Tourism is over world in intensive development and provides considerable income in many countries. International organization for protection cultural heritage recommends that historical monuments and localities of cultural heritage have to be utilized as tourist destinations also. The presentation of cultural heritage should be realized very carefully, so as to avoid endangering their historical and artistic values. Building various types of "Visitors centers" at archeological sites is one of the most effective ways to present valuable heritage. In Serbia there are several archeological sites which are very interesting for cultural tourism, particularly Viminacijum, Sirmiјum and Gamzigrad. The analysis of existing state at these localities has shown that a signifi cant progress is made. There are plans for further development. However, the already built visitors centers, as well as those which are planned for future, are not based suffi ciently on the principles accepted and recommended by world experts and international organizations. Therefore a lot has to be done to include our archeological sites and other valuable localities and monuments in an effective tourist offer. This will create conditions that the archeological sites and cultural heritage in Serbia represent a real input to provide an effective sustainable development of the whole country.