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Acute and Sub acute Toxicity Study of Ayurvedic Formulation (AYFs) Used for Migraine Treatment

  • VCP Cancer Research Foundation

Abstract and Figures

Propose: A combination of five classical ayurvedic formulations (Narikela Lavana, Sootashekhara Rasa, Sitopalad Churna, Rason Vati and Godanti Mishran) has been employed as prophylactic remedy for migraine. These ayurvedic formulations (AYFs) contain certain Bhasma and plant materials. An investigation was initiated to evaluate safety profile of these AYFs in Sprague Dawley rats and Swiss Albino mice following OECD guidelines. Material and Method Acute toxicity studies were done after ingestion of 5 g/kg of AYFs in a day in both the animal species. Sub acute toxicity studies were carried in five different groups in which AYFs was administrated in various doses ranging from 1.47 – 6.48 g/kg for mice and 0.7 – 7.45 g/kg for rats. The highest dose were 10 times higher that the recommended human dose Detailed hematological, biochemical, necropsy and histopathological evaluation of organs was performed for all animals Results: The AYFs was well tolerated and no toxic manifestations were seen in any animal. Mortality observed in high dose groups; 4% in rats and 6% in mice was not related to treatment. Conclusion: The AYFs was found to be safe in animals. However, chronic toxicity studies are required to know the long term safety of these AYFs.
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International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research 2010; 2(2) ISSN: 0975-5160
Research Article
Acute and Sub acute Toxicity Study of Ayurvedic Formulation
(AYFs) Used for Migraine Treatment
Prakash Vaidya Balendu 1*, Saraf Madhusudan 2, Chandurkar Nitin 3
1 Ipca Traditional Remedies Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India
2 Bombay College of Pharmacy, Mumbai, India
3 Medical Affairs and Clinical Research, Ipca Laboratories Ltd., Mumbai, India
Propose: A combination of five classical ayurvedic formulations (Narikela Lavana, Sootashekhara Rasa, Sitopala
Churna, Rason Vati and Godanti Mishran) has been employed as prophylactic remedy for migraine. These ayurvedi
formulations (AYFs) contain certain Bhasma and plant materials. An investigation was initiated to evaluate safety profil
of these AYFs in Sprague Dawley rats and Swiss Albino mice following OECD guidelines. Material and Metho
Acute toxicity studies were done after ingestion of 5 g/kg of AYFs in a day in both the animal species. Sub acute toxicit
studies were carried in five different groups in which AYFs was administrated in various doses ranging from 1.47 – 6.4
g/kg for mice and 0.7 – 7.45 g/kg for rats. The highest dose were 10 times higher that the recommended human dos
Detailed hematological, biochemical, necropsy and histopathological evaluation of organs was performed for all animal
Results: The AYFs was well tolerated and no toxic manifestations were seen in any animal. Mortality observed in hig
dose groups; 4% in rats and 6% in mice was not related to treatment. Conclusion: The AYFs was found to be safe i
animals. However, chronic toxicity studies are required to know the long term safety of these AYFs.
In the recent years complementary and alternative
medicine (CAM) has upsurge globally for the treatment
and prevention of many aliments which are non-
communicable and chronic in nature 1. Most surveys agree
that herbal remedies are amongst the most prevalent
therapies and that headache/migraine is one of the most
frequent reasons for trying plant-derived medications 2.
CAM is often perceived by the public to be more helpful
than conventional care for the treatment of headache 3.
However, there is always apprehension about their safety,
efficacy, toxicity and reproducibility of CAM therapies.
Ayurveda the traditional system of medicine of India
was initially taught and practiced in a Guru-Shisya
Parampara has now been institutionalized. Ayurveda is
largely practiced in India under the patronage of Central
and Provincial Government. An Ayurvedic Treatment
Protocol (AYTP) developed by the principal author was
tried for migraine treatment with encouraging results 4, 5
this AYTP consist of a herbo-mineral combination of five
classical ayurvedic formulations (Narikela Lavana,
Sootashekhara Rasa, Sitopaladi Churna, Rason Vati and
Godanti Mishran) 6 along with regulated diet and lifestyle
modification. The same AYTP was used by other
ayurvedic physicians with similar results7.
Medicines of AYTP were derived from Rasa Sashtra
(the science of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics) and contain
substances which are moderate to severely toxic in the raw
form. Substances of plant, animal and mineral origin are
routinely used in manufacturing of ayurvedic medicines 8.
However, the intrigue phenomenon of its manufacturing
converts these into complex mineral forms which are
effective and non toxic. However, improper
processing/manufacturing of ayurvedic medicines may
result into severe toxicity 9. Recently, heavy metal
contamination was also reported in some ayurvedic
medicines sold in USA 10. This raised concerns regarding
safety of such products for human use as medicines.
Hence, the present investigation was undertaken to assess
the safety profile of the ayurvedic formulations (AYFs)
used in the AYTP for migraine treatment in animal models
using OECD guidelines.
Animals: Six to eight weeks old male Sprague Dawley rats
weighing 170 to 210 gms and female rats weighing 150 –
170 gms and Swiss Albino mice of either sex weighing
between 18 - 22 gms were selected for the present study.
The animals were kept in polypropylene cages with
stainless lid with rice husk bedding. Individual animal was
identified by specific marking and cages were identified
with label pasted on cages with relevant information.
Animals were housed at a temperature of 24 ± 2oC and
relative humidity of 30 to 70 %. A 12:12 light: dark cycle
was followed. All animals had free access to water and
standard pelleted laboratory animal diet. The animals were
acclimatized for 7 days before starting the experiment.
Ethical Clearance: This study was approved by the
Institutional Ethics Committee of the Bombay College of
Pharmacy, Mumbai.
*Author for Correspondence:
Study Drugs: The recommended daily human dose of
AYFs is 7.3 gm/day. The break up of which as follows:
Narikela Lavana 2.0 gm; Sootshekhara Rasa 0.375 gm;
Sitopiladi Churna 1.425 gm; Rason Vati 3.0 gm; Godanti
Mishran 0.5 mg. The ayurvedic formulations were
manufactured at Bharat Bhaishajya Shala Pvt Ltd,
Dehradun, India. Based on the doses of these individual
formulations the equivalent animal dose were calculated
for the mixture of AYFs in the same proportion these are
used in human being.
Dose administration: AYFs were triturated to get fine
powder and were mixed uniformly in the required
proportion. The suspension for low, medium and high
doses were prepared in 0.5% Carboxy Methyl Cellulose in
distilled water and administered to animals orally with the
help of gastric catheter.
Acute Toxicity study: Six female rats and mice were
orally administered 5 g/kg suspension of the mixture of
AYFs in three divided doses, at an interval of 30 minutes
in a day. The equivalent human dose per day of these
AYFs in rat and mice was calculated to be 0.7 g/kg and
1.47 g/kg respectively. The dose administered in rat and
mice was approximately 7 times and 3.4 times higher than
the normal human dose respectively. The animals were
observed for first 4 hours of treatment to next 14 days. The
evaluated parameters were mortality, signs and symptoms
of toxicity, body weight, food consumption and necropsy
Sub Acute Toxicity study: The animals were divided into
5 groups. There were 10 animals (5 males and 5 females)
in each group. The group I served as vehicle control.
Group II, III and IV received low, medium and high dose
of medicine respectively for 28 days. All the animals of
group I – IV were sacrificed on 29th day. However, group
V received high dose medicine for 28 days, and then they
were further observed for next 2 weeks and sacrificed on
43rd day. The dose was calculated taking into account the
difference in surface area: body weight ratios between
species. The details of dosing are given in the box below:
Study parameters: Toxic manifestations like alteration in
water or food intake, weight loss, respiration pattern,
mobility, response to handling, salivation, piloerection,
bizarre behavior were studied on day 0 and every week
thereafter. Audio-visual reflexes and grip strength
determination was performed in all animals at 4th week of
study. Opthalmological observation was done on day 1 and
day 28. Parameters like pupil size, redness of eye and
lacrimation were checked and scored. Blood samples were
collected from all animals after terminal sacrifice.
Hematological and biochemical parameters viz.
hemoglobin (Hb), red blood corpuscles (RBC), white
blood corpuscles (WBC) and platelets (Plt), reticulocyte
(Reti), packed cell volume (PCV), prothrombin time (PT),
mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular
hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration (MCHC) , Alanine transaminase (SGPT),
Aspartate transaminase (SGOT), alkaline phosphatase
(ALP), total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), blood urea
nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (CRE), random blood sugar
(RBS), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca++),
phosphorus (P), chloride (Cl) and cholesterol (CHO).
Biochemical parameters were studied using commercially
available kits, Span autochem 2011 autoanalyzer and flame
Necropsy: Body orifices and organs of all animals were
carefully observed after dissection for morphological and
pathological changes. Wet weight of liver, kidney, spleen,
brain, heart, adrenals and gonads (testes/ovaries) were
recorded for all animals.
Histopathology: Tissue samples from various organs of all
animals were preserved in 10% formalin saline and were
studied for pathological changes.
Statistical analysis: The data was analyzed by using SPSS
software (version 12.0, SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). The
results are presented as mean ± s.d. and statistical
significance between the groups was analyzed by means of
an analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Acute Toxicity study: There were no signs of any toxicity
in animals of both the species after the administration of
the test dose of 5 g/kg suspension of the mixture of AYFs.
All the animals showed similar food intake, body weight
gain and clinical signs as that of the control group. No
morbidity or mortality was observed in the treated animals.
The necropsy studies did not detect any abnormality.
Sub Acute Toxicity study: The animals from both the
species showed normal body weight gain throughout the
dosing period. No significant change in weight was noted
in any of the groups. There was no difference in the food
intake noted in rats. However, significant reduction in food
consumption in mice was noted from second week of study
in the medium dose, high dose and satellite treatment
group in comparison to control group.
One rat each from group IV and V died on 4th and 5th
week of study. Three mice died during the study period.
Two mice from group IV and V died in the 1st week of
study. One mouse died at the 4th week of treatment from
group V.
Group Dose
(g/kg body
weight/ day)
(days) Day of
I Control -- -- 28 29
II Low 0.7 1.47 28 29
III Medium 2.23 3.04 28 29
IV High 7.45 6.48 28 29
V High 7.45 6.48 28 43
Animals from all treated groups in both the species
showed a normal hematological profile except for the
MCH value of the medium dose group in rats (Table 1) and
satellite group in mice (Table 2) was significantly higher
from that of the control group. The reticulocyte count in
the satellite group was also significantly higher than the
control group in rats.
Animals from all treated groups in both the species
showed a normal biochemical profile including electrolyte
levels (Table 3, 4, 5 & 6) except for the albumin levels in
the satellite group in mice which was significantly higher
from that of the control group (Table 5).
Treated animals from both the species showed organ
weights as well as organ to body weight ratio comparable
to control group.
Table 1: Comparison of Group Mean Hematological Investigations in Rats
Low dose
Medium dose High Dose Satellite high dose
(gm/dl) 12.1± 1.0 12.4± 0.98 12.5 ± 0.96 12.9 ± 0.87 13.0 ±0.74
(x 106/cmm) 7.27 ±0.52 7.09 ±
0.58 6.83 ± 0.64 7.5 ±0.57 7.56 ± 0.53
(x 103 /cmm) 9.360 ± 2.249 8.950
±2.089 7.970 ±1.567 6.690
±2.060 8.090 ±1.491
(x 105 /cmm) 9.472±6.8171 9.788 ±
4.738 10.242±5.859 10.120±
1.206 9.094±5.607
(%) 2.46 ±0.49 2.79 ±
0.78 2.56 ± 0.55 2.24 ± 0.69 1.36 ± 0.56*
(µ m3) 37.7 ± 3.84 37.6 ±
4.03 38.0 ± 3.33 39.8 ± 2.88 41.2 ± 3.47
(µ m3) 52.5 ± 3.6 52.9 ±3.33 55.6 ± 2.75 52.6 ± 4.01 55.3 ± 2.46
(gm/dl) 32.5 ± 2.03 33.0 ±
0.95 33.1 ± 0.96 32.4 ± 1.24 31.6 ± 1.03
(pg) 16.7 ± 0.89 17.5 ±
0.97 18.4 ± 1.11* 17.2 ± 1.38 17.5 ± 0.76
Values are mean of 10 animals ± S.D.
* Significant at 95 % level of confidence (p<0.05) vs. control group.
Table 2: Comparison of Group Mean of Hematological Investigations in Mice
Group Control
Low dose
Medium dose Satellite high
High Dose
(gm/dl) 13.87± 0.8 13.56± 0.6 14.56± 0.5 12.97± 3.3 14.18± 0.6
(x 106/) 9.2 ± 0.8 9.1± 0.5 9.3± 0.6 8.23±1.3 7.9± 0.6
(x 103 /cmm) 8.700 ±2740 7.580± 1452 8.210± 1733 8.240± 3714 9.550± 1676
(x 105 /cmm) 7.970 ±4478 8.389± 7440 8.934 ±9531 8.547 ± 9856 7.992±19330
(%) 0.9±0.35 0.9± 0.31 1.0 ± 0.22 1.0 ± 0.22 1.0 ± 0.29
(µ m3) 45.4 ± 4.5 44.1 ± 3.9 45.8 ± 2.9 39.9 ± 9.8 42.1 ± 2.7
(µ m3) 50.15 ± 5.1 48.85 ± 3.6 49.0 ± 1.5 49.53 ± 6.3 52.8 ± 6.7
(gm/dl) 30.4± 1.9 30.7 ± 2.0 31.91± 1.5 32.18 ± 0.4 32.7 ± 0.4
(pg) 15.2 ± 1.2 15.1 ± 0.6 15.6 ± 0.7 15.7 ± 1.9 17.6 ± 0.8*
Values are mean of 10 animals ± S.D.
* Significant at 95 % level of confidence (p<0.05) vs. control group.
Animals from high dose treatment group and satellite
group of both the species showed decreased motor activity
(reduced alertness, reduced exploratory behavior). The
effect lasted for approximately two hours post dose
administration. However, the animals responded
comparably to control group in the functional test on
retard. All the other treatment animals were found to be
free of any intoxicating sign.
Treated animals of both the species showed normal
ophthalmologic and audio-visual reflex at the end of study
period. Gross pathological examination of all animals did
not reveal any abnormality attributable to the treatment in
both the species. No significant histopathological changes
were noted in different organs that were examined.
In the present investigation we tried to assess the
safety profile of AYFs. No Adverse Effect Level
(NOAEL) could be established for all the dose range tested
in both the animal models. The higher dose range tested
was well above and at an adequate safety distance of the
recommended dose in humans. Though the animals treated
with high dose of medicines showed reduced alertness and
decreased motor activities, they responded comparably to
control group in the functional test on rotarod. It may be
assumed that the AYFs at high dose may have mild CNS
depressant activity. Mortality observed was not found to be
related to treatment.
Table 4: Comparison of Group Mean of Electrolyte
Levels in Rats
dose High
Na 132.4 ±
41.7 147.0
± 4.98 147.4 ±
5.39 147.7
± 3.97 145.9 ±
Ca 8.5 ±
2.54 9.58 ±
1.16 9.43 ±
1.22 9.25 ±
0.82 8.98 ±
P 5.5 ±
0.77 5.7 ±
0.5 6.1 ±
1.22 5.9 ±
1.32 6.8 ±
K 4.58 ±
0.36 4.83 ±
0.47 4.71 ±
0.47 4.74 ±
0.39 4.52 ±
Cl 105.8 ±
2.61 107.8
± 4.15 107.1 ±
5.56 107.1
± 5.56 107.3 ±
Values are mean of 10 animals ± S.D. No significant
difference was observed in any parameter.
The present investigation indicated that the ayurvedic
formulations did not produce any adverse toxicity in both
Table 3: Comparison of Group Mean of Biochemical Investigations in Rats
Low dose
Medium dose High Dose Satellite high dose
AST (IU/L) 143.5 ± 22.4 136.5 ± 8.7 144.6 ± 13.4 160.2 ± 18.8 127.6 ± 5.2
ALT (IU/L) 49.3 ±10.1 50.3 ±11.3 39.0 ± 6.9 43.0 ± 10.9 56.4 ± 11.8
ALP (IU/L) 388.3 ± 90.1 458.5 ± 84.6 333.4 ± 32.7 364.4 ± 87.1 394.1 ± 65.4
Protein (g/dl) 5.87 ± 0.35 5.86 ± 0.47 6.03 ± 0.82 6.18 ± 0.36 6.59 ± 0.36
Albumin (g/dl) 4.07 ± 0.37 4.7 ± 0.88 4.59 ± 0.83 4.26 ± 1.04 3.7 ± 0.44
BUN (mg/dl) 39.9 ± 10.2 37.0 ± 9.5 35.7 ±12.6 38.0 ± 9.01 28.9 ±8.02
CRE (mg/dl) 0.33 ± 0.27 0.71 ± 0.31 0.33 ± 0.41 0.43 ± 0.43 0.67 ± 0.72
RBS (mg/dl) 117.8 ± 30.5 129.1 ± 2.55 113.8 ± 16.5 121.2 ± 28.2 119.2 ± 25.3
CHO (mg/dl) 137.7 ± 4.1 145.6 ± 21.5 153.5 ± 46.7 152.6 ± 21.9 141.9 ± 25.7
BIL (mg/dl) 0.53 ± 0.14 0.5 ± 0.12 0.56 ± 0.17 0.45 ± 0.1 0.5 ± 0.13
Values are mean of 10 animals ± S.D. No significant difference was observed in any parameter.
Table 5: Comparison of Group Mean Biochemical
Investigations in Mice
dose High
(IU/L) 95.5 ±
10.7 103.6
±16.86 160.6
(IU/L) 44.4 ±
10.16 54.0
56.5 ±
13.9 52.0
(IU/L) 286.5 ±
47.4 292.5
332.9 ±
42.9 295.4
283.8 ±
(g/dl) 7.01±
0.7 7.1 ±
0.6 6.94 ±
0.7 7.08
±0.7 6.97 ±
(g/dl) 2.83 ±
0.4 2.75
± 0.3 2.85 ±
0.4 3.06
± 0.2 3.47 ±
(mg/dl) 54.0 ±
20.1 53.3
65.1 ±
21.2 82.1
77.1 ±
(mg/dl) 1.5 ±
0.06 0.6 ±
0.45 1.2 ±
0.67 0.81
0.7 ±
(mg/dl) 124.2 ±
41.6 152.6
±36.0 121.8 ±
25.4 122.6
148 ±
(mg/dl) 124.5 ±
17.2 126.0
123.5 ±
22.0 131.6
120.2 ±
(mg/dl) 0.44 ±
0.1 0.92
0.48 ±
0.12 0.46
0.51 ±
Values are mean of 10 animals ± S.D.
* Significant at 95 % level of confidence (p<0.05) vs.
control group.
the animal models studied. There was no pathological
evidence of toxicity in kidney, liver, spleen, heart and
brain. Mortality observed in the treatment groups was
not found to be dose related. The animals that died did not
show any signs of morbidity and necropsy. The
histopathology findings did not indicated any toxic
changes in these animals.
The presence of metals and minerals in food /
ayurvedic medicines is a matter of great concern for human
health 11. The AYFs used in the present study is a
combination of 5 ayurvedic formulations derived from
Rasa Aushadi and contained herbs, metals and minerals.
However, classic Rasa text claims the intrigue processing
of metals and final composition of its formulations are safe
for human consumption and therapeutically effective. The
preliminary observational research indicates that AYFs are
significantly effective in the prevention of migraine and
need not produce any noticeably side effect among
migraineurs 4, 5.
Normally, heavy metals produce nephrotoxicity and
blood disorders. However, these heavy metals after
subjecting to specific and proper processing are
transformed into Bhasma12 and used in treatment of
various ailments and are considered as nontoxic in
prescribed dose. Bhasma along with appropriate herbs are
used for the treatment of critical ailments. The procedures
for preparing these medicines are stringent, time-
consuming and complicated 13. Metals are triturated and
burnt several times 14 with herbs juices / decoction thereby
converting them into non toxic form and suitable for
clinical usage. It is estimated that 35% to 40% of the
approximately 6000 medicines in the ayurvedic formulary
intentionally contain at least one metal. Metal-containing
herbal medicine products are purportedly "detoxified"
through multiple heating/cooling cycles and by the
addition of specific herbs 15.
Ayurvedic is largely practiced using ancient protocols
and parameters. Though there is a need of scientific
scrutiny of its principles of treatment, very few attempts
have been made for its scientific and systemic validation.
The present study indicates that the AYFs that are clinical
used are also safe in animals in dose that was 4 - 10 times
higher the human equivalent dose. However, further
studies are required to know the long term chronic toxicity
of these AYFs.
Table 6: Comparison of Group Mean of Electrolyte
Levels in Mice
dose High
Na 142.8 ±
5.3 142.3
± 3.4 142.4 ±
4.3 142.5
± 4.05 144.9 ±
Ca 8.27 ±
9.4 ±
1.74 9.72 ±
0.75 9.54 ±
p 7.63 ±
1.43 8.19
± 1.3 7.32 ±
0.69 7.47 ±
1.3 8.23 ±
K 4.64 ±
1.33 4.83
± 0.7 4.49 ±
0.84 4.49 ±
0.66 4.23 ±
Cl 105.8 ±
107.4 ±
4.16 108.3
± 5.85 107.2 ±
Values are mean of 10 animals ± S.D. No significant
difference was observed in any parameter.
Authors are grateful to Ipca Laboratories Limited,
Mumbai for providing fundamental assistance and
financial support to carryout this study. We like to thank
Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Pal of Ipca Traditional Remedies Pvt.
Ltd. for drafting this manuscript.
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... There is a constant upsurge in the prevalence of migraine globally. In United States, the incidences rose from 6.54% in 2003 to 9.69% in 2012 [2] . 5-8% migraineurs have chronic migraine and about 5% suffer from refractory migraine, with overall prevalence of RM/CM at around 2-3% [3] . ...
... These formulations are derived from Rasa Shastra in Ayurveda and have successfully passed through toxicological studies [8,9] . The present study was carried out under a competent neurologist to prove the stated prophylactic properties of Ayurvedic formulations in RM/CM patients. ...
Full-text available
Background: Migraine is a disorder marked by recurrent episodes of headache. There is a subset of migraine patients who remain refractory to the conventional prophylactic and abortive therapies. This study aimed to assess the therapeutic role of an ayurvedic treatment protocol in patients who had chronic/ refractory migraine. Methods: This single-center, open label, randomized, controlled clinical trial compared the efficacy of ayurvedic treatment protocol to conventional treatment. Included patients were 18-65 years of age and met the diagnostic criteria for chronic/ refractory migraine. The patients were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to the ayurvedic treatment or conventional therapy at the baseline and were followed at regular intervals for 360 days. The primary outcome was reduction in the number of headache days in the last 3 months and the secondary outcomes were a reduction in the visual analog scale (VAS) score and migraine disability assessment score (MIDAS) as compared to the baseline. Results: Patients (n=154) were randomized to the two treatment groups with similar baseline demographic and clinical characteristics. The patients in ayurvedic treatment group had a greater reduction in the number of headache days, VAS score and MIDAS score at day 360 (p<0.05). Further, there were no reported medication-related adverse effects in either group. Conclusion: Ayurvedic treatment protocol is well tolerated and is associated with significant improvement in symptoms of chronic refractory migraine.
Full-text available
In this personal narrative, Vaidya Balendu Prakash tells the story of how he grew up in a north Indian family lineage specialising in rasashastra, a clinical specialty of Ayurveda that deals with the complex processing of mercury and metals converting toxic materials into therapeutic forms, largely known as bhasmas. As a college student, Prakash was confronted with his father’s medical knowledge through a personal illness and accepted the challenge of continuing the family lineage. His training in both Western science and Ayurveda, his experiences and experiments with different ways of knowing about Ayurveda—through his father and through ayurvedic institutionalised learning—led him to document his research based on observation, combining ‘traditional’ knowledge and ‘modern’ research methodology in a unique way. In this contribution to ‘Field Notes’, he shares his insight into developing the standards for the processing of mercury and metal-based formulations, with the aim of ascertaining reproducibility. He has also developed ayurvedic treatment protocols for certain forms of cancer and chronic diseases.
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Ayurveda is a nearly 3000 years old traditional medical system of India. Most of the time, people turn to ayurvedic physicians in desperate conditions. Here clinical practices of Ayurveda were initially found effective in the management of migraine among few patients. Later, it was developed as an ayurvedic treatment protocol (ATP) which consists of four herbo-mineral formulations (HMF), three meals and three snacks in a day with eight hours sleep at night. ATP brought significant relief in reducing the frequency, intensity of pain and associated symptoms in the migraine patients. IHS diagnostic criteria was followed to establish the diagnosis of migraine and uniform ATP was prescribed to each patient who were primarily treated by the ayurvedic physicians at their respective clinics. Such observations were presented at appropriate international forums. In an effort to validate the above, the present study carries the details of nine migraine patients who were first diagnosed and treated for migraine by a leading headache expert at Mumbai in India and were then referred to receive ATP. A total number of nine subjects volunteered to this program. Out of those, seven subjects completed 120 days of ATP. Five subjects reported significant improvement in overall symptoms of migraine. All subjects were followed up periodically for four years. No Grade II side effects were observed in any treated case. HMF has also been proved to be safe in experimental studies. Further pharmacological and randomized controlled clinical studies are in progress at the respective departments of a premier medical institute in India.
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Although approximately 95% of lead poisoning among U.S. adults results from occupational exposure, lead poisoning also can occur from use of traditional or folk remedies. Ayurveda is a traditional form of medicine practiced in India and other South Asian countries. Ayurvedic medications can contain herbs, minerals, metals, or animal products and are made in standardized and nonstandardized formulations. During 2000-2003, a total of 12 cases of lead poisoning among adults in five states associated with ayurvedic medications or remedies were reported to CDC. This report summarizes these 12 cases. Culturally appropriate educational efforts are needed to inform persons in populations using traditional or folk medications of the potential health risks posed by these remedies.
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Migraine patients who do not respond to conventional therapy, develop unacceptable side-effects, or are reluctant to take medicines resort to complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). Globally, patients have been seeking various non-conventional modes of therapy for the management of their headaches. An Ayurvedic Treatment Protocol (AyTP) comprising five Ayurvedic medicines, namely Narikel Lavan, Sootshekhar Rasa, Sitopaladi Churna, Rason Vati and Godanti Mishran along with regulated diet and lifestyle modifications such as minimum 8 h sleep, 30-60 min morning or evening walk and abstention from smoking/drinking, was tried for migraine treatment. The duration of the therapy was 90 days. Out of 406 migraine patients who were offered this AyTP, 204 patients completed 90 days of treatment. Complete disappearance of headache and associated symptoms at completion of AyTP was observed in 72 (35.2%); mild episode of headache without need of any conventional medicines in 72 (35.2%); low intensity of pain along with conventional medicines in 50 (24.5%); no improvement in seven (3.4%) and worst pain was noted in three (1.4%) patients, respectively. In 144 (70.5%) of patients marked reduction of migraine frequency and pain intensity observed may be because of the AyTP. Though the uncontrolled open-label design of this study does not allow us to draw a definite conclusion, from this observational study we can make a preliminary assessment regarding the effectiveness of this ayurvedic treatment protocol.
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Lead, mercury, and arsenic have been detected in a substantial proportion of Indian-manufactured traditional Ayurvedic medicines. Metals may be present due to the practice of rasa shastra (combining herbs with metals, minerals, and gems). Whether toxic metals are present in both US- and Indian-manufactured Ayurvedic medicines is unknown. To determine the prevalence of Ayurvedic medicines available via the Internet containing detectable lead, mercury, or arsenic and to compare the prevalence of toxic metals in US- vs Indian-manufactured medicines and between rasa shastra and non-rasa shastra medicines. A search using 5 Internet search engines and the search terms Ayurveda and Ayurvedic medicine identified 25 Web sites offering traditional Ayurvedic herbs, formulas, or ingredients commonly used in Ayurveda, indicated for oral use, and available for sale. From 673 identified products, 230 Ayurvedic medicines were randomly selected for purchase in August-October 2005. Country of manufacturer/Web site supplier, rasa shastra status, and claims of Good Manufacturing Practices were recorded. Metal concentrations were measured using x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Prevalence of medicines with detectable toxic metals in the entire sample and stratified by country of manufacture and rasa shastra status. One hundred ninety-three of the 230 requested medicines were received and analyzed. The prevalence of metal-containing products was 20.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 15.2%-27.1%). The prevalence of metals in US-manufactured products was 21.7% (95% CI, 14.6%-30.4%) compared with 19.5% (95% CI, 11.3%-30.1%) in Indian products (P = .86). Rasa shastra compared with non-rasa shastra medicines had a greater prevalence of metals (40.6% vs 17.1%; P = .007) and higher median concentrations of lead (11.5 microg/g vs 7.0 microg/g; P = .03) and mercury (20,800 microg/g vs 34.5 microg/g; P = .04). Among the metal-containing products, 95% were sold by US Web sites and 75% claimed Good Manufacturing Practices. All metal-containing products exceeded 1 or more standards for acceptable daily intake of toxic metals. One-fifth of both US-manufactured and Indian-manufactured Ayurvedic medicines purchased via the Internet contain detectable lead, mercury, or arsenic.
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Traditional medicine use is common in developing countries and increasingly popular in the western world. Despite the popularity of traditional medicines, scientific research on safety and efficacy is limited. However documented fatalities and severe illness due to lead poisoning are increasingly recognized to be associated with traditional medicine use. As society becomes more globalized, it is imperative for pharmacists and health care providers to learn about the safety of traditional medical practices. The information presented educates and alerts pharmacists and health care providers about the potential of traditional medicines to cause lead encephalopathy. Case reports were located through systematic literature searches using MEDLINE, CINAHL, AMED, CISCOM, EMBASE and The Cochrane library from 1966 to the February 2007. Reference lists of identified articles and the authors' own files were also searched. Inclusion criteria were cases of human lead encephalopathy associated with traditional medical practices. There were no restrictions regarding the language of publication. Data were subsequently extracted and summarized in narrative and tabular form. We found 76 cases of lead encephalopathy potentially associated with traditional medicine. Ayurvedic medicines were associated with 5 cases (7%), Middle eastern traditional medicines with 66 cases (87%) and 5 cases (7%) with other traditional medicines. Of the 76 cases, 5% were in adults and 95% were in infants and young children. Of the 4 adult cases, at least one was left with residual neurological impairment. In infants and young children, among 72 cases 8 (11%) were fatal, and at least 15 (21%) had residual neurological deficits. Traditional medicine users should be screened for lead exposure and strongly encouraged to discontinue metal-containing remedies. Therefore, the United States Food and Drug Administration and corresponding agencies in other countries should require and enforce heavy metal testing for all imported traditional medicines and "dietary supplements".
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Lead, mercury, and arsenic intoxication have been associated with the use of Ayurvedic herbal medicine product (HMPs). To determine the prevalence and concentration of heavy metals in Ayurvedic HMPs manufactured in South Asia and sold in Boston-area stores and to compare estimated daily metal ingestion with regulatory standards. Systematic search strategy to identify all stores 20 miles or less from Boston City Hall that sold Ayurvedic HMPs from South Asia by searching online Yellow Pages using the categories markets, supermarkets, and convenience stores, and business names containing the word India, Indian cities, and Indian words. An online national directory of Indian grocery stores, a South Asian community business directory, and a newspaper were also searched. We visited each store and purchased all unique Ayurvedic HMPs between April 25 and October 24, 2003. Concentrations (microg/g) of lead, mercury, and arsenic in each HMP as measured by x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Estimates of daily metal ingestion for adults and children estimated using manufacturers' dosage recommendations with comparisons to US Pharmacopeia and US Environmental Protection Agency regulatory standards. A total of 14 (20%) of 70 HMPs (95% confidence interval, 11%-31%) contained heavy metals: lead (n = 13; median concentration, 40 microg/g; range, 5-37,000), mercury (n = 6; median concentration, 20,225 microg/g; range, 28-104,000), and/or arsenic (n = 6; median concentration, 430 microg/g; range, 37-8130). If taken as recommended by the manufacturers, each of these 14 could result in heavy metal intakes above published regulatory standards. One of 5 Ayurvedic HMPs produced in South Asia and available in Boston South Asian grocery stores contains potentially harmful levels of lead, mercury, and/or arsenic. Users of Ayurvedic medicine may be at risk for heavy metal toxicity, and testing of Ayurvedic HMPs for toxic heavy metals should be mandatory.
Objectives: Toxicological and pharmacological studies of "Navbal Rasayan" a metal based Ayurvedic formulation used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, have been carried out. Methods: Acute and chronic toxicities studies were conducted in rats with oral graded doses (0.37 to 3.0 g/kg) of Navbal Rasayan (NR). In-vitro study was carried out on isolated guinea pig ileum obtained from control or animal pretreated with oral NR, 1.5 g/kg for 3 days. Dose responses with acetylcholine, histamine and 5-HT were obtained. The analgesic activity of oral NR 1.5 g/kg for 3 days was evaluated in albino mice against acetic acid induced writhings. The hypnotic activity was measured with pentobarbital after oral pretreatment with 1.5 and 3.0 g/kg NR for 3 days. The anti-convulsant activity was observed in rats against i.p. pentylenetetrazol induced seizures. Results: Oral administration of graded doses of NR (upto 3.0 g/kg) did not produced any acute or chronic toxicities in rats. Oral pretreatment of guinea pigs with NR (1.5 g/kg for 3 days) increased 36.43 time the histamine dose while the agonistic effect of acetylcholine and 5-hydroxytryptamine was completely attenuated. Further, NR neither exhibited any analgesic, sedative effect or anticonvulsant effect in rodents. Conclusion: Toxicological and pharmacological study with NR in animals does not show any toxic effect. However, decrease or attenuation of agonistic activities of histamine, acetylcholine and serotonin needs further exploration.
To determine the prevalence and cost of alternative medicines and alternative practitioner use in an Australian population. We conducted a representative population survey of persons aged 15 or older living in South Australia, which required 3004 personal interviews. We assessed the rates of use and types of alternative medicine and therapists used by this population in 1993, and correlations with other demographic and medical variables. The overall use of at least one non-medically prescribed alternative medicine (excluding calcium, iron and prescribed vitamins) was 48.5%. The users were more likely to be perimenopausal females, better educated, have a higher alcohol intake, be of normal weight and more likely to be employed than non-users. 20.3% of respondents had visited at least one alternative practitioner, most commonly chiropractors (15%). The users of alternative practitioners were more likely to be younger, live in the country and be overweight. Women were more likely to consult naturopaths, iridiologists, and reflexologists than men. Extrapolation of the costs to the Australian population gives a natural expenditure in 1993, for alternative medicines, of 621million(Australiandollars)andforalternativetherapistsof621 million (Australian dollars) and for alternative therapists of AU309 million per annum. This compares to the $AU360 million of patient contributions for all classes of pharmaceutical drugs purchased in Australia in 1992/93. The public health and economic ramifications of these huge costs are questioned in view of the paucity of sound safety and efficacy data for many of the therapies and products of the alternative medicine industry.
Research both in the United States and abroad suggests that significant numbers of people are involved with various forms of alternative medicine. However, the reasons for such use are, at present, poorly understood. To investigate possible predictors of alternative health care use. Three primary hypotheses were tested. People seek out these alternatives because (1) they are dissatisfied in some way with conventional treatment; (2) they see alternative treatments as offering more personal autonomy and control over health care decisions; and (3) the alternatives are seen as more compatible with the patients' values, worldview, or beliefs regarding the nature and meaning of health and illness. Additional predictor variables explored included demographics and health status. A written survey examining use of alternative health care, health status, values, and attitudes toward conventional medicine. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used in an effort to identify predictors of alternative health care use. A total of 1035 individuals randomly selected from a panel who had agreed to participate in mail surveys and who live throughout the United States. Use of alternative medicine within the previous year. The response rate was 69%. The following variables emerged as predictors of alternative health care use: more education (odds ratio [OR], 1.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-1.3); poorer health status (OR, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.1-1.5); a holistic orientation to health (OR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.1-1.9); having had a transformational experience that changed the person's worldview (OR, 1 .8; 95% CI, 1 .3-2.5); any of the following health problems: anxiety (OR, 3.1; 95% CI, 1.6-6.0); back problems (OR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1 .7-3.2); chronic pain (OR, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.1 -3.5); urinarytract problems (OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.3-3.5); and classification in a cultural group identifiable by their commitment to environmentalism, commitment to feminism, and interest in spirituality and personal growth psychology (OR, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.4-2.7). Dissatisfaction with conventional medicine did not predict use of alternative medicine. Only 4.4% of those surveyed reported relying primarily on alternative therapies. Along with being more educated and reporting poorer health status, the majority of alternative medicine users appear to be doing so not so much as a result of being dissatisfied with conventional medicine but largely because they find these health care alternatives to be more congruent with their own values, beliefs, and philosophical orientations toward health and life.
Non-allopathic Indian medicines, referred to elsewhere in the world as complementary and alternative medicine have gathered increasing recognition in recent years with regard to both treatment options and health hazards. Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and homeopathy are practiced in India as non-allopathic systems. These systems comprise a wide range of therapeutic approaches that include diet, herbs, metals, minerals, precious stones and their combinations as well as nondrug therapies. Ayurveda is the oldest system of medicine in the world and by far the most commonly practiced form of non-allopathic medicine in India, particularly in rural India, where 70% of the population lives. The difference between modern medicine and these systems stems from the fact that the knowledge base of many of the above systems, unlike Western medicine, is based on years of experience, observations, empiricism and intuition and has been handed down generations both through word of mouth and treatises. The focus on non-allopathic systems of medicine in India can be attributed to various causes including a need to revive a rich tradition, the dependency of 80% of the country’s population on these drugs, their easy availability, increasing worldwide use of these medicines, the lack of focused concerted scientific research and the abuse of these systems by quacks. Elsewhere, the increasing use of herbal products worldwide and the growth of the herbal product industry has led to increasing concern regarding their safety. The challenges in these non-allopathic systems relate to the patient, physician, regulatory authorities, the abuse/misuse of these medicines, quality and purity issues. Safety monitoring is mandated by a changing ecological environment, the use of insecticides, new manufacturing techniques, an as yet unregulated pharmaceutical industry, the availability of combinations of herbs over the counter and not mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic texts, and the need to look at the active principles of these medicines as potential chemotherapeutic agents. The Indian traditional medicine industry has come a long way from the times when it was considered unnecessary to test these formulations prior to use, to the introduction of Good Manufacturing Practice guidelines for the industry. However, we still have a long way to go. The conflict between the traditional practitioners and the purists demanding evidence of safety and efficacy needs to be addressed. There is an urgent need for the practitioners of the allopathic and non-allopathic systems to work together to optimise the risk-benefit profile of these medicines.