastic response, and fatigue life on the material property, sizing, component shape, and configuration design variables is defined through the governing equations of structural mechanics.