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Design of a Water Wheel For a Low Head Micro Hydropower System


Abstract and Figures

This research work performs an analysis, evaluation and systematic representation of techniques of a low head micro hydropower system using a fixed water source and designing of a water wheel for the system. This is a support system to the national grid and is designed to provide electricity to a house when the national grid fails. Water is pumped up to the upper reservoir during the off-peak hour and when needed water is released from the upper reservoir through the turbine to generate electricity. This system makes use of a fixed amount of water that stored in a lower reservoir after circulating through the turbine. A water wheel is chosen as a turbine for the system and this paper is focused on to design and construction of a water wheel suitable for the micro hydropower site. Water wheels have been known since antiquity. With the industrial revolution, hydraulic sciences were developed and new materials such as wrought iron became available allowing for a rational analysis and improved strength and geometry of water wheels. A detailed study of the available literature covering the engineering design of water wheel was conducted. The design of water wheel was dominated by the requirement for a geometry which would minimize losses, and retain the water as long as possible in the machine. Theoretical output power has been calculated for a range of water flow and a graph has been plotted using the relevant values.
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Journal Basic Science And Technology, 1(3),1-6,2012
ISSN : 2089-8185
Design of a Water Wheel For a Low Head Micro
Hydropower System
Ayesha Zaman
Dept. of Applied physics, Electronics
& Communication Engineering
University of Dhaka
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Taslima Khan
Dept. of Applied physics, Electronics
& Communication Engineering
University of Dhaka
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abstract—This research work performs an analysis, evaluation
and systematic representation of techniques of a low head micro
hydropower system using a fixed water source and designing of a
water wheel f or the system. This is a support system to the
national grid and is designed to provide electricity to a house
when the national grid fails. Water is pumped up to the upper
reservoir during the off-peak hour and when needed water is
released from the upper reservoir through the turbine to
generate electricity. This system makes use of a fixed amount of
water that stored in a lower reservoir after circulating through
the turbine. A water wheel is chosen as a turbine for the system
and this paper is focused on to design and construction of a water
wheel suitable for the micro hydropower site. Water wheels have
been known since antiquity. With the industrial revolution,
hydraulic sciences were developed and new materials such as
wrought iron became available allowing for a rational analysis
and improved strength and geometry of water wheels. A detailed
study of the available literature covering the engineering design
of water wheel was conducted. The design of water wheel was
dominated by the requirement for a geometry which would
minimize losses, and retain the water as long as possible in the
machine. Theoretical output power has been calculated for a
range of water flow and a graph has been plotted using the
relevant values.
Keywords-Breastshot water wheel; flow rate; efficiency factor;
hydro power.
Hydropower systems are classified as large, medium, small,
mini and micro according to their installation power generation
capacity. Electrical power is measured in watts (W), kilowatts
(kW) or megawatts (MW). A micro-hydropower system is
generally classified as having a generating capacity of less than
100 kW. Close to a quarter of the energy of the sun that reaches
the earth’s surface causes water to evaporate and hence a
proportion of this energy causes vapor to rise against the
earth’s gravitational pull. This vapor then condenses into rain
and snow, which again falls back to the earth’s surface. This is
called the water cycle and is the fundamental reason why
hydropower is possible [1]. When rain and snow fall onto any
ground above sea level some of the sun’s energy is conserved
in the form of potential energy. This energy is then dissipated
in currents as water runs down in streams. By catching this
water in the controlled form of pipes, one can exploit the
kinetic energy that becomes available with the movement of
water. These pipes are then used to direct the stream of water,
under pressure, onto a turbine blade. The water then strikes the
turbine blade to create mechanical energy [1].
This mechanical energy is then transmitted to an electrical
generator through a rotating shaft [2]. This simple process is
essentially how all hydropower is generated a process tried
and tested over hundreds of years which currently supplies
over 715,000 MW or 19% of the world’s total electricity [3].
Access to electricity is one of the fundamental need for
rural development and a necessity for the improvement of
infrastructure. An estimated 1.5 billion people in developing
countries do not have access to electricity [4], severely limiting
the possibilities of economic growth. An increased focus on
decentralized energy generation, where the state cannot viably
connect population centers to the main electricity grid,
significantly improves the development prospects of struggling
communities. Micro-hydro provides a reliable, affordable,
economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally
sound energy alternative for rural development. It is the small
scale harnessing of energy from falling water, generating
typically less than 100 KW [5] and powering small
communities or factories.
As with any other type of renewable energy source, there
are many types of hydro power. This includes: impoundment,
diversion and pumped storage. Impoundment describes a
certain hydro facility where a dam is used to store water. The
water is used to run the turbine to create the electrical energy.
These are the most widely recognized styles although they are
actually not very common and are quite infeasible for most
residential areas due to their costs and complexities. Diversion
is almost the same except it channels a portion of the river
through a canal or penstock. Diversion is also called a “run-off-
river,” in some cases. Pumped storage, another type of micro
hydro utility, needs its own facility. In pumped storage, water
is pumped from a lower reservoir to an upper reservoir. When
water is released from the top, energy is produced [6].
Journal Basic Science And Technology, 1(3),1-6,2012
ISSN : 2089-8185
Basic components of a typical micro-hydro system are
mainly civil works components (headwork, intake, headrace
canal, fore bay, penstock/pipe and tailrace) and powerhouse
components (turbines, generators, drive systems and
controllers). Civil works structures control the water that runs
through a micro-hydropower system, and conveyances are a
large part of the project work. It is important that civil
structures are located in suitable sites and designed for
optimum performance and stability. In case of power house
components turbine or waterwheel is the most essential part. A
turbine unit consists of a runner connected to a shaft that
converts the potential energy in falling water into mechanical
or shaft power. The turbine is connected either directly to the
generator or is connected by means of gears or belts and
pulleys, depending on the speed required for the generator. The
choice of turbine depends mainly on the head and the design
flow for the proposed micro-hydropower installation. The
selection also depends on the desired running speed of the
generator. All turbines tend to run most efficiently at a
particular combination of speed, head and flow. In order to suit
a variety of head and flow conditions, turbines are broadly
divided into four groups (high, medium, low and ultralow
head) and into two categories (impulse and reaction) [7]. Fig 1
shows a schematic diagram of a typical micro-hydro power
Figure 1. A Micro Hydropower system with a fixed water source
V. H
Hydropower generation is an eco-friendly clean power
generation method. It is an established source of electricity and
currently accounts for about 20% of electricity generation
worldwide [8]. Renewable energy exploitation in Bangladesh is
not new. People are using renewable energy sources like solar,
wind, hydro power for different purposes from primordial time.
The only hydro power station of the country, the Karnafuly
Hydro Power Station with a generating capacity of 230 MW
by 5 units across the river Karnafuly . This plant is the only
hydroelectric power plant operated by (2 x 50MW = 100MW)
Bangladesh Power Development Board(BPDB). BPDB is
considering extension of Karnafuli hydro station to add another
100MW capacity. The additional energy will be generated
during the rainy season when most of the year water is spilled.
Apart from Kaptai, two other prospective sites, for hydropower
generation at Sangu and Matamuhuri River, are identified by
The waterwheel is one of the oldest hydraulic machines
known to humankind and has been in use since antiquity.
Originally built of wood, the availability of new materials,
namely wrought iron, and the increasing demand for
mechanical power during the industrial revolution led, in
combination with the development of hydraulic engineering, to
the rational design of waterwheels, resulting in much increased
performance and efficiency. Three distinct types of
waterwheels evolved the overshot, the breastshot and the
undershot wheel. Among the three types the Breastshot
waterwheel is the most suitable for the application of low-head
microhydro system. It is typically used for used for head
differences of 1.5 to 4m, and flow rates of 0.35 to 0.65 m³/s per
m width [9].
One of the first steps in planning is to measure the power
potential of the stream. The amount of power that can be
obtained from a stream depends on the amount of water flow,
the height from which the water falls (head) also the efficiency
of the plant to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy.
Hence the amount of power available from a micro-
hydropower system is directly related to the flow rate, head and
the force of gravity. This is calculated using the following
To calculate the most realistic power output from the site,
there must be taken into account the friction losses in the
penstock pipes and the efficiency of the turbine and generator.
When determining the head, it is needed to consider gross head
and net head. Gross head is the vertical distance between the
top of the penstock that conveys the water under pressure and
the point where the water discharges from the turbine. Net head
is the available head after subtracting the head loss due to
friction in the penstock from the total (gross) head. So (net
head = gross head – losses in the penstock). Therefore, to
determine a realistic power output, the theoretical power must
be multiplied by an efficiency factor of 0.5 to 0.7, depending
on the capacity and type of system,
Journal Basic Science And Technology, 1(3),1-6,2012
ISSN : 2089-8185
A. Implementation of Bach Methodology
In the case of a breastshot waterwheel, the loss at exit and
entrance are minimized. The most advanced design method
was developed by the German engineer Carl von Bach (1886).
According to Bach A waterwheel has to be designed for a
given head difference
and a flow rate Q . The diameter
of a breastshot wheel can be taken as twice the head difference
or slightly more. Bach recommends a value of D
mH 5.3
. This however leads to quite a large wheel
diameter for smaller values of
For a low head micro-hydro power system if the required
power output is 1kw; flowrate has to be ensured theoretically
sm /
Here according to Bach D=5.2m + 3.5m = 8.7m, but In this
case the diameter is taken as 8m in order to design a smaller
and thus more economical wheel.
A waterwheel of 8m diameter with a head difference of
5.2m and a flow rate of
sm /
will be designed using the
method and recommendations given by Bach. The tangential
velocity should be within 1.5–2 m/s. Tangential velocity is the
instantaneous linear velocity of a body moving in a circular
path; its direction is tangential to the circular path at the point
in question.
The optimal rotational speed of a breast shot wheel is
21 elyapproximatrpm
The depth d of the cells can be calculated as a function of
the head difference and the diameter with the following
empirical equations:
Fig 2 shows the side elevation of a breastshot water wheel
pointing out the relevant design parameters.
A depth d of 0·15 m was chosen for the model. The width B
of the wheel follows
04.0 =
Figure 2. Sideways of elevation wheel
Journal Basic Science And Technology, 1(3),1-6,2012
ISSN : 2089-8185
B. Design of downstream case
At the outflow, the water must move with the tangential
speed of the wheel of 1·8 m/s. The submerged depth at the exit
can be determined by
Figure 3. Design consideration: outflow case
In order to avoid losses at the exit of the blade out of the
water, the blade should be curved in such a way so that the
angle of intersection of blade and water surface is always
normal to the water surface from point A to point B along the
wetted length
The radius
of the lower section of the blade is given by:
1.04 =
The blade follows this radius from the outer edge to the
point of maximum submergence
. It is then curved
with a smaller radius
to approach the maximum depth d of
the cell tangentially.
C. Design of inflow
The downstream condition determines the geometry of the
blade. The inflowing water enters the cell at a depth
the upstream water level at point C as shown in Fig 1. In order
to maximize the use of the kinetic energy of the water, the
inflow velocity
should be approximately twice the
tangential velocity
of the wheel. It is important to avoid
turbulent losses at the inflow generated by the effective inflow
, which constitutes the vector sum of the inflow
and the tangential velocity vector of the wheel
, is parallel to the blade. The angle α, under which the
water enters the cell is usually chosen so that tan α= 0·5 or α=
26 (sometimes up to 30). The larger α becomes, the faster
the wheel or the slower the water has to move. The entry
of the water can now be determined by
With this velocity, the depth of the inflow underneath the
upstream water level can be calculated, assuming a loss factor
of 0·1
Simplifying, an inflow detail with one opening can now be
designed with a loss factor of 0·08 for the inflow.
With an inflow velocity of 0.43 m/s, the required
theoretical depth
for a single inflow opening as shown in
Fig. 2 can be determined by
This is the width of the opening close to the water wheel.
A. Calculation of Theoretical Power Output
Theoretical output power is calculated using Matlab for 10
different values of flow rates. The results are given in the
Journal Basic Science And Technology, 1(3),1-6,2012
ISSN : 2089-8185
Figure 4.
Flowrates for different low head
In the same way, output power is calculated for four
different values of head like, H=5m, 5.1m, 5.3m and 5.4m.
These values of output powers are plotted against the flow rates
in Fig 4.
X. O
This research work has been done considering the
establishment of a low-head microhydro power system.
Projected people considered here are the mediocre people.
Such a family requires about 1 kw of power to use their house
hold appliances in case of interruption of electricity from the
national grid line. Though the establishment cost is a bit higher
but after constructing the system once, it works up to 20 to 25
years . The breast shot water wheel that has been designed and
simulated provides approximately the desired amount of output
power and is most effective for getting higher power
requirements also.
constant, g
Flow rate
Q Theoretical power output
0.035 0.8918
0.036 0.9173
0.037 0.9428
0.038 0.9682
0.039 0.9937
0.040 1.0192
0.041 1.0447
0.042 1.0702
0.043 1.0956
5.2m 9.8 0.5
0.044 1.1211
Journal Basic Science And Technology, 1(3),1-6,2012
ISSN : 2089-8185
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[2] Hydropower Fundamentals:,
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[3] REN21, Renewables – Global Status Report 2006 Update. Available:
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[4] UN Economic and Social Council, “Access to Electricity”. Available:!polCat.action?id=50, retrieved
February 15 2009
[5] ANDERSON, DOIG, REES and KHENNAS, “Rural Energy Services -
a Handbook for Sustainable Energy Development.” ITP 1999.
[6] M.A. Wazed and Shamsuddin Ahmed (2008) “Micro Hydro Energy
Resources in Bangladesh: A Review.” Australian Journal of Basic and
Applied Sciences, 2(4): 1209-1222.
[7] Dušan Medveď, Marek Hvizdoš “MICRO-HYDROPOWER
SYSTEMS” .Available:
[8] M. RofiqulIslam, M. Rabiul Islam, M. Rafiqul Alam Beg, “Renewable
energy resources and technologies practice in Bangladesh” , Renewable
and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier; Volume 12, Issue 2,
February 2008, Pages 299–343.
... Explore the type of power generation employed by the waterwheel system (e.g., mechanical, electrical) and its stability under different operating conditions. This could involve analyzing how the system responds to fluctuations in water flow or external disturbances [78]. ...
... Although wastewater discharge has the potential to generate electricity, there are design challenges when switching from large-scale hydropower to low-head systems [101]. Although floating power generators are attractive, their scalability and applicability in the actual world need to be assessed [102].In [78]a fixed water source low head micro hydropower system's methodologies are analyzed, evaluated, and systematically represented, along with the design of a water wheel for the system. This is a backup system for the national grid that is meant to keep a home powered in the event that the main grid fails. ...
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This review explores the potential of floating waterwheel power generation systems as a sustainable source of energy. With increasing concerns about environmental degradation and the need for renewable energy sources, the utilization of flowing water for power generation presents an attractive solution. By analyzing existing literature and case studies, this review assesses the feasibility and effectiveness of floating waterwheel systems in harnessing energy from rivers and streams. Key metrics, including the total potential of floating hydro generation systems and their contribution to renewable energy, are evaluated to provide insights into the scalability and impact of this technology. Furthermore, the review identifies the most viable types of generating systems and highlights the environmental benefits they offer. This paper outlines the significant potential of floating hydro generation systems, with an estimated contribution of up to 10% of global renewable energy production. Among these systems, tidal barrage technology stands out as the most viable option, offering predictability and high energy density. By harnessing the power of moving rivers and tides, this technology addresses the pressing demand for clean energy while minimizing environmental impact compared to traditional dams. By addressing these aspects, this study aims to contribute to the advancement of eco-friendly energy solutions and provide valuable insights for policymakers, researchers, and industry professionals working in the field of renewable energy.
... The blade angle is an important factor to consider when designing an efficient water wheel as stated by Zaman and Khan (2012). The extensive research made by Kodirov and Tursunov (2019) showed that for maximum efficiency, the blade angle to the horizontal should be ∝ = 16° as illustrated in Figure 20. ...
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This project addresses the critical challenges of energy generation in Nigeria, a country with a significant yet underutilised potential for renewable energy, particularly in the context of mini hydroelectric power generation. The project is described as an innovative approach to energy generation, aiming to design and fabricate a mini hydroelectric power generator capable of producing and storing electricity efficiently. This generator is designed to operate as a power generation and storage system, as it utilises a self-adjusting system that redirects water used to turn the turbine to a storage tank, enabling energy conservation during periods of low consumption. This study investigates the potential of a small-scale hydroelectric power generation and storage system in sustainable urban environments. The system's performance was evaluated by varying the opening angles of the outlet valves in two water reservoirs. The overhead reservoir generated a maximum of 10.36 watts at a fully opened valve (90° angle), while the storage reservoir produced up to 5.73 watts under the same conditions. After accounting for the energy expended in pumping water back to the storage reservoir, the system achieved a net power savings of approximately 9.09 watts. This surplus energy can be utilised during peak demand periods, such as winter or low wind conditions. The findings indicate that small-scale hydroelectric systems can significantly enhance urban energy efficiency by storing excess energy generated during low-demand periods and providing a reliable power supply during high-demand times. This approach not only improves energy management but also contributes to the overall sustainability of cities by reducing dependency on non-renewable energy sources. However, the study's limitations, including its controlled experimental conditions and the need for integration with other renewable energy sources, suggest areas for further research to optimise the system's performance in real-world applications.
... The water was pumped into holding tanks before being gravity fed to the farm's various processes. The design of a water wheel for a low-head microhydropower system and performed an evaluation, analysis, and systematic representation of the techniques are presented in [14]. Water is pumped up to the upper reservoir during offpeak hours. ...
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One of the problems faced by people in remote areas is the unavailability of infrastructure for power distribution. The available rivers can be used to generate electrical energy. The developed systems must be inexpensive, easy to operate and reliable. It should be equipped with a monitoring system to display the output. This study aims to develop a pico-hydro power plant and its monitoring system to meet the power needs in remote areas. The power plant consists of a small turbine, a generator, a battery charger, and a battery while the monitoring system consists of a current sensor, voltage sensor, Arduino Nano, and a display. The system was tested in the laboratory and the river. The test of the DC voltage sensor, AC voltage sensor, and DC current sensor produces errors of 1.88%, 5.24%, and 1.25% respectively. The no-load test shows that the system generates a voltage of 12.77 - 16.6 VDC and 224 - 245 VAC when rotated at 696 - 1363 RPM. When loaded, the system generates voltages of 12 - 12.8 VDC and 225 - 247 VAC when rotated at 1332 - 1564 RPM. The developed system can be used by people in remote areas to meet their power needs.
... Studies [5][6][7][8] aim to determine the optimal angle and number of blades for maximum electrical power output, which can result in more efficient and cost-effective micro-hydro power generation. The study by [9] also highlights the importance of turbine design in micro-hydro systems. By optimizing the turbine design, micro-hydro power generation can produce more electricity with less water, making it a more sustainable and environmentally friendly source of energy [10]. ...
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This study focuses on optimizing the performance of micro-hydro power generation, specifically the breastshot type waterwheel. The limited availability of non-renewable energy sources and the high cost of developing renewable energy sources in the energy sector pose challenges, making it essential to find new energy sources and improve energy efficiency. The 2004–2022 national electricity plan aims to increase electricity access in rural areas, including remote regions like Bogor Regency, where access to electricity is limited. Many residents have constructed their own micro hydroelectric power generators, but their vulnerability to natural disasters is a concern. The study investigates the potential of breastshot waterwheel technology for micro hydroelectric power generation. The study involved testing a micro hydro power plant with 6, 8, and 10 blades and blade angles of 0°, 30°, and 45°. The current research focuses on performance optimization, including the use of ANOVA analysis to know the significant impact of blade number and angle on the waterwheel’s rotation. The maximum rotational speed was achieved with 10 blades and an angle of attack of 0°, 30°, and 45°, with respective speeds of 153.59 RPM, 155.84 RPM, and 164.95 RPM. The study indicates that the higher the number and angle of attack of blades, the greater the rotation of the breastshot type waterwheel. ANOVA tests showed that the number of blades had a significant impact on the waterwheel’s rotation, with an F-test value of 6.32 and a p-value of 0.012. On the other hand, the angle of attack of the blade had no significant impact, with an F-test value of 3.20 and a p-value of 0.067
... Waterwheel is a simple technology which is widely chosen as a turbine for hydroelectric systems. The design of the water wheel requires a geometry that will minimize losses, and retain water as long as possible in the machine [9]. Water wheels with very small height differences are an important and underutilized source of renewable energy. ...
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Nowadays, the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies is taking place worldwide. Every year, the amount of renewable energy installed increases dramatically. Many small-scale renewable energy technologies have been developed, for example at the household level, or at the environmental level as community-owned renewable energy. This research focuses on the development of renewable energy technology using the resource potential and local community wisdom of Glintung Water Street (GWS), a flood-prone area in Malang City. The objectives of the study were to analyze the potential of water resources in the study area to be developed as renewable energy, particularly under low flow conditions, and to investigate community support for the program of energy independence as a basis for developing a green economy to strengthen GWS as a food security village. This study uses 2 types of data, namely qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data is used to deepen the urgency of using renewable energy as alternative energy to replace PLN electricity. Meanwhile, the quantitative data collection consisted of 2 types of data, namely data on the measurement of the hydraulic characteristics of the flow as a source of driving force for the water wheel, and data on the community response and support using a questionnaire instrument. The results showed that the minimum flow to drive the water wheel under low flow conditions was 3 l/s. The maximum RPM recorded during waterwheel operation is 9 RPM, i.e. after it rained the night before the measurement, and the resulting voltage was 20 Volt. However, at higher flow conditions, the voltage generated by the waterwheel can reach 40 Volts. The community strongly supports the energy independence program although there are still doubts due to limited knowledge and experience in applying renewable energy technologies.
... Meanwhile, in the dDW, the water still pushes the blade at the end of the shroud. This can be explained by looking at the direction of the force acting on the blade, as illustrated in Figure 10. Figure 10 shows the direction of the velocity when the water enters and leaves the DW and dDW, as presented previously by several studies [38][39][40]. The dDW has a greater effective velocity than the DW. ...
Consumption of electrical energy continues to increase along with population growth. As a result, various sources of electrical energy are utilised to meet these needs, especially in areas that have not been reached by the national electricity network. In countries with hilly geography and irrigation canals, pico hydro energy is often considered an alternative. One of the tools used to convert water flow energy into electrical energy is the Dethridge wheel. The Dethridge wheel is a simple waterwheel that is easy to manufacture and suitable for irrigation canals with very low water head heights. This study aims to increase the performance of the Dethridge wheel by changing the shape of the wheel blades and examine the effect of the variation of water flow rate in the channel. Experimental and numerical methods were used to investigate the potential of the developed wheel. The Dethridge wheel and its development were tested using an artificial irrigation canal with flow rates of 20, 30, 60, 90 and 120 m3/h. Furthermore, a three-dimensional numerical model of the Dethridge wheel was simulated using Ansys Fluent 18.2 software. The highest efficiency of the experimental Dethridge wheel, 55.6%, was achieved when the flow rate was 30 m3/h. The developed Dethridge wheel efficiency increased to 71.72%. These results are also in agreement with the simulated model.
... The width of the blade is determined by using the formula for the width of the waterwheel. It is defined by Zaman et al. [32] as given in Equation (8). ...
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This research study presents an approach for analysis of pico hydro waterwheels by both experimental and numerical methods. The purpose of this research is to harness the energy efficiently from flowing water of irrigation channels and other shallow water sources in rural areas because the electrification of rural areas through connection to grid electricity is very costly. The novelty of this research work lies in testing of the waterwheel as a high-speed device, which is not usually explored. The review of existing literature reveals that pico waterwheels have been extensively studied but without changing the blade profile immersed in the water stream ot the inclination angle of the water stream. In this study, a pico scale waterwheel was tested with three different types of blade profiles, namely a C-shape blade, V-shape blade and straight blade, through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for different tip speed ratios (TSR), varying the immersed depth of the blade in the stream and changing the angle of the water conduit while keeping the number of blades and the diameter of the wheel constant. The numerical and experimental results were validated for the C-shape blade profile. A substantial improvement in performance is observed with a C-shape blade profile at a TSR of 0.88. The results show that by varying the angle of the water conduit, the maximum performance is achieved at inclination φ = 45°, with an overall improvement of 4.87% in the efficiency.
This paper provides an overview of the ancient evolution,design and development of different types of spiral tube water wheel pumping system (STWWPS). It has always been a challenge to lift water and carry it to some other locations for executing meaningful work, making use of the alternative sources of power. Several kinds of non-conventional energy sources and techniques have been tried. Each one is having its own merits and demerits. Making use of the kinetic energy of flowing water can be achieved through different kinds of water wheel.Spiral tube powered by kinetic energy of flowing water has been utilized for lifting and carrying water for irrigation and other purposes, contributing to the replacement of conventional diesel and electric power sources. These conventional sources are expensive (Diesel) and often unreliable in rural areas (Electricity).This review paper examines the design, development, and performance evaluation of various spiral tube pumping systems, including single, double, multilayer, pedal type, four scoop type, and multi-purpose models. It examines the load torque, power, efficiency, and stress analysis of shaft and bearing, and the impact of rotational speed, submerged ratio, and number of spiral pipes on the performance of the pumping system.The working principle allows these pumps to create a column of water within its coil that alternatively the air which is compressed as it moves towards the center of wheel. These pumpsnot only save electricity and diesel cost but the maintenance cost is also lowapart from contributing to the clean environment.
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By the excavations of archeological water canal from the early of the 7 th century in Basra Governorate south of Iraq, remains of water wheel are discovered (Bibi, 2016). In northern Iraq there are several stream valleys are exploited as tourist sites especially in summer season (Fig. 1). These sites have used the national electricity for all purposes or diesel generators to supply electricity during the absence of national electricity. In their sites, owners of tourism sites have a lot of water energy, but do not use it for the production of electricity. The stream valleys are extending to several hundred kilometers in northern Iraq and they well distributed in the area (Fig. 2). The stream valleys in northern Iraq extend for several hundred kilometers and are spread over the region. Possible energy is becoming progressively an important economic value in water resources. Hydro energy's closeness to pumps or other power sinks owned by the same water manager often increases the importance of the hydroelectric energy (Sinagraa, et al, 2014). The focus of the research will be on the valley's geotechnical characteristics, hydrological elements of stream water and the deposition of rock fragments during flood seasons. The other section discusses the sort of turbines or waterwheels that are sufficient for the generation of electricity. In some areas, low heads or low discharges in other areas are the major problems. The two parameters are authentic for generating electricity as shown in equation 1. P=γQH 1 Where P is the power output, γ is the water unit weight, Q is the volumetric flow rate and H is the head of water. Fig. 1: Quantity of water in Summer, Bandawaya, Bakerman and Sorya. The cross-sectional area, depth, speed and other associated properties must be knowledgeable in order to predict the strength of a river. The power of the stream is usually examined in catchments based on the feasibility analysis of the barrage. The power density of a 2 m/s free-stream turbine is the same as the wind turbine that runs at a flow rate of approx. 16 m/s (Yuce, and Muratoglu, 2015). Mostly there are two kinds of water wheels, the undershot and the overshot water wheels, which show the difference in Fig. 3. Water flows under the wheel in the undershot machines, hitting blades that spread evenly around the wheel's periphery. The impulses of the water particles move them (Capecchi, 2013).. Fig. 2: Geological map of northern Iraq. Fig. 3: Kinds of water wheels. The research directed at providing free electricity to tourism sites through the construction of small stations that provide enough energy for these locations to work. Therefore, for effectiveness evaluation nine sites in six distinct stream valleys are examined. These sites are Gale Zanta, Koski, Bakerman, Bandawaya, Sorya, and Khanas (Fig. 2). In Bandawaya there are many archaeological evidences for water mills along the stream valley (Fig. 4). These water mills had been use of hydropower to provide technical advancement in that time for grain mills (Fig. 5). Fig. 4: Archaeological monument for water mills of Bandawaya. Fig 5: principal thought of the undershot small station.
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A reliable, affordable and secure supply of energy is important for economic development. This has been true for the past and present and will remain valid for the future. However, over time, changes have taken and will take place with regard to energy use, both with regard to the amount as well as with regard to the type of energy used. Many factors have played a role in bringing these changes. Availability, security of supplies, price, ease of handling and use, external factors like technological development, introduction of subsidies, environmental constraints and legislation are some of these factors. The following research paper is an in-depth scenario and analysis of the micro hydro energy in Bangladesh. We represent a look into a time tested, yet underused technology driven by water. Included within this document is an introduction to micro hydro system and how they apply specifically to power generation. Yet the source of micro hydro energy (lakes, rivers, and streams) remains untapped. The exploitable hydro capability in Bangladesh is one of the foremost primary energy resources but the current utilization of this potential is very low. The overall energy scenario will be ameliorated, if this exploitable source of energy could be harnessed using sustainable technology.
Bangladesh has very limited nonrenewable energy resources of its own. She is facing energy crisis and serious desertification problem in rural areas. These issues could be removed if renewable energy is used as a primary source of energy in rural areas. It is essential for scientists and researchers to find out the renewable energy resources and effective technologies. Bangladesh is endowed with vast renewable energy resources such as biomass and solar insolation. Besides, hydro and wind power can be considered as potential renewable energy resources. Harnessing these resources appears to be a promising solution for improving the quality of life of rural villagers. The government and many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have tried to comprehend and have strived to address the problem of energy. This paper reviews the renewable energy resources and renewable energy technologies (RETs) practicing in Bangladesh in terms of its implementation, research and development activities. The development and trial of systems are mostly funded so far by donor agencies in collaboration with government and NGOs.
Análisis de los aspectos políticos, económicos y de sustentabilidad implicados en los procesos de definición y selección de tecnologías que cubran las demandas de servicios de energía para poblaciones rurales. El énfasis de la obra está puesto en las necesidades antes que en el aspecto tecnológico y ofrece, en la última parte, estudios de caso de proyectos que han coincidido con las demandas de zonas rurales en Perú, Nepal, Kenya, Indonesia y Zimbabwe.
Access to Electricity
  • U N Economic
  • Council
UN Economic and Social Council, "Access to Electricity". Available:!polCat.action?id=50, retrieved February 15 2009
  • Renewables-Global Status Report
REN21, Renewables-Global Status Report 2006 Update. Available: ate.pdf, retrieved April 19 2009.
  • Gerald Dr
  • Müller
  • Water
  • As
  • Power
  • Source
Dr. Gerald Müller "WATER WHEELS AS A POWER SOURCE" Available: _histo.pdf
  • Dušan Medveď
  • Marek Hvizdoš
Dušan Medveď, Marek Hvizdoš "MICRO-HYDROPOWER SYSTEMS".Available: