In describing the New World, its inhabitants and their cultures, the authors of the chronicles of America embraced a task which could only be fulfilled from the authors’ own cultural viewpoint: in the first place, they could only understand the New World they were exposed to by reference to the world they already knew; on the other hand, in order to attain their communicative goal, these authors had to describe every fact, object or cultural feature by reference to the common knowledge framework shared by them and their eventual readers.
This process of cultural contextualization (or cross-cultural description) decisively determined the emergence, contents and development of the “European” vision of the New World.
This paper focuses upon some of the most outstanding features which built up the stereotypical, European image of the American Indians and their culture, claims that the core of this stereotype may be traced back to the most ancient chronicles and the process of cultural contextualization outlined, and puts forward a methodological approach to analyze the cultural process by which this stereotype arose and developed.
This thesis brings together theories of pre-Columbian trans-Pacific contact between Oceania and the Americas and analyses them from a history of ideas perspective. Despite the limited factual evidence, trans-Pacific contact theories between the Americas and Oceania have been discussed in various forms since the sixteenth century and remain a persistent trope. To provide a context for the history of ideas of trans-Pacific contact involving the Americas and Oceania, this thesis addresses the changing conceptions of the Pacific according to scholars from Europe and the Americas, the development of science and later anthropology and archaeology in this region and in the Americas, and the growing understanding of the history of settlement of the Americas and the Pacific. The theories addressed herein include ideas about Polynesia (or other parts of the Pacific) being settled by Amerindians; ideas about the Americas being settled by Polynesians or other Pacific Islanders; crop and animal diffusion in either direction; and cultural diffusion and contact theories. An analysis of the history and current status of the trans-Pacific contact debate shows that new additions to scientific knowledge have been obscured and resulted in an inconclusive and repetitive intellectual trajectory. This thesis proposes a historiographical revision and contextualisation of the theories and evidence in order to contribute to a clearer progression of ideas for one of the most resilient debates in the history of archaeology: the problem of trans-Pacific contacts.
Movido por el propósito de llevar a cabo un balance, una revisión crítica del reformismo, he querido plantear la pregunta de por qué en el reinado de Carlos IV parece agotarse el impulso renovador de la política indiana, dando lugar a lo que he llamado la "crisis del reformismo". Crisis que en unos casos reviste la forma de una suspensión de los proyectos, en otros de su debilitamiento, y en otros de su abierta desautorización. Comenzaré este ensayo enunciando la tesis que en él se propone, y que parecerá contradictoria con el título. Esta tesis podría formularse resumidamente así: "La crisis del reformismo borbónico se planteó y se produjo bajo Carlos 111". Una vez aceptada esta proposición, se podrá admitir que en el reinado de Cal os IV el reformismo conoció una prolongada situación de estancamiento, paralela a la supervivencia inercial de algu-nas de las instituciones y líneas políticas renovadoras puestas en vigor durante los reinados anteriores. Las etapas de Esquilache y Gálvez Algunas referencias conceptuales y precisiones cronológicas resultan obligadas aquí. Parece claro, en primer lugar, que el reformismo borbónico, tal como viene siendo conocido, fue una política tendente a modificar la legislación y las instituciones heredadas de los Austrias con objeto de dotar a la administración real de mayor eficacia, reforzando el poder del Estado sobre sus súbditos y frente a sus rivales. Consistió, en esencia, en una reforma administrativa.
El interés por gobernar los Reinos de las Indias, los territorios ultramarinos y relacionarse con los países iberoamericanos impulsó a la Corona de España a dotar un cargo oficial que le pusiera en los despachos los elementos informativos necesarios y suficientes para cumplir su misión ordenadora y ejecutora. Aquí se expone como se pasó de la espontánea explicación a la crónica e historia oficial, enunciando los historiadores que fueron elegidos para desempeñar esa función. State interest in the government of the Spanish American Kingdoms and other overseas possessions of Spain, and in the development of relations with Latin American countries, led the Spanish Crown to create an official position dedicated to the history of America. It was the job of the holder of this position to provide the necessary information to enable government departments to better inform their administrative and executive duties. This article shows how spontaneous historical explanations developed into chronicles and official history, and offers comments on some of the historians who have been appointed to fulfill that task.
Literary Production and Suppression: Reading and Writing about
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