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Geodynamic Laboratory SRC PAS in Książ – state of 2013


Abstract and Figures

The paper provides information on the history of the creation and activities of the Geodynamic Laboratory in Książ (Central Sudetes, SW Poland). A unique laboratory environment, instrumental facili-ties and research program were presented. Particular attention was paid to the study of geodynamic sig-nals of non-tidal nature, relating to the local geological and tectonic situation. Tectonic research is exam-ined in terms of both cognitive (identification of causes of the occurrence and scale of the problem), as well as utilitarian aspect designed to assess the impact of recorded effects on the earth's surface and archi-tectural objects
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doi: 10.5277/ms142102
Mining Science, vol. 21, 2014, 2331
Mining Science
(previously Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa
Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Górnictwo i Geologia)
ISSN 2300-9586
previously 0370-0798
Received: April 25, 2014, accepted: July 27, 2014
Damian KASZA*
Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
Abstract: The paper provides information on the history of the creation and activities of the Geodynamic
Laboratory in Książ (Central Sudetes, SW Poland). A unique laboratory environment, instrumental facili-
ties and research program were presented. Particular attention was paid to the study of geodynamic sig-
nals of non-tidal nature, relating to the local geological and tectonic situation. Tectonic research is exam-
ined in terms of both cognitive (identification of causes of the occurrence and scale of the problem), as
well as utilitarian aspect designed to assess the impact of recorded effects on the earth's surface and archi-
tectural objects
Keywords: geodynamic research, Książ, water-tube tiltmeter, geodesy, Świebodzice Depression
Many research centers around the world are studying geodynamic phenomena in
cognitive, instrumental and utilitarian respect. Particularly noteworthy is Geodynamic
Laboratory (GL) in Książ belonging to the Space Research Centre of the Polish Acad-
emy of Sciences (SRC PAS). It is the only one in Poland and one of the few in this
part of Europe (Central Sudetes, SW Poland) research establishment located in the
underground corridors of the II World War (Kaczorowski, 2010; ECGS, 2014). A rich
and constantly supplemented modern set of instruments and measurement techniques
allows seeing geodynamic phenomena, both in terms of local and global impacts.
* Corresponding author: Damian Kasza,
Damian KASZA
Geodynamic Laboratory in Książ uses underground tunnels located at a depth of
about 50 meters below the courtyard of Książ Castle. They are the residue of a secret
Nazi military facility from the end of World War II with the same name (in German:
Fürstenstein) that is one of the objects of "Riese" complex. So far, in addition to
Książ, six underground tunnels systems located in the Sowie Range were discovered
(Dudziak, 1996; Aniszewski and Zagórski, 2006).
Workings in Książ have approximately the shape of a regular grid, with a total gal-
leries length of approximately 950 meters. Of the 4 existing tunnels only one of them
is currently used and is the entrance to the laboratory.
In the early 70s of the last century prof. Roman Teisseyre founded in underground
tunnels a Geophysical Observatory belonging to the Institute of Geophysics of PAS.
Initial work included seismic research, which since the mid-70s was extended to the
tidal study conducted by prof. Tadeusz Chojnicki using quartz horizontal pendulums
In the early years of the XXI century in Książ was founded the Geodynamic La-
boratory of the Space Research Centre of PAS. In the underground appeared new
measuring instruments water-tube tiltmeters (WT), relative and absolute gravimeters
and interference extensometer (Kaczorowski, 2010).
Książ Castle is located in the central part of the geological-structural unit of Świe-
bodzice Depression (Grocholski, 1969). It is parallelogram-shaped and extends to the
NW-SE (Oberc, 1978; Żelaźniewicz and Aleksandrowski, 2008). Deposits filling the
Variscan mountainous sedimentary basin come from between the Upper Devonian to
Lower Carboniferous (Oberc, 1972). You can distinguish among them the Książ For-
mation, Chwaliszów Formation, Pełcznica Formation, Pogorzała Formation, as well
as volcanic and metamorphic rocks of Kaczawa complex (Teisseyre, 1951; Teisseyre
and Gawroński, 1965; Porębski, 1981, Marcinowski et al., 2004).
Świebodzice Depression is characterized by a dense network of dislocation zones,
which also define the boundaries of adjacent units (Fig. 1). The most important of
them is a Sudetic Marginal Fault (Stepancikova et al., 2010) separating the Świe-
bodzice sedimentary basin from pre-Sudetic fault block (Teisseyre and Sawicki, 1955;
Haydukiewicz et al., 1962; Teisseyre and Gawroński, 1965; Teisseyre, 1969;
Walczak-Augustyniak, 1988).
Bedrock, inside of which is located Geodynamic Laboratory, is also cut by numer-
ous lines of discontinuities and cracks. This situation is extremely important due to
the nature of the conducted tectonic phenomena research, since moving along the
Geodynamic laboratory SRC PAS in Książ – state of 2013
faults blocks of rocks fall in direct interaction with the measuring apparatus (Kaczor-
owski and Wojewoda, 2011).
Fig. 1. Geological map of Świebodzice Depression (Kaczorowski and Wojewoda, 2011, modified)
Rys. 1. Mapa geologiczna depresji Świebodzic (Kaczorowski and Wojewoda, 2011, zmodyfikowane).
Underground galleries system of laboratory was bored by mining methods
(Aniszewski and Zagórski, 2006) hence their cross-sectional shape is characteristic of
the excavations in underground mines. In some tunnels was made hard casing, the
remaining fragments are unsecured.
From the point of view of the conducted research an important feature of the GL is
its microclimate. In the underground there is approximately constant temperature.
Annual change in the level of tenths and daily of hundredths of a Celsius degree are
observed. Relative humidity varies seasonally between 85 to 95%. Continuous moni-
toring of temperature, humidity and pressure (air movement) is necessary because of
their impact on the instruments operating there (Kaczorowski, 2010).
The water is present in the rock mass surrounding the Laboratory only by soaking
through the surface. The absolute gravity measurements made in the laboratory fully
confirmed the lack of water in the rock mass and changes of its level (Kaczorowski
and Olszak, 2010).
Damian KASZA
The underground of observatory and laboratory in Książ are used by two institutes
of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Seismological Observatory (SO) of the Institute
of Geophysics (IG) and Geodynamic Laboratory of the Space Research Centre.
The first instruments installed right after establishing SO were seismographs,
which were intended to, among others, monitor the tremors caused by mining activi-
ties in the Legnica-Głogów Copper Region. Today, the main task of the SO is the
observation of earthquakes (Eduscience, 2014).
Since the mid-70s the research activity in Książ was extended by prof. Tadeusz
Chojnicki to tidal studies conducted using quartz horizontal pendulums. The work
focused on continuous observation of tidal signals and their analyses. The tidal re-
search included the determination of tidal ephemeris, study of interactions between
ocean tides and the tides of earth, study of tidal signals seasonal variation and the load
effect (Kaczorowski, 2010).
At the beginning of the XXI century in Książ was founded a Geodynamic Labora-
tory of Space Research Centre. In the underground appeared new measuring instru-
ments water-tube tiltmeter, relative and absolute gravimeters and interference exten-
someter. The development of measurement techniques has widened the research to
non-tidal phenomena. These include the natural vibration of the Earth, subsonic sig-
nals, the phenomena produced by the contemporary tectonic activity. In the laboratory
are monitored the tectonic effects i.e. vertical and horizontal movements and the slope
of the rock mass and more recently the radon-effects related to tectonic activity in the
region. A new instrument for the measurement of tectonic phenomena in the Labora-
tory is a TM-71 deformeter.
The development of laboratory included modernization of technical infrastructure
of Laboratory (communication system and power supply) that allowed for the enrich-
ment of instrumental facilities of laboratory with a new equipment. In the corridors of
the laboratory were installed two water-tube tiltmeter pipes with lengths of 67 and 92
meters. The water-tube tiltmetrs began full measurements at the end of 2002. A new
type of instruments has enabled further observations of systematic and long-term
slope effects and vertical movements of the tectonic soil, the phenomena of free oscil-
lations of the Earth, the infrasound effects (103 Hz), as well as conducting compara-
tive studies between horizontal pendulums and water-tube tiltmeters (Kaczorowski,
1999a, 199b, 2005, 2006a, 2006b, 2010; Kaczorowski and Olszak, 2010). In 2006 was
built a gravimetric pavilion equipped with columns for the relative and absolute gravi-
ty measurements (Fig. 2). In 2007 was installed a second pair of horizontal pendu-
Geodynamic laboratory SRC PAS in Książ – state of 2013
lums, while also changed the way of observations recording from a photographic to an
electronic (Kaczorowski, 2010).
Fig. 2. Map of Książ Castle underground complex
Rys. 2. Mapa podziemnego kompleksu zamku Książ
3.3. New research directions of GL
A constantly developed set of new, innovative instruments and measurement tech-
niques favor starting up new research directions. The current program, which was
based mainly on observations of tidal signals, has been extended to the study the non-
tidal signals.
Damian KASZA
Taking this theme was driven by recording non-tidal events by highly sensitive in-
struments water-tube tiltmeters. These events took the form of irregular water level
changes at the ends of both water-tube tiltmeters. Since launching the WT have rec-
orded several effects of varying amplitude (exceeding 100 mas) and duration (from
several to several dozen days). Conducting comparative analysis with data of horizon-
tal pendulums confirmed the occurrence of this phenomenon (in the corresponding
periods HP showed instability in equilibrium positions). Recording strong non-tidal
effects by two instruments of various types, and the compensating effect observed by
WT (precluding the effects of gravity), indicates a tectonic cause of an irregularly
appearing phenomenon. Previous studies indicate a need to seek answers about the
origin of these signals, correlation with other geodynamic phenomena, such as tecton-
ic strike-slip movements, radon flux changes and the impact on the morphology of the
terrain and on engineering facilities (Chojnicki and Blum, 1996; Kaczorowski, 2007,
2008, 2009a, 2009b; Kaczorowski and Wojewoda, 2011; Kasza, 2013).
Observations of non-tidal signals using HP and WT are held in the aspect of the
ground slopes and vertical movements of rock blocks, on which the instruments are
installed (Kaczorowski, 2010). These observations will be replenished by observa-
tions of the horizontal component of displacement performed on the identified areas
of dislocation (Kaczorowski and Wojewoda, 2011; Kasza, 2013) using geodetic
measurement techniques and deformeters. Therefore was performed a stabilization of
the horizontal surveying reference points adapted to measure using Total Station in
the GL underground galleries. Also a project of the measuring polygon in the area of
Pełcznica river valley is already prepared. Particularly important will be the first re-
sults from the deformeter (model TM-71, made in Czech Republic) installed on the
arms of fault, which surface intersects one of the WT tubes. Deformeter will provide
information on the size of the horizontal movements at the time of detection of tecton-
ic events by tiltmeters and effect compensation phase (Kasza, 2013).
An important element of the Laboratory work is interference extensometer
launched in 2010. Its base of length about 30 meters allows monitoring earth's crust
deformation with a relative resolution of 10-9 meter. Obtained information about
changes of tension states and directions of the forces are support for WT in terms of
the Earth's natural vibrations, and the long-term and systematic changes of the vertical
line (Kaczorowski, 2010).
GL instruments are complemented by two permanent GPS stations installed on the
IG building in Książ (2010) and on the main building of Stallions Herd in Książ
(2013). GPS stations are located at a distance of approximately 300 meters on the
opposite sides of the main southern fault stretching the Pełcznica river valley. The
stations deployment will allow determining the movement of arms of the main fault.
The resulting time-series sequences of stations own movement will be used for testing
non-tidal signals of ground slopes and vertical movements observed by tiltmeters
(Kaczorowski, 2010).
Geodynamic laboratory SRC PAS in Książ – state of 2013
Location of Geodynamic Laboratory in the underground of the Książ Castle pro-
vides a unique opportunity to conduct subtle geodynamic research on local phenome-
na (related to the geological and tectonic structure of GL environment) and large-scale
- global phenomena. Modern, constantly evolving test equipment and advanced data
analysis methods allow for the development of work on the origins of recorded sig-
Conducting research on non-tidal signals determines the works associated with the
extension of appliance facilities and perfection of measurement techniques. Research
dimension has been expanded by the utilitarian aspect in the form of verification of
the potential impact of recorded signals on the historic architecture of the Książ Cas-
tle. In the future, will be attempted to assess how the developed methodology will
allow studying the tectonic effects and their impact in the areas covered by significant
ground movement caused even by mining activities or related to downforce site
changes caused by engineering structures such as dams.
This study was financed by the grant No B30111 (Wrocław University of Technology) for conducting
research serving the development of young scientists and PhD students (subsidizing authority: Ministry
of Science and Higher Education).
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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W artykule zaprezentowano koncepcję rozwoju sieci badawczej do pomiaru efektów związanych ze współczesną aktywnością tektoniczną w obszarze Książańskiego Parku Krajobrazowego. Przedstawiono pierwsze dowody potwierdzające fakt występowania przemieszczeń na powierzchniach nieciągłości o charakterze zdarzeniowym oraz instrumentarium wykorzystane w badaniach. W pracy scharakteryzowano sposób i kierunek rozwoju poligonu geodynamicznego w Książu, a także metodykę i cel prowadzenia obserwacji.
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The NW–SE striking Sudetic Marginal Fault (SMF) is one of the most conspicuous tectonic structures in central Europe. It controls the pronounced morphotectonic escarpment of the Sudetic Mountains for a length of 130 km. This paper presents the results of trenching on the SMF, undertaken in order to assess activity of the fault. The trenching technique has not hitherto been applied on either this particular fault system or elsewhere in the Bohemian Massif. However, it is the most effective tool for near-surface fault investigation in areas that are well vegetated and therefore devoid of fault outcrops. Moreover, the study area is situated in an intraplate region with a low displacement rate, which is exceeded by an erosion rate and does not favor the preservation of fault scarps.The trench sites were selected from prior DEM analyses, geomorphological fieldwork, and geophysical sounding. The trenches exposed a range of lithologies of Variscan crystalline rocks and Caenozoic sediments. At least four phases of faulting have been distinguished based on structural data, succession and age of the deformed sediments. Reverse faulting (N160°E), which displaced the Miocene sediments over the crystalline rocks, post-dates their deposition (15 Ma) and pre-dates Late Glacial gelifluction. Horizontal movements that have affected the Miocene deposits along a structure striking N35°E have the same wide time constraint. Younger reverse faulting, which caused a co-seismic relief step, post-dates the Late Glacial gelifluction but preceded the early Holocene colluvium deposition (10,940 ± 140 cal yrs BP). Normal faults striking N145°E, which cut the Miocene unit, might have been reactivated after the early Holocene colluvial sedimentation but before the buried soil (430 ± 120 cal yrs BP). Moreover, based on the identified prehistoric earthquake, respective minimum moment magnitude M 6.3 and slip rate 0.03 mm/year were estimated.
The long water-tube tiltmeter observations of the plumb line variations were begun about four years ago. Since 2001, twice, the instrument registered strong plumb line variations associated with earthquake. Earthquake in September 2003 made opportunity for verification of hydrodynamic system of tiltmeter. We obtained in observations large number of cycle-slip effects, which made impossible correct interpretation of data during main phase of phenomenon. Results of tests of dumping system of water waving helped us to introduce some improvements in hydrodynamic system of instrument. Catastrophic earthquake with magnitude 9.1 which took place in the area of Indian Ocean on 26th December 2004 generated phenomenon of the Earth free oscillations associated with anomalous plumb line variations of the order of single milliseconds of arc (mas). The effects of surface waves passing associated with Earth free oscillations were registered by the tiltmeter as series of anomalous plumb line variations. Surface waves produced several milliseconds of arc amplitude of plumb line variations. Results of observations showed that low-pass filters considerably reduce contribution of short-period effects and effectively protect hydrodynamic system of instrument against resonance. Nevertheless during first two hours of phenomenon cycle-slip effects occurred several times. Plot of plumb line variations in space from 26th December 2004 showed us large complication of tilt signals as well as dominated role of tidal signal. Spectral analysis of the time series of the plumb line variations obtained with help of the long water-tube tiltmeter on 26 December 2004 appeared existing fundamental modes (n = 0) in the Earth free oscillations didn't exceed 0.2 mas.
Thirty years long measurements of plumb line variations carried on with help of horizontal pendulums provided usinformation of non-tidal effects. Installation of the long water tube tiltmeter opens for us new possibility to answer the question, which part of non-tidal effects observed by means of pendulums was associated with geodynamic phenomena andwhich part was of instrumental or local origin. Two years long measurements of the long water-tube tiltmeter showed us some important similarities between non-tidal effects registered by both instruments: comparable amplitudes of non-tidal effects, time of durations of non-tidal effects as well as irregularity of occurring of non-tidal events. In spite of disjunction of time series of measurements obtained with help of horizontal pendulums and long water-tube tiltmeters we are able to conclude that the reasons of large non-tidal effects can not be simply explained by influence of temperature or pressure variations. © 2007, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. All rights reserved.
Continuous measurements of plumb line variations (PLV) have been performed in Geodynamic Laboratory of Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) in Ksiaz since 1975. Until 2003 the measurements were carried on with help of quartz horizontal pendulums (HP), with photographical system of registration. In 2003 we finished construction and instillation of long watertubes tiltmeter (WT). At the end of 2006 HP equipped with electronic system of registration were restarted. First information of existence of large non-tidal signals (> 100 milliseconds of arc (mas)) comes from HP measurements. Almost every year we observe one or two epochs of large variations of azimuths of pendulums. Observed effects were so strong that several days after beginning of phenomenon arms of pendulums touched limiters and stopped measurements. Strong signals happened irregularly in different months. After strong effect or series of strong effects we observed much slower process of compensation. By taking into account the construction of pendulums, its mechanical drift and possible of influence of local effects on measurements discussion of strong signals was problematic. Before start of WT tiltmeters we inclined to hypothesis that strong signals were instrumental or local origin. WT tiltmeters and their peculiarities allowed us to develop investigations of strong, long-standing signals (Kaczorowski, 2004, 2006A). In period 2003-2007 WT registered five epochs of extremely strong signals. The largest signals of magnitude exceeding hundred of mas happened in different months without seasonal correlations. Time of duration of large signals changed between week and one month. Initiation of HP measurements in 2006 made us possibility of beginning of comparative works between tiltmeters. Unfortunately to our investigations, in discussed interval of measurements the last strong effect was observed in July 2006, before restart of HP measurements. After July 2006 to the half of 2008 there did not happen events of strong signals. During this time we observed process of compensation of strong signals The common measurements of WT and HP tiltmeters show us intervals when non-tidal signals registered by both classes of instruments were or were not correlated. Obtained result is probable associated with small amplitudes of nontidal signals observed in comparative interval, differences of azimuths of HP and WT tiltmeters measurements and small sensitivity of HP tiltmeters. To exclude any local effects of pressure or temperature origin we started in 2006 system of permanent monitoring (26 sensors) of variations of these parameters in surrounding of tiltmeters. The results allowed us to exclude temperature and pressure effects as reasons of strong non-tidal effects. In this moment we are inclining to hypothesis that observed effects of strong non-tidal signals are generated by phenomenon of plates tectonic motions in connection with especial constitution of the crust in surrounding of Ksiaz Geodynamic Laboratory.
Observations of plumb line variations phenomenon have been carried out in the Low Silesian Geophysical Observatory in Ksi by means of quartz horizontal pendulums for thirty years. The observations were adjusted with the help of least square method. The thirty-year-long permanent observations made it possible to determine interaction between tidal waves and the Earth core, improve the model of ocean indirect effects (Kaczorowski 1991), investigate the tidal waves seasonal modulation (Chojnicki 1991a, 1991b, 1999b, and Kaczorowski 1989), as well as investigate seasonal variations of the ocean indirect effects (Kaczorowski 1989). However, because of limitations of quartz horizontal pendulums, mainly their low sensitivity and instrumental drift, our investigations had to be concentrated on tidal phenomena only. In 1997, taking into account possibilities of installing a long water-tube tiltmeter as well as expected improvements of measurements, we began to construct new instruments. The water-tube tiltmeter consists of two perpendicular tubes, 65 and 83 m long, partially filled with water. The idea of measurements applies the principle of hydrostatic equilibrium. Inside the hydrodynamic system of the instrument, the Luni-Solar forces as well as some great-scale geodynamic phenomena produce variations of water level. The water level changes are measured at the ends of the tubes with the interference technique (Kaczorowski 1999a, b). The water-tube tiltmeter has very advantageous properties, such as high sensitivity of measurement, lack of instrumental drift, and absolute units of measurement (length of wave of He-Ne laser light). These properties result from applying the interference method of measurement of water variations in the hydrodynamic system of the instrument. The accuracy of measurements is close to single nanometers. For the hundred-meter long tube, changes of water level of the order of 10-9 m correspond to plumb line variations of the order of 10-3 mas (millisecond of arc). This precision allows us to determine plumb line variations with an accuracy better than 10-2 mas, being the most sensitive method of measurements of plumb line variations (Bower 1973). Simultaneously, this method possesses the property of absolute measurements technique. We obtained verification of measurement system of the instrument after the very strong earthquake (8.6 magnitude) which took place on 25 September 2003 near Japanese coast as well as after the Sumatra- Andaman catastrophic earthquake (9.1 magnitude) of 26 December 2004 (Sect. 36.8). Both earthquakes generated free oscillations in the Earth body (Pekeris and Jarosch 1958, and Alterman et al. 1959), causing plumb line variations of a few mas. Effects of plumb line variations associated with Earth free oscillations were registered by long water-tube. In the water system of the instrument, the low-pass filters were installed to diminish the rate of water level waving and to reduce the number of cycle-slip effects during the main phase of free oscillations.
Analysis of ground movements at the Ksiaz observatory in 1974-1993
  • Chojnicki T
  • P A Blum
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