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IJCSMS International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, Vol. 12 Issue 01, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 2231-5268
Security Issues Pertaining to Ad
Security Issues Pertaining to AdSecurity Issues Pertaining to Ad
Security Issues Pertaining to Ad-
-Hoc Networks
Hoc NetworksHoc Networks
Hoc Networks
Rishu Bhatia
, Deepak Gupta
, Shankar Kumar Vijay
Assistant Professor, GITAM, Kablana, Haryana
M.Tech. Scholar,S.B.M.N. , Rohtak , Haryana
M.Tech. Scholar, ITM , Bhilwara, Rajasthan
A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring
network of mobile routers (and associated hosts) connected
by wireless links—the union of which form an arbitrary
topology. The routers are free to move randomly and
organize themselves arbitrarily; thus, the network's wireless
topology may change rapidly and unpredictably. MANETs
are usually set up in situations of emergency for temporary
operations or simply if there are no resources to set up
elaborate networks. These types of networks operate in the
absence of any fixed infrastructure, which makes them easy
to deploy, at the same time however, due to the absence of
any fixed infrastructure, it becomes difficult to make use of
the existing routing techniques for network services, and
this poses a number of challenges in ensuring the security
of the communication, something that is not easily done as
many of the demands of network security conflict with the
demands of mobile networks, mainly due to the nature of
the mobile devices (e.g. low power consumption, low
processing load). Many of the ad hoc routing protocols that
address security issues rely on implicit trust relationships to
route packets among participating nodes. Besides the
general security objectives like authentication,
confidentiality, integrity, availability and non-repudiation,
the ad hoc routing protocols should also address location
confidentiality, cooperation fairness and absence of traffic
diversion. In this paper we attempt to analyze threats faced
by the ad hoc network environment and provide a
classification of the various security mechanisms. We
analyzed the respective strengths and vulnerabilities of the
existing routing protocols and suggest a broad and
comprehensive framework that can provide a tangible
Keywords: MANET, Security issues, Routing
Ad-hoc networks are a new paradigm of wireless
communication for mobile hosts. There is no fixed
infrastructure such as base stations for mobile
switching. Nodes within each other’s radio range
communicate directly via wireless links while those
which are far apart rely on other nodes to relay
messages. Node mobility causes frequent changes in
topology. The wireless nature of communication and
lack of any security infrastructure raises several
security problems. The following flowchart depicts
the working of any general ad-hoc network.
There are two different types of wireless networks:
• The easiest network topology is where each node
is able to reach all the other nodes with a
traditional radio relay system with a big range.
There is no use of routing protocols with this
kind of network because all nodes “can see” the
• The second kind uses also the radio relay system
but each node has a smaller range, therefore one
node has to use neighboring nodes to reach
another node that is not within its transmission
range. Then, the intermediate nodes are the
This being said, we can now concentrate on the
security aspect of the ad-hoc network. In this paper
our main focus is regarding the security of the
currently implemented routing algorithms. The focus
is mainly on the security of the routing protocols used
in the second kind of ad-hoc network described
IJCSMS International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, Vol. 12 Issue 01, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 2231-5268
Nodes send signal to find the number of other nodes within range
Synchronizing between nodes
Sender node send messages to receiving node
receiving node ready
Communication begins
Termination Process
Receiving node
Send back
Ready signal
Is Wait for
Figure 1: Working of a general Ad-Hoc Network
Any routing protocol must encapsulate an essential
set of security mechanisms. These are mechanisms
that help prevent, detect, and respond to security
attacks. There are five major security goals that need
to be addressed in order to maintain a reliable and
secure ad-hoc network environment. They are
Confidentiality: Protection of any information from
being exposed to unintended entities. In ad-hoc
networks this is more difficult to achieve because
intermediates nodes (that act as routers) receive the
packets for other recipients, so they can easily
eavesdrop the information being routed.
Availability: Services should be available whenever
required. There should be an assurance of
survivability despite a Denial of Service (DOS)
attack. On physical and media access control layer
attacker can use jamming techniques to interfere with
communication on physical channel. On network
layer the attacker can disrupt the routing protocol. On
higher layers, the attacker could bring down high
level services e.g. key management service.
Authentication: Assurance that an entity of concern
or the origin of a communication is what it claims to
be or from. Without which an attacker would
impersonate a node, thus gaining unauthorized access
to resource and sensitive information and interfering
with operation of other nodes.
Integrity: Message being transmitted is never altered.
Non-repudiation: Ensures that sending and receiving
parties can never deny ever sending or receiving the
All the above security mechanisms must be
implemented in any ad-hoc networks so as to ensure
the security of the transmissions along that network.
Thus whenever considering any security issues with
respect to a network, we always need to ensure that
the above mentioned 5 security goals have been put
into effect and none (most) of them are flawed.
Contemporary Routing Protocols for ad-hoc networks
cope well with dynamically changing topology but
are not designed to accommodate defense against
malicious attackers. No single standard protocol
captures the common security threats and provides
the guidelines to a secure routing scheme. Routers
exchange network topology, informally, in order to
establish routes between nodes and other networks
which act as another potential target for malicious
attackers. Broadly there are two major categories of
attacks when considering any network Attacks from
external sources and attacks from within the network.
The second attack is more severe and detection and
correction is difficult. Routing protocol should be
able to secure themselves against both of these
Malicious vs. selfish behavior: As there is no
infrastructure in mobile ad-hoc networks, the nodes
have to cooperate in order to communicate.
Intentional non-cooperation is mainly caused by two
types of nodes: selfish ones that, e.g., want to save
power, and malicious nodes that are not primarily
concerned with power saving but that are interested
in attacking the network.
The contemporary routing protocols for ad-hoc
networks cope well with dynamically changing
topology but are not designed to accommodate
defense against malicious attackers. Today’s routing
algorithms are not able to thwart common security
threats. Most of the existing ad hoc routing protocols
IJCSMS International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, Vol. 12 Issue 01, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 2231-5268
do not accommodate any security and are highly
vulnerable to attacks.
Routers exchange network topology informally in
order to establish routes between nodes - another
potential target for malicious attackers who intend to
bring down the network. External attackers inject
erroneous routing information, replaying old routing
information or distort routing information in order to
partition a network or overload a network with
retransmissions, thereby causing congestion, and
hence a denial of service. Internally compromised
nodes are harder to detect and correct. Routing
information signed by each node will not work since
compromised nodes can generate valid signatures
using their private keys. Detection of compromised
nodes through routing information is also difficult
due to the dynamic topology of ad-hoc networks.
In mobile ad-hoc networks, nodes do not rely on any
routing infrastructure but relay packets for each
other. Thus communication in mobile ad-hoc
networks functions properly only if the participating
nodes cooperate in routing and forwarding. However,
it may be advantageous for individual nodes not to
cooperate, for example to save power or to launch
security attacks such as denial-of-service. In this
paper, we give an overview of potential
vulnerabilities and security requirements of mobile
ad-hoc networks, and proposed prevention, detection
and reaction mechanisms to thwart attacks.
A. Types of Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols
Basically there are two types of routing protocols:
• Proactive Routing Protocols: Herein the nodes
keep updating their routing tables by periodical
messages. This can be seen in Optimized Link
State Routing Protocol (OLSR) and the
Topology Broadcast based on Reverse Path
Forwarding Protocol (TBRPF).
• Reactive or On Demand Routing Protocols: Here
the routes are created only when they are needed.
The application of this protocol can be seen in
the Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR)
and the Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector
Routing Protocol (AODV).
In today’s world the most common ad-hoc protocols
are the Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing
protocol and the Destination-Sequenced Distance-
Vector routing protocol and the Dynamic Source
Routing. All these protocols are quite insecure
because attackers can easily obtain information about
the network topology. This is because in the AODV
and DSR protocols, the route discovery packets are
carried in clear text. Thus a malicious node can
discover the network structure just by analyzing this
kind of packets and may be able to determine the role
of each node in the network. With all this information
more serious attacks can be launched in order to
disrupt network operations.
B. Types of Attacks Faced by Routing
Due to their underlined architecture, ad-hoc networks
are more easily attacked than a wired network. The
attacks prevalent on ad-hoc routing protocols can be
broadly classified into passive and active attacks.
A Passive Attack does not disrupt the operation of the
protocol, but tries to discover valuable information
by listening to traffic. Passive attacks basically
involve obtaining vital routing information by
sniffing about the network. Such attacks are usually
difficult to detect and hence, defending against such
attacks is complicated. Even if it is not possible to
identify the exact location of a node, one may be able
to discover information about the network topology,
using these attacks.
An Active Attack, however, injects arbitrary packets
and tries to disrupt the operation of the protocol in
order to limit availability, gain authentication, or
attract packets destined to other nodes. The goal is
basically to attract all packets to the attacker for
analysis or to disable the network. Such attacks can
be detected and the nodes can be identified.
We will now present a brief overview of 3 of the
more prominent attacks prevalent against ad-hoc
networks, most of which are active attacks.
1. Attacks based on modification
This is the simplest way for a malicious node to
disturb the operations of an ad-hoc network. The only
task the malicious node needs to perform, is to
announce better routes (to reach other nodes or just a
specific one) than the ones presently existing. This
kind of attack is based on the modification of the
metric value for a route or by altering control
IJCSMS International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, Vol. 12 Issue 01, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 2231-5268
message fields. There are 3 ways in which this can be
Redirection by Changing the Route Sequence
Number: When deciding upon the best / optimum
path to take through a network, the node always
relies on a metric of values, such as hop count delays
etc. The smaller that value, the more optimum the
path. Hence, a simple way to attack a network is to
change this value with a smaller number than the last
“better” value.
Redirection by Altering the Hop Count: This attack is
more specific to the AODV protocol wherein the
optimum path is chosen by the hop count metric. A
malicious node can disturb the network by
announcing the smallest hop count value to reach the
compromised node. In general, an attacker would use
a value zero to ensure to the smallest hop count.
Taking for example the ‘wormhole’ attack, an
attacker records packets at one location in the
network, tunnels them to another location, and
retransmits them there into the network. This could
potentially lead to a situation where, it would not be
possible to find routes longer than one or two hops,
probably disrupting communication.
Denial of Service by Altering Routing Information:
Consider, in a bus topology, a scenario wherein a
node A wants to communicate with node E. At node
A the routing path in the header would be A-B-C-D-
E. If B is a compromised node, it can alter this
routing detail to A-B-C-E. But since there exists no
direct route from C to E, C will drop the packet.
Thus, A will never be able to access any service /
information from E.
Another instance can be seen when considering a
category of attacks called ‘The Black Hole Attacks’.
Here, a malicious node uses the routing protocol to
advertise itself as having the shortest path to the node
whose packets it wants to intercept. Once the
malicious node has been able to insert itself between
the communicating nodes, it can do anything with the
packets passing between them. It can then choose to
drop the packets thereby creating a DoS.
2. Impersonation Attacks
More generally known as ‘spoofing’, since the
malicious node hides its’ IP and or MAC address and
uses that of another node. Since current ad-hoc
routing protocols like AODV and DSR do not
authenticate source IP address, a malicious node can
launch many attacks by using spoofing. Take for
example a situation where in an attacker creates loops
in the network to isolate a node from the remainder
of the network. To do this, the attacker needs to spoof
the IP address of the node he wants to isolate from
the network and then announce new route to the
others nodes. By doing this, he can easily modify the
network topology as he wants.
3. Attack by Fabrication of Information
There are basically 3 sub categories for fabrication
attacks. In any of the 3 cases, detection is very
Falsification of Rote Error Messages: This attack is
very prominent in AODV and DSR, because these
two protocols use path maintenance to recover the
optimum path when nodes move. The weakness of
this architecture is that whenever a node moves, the
closest node sends an “error” message to the other
nodes so as to inform them that a route is no longer
accessible. If an attacker can cause a DoS attack by
spoofing any node and sending error messages to the
all other nodes. Thus, the malicious node can isolate
any node quite easily.
Corrupting Routing State - Route Cache Poisoning:
A passive attack that can occur especially in DSR due
to the promiscuous mode of updating routing tables
which is employed. This occurs when information
stored in routing tables is deleted, altered or injected
with false information. A node overhearing any
packet may add the routing information contained in
that packet's header to its own route cache, even if
that node is not on the path from source to
destination. The vulnerability of this system is that an
attacker could easily exploit this method of learning
routes and poison route caches by broadcast a
message with a spoofed IP address to other nodes.
When they receive this message, the nodes would add
this new route to their cache and would now
communicate using the route to reach the malicious
Routing table overflow attack: Consider ad-hoc
network is using a “proactive” protocol i.e. an
algorithm which tries to find routing information
even before it is needed. This creates vulnerabilities
since the attacker can attempt to create routes to non-
existent nodes. If enough routes are created, new
IJCSMS International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, Vol. 12 Issue 01, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 2231-5268
routes can no longer be added due to an
overwhelming pressure on the protocol.
After considering all the above plausible attacks we
can draw a conclusion that we need to have a routing
protocol that establishes routes without being
susceptible to false information from any malicious
node. A good routing protocol should also be able to
detect the malicious nodes and to react in
consequence, by changing routes, etc. A malicious
node can however, be either a potential attacker or a
regular node which encountered problems (low
battery, etc.).
Insider Attacks:
Dr. Peng Ning and Kun identified the misuse goals
an inside attacker may desire to achieve and further
classify the misuses of the AODV protocol into two
categories namely atomic misuses and compound
Misuse goals:
Route Disruption (RD): Breaking down an existing
route or preventing a new route from being
Route Invasion (RI): Inside attacker adds itself
between two endpoints of a communication channel.
Node Isolation (NI): Preventing a node from
communicating with any other node.
Resource Consumption (RC): Consuming network
bandwidth or storage space.
Rushing Attacks:
IT is a new attack that results in denial-of-service
when used against all previous on-demand ad hoc
network routing protocols. For example, DSR,
AODV, and secure protocols based on them, such as
Ariadne, ARAN, and SAODV, are unable to discover
routes longer than two hops when subject to this
In general terms, an attacker that can forward
ROUTE REQUESTs more quickly than legitimate
nodes can do so, can increase the probability that
routes that include the attacker will be discovered
rather than other valid routes. This attack is also
particularly damaging because it can be performed by
a relatively weak attacker.
A Rushing Attack Prevention (RAP) is a generic
defense against the rushing attack for on-demand
protocols. also identifies the threats to routing
protocols of wired networks and wireless Ad Hoc
networks and discusses the existing secure routing
protocols, and point out their drawbacks and
In order to provide solutions to the security issues
involved in ad-hoc networks, we must elaborate on
the two of the most commonly used approaches in
use today:
• Prevention
• Detection and Reaction
Prevention dictates solutions that are designed such
that malicious nodes are thwarted from actively
initiating attacks. Prevention mechanisms require
encryption techniques to provide authentication,
confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation of
routing information. Among the existing preventive
approaches, some proposals use symmetric
algorithms, some use asymmetric algorithms, while
the others use one-way hashing, each having different
trade-offs and goals.
Prevention mechanisms, by themselves cannot ensure
complete cooperation among nodes in the network.
Detection on the other hand specifics solutions that
attempt to identify clues of any malicious activity in
the network and take punitive actions against such
nodes. A node may misbehave by agreeing to
forward packets and then failing to do so, because it
is overloaded, selfish or malicious. An overloaded
node lacks the CPU cycles, buffer space or available
network bandwidth to forward packets. A selfish
node is unwilling to spend battery life, CPU cycles or
available network bandwidth to forward packets not
of direct interest to it, even though it expects others to
forward packets on its behalf. A malicious node
launches a denial of service attack by dropping
packets. All protocols defined in this category detect
and react to such misbehavior.
IJCSMS International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, Vol. 12 Issue 01, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 2231-5268
Using this as the basis for our survey, we describe the
following broad classifications:
A. Prevention using asymmetric cryptography
using symmetric cryptography using one-way hash
B. Detection and Reaction
A.(a) Prevention using asymmetric cryptography
Asymmetric cryptographic techniques specify the
underlined basic methodology of operation for
protocols under this category. A secure wired
networks or a similar network is required to distribute
public keys or digital certificates in the ad-hoc
network. Mathematically speaking a network with n
nodes would require n public keys stored in the
network. SAODV (an extension to AODV routing
protocol) and ARAN are two of the protocols
defined in this category.
A.(b) Prevention using symmetric cryptography
Symmetric cryptographic techniques are used to
avoid attacks on routing protocols in this section. We
assume that symmetric keys are pre-negotiated via a
secured wired connection. Taking a mathematical
approach we see that a network with ‘n’ nodes would
require n * (n + 1) / 2 pair wise keys stored in the
network. SAR and SRP are the two protocols that
belong to this category.
A.(c) Prevention using one-way hash chains
This category defines a one-way hash chain to
prevent attacks on routing protocols. They protect
modification of routing information such as metric,
sequence number and source route. SEAD and
Ariadne fall into this category.
B. Detection and Reaction
Detection on the other hand specifics solutions that
attempt to identify clues of any malicious activity in
the network and take punitive actions against such
nodes. All protocols in this category are designed
such that they are able to detect malicious activates
and react to the threat as needed. Byzantine ,
CONFIDANT , DSR, CORE and a protocol that uses
Watchdog and Pathrater are the few protocols
specified in this section.
A.(a) Prevention using Asymmetric Cryptography:
Secure Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector
Routing Protocol (SAODV) adds security to the
famous AODV protocol. Its basic functionality lies in
securing the ADOV protocol by authenticating the
non-mutable fields of the routing message using
digital signatures.
It also provides an end-to-end authentication and
node-to-node verification of these messages. The
underlined process is relatively simple. The source
node digitally signs the route request packet (RREQ)
and broadcasts it to its neighbors. When an
intermediate node receives a RREQ message, it first
verifies the signature before creating or updating a
reverse route to its predecessor. It then stores or
updates the route only if the signature is verified. A
similar procedure is followed for the route reply
packet (RREP). As an optimization, intermediate
nodes can reply with RREP messages, if they have a
“fresh enough” route to the destination. Since the
intermediate node will have to digitally sign the
RREP message as if it came from the destination, it
uses the double signature extension described in this
The only mutable field in SAODV messages is the
hop-count value. In order to prevent wormhole
attacks this protocol computes a hash of the hop
count field.
Authenticated Routing for Ad-hoc Networks
(ARAN) is an on-demand routing protocol that
makes use of cryptographic certificates to offer
routing security. Its main usage is seen in managed-
open environments. It consists of a preliminary
certification process followed by a route instantiation
process that guarantees end-to-end authentication.
This protocol requires the use of a trusted certificate
server T, whose public key is known to all the nodes
in the network. End-to-end authentication is achieved
by the source by having it verify that the intended
destination was reached. In this process, the source
trusts the destination to choose the return path. The
source begins route instantiation by broadcasting a
Route Discovery Packet (RDP) that is digitally
IJCSMS International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, Vol. 12 Issue 01, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 2231-5268
signed by the source. Following this, every
intermediate node verifies the integrity of the packet
received by verifying the signature. The first
intermediate node appends its own signature
encapsulated over the signed packet that it received
from the source. All subsequent intermediate nodes
remove the signature of their predecessors, verify it
and then append their signature to the packet. The
RDP packet contains a nonce and timestamp to
prevent replay attacks and to detect looping.
Similarly, each node along the reverse path
(destination to source) signs the REP and appends its
own certificate before forwarding the REP to the next
Although hashing the hop-count value prevents
malicious nodes in advertising shorter routes in
SAODV, it does not prevent nodes from advertising
longer routes. Nodes can forward routing messages
by applying the hash function multiple times making
the route appear longer than it is.
One of the main issues with the ARAN protocol is
the requirement of a certificate server, which means
that the integrity of that server is vital. This is by
however, only a design issue and as it is intended for
securing communication over a managed-open
environment it shouldn’t be considered a big issue.
Both the protocols in this category do not address
wormhole attacks. While ARAN provides both node-
to-node and end-to-end authentication, it does not
have any significant gain over SAODV (that uses
only end-to-end authentication) in terms of security.
A.(b) Prevention using Symmetric Cryptography:
Security-Aware ad hoc Routing (SAR) an attempt
to use traditional shared symmetric key encryption in
order to provide a higher level of security in ad-hoc
networks. SAR can basically extend any of the
current ad-hoc routing protocols without any major
The SAR protocol makes use of trust levels (security
attributes assigned to nodes) to make informed,
secure routing decision. Although current routing
protocols discover the shortest path between two
nodes, SAR can discover a path with desired security
attributes (E.g. a path through nodes with a particular
shared key). The different trust levels are
implemented using shared symmetric keys. In order
for a node to forward or receive a packet it first has to
decrypt it and therefore it needs the required key.
Any nodes not on the requested trust level will not
have the key and cannot forward or read the packets
Every node sending a packet decides what trust level
to use for the transfer and thereby decides the trust
level required by every node that will forward the
packet to its final destination.
Figure 2: Variation of shortest path route selection
between SAR and other routing algorithms
SAR is indeed secure in the way that it does ensure
that only nodes having the required trust level will
read and reroute the packets being sent.
Unfortunately, SAR still leaves a lot of security
issues uncovered and still open for attacks such as:
o Nothing is done to prevent intervention of a
possibly malicious node from being used for
routing, as long as they have the required
o If a malicious node somehow retrieves the
required key the protocol has no further
security measure to prevent against the
attacker from bringing the entire network to
a standstill.
o There is excessive encryption and
decryption required at each hop. Since we
are dealing with mobile environments the
extra processing leading to increased power
consumption can be a problem.
SAR is intended for the managed-open environment
as it requires some sort of key distribution system in
order to distribute the trust level keys to the correct
IJCSMS International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, Vol. 12 Issue 01, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 2231-5268
Secure Routing Protocol (SRP) is another protocol
extension that can be applied to any of the most
commonly used protocols today. The basic idea of
SRP is to set up a security association (SA) between
the source and the destination node. An SA is a
secret-key scheme used to preserve integrity in the
routing information. The SA is usually set up by
negotiating a shared key based on the other party’s
public key, and after that the key can be used to
encrypt and decrypt the messages. The routing path is
always sent along with the packets, unencrypted
though (since none of the intermediate nodes have
knowledge of the shared key).
The above features are achieved with low
computational cost and bit overhead. In addition, the
protocol is practically immune to IP spoofing and
implements partial caching without compromising
security in the network. More than one RREQ packet
reaches the destination through different routes. The
destination calculates a MAC covering the RREP
contents and then returns the packet to the source
over the reverse route accumulated in the respective
RREQ packet. The destination responds to one or
more route request packets to provide the source with
an as diverse topology picture as possible.
A sample working of the protocol follows:
The source node (S) initiates the route discovery by
constructing a route request packet. The route request
packet is identified by a random query identifier
(rnd#) and a sequence number (sq#). We assume that
a security association (a shared key K
) is
established between source (S) and destination (T).
S constructs a MAC such that, MAC = h(S, T, rnd#,
sq#, K
). In addition the IP addresses of the
traversed intermediate nodes are accumulated in the
route request packet.
Intermediate nodes relay route requests. The
intermediate nodes also maintain a limited amount of
state information regarding relayed queries (by
storing their random sequence number), so that
previously seen route requests are discarded.
Figure 3: Sample working of SRP
More than one route request packet reaches the
destination through different routes. The destination
T calculates a MAC covering the route reply contents
and then returns the packet to S over the reverse route
accumulated in the respective request packet. The
destination responds to one or more route request
packets to provide the source with an as diverse
topology picture as possible.
The evident failing, however, is that it exposes
network infrastructure information to potential
attackers. In fact one of the main security issues in
SRP is that it has no defense against the “invisible
node” attack that simply puts itself (and possibly a
large number of other invisible nodes) somewhere
along the message path without adding itself to the
path, thereby causing potentially big problems as far
as routing goes.
A.(c) Prevention using One-Way Hash Chains:
The main objective of the protocol is to avoid any
malicious node from falsely advertising a better route
or tamper the sequence number in the packet that it
received from the source. They basically implement
features to protect modification of routing
information such as metric, sequence number and
source route.
SEAD uses a one-way hash chains for authenticating
the metric and the sequence number. Each node
creates a one-way hash chain and uses the elements
in groups of ‘m’ (given m as the diameter of the
network) for each sequence number. Each node uses
a specific single next element from its hash chain in
IJCSMS International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, Vol. 12 Issue 01, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 2231-5268
each routing update that it sends about itself (metric
0). The upper bound of the network is denoted by (m-
An entry is authenticated by using the sequence
number in that entry to determine a contiguous group
of m elements from that destination node’s hash
chain, one element of which must be used to
authenticate that routing update. The one-way nature
of hash chains prevents any node from advertising a
route with a greater sequence number than the
source’s sequence number.
Figure 4: Hash chains in SEAD
To avoid routing loops the source of each routing
update message must be authenticated. This protocol
requires pair wise shared secret keys or broadcast
authentication such as TESLA, HORS or TIK to
authenticate neighbors.
The ARIADNE protocol relies only on highly
efficient symmetric cryptography. The protocol
primarily discusses the use of a broadcast
authentication protocol namely TESLA, because of
its efficiency and requires low synchronization time
rather than the high key setup overhead of using pair-
wise shared keys. Other authentication protocols such
as BiBa are / can also be used for this purpose.
This proposal is an on-demand routing protocol. The
design of Ariadne can be viewed as a 3 step process:
1. Authentication of RREQ by target: To convince the
target of the legitimacy of each field in a RREQ, the
initiator includes a MAC computed with a shared key
over a timestamp.
2. Mechanisms for authenticating data in RREQ and
RREP: The scheme allows the initiator to
authenticate each individual node in the node list of
the RREP. The target can authenticate each node in
the node list of the RREQ, so that it will return
RREP only along paths that contain legitimate
nodes. 3 alternative techniques are available to
achieve the node list authentication. These are the
TESLA protocol, Digital Signatures and standard
MAC. Out of these TESLA is the most widely used
due to its inexpensive requirements.
3. Per-hop hashing technique: A one-way hash
function is used to avoid a node from being removed
from the node list in the RREQ message. The source
initializes the hash chain to a MAC with a key shared
between the source and target. When an intermediate
node receives the request, it appends its identifier to
the hash chain and rehashes it. The target verifies
each hop of the path by comparing the received hash
and the computed hash of the MAC. To change or
remove a previous hop, the attacker must be able to
invert the one-way hash function, which has been
proved computationally infeasible
B. Detection and Reaction: For Byzantine Failures
It describes an on demand routing protocol that
incorporates detection mechanism into its algorithm
and attempts to survive under an adversarial network
failures which include modification/fabrication of
packets, dropping packets, among others, caused by
selfish or malicious nodes, collectively known as
Byzantine failures.
Figure 5: Hash chains in SEAD
The above figure depicts the 3 phases of the
Byzantine algorithm, i.e. Link Weight Management,
Route Discovery with Fault Avoidance, and
Byzantine Fault Detection.
A general working schema follows:
Each node maintains reliability metrics based on the
past history in the link weight management phase.
During the route discovery phase, faulty paths
(higher weights) are avoided by choosing alternate
available paths. The Byzantine fault detection
algorithm presented is an ‘adaptive probing
technique’ that detects a malicious link after log n
faults have occurred, where n is the length of the
path. In the absence of malicious nodes, the
algorithm has very little overheads for the
IJCSMS International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, Vol. 12 Issue 01, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 2231-5268
authentication of RREQ. However is there does exist
some malicious links, they will trigger the fault
detection technique, which involves overheads in
terms of the encryption needed, and can detect the
faulty link after log n faults.
• Detection and Reaction: Core
CORE suggests a generic mechanism to enforce
node cooperation based on a collaborative monitoring
technique. It can be integrated with any network and
application layer function that can include packet
forwarding, route discovery, network management,
location management, among others. It proposes a
reputation based detection framework to tackle
selfish behavior of nodes. All the services available
from the network, such as forwarding, are treated as
functions and reputation is calculated for each such
CORE defines three types of reputations, subjective,
indirect and functional. Each node maintains a
watchdog component and a reputation table for every
function with entries for other nodes in the network.
Subjective reputation is based on the observed
behavior of the neighboring nodes. Indirect
reputation is calculated from information from other
nodes. Functional reputation is a global value
obtained by assigning different weights to different
functions. Based on these factors, a persistent non-
cooperative behavior by any node will lead to its
exclusion from the network.
• Detection and Reaction: Confidant
Confidant attempts to detect and isolate misbehaving
nodes(or nodes with grudges) in an ad-hoc network,
thus making it unattractive to deny cooperation and
participation. Trust relationships and routing
decisions are made based on experienced, observed,
or reported routing and forwarding behavior of other
nodes. The protocol has been described using
Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) in the network layer.
Each node consists of 4 basic components:
1. The Monitor: watches its neighbors for any
malicious behavior. If such behavior is detected, the
reputation system is invoked.
2. The Reputation System: manages a table
consisting of entries for each node and its ratings.
Ratings are changed according to a rate function that
assigns different weights to the type of behavior
Figure 6: Trust architecture and FMS within each
node of a Confidant
3. The Trust Manager: responsible for calculating
trust levels of nodes and dealing with all incoming
and outgoing alarm messages.
4. The Path Manager: manages all path
information, i.e. adds, deletes or updates paths
according to the feedback it receives from the
reputation system
• Detection and Reaction: Protocol Using
Watchdog and Pathrater
This proposal describes two techniques that improve
throughput of an ad-hoc network in the presence of
nodes that agree to forward packets but fail to do so
do to some malicious activity. To mitigate this
problem, the protocol proposes categorizing nodes
based on their dynamically measured behavior. A
watchdog is used to identify all misbehaving nodes
while the parthrater avoids routing packets through
these nodes. These act as upgrades / plug-ins and
hence can be applied to existing protocols with
minimal changes to the underlying routing algorithm.
A sample working follows:
IJCSMS International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, Vol. 12 Issue 01, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 2231-5268
When a node forwards a packet, the Watchdog
verifies that the neighbor on the path also forwards
the packet. This is done by listening to the
transmissions of all neighbors. The watchdog then
assign positive values to a node that forwards packets
successfully and a negative value after a threshold
level of misbehavior has been observed.
Figure 7: Operation performed by the Watchdog
The Pathrater uses this knowledge of the
misbehaving nodes to choose the network path that is
most likely to deliver packets. The decision is taken
based on the average of the values obtained by the
watchdog about each node in the path. In any
reputation-based mechanism, detecting the
propagation of positive ratings by colluding nodes is
a challenging task. Further, if a node is unable to
forward packets either due to overload or low
transmission power, detection protocols assume
misbehavior in such circumstances, resulting in false
• Approaches to thwart selfishness:
addresses the problem of service availability in
mobile ad-hoc WANs. A secure mechanism is
studied to stimulate end users to keep their devices
turned on, to refrain from overloading the network,
and to thwart tampering aimed at converting the
device into a ``selfish`` one. The mechanism is based
on the application of a tamper resistant security
module in each device and cryptographic protection
of messages.
• Position aided routing protocols:
Position aided routing protocols can offer a
significant performance increase over traditional ad
hoc routing protocols. These routing protocols use
geographical information to make forwarding
decisions, resulting in a significant reduction in the
number of routing messages. Presents methods of
protecting position information in MANET routing
protocols, and ways to use the position information to
enhance performance and security of MANET
routing protocols. “Secure Position Aided Ad hoc
Routing” (SPAAR), is a routing protocol designed to
use protected position information to improve
security, efficiency, and performance in MANET
SPAAR uses position information to improve
performance and security, while keeping position
information protected from unauthorized nodes. For
MANET routing protocols to achieve a high level of
security, we allow nodes to only accept routing
messages from one-hop neighbors. In SPAAR, with
the aid of position information, a node may verify its
one-hop neighbors before including them in the
routing protocol. SPAAR requires that each device
can determine its own location. GPS receivers are
relatively inexpensive and lightweight, so it is
reasonable to assume that all devices in our network
are equipped with one.
A. Routing Protocols:
Due to the resource limitations imposed in an ad hoc
environment, reactive on demand routing approaches
like AODV are preferred to the proactive routing
protocols in order to conserve the resources of the
nodes. Then security features were incorporated into
those protocols (such as SAODV) which use
asymmetric cryptography for authentication to
address security issues. Authentication has been
achieved using either node-to-node (SAODV) or end-
to-end (ARIADNE) techniques. SAR provides a
different direction by incorporating security itself as a
metric. SEAD and its successor ARIADNE use one-
way hash functions to prevent uncoordinated
attackers from creating incorrect routing state in
another node. ARIADNE also provides a method of
broadcasting using TELSA. A new trend that has
evolved makes use of a simple packet forwarding
mechanism, instead of storing routing tables in
devices. This mechanism uses a currency approach
(nuggets), which thwarts selfish behavior in the
IJCSMS International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, Vol. 12 Issue 01, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 2231-5268
B. Intrusion:
(a)New architecture for Intrusion Detection Schemes
IDS should be both distributed and cooperative to
suit the needs of wireless ad-hoc networks. Every
node in the wireless ad-hoc network should
participate in intrusion detection. Each node is
responsible for detecting intrusion locally and
independently but neighboring nodes can form an
association and collaboratively investigate in a
broader range. Each node within the network has its
own individual IDS agent and these agents run
independently and monitor user and system activities
as well as communication activities within the radio
range. If an anomaly is detected in the local data or if
the evidence is inconclusive, IDS agents on the
neighboring nodes will cooperatively participate in a
global intrusion detection scheme. These individual
IDS agents constitute the IDS system to protect the
wireless ad-hoc network
(b) Intrusion Response (IR):
The type of intrusion response depends on the type of
intrusion, the type of network protocols and the
confidence in the veracity of the audit trace data. The
response might range from resetting the
communication channels between nodes or
identifying the compromised nodes and precluding
them from the network. The IDS agent can notify the
end user to do his/her own investigation and take the
necessary action. It can also send re-authentication
requests to all nodes on the network to prompt the
respective end users to authenticate themselves. Only
the re-authenticated nodes participate in negotiating a
new communication channel and will recognize each
other as legitimate nodes. Thus the malicious nodes
can be precluded.
C. Anomaly detection:
(a) Detecting Abnormal Updates to Routing Tables:
A legitimate change in the routing table is caused by
physical motion of the nodes or changes in the
membership of the network. For a node, its physical
movement from network to network and change in its
own routing table are the only data entities it can trust
and hence they are used as a basis for the trace. The
physical movement is measured by distance,
direction and velocity. The routing table change is
measured by Percentage of changed routes (PCR),
and the percentage change in the sum of hops of all
routes (PCH). During the “training” process, a wide
variety of normal situations is simulated and the
corresponding trace data is gathered for each node.
The audit/trace data of all the nodes in the network
are then merged together to get a set of all normal
changes to the routing table for all nodes. The normal
profile specifies the correlation of the physical
movement of the node and the changes in the routing
table. The classification algorithm classifies available
trace data into ranges. For a particular trace data, if
the PCR value is beyond the valid range for a
particular movement then it is considered to be an
anomalous situation and the necessary procedures are
Mobile ad-hoc networks have properties that increase
their vulnerability to attacks. Unreliable wireless
links are vulnerable to jamming and by their inherent
broadcast nature facilitate eavesdropping. Constraints
in bandwidth, computing power, and battery power in
mobile devices can lead to application-specific trade-
offs between security and resource consumption of
the device. Mobility/Dynamics make it hard to detect
behavior anomalies such as advertising bogus routes,
because routes in this environment change frequently.
Self-organization is a key property of ad-hoc
networks. They cannot rely on central authorities and
infrastructures, e.g. for key management. Latency is
inherently increased in wireless multi-hop networks,
rendering message exchange for security more
expensive. Multiple paths are likely to be available.
This property offers an advantage over infrastructure-
based local area networks that can be exploited by
diversity coding.
The lack of infrastructure and of an organizational
environment of mobile ad-hoc networks offers
special opportunities to attackers. Without proper
security, it is possible to gain various advantages by
malicious behavior: better service than cooperating
nodes, monetary benefits by exploiting incentive
measures or trading confidential information; saving
power by selfish behavior; preventing someone else
from getting proper service, extracting data to get
confidential information, and so on. Routes should be
advertised and set up adhering to the routing protocol
chosen and should truthfully reflect the knowledge of
the topology of the network. By diverting the traffic
towards or away from a node, incorrect forwarding,
no forwarding at all, or other non-cooperative
IJCSMS International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, Vol. 12 Issue 01, January 2012
ISSN (Online): 2231-5268
behavior, nodes can attack the network. We have
discussed the various routing and forwarding attacks
in this survey.
Even though prevention works as the first line of
defense, it is not sufficient in addressing all the
security threats. Hence we suggest an integrated
layered framework which adopts the prevention
techniques for the first level and detection techniques
can be used at the second level complementing the
protection techniques.
Open Problems: There are many open research
challenges, because by definition mobile ad-hoc
networks are self-organized and have no
infrastructure and central authorities. Examples
include self-organized key management, cooperation
incentives, group-membership and access control,
authentication and identity persistence, and trust
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