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Protection of some rare and endangered vegetable plants in the flora of the Nakhichevan AR

  • Institute of Botany Azerbaijan
  • Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Botany Institute

Abstract and Figures

This research work is dedicated to the status evaluation in accordance with categories and criteria adopted in the international scale (IUCN) of some valuable species that are rare and the threatened ones in Nakhichevan flora. An evaluation was carried out on 14 species that are being decreased in the region and the results are as follows: Bilacunaria microcarpa -EN/A2ac+C1; Dorema glabrum -EN/A1cd+C2ab; Eremurus spectabilis -CR/B1ab(v)+B2ab(iv); Allium akaka -EN/B1ad(ii)+C1; Arum rupicola -VU/A3ab(iii)+C2ab(ii); Puschkinia scilloides -CR/B1ab(v) + B2ab(iii); Stenotaenia macrocarpa, Gundelia tournefortii and Crocus speciosus -LC; Rheum ribes, Urtica urens, Prangos acaulis and Allium woronovii -NT; and Scilla mischtschenkoana -DD.
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International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation Vol. 3(6), pp. 224-229, June 2011
Available online
ISSN 2141-243X ©2011 Academic Journals
Full Length Research Paper
Protection of some rare and endangered vegetable
plants in the flora of the Nakhichevan AR
S. Ibadullayeva1*, N. Movsumova1, H. Gasymov2 and T. Mamedli3
1Institute of Botany, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan.
2Institute of Bioresources, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan.
3Nakhichevan State University, Azerbaijan.
Accepted 18 April, 2011
This research work is dedicated to the status evaluation in accordance with categories and criteria
adopted in the international scale (IUCN) of some valuable species that are rare and the threatened
ones in Nakhichevan flora. An evaluation was carried out on 14 species that are being decreased in the
region and the results are as follows: Bilacunaria microcarpa - EN/A2ac+C1; Dorema glabrum -
EN/A1cd+C2ab; Eremurus spectabilis - CR/B1ab(v)+B2ab(iv); Allium akaka - EN/B1ad(ii)+C1; Arum
rupicola - VU/A3ab(iii)+C2ab(ii); Puschkinia scilloides - CR/B1ab(v) + B2ab(iii); Stenotaenia macrocarpa,
Gundelia tournefortii and Crocus speciosus - LC; Rheum ribes, Urtica urens, Prangos acaulis and
Allium woronovii - NT; and Scilla mischtschenkoana - DD.
Key words: Endangered plants of wild food, category and criteria, red list.
The species‟ significance for food, medicine and other
fields, as well as the vegetation kingdom, is gradually
getting less and less and is being considered among the
main priorities that a country would possess today. World
scientists think that people will find themselves opposite
to serious problems of food and water in the near future
(Report of a WG on MAP ECPGR, 2004 to 2007).
Genetic bases are owned by the countries, in other
words, the biodiversity is under a big risk. In protecting
the fauna and flora, restoring ecological balance,
preserving and protecting rare and threatened plant
species all over the world, several arrangements are
being implemented (Akchakaya et al., 2000).
Azerbaijan is considered as one of the successful
countries being an owner of vital origins for food safety of
people. This significant resource abundance presented to
Azerbaijan both economical and sustainable use and
balance building responsibilities. Benefit of these
potentialities and the descent biological resources of
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
Tel: +994 -12-5107431. Fax: +994-12-4383380.
Azerbaijan to the future generation are found along with
the actual problems (Ibadullayeva, 2001; Talybov, 2001).
Taking into account all of these, the current status of the
rare, relic and endemic (at the same time significant for
food) species of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic
(that is, the integral part of Azerbaijan) have been
The research work was implemented in Sadarak, Sharur, Kangarli,
Bahbak, Shahbuz, Julfa and Ordubad regions, and around
Nakhichevan City of the Nakhichevan AR. Rare and dangerous
food plant species‟ samples were taken as a test subj ect. The
achieved sowing materials were introduced in the Botany Garden of
ANAS Nakhichevan Department in Bio-resources Institute. Two
species of the introduced plants were grown by seeds and more
than 10 species were grown by the vegetative way; in addition,
phonological observations (Mazurenko, 2009; Lapina, 1975) and
monitorings (Yelagin, 1964) were implemented.
Seed samples were delivered to the National Gene Bank, which
functioned under the subordination of the Genetic Resources
Institute for long-term conservation. Initial data related to rare and
threatened species have been taken from „The Red Book‟ (Talybov
and Ibrahimov, 2010).
Recently, a number of arrangements are being implemented on
Ibadullayeva et al. 225
Table 1. Endemicness and evaluation of the rare vegetable species of Nakhichevan flora.
IUCN to value
Bilacunaria microcarpa
Stenotaenia macrocarpa
Dorema glabrum
Gundelia tournefortii
Rheum ribes
Urtica urens
Prangos acaulis
Crocus speciosus
Scilla mischtschenkoana
Eremurus spectabilis
Allium akaka
Allium woronovii
Arum rupicola
Puschkinia scilloides
the purpose of protection of species with a limited areal spread all
over the world. A „Red List‟ of the threatened species as well as
their categories and criteria were composed by the IUCN Council
and a clear system was worked out to classify the highly threatened
species (IUCN, 1994, 1996). Since 2001, the use of the new 3.1
version has commenced (Gärdenfors et al., 2001). Alongside with
all of these, version 3.1 of 2003 of the IUCN was also used to
evaluate species including CR, EN and VU categories (IUCN,
2003). The existing categories and criteria of the IUCN were used
at the evaluation. As 9 categories of the IUCN were used in a new
version, we also tried to evaluate the threatened plants according to
those categories.
In the period of the research years, the status of some
significant rare and threatened species was defined in
nature and both the categories adopted in the
international scale and their relationships with the biome
were registered. First of all, their previous and today‟s
status, as well as their restricted factors have been
specified and they were accessed in one of the relevant
As wild food plants were widely used, the limit of their
appearance within the threatened or endangered scale
was higher. Taking into account the reasons why the
plants become rare and why the disappearance of the
plants spread in the Nakhichevan AR area, the data
obtained from the literature (Hajiyev et al., 1996;
Ibadullayeva, 2004) and the researches carried out, were
evaluated as follows: Certain criteria (A, B, C and D) of
each category were registered.
Criterion A was applied in the case of 90% reduction for
the last 10 years or according to observation of 3
generations; in this case, the sub-features besides the
taxon category and feature that was under a serious
danger were taken into account. At the same time, an
activity plan has been developed to eliminate reasons for
the decrease.
Criterion B was applied in the case of wrong
consideration or the initial classification was not accurate
yet. All the evaluations noted hereby declared the
endangered classification met by the criterion and sub-
criterion. In this case, a minimum criterion was registered.
In the case where more than one criterion and sub-
criterion have been registered, it means that each of
them was enumerated. After taking them into account
and registering all of these, the taxon was evaluated
according to the Red List of the IUCN. Sometimes, if the
criterion registered in this study is not met, it is
automatically located in the lower category of the
previous danger.
Criterion C was applied in the case of location change
and was registered at the previous danger position of the
taxon, otherwise the populations in the regions are not in
the same danger position. In this case, moves of the
categories were completely ascertained and re-evaluated
Criterion D was not met during the research and should
be applied in the case of definition of any geographical
condition or different groups. If there is any little
demographic change or genetic change or migration, it
should be indicated. The study would like to note that
categories and criteria of the present status of the
majority of food plants and vegetables being under
danger have been carried out in full accordance with the
IUCN Regulations; however, the achieved results were
indicated in Table 1.
As it is seen from the Table 14, vegetable species are
under danger in the Nakhichevan flora. In the case of
taking into account the 107 wild plant species that spread
in the AR (Gasymov, 2010), it can be concluded that one
of each 10 species is under danger of loss.
226 Int. J. Biodvers. Conserv.
Bilacunaria microcarpa
As the amount dynamics of this species in the wild is not
completely known, it is ascertained that it moves to a
danger position of loss. Nevertheless, 90% reduction was
observed during the last 10 years. The observation has
been directly registered in this and at the same time, vital
environment quality also reduced as a result of the
anthropogenic factors (A2ac). More than 2500 plant
species nowhere have been met within the AR. During
the last 5 years, 20% of uninterrupted decrease has been
registered (C1). It means that danger of the taxon‟s loss
is considered to be high in the wild. The main restricted
factor for the species is the massive and spontaneous
collection of the plant species for trade as a result of
anthropogenic factors. The plant is used as green
vegetable and marinade, and it is also sold in markets.
For the result of the researches that were carried out, it
was ascertained that a distance of 3 to 5 km from the
localities and settlements, between 5 and 10 plants per 1
km2; a 5 to 10 km distance, between 20 and 25 plants per
1 km2; and more than 10 km distance, between 25 and
50 plants per 1 km2 were registered. It indicated that the
species was under danger. The species small
populations were preferably met in the areas close to
religious places like: Asny (Garabaghlar Village), Gibla
Spring-White Rock (Havush Village), Goynuik Sanctuary,
Ganza, Salvarty (Shahbuz Region) and Black Valley
(Julfa Region). It is also related to the people‟s belief in
order not to touch substances, plant, animal, birds, etc.,
in the religious places.
Stenotaenia macrocarpa
This species is a unique Caucasus endemic, whose
danger of loss is not so much (LC). According to its
criterion indexes, it is one of the taxa that are not relevant
to the aforementioned categories; however, it is one of
those taxa, whose populations are relatively under
danger. It can be met in the glades, bushy and woody
areas of 1600 to 1900 m above the mean sea level. It is
propagated by seeds. Change of its growing area caused
a resource change of the irregular collection. It is
accessed into the 1989 issue of the Red Book of
Azerbaijan. During the investigation carried out, it was
observed that the species was used as food in fresh state
only and its spread area was extended. So this species
generates joint populations together with everlasting pea
(Lathirus L.) genera, representatives of wild cereals
(Poaceae Barnhart) in the areas like: Alchaly Spring,
Darabichanak (Sharur Region), Batabat Forest (Shahbuz
Region), Yarpagly (Bashkand Village), Daraboghaz
(Kuku Village), Khazinadara (Arafsa Village), etc. That is
why the S. macrocarpa species accession into the
Green Book is considered as reasonable.
Dorema glabrum
It is a unique endemic plant that is endangered and the
taxon is under threat in the nearest future. Its previous
populations have not been met in several years. Perhaps,
it survives in wild landscapes where people can not reach
and therefore it is accessed in this category. The
achieved arguments also indicate that the taxon is
relevant for criteria A to C.
It spreads in the altitude of 600 to 1800 m above the
mean sea level in the Nakhichevan AR. This species was
included in the 1989 issue of the Red Book of
Azerbaijan. It was suggested that its preservation should
be established in places where it was immediately
distributed and multiplied in the Darydagh area
(Ibadullayeva, 2004). The plant samples were collected
from the areas of Zarani Station (coast of the Araz River),
Garadara, Goynuk, New Havush and Hady Gayib. It was
met by few populations in Duzdagh, Darydagh, hills along
the road of Tanannam and Goynuk. Its resources
disappeared and were used like green vegetable and
medicinal plant. In addition, they were sold in markets.
Gundelia tournefortii
It is a unique front Asia species, with small populations
seen in the areas of: Bilav, Tivi, Bist, Goynuk, Shurut
(Ordubad Region), Paradash and Gyzylgyshlag
(Shahbuz Region). It is of the less threat limit category
(LC) and its accession into the „Green Book‟ was
suggested by Talybov (2007). According to the category
indexes, there is no access to any of the aforementioned
categories, but its populations are considered as one of
the taxa under threat. Its young stems are used in fresh
state by pealing as green vegetable. It is multiplied by
seeds in the wild/nature. So in July to August, seed-balls
are opened and the seeds spread around, or as the dry
plants are light, they are easily rolled on the ground by
winds. In this way, the seeds spread around the area and
grow in opportunity conditions. However, its seed
origination has been achieved at the Botany Garden of
the Institute of Botany, in Nakhichevan AR, while normal
sprouts have been achieved in the initial spring from the
sown seeds in autumn.
Rheum ribes
It is a unique endemic species and is accessed in the
issue of 1989 for the Red Book of Azerbaijan. It spreads
in the territory of Nakhichevan AR only and is one of the
taxa that are close to the danger limit (NT). It is usually
grown in stony slopes. These species should be
preserved and protected in special preservations or
protection sites in order to study its biological properties.
Its cultivation has been achieved by G. Sh. Shiraliyeva in
the cultural flora; and it was restored again in the area of
about 2 ha in Batabat Province. In addition, the biology of
the species was studied in detail (Shiraliyeva, 2009).
Their uses, like medical and food plants, livestock
trampling down the spread areas and extension of the
new mountainous roads, are the factors influencing the
decrease of its resource. However, the species was
seldom seen in the areas of Duzdagh, Validagh, Gishlag,
Darydagh and Nokhuddagh.
Urtica urens
It is a unique endemic species close to the danger limit
(NT). Supposedly, loss of the taxon is bound to happen in
the nearest future, in that it has not been met in many of
the previous populations for several years. It might exist
in natural landscapes out-of-reach by human beings. Its
very few localities have been registered in the areas of
Bichanak and Khazinadara Villages, and Nakhichevan
suburb. Broad populations of the species were met
during the investigation. Its use, like food and very
valuable feed, is caused by a decrease of its resource.
Prangos acaulis
Its accession into the „Red Book‟ had been suggested in
the past 10 years (Hajiyev et al., 1996). Moreover, it is a
unique plant. As it is intensively collected by the people
for the purposes of food and trade in the early spring, its
resource is running out. There is a probability of it getting
under great threat of loss in the wild soon. It is possible to
meet its sub-populations together with the P. acaulis in
Duzdagh, Havush, Shurut, Ardyjdagh, Garagush
meadow, Kuku and other areas from 650 to 1800 m
above sea level. However, as its stems are being cut
from the root during its collection and they do not even
allow them to blossom, representatives of the species
are getting few and decreasing day-by-day. As such,
protection of the plant is urgent for these reasons.
Crocus speciosus
This species was ascertained as one of the taxa that
were not accessed in CR, EN and VU categories, but it
would be under threat in the nearest future when it is
evaluated. That is why it is accessed in the category of
low threat limit (LC). It spreads in the areas of Batabat,
Khazinadara and Nurgut of Nakhichevan A.R.
Consequently, together with the representatives of the
sedge family, they make small populations in forest
glades. Their resources decreased as they were
intensively collected in the blossom period in autumn.
This plant should be preserved and protected in special
preservations and its biological property should be
studied. Its protection is urgent and necessary. It can be
Ibadullayeva et al. 227
also used in landscaping and decoration purposes as it is
a decorative plant. However, the plants blossom in
autumn and they are usually eaten by livestock as feed in
spring and autumn. It is considered that the main
restricted factor is livestock feeding within a normal limit
where they grow.
Scilla mischtschenkoana
This taxon has not been studied that much and there is
no much information about it. That is why it was
accessed in the DD category. It has also been seldom
met recently. Perhaps, it widely spreads in the areas that
are not reached by humans; however, there is no
information about the localities. Decrease of the species
has been registered during the past 10 years (Talybov,
The species grow in rock clefts and among rock
embankments in the low and middle mountainous belts.
They mainly generate very small populations (25 to 30
plants) together with some early spring plants in Kotam,
Ganza, Paradash, Garagush, Khanbulag, Demilar and
Saatdash areas. They are collected and dried like
vegetables and used in winter for food. They are sold in
markets under the name “ağ pencer” and “eleyez”. This
factor causes the decrease of the plant resources.
Eremurus spectabilis
Its accession into the Red Book was suggested at some
point in time. At present, it is one of the taxa listed under
the criterion and sub-criterion that is in the critical threat
limit [CR/B1ab (v)], in the category of B2ab (IV), that is,
spread rate B1 and spread area B2. The rate at which it
spreads is less than 1 km2 (B1); however, it spreads one-
by-one and is known by everyone (a). As such, a
continuous reduction has been observed (b). Although,
the taxon can be evaluated in the spread area (v) by its
amount only, mapping with locality spots is not possible.
There are 2 plants per 10 km2 (B2) at minimum, and it is
evaluated on the base of the decreased areas between
a-b and the amount of the sub-populations (IV).
As young plants are usually collected for food purposes
in the early spring, they can not blossom. That is why
their resources gradually decreased. The species
originate absolutely or together with the other spring
plants sub-populations mainly in Havush, Ardyjdagh,
Garagush Meadow, Ganly Gyol, Batabat, Khazinadara
and Nurgut areas. The main restricted factor is its
intensive and spontaneous collection for the trade
purposes as a result of anthropogenic effects.
Allium akaka
This species belongs to the (C1) category that is found in
the endangered limit [EN/B1ad (II)]; and there are enough
228 Int. J. Biodvers. Conserv.
arguments concerning the taxon being forced to danger.
It meets B1-C1 sub-criteria and medieval criterion on a
relevant level as an individium obliged to a critic danger
and that is why it is under a high risk of loss in the wild.
The amount dynamics of the plant in the populations is
not less than 250; although a minimum of 250%
continuous decrease was observed during 3 years. The
observation has been registered in the longer period than
the generation observation and its access into the Red
Book was suggested at some point in time.
It is an onion with a nice view, and its root is eatable.
This species is usually seen in Kotam, Areji, Garagush
and Saatdash areas. It originates from sub-populations
with other plants in the low and middle mountainous belts
of the AR.
Allium woronovii
It is one of the taxa that are close to the endangered limit
(NT). It is widespread from the middle mountainous belt
to the sub-alpine belt. It grows in dry, stony and rocky
slopes and in embankment areas in a seldom order. The
plants‟ blossoming and seed maturation period is usually
from May to June. The species is seen in Shahbulag and
Garagush areas and in Gilanchay Basin.
Arum rupicola
The evaluation of this species coincided with the criterion
and sub-criterion (ab) of the A3-C2 in the weak or
sensitive category C2ab (II). Restoration of its amount
dynamics is not possible in the wild. It is accessed in this
category because of its approach to threat of loss. The
decrease projected by 3 generations during 10 years is
30%. As the continuous decrease and extreme changes
are observed in the amount of the taxon, the spreading
level of the taxon in the wild is considered as weak.
It is collected like vegetable in the early spring, and is
dried and used in winter. In addition, it is sold in markets
in dried state. The plant is also used for medical
purposes and it is the main restricted factor. The species
is seen in the Baghyrdash Valley, Khanbulag, Ar Daghy,
Bilav, Bichanak and Nahajir areas in a single population
only or seldom under dog rose (Rosa canina L.) bushes,
goat‟s-wheet (Atrapharis L.), barberry (Berberis L.) and
honeysuckle (Lonicera L.) bushy trees.
Pushkinia scilloides
This species has been evaluated in the category of B2ab
(III) and is found close to the critic endangered limit
[CR/B1 ab (v)]. Its spreading radius is less than 100 km2
in sub-populations; moreover, more than 2 taxa are not
usually seen in 10 km2. It spreads one-by-one and its
decrease is continuous; in other words, a keen reduction
is being observed in the amount of the taxa every year.
The species was generally being observed in Gunnut,
Sarybulag, Usub Yurdu, Demilar, Garagush Meadow,
Kuku, Batabat, Khazinadara and Gapyjig areas. The
plant usually grows in embankment areas and desert
slopes among mixed populations. They are cleaned of
their flower stems being collected for food purposes in
So, 14 species of wild vegetable in the region are rare
and opposite to loss threat. Nonetheless, carrying out the
following measurements to preserve these plant species
is purposeful:
1. A seed collection sample is performed to collect the
species gene pool, not harming its biological decrease;
2. Generative or vegetative reintroduction of the species
to extend their spreading areas and natural resources
3. Informing people, including pupils and students, in
educational institutions concerning to these plants and
their preservation, as well as hanging posters in the
territory of settlements close to the spreading areas of
these species;
4. Strengthening of the control on the existing biotopes of
the species in the areas of preservation status, like
national parks, preservations, reservations, arboretums,
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... Herbs of this group have also antispasmodic, expectorant, carminative, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, stimulant, vasodilator (Mood, 2008;Yousefzadi et al., 2011), antioxidant , antimicrobial and antifungal (Kumar et al., 2006), and hepatoprotector (Govind, 2011) activities. The plants of this group are widely used as a green vegetable or as a folk medicine for treatment of many disorders (Ibadullayeva et al., 2011). ...
... Naser Jafari 1 , Seyed Jalal Zargar 1 *, Narguess Yassa 2 , Mohammad Reza Delnavazi 2 especially catarrh, bronchitis and also for treating diarrhoea and as a diuretic (Mir-Babayev et al., 1993). It appears that widespread use of the plant for medicinal and local purposes is the main reason of extreme reduction of the natural resources of D. glabrum (Gabrielian, 1981;Ibadullayeva et al., 2011). It has been shown that methanol extract of D. glabrum seed has anti-proliferative effect on WEHI-164 mouse fibrosarcoma cell line and could induce apoptosis is this cell line Bannazadeh Amirkhiz et al., 2013). ...
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Objective: Dorema glabrum Fisch. & C.A. Mey is a perennial plant that has several curative properties. Anti-proliferative activity of seeds of this plant has been demonstrated in a mouse fibrosarcoma cell line. The aim of the present study was to evaluate cytotoxicity of D. glabrum root extracts in a human gastric adenocarcinoma (AGS) cell line and explore mechanisms of apoptosis induction, cell cycle arrest and altered gene expression in cancer cells. Materials and Methods: The MTT assay was used to evaluate IC50 values, EB/AO staining to analyze the mode of cell death, and flow cytometry to assess the cell cycle. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) amplification was performed with apoptosis and cell cycle-related gene primers, for cyclin D1, c-myc, survivin, VEGF, Bcl-2, Bax, and caspase-3 to determine alteration of gene expression. Results: Our results showed that n-hexane and chloroform extracts had greatest toxic effects on gastric cancer cells with IC50 values of 6.4 μg/ml and 4.6 μg/ml, respectively, after 72 h. Cell cycle analysis revealed that the population of treated cells in the G1 phase was increased in comparison to controls. Cellular morphological changes indicated induction of apoptosis. In addition, mRNA expression levels of Bax and caspase-3 were increased, and of bcl-2 survivin, VEGF, c-myc and cyclin D1 were decreased. Conclusion: Our study results suggest that D. glabrum has cytotoxic effects on AGS cells, characterized by enhanced apoptosis, reduced cell viability and arrest of cell cycling.
... On the raw of these threatened species are more than 10% of the whole flora (The Red Book, 1989). That is why rare plants of the Azerbaijan flora is being investigated by scientists (Ibadullayeva et al., 2011;Iskender et al., 2012) from time-to-time and activities are being carried out to protect them. ...
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The study has been aimed to report rare plants in Aghstafa, Gazakh, Dashkasan, Gadabay, Ganja, Goranboy, Naftalan, Samukh, Goygol, Shamkir and Tovuz administrative and geographical regions related to Gəncə-Gazakh zone of Western part of Azerbaijan. On the process of the carried out researches it was ascertained that 50 species of flowering plants are getting rare and threatened status in Ganja-Gazakh Area of Azerbaijan. It was considered to access 26 species of them into the Red Book for the first time was reliable. An Action Plan to protect the rare species was developed and practical activities were carried out.
... On the raw of these threatened species are more than 10% of the whole flora (The Red Book, 1989). That is why rare plants of the Azerbaijan flora is being investigated by scientists (Ibadullayeva et al., 2011;Iskender et al., 2012) from time-to-time and activities are being carried out to protect them. ...
... This plant grows well in subhumid to humid climate. Various members of Dorema, are effective antispasmodic, expectorant diuretic, carminative, diaphoretic, vasodilator [9,10], antimicrobial and antifungal [11,12], hepatoprotector [13] and are intensively used as a green vegetable or as a popular medicine for treatment of many human diseases [14]. Crude extract of the plant that demonstrated antioxidant activity and anti-lipidemic effects [15]; the resin that exudes from punctures in the stem caused by insect attack has similar impacts. ...
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In response to the propagation of bacteria resistant to many antibiotics, the discovery of new and more efficient antibacterial agents is primordial. The present study was designed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of three extracts of medical plants, Cichorium intybus, Dorema aucheri and Prangos ferulacea against some food born pathogens. These extracts were first prepared with methanol. The antimicrobial activity of the extracts was then assessed using the agar-well diffusion method and microtiter broth dilution method against nine bacterial strains i.e. Staphaureus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Citrobacter freundii, Salmonella enteritidis, Enterococcus aeroguns and Klebsiella pneumoniae. The studied extracts displayed various degrees of antibacterial activities. The extracts of Dorema aucheri showed the best spectra of activity. In conclusion, we can use these extracts as food additives and antibacterial preservatives after improvement at food safety studies.
... It is useful as an food additive or herbal remedy in mentioned regions [26]. Members of this genus possess expectorant, antispasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic, mild diuretic, emmenagogue, stimulant, vasodilator [27], antimicrobial and antifungal [28,29] and hepatoprotective [30] properties and are intensively used as a green vegetable or as a folk medicine for treatment of many diseases [31]. Drawing on Armenian and Azeri's common folk beliefs, a number of illnesses especially various types of cancer can be cured by D. glabrum. ...
... It is useful as an food additive or herbal remedy in mentioned regions [15]. Members of this genus possess expectorant, antispasmodic, carminative, mild diuretic, stimulant, vasodilator [16], and hepatoprotective [17] properties and are intensively used as a folk medicine for treatment of many diseases [18]. According to the common folk beliefs of Armenian and Azeri people, D. glabrum can cure many diseases especially different kinds of cancer. ...
... exhibited free radical scavenging activity. Also, based on common folk beliefs, it can treat some disorders especially different cancers (Asnaashari et al., 2011;Ibadullayeva, Movsumova, Gasymov, & Mamedli, 2001). ...
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Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesised by activated inflammatory macrophages and is involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory conditions. Dorema kopetdaghense Pimenov (Apiaceae) has been used in traditional medicine from ancient times. In order to investigate anti-inflammatory potential, new kopetdaghins A, C and E were isolated and their non-toxic concentrations, as defined using MTT assay, were evaluated for anti-inflammatory activity. J774A.1 macrophages were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (1 µg/ml) and kopetdaghins (10–100 μg/ml) for 24 h. The amount of NO production was assessed using Griess reagent. Western blot analysis was employed for evaluating the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression. Kopetdaghins at tested concentrations (10–100 μg/ml) did not reduce cell viability, while they significantly inhibited NO release. The expression of induced iNOS was decreased. Present experiment for the first time revealed the remarkable anti-inflammatory activity of new isolated kopetdaghins from D. kopetdaghense which might be potential candidates for further therapeutic investigations.
Feed plants are dynamically utilized by humans. This leads to a decreasing supply of feed plants. Also, considering that feed plants are eaten by animals, it can be observed that the decrease in the supply of these crops is inevitable. For this purpose, we studied the rare species of feed plants in the vegetation of Gunnut-Kapychik physiographic area where we conducted our research. The list of rare species distributed in the area is given by determining the distribution of feed plants in the area by altitudinal belts. Along with internationally recognized categories for determining the status of some important species, rare and endangered in nature, their relationship with the biome is also recorded. First of all, its past and present state in nature, its limiting factors are clarified and included in one of the relevant categories.
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The flora of Azerbaijan differs by its great variety. One hundred and fifty families comprising of 1000 genera and 4700 species make 70 % of Caucasus flora. Out of which more than 1400 species have medicinal (315 species – alkaloids, 150 species – coumarins, 1000 – essential oils, and flavanoids). In the Middle Ages 300 wild-growing species were used for treatment in Azerbaijan medicine; now only 135 species have access in the State Pharmacopeia. The plants are continuously increased at a result of in-situ conservations of medicinal plants. Their decrease has been prognosticated preliminarily. It was realized that young and generative development of the vegetable specimen in the populations belonged to Urtica dioica L. The amount of the specimen at cinil and subcinil phases in the Аstrаgаlus dаsyаnthus Pаll. species was twice more than it was in immature and generative phases of the plant that cause gradual decrease of these populations. Restoration activities should be carried out for in-situ conservation of such plants. The article is for the conservation and protection of medicinal plants of the region. Methods of population awareness and education of students, teachers and local people is ecology recommended along with the administrative measures.
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Dorema glabrum Fisch. & C.A. Mey. (Apiaceae) is a monocarpic perennial plant distributed in southern Caucasus. In Azerbaijan Republic folk medicine, the gum-resin of this species is used as a diuretic and anti-diarrheal agent. It is also traditionally used for the treatment of bronchitis and catarrh. In the present study, chemical constituents of the essential oil and extract of D. glabrum aerial parts were investigated and their free radical scavenging potentials were assessed. GC-MS and GC-FID analyses of the plant essential oil resulted in identifying twenty compounds, out of which elemicin (38.6%) and myristicin (14.3%) were main compounds. Seven compounds including daucosterol (1), chlorogenic acid (2), a mixture of cynarin (3) and 3,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid (4), isorhamnetin-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (5), isoquercetin (6) and astragalin (7) were also isolated from the ethyl acetate and methanol fractions of D. glabrum aerial parts using different chromatographic methods on silica gel (normal and reversed-phase) and sephadex LH20. Structures of the isolated compounds were elucidated using UV and 1H, 13C-NMR spectra in comparison with those reported in respective published data. Antioxidant activities of the crude extract, fractions and isolated compounds were evaluated using DPPH free radical scavenging assay method. Among the fractions, methanol fraction (IC50=53.3 ±4.7μg mL-1) and among the isolated compounds, caffeoylquinic acid derivatives exhibited the highest free radical scavenging activity (IC50= 2.2-2.6 μg mL-1).
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This paper represents a work in progress by the World Conservation Union (IUCN). Earlier drafts of the work have appeared in IUCN publications, but the “International Issues” section of Conservation Biology seems an appropriate and important place to publish the penultimate version of the document. Comments on this issue in general or on the approach taken by the IUCN should be sent to the authors directly. Joshua Ginsburg
The World Conservation Union (IUCN) defined a set of categories for conservation status supported by decision rules based on thresholds of parameters such as distributional range, population size, population history, and risk of extinction. These rules have received international acceptance and have become one of the most important decision tools in conservation biology because of their wide applicability, objectivity, and simplicity of use. The input data for these rules are often estimated with considerable uncertainty due to measurement error, natural variation, and vagueness in definitions of parameters used in the rules. Currently, no specific guidelines exist for dealing with uncertainty. Interpretation of uncertain data by different assessors may lead to inconsistent classifications because attitudes toward uncertainty and risk may have an important influence on the classification of threatened species. We propose a method of dealing with uncertainty that can be applied to the current IUCN criteria without altering the rules, thresholds, or intent of these criteria. Our method propagates the uncertainty in the input parameters and assigns the evaluated species either to a single category (as the current criteria do) or to a range of plausible categories, depending on the nature and extent of uncertainties.
Version 3.1. IUCN Species Survival Commission
IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: (2003). Version 3.1. IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge: UK. ii + p. 30.
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Making consistent IUCN classifications under uncertainty
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Atlas-identifier of phonological phases of plants. Moscow-Leningrad. P/h "Nauka
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Useful plants of Umbellifera
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IUCN Red List Categories. Prepared by the IUCN Species Survival Commission
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Study, restore & new use potentialities of the wild vegetable gene pool in the Nakhichevan AR flora
  • H Z Gasymov
Gasymov HZ (2010). Study, restore & new use potentialities of the wild vegetable gene pool in the Nakhichevan AR flora. Dissertation Autoreferate of PhD on Biology. Baku, p. 20.