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Glycaemic and insulinaemic properties of some German honey varieties


Abstract and Figures

The glycaemic and insulinaemic response to different German honey varieties have not been studied so far. Eight German honey grades differing in their floral source and carbohydrate composition were tested. Isoglucidic test meals (25 g carbohydrate) and a 25 g glucose reference were given to 10 clinically and metabolically healthy, fasting individuals (31.5+/-8.1 years of age (mean+/-s.d.), two women). Glycaemic and insulinaemic index were calculated by the recommended FAO/WHO measure. Five of the eight tested honey varieties show a low glycaemic index below 55; for six of the eight tested varieties, the glycaemic load was lower than 10 (portion size of 20 g honey). Glycaemic index and insulinaemic index correlated significantly with the fructose content of honey varieties. The results show that glycaemic index and insulinaemic response depend on the fructose content of honey. Therefore, specific honey varieties may be recommended for subjects with impaired glucose tolerance instead of saccharose in food preparations.
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Glycaemic and insulinaemic properties of some
German honey varieties
P Deibert, D Ko
¨nig, B Kloock, M Groenefeld and A Berg
Department of Rehabilitation, Prevention and Sports Medicine, University Hospital, Centre for Internal Medicine, Freiburg, Germany
The glycaemic and insulinaemic response to different German honey varieties have not been studied so far. Eight German honey
grades differing in their floral source and carbohydrate composition were tested. Isoglucidic test meals (25 g carbohydrate) and
a 25 g glucose reference were given to 10 clinically and metabolically healthy, fasting individuals (31.5±8.1 years of age
(mean±s.d.), two women). Glycaemic and insulinaemic index were calculated by the recommended FAO/WHO measure.
Five of the eight tested honey varieties show a low glycaemic index below 55; for six of the eight tested varieties, the glycaemic
load was lower than 10 (portion size of 20 g honey). Glycaemic index and insulinaemic index correlated significantly with the
fructose content of honey varieties. The results show that glycaemic index and insulinaemic response depend on the fructose
content of honey. Therefore, specific honey varieties may be recommended for subjects with impaired glucose tolerance instead
of saccharose in food preparations.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010) 64, 762–764; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2009.103; published online 16 September 2009
Keywords: honey; glycaemic index; homa index; insulin response
Postprandial glycaemic response has basic relevance to
chronic diseases that are associated with hyperinsulinaemia
and central obesity (1998). Glycaemic index (GI) is a stan-
dardized measure recommended by FAO/WHO to classify
the blood glucose response after intake of carbohydrates.
As a composite biological carbohydrate, honey is regularly
used as a natural sweetener and as a traditional medicinal
agent. Honey grades vary in their glycaemic response and
some honey varieties have a low GI (Bogdanov et al., 2008).
It has been suggested that floral sources of honey and the
fructose-to-glucose ratio are responsible for the difference
in glycaemic response. However, insufficient data are avail-
able for honey varieties, particularly for German products.
In addition, the mechanism explaining the low GI response
to some honey species is still unknown (Ischayek and Kern,
2006). The aim of this study was to determine whether
the GI and insulinaemic responses of eight varieties of
German honey differ in their floral source and carbohydrate
Ten clinically and metabolically healthy, fasting indivi-
duals (two women, eight men; age 31.5±8.1 years) were
each given isoglucidic (25 g carbohydrate) single servings of
eight German honey varieties and a 25 g glucose reference
within a 2-week period. Each test was performed at OGTT
conditions (8.00–10.00 a.m.) in identical subjects. Capillary
blood glucose and plasma insulin were measured through
finger-prick samples before (0 min) and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90
and 120 min after the consumption of each test honey by
clinically routine micromethods. Glucose was determined by
an enzymatic (Glucoseoxidase) amperometric method (EBIO
plus, Eppendorf/EKF, D-39179 Magedburg) immediately after
sampling. The GI and insulinaemic index (II) of each test
food were calculated geometrically by expressing the incre-
mental area under the blood glucose and plasma insulin
response curve (IAUC), respectively, of each test food as a
percentage of each individual’s IAUC for the 25 g glucose
reference. In addition, glucose load was calculated as the
product of the test food’s GI and the amount of available
carbohydrate in a reference serving size of a 20 g honey
The honey samples tested were provided by the
‘German beekeeper association’ (Deutscher Imkerbund e.V.),
Wachtberg, Germany. Food chemistry analyses were performed
by the ‘LAVES-Institut fu
¨r Bienenkunde’, Celle, Germany.
Written informed consent was obtained from all individuals
Received 13 January 2009; revised 16 June 2009; accepted 7 July 2009;
published online 16 September 2009
Correspondence: Dr P Deibert, Department of Rehabilitation, Prevention and
Sports Medicine, University Hospital, Centre for Internal Medicine, Hugstetter
Str. 55, 79106 Freiburg, Germany.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010) 64, 762 –764
2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0954-3007/10
participating in the study. The study protocol was approved
by the local ethical committee. For statistical analyses, SPSS
software (version 14.0) was used.
The composition of the honey varieties tested is given in
Table 1. Owing to a variation in the fructose and glucose
content, there is a broadly divergent fructose–glucose ratio as
well. The greatest variation in the carbohydrates analysed
can be declared in the melezitose content; in contrast to all
other varieties, forest honey shows a significantly higher
melezitose content (10 g/100 g honey). Five of the eight
tested honey varieties show a low GI below 55. Only for
forest honey is a high GI above 70 determined. For six of the
eight tested varieties, the glycaemic load is lower than 10
(portion size of 20 g honey).
The changes in glucose and insulin levels in response to
glucose control, as well as the response to the two honey
species with the lowest (linden flower honey, heated) and
highest (forest honey) GI and II values, are shown in
Figure 1a and b. GI values differ at a range of 80%
and II values differ at a range of 29% in the honey
varieties examined. There is no statistically significant
correlation between GI and II values. In addition, the
insulin–glucose ratios do not show a fixed value, but vary
at a range of 73%.
When the carbohydrate contents of the different honey
varieties are correlated with glycaemic and insulinaemic
properties, significant correlations can be established
between GI and II and the fructose content of the honey
varieties: r(GI/fructose) 0.851, P¼0.007; r(II/fructose)
0.810, P¼0.015 (Figure 2). The melezitose content in
Table 1 Composition and properties of the honey varieties examined
Variety CH CH Fru FGR GI GL II
Floral sources g/100 g g/20 g
25 g glucose control 100 20 0 0 100 20 100
Linden (heated) 80.7 16.1 38.5 1.11 49.2 7.9 60.4
Multifloral honey 82.9 16.6 39.6 1.04 51.3 8.5 52.4
Acacia 80.4 16.1 43.5 1.49 53.0 8.5 48.9
Heather 76.0 15.2 40.2 1.30 53.3 8.1 49.1
Sweet chestnut 75.6 15.1 39.6 1.62 53.4 8.1 49.0
Linden (not heated) 76.6 15.3 37.0 1.11 55.9 8.6 61.0
Oilseed-rape 79.0 15.8 37.9 0.97 64.0 10.1 57.0
Forest honey 75.8 15.2 31.1 1.17 88.6 13.5 63.0
Abbreviations: CH, carbohydrate content (%); FGR, fructose-glucose-ratio;
Fru, fructose content (g/100 g honey); GI, glycaemic index; GL, glycaemic
load; II, insulinaemic index.
Data given by LAVES—Institut fu
¨r Bienenkunde, D-29221 Celle, Germany,
extracted from HPLC-analyses.
Data are given as individual value for each variety examined.
δ-glucose (mg/100ml)
δ-insulin (pmol/l)
Glucose control
Forest honey
Linden flower honey, heated
Minutes after oral ingestion
Linden flower honey, heated
Glucose control
Forest honey
Minutes after oral ingestion
0 min 15 min 30 min 45 min 60 min 90 min 120 min 15 min0 min 30 min 45 min 60 min 90 min 120 min
Figure 1 Change in glucose (a) and insulin (b) levels of two honey species (linden flower honey, heated; lowest GI value of the samples tested;
forest honey; highest GI value of the samples tested) compared with glucose control. Glucose (mg/100 ml) and insulin (pmol/l) values are given
as differences vs 0-min values.
Glycaemic index
Fructose content of honey (%)
R-Quadrat linear = 0.724
30 32 35 38 4240
Figure 2 Correlation between fructose content and GI in the eight
honey varieties tested.
Glycaemic index of German honey varieties
P Deibert et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
forest honey is responsible for the high GI value in this
honey species (P¼0.001). The fructose–glucose ratio, as well
as all the carbohydrates listed and the sum of carbohydrates,
does not significantly influence the GI and II characteristics
of the honey varieties.
Honey can be defined as a carbohydrate-rich food, and the
main content of honey, approximately 80% of its mass,
consists of carbohydrates, particularly fructose and glucose.
However, recently published research has suggested that
floral sources of the honey species may influence GI and that
some honey varieties show a lower GI than do others
(Samanta et al., 1985; Foster-Powell et al., 2002; Henry et al.,
2005; Ischayek and Kern, 2006).
When the sugar profile and the fructose–glucose ratio of
the honey species tested in this study were compared,
variable fructose content and a broadly divergent fructose–
glucose ratio were found. Fructose content varies within a
range of 43.5%, leading to a fructose–glucose ratio from 0.97
to 1.62. In comparison with data regarding US honey
varieties showing fructose contents within a range between
34.8 and 39.8% and fructose–glucose ratios within a range
between 1.03 and 1.12, our results show that sugar profile in
the tested German honey species clearly differ from US data
(Ischayek and Kern, 2006). This may be the reason for the
finding that, in contrast to other published data with regard
to glycaemic indexes in honey species, most of the honey
varieties tested in this study—except for forest honey with a
high GI of 88.6—showed a favourable GI lower than 55.
It has been suggested that the respective GI and the
corresponding fructose–glucose ratio are negatively corre-
lated and that the GI of honey varieties is decreased with an
increased fructose–glucose ratio. In our study, the fructose
content rather than the fructose–glucose ratio was signifi-
cantly correlated to the GI response. In addition, the high
melezitose content in the forest honey tested was signifi-
cantly responsible for its high GI value as well. However,
neither the relative carbohydrate content nor any carbohy-
drate species other than fructose and melezitose showed a
relevant influence on the glycaemic and insulinaemic
response in the honeys investigated. Comparable with
observations in other carbohydrate-rich foods, the corre-
sponding glucose and insulin response did not show a
significant intercorrelation. In the honeys tested, the
insulinaemic response calculated as II could not be predicted
by glycaemic response. Nevertheless, the insulin
increase after honey intake generally did not reach the
amount of the control curve after glucose ingestion, but
varied at a clearly smaller range, approximately 55% of the
control response.
The results impressively document favourable glycaemic as
well as insulinaemic characteristics after consumption of the
honey varieties tested. With regard to the low GI values in
most of the honey species, these honey varieties may be
recommended for individuals with impaired glucose toler-
ance or insulin resistance instead of saccharose in meals,
particularly breakfast preparations (Wolever and Mehling,
2003; Galgani et al., 2006; Wolever et al., 2006). This
information may be useful for predicting the glycaemic
effects of composite breakfast meals and for improving the
postprandial metabolic response as well as appetite regula-
tion (Flint et al., 2006).
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The honey samples tested were provided by the ‘German
beekeeper association’ (Deutscher Imkerbund e.V.), Wachtberg,
Germany. Food chemistry analyses of the honey varieties
tested were performed by the ‘LAVES-Institut fu
¨r Bienenkunde’,
Celle, Germany.
Bogdanov S, Jurendic T, Sieber R, Gallmann P (2008). Honey for
nutrition and health: a review. J Am Coll Nutr 27, 677–689.
Flint A, Moller BK, Raben A, Sloth B, Pedersen D, Tetens I et al.
(2006). Glycemic and insulinemic responses as determinants of
appetite in humans. Am J Clin Nutr 84, 1365–1373.
Foster-Powell K, Holt SH, Brand-Miller JC (2002). International
table of glycemic index and glycemic load values. Am J Clin Nutr
76, 5–56.
Galgani J, Aguirre C, Diaz E (2006). Acute effect of meal glycemic
index and glycemic load on blood glucose and insulin responses
in humans. Nutr J 5, 22.
Henry CJ, Lightowler HJ, Strik CM, Renton H, Hails S (2005).
Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially
available products in the UK. Br J Nutr 94, 922–930.
Ischayek JI, Kern M (2006). US honeys varying in glucose and
fructose content elicit similar glycemic indexes. J Am Diet Assoc
106, 1260–1262.
Samanta A, Burden AC, Jones GR (1985). Plasma glucose responses to
glucose, sucrose, and honey in patients with diabetes mellitus: an
analysis of glycaemic and peak incremental indices. Diabet Med 2,
Wolever TM, Mehling C (2003). Long-term effect of varying the
source or amount of dietary carbohydrate on postprandial plasma
glucose, insulin, triacylglycerol, and free fatty acid concentrations
in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. Am J Clin Nutr 77,
Wolever TM, Yang M, Zeng XY, Atkinson F, Brand-Miller JC (2006).
Food glycemic index, as given in glycemic index tables, is a
significant determinant of glycemic responses elicited by compo-
site breakfast meals. Am J Clin Nutr 83, 1306–1312.
Glycaemic index of German honey varieties
P Deibert et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
... According to studies conducted on animals, using honey as a dietary supplement has been shown to have positive benefts and show promise in managing diabetes mellitus and its associated problems (Yaghoobi et al., 2008;Deibert et al., 2010;Al-Waili, 2003b). Honey's anti-oxidant properties are crucial for managing diabetes because oxidative stress is linked to and primarily causes the disease's development (Gheldof et al., 2003). ...
... Nevertheless, not only fructose could explain the glucose role in metabolism regulation but also several fractions of carbohydrates such as sucrose and oligosaccharides [16,35]. Deibert et al. [36] found that the trisaccharide melezitose significantly increased the GI value of pine honey. Gourdomichali and Papakonstantinou [16] reported that sucrose/oligosaccharides ratio, sucrose content, fructose content, and F/G ratio significantly affected the glycemic response of different types of honey; however, the authors concluded that the sucrose/oligosaccharide ratio showed the strongest influence. ...
Full-text available
Honey is considered one of the last untreated natural food substances, with a complex composition. It is produced by bees (Apis mellifera) from nectar. The glycemic index (GI) is a physiological assessment of a food's carbohydrate content via its effect on postprandial blood glucose concentrations. This study evaluated the GI and the satiety response to three Mexican types of honey administered to 26 healthy volunteers. The fructose values ranged from 272.40 g/kg to 395.10 g/kg, while the glucose value ranged from 232.20 g/kg to 355.50 g/kg. The fructose/glucose (F/G) ratio of honey was 1.45, 1.00, and 1.17 for highland, multifloral, and avocado honey, respectively. Highland and avocado honey were classified as medium-GI (69.20 ± 4.07 and 66.36 ± 5.74, respectively), while multifloral honey was classified as high-GI (74.24 ± 5.98). Highland honey presented a higher satiety values response than glucose. The difference in GI values and the satiety response effect of highland honey could be explained by its different carbohydrate composition and the possible presence of other honey components such as phytochemicals. Honey, especially avocado, could therefore be used as a sweetener without altering significantly the blood glucose concentration.
... Nevertheless, not only fructose could explain the glucose role in metabolism regulation but also, several fractions of carbohydrates such as sucrose and oligosaccharides [15,29]. Deibert, et al. [30] found that the trisaccharide melezitose significantly increased the GI value of pine honey. Gourdomichali and Papakonstantinou [15] informed that the sucrose-to-oligosaccharides ratio, sucrose content, fructose content, and fructose-to-glucose ratio significantly affected the glycemic response of different kinds of honey; however, the authors concluded that the sucrose to oligosaccharides ratio showed the strongest influence. ...
Full-text available
The objective of this study was to evaluate the glycemic index and the satiety response of three Mexican kinds of honey. The values of fructose ranged from 272.40-395.10 g/kg, while the glucose value ringed 232.20-355.50 g/kg. The ratio F/G of sample honey was 1.45, 1.00, and 1.17 for Highland, Multifloral, and Avocado honey, respectively. Twenty-six participants completed this study, which was previously approved by the ethics committee of the Facultad de Salud Pública y Nutrición (CE 2/2018-19). Highland and Avocado honey is classified as medium-GI (69.204.07 and 66.365.74, respectively), while Multifloral honey is classified as high-GI (74.245.98). The Highland honey presented the best satiety response. The difference in IG values and the effect of the satiety response of Highland honey could be explained by the different fractions of carbohydrates in samples and other components such as phytochemicals.
... This is also the case with acacia honey, which contains a lot of fructose, little glucose and has a low GI (Walther & Kast, 2002). Indeed, the GI varies greatly depending on the fructose content (Walther & Kast, 2002;Deibert et al., 2009). Kouto honeys may be preferable for an endurance effort compared to the honey of Touba because the lower the GI is, the more sugar sabsorbed slowly and gradually diffuse in the body. ...
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For characterizing the nutritional quality of two honeys from Côte d'Ivoire, a collection of 18 samples from the cities of Kouto (North) and Touba (West) was carried out during three periods. A biochemical analysis of the honeys was performed then the glycemic index (GI) and load (GL) of two samples, one from each locality was determined. The results indicate that these honeys were rich in total sugars (77.28 g/100g DM) and in reducing sugars (71.21 g/100g DM). They contained calcium (12.85 mg/100g DM), magnesium (17.61 mg/100g DM) and phosphorus (13.47 mg/100g DM). On average, they had an ash content of 0.30 g/100g DM, a titratable acidity of 56.1 mEq/Kg with an acid pH equal to 3, polyphenol contents of 60.39 mg/100gDM and flavonoids of 5.83 mg/100g DM. Kouto honey (50.74) was lower GI food than Touba honey (57.20). Nevertheless, these two honeys carry high glycemic loads. Given their high sugar content, these honeys could be high-risk foods for overweight and diabetic populations.
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Honey has been an integral part of folk medicine since 2100–2000 bc where most of the health benefits were attributed via mere generalizations and observations by the people. But its natural benefits again have caught the eye of many researchers who have begun studying its various health implications particularly as antidiabetic and hypoglycemic. Honey, a natural substance, is produced by various species of bees, and the quality of honey depends upon the bees collecting nectar from the flowers. Studies have shown that the fructose consumption leads to reduced hyperglycemia in various models like rodents, healthy individuals, and diabetic individuals by prolonging gastric emptying and, therefore, slowing the rate of intestinal absorption of glucose and hence leading to hypoglycemia. Despite the fact that the studies on the role of honey as potential antidiabetic and hypoglycemic are in the very initial stage, the studies conducted so far are convincing enough to regard it as a great supplement to commercial processed sugars and artificial sweeteners. Therefore, much rigorous studies are needed to ascertain the novelty of honey in the lives of man.
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Background and aims: To systematically update and publish the lnsulinaemic Index (II) value compilation of food/beverages. Methods: A literature search identified around 400 scholarly articles published between inception and December 2023. II values were pooled according to the selection criteria of at least 10 healthy, non-diabetic subjects with normal BMI. In addition, the II reported should have been derived from incremental area under the curve (iAUC) calculation of the insulin concentration over time. The reference food used from the pooled articles were either glucose or bread. Results: The II of 629 food/beverage items were found from 80 distinct articles. This is almost a five-fold increase in the number of entries from a previous compilation in 2011. Furthermore, these articles originated from 32 different countries, and were cleaved into 25 food categories. The II values ranged from 1 to 209. The highest overall recorded II was for a soy milk-based infant formula while the lowest was for both acacia fibre and gin. Upon clustering to single food, the infant formula retained the highest II while both acacia fibre and gin maintained the lowest recording. As for mixed meal, a potato dish served with a beverage recorded the highest II while a type of taco served with a sweetener, vegetable and fruit had the lowest II. Our minimum and maximum II data values replace the entries reported by previous compilations. Conclusion: Acknowledging some limitations, these data would facilitate clinical usage of II for various applications in research, clinical nutrition, clinical medicine, diabetology and precision medicine. Future studies concerning II should investigate standardisation of reference food, including glucose and the test food portion. Although this collectanea adds up new food/beverages II values, priority should be given to populate this database.
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Nowadays, in people’s perceptions, the return to roots in all aspects of life is an increasing temptation. This tendency has also been observed in the medical field, despite the availability of high-level medical services with many years of research, expertise, and trials. Equilibrium is found in the combination of the two tendencies through the inclusion of the scientific experience with the advantages and benefits provided by nature. It is well accepted that the nutritional and medicinal properties of honey are closely related to the botanical origin of the plants at the base of honey production. Despite this, people perceive honey as a natural and subsequently a simple product from a chemical point of view. In reality, honey is a very complex matrix containing more than 200 compounds having a high degree of compositional variability as function of its origin. Therefore, when discussing the nutritional and medicinal properties of honey, the importance of the geographical origin and its link to the honey’s composition, due to potential emerging contaminants such as Rare Earth Elements (REEs), should also be considered. This work offers a critical view on the use of honey as a natural superfood, in a direct relationship with its botanical and geographical origin.
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For over 300 million years, insects have relied on symbiotic microbes for nutrition and defence. However, it is unclear whether specific ecological conditions have repeatedly favoured the evolution of symbioses, and how this has influenced insect diversification. Here, using data on 1,850 microbe–insect symbioses across 402 insect families, we found that symbionts have allowed insects to specialize on a range of nutrient-imbalanced diets, including phloem, blood and wood. Across diets, the only limiting nutrient consistently associated with the evolution of obligate symbiosis was B vitamins. The shift to new diets, facilitated by symbionts, had mixed consequences for insect diversification. In some cases, such as herbivory, it resulted in spectacular species proliferation. In other niches, such as strict blood feeding, diversification has been severely constrained. Symbioses therefore appear to solve widespread nutrient deficiencies for insects, but the consequences for insect diversification depend on the feeding niche that is invaded.
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Background: Recent studies have concluded that the carbohydrate content and glycemic index (GI) of individual foods do not predict the glycemic and insulinemic effects of mixed meals. We hypothesized that these conclusions may be unwarranted because of methodologic considerations. Objective: The aim was to ascertain whether the GI and carbohydrate content of individual foods influence glucose and insulin responses elicited by realistic mixed meals in normal subjects. Design: With the use of a crossover design, we determined the glucose and insulin responses of 6 test meals in 16 subjects in Sydney and the glucose responses of 8 test meals in 10 subjects in Toronto and then the results were pooled. The 14 different test meals varied in energy (220–450 kcal), protein (0–18 g), fat (0–18 g), and available carbohydrate (16–79 g) content and in GI (35–100; values were rounded). Results:The glucose and insulin responses of the Sydney test meals varied over a 3-fold range (P < 0.001), and the glucose responses of the Toronto test meals varied over a 2.4-fold range (P < 0.001). The glucose responses were not related to the fat or protein content of the test meal. Carbohydrate content (P = 0.002) and GI (P = 0.022) alone were related to glucose responses; together they accounted for 88% of the variation in the glycemic response (P < 0.0001). The insulin response was significantly related to the glucose response (r = 0.94, P = 0.005). Conclusions: When properly applied in realistic settings, GI is a significant determinant of the glycemic effect of mixed meals in normal subjects. For mixed meals within the broad range of nutrient composition that we tested, carbohydrate content and GI together explained ≈90% of the variation in the mean glycemic response, with protein and fat having negligible effects.
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Due to the variation of botanical origin honey differs in appearance, sensory perception and composition. The main nutritional and health relevant components are carbohydrates, mainly fructose and glucose but also about 25 different oligosaccharides. Although honey is a high carbohydrate food, its glycemic index varies within a wide range from 32 to 85, depending on the botanical source. It contains small amounts of proteins, enzymes, amino acids, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, aroma compounds and polyphenols. The review covers the composition, the nutritional contribution of its components, its physiological and nutritional effects. It shows that honey has a variety of positive nutritional and health effects, if consumed at higher doses of 50 to 80 g per intake.
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Reliable tables of glycemic index (GI) compiled from the scientific literature are instrumental in improving the quality of research examining the relation between GI, glycemic load, and health. The GI has proven to be a more useful nutritional concept than is the chemical classification of carbohydrate (as simple or complex, as sugars or starches, or as available or unavailable), permitting new insights into the relation between the physiologic effects of carbohydrate-rich foods and health. Several prospective observational studies have shown that the chronic consumption of a diet with a high glycemic load (GI x dietary carbohydrate content) is independently associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. This revised table contains almost 3 times the number of foods listed in the original table (first published in this Journal in 1995) and contains nearly 1300 data entries derived from published and unpublished verified sources, representing > 750 different types of foods tested with the use of standard methods. The revised table also lists the glycemic load associated with the consumption of specified serving sizes of different foods.
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The objective of this paper is to provide glycaemic index (GI) and glycaemic load (GL) values for a variety of foods that are commercially available in the UK and to compare these with previously published values. Fasted subjects were given isoglucidic (50 or 25 g carbohydrate) servings of a glucose reference at least two to three times, and test foods once, on separate occasions. For each test food, tests were repeated in at least eight subjects. Capillary blood glucose was measured via finger-prick samples in fasting subjects (0 min) and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min after the consumption of each test food. The GI of each test food was calculated geometrically by expressing the incremental area under the blood glucose response curve (IAUC) of each test food as a percentage of each subject's average IAUC for the reference food. GL was calculated as the product of the test food's GI and the amount of available carbohydrate in a reference serving size. The majority of GI values of foods tested in the current study compare well with previously published values. More importantly, our data set provides GI values of several foods previously untested and presents values for foods produced commercially in the UK.
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Background: Recent studies have concluded that the carbohydrate content and glycemic index (GI) of individual foods do not predict the glycemic and insulinemic effects of mixed meals. We hypothesized that these conclusions may be unwarranted because of methodologic considerations. Objective: The aim was to ascertain whether the GI and carbohydrate content of individual foods influence glucose and insulin responses elicited by realistic mixed meals in normal subjects. Design: With the use of a crossover design, we determined the glucose and insulin responses of 6 test meals in 16 subjects in Sydney and the glucose responses of 8 test meals in 10 subjects in Toronto and then the results were pooled. The 14 different test meals varied in energy (220–450 kcal), protein (0–18 g), fat (0–18 g), and available carbohydrate (16–79 g) content and in GI (35–100; values were rounded). Results:The glucose and insulin responses of the Sydney test meals varied over a 3-fold range (P < 0.001), and the glucose responses of the Toronto test meals varied over a 2.4-fold range (P < 0.001). The glucose responses were not related to the fat or protein content of the test meal. Carbohydrate content (P = 0.002) and GI (P = 0.022) alone were related to glucose responses; together they accounted for 88% of the variation in the glycemic response (P < 0.0001). The insulin response was significantly related to the glucose response (r = 0.94, P = 0.005). Conclusions: When properly applied in realistic settings, GI is a significant determinant of the glycemic effect of mixed meals in normal subjects. For mixed meals within the broad range of nutrient composition that we tested, carbohydrate content and GI together explained ≈90% of the variation in the mean glycemic response, with protein and fat having negligible effects.
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Foods with contrasting glycemic index when incorporated into a meal, are able to differentially modify glycemia and insulinemia. However, little is known about whether this is dependent on the size of the meal. The purposes of this study were: i) to determine if the differential impact on blood glucose and insulin responses induced by contrasting GI foods is similar when provided in meals of different sizes, and; ii) to determine the relationship between the total meal glycemic load and the observed serum glucose and insulin responses. Twelve obese women (BMI 33.7 +/- 2.4 kg/m2) were recruited. Subjects received 4 different meals in random order. Two meals had a low glycemic index (40-43%) and two had a high-glycemic index (86-91%). Both meal types were given as two meal sizes with energy supply corresponding to 23% and 49% of predicted basal metabolic rate. Thus, meals with three different glycemic loads (95, 45-48 and 22 g) were administered. Blood samples were taken before and after each meal to determine glucose, free-fatty acids, insulin and glucagon concentrations over a 5-h period. An almost 2-fold higher serum glucose and insulin incremental area under the curve (AUC) over 2 h for the high- versus low-glycemic index same sized meals was observed (p < 0.05), however, for the serum glucose response in small meals this was not significant (p = 0.38). Calculated meal glycemic load was associated with 2 and 5 h serum glucose (r = 0.58, p < 0.01) and insulin (r = 0.54, p < 0.01) incremental and total AUC. In fact, when comparing the two meals with similar glycemic load but differing carbohydrate amount and type, very similar serum glucose and insulin responses were found. No differences were observed for serum free-fatty acids and glucagon profile in response to meal glycemic index. This study showed that foods of contrasting glycemic index induced a proportionally comparable difference in serum insulin response when provided in both small and large meals. The same was true for the serum glucose response but only in large meals. Glycemic load was useful in predicting the acute impact on blood glucose and insulin responses within the context of mixed meals.
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The importance of the postprandial glycemic and insulinemic responses for appetite and energy intake (EI) is controversial. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that postprandial appetite sensations and subsequent EI are determined by postprandial glycemic and insulinemic responses after the intake of a range of breakfast meals. The study was a randomized, crossover meal test including 28 healthy young men, each of whom tested 10 of 14 breakfast meals. Each meal contained 50 g carbohydrate with various glycemic index and energy and macronutrient contents. Blood samples were taken, and appetite sensations were measured 3 h after the meals. Subsequently, EI at lunch (EI(lunch)) was recorded. The glycemic response was unrelated to appetite sensations, whereas the insulinemic response was positively associated with postprandial fullness (R2 = 0.33, P < 0.05). In contrast, the insulinemic response was unrelated to the subsequent EI(lunch), whereas the glycemic response was positively associated with EI(lunch) (R2 = 0.33, P < 0.05). Although no significant difference in EI(lunch) was observed between different breakfast conditions, a low breakfast EI was associated with a high EI(lunch) (R2 = 0.60, P < 0.001). The current study does not support the contention that the postprandial glycemic response has an important effect on short-term appetite sensations, but a low-glycemic index meal may reduce subsequent EI. In contrast, postprandial insulin seems to affect short-term appetite sensations.
We have studied the hyperglycaemic effect of the carbohydrate of glucose, sucrose, and honey equivalent to 20 g in twelve normal volunteers, eight patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), and six patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Honey produced an attenuated postprandial glycaemic response in normal volunteers (vs glucose p less than 0.005; vs sucrose p less than 0.05) and IDDMs (vs glucose p less than 0.005; vs sucrose p less than 0.05). The glycaemic index (GI) showed considerable variability within each subject group. Combined with a peak incremental index (PI), the two indices appear to be more valuable in predicting the glycaemic effects of carbohydrates rather than either one alone. We suggest that honey may prove to be a valuable sugar substitute in diabetics, and that both the GI and PI should be used in the analysis of food.
Reducing the glycemic load (GL) is considered beneficial for managing insulin resistance. The GL can be reduced either by reducing carbohydrate intake or by reducing the glycemic index (GI). We studied whether these 2 dietary maneuvers have the same long-term effects on postprandial plasma glucose, insulin, triacylglycerol, and free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Thirty-four subjects with IGT were randomly assigned to high-carbohydrate, high-GI (high-GI); high-carbohydrate, low-GI (low-GI); and low-carbohydrate, high-monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) diets for 4 mo. Plasma glucose, insulin, and FFAs were measured from 0800 to 1600 at baseline in response to high-GI meals (60% carbohydrate, GI = 61, GL = 63) and after 4 mo in response to meals representative of the study diet. Carbohydrate intake (% of energy), GI, and GL in the high-GI, low-GI, and MUFA groups (breakfast and lunch meals combined), respectively, were 60%, 61, and 63; 60%, 53, and 55; and 49%, 61, and 52. Compared with the change after 4 mo of the high-GI diet, both the low-GI and MUFA diets reduced 0-8-h mean plasma glucose concentrations by 0.35 mmol/L (P < 0.05). Mean plasma insulin was approximately 20% higher (P < 0.05) and FFAs approximately 12% lower (P < 0.05) after the low-GI diet than after the high-GI diet, with no significant effect of MUFA. Changes in 0-8-h mean plasma triacylglycerols in the 3 treatment groups differed significantly: -0.14, 0.04, and 0.18 mmol/L, respectively, with the high-GI, MUFA, and low-GI diets. In subjects with IGT, reducing the GI of the diet for 4 mo reduced postprandial plasma glucose by the same amount as did reducing carbohydrate intake. The 2 dietary maneuvers had different effects on postprandial plasma insulin, triacylglycerols, and FFAs.
The glycemic index of honey may vary, depending upon its floral variety and fructose-to-glucose ratio. We determined the glycemic index of four US honey varieties in 12 healthy adult men and women with a mean (+/-standard error) age of 24.5+/-1.5 years. The glycemic index of 250-mL solution servings of clover, buckwheat, cotton, and tupelo honeys providing 50 g carbohydrate were assessed relative to triplicate feedings of 50 g carbohydrate as a glucose solution. Fructose-to-glucose ratios were 1.09, 1.12, 1.03, 1.54, for clover, buckwheat, cotton, and tupelo, respectively. Blood was collected after an overnight fast and 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 minutes after intake. Ten minutes were allowed for food consumption. Areas under the glycemic response curves for each honey were expressed as percent means of each participant's average response to glucose feedings. The means (+/-standard error) of the glycemic index were 69.2+/-8.1, 73.4+/-6.4, 73.6+/-6.6, 74.1+/-8.2 for clover, buckwheat, cotton, and tupelo honeys, respectively. No statistically significant differences between the honeys were apparent, nor was a relationship between glycemic index and the fructose-to-glucose ratio detected, indicating that small differences in fructose-to-glucose ratios do not substantially impact honey glycemic index.