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CZECH MYCOL. 59(2): 201–204, 2007
First report of the powdery mildew Golovinomyces
cichoracearum on Telekia speciosa in Germany
1State Museum of Natural History, Postfach 300 154, D-02806 Görlitz, Germany,
* corresponding author
2Barbara-Uthmann-Ring 68, D-09456 Annaberg-Buchholz, Germany
Boyle H., Dietrich W. and Bräutigam S. (2007): First report of the powdery mildew
Golovinomyces cichoracearum on Telekia speciosa in Germany. – Czech Mycol.
59(2): 201–204.
A first report of the occurrence of the powdery mildew Golovinomyces cichoracearum (DC.) V. P.
Gelyuta on the neophyte Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. in Germany is given. At one locality, the
host plant was additionally infected with the rust Coleosporium telekiae Thüm., the occurrence of
which has as yet only rarely been reported for Germany.
Key words: sun wheels, Erysiphales, anamorph, teleomorph
Boyle H., Dietrich W. a Bräutigam S. (2007): První nález padlí druhu Golovino-
myces cichoracearum na Telekia speciosa v Německu. – Czech Mycol. 59(2):
Je publikována první zpráva o výskytu padlí druhu Golovinomyces cichoracearum (DC.) V. P. Gely-
uta na neofytu Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. v Německu. Na jedné z lokalit byla hostitelská rostli-
na navíc infikována rzí Coleosporium telekiae Thüm., která byla dosud jen velmi vzácně udávána
z Německa.
Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. (sun wheels, yellow oxeye) is a relatively re-
cent synanthropic neophyte in Central Europe originating from a Southeast Euro-
pean-Caucasian natural distribution area, introduced to Germany in the course of the
establishment of landscape gardens in the second half of the 19th century (Jäger
1976). To date, it has not been known to host powdery mildew in Germany (Braun
1995 and pers. comm. 2006). Golovinomyces cichoracearum (DC.)V.P.Gelyutais,
however, known to infect T. speciosa in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, as well as in the
territory of the former countries of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union (Braun 1995). Re-
gions within these countries (especially the East Carpathians and the Caucasus) be-
long to the natural distribution area of T. speciosa (Meusel and Jäger 1992).
The first German records of powdery mildew-infected T. speciosa were col-
lected at the locations listed below (all coordinates are based upon the Potsdam
map datum). The collections are deposited at the State Museum of Natural His-
tory Görlitz (GLM) and/or herb. W. Dietrich.
Bavaria, Niederwerdenfelser Land region, Isar floodplain to the south of
Mittenwald, 11° 15' E; 47° 24' N, alt. 900 m, 22 July 2004 leg. & det. W. Dietrich
(Herb. W. Dietrich, dupl. at GLM, F078504), Oidium anamorph and sparse juve-
nile teleomorph chasmothecia.
Saxony, Elbsandsteingebirge region, Rathen, verge of a meadow adjacent to
the river Elbe (Fig. 1), 14° 04' 24" E; 50° 57' 31" N, alt. 125 m, 1 July 2006 leg. S.
Hoeflich, det. H. Boyle (GLM, F074699), Oidium accompanied by abundant
chasmothecia (Fig. 2).
Saxony, Erzgebirge mountains, road embankment at a lime quarry southwest
of Lengefeld, 13° 10' 25" E; 50° 42' 03" N, alt. 625 m, 11 July 2006 leg. S. Bräutigam
(GLM F074731), Oidium, det. H. Boyle.
Saxony, Erzgebirge mountains, Schellerhau, verge of a road near the botanic
garden, 13° 42' E; 50° 46' N, alt. 760 m, 16 August 2006 leg. & det. W. Dietrich (Herb.
W. Dietrich, dupl. at GLM F078503), Oidium and chasmothecia, co-infected by the
rust Coleosporium telekiae Thüm. (uredia and telia), of which only few records
exist for Germany, this being the first recorded occurrence for the province of
Saxony, Oberlausitzer Gefilde region, Kuppritz, estate park, 14° 35' 14" E; 51°
09' 07" N, alt. 240 m, 12 September 2006 leg. & det. H. Boyle (GLM F074972),
Saxony, Erzgebirge mountains, Schneeberg, path along the banks of the
Filzteich pond, 12° 36' 48" E; 50° 30' 29" N, alt. 545 m, 30 September 2006 leg. S.
Hoeflich (GLM F078408), Oidium, det. H. Boyle.
The morphology of our collections, anamorph as well as teleomorph, corre-
sponds to Golovinomyces cichoracearum as described in Braun (1987, 1995) and
the collections were accordingly identified. The conidia, c. 25–40 × 15–22 μm,
were microscopically observed in fresh state and lack fibrosin bodies. Occasion-
ally observed germinating conidia are of the “cichoracearum-type” fide Braun
(1987). The diameter of the chasmothecia ranges from c. 80 to 150 μm. The ap-
pendages are located mainly at the bottom half of the ascocarps and are mostly
unbranched. Ripe chasmothecia contain numerous 2-spored asci, spore size c.
20–30 × 10–20 μm.
CZECH MYCOL. 59(2): 201–204, 2007
Fig. 1.Telekia speciosa infected by the powdery mildew Golovinomyces cichoracearum, locality
Rathen, Germany. Photo by Herbert Boyle.
Fig. 2. Oidium and chasmothecia of Golovinomyces cichoracearum (40×) on Telekia speciosa from
Rathen, Germany (GLM F074699). Bar = 300 μm. Photo by Herbert Boyle & Jürgen Schulz.
The occurrence at widely separated locations within Germany indicates that
the recent incidence in this country is not a limited local phenomenon, but shows
that the host-parasite relationship has in the meanwhile become established at
a considerable distance from the native distribution area of the host. Particularly
remarkable is the fact that this process has taken over 150 years in spite of the
meanwhile well-established host plant (Meusel and Jäger 1992, Hardtke and Ihl
2000) and the commonness of the parasite (Braun 1995).
BRAUN U. (1987): A monograph of the Erysiphales (powdery mildews). – Beiheft zur Nova Hedwigia
89, 700 p. Berlin-Stuttgart.
BRAUN U. (1995): The powdery mildews (Erysiphales) of Europe. – 337 p. Jena.
HARDTKE H.-J. and IHL A. (2000): Atlas der Farn– und Samenpflanzen Sachsens. – In: Sächsisches
Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie (ed.), Materialien zu Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege, p.
694, Dresden.
JÄGER E. J. (1976): Areal und Ausbreitungsgeschichte des Neophyten Telekia speciosa (Schreb.)
Baumg. – Mitteilungen zur floristischen Kartierung Halle 2: 40–44.
MEUSEL H. and JÄGER E. J., eds. (1992): Vergleichende Chorologie der zentraleuropäischen Flora, Bd. 3
Text, Karten. – 688 p. Jena.
CZECH MYCOL. 59(2): 201–204, 2007