
Evaluation of the horticultural traits of genus Alstroemeria and genus Bomarea (Alstroemeriaceae)

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We investigated the flower characteristics of 7 Alstroemeriaceae plants - 5 Alstroemeria L. species and 2 Bomarea Mirb. species. The flower and tepal sizes, and tepal colours were compared. The flower shape in Alstroemeria psittacina Lehm. was found to be similar to that in Bomarea coccinea (Ruiz & Pav.) Baker. The length/width ratio of B. salsilla (L.) Mirb. was intermediate compared with that of the other species. These preliminary data will be useful in selecting wild species in order to examine interspecific or intergeneric hybridisations in the breeding of Alstroemeriaceae plants.

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... Las especies de Alstroemeria son hierbas perennes, rizomatozas, apreciadas por su valor ornamental (Rustanius et al. 1991, Buitendijk & Ramanna 1996, Buitendijk et al. 1997, Kashihara et al. 2011. Varias especies chilenas son parentales de híbridos interespecíficos utilizados para el cultivo, entre las cuales podemos mencionar A. aurea Graham, A. pelegrina L., A. ligtu L., A. pulchra Sims y A. magnifica Herbet, entre otras . ...
... Las flores de A. magnifica son especialmente hermosas y es una de las especies chilenas con flores más grandes. Su potencial como especie ornamental es enorme, como lo es en general para todo el género Alstroemeria (Kashihara et al. 2011, Assis 2004 Por su valor ornamental, el estudio del color de las flores de Alstroemeria ha concitado la atención de varios autores (Saito et al. 1985, 1988, Norbaek et al. 1996, 1998, Kashihara et al. 2011. En el género Alstroemeria es posible encontrar flores blancas, amarillas, rosadas, anaranjadas, rojas y purpúreas (Bayer 1987); los tres últimos colores son producidos por antocianinas. ...
... Las flores de A. magnifica son especialmente hermosas y es una de las especies chilenas con flores más grandes. Su potencial como especie ornamental es enorme, como lo es en general para todo el género Alstroemeria (Kashihara et al. 2011, Assis 2004 Por su valor ornamental, el estudio del color de las flores de Alstroemeria ha concitado la atención de varios autores (Saito et al. 1985, 1988, Norbaek et al. 1996, 1998, Kashihara et al. 2011. En el género Alstroemeria es posible encontrar flores blancas, amarillas, rosadas, anaranjadas, rojas y purpúreas (Bayer 1987); los tres últimos colores son producidos por antocianinas. ...
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Alstroemeria pulchra var. maxima is an endemic Chilean taxon described by R.A. Philippi in 1864, whose taxonomic position is controversial; even though Bayer in 1987 transferred this taxon to A. magnifica with the rank of subspecies, Muñoz & Moreira in 2003 return to the original concept proposed by Philippi. In order to provide a new character to decide if A. pulchra var. maxima is a member of the A. magnifica complex or must remain as a variety of A. pulchra as was originally described, the color of outer, upper inner and lower inner tepals of the flowers of eight populations of Alstroemeria L. belonging to these two endemic Chilean species were analyzed with a spectrophotometer colorimeter Hunterlab Colorquest: five populations of A. magnifica Herbert and three populations of A. pulchra Sims. CIELab coordinates allow to separate A. magnifica from A. pulchra on the basis of the color of the outer and lower inner tepals but not by the color of the upper inner tepals. We conclude that the color of the flower is a new character to confirm that var. maxima belong to A. pulchra, not to the A. magnifica complex.
... Las especies de Alstroemeria son hierbas perennes, rizomatozas, apreciadas por su valor ornamental (Rustanius et al. 1991, Buitendijk & Ramanna 1996, Buitendijk et al. 1997, Kashihara et al. 2011. Varias especies chilenas son parentales de híbridos interespecíficos utilizados para el cultivo, entre las cuales podemos mencionar A. aurea Graham, A. pelegrina L., A. ligtu L., A. pulchra Sims y A. magnifica Herbet, entre otras . ...
... Las flores de A. magnifica son especialmente hermosas y es una de las especies chilenas con flores más grandes. Su potencial como especie ornamental es enorme, como lo es en general para todo el género Alstroemeria (Kashihara et al. 2011, Assis 2004 Por su valor ornamental, el estudio del color de las flores de Alstroemeria ha concitado la atención de varios autores (Saito et al. 1985, 1988, Norbaek et al. 1996, 1998, Kashihara et al. 2011. En el género Alstroemeria es posible encontrar flores blancas, amarillas, rosadas, anaranjadas, rojas y purpúreas (Bayer 1987); los tres últimos colores son producidos por antocianinas. ...
... Las flores de A. magnifica son especialmente hermosas y es una de las especies chilenas con flores más grandes. Su potencial como especie ornamental es enorme, como lo es en general para todo el género Alstroemeria (Kashihara et al. 2011, Assis 2004 Por su valor ornamental, el estudio del color de las flores de Alstroemeria ha concitado la atención de varios autores (Saito et al. 1985, 1988, Norbaek et al. 1996, 1998, Kashihara et al. 2011. En el género Alstroemeria es posible encontrar flores blancas, amarillas, rosadas, anaranjadas, rojas y purpúreas (Bayer 1987); los tres últimos colores son producidos por antocianinas. ...
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Alstroemeria pulchra var. maxima is an endemic Chilean taxon described by R.A. Philippi in 1864, whose taxonomic position is controversial; even though Bayer in 1987 transferred this taxon to A. magnifica with the rank of subspecies, Muñoz & Moreira in 2003 return to the original concept proposed by Philippi. In order to provide a new character to decide if A. pulchra var. maxima is a member of the A. magnifica complex or must remain as a variety of A. pulchra as was originally described, the color of outer, upper inner and lower inner tepals of the flowers of eight populations of Alstroemeria L. belonging to these two endemic Chilean species were analyzed with a spectrophotometer colorimeter Hunterlab Colorquest: five populations of A. magnifica Herbert and three populations of A. pulchra Sims. CIELab coordinates allow to separate A. magnifica from A. pulchra on the basis of the color of the outer and lower inner tepals but not by the color of the upper inner tepals. We conclude that the color of the flower is a new character to confirm that var. maxima belong to A. pulchra, not to the A. magnifica complex.
... For the quality production of flowers in floriculture, the most important factors are potting soil mixes. Ornamental floral species tend to have greater global demand, depending on the preferences of people (Kashihara, 2011) [34] . The biological and physicochemical properties of a potting medium affect the growth of plants and roots (Abebe, 2017) [1] . ...
... For the quality production of flowers in floriculture, the most important factors are potting soil mixes. Ornamental floral species tend to have greater global demand, depending on the preferences of people (Kashihara, 2011) [34] . The biological and physicochemical properties of a potting medium affect the growth of plants and roots (Abebe, 2017) [1] . ...
Growing media is an organic or inorganic material that gives the root system anchorage to the plants. For plant metabolism, growth and development, it provides the necessary plant nutrients. Growing media is an integral part of most systems of horticultural development. Availability in large quantities along with its excellent preservation of air and water, low pH and salinity, and freedom from pests and diseases has led the growing media dominant in many parts of the world in the last 50 years. Several growing media, such as sand, peat, perlite, rock wool, sawdust, cocopeat, compost, etc., are found to be individually or in combination suitable for high-value crops such as gerbera, carnation, rose, orchids, Astroemeria, Lilium, etc. Maximum net benefit for ornamental crops can be achieved when different forms of growing media have been used because the growing media take a direct or indirect function in the growth of plants.
... For the quality production of flowers in floriculture, the most important factors are potting soil mixes. Ornamental floral species tend to have greater global demand, depending on the preferences of people (Kashihara, 2011) [34] . The biological and physicochemical properties of a potting medium affect the growth of plants and roots (Abebe, 2017) [1] . ...
... For the quality production of flowers in floriculture, the most important factors are potting soil mixes. Ornamental floral species tend to have greater global demand, depending on the preferences of people (Kashihara, 2011) [34] . The biological and physicochemical properties of a potting medium affect the growth of plants and roots (Abebe, 2017) [1] . ...
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Growing media is an organic or inorganic material that gives the root system anchorage to the plants. For plant metabolism, growth and development, it provides the necessary plant nutrients. Growing media is an integral part of most systems of horticultural development. Availability in large quantities along with its excellent preservation of air and water, low pH and salinity, and freedom from pests and diseases has led the growing media dominant in many parts of the world in the last 50 years. Several growing media, such as sand, peat, perlite, rock wool, sawdust, cocopeat, compost, etc., are found to be individually or in combination suitable for high-value crops such as gerbera, carnation, rose, orchids, Astroemeria, Lilium, etc. Maximum net benefit for ornamental crops can be achieved when different forms of growing media have been used because the growing media take a direct or indirect function in the growth of plants.
... Ornamental floral species tend to have a higher global demand, depending on consumer preferences. [31]. Significantly highest shelf life was recorded from T3, i.e. river sand: compost: coir dust ratio 1:1:1 potting media plants and the lowest value was recorded in T2, i.e. river sand: Compost ratio 1:1 potting media plants were showed shorter shelf life than others of 4.65 days. ...
Petunia hybrida is a worldwide most popular annual bedding ornamental plants and economically profitable potted plants. Potting media is most important factor which plays a key role of root growth, vegetative growth and quality production dependent on a relatively small volume of the medium. Hence present study was conducted to evaluate the best potting media to enhance flowering performance of Petunia hybrida. The experiment was conducted at the plant house located at botanical garden, Gampaha by using Petunia variety of F1 multi. Fenice. The experiment was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with seven treatments randomized in three replicates. Treatments were the seven different potting mixtures, i.e. river sand: Coir dust 1:1(control), river sand: Compost 1:1, riv�er sand: Coir dust:compost1:1:1, river sand: Coir dust: Compost: Top soil 1:1:1:1, river sand: Coir dust: compost: Cow dung 1:1:1:1, river sand: Or dust: Compost: Leaf manure 1:1:1:1 and river sand: Coir dust: Compost: Half burned paddy husk 1:1:1:1 were used to check the best suitable medium for Petunia plants. Measurements were taken on vegetative growth, reproductive growth and floral attributes of Petunia. Physical and chemical characteristics of potting media, i.e. pH, EC, macro nutrients content (N, P, K) and moisture percentage were analyzed. The data were obtained tabulated and analyzed subjected to the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) procedure of Statistical Analysis System (SAS). Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) was performed to compare the differences among treatment means at P=0.05. Height of plant (cm) had significant differences (p<0.05) among different treatments tested.
... Potting soil mixtures are the most important factors for the quality production of in floriculture industry (Kashihara et al., 2011). A balanced rooting medium that contains an adequate supply of nutrients is essential for plants to attain maximum growth and development. ...
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This study was carried out in the nursery of the Ornamental Plants and Landscape Gardening Res. Dept., Hort. Res. Inst., A.R.C., Giza, Egypt during 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 seasons to find out the response of Acalypha wilkesiana grown in different potting mixtures to different irrigation regimes. Five types of equal proportions potting mixtures (v:v) i.e. sand + peat moss (Mix. 1), sand + perlite (Mix. 2), sand + vermiculite (Mix. 3), sand + peat moss + perlite (Mix. 4) and sand + peat moss + vermiculite (Mix. 5), and 4 levels of irrigation water at 25, 50, 75 and 100% of pot water capacity, and their interaction, were applied in this study. Vegetative and root parameters as well as the leaves content of total chlorophyll, carotenoids, anthocyanin and the percentages of total carbohydrate, N, P and K were recorded. The obtained results showed that there was a great influence of the different potting mixtures particularly those containing peat moss on A. wilkesiana growth e.g. Mix. 5 resulted in the highest records of plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, leaf area, stem fresh weight, root dry weight and N% in the leaves. On the other hand, irrigation at 25% pot water capacity resulted in the lowest values of almost all studied characters, while, watering at 75% pot water capacity gave rise to the highest plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, leaf area, root length, stem fresh weight, dry weight of leaves, stem and root dry weights, total carbohydrate %, anthocyanin content and percentages of N, P and K. Regarding the interaction treatments, all potting mixtures recorded the highest values in most cases when combined with irrigation regime at 100 or 75% pot water capacity. From the above results and to obtain high quality Acalypha wilkesiana shrubs with reducing the amount of irrigation water by 25%, it is recommended to use the Mix. 5 (sand + peat moss + vermiculite) + irrigation at 75% pot water capacity.
... Soilless potting media have been used for greenhouse production of bedding plants, vegetable transplants and container-grown ornamentals (Aklibasinda et al., 2011). In the last few years, farmers and nursery workers have shown their interest on potting media, since they play an important role in plant production (Kashihara et al., 2011). Soilless mixtures should be formulated with special attention on optimal physical, chemical and biological properties that promote germination and healthy seedling growth. ...
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Organic potting medium is an important source for growing of vegetable and ornamental plants. Use of Trichoderma spp. as bio control agents as well as growth promoters in agricultural systems has been identified as an effective methodology to minimize the use of agrochemicals. Present investigation was carried out to formulate a low cost organic potting medium enriched with Trichoderma spp. which can effectively control soil borne diseases and enhance the growth of selected vegetables i. e, Abelmoschus esculentus and Amaranthus viridis. T. virens, T. harzianum and T. asperullum were selected and mass produced separately, using sawdust as the carrier material. Three different potting media (coir dust+ invasive plants (2:3); T-1, rice husk + invasive plants (2:3); T-2 and coir dust + rice husk + invasive plants (1:1:3); T-3) were prepared. All the potting media were divided into two parts and one set was treated with Trichoderma spp. while the other set was used as controls, without adding Trichoderma. Physical and chemical properties of the four potting media were analyzed following standard methods. Effect of Trichoderma amended potting media on plant growth was evaluated using A. esculentus and A. viridis by measuring several growth parameters and disease incidence under greenhouse conditions. Of the four potting media, T-1 exhibited optimum physical and chemical properties. The highest growth performance of A. esculentus and A. viridis observed in plants treated T-1 medium with Trichoderma amendments with lower (p<0.05) disease incidence (5 %). A. esculentus and A. viridis planted without Trichoderma treatment in T-2 showed significantly lower (p<0.05) growth than T-1 and T-3 media. Based on the findings, T-1 medium with Trichoderma amendments could be recommended for growing vegetables which are suitable for urban agriculture and home gardening due to its cost effectiveness and environment friendly nature.
... Cultivar Rosita was found suitable for cultivation under polyhouse condition for continuous supply of flowers from March to December or April to December in different years. Many workers have worked on various aspects of production and vase life of this crop FIRST REPORT (Bridgen and Bartok 1990, Kashihara et al. 2011, Bagheri et al. 2012, Hatamzadeh et al. 2012. ...
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Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the blanching time and sugar concentration of osmo-solution for the preparation of value added osmo-air dried arils from the litchi fruits affected with pericarp browning. Three-level factorial design consisting of two variables (blanching time and sugar strength of osmo solution) with 17 runs was prepared. This design was used to develop models for the yield, acidity and sensory scores of the osmo-air dried litchi arils. Responses were mostly affected by the specific combinations of independent variables. The behavior of the response surface was also investigated for the response function by performing a regression analysis. Moreover, graphical optimization was carried out to determine the optimum conditions for the dried arils in terms of quality attributes. The RSM optimized values concerning blanching time and strength of osmo solution were 25 second and 75% TSS, respectively. The developed osmo-air dried product had 21% yield and sensory scores on the nine point hedonic rating scale for different sensory parameters such as appearance; odor, taste and overall acceptability were 8.16, 9, 9, and 8.6, respectively.
... Cultivar Rosita was found suitable for cultivation under polyhouse condition for continuous supply of flowers from March to December or April to December in different years. Many workers have worked on various aspects of production and vase life of this crop FIRST REPORT (Bridgen and Bartok 1990, Kashihara et al. 2011, Bagheri et al. 2012, Hatamzadeh et al. 2012. ...
... Cultivar Rosita was found suitable for cultivation under polyhouse condition for continuous supply of flowers from March to December or April to December in different years. Many workers have worked on various aspects of production and vase life of this crop FIRST REPORT (Bridgen and Bartok 1990, Kashihara et al. 2011, Bagheri et al. 2012, Hatamzadeh et al. 2012. ...
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Intensive survey was conducted in different villages of Tehri district of Uttarakhand to identify the major ginger growing areas, where insectpests and diseases are major problem, to validate the IPM module under field conditions. Consequently, two villages i.e. Pali and Gaind were selected where, rhizome rot, leaf spot, white-grub and rhizome maggot were posing serious threat to ginger cultivation were identified. Therefore, an IPM module was formulated for existing pests problems based on the available control measures in literature against these pests which was further disseminated to the farmers through conductance of demonstrations at the farmers’ field in Tehri-Garhwal area. The results indicated that the IPM program provided 48.19, 63.94, 52.09 and 57.82% control of rhizome rot, leaf spot, white grub and rhizome maggots respectively, over non-IPM practice. Analysis of cost benefit ratio of IPM practice revealed that there was 32.82% increase in yield with net return of Rs. 92.04 thousand per hectare and a B: C ratio of 2.15 over Non-IPM practice. Over all study revealed that the ginger production under IPM situation proved comparatively more economically viable in terms of losses decreased by suppression of pest.
... Cultivar Rosita was found suitable for cultivation under polyhouse condition for continuous supply of flowers from March to December or April to December in different years. Many workers have worked on various aspects of production and vase life of this crop FIRST REPORT (Bridgen and Bartok 1990, Kashihara et al. 2011, Bagheri et al. 2012, Hatamzadeh et al. 2012. ...
A trail was conducted from 2012 to 2015 with nine cultivars of alstroemeria (Alstroemeria hybrida) to know the suitability of different cultivars for round the year production under polyhouse conditions, in temperate climate. Among the nine cultivars, “Rosita” yielded flowers continuously from March to December. Hence, it was advocated for commercial cultivation under polyhouse conditions under temperate climate. While investigating various cultivars for plant foliage and floral traits, few plants in two cultivars i.e. Rosita and No. 14 were found with deformed shoots having more number of leaves, flowers and were different from normal shoots. This new disorder can be called as shoot deformation. This is a new report as far as disorders of Alstroemeria are concerned.
... Cultivar Rosita was found suitable for cultivation under polyhouse condition for continuous supply of flowers from March to December or April to December in different years. Many workers have worked on various aspects of production and vase life of this crop FIRST REPORT (Bridgen and Bartok 1990, Kashihara et al. 2011, Bagheri et al. 2012, Hatamzadeh et al. 2012. ...
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Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the blanching time and sugar concentration of osmo-solution for the preparation of value added osmo-air dried arils from the litchi fruits affected with pericarp browning. Three-level factorial design consisting of two variables (blanching time and sugar strength of osmo solution) with 17 runs was prepared. This design was used to develop models for the yield, acidity and sensory scores of the osmo-air dried litchi arils. Responses were mostly affected by the specific combinations of independent variables. The behavior of the response surface was also investigated for the response function by performing a regression analysis. Moreover, graphical optimization was carried out to determine the optimum conditions for the dried arils in terms of quality attributes. The RSM optimized values concerning blanching time and strength of osmo solution were 25 second and 75% TSS, respectively. The developed osmo-air dried product had 21% yield and sensory scores on the nine point hedonic rating scale for different sensory parameters such as appearance, odor, taste and overall acceptability were 8.16, 9, 9, and 8.6, respectively.
... Alstroemeria is generally cultivated as a cut flower crop, a garden flower, and a potted plant (Bridgen, 1991). This flower is one of the most important rhizomatous plants which has recently become a popular and important cut flower species due to the variety of colors available and good vase life of the cut flowers (Kashihara et al., 2011). Interspecific hybridization and mutation breeding have been used in Alstroemeria to improve important horticultural characteristics such as flower color, vase life (delay loss of chlorophyll in leaves) and disease resistance (Lin et al., 2000;Kim et al., 2006). ...
Cut flower markets are developing in many countries as the international demand for cut flowers is rapidly growing. Developing new varieties with modified characteristics is an important aim in floriculture. Production of transgenic ornamental plants can shorten the time required in the conventional breeding of a cultivar. Biotechnology tools in combination with conventional breeding methods have been used by cut flower breeders to change flower colour, plant architecture, post-harvest traits and disease resistance. In this review we describe advances in genetic engineering that have led to the development of new cut flower varieties.
... Potting soil mixes are the most important factors for the quality production of flowers in floriculture. Ornamental floral species tend to have a higher global demand, depending on people's preferences [8]. Correct combination of substrates for growing media to optimize plant growth is demanding and represents the cost production about 4-6% for bedding plants [9]. ...
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This research project was conducted to investigate the comparative effect of different potting media with different compositions on growth and flowering of Antirrhinum majus L. 'Floral Shower'. The data for both morphological and physiological parameters analyzed statistically showed significant effect of media combinations over control values. Each treatment was consisted of 10 plants and was replicated thrice. Agricultural and municipal wastes are good, cheap potting media components for the production of flowering plants. An economical and high-quality production of 'Floral shower' can be attained by using most suitable media. The results regarding growth and flowering parameters showed significant increase in Leaf Mould potting media. The media containing Farm Yard Manure alone and in combination with silt with its higher pH, showed least results for these parameters. On the other hand, plants grown in Farm Yard Manure comprising media provide minimum results for all the characteristics except for media nitrogen content which were statistically similar to control. Peat moss containing growing substrate also showed positive results for plants vegetative and reproductive growth. However, Farm Yard Manure was seen to prove less effective for better plant growth due to its less contribution for the availability of nutrients. Availability of Phosphorus contents in soil has positive relationship with growth and flowering indices. Maximum Phosphorus content was found when Farm Yard Manure and Leaf Mould were used alone in combination with silt + topsoil. Thus, it is suggested that Leaf Mould can be recommended as a standard potting media for Antirrhinum majus L. growth.
... Potting soil mixes are the most important factors for the quality production of fl owers in fl oriculture. Ornamental fl oral species tend to have a higher global demand, depending on people's preferences (Kashihara et al., 2011). In the last few years, farmers and nursery workers have been very concerned about potting medium, as it plays an important role in plant production. ...
This research project was conducted to evaluate the use of different waste materials as potting media for the dwarf variety Dahlia hortensis 'Figaro.' A total of 10 treatments were used where each treatment, consisting of 9 plants, was replicated 3 times. The results associated with plant growth parameters indicated that the maximum values for plant height, number of side shoots per plant, number of tubers per plant, flower diameter, and least days to flower emergence were observed in media containing coconut coir; the maximum corm weight per plant, however, was found in T-8, where rice hull was added to silt. The number of flowers per plant was increased in T-9, where silt, coconut coir, dust, sewage sludge, spent mushroom compost, and rice hull were used together in equal proportions. The media containing sewage sludge alone and in combination with silt showed minimum results for these parameters. Sewage sludge, with its higher pH, produced the least results for all plant growth parameters when 50% or more sewage sludge was added to the potting media.
The main taxonomic characters of Alstroemeria derive from the perianth and have traditionally been used from qualitative perspectives, which difficult their interpretation, especially in species considered as infraspecific complexes. Through spectrophotometry and specialized image analysis approaches, a total of one hundred and sixty flowers from twenty populations of the Alstroemeria pulchra complex were quantified. Our results allowed us to recognize the infraspecific taxa A. pulchra subsp. lavandulacea, A. pulchra var. maxima, and A. pulchra var. pulchra through the color, shape, size, and ornamental patterns of their tepals. The colorimetric information subjected to discriminant analysis corroborate the taxonomic utility of flower color. Similar results were obtained from the analysis of ornamental patterns, sizes, and shapes of the tepals. The discriminant analysis of the combined matrix that included the shape and ornamental patterns allowed us to identify three non-overlapping groups within A. pulchra, with a high differentiation degree. These results significantly contribute to improving the understanding of the phenotypic variability of A. pulchra and its infraspecific taxa. This information will serve as a basis for systematic studies that will address the relationships between these and other related taxa from an integrative taxonomic perspective.
There are many interspecific hybrids of Alstroemeria. In this study, the possibility of intergeneric hybridization between Alstroemeria and Bomarea Mirb. was examined through the development of pollination procedures and ovule culture based on the histological observation of embryo and endosperm development after intergeneric pollination. Three methods of pollination (stigmatic, cut-style, and non-style) were combined with four different pollen types (fresh, frozen, non-germinated, and pre-germinated). We observed that the pollen tubes of Bomarea coccinea (Ruiz & Pav.) Baker could reach to the ovules of Alstroemeria aurea Graham 48 hours after stigmatic pollination with frozen pollen. Histological observations revealed that a primary embryo was formed, but subsequently aborted during development. This study demonstrates the possibility of intergeneric hybridization between Alstroemeria and Bomarea, but showed that there are post-fertilization barriers between A. pelegrina and B. coccinea. Further study is needed to investigate the optimum conditions for obtaining hybrid progeny.
The CYCLOIDEA (CYC) gene controls the development of zygomorphic flowers and the determination of adaxial identity of floral organs in the model developmental system of Antirrhinum majus. However, whether CYC homologue genes also control floral zygomorphy in monocotyledon Alstroemeria plants is yet unknown. In this study, we investigated CYC-like genes in the monocotyledons Alstroemeria aurea, Alstroemeria magenta, and Alstroemeria pelegrina var. rosea, all of which have zygomorphic flowers. Since the CYC gene belongs to the T-complex protein (TCP) gene family of transcription factors, cloning of CYC-like sequences was performed using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) by using degenerate primers designed for the TCP domain. We cloned 1 CYC-like sequence each from A. aurea (AaTCP1, accession number AB714967 in the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ databases) and A. magenta (AmTCP1, AB714970), and two CYC-like sequences from A. pelegrina var. rosea (ApTCP1, AB714968; and ApTCP2, AB714969). The deduced amino acid sequences of AaTCP1, AmTCP1, ApTCP1, and ApTCP2 shared 67.7%, 67.7%, 71.0%, and 64.5% identities, respectively, with the TCP domain in CYC. Molecular phylogenetic analysis indicated that three CYC-like genes from Alstroemeria belonged to the ZinTBL1b clade in the CYC-/tb1-like subfamily. Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR and in situ hybridization analyses showed that AaTCP1 transcripts were specifically detected in flower buds and localized in the base of adaxial inner perianth of A. aurea. These results suggest that CYC-like genes are also involved in the development of floral asymmetry and the determination of adaxial identity of floral organs in the monocotyledon Alstroemeria.
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As an initial part of a revisional study based on the genus Salvia L. (Lamiaceae), extensive field studies, herbarium and literature surveys, and multivariate analysis have been conducted on the basis of the Salvia euphratica sensu lato (S. cerino-pruinosa, S. euphratica, S. leiocalycina, and S. pseudeuphratica) and its closely related species (S. kronenburgii and S. sericeo-tomentosa) in order to understand their taxonomic status. For the multivariate analysis, 35 OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) representing 24 populations of the species were investigated and scored on the basis of 25 character states by means of MVSP software. Principle coordinate analysis (PCO) utilizing the Gower coefficient on standardized data was conducted on the specimens to see their distribution as 3-dimensional plots. In the Flora of Turkey, S. euphratica, S. kronenburgii, and S. sericeo-tomentosa were evaluated as separate species. On the other hand, S. cerino-pruinosa and S. pseudeuphratica were regarded as synonyms of S. euphratica. As a result of the present study, S. cerino-pruinosa and S. pseudeuphratica are accepted as distinct species. Turkish endemic S. cerino-pruinosa and its closest relative Iranian endemic S. kermanshahensis are also discussed in terms of their morphological and taxonomical relationships. Literature surveys and herbarium studies indicated that S. pseudeuphratica has been rediscovered once again since it was first collected 117 years ago. A diagnostic key for the species studied is given and their diagnostic morphological characters are discussed. Moreover, their amended and expanded descriptions, distributions, phenology, ecology, and photographs are provided.
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Intergeneric hybrids were obtained between Sandersonia aurantiaca and Littonia modesta using ovule culture. The embryos were rescued by culturing 14 to 30 day old ovules. The ovules were cultured on modified KM medium for varying lengths of time until they germinated. After germination the embryo-derived-plantlets were transferred to modified growth regulator-free MS medium on which they developed tubers and became quiescent. The quiescent tubers could be successfully transferred to soil. The hybrid nature of both the putative Sandersonia × Littonia and the Littonia × Sandersonia hybrids was indicated by flow cytometry that showed the hybrid plants had a DNA content midway between that of the two parents. Mitotic and meiotic chromosome counts from S. aurantiaca, L. modesta and the hybrids gave chromosome numbers of (2n=) 24, 22 and 23 respectively. Morphological analyses of the leaves and flowers showed that the hybrids displayed features that were intermediate between both parents. Hybrids were male and female sterile. No morphological differences were observed between the two hybrids.
Interspecific hybrids of Alstroemeria ligtu L. hybrid (LH) (2n = 16) and A. pelegrina L. var. rosea (PR) (2n = 16) synthesized by cross-breeding, exhibited a low pollen fertility and failed to produce normal seeds by self-pollination. To produce amphidiploids of LH × PR the ovules of LH × PR were treated with 0.05% aqueous colchicine for 2, 4 or 8 days or the rhizomes of the mature LH × PR were treated with 0.5% aqueous colchicine for 1, 2, 4 or 7 days. A total of 6 mature plants were obtained from the ovules of LH × PR treated with colchicine. Among them 2 plants derived from the ovules treated with colchicine for 4 days were found to be amphidiploids (2n = 32). A total of 17 rhizomes treated with colchicine, sprouted. Among them, 1 and 3 plants developed from the rhizomes treated with colchicine, for 1 and 4 days, respectively, were fertile. The plants developed from seeds obtained by self-pollination were amphidiploids with a chromosome number of 2n = 32. Although each of the amphidiploids induced by colchicine and LH × PR exhibited the characteristics of the parents, the colchicine-induced amphidiploids showed larger flowers than LH × PR and grew more vigorously. Even though the amphidiploids failed to produce normal seeds by self-pollination, pollen fertility was relatively high and their progenies were produced from self-pollinated ovules by ovule culture. The amphidiploids were crossed with LH, PR, A. aurea Graham, A. paupercula Philippi and A. psittacina Lehm., resulting in the production of triploids with a chromosome number of 2n = 24.
Diallel cross and ovule culture were carried out among 15 Alstroemeria species. Ovules harvested 14 days after pollination were cultured on 1/2MS medium containing 3% sucrose at 20°C under a16-hr photoperiod. Embryo germination occurred in 196 out of 210 combinations of the diallel. A. angustifolia, A. ligtu, A. magenta and A. pelegrina showed wide cross-compatibility with not only Chilean but Brazilian species as well. When A. aurea, A. diluta, A. garaventae and A. zoellneri each served as a female parent, the percentage embryo germination was low in some crosses, but some germination took place in all combinations. A. inodora, A. maginfica, A. psittacina and A. pulchra exhibited unilateral interspecific incompatibility in many combinations.
The taxonomic relationships between Alstroemeria and Bomarea, two closely related genera in Alstroemeriaceae, are controversial. With the aim of clarifying their systematic position and generic circumscription, morphological and anatomical studies were carried out on 18 species of Alstroemeria and 11 species of Bomarea. Light microscopy (LM) and scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy were used to study the morphology of mature seeds and pollen. Observations on the most distinctive characters are discussed and compared with other data available for Alstroemeriaceae. Morphology of subterranean organs, pollen exine, adaptive dehiscence of capsules, seed dispersal, seed coat and karyotype characteristics (such as basic chromosome number and symmetry) support the view that these genera are related but should have independent generic status. Results indicate that Alstroemeriaceae comprises three genera:Alstroemeria (including Schickendantzia and Taltalia), Bomarea andLeontochir . Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company
The subgenus Sphaerine of Bomarea (Alstroemeriaceae) recently contains 33 validly published names. Extended field studies in Peru and extensive investigation of herbarium material revealed the urgent necessity for a revision. As a result, the number of species is reduced to 12, among them two species are newly described. 9 species are members of an other subgenus. A key to determine the species is given in English and Spanish. The typical growth form and its variability, habitat preferences and distribution are discussed separately for each species.
The identity of the three Bomarea -species (B. multiflora, B. ovata and B. salsilla) used by Mirbel (1804) to set up the genus, is clarified. All synonyms and the variability and distribution of the species are discussed. The types are illustrated and epitype is chosen for B. salsilla. The type of B. ovata is identified. (© 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)Identitt der drei frühest beschriebenen Bomarea -ArtenDie Identitt der drei am lngsten beschrieben Bomarea Arten (B. multiflora, B. ovata und B. salsilla), mit welchen Mirbel (1804) die Gattung aufgestellt hat, wird geklrt. Alle Synonyme, die Variabilitt und die Verbreitung der drei Arten und ihre Verwandtschaftsverhltnisse werden diskutiert. Die Typen werden identifiziert und abgebildet, für B. salsilla wird ein Epitypus ausgewhlt, für B. ovata der Typus bestimmt.
Intergeneric hybrid plants between Colchicaceous ornamental plants, Sandersonia aurantiaca and Gloriosa rothschildiana, have successfully been produced via ovule culture. After 5 days of reciprocal cross-pollination, a few pollen tubes were observed in the ovary. Although seeds were obtained in both reciprocal cross-combinations, they did not germinate under ex vitro conditions. Ovules with placental tissues isolated 14 days after cross-pollination of S. aurantiaca G. rothschildiana were cultured on a medium containing 0.01 mg l–1 each of -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzyladenine (BA), on which 41.5% of ovules swollen and produced callus-like structures within 10 weeks. When such swollen ovules were transferred to a medium containing 0.1 mg l–1 each of NAA and BA, 7.5% of the initially cultured ovules produced rhizome-like structures within 6 weeks. Among the rhizome-like structures, those derived from two independent ovules (3.7% of the initially cultured ovules) produced multiple shoots following transfer to a medium containing 0.25 mg l–1 NAA and 2.5 mg l–1 BA. Multiple shoot-derived plantlets were established on a plant growth regulator-free medium, and they were successfully transplanted to pots. Early verification of their hybridity was accomplished by flow cytometry (FCM) analysis, chromosome observation and rDNA analysis.
Actively growing young rhizomes of various Alstroemeria cultivars, most sterile hybrids, were treated with X-rays. The optimum dose was about 400 rad for diploid cultivars and 500–600 rad for triploid ones. Although the buds on the rhizomes most certainly have multicellular apices, no X-ray mutant showed any sign of chimerism. Hence only solid(-looking) mutants were obtained. This phenomenon, an unforeseen but advantageous circumstance, could not be explained. Among the rather large number of mutants, several proved to be improvements and have been released to the trade such as cvs. Canaria Stagula, Yellow Tiger Stavero, White Wings Staretto, Harmony Stabroza and Rosita Stareza.
One to three accessions of 22 Alstroemeria species, an interspecific hybrid (A. aurea x A. inodora), and single accessions of Bomarea salsilla and Leontochir ovallei were evaluated using the AFLP-marker technique to estimate the genetic diversity within the genus Alstroemeria. Three primer combinations generated 716 markers and discriminated all Alstroemeria species. The dendrogram inferred from the AFLP fingerprints supported the conjecture of the generic separation of the Chilean and Brazilian Alstroemeria species. The principal co-ordinate plot showed the separate allocation of the A. ligtu group and the allocation of A. aurea, which has a wide range of geographical distribution and genetic variation, in the middle of other Alstroemeria species. The genetic distances, based on AFLP markers, determined the genomic contribution of the parents to the interspecific hybrid.
Breeding spotless Alstroemeria in Japan
  • I Miyake
Miyake I (1989). Breeding spotless Alstroemeria in Japan. Herbertia 45: 40-44.
Cross-compatibility in interspecifi c hybridization of fi ft een Alstroemeria species. (In Japanese with English abstract)
  • K Shinoda
  • N Murata
Shinoda K & Murata N (2003). Cross-compatibility in interspecifi c hybridization of fi ft een Alstroemeria species. (In Japanese with English abstract). J Japan Soc Hort Sci 72: 557-561.