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Accepted for publication in EMBO Reports
TITLE: Scientometrics in a changing science landscape
SUBTITLE: Bibliometrics has become an integral part of research quality evaluation
and has been changing the practice of research
By Lutz Bornmann & Loet Leydesdorff
Quality assessments permeate the entire scientific enterprise, from funding applications to
promotions, prizes and tenure. Their remit can encompass the scientific output of individual
scientists, whole departments or institutes, or even entire countries. Peer review has
traditionally been the major method used to determine the quality of scientific work, either to
arbitrate if the work should be published in a certain journal, or assessing the quality of a
scientist’s or institution’s total research/publication output. Since the 1990s, quantitative
assessment measures in the form of indicator-supported procedures, such as bibliometrics,
have gained increasing importance, especially in budgetary decisions where numbers are
more easily compared than peer opinion, and are usually faster to produce. In particular,
quantitative procedures can provide important information for quality assessment when it
comes to comparing a large number of units, such as several research groups or universities,
as individual experts are not capable of handling so much information in a single evaluation
procedure. Thus, for example, the new UK Research Excellence Framework (REF) puts more
emphasis on bibliometric data and less on peer review than did its predecessor.
Even though bibliometrics and peer review are often thought of as alternative methods of
evaluation, their combination in what is known as informed peer review can lead to more
accurate assessments: peer reviewers can enhance their qualitative assessment on the basis of
bibliometric and other indicator-supported empirical results. This reduces the risk of
distortions and mistakes as discrepancies between the peers’ judgements and the bibliometric
evaluation become more transparent. Although this combination of peer review and
bibliometrics is regarded as the ideal method for research evaluation, the weighting of both
can differ. The German Research Foundation (DFG), for example, encourages applicants to
submit only their five most relevant publications, which is a manageable number for the
reviewers. On the other side, the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the UK REF focus
on bibliometric instruments for national evaluations to the detriment of peer review. The
weighting of the two instruments can also change over time: the new REF weights
bibliometrics higher than the former Research Assessment Exercise.
Bibliometrics has various advantages that make it suitable for the evaluation of research. The
most important one is that bibliometrics analyses data, which concerns the essence of
scientific work. In virtually all research disciplines, publishing relevant research results is
crucial; results that are not published are usually of no importance. Furthermore, authors of
scientific publications have to discuss the context and implications of their research with
reference to the state of the art and appropriately cite the methods, data sets and so on that
they have used. Citations are therefore embedded in the reputation system of research, as
researchers express their recognition and the influence of others’ work.
Another advantage of using bibliometrics in research evaluation is that the bibliometric data
can be easily found and assessed for a broad spectrum of disciplines using appropriate
databases: e.g. Web of Science (WoS) or Scopus. The productivity and impact even of large
research units can therefore be measured with reasonable effort. Finally, the results of
bibliometrics correlate well with other indicators of research quality, including external
funding or scientific prizes [1, 2]. Since there is now hardly any evaluation that does not count
publications and citations, bibliometrics seems to have established itself as a reliable tool in
the general assessment of research. Indeed, it would not last long if reputations and awards
based on bibliometric analyses were arbitrary or undeserved.
However, bibliometrics also has a number of disadvantages. These, though, do not relate to its
general applicability in research evaluation—this is generally no longer doubted—but relate
to whether such an analysis is done professionally according to standards [3], which are often
known only to experts.
First, bibliometrics can only be applied to disciplines where the literature and its citations are
available from appropriate databases. While the natural sciences are well-represented in such
databases, the literature of the technical sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities
(TSH) are only partly included. Bibliometrics can therefore only yield limited results for these
disciplines. Google Scholar is often seen as a solution, but it is not clear what Google Scholar
considers as a citation; the validity of the data is therefore not guaranteed [4].
Second, bibliometric data are numerical data with highly skewed distributions. Their
evaluation therefore requires appropriate statistical methods. For example, the arithmetic
mean is relatively inappropriate for citation analysis, since it is strongly influenced by highly
cited publications. Thus, Göttingen University in Germany achieved a good place in the
current Leiden ranking, which uses a mean-based indicator, because it could boast one
extremely highly cited publication in recent years. The Journal Impact Factor—the best
known indicator for the importance of journals—is similarly affected by this problem: since it
gives the average number of citations for the papers in a journal during the preceding two
years, it may be determined by a few highly cited papers and hardly at all by the mass of
papers which are cited very little or not at all.
The h index—a bibliometric indicator which is now similarly well known as the Journal
Impact Factor—is unaffected by this problem, as it is not based on the mean. Rather, it
measures the publications in a set with a specific minimum of citations (namely h) so that the
few highly cited publications play only a small role in its calculations. The h index, however,
has other weaknesses that make its use in research evaluation questionable; the arbitrary limit
for the selection of the significant publications with at least h citations is criticised; it could
just as well be h2 citations.
Third, citations need time to accumulate. Research evaluation on the basis of bibliometrics
can therefore say nothing about more recent publications. It has now become standard
practice in bibliometrics to allow at least three years for a reliable measurement of the impact
of publications. This disadvantage of bibliometrics is chiefly a problem with the evaluation of
institutions where the research performance of recent years is generally assessed, about which
bibliometrics—the measurement of impact based on citations—can say little. In the
assessment of recent years, one can only use bibliometric instruments to evaluate the
productivity of the researchers of an institution and their success in publishing their
manuscripts in respected journals.
Here, the most important question is how long the citation window should be to achieve
reliable and valid impact measurement. There are many examples where the importance of
research results have become apparent only decades after publication [5]. For example, the
“Shockley-Queisser limit” describes the limited efficiency of solar cells on the basis of
absorption and reemission processes. The original reception of the paper was rather timid, but
today it has become one of the relatively few highly cited papers in a field that has developed
relatively synchronously with rapidly growing solar-cell and photovoltaic research.
Although such papers constitute probably one in every 10,000 papers [5], the standard
practise of using a citation window of only three years nevertheless seems to be too small. In
one study, of the 10% of highest cited papers identified using a 30-year window, more than
40% are excluded from this elite collection when a 3-year window is used [6]. When a 20-
year window is used, 92% are still included, and a 10-year window yields 82% of the 30-year
highest cited papers. Based on his results, Wang recommends that researchers should report
“the potential errors in their evaluations when using short time windows, providing a
paragraph such as: ‘Although a citation window of 5 years is used here, note that the
Spearman correlation between these citation counts and long term (31 year) citation counts
will be about 0.87. Furthermore, the potential error of using a 5-year time window will be
higher for highly cited papers because papers in the top 10 % most cited papers in year 5 have
a 32 % chance of not being in the top 10 % in year 31’” [5].
This tendency to focus on the citations of papers published during the last two or three years
assumes a rapid research front, as in the biomedical sciences. However, disciplines differ in
terms of the existence and speed of research fronts and their historical developments.
Baumgartner & Leydesdorff have distinguished between “transitory knowledge claims” in
research papers at the research front and “sticky knowledge claims” that may accumulate
citations during ten or even more years [7].
As bibliometrics has developed into a standard procedure in research evaluation, with both
advantages and disadvantages, a further question is now whether bibliometric measurement
and assessment is likely to change scientific practise, as fixing on particular indicators for
measuring research performance generally leads to an adaptation of researchers’ behaviour.
This may well be intentional: one reason for research evaluation is to increase research
performance, namely productivity. However, there are also unintended effects. For example,
in order to achieve a desired increase in publication volume, some researchers choose a
publication strategy known as salami slicing: The results of a research project are published in
many small parts, although they could also be published in a few large papers or a single one.
This behaviour is not generally considered to help the progress of research, but it may
improve bibliometric scores.
It is also desirable for researchers to publish in respected journals. Yet since these journals
generally only publish newsworthy results or results with a high impact, a stronger focus on
respected journals in research evaluation raises the risk of scientific malpractice when results
are manipulated or falsified to satisfy this requirement. This behaviour should not be
unreasonably increased by research evaluation processes, in which, for example, scientists in
China are sometimes financially rewarded according to the Impact Factors of the journals in
which they publish their papers [8].
In national scientific systems, in which research evaluation or bibliometrics play a major role,
indicators are often used without sufficient knowledge of the subject. Since the demand for
such figures is high and the numbers are often required speedily or inexpensively, they are
sometimes produced by analysts with little understanding of bibliometrics. For example, such
amateur bibliometricians may be inclined to use the h index because it is a popular and
modern indicator that is readily available and easy to calculate. Yet these assessments often
do not take into account that the h-index is unsuitable for comparing researchers from
different subject areas and with different academic ages. Amateur bibliometricians also often
wrongly use the Journal Impact Factor to measure the impact of single pieces of work, as the
IF only provides information about the performance of a journal.
There is a community of professional experts in bibliometrics who develop advanced
indicators for productivity and citation impact measurements. Only experts from this
community should undertake a bibliometric study that involves comparisons across fields of
science. These centres of professional expertise have generated analytical versions of the
databases and can be found, for example, at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies
(CWTS, Leiden) or the Centre for Research & Development Monitoring (ECOOM, Leuven).
Third, a range of suppliers of bibliometric data, such as Elsevier or Thomson Reuters, have
developed research evaluation systems that allow decision makers to produce results about
any given research unit at the press of a button. This “desktop bibliometrics” also increases
the risk that such analyses are applied without sufficient knowledge of the subject.
Furthermore, these systems often present themselves as a black box: the user does not know
how the results are calculated; but even simple indicators such as the h index can be
calculated in different ways. This is why the results of bibliometric analyses often do not
always correspond to the current standards in bibliometrics.
Fourth, bibliometrics can be applied well in the natural sciences, but its application to TSH is
limited. Even if research in these disciplines is published, these publications and their
citations are only poorly represented in the literature databases that can be used for
bibliometrics. The differing citation culture—in particular the different average number of
references per paper and thereby the different probability of being cited—is widely regarded
as the cause of this variation. Based on an analysis of all WoS records published in 1990,
1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010, however, Marx & Bornmann found that almost all disciplines
show similar numbers of references in the reference lists [9]. This suggests that the
comparatively low citation rates in the humanities are not so much the result of a lower
average number of references per paper, but caused by the low fraction of references that are
published in the core set of journals covered by WoS.
Furthermore, the research output in TSH is not only publications, but other products such as
software and patents. These products and their citations are hardly reflected in the literature
databases. Thus, for example, a large part of the publications and other research products from
the TSH area are missing from the Leiden University Ranking, which is based on data in
WoS. Even the indicator report of the German Competence Centre for Bibliometrics (KB),
which assesses German research based on bibliometric data from WoS, under-represents
publications from the TSH areas.
So far, scientometric research has developed no satisfactory solution to evaluate TSH in the
same sophisticated way that is used for the natural sciences. Various initiatives have therefore
tried to develop alternative quality criteria. For example, the cooperative project “Developing
and Testing Research Quality Criteria in the Humanities, with an emphasis on Literature
Studies and Art History” of the Universities of Zürich and Basel, supplies Swiss universities
with instruments to measure research performance and compare research performance
Until the 1990s, politicians had faith that pushing the quality of science to the highest levels
would automatically generate returns for society. Quality controls in research were primarily
concerned with the use of research for research. Triggered by the financial crisis and by
growing competition between nations, the direct societal benefits of research have moved
increasingly into the foreground of quality assessments. The state no longer has faith that
excellent research alone is automatically best for society. Basic research in particular has
become subject to scrutiny, since it is more difficult to show a link between its results and
beneficial applications. Recent years have therefore seen a tendency to implement evaluation
procedures that attempt to provide information on the societal impacts of research. For
example, applicants to the US National Science Foundation have to state what benefits their
research would bring beyond science. As part of the UK REF, British institutions also have to
provide information about the societal impacts of their research.
Evaluating the societal impacts of research does not stop at the traditional products of
research, such as prizes or publications, but includes other elements such as software, patents
or data sets. The impact itself is also measured more broadly to include effects on society and
not just on research. However, there are still no accepted standard procedures that yield
reliable and valid information. Generally, a case study is carried out in which an institution
describes one or several examples of the societal impacts of its research. The problem is that
the results of case studies cannot be generalised and compared owing to a lack of
So-called altmetrics—the number of page views, downloads, shares, saves, recommendations,
comments and citations in Wikipedia, or data from social media platforms, such as Twitter,
Mendeley and CiteULike—could provide a possible alternative to bibliometric data. A
perceived advantage of altmetrics is the ability to provide recent data, whereas citations need
time to accumulate. Another perceived advantage is that alternative metrics can also measure
the impact of research in other sectors of society, as social media platforms are used by
individuals and institutions from many parts of society.
However, it is not clear to what extent these advantages—speed and breadth of impact—
really matter. The study of altmetrics began only a few years ago and is now in a state similar
to that of research into traditional metrics in the 1970s. Before alternative metrics can be
applied to research evaluation—with possible effects on funding decisions or promotions—
there are a number of open questions. What kind of impact do the metrics measure, and with
what category of persons? How reliable are the data obtained from social media platforms?
How can the manipulation of social media data by users be counteracted or prevented?
Finally, metrics need to be validated by correlating them with other indicators: is there, for
example, a connection between alternative metrics and the judgment of experts as to the
societal relevance of publications?
This new challenge of measuring the broad impact of research on society has triggered a
scientific revolution in scientometrics. This assertion is based on a fundamental change in the
taxonomy of scientometrics: productivity no longer only means publication output, and the
impact of publications can no longer be equated simply with citations. Scientometrics should
therefore soon enter a phase of normal science to find answers to the questions mentioned
above. Such corresponding alternative indicators should be applied in research evaluation
only after altmetrics has been thoroughly scrutinized in further studies.
It is clear that scientometrics has become an integral part of research evaluation and plays a
crucial role in making decisions about national research policies, funding, promotions, job
offers and so on, and thereby on the careers of scientists. Scientometrics therefore has
demonstrated that it provides reliable, transparent and relevant results, which it largely
achieves with citation-based data if it is done correctly. The next challenge will be to develop
altmetrics to the same standards.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Lutz Bornmann is at the Division for Science and Innovation Studies, Administrative
Headquarters of the Max Planck Society, Munich, Germany. Email:
Loet Leydesdorff is at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR),
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Email:
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