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Fluid reasoning is the cornerstone of human cognition, both during development and in adulthood. Despite this, the neural mechanisms underlying the development of fluid reasoning are largely unknown. In this review, we provide an overview of this important cognitive ability, the method of measurement, its changes over the childhood and adolescence of an individual, and its underlying neurobiological underpinnings. We review important findings from psychometric, cognitive, and neuroscientific literatures, and outline important future directions for this interdisciplinary research.
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Frontiers in Neuroscience May 2009 | Volume 3 | Issue 1 | 46
published: 1 May 2009
doi: 10.3389/neuro.01.003.2009
Fluid reasoning and the developing brain
Emilio Ferrer
, Elizabeth D. O’Hare
and Silvia A. Bunge
Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis, CA, USA
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Fluid reasoning is the cornerstone of human cognition, both during development and in adulthood.
Despite this, the neural mechanisms underlying the development of fluid reasoning are largely
unknown. In this review, we provide an overview of this important cognitive ability, the method
of measurement, its changes over the childhood and adolescence of an individual, and its
underlying neurobiological underpinnings. We review important findings from psychometric,
cognitive, and neuroscientific literatures, and outline important future directions for this
interdisciplinary research.
Keywords: problem-solving, intelligence, prefrontal cortex, rostrolateral parietal cortex, individual differences
Edited by:
Robert T. Knight, University
of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Reviewed by:
Anna C. Nobre, University of Oxford, UK
Donald T. Stuss, University of Toronto,
Canada; Baycrest Centre for Geriatric
Care, Canada
* Correspondence:
Silvia A. Bunge collaborated with
Professor Emilio Ferrer at UC Davis
to launch a longitudinal study on the
normative development of fluid reasoning
between the ages 6 and 18. Post-doctoral
Fellow Elizabeth O’Hare and others
have so far collected behavioral and brain
imaging data pertaining to over 90
participants. Initial cross-sectional
fMRI analyses for this project were
reported in Wright et al., FiHN, 2007,
and in Crone et al., Dev. Sci., 2009.
Structural analyses relating reasoning
ability to cortical thickness and white
matter coherence were presented
at the Society for Neuroscience Annual
Meeting in 2008.
Fluid reasoning (FR) is the capacity to think logi-
cally and solve problems in novel situations, inde-
pendent of acquired knowledge (Cattell, 1987). It
is an essential component of cognitive develop-
ment (Goswami, 1992), as this capacity serves as
a scaffold for children, in helping them acquire
other abilities (Blair, 2006; Cattell, 1971, 1987).
FR, in childhood, accurately predicts performance
in school, university, and cognitively demanding
occupations (Gottfredson, 1997). Despite this
knowledge, we do not yet fully understand the
cause for individual differences in fluid intelli-
gence. This review examines the construct of FR,
its development over childhood and adolescence,
and its known underlying neurobiological mecha-
nisms. We conclude by outlining the important
challenges associated with this line of inquiry, and
offering recommendations for future research.
The term fluid reasoning was originally
described in the Cattell’s theory of fluid and
crystallized intelligences. According to Cattell,
FR or fluid intelligence – referred to a general
cognitive ability that emerges early in life and
is applied by the child during any information
retrieval process. Furthermore, FR greatly influ-
ences the way, in which children learn tasks that
require complex spatial, numerical, or conceptual
relations. Children add perceptual, discrimina-
tory, and executive skills to their cognitive reper-
toire through experience. The complex abilities
acquired are attached to particular perceptual and
motor areas of the brain and become hardened,
or crystallized”, abilities.
There are various measures adopted to assess FR.
Of these measures, perhaps the most commonly
used is the Ravens Progressive Matrices (RPM)
test The RPM test requires participants to identify
relevant features based on the spatial organization
of an array of objects, and then select the object
that matches one or more of the identified features
(Figure 1A). The test measures relational reasoning,
or the ability to consider one or more relationships
between mental representations. As the number of
relations increases in the RPM, participants tend
to respond more slowly and less accurately. Like
matrix reasoning tests, propositional analogy tests
(Figure 1B) also evaluate relational reasoning, as it
is necessary to determine whether the semantic rela-
tionship existing between two entities is the same as
the relationship between two other, often completely
different, entities.
Frontiers in Neuroscience May 2009 | Volume 3 | Issue 1 | 47
Ferrer et al. Fluid reasoning and brain development
FR is believed to emerge in the first 2 or 3 years
of life, after the development of general, per-
ceptual, attentional and motoric capabilities
(Cattell, 1987). Notably, FR follows a different
developmental trajectory than crystallized abili-
ties (McArdle et al., 2002), supporting the idea
of separable cognitive functions (Horn, 1991;
Schaie, 1996). The psychometric literature indi-
cates that FR advances rapidly in early and mid-
dle childhood, continues to increase, though at a
slower rate, until early adolescence, and reaches
asymptotic values in the mid-adolescence to
late-adolescence stage, after which it begins to
decline (McArdle et al., 2002). Although age-
related changes in FR ability have been well-
characterized, the mechanisms of such changes,
especially the structure and function of brain
areas underlying FR, are unknown.
FR has been linked to other important cognitive
abilities. For example, cross-sectional behavioral
studies indicate that FR is related to working
memory and executive functioning (Engle et al.,
1999), and to secondary memory (Mogle et al.,
2008). Such studies provide information about
the time-independent covariation between FR
and other cognitive abilities. However, they do
not reveal information about within-person
changes and, more importantly, an empirical
understanding of possible mechanisms underly-
ing such covariation.
In longitudinal studies with adults, FR has been
related to changes in crystallized abilities, short-
term memory, and processing speed (McArdle
et al., 2000). Furthermore, among children and
adolescents, FR has been identified to be a lead-
ing indicator of changes over time in crystallized
abilities (McArdle, 2001) and changes in quanti-
tative ability, academic knowledge, and reading
(Ferrer and McArdle, 2004; Ferrer et al., 2007).
In addition to these bottom-up and top-down
influences, there are possible synergistic influ-
ences that involve working memory (Demetriou,
2002). This longitudinal research suggests that FR
is most closely related to processing speed and
working memory, although other studies focused
on the simultaneous changes of these constructs
over time indicate a complex pattern of inter-
relations among variables, eliminating a simple
interpretation of a single leading indicator of
changes (McArdle et al., 2000).
An important endeavor for understanding FR
is to identify the neural substrates that underlie
such cognitive ability and its development (e.g.,
Duncan et al., 2000). Achieving the goal requires
the usage of measures that directly map onto the
theoretical construct of FR, such as the RPM
task (Figure 1A).
Studies have demonstrated the importance
of the frontal lobe in fluid intelligence (e.g.,
Duncan, 2005; Duncan et al., 1995). More
specifically, functional Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (fMRI) studies involving the RPM task
in adults have demonstrated that a region in the
anterior prefrontal cortex, known as the rost-
rolateral prefrontal cortex (RLPFC), is acti-
vated when participants engage in relational
integration during RPM tasks (Christoff et al.,
2001; Kroger et al., 2002). As RLPFC is acti-
vated more for 2-relational problems than 1- or
0-relational problems, it appears that RLPFC
is specifically engaged when participants must
integrate across multiple mental representa-
tions (Ramnani and Owen, 2004). fMRI stud-
ies involving other visuospatial reasoning tasks
have also linked RLPFC to the process of rela-
tional integration (Christoff et al., 2003; Smith
et al., 2007). Additionally, in verbal proposi-
tional analogy tasks, RLPFC is preferentially
engaged when participants must consider an
analogy (identical in structure to the proposi-
tional analogy shown in Figure 1B, with words
rather than pictures), as opposed to when par-
ticipants must evaluate two individual semantic
relationships (Bunge et al., 2005; Green et al.,
2006; Wendelken et al., 2008).
In addition to RLPFC, the parietal cortex
has been implicated in relational reasoning.
Parietal activation has been shown to mediate
the relationship between FR and performance
during a demanding working memory task
(Gray et al., 2003). Individuals with superior
IQ scores rely more heavily on parietal cor-
tex during relational integration tasks, com-
pared to individuals with average IQ scores
(Lee et al., 2006). Thus, it appears that while
RLPFC is critical for relational integration
during relational reasoning, the parietal cortex
is essential for the identification and repre-
sentation of visual–spatial relations that are
fundamental to overall relational reasoning.
The notion of parietal cortex as the work-
horse” of relational reasoning is consistent
with a recent lab study, in which adults showed
a higher degree of inferior parietal activation
compared to children, during an RPM task
(Crone et al., 2009).
Fluid reasoning (FR)
The capacity to think logically
and solve problems in novel situations
independent of acquired knowledge.
This construct is central to theories
of human intelligence.
Relational reasoning
A form of fluid reasoning consisting
of identifying correspondences
between the structures of distinct
mental representations.
Propositional analogy
A form of relational reasoning that
entails the abstraction of a relationship
between a familiar representation
and mapping it to a novel
representation (see Figure 1B).
Solving such a problem requires (1)
the abstraction of the relationship
between the base items (a bike moves
on the road), and (2) mapping
the relationship to the target pair
(a canoe moves on water).
Rostrolateral prefrontal cortex
Brain region corresponding to the
lateral Brodmann area 10, which
has been implicated in fluid reasoning,
and in particular, relational integration.
Relational integration (or second-
order relational processing)
The cognitive process, by which
several relations between mental
representations are combined or
compared, as in a 2-relational RPM
problem, a propositional analogy,
or a transitive inference problem.
This is a critical component
of relational reasoning that shows
delayed maturation.
Frontiers in Neuroscience May 2009 | Volume 3 | Issue 1 | 48
Ferrer et al. Fluid reasoning and brain development
Structural brain development during late child-
hood and adolescence consists of concomitant
reductions in synaptic density and increases in
axonal myelination that proceeds along spe-
cific spatio-temporal patterns. Longitudinal
MRI research confirms and extends prior post-
mortem work by demonstrating that in general,
brain loss occurs first in the dorsal parietal lobes
during childhood and then spreads anteriorly
to dorsal frontal regions during adolescent and
post-adolescent years (Gogtay et al., 2004; Shaw
et al., 2008; Sowell et al., 2004). During this stage,
RLPFC exhibits cortical thinning until the age of
20 years (O’Donnell et al., 2005).
In adults, IQ has been observed to correlate pos-
itively with cortical thickness in bilateral RLPFC
(Narr et al., 2007). However, a longitudinal MRI
study found that it was the trajectory of cortical
thickness in aPFC in individuals from ages 4–29
rather than the actual values that distinguished
highly intelligent individuals from others (Shaw
et al., 2006). By this measure, the most intelligent
children displayed a protracted increase in corti-
cal thickness, followed by adolescents, in whom
cortical thickness was observed to have under-
gone significant thinning (Shaw et al., 2006). If
the authors had compared these individuals only
at ages 8, 10, or 12, they would have concluded
that individuals of superior IQ exhibited lower,
greater, or equivalent cortical thickness in aPFC,
respectively, when compared with average or
high-IQ individuals. In fact, their longitudinal
data reveal that any one of these accounts would
have been an incomplete and potentially mislead-
ing characterization of the differences between
these groups of children. Similarly, we expect that
the large, ongoing longitudinal study will shed
additional light on the relationship between age,
individual differences in FR ability, and cortical
Three studies have examined the neural basis
of FR in a pediatric sample (Crone et al., 2009;
Eslinger et al., 2008; Wright et al., 2007). In the
first of fMRI studies, the group (Wright et al.,
2007) tested children (ages 6–13) and adults (ages
19–26) on a visual analogy task with semantic
(1-relational problems) and analogy (2-relational
problems) conditions. In semantic trials, partici-
pants were presented with one target image (e.g.,
a baseball) and five response images. They had
to select the response image that best matched
the target image (e.g., a baseball bat). In anal-
ogy problems, participants were presented with
three target images and had to select one of the
four response figures that completed the array
(Figure 1B).
Among children, it was observed that RLPFC
activation increases from the age of 6–13, bilater-–13, bilater-13, bilater-
Figure 1 | (A) Sample matrix reasoning problem adapted from the RPM. Participants simply need to complete the
array with the matching figure for 0-relational problems. Participants must identify a vertical or horizontal relationship
between items in the array for 1-relational problems. For 2-relational problems, participants must jointly consider
horizontal and vertical relations and hence, this task is considered to require relational integration abilities. The correct
answers to the featured problems are choices 2, 3, and 1, respectively. (B) Sample propositional analogy task adapted
from the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT). The correct answer is (A).
Frontiers in Neuroscience May 2009 | Volume 3 | Issue 1 | 49
Ferrer et al. Fluid reasoning and brain development
ally for 1-relational problems and in left RLPFC
for 2-relational problems (i.e., analogy problems).
Among adults, it was found that individuals per-
forming analogy problems with the greatest accu-
racy showed the largest differential recruitment
of RLPFC during relational integration prob-
lems as compared with 1-relational problems.
The findings suggest that RLPFC involvement
in analogical reasoning may go through several
developmental stages. During middle childhood,
RLPFC is recruited during the performance of
visual analogy tasks, but is not distinguished
between 1-relational and 2-relational prob-
lems. In early adulthood, RLPFC shows selective
engagement for the processing and integration
of multiple relations (e.g., relational integration).
Furthermore, time series analyses have revealed
delayed RLPFC activation in children, compared
to adults (Figure 2).
Arguing against the possibility that chil-
dren merely display sluggish hemodynamic
response in RLPFC, similar time courses have
been observed in the region in the age group
of 8–12 years as well as in young adults, in
the context of a RPM task (Crone et al., 2009).
Furthermore, a study comparing the hemody-
namic response between children and adults has
not revealed consistent differences in timing
between these groups (Kang et al., 2003). Hence,
the shift in the timing of RLPFC activation is
task-specific: children engage RLPFC in a timely
manner on the RPM task, but not on the visual
analogy task. It is speculated that children rely
on their knowledge about the objects depicted
in the visual analogy problems, rather than
approaching the problems analytically. A line
of research shows that sometimes, even adults
endorse illogical lines of reasoning if the content,
about which the adults are asked to reason, is
familiar and plausible (Braine, 1978). Similarly,
it may be true that children approach visual anal-
ogy problems in the inappropriate way because
they can access semantic memory for objects
comprising the problem. However, this is not
probable for RPM problems, which are largely
devoid of semantic information.
These observations are consistent with the pos-
sibility that children tend to respond too hastily,
and that the performance of children can benefit
from training on the tasks requiring response
inhibition. Additionally or alternatively, training
on FR tasks might lead to more efficient relational
The idea of a developmental shift in the net-
works of the brain regions involved in relational
integration, across childhood and adolescence,
receives additional support from the study
involving an RPM-type task (Crone et al., 2009).
In adults, RLPFC did not discriminate between
0-relational and 1-relational problems and was
Figure 2 | During the performance of visual analogy problems, RLPFC activation (surface rendering shown on
left) in children peaked after motor cortex. In other words, RLPFC was not engaged in time to influence the behavioral
response on 2-relational problems.
Frontiers in Neuroscience May 2009 | Volume 3 | Issue 1 | 50
Ferrer et al. Fluid reasoning and brain development
specifically recruited with dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex (DLPFC) and posterior parietal cortex for
2-relational problems. In contrast, children aged
8–12 recruited both RLPFC and DLPFC to similar
extents for 1- and 2-relational problems. These
findings are also consistent with a recent report
that indicates decreased activation with age, in
bilateral RLPFC and DLPFC, during 1-relational
problem solving (Eslinger et al., 2008).
Altogether, the results indicate that while
regions that support relational reasoning are
already engaged by middle childhood, the precise
ways in which the regions contribute to reasoning
are fine-tuned via structural brain changes during
adolescence (see Figure 3).
Neuroscientific research has begun to provide
clues about the changes in brain function under-
lying developmental changes in FR. However,
there are still many unknown changes. First, it is
necessary to measure the reasoning-related pat-
terns of brain activation when reasoning ability
first begins to emerge in young childhood and
changes most rapidly (e.g., Goswami, 1992).
Marked changes have been observed in perform-
ance between the age groups 4–6 and 7–10 on
the visual analogy task (B. Matlen, unpublished
undergraduate honors thesis). By the age of
6 years, the youngest age at which fMRI data
were successfully collected on the reasoning tasks,
children had already begun to reason although
this ability improved further over subsequent
Second, longitudinal fMRI data are needed
to examine within-subject changes in brain
function, which underlie improvements in FR.
Indeed, the longitudinal structural MRI data
from Shaw et al. (2006) revealed that it was the
trajectory of cortical thickening and its thinning
over time that distinguished individuals on the
basis of IQ, rather than the thickness values
themselves. Similarly, the ongoing longitudinal
fMRI study is expected to reveal new insights
into the developmental changes in brain func-
tion underlying FR.
Third, a longitudinal approach enables mod-
eling of the complex patterns of interrelations
between the cognitive abilities that contribute to
FR, including processing speed, working memory,
and specific executive functions. These behavio-
ral measures, as well as brain measures, can be
evaluated with regard to their predictive value –
the extent to which a combination of these meas-
ures at one timepoint allows the prediction of
an individual’s FR ability at a later time (Hoeft
et al., 2007)
Fourth, it is important to examine the
implications of the research for school achieve-
ment. It is necessary to determine whether a
deeper understanding of the mechanisms under-
lying FR development will enable the develop-
ment of an effective intervention for children
who struggle to perform well in school as a result
of low FR ability. Encouraging preliminary evi-
dence from the laboratory indicates that 8 weeks
of training on FR – but not on processing speed
leads to improved performance on standard
reasoning tasks in children aged 7–9 years, some
of whom had low IQ scores at the outset of train-
ing. It will be necessary to replicate these findings
in a larger sample, and test whether FR training
has a positive and lasting influence on school
The authors thank Samantha Wright, Bryan
Matlen, and Carol Baym for their contributions
to the empirical paper in Frontiers in Human
Neuroscience, on which this focused review was
based. They also thank Brian Johnson, Kirstie
Whitaker, Zdena Op de Macks, Allyson Mackey,
Susanna Hill, Ori Elis, Eveline Crone, Carter
Wendelken, and other current and former mem-
bers of the Bunge laboratory for their work on
the longitudinal study of reasoning development,
funded by NIMH grant R01NS57146-01.
Figure 3 | Schematic illustration of some of the key regions that support FR, and data
in relation to their change in the regions over middle childhood and adolescence phases.
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Conflict of Interest Statement: The
authors declare that the research was
conducted in the absence of any com-
mercial or financial relationships that
could be construed as a potential conflict
of interest.
Received: 15 January 2009; paper pending
published: 09 February 2009; accepted:
26 February 2009; published: 01 May
Citation: Front. Neurosci. (2009) 3,1:
46–51. doi: 10.3389/neuro.01.003.2009
Copyright © 2009 Ferrer, O’Hare and
Bunge. This is an open-access article subject
to an exclusive license agreement between
the authors and the Frontiers Research
Foundation, which permits unrestricted
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source are credited.
... The experimental stimuli, researchers have used with children, vary from simple action type of comparisons depicted in cartoons and word pairs, which can assess analogical reasoning based on physical features and conceptual relations of function, e.g., bread: slice of bread :: orange:? and/or using cartoon stimuli that contain a similarity to select between three options, e.g., slice of orange, slice of cake, or orange balloon (Ferrer et al., 2009). Analogical reasoning in young children is possible if they have relevant domain specific knowledge and therefore, can remember certain events, meanings, and object characteristics to use during analogical processing tasks and being able to control or inhibit irrelevant information (Morrison et al., 2011). ...
... The negative relationships between VS Matrix AR -> DLPFC (β = -0.48, P<.01) does not have any further connection with MathAcc performance and therefore it suggests that for adolescents it is deactivated, thus strongly indicating that it may be due to younger age-related brain development (Ferrer et al., 2009;Dumas et al., 2008;Dumontheil et al., 2010b). VSMatAR is also negatively related with Parietal but it is very significant (β = -0.40, ...
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There is no research that combines behavioural and fMRI research approaches to investigate the mediating and moderating effects of working memory, verbal IQ, visuospatial and verbal reasoning on students’ performance of maths and science. This paper investigates all these multiple relationships between working memory (WM), verbal IQ, visuospatial and verbal reasoning with performance in maths and science accuracy. The multimethod research consists of a behavioural survey and a fMRI neuroscience investigating the interactive and multiple relationships of all cognitive processing independent variables (IVs) with the dependent variables (DVs) of maths and science performance. Using structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and Warp Partial Least Squares (Warp PLS) analytical approach, the research discusses the findings of both, the behavioural and fMRI data. The adolescent sample (N=34) for the behavioural and fMRI study, was recruited from consenting schools in London, UK, and consisted of equal numbers of girls and boys between 11-15 years old. The hypothesised behavioural SEM model predicted positive relationships between all the independent variables (IV) of visuospatial matrix reasoning (VSMatAR), verbal analogical reasoning (VerbAR), verbal working memory (VWM), visuospatial working memory (VSWM) and verbal IQ, with performance in maths and science accuracy. The findings support all hypotheses except two and identifies verbal IQ, Verbal WM and VerbAR as the three strongest predictors of maths and science accuracy. The neuroscience fMRI data identified four brain regions of interest, namely, the bilateral DLPFC, Parietal, Temporal and pre-supplementary motor area (PSMA) as being most relevant to maths and science outcomes. The hypothesised fMRI SEM, produced mixed results which supported some of the hypothesised relationships between the IVs of verbal AR and VSMatrix AR associations with all four brain regions and in turn the associations with maths and science performance. The paper makes two original contributions, firstly, by testing the hypothesis that Verbal WM mediates the independent variables’ effects on maths and science outcomes. And secondly, by using Warp PLS to test the SEM (behavioural and fMRI) models’ multiple non-linear interactions simultaneously between the IVs with the DVs of maths and science accuracy. The Warp PLS testing of all IVs and DVs produced some interesting new insights regarding the relationships between Verbal analogical reasoning, which are deemed important to assist academics and educational practitioners in improving maths and science performance of adolescent students. The combination of behavioural and neuroscience fMRI data provides more reliable empirical evidence regarding the multiple interactive influences impacting maths and science performance for adolescents.
... This provides the scaffold for children to acquire other skills (Blair, 2006). According to Ferrer, O'Hare and Bunge (2009), the frontal lobe has a major impact on fluid reasoning (Duncan, 2005), especially the rostrolateral prefrontal cortex which is important for relational integration and reasoning. The inferior parietal lobe is activated during identification and representation of visuo-spatial relations (Ferrer, O'Hare & Bunge, 2009). ...
... According to Ferrer, O'Hare and Bunge (2009), the frontal lobe has a major impact on fluid reasoning (Duncan, 2005), especially the rostrolateral prefrontal cortex which is important for relational integration and reasoning. The inferior parietal lobe is activated during identification and representation of visuo-spatial relations (Ferrer, O'Hare & Bunge, 2009). As per Jenkins (2001), Rauscher, Shaw & Ky (1993) claimed that normal subjects showed significantly better spatial reasoning skills post exposure to Mozart's sonata for 10 minutes. ...
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Music training has been found to improve cognitive abilities and executive functioning, as suggested by existing literature. The objectives of the present study were to find out whether there is any significant difference among children with formal training in instrumental music and children with no such training with respect to different aspects of cognitive abilities, namely, verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed and also to determine whether there is any significant difference among children with formal training in instrumental music and children with no such training with respect to executive functioning. The sample comprised of thirty six children from Kolkata, a metropolitan city of India, who were school-goers, among whom twenty children had training in instrumental music and sixteen children with no training. The findings show that there was significant difference among children with formal training in instrumental music and children with no training with respect to verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning and working memory. Significant difference had been found in executive functioning whereby children with formal training in instrumental music have performed better than children with no such training.
... The experimental stimuli, researchers have used with children, vary from simple action type of comparisons depicted in cartoons and word pairs, which can assess analogical reasoning based on physical features and conceptual relations of function, e.g., bread: slice of bread:: orange:? and/or using cartoon stimuli that contain a similarity to select between three options, e.g., slice of orange, slice of cake, or orange balloon (Ferrer et al., 2009). Analogical reasoning in young children is possible if they have relevant domain specific knowledge and therefore, can remember certain events, meanings, and object characteristics to use during analogical processing tasks and being able to control or inhibit irrelevant information (Morrison et al., 2011). ...
... The negative relationships between VS Matrix AR -> DLPFC (β = -0.48, P<.01) does not have any further connection with MathAcc performance and therefore it suggests that for adolescents it is deactivated, thus strongly indicating that it may be due to younger age-related brain development (Ferrer et al., 2009;Dumas et al., 2008;Dumontheil et al., 2010b). VSMatAR is also negatively related with Parietal but it is very significant (β = -0.40, ...
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There is no research that combines behavioural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) research approaches to investigate the relationships between analogical reasoning and the mediating and moderating effects of working memory, verbal IQ, visuospatial and verbal reasoning on students’ performance of maths and science. This paper investigates all these multiple relationships between working memory (WM), verbal IQ, visuospatial and verbal reasoning with performance in maths and science accuracy. The multimethod research consists of a behavioural survey and a fMRI neuroscience investigating the interactive and multiple relationships of all cognitive independent variables (IVs) with the dependent variables (DVs) of maths and science performance. Using structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and Warp Partial Least Squares (Warp PLS) analytical approach, the research discusses the findings of both, the behavioural and fMRI data. The adolescent sample (N=34) for the behavioural and fMRI study, was recruited from consenting schools in London, UK, and consisted of equal numbers of girls and boys between 11-15 years old. The hypothesised behavioural SEM model predicted positive relationships between all the independent variables (IV) of visuospatial matrix reasoning (VSMatAR), verbal analogical reasoning (VerbAR), verbal working memory (VWM), visuospatial working memory (VSWM) and verbal IQ, with performance in maths and science accuracy. The findings support all hypotheses except two and identifies verbal IQ, Verbal WM and VerbAR as the three strongest predictors of maths and science accuracy. The hypothesised fMRI SEM, produced mixed results, which supported some of the hypothesised relationships between the IVs of verbal AR and VSMatrix AR associations and four brain regions, namely, the bilateral dorso lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), Parietal, Temporal and pre-supplementary motor area (PSMA). The paper makes two original contributions, firstly, by testing the hypothesis that Verbal WM mediates the independent variables’ effects on maths and science outcomes. And secondly, by using Warp PLS to test the SEM (behavioural and fMRI) models’ multiple non-linear interactions simultaneously between the IVs with the DVs of maths and science accuracy. The research produced some interesting new insights relevant for educational practitioners regarding the strong relationships between Verbal analogical reasoning and maths and science performance for adolescent students.
... 6 The broader literature on scientific and mathematical expertise corroborates the idea that System 2's corrective operations have a critical role in reaching normative solutions. As humans develop expertise in science and mathematics, they show an activation shift from posterior brain areas associated with perceptual processing to inhibitory frontal areas (more specifically, dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex) (Ferrer et al., 2009;Houdé & Borst, 2014;Mareschal, 2016). This neuroimaging evidence has resulted in pedagogical approaches that train students' System 2 to inhibit System 1's automatic responses. ...
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Significance Interactive computer simulations are popularly used to teach statistical sampling and inference. A substantial body of classroom-based design research has emerged over the last two decades on this topic, paralleling the interest of cognitive psychologists in statistical reasoning. This review bridges the gap by synthesizing diverse literature, from laboratory-based cognitive research to classroom-based design research, to investigate people’s reasoning about statistical sampling with interactive computer simulations. We organize the commonly occurring findings from these studies under a grounded cognition framework. Using this framework, we also identify instructional design strategies that future empirical researchers can test and statistics and data science practitioners can adopt. First, we highlight the importance of repeated exposure to simulations in a way that fosters creating perception–action routines aligned with mathematical principles. Second, we argue that intuitive representations ground students’ meaning making from simulations, and idealized representations help generalize learning. Third, we recommend that visual routines be guided during activities with simulations. Fourth, we note the separate affordances of simulations and verbal materials. Lastly, we propose that statistical processes depicted in the simulations should be reified as foundations for more advanced concepts and practices. Overall, the paper contributes to the learning theories and instructional design in the context of simulation-based learning in statistics.
... Fluid intelligence (Gf) includes cognitive abilities that are not directly tied to previously obtained 'crystallized' knowledge (Blair, 2006;Horn & Cattell, 1966;Taylor et al., 2022), and is generally measured using tests of knowledge that require adaptation to new information (Cattell, 1963). Gf has been shown to predict academic success and quantitative abilities that are essential in higher education and many occupational tasks (Ferrer, 2009;Gottfredson & Deary, 2004;Nisbett et al., 2012), and has been linked to other functions crucial to everyday life such as emotional conflict adaptation, working memory and abstract reasoning (Li et al., 2020;Shipstead et al., 2016). Abstract reasoning and working memory tasks are most often used to quantify Gf abilities, as both tasks require new information to be perceived and used to complete the task quickly (Arif et al., 2021;Nisbett et al., 2012). ...
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Fluid intelligence (Gf) involves rational thinking skills and requires the integration of information from different cortical regions to resolve novel complex problems. The effects of non‐invasive brain stimulation on Gf have been studied in attempts to improve Gf, but such studies are rare and the few existing have reached conflicting conclusions. The parieto‐frontal integration theory of intelligence (P‐FIT) postulates that the parietal and frontal lobes play a critical role in Gf. To investigate the suggested role of parietal cortices, we applied high‐definition transcranial direct current stimulation (HD‐tDCS) to the left and right parietal cortices of 39 healthy adults (age 19–33 years) for 20 min in three separate sessions (left active, right active and sham). After completing the stimulation session, the participants completed a logical reasoning task based on Raven's Progressive Matrices during magnetoencephalography. Significant neural responses at the sensor level across all stimulation conditions were imaged using a beamformer. Whole‐brain, spectrally constrained functional connectivity was then computed to examine the network‐level activity. Behaviourally, we found that participants were significantly more accurate following left compared to right parietal stimulation. Regarding neural findings, we found significant HD‐tDCS montage‐related effects in brain networks thought to be critical for P‐FIT, including parieto‐occipital, fronto‐occipital, fronto‐parietal and occipito‐cerebellar connectivity during task performance. In conclusion, our findings showed that left parietal stimulation improved abstract reasoning abilities relative to right parietal stimulation and support both P‐FIT and the neural efficiency hypothesis. image Key points Abstract reasoning is a critical component of fluid intelligence and is known to be served by multispectral oscillatory activity in the fronto‐parietal cortices. Recent studies have aimed to improve abstract reasoning abilities and fluid intelligence overall through behavioural training, but the results have been mixed. High‐definition transcranial direct‐current stimulation (HD‐tDCS) applied to the parietal cortices modulated task performance and neural oscillations during abstract reasoning. Left parietal stimulation resulted in increased accuracy and decreased functional connectivity between occipital regions and frontal, parietal, and cerebellar regions. Future studies should investigate whether HD‐tDCS alters abstract reasoning abilities in those who exhibit declines in performance, such as healthy ageing populations.
... The assessment comprises up to 45 trials. The difficulty of each trial escalates by increasing the number of logical rules and the type of reasoning necessary to arrive at a solution [32]. ...
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Mate Marote is an open-access cognitive training software aimed at children between 4 and 8 years old. It consists of a set of computerized games specifically tailored to train and evaluate Executive Functions (EF), a class of processes critical for purposeful, goal-directed behavior, including working memory, planning, flexibility, and inhibitory control. Since 2008, several studies were performed with this software at children’s own schools in interventions supervised in-person by cognitive scientists. After 2015, we incorporated naturalistic, yet controlled, interventions with children’s own teachers’ help. The platform includes a battery of standardized tests, disguised as games, to assess children’s EF. The main question that emerges is whether the results, obtained with these traditional tasks but conducted without the presence of researchers, are comparable to those widely reported in the literature, that were obtained in more supervised settings. In this study, we were able to replicate the expected difficulty and age effects in at least one of the analyzed dependent variables of each employed test. We also report important discrepancies between the expected and the observed response time patterns, specifically for time-constrained tasks. We hereby discuss the benefits and setbacks of a new possible strategy for this type of assessment in naturalistic settings. We conclude that this battery of established EF tasks adapted for its remote usage is appropriate to measure the expected mental processes in naturalistic settings, enriching opportunities to upscale cognitive training interventions at schools. These types of tools can constitute a concerted strategy to bring together educational neuroscience research and real-life practice.
... associations between representations of stimuli (Blair, 2006;Carroll, 1993;Deary et al., 2007;Marshalek et al., 1983;Miasnikova et al., 2019), thus, research often targets Gf by utilizing abstract and relational tasks such as matrix reasoning or propositional analogy tasks (Carroll, 1993;Ferrer et al., 2009;Gągol et al., 2018;Horn & Cattell, 1966;Wright et al., 2008). Prior studies suggest that fluid cognitive abilities are highly correlated with success in academic and professional environments (Deary et al., 2007;Furnham & Monsen, 2009;Kuncel & Hezlett, 2007;Laidra et al., 2007;Ones et al., 2005;Salgado et al., 2003;Schmidt & Hunter, 1998), as individuals with higher Gf tend to respond both faster and with higher accuracy on cognitive tasks probing executive function and working memory than those with lower Gf (Ackerman et al., 2005;Grabner et al., 2004;Horn & Cattell, 1966;Kane & Engle, 2002;Vernon, 1983). ...
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Fluid intelligence (G f ) involves logical reasoning and novel problem‐solving abilities. Often, abstract reasoning tasks like Raven's progressive matrices are used to assess G f . Prior work has shown an age‐related decline in fluid intelligence capabilities, and although many studies have sought to identify the underlying mechanisms, our understanding of the critical brain regions and dynamics remains largely incomplete. In this study, we utilized magnetoencephalography (MEG) to investigate 78 individuals, ages 20–65 years, as they completed an abstract reasoning task. MEG data was co‐registered with structural MRI data, transformed into the time–frequency domain, and the resulting neural oscillations were imaged using a beamformer. We found worsening behavioral performance with age, including prolonged reaction times and reduced accuracy. MEG analyses indicated robust oscillations in the theta, alpha/beta, and gamma range during the task. Whole brain correlation analyses with age revealed relationships in the theta and alpha/beta frequency bands, such that theta oscillations became stronger with increasing age in a right prefrontal region and alpha/beta oscillations became stronger with increasing age in parietal and right motor cortices. Follow‐up connectivity analyses revealed increasing parieto‐frontal connectivity with increasing age in the alpha/beta frequency range. Importantly, our findings are consistent with the parieto‐frontal integration theory of intelligence (P‐FIT). These results further suggest that as people age, there may be alterations in neural responses that are spectrally specific, such that older people exhibit stronger alpha/beta oscillations across the parieto‐frontal network during abstract reasoning tasks.
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Cognitive abilities are heritable and influenced by socioeconomic status (SES). It is critical to understand the association between SES and cognition beyond genetic propensity to inform potential benefits of SES-based interventions and to determine if such associations vary across (i) cognitive domains, (ii) facets of SES, and/or (iii) genetic propensity for different aspects of cognition. We examined the contributions of neighborhood socioeconomic advantage, family income, and polygenic scores (PGS) for domains of cognition (i.e., general cognitive ability, executive function, learning and memory, fluid reasoning) in a sample of children (ages 9–10; n = 5549) most genetically similar to reference populations from Europe. With some variability across cognitive outcomes, family income and PGS were independently significantly associated with cognitive performance. Within-sibling analyses revealed that cognitive PGS associations were predominantly driven by between-family effects suggestive of non-direct genetic mechanisms. These findings provide evidence that SES and genetic propensity to cognition have unique associations with cognitive performance in middle childhood. These results underscore the importance of environmental factors and genetic influences in the development of cognitive abilities and caution against overinterpreting associations with PGS of cognitive and educational outcomes as predominantly direct genetic effects.
Accelerated longitudinal designs allow researchers to efficiently collect longitudinal data covering a time span much longer than the study duration. One important assumption of these designs is that each cohort (a group defined by their age of entry into the study) shares the same longitudinal trajectory. Although previous research has examined the impact of violating this assumption when each cohort is defined by a single age of entry, it is possible that each cohort is instead defined by a range of ages, such as groups that experience a particular historical event. In this paper we examined how including cohort membership in linear and quadratic multilevel models performed in detecting and controlling for cohort effects in this scenario. Using a Monte Carlo simulation study, we assessed the performance of this approach under conditions related to the number of cohorts, the overlap between cohorts, the strength of the cohort effect, the number of affected parameters, and the sample size. Our results indicate that models including a proxy variable for cohort membership based on age at study entry performed comparably to using true cohort membership in detecting cohort effects accurately and returning unbiased parameter estimates. This indicates that researchers can control for cohort effects even when true cohort membership is unknown.
Early-life circumstances are important determinants of long-run human capital and well-being outcomes. The first 1,000 days of life are often cited as a ‘critical period’ for child development, but this notion has rarely been directly tested. In a setting where children are potentially subject to shocks in every year of their childhood, I estimate the impact of early-life weather shocks on adult cognitive and socioemotional outcomes for individuals born in rural Indonesia between 1988 and 2000. There is a strong critical period for these shocks at age two for cognitive development, but no evidence for a similar critical period for socioemotional development. The effects appear to be driven by changes in agricultural income and nutritional investment. The impacts are initially latent, only appearing after age 15. I show suggestive evidence for dynamic complementarity in early-life investments.
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Analogy has been the focus of extensive research in cognitive science over the past two decades. Through analogy, novel situations and problems can be understood in terms of familiar ones. Indeed, a case can be made for analogical processing as the very core of cognition. This is the first book to span the full range of disciplines concerned with analogy. Its contributors represent cognitive, developmental, and comparative psychology; neuroscience; artificial intelligence; linguistics; and philosophy. The book is divided into three parts. The first part describes computational models of analogy as well as their relation to computational models of other cognitive processes. The second part addresses the role of analogy in a wide range of cognitive tasks, such as forming complex cognitive structures, conveying emotion, making decisions, and solving problems. The third part looks at the development of analogy in children and the possible use of analogy in nonhuman primates. Contributors Miriam Bassok, Consuelo B. Boronat, Brian Bowdle, Fintan Costello, Kevin Dunbar, Gilles Fauconnier, Kenneth D. Forbus, Dedre Gentner, Usha Goswami, Brett Gray, Graeme S. Halford, Douglas Hofstadter, Keith J. Holyoak, John E. Hummel, Mark T. Keane, Boicho N. Kokinov, Arthur B. Markman, C. Page Moreau, David L. Oden, Alexander A. Petrov, Steven Phillips, David Premack, Cameron Shelley, Paul Thagard, Roger K.R. Thompson, William H. Wilson, Phillip Wolff Bradford Books imprint
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Working memory is currently a 'hot' topic in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Because of their radically different scopes and emphases, however, comparing different models and theories and understanding how they relate to one another has been a difficult task. This volume offers a much-needed forum for systematically comparing and contrasting existing models of working memory. It does so by asking each contributor to address the same comprehensive set of important theoretical questions on working memory. The answers to these questions provided in the volume elucidate the emerging general consensus on the nature of working memory among different theorists and crystallize incompatible theoretical claims that must be resolved in future research. As such, this volume serves not only as a milestone that documents the state-of-the-art in the field but also as a theoretical guidebook that will likely promote new lines of research and more precise and comprehensive models of working memory.
Personnel selection research provides much evidence that intelligence (g) is an important predictor of performance in training and on the job, especially in higher level work. This article provides evidence that g has pervasive utility in work settings because it is essentially the ability to deal with cognitive complexity, in particular, with complex information processing. The more complex a work task, the greater the advantages that higher g confers in performing it well. Everyday tasks, like job duties, also differ in their level of complexity. The importance of intelligence therefore differs systematically across different arenas of social life as well as economic endeavor. Data from the National Adult Literacy Survey are used to show how higher levels of cognitive ability systematically improve individual's odds of dealing successfully with the ordinary demands of modern life (such as banking, using maps and transportation schedules, reading and understanding forms, interpreting news articles). These and other data are summarized to illustrate how the advantages of higher g, even when they are small, cumulate to affect the overall life chances of individuals at different ranges of the IQ bell curve. The article concludes by suggesting ways to reduce the risks for low-IQ individuals of being left behind by an increasingly complex postindustrial economy.
Entwicklung von Gc nach der Schule (S. 143, siehe auch Ackerman, 1996, 234f): , One must not forget that nine-tenths of generalizations and theorizing about intelligence and intelligence tests are based on observations in school (p. 142)
A model of deductive reasoning requires 2 components. The performance component comprises programs for comprehending premises and for constructing a line of reasoning. The logical component, the subject of the present article, consists of some logical vocabulary and a repertory of elementary deductive steps. This component is specified for propositional reasoning by presenting a logic in which the connectives capture essential syntactic and semantic properties of the corresponding English words (unlike the connectives of standard logic). The repertory of deductive steps is defined through inference rule schemata. The system has the same "theorems" as standard propositional logic but different foundations. However, people lack explicit knowledge of their inference rule schemata and, therefore, are unaware of what can be proved from them. This ignorance of the entailments of their own system, coupled with the difference in foundations, explains the difference between natural and standard logic, especially in relation to or and if, which are discussed in some detail. (46 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)