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Is Ingestion of Thasus Gigas (Xamues) an Alimentary Culture or an Auxiliary Treatment for Type II Diabetes?


Abstract and Figures

Background: Diabetes is a disease characterized by high blood glucose levels that result from the body's inability to produce and/or use insulin. Among different types of diabetes, type II diabetes is the most common. This work studied the causes and effects of Thasus gigas on the population of Actopan, Hidalgo regarding its ingestion and utility in the treatment of type II diabetes. Material and methods: An exploratory study was carried out based on a survey conducted among the residents of Actopan, Hidalgo suffering from diabetes mellitus (type II). In order to investigate the effect of the ingestion of insects "xohues" or "shamues", a study was conducted on 100 adults among the population of Actopan, Hidalgo in order to get information on Thasus gigas consumption. The study was designed to identify the relationships between its usage, effects on human health, the reasons for its consumption by the Actopan community; either for cultural matters or as an alternative treatment to manage type II diabetes. Results: Of the 100 persons surveyed, 39 were diabetic, 29 made medical outpatient visits. Among these, 21 had eaten Xamues to manage their diabetes while 21.5% replaced their medical treatment with Xamues. Of the 53% of the people who ingested Xamues as an alternative for their disease, 13% abandoned their medical treatment while 33% consumed them for alimentary culture. Conclusion: People who have stopped attending medical checkups are at risk, because there is no evidence that ingestion of these insects can regulate blood glucose levels.
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Nallely et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2014) 11(4):131-135
Monroy Moncayo Nallely, Valdez Vargas Esmeralda, Amador Chávez Majli Merari, García Fragoso Dulce Gisela,
Reynoso Vázquez Josefina, De la O Arciniega Minarda and *Ruvalcaba Ledezma Jesús Carlos
Institute of Health Sciences. Hidalgo State University, Pachuca City, Hidalgo State, Mexico.
*Corresponding author: E-mail.
Background: Diabetes is a disease characterized by high blood glucose levels that result from the body's inability to produce and/or use insulin.
Among different types of diabetes, type II diabetes is the most common. This work studied the causes and effects of Thasus gigas on the population of
Actopan, Hidalgo regarding its ingestion and utility in the treatment of type II diabetes.
Material and Methods: An exploratory study was carried out based on a survey conducted among the residents of Actopan, Hidalgo suffering from
diabetes mellitus (type II). In order to investigate the effect of the ingestion of insects “xohues” or “shamues”, a study was conducted on 100 adults
among the population of Actopan, Hidalgo in order to get information on Thasus gigas consumption. The study was designed to identify the
relationships between its usage, effects on human health, the reasons for its consumption by the Actopan community; either for cultural matters or as
an alternative treatment to manage type II diabetes.
Results: Of the 100 persons surveyed, 39 were diabetic, 29 made medical outpatient visits. Among these, 21 had eaten Xamues to manage their
diabetes while 21.5% replaced their medical treatment with Xamues. Of the 53% of the people who ingested Xamues as an alternative for their
disease, 13% abandoned their medical treatment while 33% consumed them for alimentary culture.
Conclusion: People who have stopped attending medical checkups are at risk, because there is no evidence that ingestion of these insects can regulate
blood glucose levels.
Key words: Alimentary culture, medical treatment, Thasus gigas, type II diabetes.
Diabetes is a disease characterized by high blood glucose levels that result from the body's inability to produce and/or use insulin. Type
I diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, and was previously known as juvenile diabetes. In type I diabetes, the body does not
produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that isneeded to convert sugar, starches andother food into energy needed for daily life. Only 5% of people with
diabetes have this form of the disease. With the help of insulin therapy and other treatments, even young children with type I diabetes can learn to
manage their condition and live long, healthy, happy lives (Laguna et al, 2009; ADA, 2013).
Type II diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. With type II diabetes the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or the cells do not use
them. Insulin is necessary so the body can use glucose as a source of energy. When you eat, the body processes all the starches and sugars and coverts
them into glucose, which is the basic energy source of the body´s cells. Insulin takes glucose to the cells. When glucose accumulates in the blood
stream instead of going into the cells, it can produce diabetic complications (The Expert Committee on Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes
Mellitus, 1997; Laguna et al, 2009).
Some of the treatments that are used for diabetes consist in taking insulin and/or medications. Insulin is a natural hormone that is produced
in the pancreas. Insulin is prescribed to many people with diabetes either because their body doesn’t produce insulin (type I diabetes) or the body
doesn’t use the insulin adequately (type II diabetes). With frequency, the first treatment recommended for type II diabetes is the planning of foods to
control their levels of sugar in their blood stream, the loss of weight and physical activity. In occasions, these measures can be inefficient to reduce the
levels of sugar in the blood stream and maintain them in the normal parameters. When this happens, oral medications are recurred to pills (Laguna et
al, 2009; ADA, 2013; OPS-OMS, 2013; IDF, 2013).
Prevalence of diabetes in Mexico
Type II diabetes has turned into a serious public health problem on a global scale representing 90 % of the cases of diabetes, type II diabetes
is an important cause of mortality and premature morbidity on a global scale. From 1998 to 2012 4.7 % has increased going from 342.1 to 358.2 cases
for every 100 thousand habitants as for the rate of morbidity. (WHO, 1985 and 1994; FMD, 2012 and 2013; ENSANUT, 2012).
According to the general direction of epidemiology in 2012, 418,797 patients were diagnosed with diabetes, 0.4 %of these patients are from
the Mexican population, 59 % of the cases of the feminine sex. If the tendency remains, in the year 2030 there would be estimated increase of 37.8 %
of cases and 23.9 % in the rate of morbidity. In the year 2012 the diabetes mellitus constituted the second cause of mortality in the Mexican
population, presenting a valuation of mortality of 75 persons for every 100 thousand inhabitants. In fact this illness has presented a fast increase since
1998 in which the mortality rate was 42.5 deaths for every 100 thousand inhabitant (Laguna et al, 2009; ADA, 2013). The metabolic syndrome and
obesity in general represent the precursor to type II diabetes, a situation that causes increment in this health problem globally and locally (Villalaz and
Ruvalcaba, 2013). The prevalence of diabetes in Hidalgo, in medical previous diagnosis, adults twenty years or older were increasing from 7.1 % up to
19.1 % after sixty years. Hidalgo occupies the third place of hospitalized cases with diagnosis of type II diabetes in the trimester of January - March,
2013. It is important to mention that 3.5 % of the hospitalized were men and 4.3 % of the hospitalized were women. (Laguna et al, 2009).
The prevalence of diabetes was ascertained by diagnosis according to their gender; in men 59% and women 41% , diabetes in adults for
diagnosis previous as federative entity. Quintana Roo, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Michoacán, Querétaro, Aguascalientes, Chihuahua Between 5.6 and 7.6, in
Guerrero, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Nayarit, Tlaxcala, Sonora Between 7.7 and 8.1, Yucatán, Campeche, Puebla, Hidalgo, Morelos, Sinaloa, BCS between
8.2 and 9.2, Tabasco, Colima, Sn. Luis Potosí, Zacatecas, Coahuila, BC Between 9.3 and 10.1and Veracruz, Edo. México, D.F, Tamaulipas, Nvo.
Nallely et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2014) 11(4):131-135
León, Durango between 10.2 and 12.3. By age group of 20 to 70 years of age, the highest prevalence occurs in 40 to 70 years of data from 9.4 in 40-49
years of age, 19.4 in 50-59 years of age, 26.3 in 60-69 years of age and the percentage of Patients Hospitalized by Diabetes Mellitus Type II by gender
in women 4.30% and men of 3.50% (ENSANUT, 2012).
What are Thasus gigas?
They are a species of insects that can be found within semiarid zones as it is the Valley of the Mezquital, where they mature in the
mesquitoes feeding of the tenderest leaves and green stems. It belongs to the Coreidae which are the most abundant and with major geographical
distribution (Table 1a). The first adults appear in June and August; the percentage of adults is mostly from May until September. These insects can be
consumed in a big diversity of typical foods, among them are the sauces, and one of so many types of sauce is the traditional one of the Valley of the
Mezquital where the principal ingredient is the insect of the Prosopis spp "Xamues" ( Thasus gigas ) in combination with the chili. (Collin, L Miller,
Ruvalcaba et al., 2013
Figure 1: Photograph of bedbug Thasus gigas in different anatomic position. (Echavarria et al, 2013).
To use the bug Thasus gigas for the development and conservation of a traditional sauce, the Valley and the Mezquital chemical analysis was made
proximal to the bugs, an important source of animal protein (Mendoza et al, 2009 and 2010). It is a common knowledge that consuming the insects
ameliorates diabetes, but there is no known study. There have been few studies on the importance of this type of insects, but in other aspects it has
only considered the nutritional and anatomical facts (Braylovsky et al 1995; Mendoza et al, 2009and 2010).
Table 1a: Taxonomy of the Insects Xamues (Mendoza et al, 2010).
This study investigates the causes and effects of the ingestion of Thasus gigas on type II diabetes and their use in medical treatment
on the population of Actopan, Hidalgo.
Materials and Methods
We conducted a cross sectional survey in 100 adults in the population of Actopan, Hidalgo in order to get information about Thasus gigas
consumption, not only looking for a relationship between cause and effect, but allowing for an explanation on the reasons for their consumption of
such insects, whether for culture matters or as an alternative to control blood glucose as a treatment for type II diabetes (Hernández et al, 2000; Ibáñis,
Image of a
“Xamuis” adult.
Dorsal bien.
Image of a "Xamuis"
Ventral bien.
Image "Xamuis" adult.
Side view. Image "Xamuis" adult.
View mouthparts.
Thumbtacks: Thasus gigas
Family: Coreidae
Gender: Thasus
Specific epithet: gigas
Common name: Xamues
Nallely et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2014) 11(4):131-135
The analysis of the survey indicated that 48 (48%) of the individuals surveyed were females and 52 (52%) males (Table 1). Regarding
marital status, 58 (58%) were married, 24 (24%) single, 11 (11 %) widowed, 3 (3%) divorced and 4 (4%) (Table 2) were not married (Table 3). 39%
suffered from type II diabetes (Table 4) and had between 1-15 years of being diagnosed, and of these 29 made medical outpatient visits (Table 5).
Among these, 21 had eaten Xamues to manage their diabetes (Table 6). 21.5% had replaced their medical treatment with Xamues (Tables 7 and 8).
We found that 53% of people have ingested the insect to manage their illness. 13% abandoned their medical treatment while 33% consumed them for
cultural purposes. Overall, 68% of the people have knowledge of Xamues, while 56% consumed it for various reasons, including their health (Table
Table 1: Frequency distribution by gender.
Gender Frequency percentage Accumulated percentage
Source: Direct. Structured interview for adult people in Actopan, Hidalgo, Mexico, 2013
Table 2: Marital status of the study sample.
Marital status Frequency Percentage Accumulated percentage
MARRIED 58 58.0 58.0
DIVORCED 3 3.0 61.0
SINGLE 24 240 85.0
UNION FREE 4 4.0 89.0
WIDOW 11 11.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0
Source: Direct. Structured interview for adult people in Actopan, Hidalgo, Mexico, 2013
Table 3: Level of education of people surveyed
Source: Direct. Structured interview for adult people in Actopan, Hidalgo, Mexico
Table 4: Frequency and percentage of diabetes in the study sample.
Source: Direct. Structured interview for adult people in Actopan, Hidalgo, Mexico
Table 5: Time of diagnosis of type II diabetes mellitus in the study sample.
Source: Direct. Structured interview for adult people in Actopan, Hidalgo, México
Escolaridad. Frequency Percentage Accumulated percentage
HIGH SCHOOL 23 23.0 23.0
DEGREE 25 25.0 48.0
NO STUDIES 1 1.0 49.0
PRIMARY 27 27.0 76.0
SECUNDARY 22 22.0 98.0
NO STUDIES 2 2.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0
Has diabetes. Frequency Percentage Accumulated percentage
NO 61 61.0 61.0
YES 39 39.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0
Time in years Frequency Percentage Accumulated percentage
1-5 YEARS 19 18.8 81.2
11-15 YEARS 4 3.0 84.2
16-20 YEARS 6 5.0 89.1
6-10 YEARS 11 10.9 100.0
Total 100 100.0
Nallely et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2014) 11(4):131-135
Table 6 Intake Thasus gigas (Xamues) of people interviewed
Source: Direct. Structured interview for adult people in Actopan, Hidalgo, Mexico
Table 7: Consumption of Thasus gigas (Xamues) for glucose control
Source: Direct. Structured interview for adult people in Actopan, Hidalgo, Mexico
Table 8: Frequency of detachment to medical treatment for diabetes
Source: Direct. Structured interview for adult people in Actopan, Hidalgo, Mexico
Table 9: Main reasons people eat the Xamues.
Source: Direct. Structured interview for adult people in Actopan, Hidalgo, Mexico
Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires medical attention and among other things should be reliable and suitable. However, there is no
doubt that in nature there are alternatives to treat not only diabetes, but also some other types of diseases, but it is recommended that the sooner
research projects are conducted on how best to elucidate the effect of these insects on blood glucose levels, as practiced by the people, the better.
People in this survey said that they felt healthier when they eat them, even though apparently in there is an aqueous - brownish substance (iodine) in
the recipe that may be responsible the difference in the taste, for that reason some people say it is good to put them in water and salt to release the
substance and then use them for the preparation of sauces, among other varied ways of consumption.
Despite all the advancements in medicine a cure for diabetes has not yet been discovered. The data collected through the interviews showed
that home remedies are popular among communities such as those in Actopan. One of the reasons that alternate natural medical remedies are
commonly used is due to the lack of access to a health insurance services/scheme and because they cannot afford allopathic medicine. Moreover, the
main reason for these insects been highly consumed by the inhabitants of the communities is because the feeling that it reduced the symptoms of
diabetes and and feeling of wellbeing (Echavarría, et al, 2014).
Finally, it was verified that if the population claims to efficacy of consuming chahuis is confirmed with its with diabetes and other diseases,
then it opens the door for the conduct of various research projects, whose findings may be used for therapeutic purposes. Its use in the preparation of
sauces or other typical dishes of this region could represent a delicious option for chronic disease control, such as type II diabetes mellitus (Zamora et
al., 2014). 7% of people with type II diabetes mellitus reported to have discontinued their allopathic medical treatment for controlling this disease,
which represents a huge need for conducting glucose measurements in people who consume the Chahuis bedbug and who are not following a formal
medical treatment. The surveys conducted denote that people consume the insects as part of their diet, and with therapeutics objectives, therefore, it is
necessary to conduct biochemical studies to elucidate the effect on the levels of glucose and determine if in reality they represent an alternative for its
control. There is a possibility that given the inadequate preparation technique used when consumed as food as well as eating them raw could be related
Frequency Percentage Accumulated Percentage
NO 10 10.0 71.0
YES 29 29.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0
Consume Xamues for diabetes Frequency Percentage Accumulated Percentage
NO 18 18.0 79.0
YES 21 21.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0
Left medications Frequency Percentage Accumulated Percentage
NO 34 34.0 95.0
YES 5 5.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0
Reasons why individuals eat
Xamues Frequency Percentage Accumulated Percentage
CURIOSITY 7 7.0 7.0
TASTE 9 9.0 16.0
DO NOT CONSUME 44 44.0 60,0
HEALTH 16 16.0 76.0
TRADITION 24 24.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0
Nallely et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2014) 11(4):131-135
to hyperthermia mentioned by a few people derived from the ingestion of the biological agent (Calderón et al., 2014). Therefore, more funded work is
required to authenticate the claims on the insect.
The local populations eat the insect for cultural purposes, food and for the management of type II diabetes. The medical claims on blood
glucose levels needs further investigation in a well funded project. The results of well funded research must be backed with health education because
inappropriate management of type II diabetes is very risky to the population.
The authors of the present research article would like to acknowledge and truly thank the collaboration of Yesenia Elizabeth Ruvalcaba
Cobián who has a B.A in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, for her contributions on the revision and translation of the article; a situation which
allows the possibility to increase the transferring and modification of scientific knowledge. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests for
the publication of this research paper.
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Full-text available
The diabetes type II is a disease in which the organism cannot produce or use insulin properly. The insulin is a hormone that transforms the sugar, starch and food in energy so that it can make use of it. Although the genetic and physical factors, such as obesity and the lack of exercise affect the health of a person, the real cause of diabetes is unknown. The objective of this study was determining the benefits that people, who suffer fromdiabetes type II, obtain by eating the bedbugs "Xohues" or "shamues" (Thasus gigas). In addition, this project intended to diagnose how this food intake affects medical treatments. An exploratory study was carried out based on a survey conducted among the residents of Actopan, Hidalgo who suffer from diabetes mellitus type II in orderto investigate the intake of "xohues" or "shamues" and their adherence to medical treatment. The initial averageglucose was 184 mg/dl in the interviewed people with a minimum of 33 mg/dl and a maximum of 394 mg/dl The peoplehad pointed out to feel better with the intake of these insects, although most of the population did not continue with the medical treatment afterwards, 5 % detachment had their medical treatment, this represents an imminentrisk for the population. Insects are an important source of alimentation and a natural alternative for the treatment of diabetes mellitus type II.
Metabolic syndrome, a prelude to type II Diabetes Mellitus and other complications of Public Health in Mexico and Globally
  • I Villalaz Ureña
  • J C Ruvalcaba Ledezma
Villalaz Ureña, I., Ruvalcaba Ledezma, J.C. (2013). Metabolic syndrome, a prelude to type II Diabetes Mellitus and other complications of Public Health in Mexico and Globally. Int. J. of Adv. Res. Vol. 1, Issue 8, 165-173.
Recuperated 2 de diciembre, 2013 disponible en línea: 7. FMD. Federación Mexicana de Diabetes Recuperado en noviembre 11, 2013 disponible en: 8. FMD. Federación Mexicana de Diabetes
ENSANUT, 2012, Instituto nacional de Salud Pública, Recuperated 2 de diciembre, 2013 disponible en línea: 7. FMD. Federación Mexicana de Diabetes. Diabetes asociada al Alzheimer (2013). Recuperado en noviembre 11, 2013 disponible en: 8. FMD. Federación Mexicana de Diabetes. Diabetes en Números/fmd. (2012). Recuperado en noviembre 11, 2013 disponible en: