The pepper weevil Anthonomus eugenii Cano, 1894 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a pest that attacks spicy and sweet peppers, and causes economic lost ranging from 50 to 90%, and is controlled with organosynthetic insecticides, which generate resistance in the plague, pollute the environment, intoxicate mammals and eliminate natural enemies, among other problems. In the search of natural
... [Show full abstract] alternatives to protect the culture of "water chili" against A. eugenii, this research was proposed with the objective of knowing the effect of the nosodes of A. eugenii, with two preparation methods and two populations of the weevil, as well as homeopathics of pesticide plants, insectistatic plants and poisons in the protection of fruits, infestation and damage of A. eugenii and fruit yield under microtunnel greenhouse conditions. In a plastic bottle of 1.5 L capacity, a drop of homeopathic was placed with 1 L of well water or commercial purified water epura, succussed for 2 min and left to rest for 2 min, then the liquid was sprinkled to the chili plants, every 8 days from the transplant to the harvest of fruits of the five experiments, in which different amount of adult weevils were released at different times. In the harvest, the fruits of chili were classified by quality, the weight and the number of fruits were recorded, without and with infestation, the number of A. eugenii individuals per fruit and the total yield, in number and weight. The application of crushed nosodes of pepper weevils, coming from the greenhouse of the CP, to the 101 and 200CH2 and of the homeopathic preparations of Allium cepa 63 and 200CH4, Allium sativum 65 and 200CH6, Artemisia vulgaris 6CH7, coriander 200CH8, and nim 109 and 200CH10 allows to obtain more fruits (in weight and number) without picudo2, less fruits (in weight and number) with picudo3,5,7,9 and 10, less weight of fruits with picudo4,6 and 8, less picudos by fruit7, more number and weight of fruits2, and more weight of fruits1. The elaboration of the nosodes of weevils of the chile through the method of crushing was better than the method of dyeing to diminish the damage of the boll weevil and increase the yield. The data obtained with the nosodes of greenhouse weevils against weevils collected in the field, from pesticide plants and from nosodes-homeopatics of insectistic plants and poisons did not allow to conclude about their effectiveness. Nosodes of greenhouse weevils of the CP, crushed 6, 50 and 100CH and dyes 6, 10, 50, 100 and 200CH, and homeopathic preparations of A. vulgaris 200CH and cilantro 10CH were not effective to avoid damage or increase yield of chili fruit. Homeopathy allows to protect the fruit, reduce the infestation and damage of the pest and increase the yield.