Conference Paper

Implementación en GPU de modelos SPH

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En este trabajo se presenta la implementación en GPU (unidad de procesamiento gráfico) de los modelos de dinámica de fluidos SPH. Se analizan cuales son las mejores aproximaciones para paralelizar estos modelos y traducirlos al lenguaje de programación de las GPU. Los resultados muestran grandes mejoras en el rendimiento del código cuando éste se ejecuta en una GPU en comparación con una CPU.

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The interaction between a large wave and a coastal structure is studied with a three-dimensional (3D) Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) model. The role of protecting barriers (dikes and seawalls) to mitigate the force and moment exerted on the structure is analyzed in terms of the dike height and the distance from the dike to the structure. The existence of different propagation modes (different ways for the water to surpass the protection barrier) has been identified. In general, the flow is split into two parts: one overtopping the barrier and the other one flowing around it. The interaction between both the parts of the fluid is shown to be responsible of the force and moment exerted on the coastal structure.
Dam break evolution over dry and wet beds is analyzed with a smoothed particle hydrodynamics model. The model is shown to accurately fit both experimental dam break profiles and the measured velocities. In addition, the model allows one to study different propagation regimes during the dam break evolution. In particular, different dissipation mechanisms were identified: bottom friction and wave breaking. Although breaking dominates over wet beds at the beginning of the movement, bottom friction becomes the main dissipation mechanism in the long run.
Since smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is based on interactions with the closer neighbouring particles, implementing the neighbour list is a key point in terms of the high performance of the code. The efficiency of the method depends directly on how to build and use the neighbour list. In the present work, the available searching algorithms for SPH codes are analyzed. Different gridding algorithms are evaluated, the gains in efficiency obtained from reordering of particles is investigated and the cell-linked list and Verlet list methods are studied to create the neighbour list. Furthermore, an innovative searching procedure based on a dynamic updating of the Verlet list is proposed. The efficiency of the algorithms is analyzed in terms of computational time and memory requirements. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a relatively new method for examining the propagation of highly nonlinear and breaking waves. At Johns Hopkins University, we have been working since 2000 to develop an engineering tool using this technique. However, there have been some difficulties in taking the model from examples using a small number of particles to more elaborate and better resolved cases.Several improvements that we have implemented are presented here to handle turbulence, the fluid viscosity and density, and a different time-stepping algorithm is used. The final model is shown to be able to model breaking waves on beaches in two and three dimensions, green water overtopping of decks, and wave–structure interaction.
Wave overtopping on the decks of offshore platforms and ships can cause severe damage due to the high forces generated by the water. This phenomenon is analyzed within the framework of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. The presence of a fixed horizontal deck above the mean water level modifies strongly the wave kinematics. In particular, the flow in the wave crest is split into two, showing a different behavior above and below the deck. Numerical results generated by the SPH method are compared to laboratory experiments. The formation of a jet in the rear of the deck after overtopping is observed under extreme conditions.
Using a 3D SPH Method for Wave Impact on a Tall Structure
  • M Gómez-Gesteira
  • R A Dalrymple
Gómez-Gesteira, M. and Dalrymple, R.A. 2004. Using a 3D SPH Method for Wave Impact on a Tall Structure. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering. 130, 2: 63-69.
CUDA Programming Guide
CUDA Programming Guide. NVIDIA (2008). CUDA Programming Guide.
High Performance of SPH Codes: Best approaches for efficient parallelization on GPU computing
  • A J C Crespo
  • J C Marongiu
  • E Parkinson
  • M Gómez-Gesteira
  • J Dominguez
Crespo, A. J. C., Marongiu, J.C., Parkinson, E., Gómez-Gesteira, M., Dominguez, J. M. "High Performance of SPH Codes: Best approaches for efficient parallelization on GPU computing" Proc. IVth Int. SPHERIC Workshop (Nantes), pp. 69-76, 2009.