

  • University Children's Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
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Tourism is over world in intensive development and provides considerable income in many countries. International organization for protection cultural heritage recommends that historical monuments and localities of cultural heritage have to be utilized as tourist destinations also. The presentation of cultural heritage should be realized very carefully, so as to avoid endangering their historical and artistic values. Building various types of "Visitors centers" at archeological sites is one of the most effective ways to present valuable heritage. In Serbia there are several archeological sites which are very interesting for cultural tourism, particularly Viminacijum, Sirmiјum and Gamzigrad. The analysis of existing state at these localities has shown that a signifi cant progress is made. There are plans for further development. However, the already built visitors centers, as well as those which are planned for future, are not based suffi ciently on the principles accepted and recommended by world experts and international organizations. Therefore a lot has to be done to include our archeological sites and other valuable localities and monuments in an effective tourist offer. This will create conditions that the archeological sites and cultural heritage in Serbia represent a real input to provide an effective sustainable development of the whole country.

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Urban design is nowadays challenged by contemporary concept of regeneration. Regeneration meens creating sustainable places, with specifi c identity, protection and promotion of cultural values, social cohesion and economic prosperity. The aim of the paper is to discussa role of urban design as a transformative insrument in the regeneration process. It will question the possibilities of urban de-sign to provide strategic framework for regeneration through the process that enable creative milieu for integration of different developmental aspects and interests in plural society. The scope of the research is bounded by the urban design process in line with rational and collaborative approach in urban decision making.The theoretical and conceptual framework will be elaborated on the case of Plan of tourist valorisation of Golubac fortress in Serbia, as a place of great cultural importance and as a generator of socio-economic development in Municipality of Golubac. Describing an integra-tive model for urban design as an instrument for regeneration is a main contribution of the paper. Expected results of the research are defi nition of basic principles for achieving sustainable places in regeneration. timistic and pessimistic estimations on future development of renewable and non-renewable resources) [46]. After the study, sustainability is supported and developed through various doc-uments on UN and EU level, such as [44] [43] [42] [41] [4] [38] [39], [40], [47]. Authors in Serbia puts focus on managing resources in sustain-able manner, in such a way Brković emphasize 3E concept [45], and Janić managing resourc-es in integral manner [48]}.Baker recognizes four models of sustainability according to their philosophical orientation: anthropocentrism and eco-centrism. The models are defi ned as ideal (which is on the extreme position of eco-cen-trism, where nature is intrinsic value), Strong model of sustainable development (which is between eco-centrism and anthropocentrism), Weak sustainable development, and Pollution control (which is on the outermost position of anthropocentrism) [6]. This paper will stand for the models that are more on the side of anrto-pocentrism, as culture is a product of civiliza-tion, taking into account environmental and eco-logical problems through integrated approach.
European conventions and recommendations on cultural heritage
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A comparative analysis and valorization of principles and methods of protection and presentation by examples of characteristic archeological sites in Serbia
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