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The dinosaur Hadrosaurus foulkii, from the Campanian
of the East Coast of North America, with a reevaluation
of the genus
Prieto−Márquez, A., Weishampel D.B., and Horner J.R. 2006. The dinosaur Hadrosaurus foulkii, from the Campanian of
the East Coast of North America, with a reevaluation of the genus. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 51 (1): 77–98.
Hadrosaurus foulkii was the first dinosaur known outside Europe from partially complete skeletal elements. It is the
holotype of the family Hadrosauridae and the subfamily Hadrosaurinae. The history of its discovery and taxonomy is re−
viewed, and the holotype of H. foulkii is redescribed. The holotype of H. foulkii lacks distinguishing characters; therefore,
this taxon is a nomen dubium. It is not synonymous with species of Gryposaurus and/or Kritosaurus. We also reevaluate
the taxonomy and osteology of H. tripos,H. minor,H. cavatus,H. breviceps, H. paucidens, and Ornithotarsus immanis.
In agreement with previous studies, these taxa are considered nomina dubia due to the absence of distinguishing charac−
ters and are therefore referrable only to Hadrosauridae indeterminate; H. paucidens is referrable to Lambeosaurinae inde−
terminate. Finally, our phylogenetic analysis indicates that the holotype of H. foulkii belongs to a member of Euhadro−
sauria and, tentatively, of Hadrosaurinae.
Key w ords: Hadrosauridae, Cretaceous, East Coast, North America, phylogeny.
Albert Prieto−Márquez [], Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahas−
see, Florida, 32306−1100, U.S.A.;
David B. Weishampel [], Center for Functional Anatomy and Evolution, Johns Hopkins Uni−
versity, School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, U.S.A.;
John R. Horner [], Museum of the Rockies, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 59717,
During the summer of 1858, William Parker Foulke, a natural−
ist from Philadelphia, learned of the discovery some 20 years
before of fossil bones in the Cretaceous marls of the Wood−
bury Formation, in Haddonfield, New Jersey (Foulke 1859;
see also Weishampel and White 2003). Subsequent excava−
tions at the edge of the old marl pit, on a small tributary of the
south branch of Cooper Creek where the bones had originally
been found, uncovered a new deposit of bones. Many were
large and Foulke contacted Joseph Leidy at the Academy of
Natural Sciences in Philadelphia (ANSP). Excavations contin−
ued, as did exploration elsewhere in the area (Weishampel and
Young 1996; Warren 1998). Foulke and Leidy joined forces in
the first description of the bones from Haddonfield at the De−
cember 14, 1858 meeting of the ANSP. Foulke (1859) pro−
vided some indication of the Late Cretaceous environments
there, while Leidy (1859) described the teeth, fragmentary
jaw, numerous vertebrae, and partial forelimb and hindlimb
from the Haddonfield material for which he proposed the
name Hadrosaurus foulkii, in honor of his collaborator.
H. foulkii was the first dinosaur known from partially
complete skeletal remains discovered in the New World. It
rivaled the best−known dinosaurs then recorded from else−
where in the world and provided key information about dino−
saurian lifestyles. Thus, due to its historical importance, this
taxon is doubtless one of the most celebrated dinosaurs. It is
the state fossil of New Jersey (Gallagher 1994) and also the
first dinosaur skeleton to be mounted for exhibition, at the
Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia
(Ruschenberger and Tryon 1879; Anonymous 1922). How−
ever, the unprecedented richness of the dinosaur discoveries
made in the Western Interior of North America and else−
where in the world during the 19th and 20th centuries pro−
duced a shift in the focus of research towards those new find−
ings. The only exceptions are the monograph by Lull and
Wright (1942), a study of new hadrosaurid material from
New Jersey (Colbert 1948), and an often−cited abstract by
Baird and Horner (1977).
Hadrosaurus is also important for being the type genus of
the family Hadrosauridae Cope, 1869 and the subfamily
Hadrosaurinae Cope, 1869 (Lambe 1918). Hadrosaurids are
among the most diverse, specialized, and successful herbi−
vores in the vertebrate communities of the latest stages of the
Mesozoic Era. Furthermore, they are probably among the
best−understood dinosaurs today in terms of anatomy and
evolutionary history (Lull and Wright 1942; Hopson 1975;
Ostrom 1961), behavior and life−history strategies (Horner−077.pdf
Acta Palaeontol. Pol. 51 (1): 77–98, 2006
and Makela 1979; Horner 1982), functional morphology
(Weishampel 1981; Norman and Weishampel 1985), paleo−
ecology (Chin and Gill 1996), and taphonomy and sedimen−
tology of their fossil occurrences (Dodson 1971).
Yet the taxonomic status and phylogenetic position of H.
foulkii remains enigmatic because this taxon has not been
properly diagnosed nor phylogenetically assimilated within
Hadrosauridae. This is principally because its remains, con−
sidered fairly complete and diagnostic in the 1850s, are actu−
ally poorly documented and incomplete in comparison with
later discoveries. Therefore, this material has been difficult
to interpret in the context of the modern knowledge of these
animals. In particular, is H. foulkii really based upon diag−
nostic material? Is Hadrosaurus cogeneric with Gryposau−
rus and/or Kritosaurus, as has been proposed by several au−
thors (Baird and Horner 1977; Brett−Surman 1979)? Will a
phylogenetic analysis support the inclusion of H. foulkii
within Hadrosaurinae? With these questions in mind, we re−
evaluate the holotype of H. foulkii from historical, taxo−
nomic, and phylogenetic perspectives. We redescribe in de−
tail its osteology and make comparisons with the current
known hadrosaurid material, showing that Hadrosaurus is
probably not cogeneric with Kritosaurus or Gryposaurus.
We will show that the holotype of H. foulkii lacks distin−
guishing characters, but that it shares apomorphies with
Euhadrosauria (sensu Weishampel et al. 1993; the clade
formed of Lambeosaurinae and Hadrosaurinae within Hadro−
sauridae) and, tentatively, with Hadrosaurinae. Finally, we
conclude this study with a review of the taxonomy of other
species previously referred to Hadrosaurus and other taxa
from the East Coast of North America.
Institutional abbreviations.—AEHM, Amur Natural History
Museum, Blagoveschensk, Russia; AMNH, American Mu−
seum of Natural History, New York City, New York, USA;
ANSP, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Phila−
delphia, Pennsylvania, USA; CMN, Canadian Museum of
Nature, Ottawa, Canada; MOR, Museum of the Rockies,
Bozeman, Montana, USA; NMMNH, New Mexico Museum
of Natural History and Science, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
USA; OTM, Old Trail Museum, Choteau, Montana, USA;
PMU, Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University, Uppsala,
Sweden; ROM, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada;
USA; UCMP, University of California, Museum of Paleon−
tology, Berkeley, California, USA; USNM, National Mu−
seum of Natural History, Washington D.C., USA; YPM,
Yale Peabody Museum of Paleontology, New Haven, Con−
necticut, USA.
History of research on
Hadrosaurus foulkii
In his first publication on H. foulkii, Leidy (1858, reprinted in
1859) used the relative size of the different regions of the ver−
tebral column of living crocodiles and iguanas to estimate
that his new dinosaur was probably 25 feet (8 m) in length.
He also noted the resemblance of this animal’s teeth and ver−
tebrae with those of Iguanodon, a more basal taxon from
England. More importantly for paleobiological inferences,
Leidy also pointed out the great disparity in length between
the forelimb and hindlimb in H. foulkii and suggested that
this dinosaur browsed on foliage in a kangaroo−like posture,
using its hindlimbs and tail as a tripodal support. At the same
time, he regarded it as most probably an amphibious animal
with fresh−water habits. The presence of H. foulkii in marine
sediments suggested that its remains were transported by
rivers to be deposited at the bottom of the Cretaceous sea.
Before the discovery of H. foulkii, hadrosaurid dinosaurs
were only known from several isolated teeth discovered in the
badlands of Montana (Trachodon mirabilis Leidy,1856a) and
from two caudal vertebrae and a phalanx from the Lance For−
mation of Nebraska (Thespesius occidentalis Leidy, 1856b).
Still, after the discovery of H. foulkii, so little was known
about dinosaurs on either side of the Atlantic before the great
discoveries of the late 19th and 20th centuries, that H. foulkii
was much discussed and figured for several decades after its
original description (Leidy 1868a; 1870; Cope 1868, 1869,
1874, 1883; Hawkins 1874, 1875; Lydekker 1888). For exam−
ple, Leidy returned to H. foulkii in a monograph on the Creta−
ceous reptiles of the United States (Leidy 1865), which sum−
marized the available information on the geology of the Upper
Missouri, New Jersey, Alabama, Texas, and elsewhere in the
U.S. Crocodilians, plesiosaurs, mosasaurs, turtles, and dino−
saurs were compared with extinct and living forms from the
Old and New World. H. foulkii and two other dinosaurs
[Astrodon johnstoni and Tomodon horrificus—later to be re−
named Diplotomodon by Leidy (1868b)]—were described.
This contribution represented Leidy’s most detailed and com−
prehensive osteology of H. foulkii. Comparisons were made
not only with modern iguanas and Iguanodon in the context of
their relationship to herbivory, but also with the teeth of
Trachodon (Edmontosaurus). Without having the benefit of
knowing that all hadrosaurids had a dental battery, Leidy ar−
gued for the close apposition of each functional tooth and its
successors. But beyond these claims about its teeth, Leidy
made no effort to infer anything about the paleobiology of H.
foulkii. Gone was his earlier speculation about body posture,
locomotion, and habitat first introduced in his report of 1858.
In a summary of the then known reptiles from the Meso−
zoic and Tertiary strata of New Jersey, Cope (1868) devoted
a highly speculative section to Hadrosaurus. Cope first pro−
vided a brief description of the general anatomical propor−
tions of the animal and estimated its total length in 28–30 feet
(8.4–9 m), claiming that on land this dinosaur walked at
times using only its hindlimbs, flexed at the knees, while
trailing its tail. Cope also suggested that it wandered in salt
lagoons and used its tail, hindlimbs, and pelvic bones as sup−
port to reach upward to the foliage, employing its forelimbs
to draw the food to its mouth. Cope even commented on the
facial expression of Hadrosaurus, pointing out that the “ex−
posure on each side [of] the upper jaw of several rows of
shiny teeth...would give [the animal] a somewhat grinning
physiognomy...” (Cope 1868: 737). Interestingly, it appears
that Cope already contemplated the hypothesis that Hadro−
saurus lacked muscular cheeks, as has been suggested more
recently for ornithischian dinosaurs in general (Papp and
Witmer 1998).
In his extensive synopsis of fossil amphibians and reptiles
of North America, Cope (1869) erected Hadrosauridae to in−
clude Hadrosaurus and provided additional osteological de−
tails on appendicular elements of H. foulkii, with compari−
sons with other dinosaurs known at that time such as Iguano−
don,Hylaeosaurus,Laelaps, and Scelidosaurus. In particu−
lar, Cope reconstructed the pelvic girdle of H. foulkii, identi−
fying a previously unrecognized fragment of pubis. How−
ever, Cope misplaced the ischium and pubis, reversing their
orientation and attaching the former to the pubic peduncle of
the ilium and the later to the ischiadic peduncle (Cope 1869:
95, fig. 29). Likewise, Cope reported on the discovery of a
fragment of the proximal scapula (Cope 1860: 92, fig. 27).
We have been unable to locate this fragment, but Cope’s il−
lustration shows an element that certainly may represent the
scapula. This partial bone is missing its glenoid and coronoid
articulations, but includes the more ventral portion of the
acromial process and the ventral half of the blade. Cope also
included descriptions of other Hadrosaurus species, as well
as the erection of additional hadrosaurid taxa from the Creta−
ceous of the East Coast of North America, such as O. imma−
nis and H. tripos (see below).
Around the same time, Leidy (1868a) again compared the
dentition of H. foulkii with that of T. mirabilis and considered
both forms as probably only specifically separated, contem−
plating the possibility that Trachodon might be cogeneric
with Hadrosaurus. However, in his 1869 monograph, Cope
synonymized Trachodon and Thespesius with Hadrosaurus
and included T. mirabilis under this last. Two years later,
Leidy rejected Cope’s synonymy of Hadrosaurus with Thes−
pesius, and, while recognizing the similar tooth morphology
in these animals (and Trachodon), he emphasized caudal
vertebral differences that he thought could be used to distin−
guish both taxa (Leidy 1870).
In a later paper, Cope (1874) listed several fragmentary
remains from Cretaceous strata of the Western United States
under Hadrosaurus, including the two caudal vertebrae and
phalanx of the type of T. occidentalis of Leidy (1856b) and
the type of Claosaurus agilis, from the Niobrara Formation
of Western Nebraska (Marsh 1872; Carpenter et al. 1995).
Waterhouse Hawkins later published a few remarks on the
correct identification and articulation of “pseudo−clavicles”
as pelvic elements (his “ischiatic bones”) in H. foulkii, draw−
ing comparisons with those of the ostriches and rheas (Haw−
kins 1874, 1875).
In 1883, Cope revisited H. foulkii and compared it with
other hadrosaurids, particularly with the skull and dentition
of a complete Edmontosaurus skeleton [AMNH 5730, re−
ferred by Cope to Diclonius mirabilis, but later regarded as
the type of Anatoitan copei by Brett−Surman (1990)]. Again,
Cope speculated on the paleobiology of these animals, con−
cluding that Hadrosaurus and its relatives would fed on soft
vegetation (as well as fishes without bony scales) because he
regarded their dentitions as too weak to process tree branches
and harder plant material. A few years later, Lydekker (1888)
synonymized the genus Hadrosaurus with Trachodon on the
basis of their dentitions, echoing Leidy (1868a) while pro−
viding a brief description of the teeth of the former.
In their monograph on North American hadrosaurids, Lull
and Wright (1942) reexamined the anatomy and relationships
of H. foulkii, as well as that of more poorly known hadro−
saurid species that had been discovered along the East Coast
since the 1850s. Although they paraphrased much of Leidy’s
earlier descriptions, Lull and Wright attempted to assimilate
H. foulkii into the relationships of the many North American
hadrosaurids that had been discovered up to that time. First
asserting that “the generic distinction of Hadrosaurus rests on
an insecure basis owing to the absence of a skull” (Lull and
Wright 1942: 138), they provided skeletal evidence that it
was “a flat−headed” form (i.e., a hadrosaurine) on the basis of
the morphology of its ischium, forelimb proportions, and
shape of the teeth. Lull and Writght compared H. foulkii with
better−known hadrosaurids, particularly Anatosaurus annec−
tens (now Edmontosaurus annectens; Rozhdestvensky 1968;
Weishampel and Horner 1990; Horner et al. 2004). They re−
garded these two forms as distinct, based on differences in the
morphology of the caudal vertebrae, middle dorsal spines,
ilia, and teeth, as well as the remoteness in time and space be−
tween them. Finally, they considered the other East Coast
species that had been referred to or had been closely allied
with H. foulkii up to that time. Two of these, Ornithotarsus
immanis and H. tripos, were named by Cope in his compre−
hensive study of the extinct non−mammalian tetrapods of
North America (Cope 1869).
O. immanis was based on a partial tibia, fibula, astragalus,
and calcaneum from the Monmouth Formation near Keyport,
New Jersey, while H. tripos consisted of caudal vertebrae
from the Black Creek Formation of Sampson County, North
Carolina. A year later, H. minor was erected by Marsh (1870)
for several dorsal vertebrae thought to come from the Nave−
sink Formation near Barnsboro, New Jersey. Finally, Cope
(1871) described H. cavatus, known only from several caudal
vertebrae from near this same locality. Clearly, all of these
taxa were based on poor material (considering that many
hadrosaurid species were now known from complete skulls
and sometimes complete skeletons) and Lull and Wright
(1942) regarded each to be established on an insecure basis.
Shortly after the publication of Lull and Wright (1942), Col−
bert (1948) described new material from the Navesink Forma−
tion of New Jersey, which he referred to H. minor.
In his detailed analysis of the cranial anatomy of North
American hadrosaurids, Ostrom (1961) recognized the in−
complete nature of the holotype of H. foulkii in the context of
being the type genus of Hadrosauridae and Hadrosaurinae,
particularly that the former does not allow referral to either−077.pdf
flat−headed, solid−crested or hollow−crested forms based on
direct cranial data. However, Ostrom opted for the conserva−
tive solution of assuming that H. foulkii was a hadrosaurine.
Baird and Horner (1977) provided a brief statement about
H. foulkii and other Late Cretaceous dinosaurs from the East
Coast in a brief abstract. Their reappraisal of these early finds
includes referral of O. immanis and perhaps H. cavatus to H.
foulkii. More importantly, they suggested that Gryposaurus
(Kritosaurus in their abstract), from the Western Interior of
North America, was a junior synonym to Hadrosaurus,al
though they provided no characters to support this idea. They
also thought that Colbert’s (1948) specimen of H. minor
might be referable to Edmontosaurus, as E. minor.
Since then, most studies including H. foulkii have con−
centrated in comparing this taxon with Gryposaurus, some of
them concluding that these taxa are different (Carpenter
1982; Davies 1983), whereas others regarded these hadro−
saurids as closely related (Brett−Surman 1975, 1989; Wagner
2001) or synonymous (Brett−Surman 1979) (see below for
details on this matter). In their review of Hadrosauridae,
Weishampel and Horner (1990) regarded H. foulkii as a valid
taxon and as a “gryposaur” closely related to taxa such as
Gryposaurus notabilis and Aralosaurus tuberiferus. How−
ever, no synapomorphies between H. foulkii and species
of Gryposaurus were provided. Likewise, O. immanis was
synonymized with H. foulkii. More recently, Horner et al.
(2004) considered the possibility that H. foulkii would have a
basal unresolved relationship within Euhadrosauria (see
Weishampel et al. 1993), based on relative decrease in tooth
size, the presence of a single strong carina on dentary teeth,
and the possession of a distally unexpanded shaft (a condi−
tion suggested by Lull and Wright 1942).
Systematic paleontology
Dinosauria Owen, 1842
Ornithischia Seeley, 1887
Ornithopoda Marsh, 1881
Ankylopollexia Sereno, 1986
Hadrosauroidea Sereno, 1986
Hadrosauridae Cope, 1869
Hadrosaurus Leidy, 1858; nomen dubium
Type species:Hadrosaurus foulkii Leidy, 1858.
Hadrosaurus foulkii Leidy, 1858
Holotype: ANSP 9203: fragment of the lateral wall of the middle region
of a right maxilla. ANSP 9204: lateral fragment of ectopterygoid shelf
of a left maxilla. ANSP 9202: fragments of dental lamina and edentu−
lous alveoli. ANSP 9201: isolated maxillary and dentary teeth. ANSP
10005: three partial cranial dorsal vertebrae, three proximal caudal
centra, nine proximal to middle caudal centrum, including an almost
complete middle caudal vertebra, and numerous vertebral fragments, a
partial right coracoid, left humerus, left radius, left ulna, left ilium, right
ischium, right partial pubis, and a partial left hind limb represented by a
femur, tibia, nearly complete fibula, metatarsals II and IV, and pedal
phalanx III–1.
Type locality: Haddonfield, New Jersey, East Coast of the United States
of America.
Type horizon: Woodbury Formation, Campanian, Upper Cretaceous.
Skull and mandible
Maxilla (Fig. 1B).—One of the two preserved maxillary
fragments (ANSP 9203) corresponds to the lateral wall of the
middle region of a right maxilla, ventral to the dorsal process.
The lateral surface is partially preserved and most of its
rostrodorsal area, where the articulation surface for the jugal
is located, appears heavily abraded and covered with plaster.
Ventrally, the specimen is convex, corresponding to the ven−
tral margin of the maxilla and the alveoli. Caudally from that
convexity, the lateroventral surface becomes concave and
separated from the dorsal portion by a well−developed ridge.
This ridge is caudally continuous with the lateral margin of
the ectopterygoid shelf. Dorsal to this ridge, the lateral sur−
face of the maxilla slopes caudoventrally and, in the com−
plete maxilla, it would have continued as the ectopterygoid
shelf. The dorsal margin of ANSP 9203 is broken ventral to
the rise of the dorsal process of the maxilla. On the medial
side, there is a dorsoventrally convex and smooth dorsal mar−
gin, which is as thick as 25% of the total dorsoventral depth
of the specimen. This margin is dorsal to the alveoli of the
dental battery. Thirteen alveoli are preserved on the medial
side of the specimen, but only eight of them are nearly com−
plete. This specimen was described and figured by Leidy
(1865) as a fragmentary dentary (pl. 13: 24, 25). Later, Lull
and Wright (1942) correctly recognized it as a maxillary
fragment. The only location in a dentary where ANSP 9203
could correspond is the lateral surface where the coronoid
process begins to rise dorsally; the observed ridge would
then correspond to the base of the rise of the coronoid pro−
cess. However, in ANSP 9203 the long axis of the alveoli is
perpendicular to the ridge, whereas in a hadrosaurid dentary
the coronoid process begins rising obliquely to the long axis
of the alveoli. Furthermore, the ridge in ANSP 9203 is too
sharp and well defined, and the space between it and the alve−
olar margin is too small to be the space between the coronoid
process and the alveolar margin. Thus, we rule out the possi−
bility that ANSP 9203 could be from a dentary. In the
maxilla, another alternative is that ANSP 9203 could be part
of the rostroventral process. However, in that case the line
of dental foramina should follow an arch directed rostro−
ventrally and the alveoli height should gradually diminish
rostrally. Likewise, on the medial side, the margin dorsal to
the line of dental foramina in the rostral region of maxilla is
flat or concave. In ANSP 9203 this margin is convex, as in
the middle region of hadrosaurid maxillae.
Another maxilla (ANSP 9204) consists of the lateral por−
tion of a left ectopterygoid shelf (Fig. 1B1and B2). This spec−
imen preserves the caudal section of the lateral convex bor−
der of the shelf, which gradually thickens dorsoventrally to−
wards its caudal end. The medial side includes portions of
eight alveoli.
Dentition (Fig. 1C).—Maxillary and dentary teeth are found
isolated from the jaw material. Dentary teeth have elongated
diamond−shaped crowns, with a 2.65 average length/breadth
ratio. A single carina longitudinally bisects the crown. Denti−
cles are present on the edges of the apical half of the crown
and absent around the basal half. There are from 14 to 16
papillae on each side. Papillae increase in size towards the
apex of the crown. The crown forms a 125°angle with the
root (measured along the mesolabial or distolabial border of
the enamel, which is the supplementary angle to the one mea−
sured by Horner 1992). In this regard, H. foulkii differs from
taxa such as B. canadensis (140°in MOR 1071) and Ed−
montosaurus sp. (135°in CMN 8744), but compares well
with P. blackfeetensis (120°in MOR 447). The roots of
maxillary teeth expand abruptly to support the crowns.
Maxillary teeth have papillae only around the edges of the
ventral half of the crown, as many as in the dentary teeth. The
single median carina does not reach the apical end of the
crown, unlike in the dentary teeth. The length/width ratio of
maxillary teeth is 2.5.
Axial skeleton
Dorsal vertebrae—In H. foulkii, little more is preserved
than the centra and the proximal region of neural spines and
diapophyses. As in other hadrosaurids, cranial dorsal centra
are heart−shaped in caudal view and moderately opistho−
coelous. In ventral view, the centrum of the cranial dorsals is
hourglass−shaped. The neural canal is oval and slightly wider
mediolaterally than dorsoventrally. The centrum of the cau−
dal dorsals is more oval and less heart−shaped. The ventral
portion is less constricted mediolaterally and does not show
the keel seen in the cranial dorsals. The centrum is higher, as
long proximodistally than wide mediolaterally. The centrum
of the caudal−most dorsals is craniocaudally shorter in rela−
tion to that in the middle and cranial dorsals. The parapo−
physes are reduced in size, forming two oval excavations that−077.pdf
25 mm
25 mm
25 mm 10 mm
ectopterygoid shelf
jugal process
alveolar sulci
alveolar sulci
Fig. 1. Hadrosaurus foulkii Leidy, 1858,
Haddonfield, New Jersey, U.S.A., Wood−
bury Formation, Campanian, Upper Cre−
taceous. A. Composite skeleton with the
location of the preserved bones. B. Maxil−
lary fragments (ANSP 9203, reversed,
and 9204) placed on a generic hadrosau−
rid maxilla (B1); ANSP 9204 in lateral
view (B2); ANSP 9203 in lateral (B3), me−
dial (B4), and ventral (B5) views. C. Den−
tary teeth (ANSP 9201) in lingual (C1)
and mesial or distal (C2) views.
face craniolaterally adjacent to the craniodorsal border of the
medial segment of the diapophyses.
Caudal vertebrae—Caudal centra are mediolaterally wide
and hexagonal in outline, as in other hadrosaurids. Proximal
caudal centra are craniocaudally compressed, but become
gradually more elongated distally along the series. More dis−
tal caudals show a more perfect hexagonal contour, with de−
marked edges. The transverse processes are narrow and rod−
like. On the proximal caudals, the distal end of the diapo−
physis is curved ventrally. The neural spine is transversely
thick at its mid length, ellipsoidal in cross section, and pro−
jects caudodorsally. The neural canal is circular and rela−
tively small. The zygapophyses are small and oval facets.
Proximally, the prezygapophyses are more circular than the
postzygapophyses. The prezygapophyses are supported and
projected distodorsally by two short prezygapophyseal pro−
cesses. The space between the prezygapophyses is a U−sha−
ped, concave surface. Distal caudal centra have strongly con−
cave lateral sides. They are platycoelous, with only slightly
concave distal surfaces.
Appendicular skeleton
Coracoid (Fig. 2D, E).—Both Leidy (1858, 1865) and Lull
and Wright (1942) did not recognize this element among
the holotype specimens. Actually, it is represented by a
fragment corresponding to the caudoventral region of a
right coracoid. Most of the glenoidal facet is present. This
surface is D−shaped, concave, and slightly wider medio−
laterally than dorsoventrally, as in other taxa such as B.
canadensis (MOR 794), E. regalis (CMN 2289), S. orborni
(AMNH 5271), and G. latidens (AMNH 5465). Cranially,
the element narrows mediolaterally to reach a breadth less
than half that of the glenoid facet. The lateral surface of the
specimen is nearly flat, while the medial side is slightly con−
cave. Cranioventrally, only a portion of the ventral process
of the coracoid is preserved. This process is slightly nar−
rower mediolaterally than the cranial region of the speci−
men. Craniodorsally, the ventral half of the coracoid fora−
men is present and accounts for nearly one third of the
craniocaudal width of the specimen.
Humerus (Fig. 2C).—This element is represented by a com−
plete left humerus, well described by Leidy (1865: figs. 1–4,
pl. 14) and Lull and Wright (1942). It measures 555 mm in
length. The deltopectoral crest has a rounded, smooth margin
at its junction with the distal half of the humerus. This crest,
unlike those of other euhadrosaurians [but like in Telmato−
saurus transsylvanicus (Weishampel et al. 1993)], does not
extend down until or below midshaft. The craniocaudal
breadth of the humerus at the level of the deltopectoral crest
is less than twice the diameter of the shaft, but far from the
small width exhibited by T. transsylvanicus. ANSP 10005 is
a more gracile humerus than the humeri of other hadro−
saurids such as species of Kritosaurus, Gryposaurus, Maia−
saura, Prosaurolophus, Edmontosaurus,Brachylophosau−
rus and Lambeosaurinae. The muscle scar on the caudal side
of the element for the latissimus dorsi muscle is poorly devel−
oped; most hadrosaurid humeri of similar size have a more
developed scar, consisting of a rugose swelling surrounded
by an oval depression (e.g., E. regalis, CMN 2289; G. lati−
dens, AMNH 5465; P. blackfeetensis, MOR 455; B. cana−
densis, MOR 794). The humeral head is massive, rounded,
and triangular in proximal view.
Radius (Fig. 2A).—ANSP 10005 includes a complete left
radius. Measuring 520 mm in length, the specimen is nearly
as long as the ulna. The radius is robust, with a shaft at most
12.5 times longer than thick at the minimal midshaft diame−
ter. In many hadrosaurid radii the ratio of radius length/mini−
mum shaft thickness ranges from 15 to almost 19, although
there are some cases where the radius is as robust as in ANSP
10005 (e.g., E. regalis, CMN 2289, with a 12.3 ratio). The
proximal end of the radius of H. foulkii expands abruptly and
is cup−like. The proximal surface is flat and subrectangular.
Ventrally, the proximal end forms a thick, keel−like promi−
nence for articulation with the U−shaped proximodorsal sur−
face of the ulna. Proximal to this prominence, the ventral sur−
face is concave. Distally, the radius thins abruptly and be−
comes a subcylindrical long shaft. The mid−third of the ra−
dius is compressed in a lateroventral−mediodorsal direction.
Along its distal third, the shaft becomes subtriangular in
cross section and flattes on the lateroventral side that articu−
lates with the ulna. Gradually the radius expands dorso−
ventral and mediolaterally towards the distal end. The distal
end is subtriangular, with rounded corners.
Ulna (Fig. 2B)—The ulna is slightly longer than the humerus
and measures 590 mm in length. Like the radius, the ulna has
a thick shaft relative to its length, but other taxa have both
more slender (e.g., P. blackfeetensis, MOR 549) and more
robust ulnae (e.g., E. regalis, CMN 2289). Proximally, the
medial flange extends mediodorsally for slightly less than the
maximum mediolateral width of the proximal end of the
ulna. The medial flange forms a 160°angle with the dorsal
surface of the proximal end of the ulna. The lateral flange is
reconstructed dorsally with plaster. The cubital fossa is deep.
The olecranon process is wider mediolaterally than long
craniocaudally, although it is slightly abraded. The middle
third of the ulna is 60% thinner dorsoventrally than the proxi−
mal end. This decrease in breadth is very gradual. The distal
end is dorsally excavated to receive the distal end of the ra−
dius. The lateral edge of the distal end is expanded, but 20%
shallower dorsoventrally than the proximal end of the ulna.
The medial edge of the distal end of the ulna is much less ex−
panded than the lateral border.
Ilium (Fig. 3A).—The body of the ilium has a smoothly
curved craniodorsal edge. Plaster reconstruction contributes
to this profile along the craniodorsal border of the ilium, cra−
nial to the dorsal surface of the supracetabular process. The
proximal region of the preacetabular process is very deep in
lateral view, accounting for 66% of the dorsoventral depth of
the element at this level (however, see discussion below).
Cranioventrally, the preacetabular process tapers gradually.
In other hadrosaurids there is a dorsoventral thickening of the
preacetabular process near its distal end, ventrally at the level
of the pubic peduncle. In H. foulkii this thickening appears to
be missing, but the cranioventral end of the preacetabular
process is incomplete, which makes it impossible to verify
the condition here. On the medial side of the ilium there is a
ridge for rib articulation that projects medioventrally and ex−
tends caudally into the body of the bone. Cranially the ridge
bisects the dorsoventral breadth of the preacetabular process.
The supracetabular process (“antitrochanter”) is massive and
its lateral surface is incompletely preserved. Ventral to the
supracetabular process, the lateral surface of the ilium is
slightly concave. The pubic peduncle is larger than the
ischial peduncle, which forms a rugose prominence. The
cranioventrally−directed pubic peduncle is relatively gracile
and triangular in lateral profile. It is cranioventrally directed.
The postacetabular process is incomplete distally incom−
plete, lacking most of its length. This process twists medio−
laterally, as in other hadrosaurids. In cross section, the post−
acetabular process is D−shaped, with a convex medial side.
Ischium (Fig. 3C)—ANSP 10005 includes a right nearly
complete ischium. The ischial shaft is ellipsoidal in cross sec−
tion and curves caudodorsally. With the exception of three iso−
lated specimens (see discussion), in other hadrosaurids the
shaft is straight (e.g., Hypacrosaurus stebingeri and M. pee−
blesorum) or slightly bent caudoventrally at the distal tip (e.g.,
B. canadensis). The diameter of the ischial shaft in H. foulkii is
constant until it narrows near the incomplete distal end. The
preserved shaft is at least four times as long as the proximal re−
gion of the ischium. The expanded cranial region of the
ischium arches dorsally to form the iliac peduncle. Ventrally,
it projects cranially into the pubic peduncle. The ischium has
well−developed iliac and pubic peduncles, although the area
leading to the pubic peduncle is mostly reconstructed. The−077.pdf
100 mm
25 mm
100 mm
medial flange
olecranon process
crest ventral
radial condyle
ulnar condyle
Fig. 2. Hadrosaurus foulkii Leidy, 1858 (ANSP
10005), Haddonfield, New Jersey, U.S.A., Wood−
bury Formation, Campanian, Upper Cretaceous. A.
Left radius in dorsal view. B. Left ulna in medial
view. C. Left humerus in anteromedial view. D.
Partial left coracoid in glenoidal (D1) and cranio−
lateral (D2) views. E. Schematic drawing of a gen−
eralized hadrosaurid coracoid showing in white the
preserved region displayed in D.
wide pubic peduncle forms a blade that is slightly expanded
dorsoventrally at its end. The iliac peduncle is subrectangular
and projects craniodorsally from the dorsal portion of the
ischial blade. The craniodorsal end of the iliac peduncle is
mediolaterally and dorsoventrally expanded. The obturator
process is partially preserved and leaves an asymmetric obtu−
rator notch. The process cranial to the notch is also missing.
Pubis (Fig. 3B)—This bone is only represented by a frag−
ment of the right pubis and was not recognized in most previ−
ous studies (Leidy 1858, 1865; Lull and Wright 1942). How−
ever, Cope (1869) identified this element correctly. It con−
sists of a complete iliac peduncle and a partial ischial pe−
duncle. The cranial portion is broken where the neck of the
pubis builds toward the prepubic blade. The ischial peduncle
is triangular in cross section and is larger and more massive
than the ischial peduncle, extending caudodorsally from the
lateral face of the pubis. The iliac peduncle has the dorsal
outline of an equilateral triangle. Its dorsal surface is flat and
caudomedially oriented. The iliac peduncle is roughly tetra−
hedronal with the apex pointing ventrally, laterally rotated
around the dorsoventral axis. The largest facet is slightly
concave, facing caudolaterally about 45°from the medio−
lateral plane. This surface, dorsoventrally crossed by numer−
ous striations, has the outline of an inverted teardrop.
Femur (Fig. 4A).—This element measures 1055 mm and is
12% longer than the tibia (Lull and Wright 1942). The femur
is columnar and robust, straight along its proximodistal
length and mediolaterally compressed. In caudal view, the
element curves slightly medially. The proximal segment of
the shaft is more mediolaterally expanded and wider cranio−
caudally than the distal portion of the femur. The massive
head projects medially 90°from long axis of the femur. Lat−
erally, the large greater trochanter is much more expanded
craniocaudally and proximodistally than the head, but it is
pubic peduncle
iliac peduncle
iliac peduncle
obturator foramen
obturator foramen
100 mm
100 mm
100 mm
Fig. 3. Hadrosaurus foulkii Leidy, 1858
(ANSP 10005), Haddonfield, New Jer−
sey, U.S.A., Woodbury Formation, Cam−
panian, Upper Cretaceous. A. Left ilium
in lateral (A1) and medial (A2) views, ac−
companied by drawings showing in black
the areas containing plaster reconstruc−
tion; white represents bone. B. Fragment
of right pubis in lateral view; the arrow
points to the corresponding region in a
generalized complete hadrosaurid pubis.
C. Right ischium in lateral (C1)andme
dial (C2)views.
mediolaterally compressed. The cranial trochanter is pro−
ximodistally elongated, thinner proximally than distally. The
fourth trochanter comprises little less than one third of the to−
tal proximodistal length of the femur. It is incompletely pre−
served along its caudal edge. The cross section of the shaft is
subrectangular, with shorter cranial and caudal sides. The
distal condyles have an H−shaped outline in distal view and
enclose a deep and wide intercondylar groove. The lateral
condyle is missing its caudal margin. Both condyles are
mediolaterally compressed and curve caudodorsally to form
thick, rounded caudodorsal and caudoventral borders.
Tibia (Fig. 4B).—The tibia measures 933 mm in length (Lull
and Wright 1942). The cnemial crest is very robust and only
moderately curved craniolaterally. The proximal caudolateral
condyles are as thick as the cnemial crest, the medial condyle
being thicker. The shaft of the tibia thins remarkably towards
its mid length, where both its craniocaudal and mediolateral
diameters are one third of the maximum width of the proximal
and distal ends. In medial view, the outline of the caudal sur−
face is nearly straight, whereas the cranial side is slightly
curved as the shaft thins. However, in cranial view both the
medial and lateral sides of the shaft are straight until they
greatly expand distally.
Fibula (Fig. 4C).—This bone is among the most robust of
known hadrosaurid fibulae, where the ratio of the minimum
craniocaudal width/maximum width of proximal end is 0.34.−077.pdf
trochanter femoral
4th trochanter
malleolus external
intercondylar groove
100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
100 mm
Fig. 4. Hadrosaurus foulkii Leidy, 1858
(ANSP 10005), Haddonfield, New Jersey,
U.S.A., Woodbury Formation, Campanian,
Upper Cretaceous. A. Left femur in caudal
view. B. Left tibia in cranial view. C. Left
fibula in lateral view. D. Left metatarsal IV
in dorsal (D1) and lateral (D2) views. E.
Left metatarsal II in dorsal (E1) and medial
(E2) views.
This figure is comparable to that in G. notabilis (YPM
16970, with a ratio of 0.36) and B. canadensis (MOR 794, ra−
tio of 0.35), but unlike other taxa such as C. casuarius
(AMNH 3971, ratio of 0.25), H. altispinus (AMNH 5217, ra−
tio of 0.28), and E. regalis (CMN 2289, ratio of 0.27). ANSP
10005 is missing the distal end. The proximal end shows a
prominent cranial corner, which is slightly bent medially
over a relatively deep excavation. The caudal corner of the
proximal end is reconstructed with plaster. The medial exca−
vation of the proximal half of the fibula is triangular in out−
line and gradually disappears distally. The fibula is medio−
laterally compressed proximally and its craniocaudal breadth
decreases gradually distally; the thinnest portion is reached
near the distal end, where the mediolateral width is one third
of that of the proximal end. Mediolaterally, the fibula is most
compressed at its mid length. The distal third is medially
twisted relative to the long axis of the bone and is triangular
in cross section.
Metatarsal II (Fig. 4E).—This element is a mediolaterally−
compressed and proximally and distally expanded. The me−
dial face is proximodistally concave, while the articulating
lateral surface is convex at its mid length. The craniomedial
flange forms a medially flattened sharp edge. The lateral sur−
face of the flange has a rugosity that extends distally. On the
lateroplantar border of the bone there is a smaller flange,
forming a semicircular rugose edge. The proximal surface is
cranioplantarly elongated and oval in outline. Its ventral edge
is partially preserved. The proximal face is concave at its
center and rugose. Its long axis is laterally tilted relative to
the cranioplantar axis of the distal surface. The distal fourth
of the metatarsal is slightly wider mediolaterally and medi−
ally directed; the distal surface faces mediodistally. The dis−
tal surface is trapezoidal, being the mediolaterally widest re−
gion of the metatarsal. Its plantomedial corner is incom−
pletely preserved.
Metatarsal IV (Fig. 4D).—This element is cranioplantarly
compressed and has expanded proximal and distal ends. The
mid−proximal medial flange is thick and prominent. The
proximal surface is D−shaped. The distal face is subtrapezoi−
dal and more expanded mediolaterally than in metatarsal II.
The long axis of the distal surface is lateroventrally rotated a
few degrees relative to the long axis of the proximal face.
Both the dorsal and ventral surfaces are slightly concave
proximodistally, especially the dorsal one. The medial flange
comprises the dorsoplantar thickness of the short shaft and
extends along 40% of the proximodistal length of the ele−
ment. The flange is positioned closer to the proximal edge of
the bone than to the distal end. The medial surface of this
flange is very rugose.
Pedal phalanx III1—Phalanx III1 is subrectangular in dor−
sal view and it is almost symmetrical relative to a parasagittal
plane, except for the slightly more dorsoplantarly compres−
sed proximolateral border. The proximal end is more medio−
laterally expanded than the distal end. The dorsal surface is
flattened, slightly concave with a gentle proximolateral slope.
The plantar surface is slightly concave mediolaterally, ex−
cept for the proximal region, where it becomes convex. The
concave proximal surface is subellipsoidal, with a deeper
medial edge. The plantar edge is slightly concave at the cen−
ter. The distal surface is semicircular and slightly crescentic,
with a flat dorsal border and a concave ventral side. Near the
distal end, there is a convex rugosity on the lateral side of the
Is the holotype of Hadrosaurus
foulkii diagnostic?
Since the early works on H. foulkii, many of the authors
who regarded this taxon as different from Gryposaurus and
Kritosaurus have also considered it to be diagnostic (Brett−
Surman 1979; Weishampel and Horner 1990; Horner et al.
2004). However, no formal diagnosis has been published
since the nineteen−century studies. Indeed, the fragmentary
and poorly represented cranial remains of the holotype of
H. foulkii do not allow it to be distinguished from the re−
maining hadrosaurids. In the postcrania, no element has de−
rived characters exclusively found in H. foulkii, although, at
first glance, the ilium and ischium may appear to have po−
tentially autapomorphic morphologies. Yet none of these
elements is diagnostic at lower taxonomic levels.
The ilium has a preacetabular process that is very deep
proximally (66% as deep as the body of the ilium at that
level) and that tapers continuously distally. However, the
great depth of this process is not unique to H. foulkii. Other
taxa display proximal preacetabular processes as deep or
deeper than ANSP 10005 (e.g., C. casuarius ANSP 16969,
with 66% of the dorsoventral depth of the ilium; H. stebin−
geri, MOR 549, 65%; Olorotitan arharensis, AEHM 2/845,
68%; and Tanius sinensis, PMU R242, 67%). Likewise, the
extensive plaster reconstruction along the cranioventral edge
of the proximal and lateral region of the preacetabular pro−
cess may have accentuated its depth (Fig. 3A). The continu−
ous cranioventral tapering of the ilium does not show the
ventral thickening commonly observed in other hadrosau−
rids. However, the absence of this thickening may be only
apparent because the distal−most end of the preacetabular
process is missing.
The shaft of the ishium of H. foulkii is unusually curved
upward distally. However, there are at least four other hadro−
saurid specimens with this condition. One of them is an
ischium from a hadrosaurine, referred to Kritosaurus sp., from
the San Miguel Formation (uppermost Campanian), near the
town of Sabinas, Coahuila, Mexico (Hernández et al. 2003).
Another specimen is AMNH 5277, a right ischium from an in−
determinate hadrosaurid collected in 1912 from Maastrichtian
strata in the Red Deer River area (Tolman Ferry locality), Al−
berta, Canada. A third example is an ischium from an un−
named hadrosaurid from the Campanian Judith River Forma−
tion of Montana (UCMP 137273). Finally, there is an ischium
from the Middle and/or Upper Campanian of the upper Shale
Member of the Aguja Formation from Texas (TMM 42309−4)
referred to Kritosaurus cf. navajovius (Wagner 2001), which
has a slight upward curvature of the shaft. This material shows
indication of deformation (Wagner, personal communication),
so that the curvature of the ischial shaft is likely the result of
distortion. None of the skeletal elements associated to these
ischia allows correspondence with or discrimination from H.
foulkii, with the exception of the pubis illustrated in Hern−
andez et al. (2003). This element shows a wider iliac peduncle
than that of ANSP 10005. Likewise, the curvature of the cau−
dal border of the pubis, ventral to the iliac peduncle, forms a
more asymmetrical arch than in ANSP 10005. Pending first
hand examination of the specimens, we tentatively conclude
that this Mexican hadrosaurid is probably not H. foulkii.There
are at least two alternative hypotheses to considering the up−
ward curvature of the ischial shaft as an autapomorphy for H.
foulkii. First, the length and slenderness of the ischial shaft
makes it highly susceptible to distortion, for example, during
fossil diagenesis. Second, the orientation of the ischial shaft,
whether subhoritzontal or slightly curved caudoventrally, is
variably shared by several taxa and we know of no instances in
which either of such conditions is autapomorphic. For exam−
ple, Parasaurolophus cyrtocristatus (FMNH P27393) and
Gilmoreosaurus mongoliensis (AMNH 6551) have ischial
shafts that curve downwards distally, whereas many other taxa
such as B. canadensis (MOR 794), Prosaurolophus maximus
(ROM 787), and Gryposaurus incurvimanus (ROM 764) dis−
play straight shafts. Hence, if the upward curvature of the
ischial shaft is real, it could be probably a synapomorphy be−
tween H. foulkii and other forms (whether Kritosaurus or
other taxa) represented by these other ischia. However, the
available material does not allow choosing from all these dif−
ferent possibilities. Therefore, we prefer not to regard the up−
ward curvature of the ischial shaft as autapomorphic for H.
foukii until more conclusive data are available.
A few additional specimens from the Late Cretaceous of
New Jersey have been labeled as belonging to H. foulkii in
the collections of the AMNH and the ANSP, although there
is no character supporting such assignments to the exclusion
of other hadrosaurids. These specimens are: AMNH 1460,
a partial centrum (unrecorded locality and horizon); AMNH
7626, a partial right dentary (recovered 6 miles NW of Free−
hold, New Jersey; unknown horizon); ANSP 15716, the
distal half of left humerus (no locality recorded, probably
Woodbury Formation, Campanian); and ANSP 15717, a par−
tial metatarsal III (Woodbury Creek, Gloucester County,
New Jersey; Woodbury Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Cam−
panian). These specimens are referred here to Hadrosauridae
In conclusion, it is not possible to unequivocally diagnose
and distinguish H. foulkii from all other hadrosaurid genera
and species. Therefore, H. foulkii must be regarded a nomen
Implications for the type of
Hadrosauridae and Hadrosaurinae
Then, the question arises: can Hadrosaurus nomen dubium
still be the type genus of Hadrosauridae and Hadrosaurinae?
When considering the Linnean system, the International
Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) states, in article
64 and regarding the choice of a type genus for a family
group, that any nominal genus included in the family is eligi−
ble. Likewise, the Code recommends that the type genus
should be well known and representative of the family. It is
unclear what the precise meaning of “well known” is, but if it
refers to complete knowledge of the anatomy of a taxon, the
genus Hadrosaurus would not follow this recommendation.
However, although the anatomy of Hadrosaurus is partially
known, what has been preserved is certainly representative
of Hadrosauridae. In article 75.5, the ICZN states that when a
type species is a nomen dubium (and universality and stabil−
ity are threatened) a neotype may be designated instead upon
request to the International Commission of Zoological No−
menclature. However, in the situation of a dubious type, the
ICZN does not necessarily require the designation of a neo−
type, but it is left to the judgment of the author. Article 64
also states that the new type genus determines the stem of the
family name. Thus, if we choose to set aside Hadrosaurus
and select another genus as a neotype of Hadrosauridae, the
name of the family would change accordingly. In this regard,
we choose not to do so because substituting the use of
Hadrosauridae for another name might create confusion in
order to solve what is just a nomenclatural formality. The
name Hadrosauridae has been in use for so long and it is so
widespread, that we think it is more convenient to preserve it.
Other specimens within the genus Hadrosaurus could be
designated as neotype, which would not require changing the
stem name of the clade Hadrosauridae. However, the holo−
type of H. foulkii is still the best choice for a type genus and
species. This is because, as we will show in our revision of
other species erected under the genus Hadrosaurus, these
taxa are also nomina dubia and more incompletely and
poorly preserved than the holotype of H. foulkii.
If one prefers to use a phylogenetic system of nomencla−
ture as represented by the PhyloCode (Cantino and de Quei−
roz 2004), H. foulkii (or its holotype) must be an internal
specifier in the phylogenetic definition of the clade name
Hadrosauridae. In the PhyloCode, which provides names for
clades without mandating a rank, a specifier is a species,
specimen or apomorphy that acts as a reference point to spec−
ify the clade to which the name applies. When a name ac−
cepted under the ICZN is converted to a clade name under
the PhyloCode, one of the internal specifiers of the clade
name must be its type species under the ICZN (PhyloCode
Art. 11.8). This rule promotes consistency between the
names used under the two systems. If it is questionable
whether the type specimen of the type species of a preexist−
ing name belongs to the clade to be named, then that species−077.pdf
should not be used as an internal specifier, and the corre−
sponding name should not be used for that clade (PhyloCode
Rec. 11.8B). However, this recommendation does not apply
in the present case. Although ANSP 10005 is incomplete,
our phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that it belongs to
Hadrosauridae, so H. foulkii can and should be used as an in−
ternal specifier for this clade name.
In conclusion, we recommend preserving Hadrosaurus
and H. foulkii as the type genus and type species, respec−
tively, of Hadrosauridae. However, because the membership
of H. foulkii to the Hadrosaurinae is only tentative and not
fully reliable (see below), we prefer to wait until further data
are available in order to provide a conclusive answer as to
whether this taxon can remain the type genus and species of
this clade.
Is Hadrosaurus Gryposaurus
and/or Kritosaurus?
During the last three decades, Hadrosaurus has been syno−
nymized (Baird and Horner 1977; Brett−Surman 1979), com−
pared (Davies 1983), distinguished (Ostrom 1961; Weis−
hampel and Horner 1990), and closely related (Brett−Surman
1975, 1989; Wagne 2001) to Gryposaurus or Kritosaurus.
Because clarifying the taxonomy of Kritosaurus and Grypo−
saurus lies beyond the scope of this paper, we will follow
Horner et al. (2004) in regarding Gryposaurus as comprising
three species, G. notabilis (Lambe, 1914), G. incurvimanus
(Parks, 1920a) and G. latidens (Horner, 1992), and William−
son (2000) in restricting Kritosaurus to K. navajovius [Brown,
1910; synonymized in Wiliamson (2000) with Naashoibito−
saurus ostromi and Anasazisaurus horneri].
Carpenter (1982) and Davies (1983) found Hadrosaurus
to be different from Gryposaurus on the basis of dental
papillation. However, Coombs (1988) pointed out that iso−
lated teeth are not useful for diagnosing hadrosaurid lower
taxa because features such as dental papillation and tooth
size vary along the tooth row. Thus, features seen within
both dentary and maxillary H. foulkii teeth, such as well−de−
veloped papillae, indicate nothing regarding their taxo−
nomic identity at generic and specific levels. Still, G. lati−
dens (AMNH 5465) dentary teeth, as well as those from a
juvenile Gryposaurus sp. (ROM 1939), have remarkably
wider crowns than H. foulkii. This great crown breadth is
consistent also throughout the dentary and maxilla. Thus,
this condition indicates that at least H. foulkii is not G.
latidens. However, the teeth of H. foulkii,G. incurvimanus
(TMP 80−22−1), and K. navajovius (AMNH 5799, as seen in
Brown 1910) cannot be distinguished regarding the crown
morphology of the enameled surface, except in the greater
development of papillae in the former. But because this is
also the case between H. foulkii and other taxa (e.g., M.
peeblesorum, OTM F138), teeth neither support nor refute
the synonymy of Hadrosaurus and Gryposaurus.
The ANSP maxillary fragments are too incompletely pre−
served to allow discrimination from other hadrosaurid maxil−
lae. The dorsoventral thickness of the dorsal border on the
medial side of ANSP 9203, adjacent to the dorsal margin of
the alveoli, comprises 25% of the total dorsoventral depth of
the maxillary fragment. This feature indicates that in the mid−
dle region of the complete maxilla the line of alveolar foram−
ina would be located within the dorsal third or fourth of the
maxilla, ventral to the dorsal process. This condition is also
present in species of Gryposaurus (e.g., MOR 478−5−28−8−1),
as well as in K. navajovius (NMMNH P−16106), and also in
other genera such as, for example, Prosaurolophus (MOR
454−6−24−6−2), Saurolophus (AMNH 5221) and Edmonto−
saurus (CMN 2289). Thus, these specimens neither support
nor refute a potential synonymy of Hadrosaurus and Grypo−
Davies (1983) concluded that Hadrosaurus is different
from Gryposaurus on the basis of comparisons of the hu−
meri, femora, ilia, caudal vertebrae, and metatarsals of ANSP
10005 with those featured in illustrations of Gryposaurus (G.
incurvimanus in Parks 1920b, ROM 4514 in Davies thesis,
but today catalogued as ROM 764; and G. notabilis in Pinna
1979, specimen MCSNM v345). Davies (1983) contrasted
the different angulation of the neural spine of the caudal ver−
tebrae of Gryposaurus with the one preserved in ANSP
10005. However, as correctly pointed out by Wagner (2001),
the angulation of the neural spines in caudal vertebrae varies
along the series, so that more distal vertebrae have more in−
clined neural spines. Thus, Davies (1983) may have com−
pared vertebrae from different locations in the tail of these
taxa. Davies also provided several length ratios between
appendicular elements, such humerus/radius, femur/tibia,
and hindlimb/forelimb. The values of these ratios are very
similar between H. foulkii and Gryposaurus.
The coracoid of ANSP 10005 is too incompletely pre−
served to allow precise correspondence with those in other
taxa. Still, when compared with Gryposaurus (AMNH 5465
and ROM 764), the glenoid in H. foulkii appears broader
transversely. However, preservational mediolateral crashing
(e.g., present in AMNH 5465) is likely to account for this dif−
The humerus of H. foulkii differs from that in species of
Gryposaurus and K. navajovius in having a deltopectoral
crest that comprises less than 50%% of the length of the ele−
ment (as correctly stated by Davis [1983]), whereas in the
other taxa the deltopectoral crest extends to at least 50% or
more of the length of bone (e.g., ROM 764, MOR 399 and
478, NMMNH P−16106, AMNH 5350 and 5465). Further−
more, in H. foulkii, the craniolateral corner of the crest is
smooth and rounded, whereas in many Gryposaurus humeri
this region is very angular and orthogonal with respect to the
humeral shaft (e.g., AMNH 5350 and 5465, ROM 764).
Thus, it is unlikely that the humerus of ANSP 10005 could
belong to a species of Gryposaurus.
Both the radius and the ulna of ANSP 10005, especially
the former, have thicker shafts relative to their length than that
of G. incurvimanus (e.g., ROM 764), G. notabilis (CMN
2278), and some specimens of G. latidens (e.g., AMNH 5465;
but not MOR 478, which, although it is mediolaterally
crashed, is similar in proportions to ANSP 1005). Howerver,
robustness is expected to be variable among the individuals of
a given hadrosaurid taxon (e.g., in B. canadensis, compare the
much more robust appendicular elements of MOR 794 rela−
tive to MOR 1071, even though they are the same length).
For the femur, Davies (1983) noticed differences in the
morphology of the fourth trochanter between ANSP 10005
and G. incurvimanus (ROM 764). However, the caudal mar−
gin of the fourth trochanter in ANSP 10005 is incompletely
preserved. Comparisons of the femur, tibia, fibula, metatarsals
II and IV, and phalanx III1 of ANSP 10005 with those of sev−
eral Gryposaurus specimens (ROM 764, AMNH 5350, 5465,
ROM 2278, MOR 478), as well as K. navajovius (NMMNH
P−16106) only revealed differences in robustness. For exam−
ple, the tibia in H. foulkii has a thicker mid shaft for its length
than the one in G. incurvimanus (ROM 764). Likewise, the
fibulae of G. latidens (AMNH 5465) is proportionally longer
and its shaft begins to thin more distally than in ANSP 10005.
Again, our current understanding of the variation of these
elements among hadrosaurids do not allow to discriminate
whether these differences are due to ontogeny, individuals of
the same age being more or less robust, differences in growth
rates, taxonomy, or a combination of all these factors.
Regarding the pelvic girdle of Hadrosaurus, the pubic
fragment is too incomplete to be compared with other hadro−
saurids. Davies (1983) pointed out that the supracetabular
process of the ilium of G. incurvimanus (ROM 764) is more
robust and ventrally deflected than in ANSP 10005. Never−
theless, in ANSP 10005 the lateral margin of the supra−
acetabular process is missing. The depression on the dorsal
margin of the ilium at the level of this process is similar in
both specimens. In G. latidens (AMNH 5465) the supra−
acetabular process is craniocaudally wider than in H. foulkii.
However, the degree of development of the supraacetabular
process varies among hadrosaurids (e.g., Edmontosaurus ilia
in CMN 2289, ROM 867 and 801). In ANSP 10005 the cau−
dal protuberance of the ischial peduncle appears more pro−
nounced than in ROM 764, but the feature is eroded in the
last specimen. In G. latidens (MOR 478, AMNH 5465) the
preacetabular process is proximally shallower than in ANSP
10005. However, in ANSP 10005 this region is heavily re−
constructed with plaster, which probably contributes to the
apparent depth of the proximal region of the preacetabular
process. However, the thickness of the preacetabular process
as it curves cranioventrally in ANSP 10005 is unaffected by
the reconstruction. In this regard, the ilium of G. latidens
(AMNH 5465) differs from ANSP 10005 in having a deeper
preacetabular at two two thirds of its length. Thus, in view of
these differences it is likely, but not certain, that the ilium of
ANSP 10005 does not belong to a species of Gryposaurus.
Whereas in the ischium of ANSP 10005 the shaft curves
upward, in G. incurvimanus (ROM 764) the ischial shaft is
subhoritzontal and has a very slight ventral deflection dis−
tally. We have not observed any other ischia unequivocally
referable to species of Gryposaurus that we could use for
more comparisons.
In conclusion, the synonymy of Hadrosaurus with
Gryposaurus is not supported by the present osteological
data, primarily from differences in the humerus and ilium. It
is more likely that ANSP 10005 represents a separate taxon,
probably at the generic level. Still, this matter could only be
settled when more complete cranial material is found for
Hadrosaurus and when a more exhaustive understanding of
the meaning (taxonomic, ontogenetic, polymorphic) of the
variation of postcranial elements in hadrosaurid dinosaurs is
Phylogenetic position of
Hadrosaurus foulkii
Since Cope’s 1869 erection of Hadrosauridae, there has been
consensus regarding the placement of H. foulkii within this
clade. Later, Lambe regarded H. foulkii as “most probably
a non−crested form, reliance being placed on the evidently
pointed termination of its ischium” (Lambe 1918: 138).
Ostrom (1961) recognized the uncertainty in considering H.
foulkii a hadrosaurine because the type genus lacks the ele−
ments that would display the characters of that clade, includ−
ing the termination of the ischium. However, he preferred to
maintain the inclusion of H. foulkii within Hadrosaurinae un−
til proved otherwise for practical purposes “in order to pre−
serve the value of this category and minimize hadrosaurian
synonymy” (Ostrom 1961: 49). Since then, H. foulkii has
been regarded a hadrosaurine hadrosaurid (Weishampel and
Horner 1990; Horner et al. 2004), and, in some cases, closely
related to species of Gryposaurus and/or Kritosaurus (Brett−
Surman 1989; Wagner 2001; but see above).
In order to test the hypothesis that H. foulkii is a hadro−
saurine hadrosaurid and to elucidate its phylogenetic rela−
tionships with other taxa, we conducted a maximum parsi−
mony phylogenetic analysis of H. foulkii along with 12 other
hadrosaurids, from which complete skeletal representation is
known, and Iguanodon as outgroup taxon. These taxa were
scored for 60 cranial and 30 postcranial characters (Appen−
dix 1) extracted from a recent character list by Horner et al.
(2004) containing 105 characters; 15 characters were not in−
cluded for being phylogenetically uninformative among the
ingroup taxa and, at the same time, were based on anatomical
regions missing in the H. foulkii holotype. Character polarity
was determined by outgroup comparison. The data (Appen−
dix 2) were analyzed using the branch−and−bound option in
PAUP version 4.0b10 (Swofford 2002). Characters were
equally weighted and left unordered. Transformations were
allowed to be both accelerated and delayed in separate analy−
ses, and the results compared for character optimization. The
analysis resulted in 435 equally most parsimonious trees of
149 steps each (C.I. = 0.732, R.I. = 0.759). The strict consen−−077.pdf
Fig. 5. A. Strict consensus cladogram of 435 most parsimonious trees (length = 149, C.I. = 0.732, R.I. = 0.759) showing the phylogenetic position of
Hadrosaurus foulkii within Hadrosauridae. Letters correspond to the location of synapomorphies supporting the clades (with numbers representing charac−
ters and character states, respectively, listed in the Appendix 1). Numbers correspond to bootstrap values after 1000 replicates. Numbers between parenthe−
ses are decay indices. B. 50% marjority rule cladogram showing H. foulkii as a member of the Hadrosaurinae. Letters correspond to the location of
synapomorphies supporting the clades (with numbers representing characters and character states, respectively, listed in the Appendix 1). Numbers corre−
spond to the majority rule frequencies for each clade. Both ACCTRAN and DELTRAN options resulted in the same distribution of synapomorphies in the
estimated phylogenies. Numbers between parentheses are decay indices.
sus tree (Fig. 5A) positions H. foulkii within Euhadrosauria
(sensu Weishampel et al. 1993), as part of a polytomy that
excludes Lambeosaurinae and the Brachylophosaurus–
Maiasaura clade. The lack of resolution, as well as the tree
not recovering a monophyletic Hadrosaurinae, is primarily
due the “wildcard” effect of H. foulkii, which contains a great
amount of missing entries. Thus, deleting H. foulkii from the
analysis results in a strict consensus cladogram in which
Euhadrosauria is composed of the traditional dichotomy
Hadrosaurinae and Lambeosaurinae. However, the 50% ma−
jority rule cladogram recovers Hadrosaurinae with the inclu−
sion of H. foulkii with a frequency of 91% (Fig. 5B). We re−
gard this possibility as tentative because only one synapo−
morphy unites H. foulkii to Hadrosaurinae (i.e., the exclusive
presence of a single carina on dentary tooth crowns) and it is
possible that the other 9% of the cladograms that do not agree
with the 50% majority rule tree could still reflect the actual
phylogenetic relationships.
Review of other Hadrosaurus
species and Hadrosauridae from
the East Coast of North America
Hadrosaurus tripos Cope, 1869.
Holotype: USNM 7190, 7093, 7094 and 7095, four caudal centra.
Type locality: Marl pit of W.J. Thompson, Sampson County, North
Carolina. Baird and Horner (1979) pointed out that the specimens actu−
ally came from the Tertiary Duplin Marl.
Type horizon: The age for the Duplin Marl is Pliocene (Baum and
Wheeler 1977; Baird and Horner 1979).
Comments.—A complete description of H. tripos is found in
Baird and Horner (1979) who regarded these caudal verte−
brae as belonging to a balaeonopterid whale. Lull and Wright
(1942) also described this specimen and suggested it to be
considered a nomen dubium. We did not reexamine these
specimens, but found no reason to doubt Baird and Horner’s
Conclusion.—H. tripos is a nomen dubium. Not a dinosaur,
but a balaeonopterid whale
Ornithotarsus immanis Cope, 1869.
Holotype: YPM 3221, consisting of the articulated left distal tibia,
astragalus, calcaneum, and distal fibula fragment.
Type locality and horizon: Although Colbert (1948) pointed out that the
stratigraphic position of this taxon is unclear (questionably assigning it to
the Campanian Woodbury Formation), both Cope (1869) and Lull and
Wright (1942) stated that the bones were discovered in the shores of
Raritan Bay (2.5 miles East of Keyport, Monmouth County, New Jersey),
from clays belonging to the Lower Cretaceous. No further details were
given as to where within the Lower Cretaceous the bones came from.
Comments.—We agree with Lull and Wright (1942) and
Colbert (1948) concerning the lack of diagnostic features in
YPM 322. However, we could not locate the proximal pha−
lanx mentioned by Lull and Wright (1942) as assigned to the
same taxon. As in all hadrosaurids, the astragalus has a trian−
gular ascending process with a concave cranial surface close
to the lateral joint with the calcaneum (Fig. 6A1,A
2). At its
medial edge, the caudal side is as proximodistally tall as
the ascending process of the astragalus and slopes latero−
ventrally until it contacts the calcaneum. The distal surface is
saddle−shaped and the bone is twice as long mediolaterally as
it is wide craniocaudally. In distal view, the astragalus of
YPM 3221 is narrower craniocaudally at the medial side than
in B. canadensis (MOR 794). The co−ossified calcaneum is
crescentic and compact, as in all hadrosaurids. The lateral
face is flattened, the distal and caudal surfaces describe a
90−degree convexity, and the bone is proximodistally shorter
at the medial articular edge. The proximal surface is convex
and split in two parts by a sharp diagonal ridge. The distal
fragment of the tibia is non−diagnostic beyond the level of
Hadrosauridae, being triangular in both cranial and distal
views, and compressed craniocaudally (Fig. 7B). The cranial
region has a striated central recess for receiving the ascend−
ing process of the astragalus. Lateral to this recess the distal
end of the tibia is further expanded distally relative to the me−
dial side. Caudally, there are two flat surfaces; the more
extensive one faces caudolaterally and the other caudo−
medially. As in all hadrosaurid fibulae, YPM 3221 is distally
expanded, approximately twice as wide craniocaudally as it
is wide mediolaterally (Fig. 6A4). The craniolateral distal end
is thickened. The medial surface is flat. Lull and Wright
(1942) discussed a metatarsal III (ANSP 8596) from marine
strata at Merchantville, New Jersey, which they consider
comparable to YPM 3221 in size. The bone lacks the ventral
half of the proximal region. The element is dorsoventrally
compressed (in part due to taphonomic processes), subrec−
tangular, and craniocaudally elongated. The proximal sur−
face is dorsally convex and the distal surface is rectangular in
distal profile. The medial ridge gives a smooth convexity to
the medial profile of the bone in dorsal view.
Conclusion.—O. immanis is a nomen dubium due to the lack
of distinguishing characters and it is referrable to Hadro−
sauridae indeterminate.
Hadrosaurus minor Marsh, 1870.
Holotype: YPM 1600, an undetermined number of presacral vertebrae.
Referred specimens: YPM 1587, fragment of femur; YPM 1593, dorsal
centrum; YPM 745, fragment of femoral shaft, distal half of a tibia, and
other fragments; YPM 7896, numerous unidentified fragments; YPM
7898, a left coracoid; ANSP 10007, distal half of a femur; ANSP 15202,
right pubis, left and right femora, fragment of left fibula, three caudal
vertebrae, a chevron, a cranial dorsal, and three rib and other unidenti−
fied fragments.
Type locality and horizon: YPM 1600, YPM 745, and ANSP 10007:
Barnsboro, Gloucester County; New Egypt (Navesink) Formation, Up−
per Cretaceous (Maastrichtian). YPM 1593: Mullica Hill, Gloucester
County, New Jersey; New Egypt Formation, Upper Cretaceous. YPM
1587: Swedesboro, New Jersey; Upper Cretaceous, unrecorded strata,
probably New Egypt Formation. YPM 153: Barnsboro, New Jersey; un−
recorded horizon. YPM 7896 and 7898: West Jersey Marl County,−077.pdf
Barnsboro, New Jersey; New Egypt Formation, Maastrichtian. ANSP
15202: Sewell, New Jersey; Navesink Formation, Upper Cretaceous.
Comments.—When Marsh named H. minor in 1870 he based
his new taxon on non−diagnostic dorsal vertebral centra
(YPM 1600). Other specimens catalogued as H. minor at the
Yale Peabody Museum collection are fragmentary, except
for a left coracoid (YPM 7898). The proportions and size of
YPM 7898 indicate that it probably pertains to a juvenile in−
dividual. As in most hadrosaurid coracoids, the cranial and
ventral processes are broken and the element is hook−like
cranioventrally. Everything about this element conforms to
the typical hadrosaurid coracoid and YPM specimens do not
contain diagnostic characters.
In 1948, Colbert described ANSP 15202 and assigned
this material to H. minor and not to H. foulkii due to the
smaller size of the former and its much higher stratigraphic
occurrence (the Maastrichtian Navesink Formation underly−
ing the Cenozoic along the eastern regions of the sequence;
Colbert 1948). He referred ANSP 15202 to Marsh’s taxon on
the basis of the size of the elements and the same strati−
graphic and close geographic occurrence of YPM 1600 and
ANSP 15202. Colbert’s diagnosis consists of the small size
of the elements relative to H. foulkii, the elongation of the
proximal constriction of the prepubic process of the pubis
(Fig. 6B), and the pointed distal end of the ischium. We were
unable to find the ischium in the ANSP collection.
The small size of H. minor should not be used for diagno−
sis because the remains may have belonged to a subadult in−
dividual. Muscle scars, such as those on the femoral fourth
trochanter of ANSP 15202, are weakly developed compared
to those observed in larger (possibly adult) hadrosaurids
(viz., MOR 794, B. canadensis). It is remarkable that the ver−
tebrae with fused neural arches are caudals, whereas isolated
centra lacking neural arches correspond to dorsals (one spec−
imen from ANSP 15202 has its neural arch attached to the
centrum with plaster). Among archosaurs, crocodiles have a
50 mm
50 mm
150 mm
100 mm
50 mm 20 mm
astragalus calcaneum
iliac peduncle
articulation calcaneal
blade of
prepubic process
iliac penducle
proximal prepubic
ischial peduncle
pubic shaft
100 mm
Fig. 6. North American East Coast hadro−
saurids. A.Ornithotarsus immanis Cope,
1869 nomen dubium; Keyport, New Jer−
sey, Monmouth Formation, Lower Creta−
ceous?, YPM 3221. A1,A
2. Left astragalus
and calcaneum in cranial (A1) and caudal
(A2) views. A3. Left distal tibia in cranial
view. A4. Left distal fibula in lateral view.
B.Hadrosaurus minor Marsh, 1870 nomen
dubium; Barnsboro, New Jersey, Navesink
Formation (New Egypt Formation), Maas−
trichtian, ANSP 15202, right pubis in lat−
eral (B1) and medial (B2) views. C.Hadro−
saurus cavatus Cope, 1871 nomen dubium;
Barnsboro, New Jersey, Navesink Forma−
tion (New Egypt Formation), Maastrich−
tian, AMNH 1390, caudal vertebra in lat−
eral view. D.Hadrosaurus breviceps Marsh,
1889 nomen dubium; Bearpaw Mountain,
Yellowstone, Wyoming, Judith River For−
mation, Campanian, YPM 1779, right den−
tary in lateral view (D1), with a detail of the
dental battery in lingual view (D2).
neurocentral closure sequence that progresses during ontog−
eny in a caudal to cranial direction during ontogeny (Brochu
1996). This sequence might also be present in hadrosaurids.
Likewise, Colbert (1948) noted that the pubis of ANSP
15202 (Fig. 6B) shows a strong resemblance with that of
Edmontosaurus and, later, Baird and Horner (1977) later as−
signed H. minor to this hadrosaurine. While it is true that E.
annectens (as exemplified by AMNH 5370, 5886, and MOR
985) has an elongated and narrow proximal prepubic pro−
cess, E. regalis (e.g., CMN 2289) has a different, much
thicker proximal prepubic process (Fig. 7). Although the
pubis of ANSP 15202 appears similar to those known from
E. annectens, a quantification of the proportions of the length
and breadth of the proximal and distal regions of the prepubic
process in several hadrosaurids shows that ANSP 15202 re−
ferral to Edmontosaurus is equivocal, due to the variability
among the measurements of this genus (Fig. 7).
Conclusion.—H. minor is a nomen dubium: YPM 1587,
1593, 745, 7896, 7898, and ANSP 10007 and 15202 cannot
be diagnosed to any taxonomic level lower than Hadro−
sauridae. This conclusion is in agreement with Lull and
Wright (1942).
Hadrosaurus cavatus Cope, 1871
Holotype: AMNH 1390, four caudal centra.
Type locality and horizon: New Jersey, unrecorded locality; New Egypt
Formation, Greensand number 5 beds, Cretaceous (from the collection
tag; however, Colbert (1948:34) gives the following information: Swe−
desboro, New Jersey, “probably Navesink Formation”).
Comments.—AMNH 1390 consists of four centra from the
mid section of the tail of an indeterminate hadrosaurid (Fig.
6C). The centra have the hexagonal cranial and caudal sur−
faces characteristic of hadrosaurids. Two of the specimens
preserve a partial neural arch and one centrum preserves a
small portion of the neural spine. The reader is referred to
Cope (1871) for a detailed description.
Conclusion.—H. cavatus is a nomen dubium in agreement
with previous work (Weishampel and Horner 1990), due to
the absence of distinguishing characters.
Hadrosaurus breviceps Marsh, 1889
Holotype: YPM 1779, a partial dentary.
Type locality: Bearpaw Mountain, Yellowstone, Wyoming.
Type horizon: Judith River Formation, Campanian, Upper Cretaceous.
Comments.—This species was briefly described and figured
by Marsh in two short papers in 1889 and 1890. Lull and
Wright (1942) considered this material to be a species of
Kritosaurus as K. breviceps. YPM 1779 consists of the mid−
dle to caudal part of the main body of a dentary (Fig. 6D).
Caudally, the specimen includes nearly the last teeth of the
dental battery and the rostrodorsal portion of the mandibular
canal. The ventral portion of the dentary is eroded away. The
dentary is relatively wide mediolaterally. There are 27 tooth
positions and a maximum of two teeth contributing to the
occlusal plane per each position. Tooth crowns are dorso−
ventrally elongate, with a ratio of crown length/width of 3.1
to 3.4 (Fig. 6D2). The occlusal plane is flat, in contrast to the
concave condition observed in M. peeblesorum,B. cana−
densis,Gryposaurus, and Edmontosaurus (Ostrom 1961;
Weishampel 1984).
Conclusion.—H. breviceps is a nomen dubium due to the lack
of distinguishable characters; referrable to Hadrosauridae in−
Hadrosaurus paucidens Marsh, 1889.
Holotype: USNM 5457, a nearly complete left squamosal and right
Type locality: As indicated by Ostrom (1964), USNM 5457 came from
the Dog Creek locality, “about a quarter mile east of the freight road
from Judith to Maiden, about 12 miles southeast of Judith, Fergus
County, Montana”.
Type horizon: Judith River Formation, Upper Cretaceous (Campanian).
Comments.—This species was first described by Marsh
(1889), who later assigned it to a ceratopsian dinosaur (Marsh
1890). More recently, Ostrom (1964) referred USNM 5457 to
Lambeosaurus on the basis of the erect and high squamosal
and the similar morphology of both the maxilla and the squa−
mosal to those of L. lambei. Likewise, Ostrom (1964) erected
L. paucidens for USNM 5457. We did not have the opportu−
nity to examine USNM 5457, but we could make comparisons
between the illustrations in Ostrom’s 1964 paper and first
hand examination of other hadrosaurids. The maxilla is typi−
cally lambeosaurine in structure, with a sloping rostral shelf,
but otherwise does not lend itself to a lower level diagnosis of−077.pdf
Fig. 7. Relationship between two ratios in the pubis of several hadrosaurid
dinosaurs. P, total length of the pubis, from the acetabular edge to the cra−
nial edge of the prepubic process; p, length of the proximal constriction of
the prepubic process, from the iliac peduncle to the most proximal and high−
est point of the dorsal border of the pubic blade; w, minimum breadth of the
proximal constriction of the prepubic process; and B, maximum breadth of
the pubic blade between the end of “p” and the ventral end of a perpendicu−
lar line taken from the end of “p”. The star symbol represents Hadrosaurus
minor (ANSP 15202). Letters within squares represent the following taxa:
B=Brachylophosaurus canadensis;C=Corythosaurus casuarius;E=
Edmontosaurus annectens;E’=E.regalis;H=Hypacrosaurus altispinus;
H’= H. stebingeri;K=Kritosaurus latidens;M=Maiasaura peeblesorum;
P = Prosaurolophus blackfeetensis; S = Saurolophus osborni.
USNM 5457. Whereas it is true that in both USNM 5457 and
L. lambei CMN 2869 the squamosal is remarkably high, this
condition is variable among and within lambeosaurine taxa.
Thus, for example, the skull of another L. lambei (ROM 1218)
does not have a squamosal that is higher than in other lambeo−
saurines and is comparable in this regard to the squamosal of
C. casuarius (e.g., CMN 8676), P. tubicen (e.g., PMU R222),
H. altispinus (e.g., CMN 8501), and H. stebingeri (e.g., MOR
548). On the other hand, there are taxa such as Amurosaurus
riabinini Bolotsky and Kurzanov, 1991 (Godefroit et al. 2004)
in which some specimens whose squamosal is as high as that
in USNM 5457. Therefore, we reject the great height and erect
form of the USNM 5457 squamosal as a character for referring
this specimen to Lambeosaurus. Additionally, there are re−
markable differences between USNM 5457 and L. lambei that
make these two forms less similar than pointed out by Ostrom
(1964). Thus, the dorsal border of the infratemporal fenestra in
USNM 5457 is much wider than in L. lambei, but comparable
to the breadth seen in the other lambeosaurines mentioned
above. The quadrate cotylus is about 35% narrower in USNM
5457 than in L. lambei (e.g., CMN 2869) and the other
lambeosaurines mentioned above. For a detailed osteology of
USNM 5457 the reader is referred to Ostrom (1964).
Conclusion: USNM 5457 lacks characters to distinguish
L. paucidens from Lambeosaurus species and other Lambeo−
saurinae. Thus, it is more appropriate to consider USNM
5457 a Lambeosaurinae indeterminate.
Hadrosaurus foulkii is considered a nomen dubium because
it lacks unequivocal autapomorphies or any combination of
characters that would allow to distinguish this taxon from the
remaining known hadrosaurid species. However, this taxon
is retained as the type genus and species of the Hadrosauridae
to facilitate communication. The osteological data do not
support the synonymy or a close relationship of H. foulkii
with species of Gryposaurus and Kritosaurus. A systematic
review of the other species of Hadrosaurus erected since
1858 agrees with previous studies in considering all these
taxa nomina dubia within Hadrosauridae. H. paucidens is re−
ferred to Lambeosaurinae indeterminate. Finally, our phylo−
genetic analysis of H. foulkii and a sample of other hadro−
saurid taxa indicates that this East Coast dinosaur is a mem−
ber of Euhadrosauria and, possibly, of Hadrosaurinae.
We are thankful to Ted Daeschler (Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), John R. Horner (Museum of the Rockies,
Bozeman, Montana), Mark Norell and Carl Mehling (American Museum
of Natural History, New York), Daniel Brinkman (Yale Peabody Mu−
seum of Paleontology, New Haven, Connecticut), Louis Jacobs and Dale
Winkler (Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas), Kieran Shep−
herd and Margaret Feuerback (Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa,
Ontario), Mark Goodwin and Pat Holroyd (University of California, Mu−
seum of Paleontology, Berkeley, California), Spencer Lucas and Andrew
Heckert (New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Albu−
querque, New Mexico), John Peel and Solweg Stuenes (Museum of
Evolution, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden), and Kevin Seymour
(Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario) for provided access to the
collections under their care. Gregory Erickson, Scott Steppan, and Paul
Gignac (Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida), David Evans
(University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario), Pascal Godefroit (Institut
Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium), Jona−
than R. Wagner (University of Texas, Austin, Texas), Philip Cantino
(Ohio University, Athens, Ohio), and Kevin de Queiroz (National Mu−
seum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.)
provided helpful comments and advice on various aspects of the manu−
script. This project was funded by a Charlotte and Walter Kohler Charita−
ble Trust grant awarded to one of us (A.P.M.).
Anonymous. 1922. The first mounted skeleton of a dinosaur, Hadrosaurus.
Natural History 22: 382–393.
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Appendix 1
Description of characters used in phylogenetic analysis, taken from a character list in Horner et al. (2004). Character 23 has
been modified from Horner et al. (2004).
1. Number of tooth positions in maxillary and dentary tooth rows: 30
or fewer (0); 34–40 (1); 42–45 (2); 47 or more (3).
2. Maxillary tooth crown length/width ratio at center of tooth row:
broad relative to length, ratio less than 2.4:1 (0); elongate and lan−
ceolate, ratio at least 2.5:1 (1).
3. Dentary tooth crown length/width proportions at center of tooth
row: relatively broad, ratio of 2.9:1 or less (0); elongate, ratio of
3.2–3.8:1 (1).
4. Dentary teeth, ornamentation on lingual surface: numerous subsid−
iary ridges present (0); only one or two subsidiary ridges present,
located anterior and posterior to primary carina (1); loss of all but
primary carina (2).
5. Maxillary teeth, ornamentation on labial surface: subsidiary ridges
present (0); loss of all but primary carina (1).
6. Teeth, position of apex: offset to either mesial or distal side, tooth
curved distally (0); central, tooth straight and nearly symmetrical (1).
7. Dentary, length of diastema between 1st dentary tooth and pre−
dentary: short, no more than width of 4 or 5 teeth (0); long, equal to
approximately 1/5 to 1/4 length of tooth row (1); extremely long,
equal to approximately one third of tooth row (2).
8. Dentary, orientation of dentary anterior to tooth row: moderately
downturned, dorsal margin of predentary rests above ventral mar−
gin of dentary body (0); strikingly downturned, dorsal margin of
anterior dentary extends below the ventral margin of dentary body,
premaxillary bill margin extends well below level of maxillary
tooth row (1).
9. Predentary triturating surface, orientation: horizontal, oral margin
of premaxilla rests on dorsal predentary (0); canted dorsolaterally
to form a nearly vertical surface, oral margin of premaxilla broadly
overlaps lateral surface of predentary (1).
10. Angular size: large, deep, exposed in lateral view below the sur−
angular (0); small, dorsoventrally narrow, exposed only in medial
view (1).
11. Coronoid bone: present (0); absent (1).
12. Coronoid process configuration: apex only slightly expanded ante−
riorly, surangular large and forms much of posterior margin of the
coronoid process (0); dentary forms nearly all of the greatly antero−
posteriorly expanded apex, surangular reduced to thin sliver along
posterior margin and does not reach to the distal end of the coronoid
process (1).
13. Surangular foramen: present (0); absent (1).
14. Premaxilla, width at oral margin: narrow, expanded laterally less than
2 times width at narrowest point (post−oral constriction), margin ori−
ented nearly vertically (0); expanded transversely to more than 2
times post−oral width but not more than interorbital width, margin
flared laterally into a more horizontal orientation (1); further ex−
panded transversely to width subequal to that across jugal arches (2).
15. Premaxilla, undercut (“reflected”) rim around oral margin: absent
(0); present (1).
16. Premaxillary anterior bill margin shape: horseshoe−shaped,forms a
continuous semicircle that curves smoothly to post−oral constric−
tion (0); broadly arcuate across anterior margin, constricts abruptly
behind the oral margin (1).
17. Premaxillary foramen ventral to anterior margin of external nares
which opens onto the palate: absent (0); present (1).
18. Premaxilla, accessory foramen entering premaxilla in outer narial
fossa, located anterior to premaxillary foramen: absent (0); present,
empties into common chamber with premaxillary foramen, then
onto the palate (1).
19. Premaxillae, oral margin with a “double layer” morphology con−
sisting of an external denticle−bearing layer seen externally, and an
internal palatal layer of thickened bone set back slightly from the
oral margin and separated from the denticular layer by a deep sulcus
bearing vascular foramina: absent (0); present (1).
20. Premaxilla, outer (accessory) narial fossa anterior to circumnarial
fossa: absent (0); present, separated from circumnarial fossa by a
strong ridge (1).
21. Premaxillary posterior processes (PM1, PM2) and construction of
nasal passages: posterodorsal premaxillary process short, postero−
dorsal and posteroventral processes do not meet posterior to exter−
nal nares, nasal passages not enclosed ventrally, anterior nasal pas−
sage roofed by the nasal, external nares exposed in lateral view (0);
posteroventral and posterodorsal processes elongate and join be−
hind external opening of narial passages to exclude nasals, nasal
passages completely enclosed by tubular premaxillae, left nasal
passage divided from right passage, external nares not exposed in
lateral view (1).
22. External nares length/basal skull length ratio: 20% or less (0); 30%
or more (1).
23. External nares, composition of posteriormost apex: formed entirely by
nasal (0); formed mostly by nasal (dorsally) and to a lesser degree by
premaxilla (ventrally) (1); formed equally by nasal (dorsally) and
premaxilla (ventrally) (2); formed entirely by premaxilla (3).
24. Supraoccipital, ventral margin: bowed or expanded ventrally along
midline (0); horizontal, strong ridge developed along supraoccipital−
exoccipital suture (1).
25. Circumnarial fossa, posterior margin: absent (0); present (1).
26. Circumnarial fossa, posterior margin morphology: absent(0); pres−
ent, lightly incised into nasals and premaxilla, often poorly demar−
cated (1); present, well demarcated, deeply incised and usually
invaginated (2).
27. Nasals and anterodorsal premaxilla in adults: flat, restricted to area
anterior to braincase, cavum nasi small (0); premaxilla extended
posteriorly and nasals retracted posteriorly to lie over braincase in
adults resulting in a convoluted, complex narial passage and hollow
crest, cavum nasi enlarged (1).
28. Hollow nasal crest, nasal−posterodorsal process of premaxilla (PM
1) contact: absent (0); present, anterior end of nasal fits along ven−
tral edge of premaxilla (1); present, premaxilla and nasal meet in a
complex, W−shaped interfingering suture (2).
29. Hollow nasal crest, relative shape of the two lobes of posteroventral
process of premaxilla: absent (0); present, anterior lobe higher that
posterior lobe (1); present, posterior lobe higher than anterior lobe (2).
30. Hollow nasal crest, shape: absent (0); present, tubular and elongate
(1); present, raised into a large, vertical fan (2).
31. Hollow nasalcrest, compositionof posterior margin of crest:absent
(0); present, composed of premaxilla posterodorsal process (PM 1)
(1); present, composed of nasal (2).
32. Solid nasal crest over snout or braincase (does not house a portion
of the nasal passage): absent (0); present (1).
33. Solid nasal crest, association with posterior margin of circumnarial
fossa: absent (0); solid crest present but circumnarial fossa does not
excavate side of crest, fossa terminates anterior to solid crest (1);
solid crest present, excavated laterally by circumnarial fossa (2).
34. Solid nasal crest, composition: absent (0); solid crest present, com−
posed of nasals (1); solid crest present, composed of frontals and
nasals (2).
35. External nares,shape of posteriormargin: lunate(0); V−shaped(1)
36. Maxilla, anterodorsal process: with separate anterior process ex−
tending medial to the posteroventral process of premaxilla to form
part of medial floor of external naris (0); anterior process absent,
anterodorsal margin of maxilla forms a sloping shelf under the
premaxilla (1).
37. Maxillary foramen, location: opens on anterolateral body of maxilla,
exposed in lateral view (0); opens on dorsal maxilla along maxilla−
premaxilla suture (1).
38. Maxilla−lacrimal contact: present (0); lost or covered due to jugal−
premaxilla contact (1).
39. Maxilla−jugal contact:restricted to finger−like jugal processon pos−
terior margin of maxilla (0); jugal process of maxilla is reduced to a
short projection but retaining a distinct facet (1); jugal process of
maxilla lost, anterior jugal has an extensive vertical contact with
maxilla anterior to orbit (2).
40. Maxilla, location of apex in lateral exposure: well posterior to cen−
ter (0); at or anterior to center (1).
41. Maxilla, shape of apex in lateral exposure: tall and sharply peaked
(0); low and gently rounded (1).
42. Prefrontal shape at anterodorsal orbit rim: prefrontal lies flush with
surrounding elements (0); prefrontal flares dorsolaterally to form a
thin, everted, wing−like rim around anterodorsal orbit margin (1).
43. Prefrontal shape: smoothly curved laterally (0); anteriorly broad
with square anteromedial corner (1).
44. Ectopterygoid−jugal contact: present (0); absent, palatine−jugal con−
tact enhanced (1).
45. Jugal, expansion of anterior end below lacrimal: dorsoventrally nar−
row, forms little of the anterior orbital rim (0); expanded dorso−
ventrally in front of orbit, lacrimal pushed dorsally to lie com−
pletely above the level of the maxilla, jugal forms lower portion of
orbital rim (1).
46. Jugal, shape of anterior end: with distinct anteriorly−pointed pro−
cess fitting between the maxilla and lacrimal (0); point truncated,
smoothly rounded anterior margin(1).
47. Jugal, anteriorly pointed process: absent (0); present, process re−
stricted to dorsal portion of jugal, anterior jugal appears asymmetri−
cal (1); present, process centered on anterior jugal, anterior jugal
appears symmetrically triangular in shape (2).
48. Jugal, development of free ventral flange: absent, jugal expands grad−
ually below lower temporal fenestra to meet the quadratojugal−qua−
drate (0); present, jugal dorsoventrally constricted beneath lower tem−
poral fenestra to set off flange anterior to constriction (1).
49. Jugal flange size, depth of jugal at constriction below lower tempo−
ral fenestra/free ventral flange on jugal: small, 0.70–0.90 (0); prom−
inent, well set off from jugal body, 0.55–0.66 (1).
50. Frontal at orbit margin: present (0); excluded by prefrontal−post−
orbital contact (1).
51. Frontals, upward doming over braincase in adults: absent (0); present
52. Quadrates, shape of mandibular condyle: mediolaterally broad, lat−
eral and medial condyles subequal in size (0); lateral condyle ex−
panded anteroposteriorly so that condyles appear subtriangular in
distal view, lateral condyle longer than medial one (1).
53. Paraquadrate notch: ventral margin of notch extends dorsally to
form an acute and well defined opening (0); well defined notch ab−
sent, reduced to a poorly defined embayment of quadrate (1).
54. Squamosals on skull roof, separation: widely separated (0); squa−
mosals approach midline, separated by narrow band of parietal (1);
squamosals have broad contact with each other (2).
55. Squamosal, shape of posteroventral surface: shallowly exposed in
posterior view (0); form a deep, near vertical, well exposed face in
posterior view (1).
56. Supraoccipital, inclination: posterior surface nearly vertical (0);
posterior surface inclined steeply forward at approximately 45 de−
grees (1).
57. Transverse width of the cranium in the postorbital region in dorsal
view: broad, width maintained from orbit to quadrate head (0); dis−
tinctly narrowed at quadrate heads (1).
58. Parietal, midline ridge: straight to slightly downwarped along length
(0); strongly downwarped, dorsal margin bends below the level of the
postorbital−squamosal bar (1).
59. Parietal crest, length: relatively long, posterior parietal narrow quickly
to form the crest, crest more than half the length of upper temporal
fenestrae (0); relatively short, parietal crest narrows gradually posteri−
orly, crest less than half the length of the upper temporal fenestrae(1).
60. Lower temporal fenestra, acute angle between postorbital bar and
jugular bar: absent (0); present (1).
Axial skeleton
61. Cervical centra axial length: long (0); shortened so that axiallength
of centrum is less than height of neural arch (1).
62. Cervicals, shape of zygapophyseal peduncles on arches: low (0); ele−
vated, extend well above the level of the neural canal, zygapophyses
long and dorsally arched (1).
63. Dorsal (posterior) and sacral neural spines: relatively short, less
than 3 times centrum height (0); elongate, more than 3 times
centrum height (1).
Appendicular Skeleton
64. Coracoid, shape of anterior margin: straight or convex, biceps tubercle
small (0); concave, large, laterally projecting biceps tubercle (1).
65. Coracoid, anteroventral process: short (0); long,extends wellbelow
the glenoid (1).
66. Scapula, orientation of borders of distal blade: divergent (0); sub−
parallel to one another (1).
67. Scapula, shape of distal end: asymmetrical, either dorsal or ventral
border longer than the other (0); symmetrical, dorsal and ventral
border terminate at same point (1).
68. Deltopectoral crest: short, much less than half the length of the hu−
merus, narrows noticeably distally (0); extends at least to midshaft
or longer, distally broad (1).−077.pdf
69. Humeral distal condyles: mediolaterally broad, flare moderately
from shaft of humerus (0); compressed mediolaterally, flares little
from shaft of humerus (1).
70. Antebrachium length: humerus subequal to or longer than radius
(0); radius longer than humerus (1).
71. Carpus: all elements present (ulnare, radiale, intermedium, distal
carpals) and fused, metacarpal I fused onto carpus and divergent
from rest of manus (0); reduced to two small, unfused carpals (1).
72. Manus, digit 1: metacarpal and one phalanx present (0); entire digit
absent (1).
73. Metacarpal III, relative positionof proximalend: alignedwith those
of MC II and IV (0); offset distally relative to MC II and IV (1).
74. Metacarpal, shape: short and robust, width at midshaft/length ratio .2
or greater (0); slender and elongate, width at midshaft/length .15 or
less (1).
75. Penultimate phalanges of digits 2 and 3, shape: rectangular, lateral
sides subequal in length (0); wedge shaped, medial side signifi−
cantly shorter than lateral side (1).
76. Ilium, size ofsupracetabular process (“antitrochanter”): small, pro−
jects only as a lateral swelling (0); large, broadly overhangs the lat−
eral side of the ilium and usually extends at least half way down the
side of ilium (1).
77. Ilium−pubis articulation: large iliac contribution, pubic peduncle of
ilium long, iliac peduncle of pubis small (0); pubic penduncle of
ilium short with restricted articular surface, prominent dorsally di−
rected iliac peduncle of pubis (1).
78. Ilium, postacetabular process shape: tapers posteriorly to nearly a
point, wide brevis shelf (0); rectangular, no brevis shelf (1).
79. Ilium, postacetabular process size relative to total length of ilium:
less than 40% (0); more than 40% (1).
80. Pubis, distal width of prepubic blade: dorsoventrally expanded to
no more than twice the depth of the proximal shaft (0); expanded to
more than twice the depth of proximal shaft (1).
81. Pubis, length of prepubic shaft constriction: long, dorsoventral ex−
pansion restricted to distal process (0); shaft short, dorsoventral ex−
pansion begins at base of process (1).
82. Pubis, obturator foramen: closed or partially closed ventrally by tu−
bercle arising from pubic shaft (0); fully open, tubercle absent (1).
83. Ischium, shape of shaft in lateral view: strongly curved downward
(0); nearly straight (1); curved upward (2).
84. Ischium, shape of distal end: small knob−like foot (0); large and
pendant foot (1).
85. Ilium, shape of dorsal margin: nearly straight (0); distinctly de−
pressed over supracetabular process (“antitrochanter”) and dorsally
bowed over base of preacetabular process (1).
86. Femur, development of intercondylar extensor groove: moderately
deep, groove fully open (0); very deep, edges of groove meet or
nearly meet anteriorly to enclose an extensor tunnel (1).
87. Tarsus, distal tarsals 2 and 3: present (0); absent (1).
88. Metatarsal 1, length: short, thin splint (0); absent (1).
89. Pes, distalphalanges ofpedal digitsII through IV: axially shortened
to disc−like elements with width at least 3 times length (0); greatly
shortened, width at least 4 times length (1).
90. Pes, shape of unguals: taper evenly distally, claw−like (0); dorso−
ventrally flattened and broadened, hoof−like (1).
Appendix 2
Character—taxon matrix used for phylogenetic analysis. ? = missing data; 0–2 = character states (see Appendix 1).
Iguanodon 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
Brachylophosaurus 21021 12011 11120 11011 01011 10000
Corythosaurus 11111 11111 11110 10010 1?310 01222
Edmontosaurus 31021 12011 11121 11111 01111 20000
Gryposaurus 21021 11011 11111 11011 01011 10000
Hadrosaurus ?1021 1???? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Hypacrosaurus 21111 111?1 11110 10010 1?310 01212
Lambeosaurus 21111 11111 11110 10010 1?310 01112
Maiasaura 21021 12011 11120 111?1 00011 10000
Kritosaurus 21021 12011 11121 11011 0?011 10000
Parasaurolophus 21111 10011 11110 100?0 1?310 01001
Prosaurolophus 21021 11011 11112 01?11 01211 20000
Saurolophus 31021 11001 11110 00011 00201 20000
Telmatosaurus 01111 000?0 00110 0?000 000?0 00000
Iguanodon 00001 00000 00000 010?0 00000 00000
Brachylophosaurus 01112 00?21 00011 02110 01111 11001
Corythosaurus 20000 11121 10011 10101 11121 11111
Edmontosaurus 00001 00?21 00111 01100 01111 11001
Gryposaurus 01211 00021 00111 01110 01111 11001
Hadrosaurus ????? 0???? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Hypacrosaurus 20000 11121 10011 10101 11121 11111
Lambeosaurus 10000 11121 10011 10101 11121 11111
Maiasaura 01122 00021 01111 02110 11121 11001
Kritosaurus 01211 00021 00011 01101 01111 11001
Parasaurolophus 00001 11021 10011 01101 ?1121 11111
Prosaurolophus 01211 00021 01011 01100 11111 11001
Saurolophus 01211 00021 01011 01101 11121 11001
Telmatosaurus 00002 00?21 0??10 020?0 01100 00000
Iguanodon 00000 00000 00000 010?0 00000 00000
Brachylophosaurus 01011 10111 11111 11101 01111 11111
Corythosaurus 11111 10111 11111 11111 01111 11111
Edmontosaurus 11011 10110 11111 11111 01101 11111
Gryposaurus 11011 00110 11111 11111 01101 11111
Hadrosaurus ???11 ??010 ????? 11??? ??2?1 1????
Hypacrosaurus 1111? ??111 ????1 11111 11111 11111
Lambeosaurus 11111 10111 11111 11110 01111 11111
Maiasaura 01011 00111 11111 11111 01111 11111
Kritosaurus 11011 0?11? ????? 11101 0???1 11111
Parasaurolophus 11111 10101 11?11 11111 11111 111??
Prosaurolophus 11011 10110 11111 11111 01101 11111
Saurolophus 11011 00110 11111 11100 01101 11111
Telmatosaurus 110?1 0101? ????? ????? ????? 1????