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The effect of the breathing action on velocity in front crawl sprinting


Abstract and Figures

Ten competitive, national level adult swimmers (age 25 ± 3 years (mean ± SD) swam three 25m freestyle sprints with different breathing patterns in randomised order to examine how breathing actions influence velocity during a 25m front crawl sprint. Velocity measurements were carried out using a computerized swimming speedometer and data from mid-pool free swimming (10-20m) was extracted. There was no significant difference in mean (±SD) velocity (v) between sprinting with one breath (v=1.74±0.14 m·s-1) compared to no breath (v=1.73±0.14 m·s-1). There was a significant (p<0.05) reduction in velocity when breathing every stroke cycle (v=1.70±0.14 m·s-1), compared to both no breath and one breath trials. Swimmers should breathe as little as possible during 50m freestyle races and breathe no more than every 3rd stroke cycle during a 100m freestyle race. Pedersen, T. and Kjendlie, P.-L. (2006). The effect of the breathing action on velocity in front crawl swimming.
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Rev Port Cien Desp 6(Supl.2) 15–113 75
The velocity meter curves provide some tentative evidence that
the swimmers were able to generate propulsion with their
affected limb, as there was a marked increase in intra-cyclic
speed during the push phase of this limb. This occurred when
the sound arm was either still recovering, entering or in the
non-propulsive glide phase. Not surprisingly, the swimmers
were more effective at increasing their swimming speed with
their sound limb than they were with their affected limb
(Figure 3). The peak swimming speed achieved during the
push phase of the sound limb (1.30 ± 0.17 m.s-1) was signifi-
cantly higher than it was during the push phase of the affected
limb (1.14 ± 0.11 m.s-1).
Inter-swimmer correlations revealed a significant relationship
(r=0.72, p<0.05) between mean swimming speed and stroke
rate. Interestingly, the swimmers who exhibited the highest
stroke rates were not necessarily those who pulled their affect-
ed limb through the water the quickest, as the correlation
between the extension velocity of the affected limb and stroke
rate was non-significant (r=-0.36). Extension velocities of the
affected limb ranged from 8.8 to 12.9 rad.s-1. There was no
relationship between the extension velocity and the peak swim-
ming speed that was produced during the push phase of this
limb. This indicates that factors other than limb speed, such
as the timing and trajectory of the pull, may be more important
in determining the effectiveness of the pull.
Swimmers with a uni-lateral arm amputation have demonstrat-
ed that, in the absence of a forearm and hand, it is possible to
use the upper arm to increase swimming speed within the
front crawl stroke cycle, but not as effectively as with the com-
plete arm.
1. Craig AB, Pendergast DR (1979). Relationships of stroke
rate, distance per stroke, and velocity in competitive swim-
ming. Med Sci Sports, 11 (3): 278-283.
2. Hay JG, Thayer AM (1989). Flow visualization of competi-
tive swimming techniques: The tufts method. J Biomechanics,
22: 11-20.
3. Kent MR, Atha J (1973). Intra-cycle retarding force fluctua-
tions in breaststroke. J Sports Med, 13: 274-279.
4. Toussaint HM, Beek PJ (1992). Biomechanics of competitive
front crawl swimming. Sports Med, 13 (1): 8-24.
Tommy Pedersen, Per-Ludvik Kjendlie
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway.
Ten competitive, national level adult swimmers (age 25 ± 3
years (mean ± SD) swam three 25m freestyle sprints with dif-
ferent breathing patterns in randomised order to examine how
breathing actions influence velocity during a 25m front crawl
sprint. Velocity measurements were carried out using a com-
puterized swimming speedometer and data from mid-pool free
swimming (10-20m) was extracted. There was no significant
difference in mean (±SD) velocity (v) between sprinting with
one breath (v=1.74±0.14 m_s-1) compared to no breath
(v=1.73±0.14 m_s-1). There was a significant (p<0.05) reduc-
tion in velocity when breathing every stroke cycle
(v=1.70±0.14 m_s-1), compared to both no breath and one
breath trials. Swimmers should breathe as little as possible
during 50m freestyle races and breathe no more than every 3rd
stroke cycle during a 100m freestyle race.
Key Words: biomechanics, breathing, swimming performance,
freestyle, sprint.
To achieve a high swimming velocity, one main goal for swim-
ming technique is to create optimal propulsion and minimal
resistance (4). For a front crawl swimmer, minimal resistance
winds down to keeping an optimal streamline; the head and
body in a straight line and the body as horizontal as possible.
Optimal propulsion means keeping effective propulsive forces,
high propelling efficiency and high power output throughout
the swimming distance. The breathing action in front crawl
swimming is in most cases a movement that inflicts the swim-
mers streamline or propulsion because the head has to move
out of normal swimming position to make inspiration of air
possible. How long the inspiration lasts will also inflict the
swimmers streamline and propulsion (1). Both Cardelli, Lerda
& Chollet (1) and Lerda & Cardelli (2) have found in previous
studies that there is a connection between how good a swim-
mer is to coordinate the breathing action in front crawl swim-
ming and their technical level. More expert swimmers tend to
use shorter time on the inspiration of air compared to less
expert swimmers (1). Furthermore more expert swimmers
were found to have an improved ability to coordinate arm-
strokes and inspiration of air so that body balance and contin-
ued propulsion is more efficient also during the breathing
action (2). Even so swimmers are often instructed to breathe
as little as possible during 50 m sprint swimming, and during a
100 m race swimmers tend to reduce their breathing compared
to longer distances.
The purpose of this study was to examine how breathing actions
influence velocity during a 25m front crawl sprint by using two
different breathing patterns compared to no breathing.
Ten competitive, Norwegian national level, adult swimmers
volunteered to participate in this study (8 males and 2 females,
mean±SD; age 25±3 years, personal best 50m freestyle
25.15±1.98 sec, season best 50m freestyle 25.62±2.19 sec).
All subjects signed an informed consent after having the proto-
col explained to them both verbally and in writing.
Test protocol
Before start of the trial the subjects conducted a standardized
warm up of about 1500m including four short sprints. The trial
consisted of three 25m freestyle sprints with different breath-
ing patterns conducted in a randomised order: a) 25m sprint
with no breathing b) 25m with one breath after 15m of swim-
ming c) 25m with one breath every stroke cycle. All breathing
was to the subjects’ preferred side. Each 25m sprint started
every 4 minutes, giving the subjects about 3 min and 45 sec
recovery between each sprint. During this recovery they had to
swim one 25m to get back to start, the rest of the recovery was
Rev Port Cien Desp 6(Supl.2) 15–113
Velocity measurements were carried out using a computerized
swimming speedometer, connected to the swimmer via a thin
non elastic line. The speedometer, attached to the pool side,
consisted of the speedometer and a digitizing unit. The
speedometer had a reel for the line which was set to give a
small, but constant resistance on the line to ensure a trouble
free outlet of the line. The line went from the reel via a small
wheel to the hip of the swimmer. The small wheel (9 cm inn
diameter) was connected to the axis of an incremental encoder
(Leine & Linde nr IS630, Strängnes, Sweden) which gave 250
square pulses (0-5V TTL logic) for every rotation of the wheel.
The swimmers pulled the line and the incremental encoder
produced impulses for every turn of the small wheel. These
pulses was digitized in a computer card (DAQ 6024E, National
instruments, USA), and the signal was treated with Digital
acquisition software LabVIEW 7 Express (National
Instruments, USA).
Every impulse from the speedometer gave position data which
the program smoothened by a floating mean of 10 measure-
ments. The velocity was then calculated in the program by a
mean of two positions. Fig. 1. shows an example of the velocity
output vs time. Sampled frequency was 100 Hz. The coefficient
of variation for the equipment used was calculated to <2 %.
A camera (Panasonic GS3, Japan) was used to film the swim-
mers above water while they swam each trial. This film was
later used to find out the number of strokes performed in the
10m distance of the one breath trial, and how many breaths
the swimmers had on the same distance on the breath every
stroke cycle trial.
Data from mid-pool free swimming (10-20m) was extracted
and used in all analyses.
Fig. 1. Example of velocity vs time curve from the speedometer data.
Vertical lines represent right arm entry.
All data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. A paired
t-test was used to determine difference between the trials
where p<0.05 was considered significant.
There was no significant difference in mean velocity (v)
between 10m of mid pool sprinting when the swimmers took
one breath compared to no breath. To breathe once every 10
meters equalled about one breath every 3rd stroke cycle for the
swimmers in this study. There was a significant (p<0.05)
reduction in velocity when breathing every stroke cycle, com-
pared to both no breath and one breath trials, see table 1. The
swimmers in this study breathed 5-7 times over 10m of mid
pool sprinting when breathing every stroke cycle.
Table 1: Mean velocity (±SD) from the three trials.
Breath every
No breath One breath stroke cycle
Mean (±SD) 1.74 (±0.14) 1.73 (±0.14) 1.70
* significant different from both no and one breath trials (p<0.05)
The results indicate that swimmers at this performance level
may breathe once every 3rd stroke cycle without loosing veloci-
ty due to breathing actions in front crawl sprint. If swimmers
breathe every stroke cycle they may loose up to about 0.1 sec
pr 10m of mid pool swimming.
Unpublished observations of 50m freestyle for males at the
Norwegian Long course National championship 2004 showed
that all the top 8 swimmers breathed 1, 2 or 3 times with at
least 3 stroke cycles in between each breath in the final. Even
though there was no significant difference between the one and
no breath trial in this study, a difference of only 0.01 m·s-1 as
found here represents a loss of 0.03 sec over 10 m swimming.
Even at this performance level a loss of 0.03 sec because of one
extra breath could mean 2nd place instead of 1st place. There
were individual differences; the highest difference between no-
and one breath trial was 0.04 m·s-1 or 0.15 sec. This indicates
that all swimmers can gain by learning better breathing tech-
nique and breath control, but coaches should know that some
individuals have even more to gain.
Furthermore, observations of the 100m freestyle race for both
females and males in the same National Championship
revealed that 100m freestyle swimmers seemed to vary what
breathing pattern they choose, but most common was to
breathe every 2nd, 3rd or 4th stroke cycle for the first part of the
race, and than increase to every stroke cycle or every 2nd stroke
cycle the last part of the race. Only a few swimmers choose to
breathe as little as every 3rd or 4th stroke cycle throughout the
race, amongst these was the winner of both male and female
100m freestyle. The main reason for swimmers to increase
their breathing pattern the last part of a 100m race is caused
by an urge to breathe more due to a lower partial CO2pressure
in the blood caused by the high intensity of the swimming.
Peyrebrune et al. (3) found no reduced performance based on
physiological markers when swimmers breathed as little as
every 4th stroke cycle, during 55 sec of tethered swimming.
This indicates that the swimmers can choose to breathe as lit-
tle as every 3rd to 4th stroke cycle without loss in performance
due to either physiological factors or biomechanical factors
(breathing action).
Coaches should stress breath control both in training and com-
petitions and also teach effective breathing technique to avoid
velocity reductions due to breathing actions. In a 50 m
freestyle sprint the swimmers should breathe as little as possi-
ble, but during 100 m race swimmers must breathe more and
can breath as often as every 3rd stroke cycle without to much
Rev Port Cien Desp 6(Supl.2) 15–113 77
loss of velocity compared to breathing more often. To give
accurate advice about which breathing patterns to use in 100m
races, both individual differences in technique and physiologi-
cal and metabolic variables must be taken into consideration. A
further investigation in this matter seems necessary, combining
biomechanical and physiological methods.
1. Cardelli C, Lerda R, Chollet D (2000). Analysis of breathing
in the crawl as a function of skill and stroke characteristics.
Percept Motor Skills, June: 979-987.
2. Lerda R, Cardelli C (2003). Breathing and propelling in
crawl as a function of skill and swim velocity. Int J Sports Med,
3. Peyrebrune MC, Robinson J, Lakomy HK, Nevill ME (2003).
Effects of controlled frequency breathing on maximal tethered
swimming performance. In: Chatard JC (ed.) Biomechanics and
Medicine In Swimming IX. Saint-Étienne: Publications de
l’Universite de Saint-Étienne, 289-294.
4. Toussaint HM, Beek PJ (1992). Biomechanics of competitive
front crawl swimming. Sports Med, 13:8-24.
Suzana Pereira, Luciana Araújo, Elinai Freitas, Roberta
Gatti, Graziela Silveira, Helio Roesler
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Laboratório de Pesquisas
em Biomecânica Aquática. Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil.
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the contribu-
tion of the dynamic and kinematic variables to the performance
in freestyle. The turns of 38 swimmers were analyzing using an
underwater force platform and two video cameras that sup-
plied. Angle of knee flexion (AK), maximum normalized force
peak (FPn) and contact time (CT) were measured as variables.
Through investigation of the contribution of the variables AK,
PMn and CT to the variable TT it was possible identify that
PMn explains the greatest percentage of variance in turn per-
formance (17,70%). The relation between AK and PMn indicat-
ed that larger values of AK (smaller flexions) tend to provide
larger values of PMn (r = 0,38). Start from the results analysis,
it can be suggested that angles of knee flexion between 110
and 120 degrees tend to provide larger force peaks, smaller
contact times and smaller turn times, reaching the best per-
formance of the crawl stroke turn execution.
Key Words: swimming, turn, biomechanics, flip turn,
dynamometry, kinemetry.
The final times of swimming tests can be influenced from the
turns in up to 20% (6). The process of the biomechanical study
of the turns developed by the Research in Aquatic
Biomechanics Laboratory of the University of the State of Santa
Catarina (UDESC) is described by Roesler (8) and is part of
the studies (1), (5) e (7). The present research complements
previous studies and researched parameters on improving per-
formance of the turns, investigating the relationships between
the variables: Maximum Peak of normalized force (PMn) and
Time of Contact (TC) with the performance in the turn in it I
swim Crawl (TV), through the time of turn in 15m.
38 swimmers, integrant of the team of swimming of the Club
“12 de Agosto” of the city of Florianópolis/SC, federated by
Aquatic Federacy of Santa Catarina (FASC), participated in the
research, chosen intentionally once they have domain over the
technique of execution of the flip turn in front crawl swim.
They have an average age of 18,2 years, average body mass of
63,8Kg, and average stature of 1,70m.
For the acquisition of the dynamic data, an underwater strain
gauge platform (9) with sensitivity of 2N and natural frequency
of 60Hz was used. The force plate was associated to a special
support to be fixed to the inside of the turning wall of the
swimming pool, in the vertical plan, and on the opposite side
to the departure blocks, in lane 4. Once the platform cover is
0,2m thick, the black traces in the swimming pool bottom were
modified to adapt to the new configuration, respecting the
same official distance for the accomplishment of the turns.
For the kinematic data acquisition, a video camera Mini-DV
Mega Pixel 3CCD (60Hz) inserted into a water proof box
(camera 1), and a VHS camera with acquisition frequency of
60Hz (camera 2) were used. Camera 1 was located inside the
swimming pool, allowing a underwater sight from the bottom
to the top of the force platform. It was used for the assessment
of the angle of knee flexion (AK). To determine the variable
AK, a set of anthropometric landmark points were used (great
trochanter, lateral epicondilus and lateral maleolus), made with
coloured adhesive ribbon for the ulterior recognition in the
video analysis. For the assessment of the turning time (TV) in
15m, camera 2 was located outside the water, 17,5m of the
departure platforms, allowing a lateral sight of the swimming
pool. The measurement of the turning time was initiated at the
moment where the image of the swimmer’s head reached the
mark of 7,5m in direction to the turning wall, and finished
when the swimmer’s head reached again the mark of 7,5 m,
but after the turn.
Data collection of was carried out during a training session. The
swimmers warmed-up in accordance with the coach, trying suc-
cessive impulses with the feet in the platform, in order to adapt
themselves to the experimental conditions. Each swimmer start-
ed swimming from inside the swimming pool, under the depar-
ture blocks, reaching maximum speed at 12m from he starting
wall, carrying through the turn and keeping the maximal speed
until the 12m. This exercise was repeated 8 times with a resting
interval of 12 minutes between each repetition.
The data obtained through the force platform has been separated
and filed for swimmer, calibrated and filtered through a
Butterworth filter from (30 Hz), and the normalization was con-
ducted dividing the measured force archive by the weight of the
swimmers, both carried through in system SAD 32 (10) supply-
ing the PMn, which are the greater value registered of the force
and the TC, that is the time during which the swimmer keeps
contact with the platform. The swimmers weight was measured
directly with a digital scale, Plenna, model MEA-08128 (0,1kg).
For the assessment of AK, the images of camera 1 were used,
selecting, through the edition images program Adobe Premiere
6,5, the picture where the swimmer carries through the maxi-
mum knee flexion when touching the force platform. The flex-
ion angle was obtained using the program Corel Photo-Paint ver-
sion 10.
... In Freestyle, breathing is a parameter that reduces swimmers' velocity by almost 3%, altering swimmers' body position creating resistance when the head moves out of its normal position for the inhalation (8). In short distances such as 25 and 50 m, the breathing frequency must be less than in longer distances (10). ...
... Another hypoxia parameter is the exhalation, where its duration is less in elite swimmers than in beginners, because of the increased pulmonary volume and the stronger breathing muscles (10). Exhalation occurs immediately after inhalation (6). ...
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In Freestyle and the Butterfly stroke, swimmers use the least possible breaths in order to keep their hydrodynamic position and maintain a higher swimming velocity. The purpose of this study was to determine the duration of reduced breathing when swimming Breaststroke affects the hydrodynamic position and preserves the high swimming speed in relation to the production of blood lactate. In this study, 16 swimmers, aged 15.6± 3.2 participated. They swam 25 and 50 m Breaststroke, with breathing frequency for both distances, one breath every stroke (1 on 1) and one breath every three strokes (1 on 3) at high intense. Blood lactate concentration, performance, and efficiency parameters were measured. From the results, swimmers' blood lactate concentration and the time in 25 m between the two breathing frequencies 1 on 1 and 1 on 3, showed a statistically significant difference 10.1 ± 1.8 vs 9.3 ± 1.5 mmol/L (p = 0.02) and 19.5 ± 1.6 vs 19.3 ± 1.6 sec (p = 0.03) respectively. In conclusion, in the 25 m distance at maximum intensity, it is preferable to use the 1 on 1 breathing frequency in order to maximize blood lactate concentration, the 1 on 3 breathing frequency in sets of 25 m is more effective at the rate of distances of 100 and 200 m.
... Therefore, while swimming the crawl technique, the water environment causes accelerated muscles fatigue and reduction of oxygen intake in the organism, so mastering the breathing technique would be significant. The main goal of the research is to examine the decrease in lung capacity influenced by swimming load, that is, to what extent the fatigue affects the change in lung capacity (Maglischo E.W. 2008, Holmer, I. & Gullstrand, L. 1980, Hsieh, S. & Hermiston, R. 1983, Lerda R., Cardelli C., Chollet D. 2001, Pedersen T., Kjendlie P.L. 2003 and to what extent the maximal inhalation and exhalation after the 200m crawl technique section is decreased. ...
... Therefore, effort is also necessary upon exhalation, which creates even bigger fatigue of the complete system in charge of breathing. More inhalations can give the swimmer some advantages when swimming at length (Lerda R., Cardelli C., Chollet D. 2001) and bring to the fatigue postponement respectively (Pedersen T., Kjendlie P.L. 2003). Hence it is necessary for every swimmer to master the technique as well as the tactic of breathing (Maglischo E.W. 2003). ...
... Therefore, while swimming the crawl technique, the water environment causes accelerated muscles fatigue and reduction of oxygen intake in the organism, so mastering the breathing technique would be significant. The main goal of the research is to examine the decrease in lung capacity influenced by swimming load, that is, to what extent the fatigue affects the change in lung capacity (Maglischo E.W. 2008, Holmer, I. & Gullstrand, L. 1980, Hsieh, S. & Hermiston, R. 1983, Lerda R., Cardelli C., Chollet D. 2001, Pedersen T., Kjendlie P.L. 2003 and to what extent the maximal inhalation and exhalation after the 200m crawl technique section is decreased. ...
... Therefore, effort is also necessary upon exhalation, which creates even bigger fatigue of the complete system in charge of breathing. More inhalations can give the swimmer some advantages when swimming at length (Lerda R., Cardelli C., Chollet D. 2001) and bring to the fatigue postponement respectively (Pedersen T., Kjendlie P.L. 2003). Hence it is necessary for every swimmer to master the technique as well as the tactic of breathing (Maglischo E.W. 2003). ...
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The main goal of this research was to examine the decrease in lung capacity influenced by load caused by swimming, that is, to what extent the fatigue affects the change in lung capacity and to what extent the maximal inhalation and exhalation after the 200m crawl technique section is decreased. Inadequate breathing (inadequate exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide) causes fatigue more quickly. Breathing in water, due to hydrostatic pressure, is harder than breathing ashore. Therefore, it is harder to keep the swimmer's body position in water. It is harder to overcome the forces which interfere the swimming, the coordination is being obstructed as well as the swimming technique. All that weakens the result, therefore the attention should be on the education of breathing technique during swimming specifically. Accordingly, the goal of this research has been set-"to determine the decrease in lung capacity influenced by load caused by swimming." If the decrease of lung capacity is proven, the significance of training in swimming technique is affirmed. Students of the second year at Faculty of Sports and Physical Education of University of Sarajevo were involved for the research-26 male students. During the research, four measures of the lung capacity were done, which showed that load caused by swimming influences the lung capacity negatively. T-test did not show any statistically significant difference (p=0.558) for the maximal expiratory pressure for the first second of measurement at standing in water and lying in water (p=0.225). The indicator in the sixth second, at standing in water, showed significant difference a (p=0.038, η 2 =0.16). At lying position, in the sixth second, the difference which was also significant (p=0.006, η 2 =0.27). Significant correlation of air flow in the first measurement-standing in water (p=0.023, η 2 =0.17) and second measurement-lying in water (p=0.050, η 2 =0.14) was noted. In conclusion it can be argued that the load caused after the 200m crawl technique section affects the lung capacity negatively and obstructs the breathing. As a recommendation for further work with students, but also for other swimmers of similar characteristics, it is necessary to dedicate more lessons to the practice of breathing technique.
... Therefore, while swimming the crawl technique, the water environment causes accelerated muscles fatigue and reduction of oxygen intake in the organism, so mastering the breathing technique would be significant. The main goal of the research is to examine the decrease in lung capacity influenced by swimming load, that is, to what extent the fatigue affects the change in lung capacity (Maglischo E.W. 2008, Holmer, I. & Gullstrand, L. 1980, Hsieh, S. & Hermiston, R. 1983, Lerda R., Cardelli C., Chollet D. 2001, Pedersen T., Kjendlie P.L. 2003 and to what extent the maximal inhalation and exhalation after the 200m crawl technique section is decreased. ...
... Therefore, effort is also necessary upon exhalation, which creates even bigger fatigue of the complete system in charge of breathing. More inhalations can give the swimmer some advantages when swimming at length (Lerda R., Cardelli C., Chollet D. 2001) and bring to the fatigue postponement respectively (Pedersen T., Kjendlie P.L. 2003). Hence it is necessary for every swimmer to master the technique as well as the tactic of breathing (Maglischo E.W. 2003). ...
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The aim of this study is to determine effects of 8-weeks long muscle endurance training with the weight of body in case of recreational athletes. Study included 10 males (age 26.4 ± 1.2; 181.38 ± 5.64 cm and 84.49 ± 11.29 kg). Three muscular endurance trainings per week were performed during the program. Modified types of conventional body exercises, which include basic models of movements for the whole body are included in the program. Training load was dosed by position of the body, speed of exercise performance, number of series of a certain exercise (3-5 x 3-5), number of repetitions (10-25) and length of passive recovery between series of exercises (30-90 sec). The following variables were used: maximal number of pull-ups in 60”, maximal number of squats in 60”, maximal number of push-ups in 60”, maximal number of rotational forward bends of the body in 30”; body extension hang ; left arm hang under the angle of 90°; right leg hang under 90° and pull-ups hang. Results of the T-test for dependent samples were statistically significant differences between two measurements (p<0.01). Muscular endurance of recreational athletes can be significantly improved by continuous and programmed exercises using the whole body as basic loading. Coaches need to consider implementation of training of strength with your own body, due to its useful effects.
... Therefore, while swimming the crawl technique, the water environment causes accelerated muscles fatigue and reduction of oxygen intake in the organism, so mastering the breathing technique would be significant. The main goal of the research is to examine the decrease in lung capacity influenced by swimming load, that is, to what extent the fatigue affects the change in lung capacity (Maglischo E.W. 2008, Holmer, I. & Gullstrand, L. 1980, Hsieh, S. & Hermiston, R. 1983, Lerda R., Cardelli C., Chollet D. 2001, Pedersen T., Kjendlie P.L. 2003 and to what extent the maximal inhalation and exhalation after the 200m crawl technique section is decreased. ...
... Therefore, effort is also necessary upon exhalation, which creates even bigger fatigue of the complete system in charge of breathing. More inhalations can give the swimmer some advantages when swimming at length (Lerda R., Cardelli C., Chollet D. 2001) and bring to the fatigue postponement respectively (Pedersen T., Kjendlie P.L. 2003). Hence it is necessary for every swimmer to master the technique as well as the tactic of breathing (Maglischo E.W. 2003). ...
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Abstract Main goal of this study was to determine whether there are any changes in the level of coordination, strength capacity and balance quality under the Latin American dance classes in primary school children. Sample includes 32 students aged 12.4+0.5 years old. Program of Latin American dance lessons lasted for six weeks. The aim was to establish positive transformational changes in motoric capability. Level of transformational effects was expressed as difference between initial and final measuring. Significant improvement was observed in Flamingo test (p<0.001, η2 =0.74), Standing on one leg with eyes closed on a horizontal balance bench (p=0.01, η2 =0.86), Standing on both legs with eyes closed on a horizontal balance bench (p=0.00, η2 =0.68), Bat coordination (p=0.02, η2 =0.08), Side walking (p=0.02, η2 =0.87), Backwards training ground (p=0.03, η2 =0.91), Push-ups (p=0.00, η2 =0.86), Back straightening (p=0.00, η2 =0.55), Lying-sitting (p=0.01, η2 =0.78). It can be concluded that significant improvement was observed in coordination, strength capacity and balance quality under the influence of additional attendance of Latin Dance classes. Key words: Latin American Dances
... The above-mentioned asymmetrical muscle activation, and its relationships with the differences in relevant kinetics or kinematics parameters on swimmers that revealed in previous research (Carvalho et al., 2019;Cohen et al., 2020;Dos Santos et al., 2017;Pedersen and Kjendlie, 2006;Psycharakis and McCabe, 2011), more investigation to explore the influences and relationships would be recommended by measuring both sides' muscle activities in different phases for comparing and evaluating the asymmetries in measured parameters by calculating the index of asymmetry (Seifert et al., 2008;Carpes et al., 2010;Sanders et al., 2012) through the difference between the left and right side muscles or breathing and non-breathing side and presented as percentage (%), called symmetry index (SI; SI% = ((A-B)/(A + B))*2*100). This index might allow us to differentiate any asymmetry in swimmers and also to do the comparison between swimmers or groups. ...
This systematic review is aimed to provide an up-to-date summary and review on the use of surface electromyography (sEMG) in evaluating front crawl (FC) swim performance. Several online databases were searched by different combinations of selected keywords, in total 1956 articles were retrieved, and each article was assessed by a 10-item quality checklist. 16 articles were eligible to be included in this study, and most of the articles were evaluating the muscle activity about the swimming phases and focused on assessing the upper limbs muscles, only few studies have assessed the performance in starts and turns phases. Insufficient information about these two phases despite the critical contribution on final swimming time. Also, with the contribution roles of legs and trunk muscles in swimming performance, more research should be conducted to explore the overall muscle activation pattern and their roles on swimming performance. Moreover, more detailed description in participants’ characteristics and more investigations of bilateral muscle activity and the asymmetrical effects on relevant biomechanical performance are recommended. Lastly, with increasing attention about the effects of muscles co-activation on swimming performance, more in-depth investigations on this topic are also highly recommended, for evaluating its influence on swimmers.
... Así, cada nadador realizó 25 metros a máxima velocidad saliendo desde el agua para evitar la inercia del salto en la salida. A los nadadores se les indicó que no debían de respirar durante los 25 metros para evitar el efecto del movimiento de la cabeza durante este gesto y del correspondiente aumento del rolido en la velocidad (Pedersen & Kjendlie, 2006;Vezos et al., 2007). Además, la velocidad de nado es mayor cuando no se respira al compararla con el nado con respiración en el estilo crol (Psycharakis & McCabe, 2011). ...
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El nado a crol en natación es el utilizado generalmente en las pruebas de estilo libre. En este estilo no se delimitan los movimientos ni su coordinación, al contrario que en el resto de estilos (braza, espalda, mariposa) que requieren de una propia coordinación o posición para efectuarse correctamente según la normativa vigente (FINA, 2012). En este trabajo se pretende indagar sobre el efecto de las acciones propulsivas que se realizan en el estilo crol, principalmente en las aceleraciones que se producen en el cuerpo del nadador durante la fase de nado.
... Propulsive-and recovery phase during freestyle swimming (Maglischo, 2003) Figure 3: Muscles active during freestyle swimming (Mcleod, 2010) Breathing during freestyle swimming is known to affect performance, especially during short sprinting events where it leads to a reduction in speed (Pedersen, 2006). ...
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Swimming is a very demanding sport which requires extreme muscle strength and endurance. Only fractions of a second may separate the winner from the opponents. The swimming performance, specifically, is influenced by complex interactions between physiological, morphological, neuromuscular, biomechanical, and technical factors. These factors not only depend on training, genetics, and opportunity but also can be influenced by a “warm-up,” recognized as a primary factor in athletic performance. Completion of a warm-up prior to a competitive exercise bout is a widely accepted practice within modern sport; athletes and coaches believe that warm-up is very essential to attain optimal performance. Consequently, this thesis proposes an easy method for coaches to implement during the competition warm-up or before the race in call room to improve the performance of their athletes. This technique is called post-activation potentiation (PAP). However, the effects of PAP and swimming performance remains limited. Consequently, our three studies contributed to the knowledge of this subject. Our results provided practical information for coaches to develop appropriate training paradigms for their swimmers. The revealed data reported the importance of PAP individualization to enhance swimming performance and described some basics that should guide the warm-up structure in the competition. Many factors can affect the PAP impact on performance such as the transition time between the PAP stimulus and the subsequent main activity (swimming race), the typological profile and muscle strength of swimmers (the percentage of fast, slow fibers...), the level of training experience and the load or intensity of the PAP stimulus. Nevertheless, PAP effect in swimming still lack the information to understand how it works and specially to allow better application in practice. However, it is necessary for each trainer or physical trainer to proceed by trial and error to determine, for each athlete, what is the optimal recovery time in order to enhance the performance. According to the literature, the potentiation effect can be measured between 1min to 12 minutes before the race. This duration should be short enough to maintain potentiation but long enough not to induce an accumulation of fatigue. The optimal average time is often around 6 to 8 minutes, which corresponds to the time the swimmer waits in the call room. However, many protocols are to be tested, science must continue to study this phenomenon to know its most effective use in swimming performance
... Breathing during freestyle swimming is known to affect performance, especially during short sprinting events where it leads to a reduction in speed (Pedersen and Kjendlie 2006). Freestyle swimmers doing preferred side (unilateral) breathing versus breath-holding have shown performance which is almost identical regardless of the breathing action in terms of the stroke lengths, stroke widths, stroke rates and the timing of the underwater phases of the stroke (Payton et al. 1999). ...
The use of asymmetrical strokes is common in freestyle swimming because of breathing and strength laterality. In this study, the asymmetrical freestyle swimming performance of a male elite level swimmer who breathed every second arm stroke (unilaterally) was investigated. A laser body scan and multi-angle video footage of the athlete were used to generate a swimming biomechanical model. This model was then used in a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) fluid simulation of swimming through a virtual pool. The results from this study enabled the kinematic asymmetry to be related to the consequential fluid dynamic asymmetry. The intra-cyclic fluctuations in the streamwise forces and speed were also examined. Hand angles of attack were compared along with the lift and drag contributions of the hands to generating the streamwise thrust. From this study, connections between asymmetry and the resultant swimming performance were identified.
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Essential performance-determining factors in front crawl swimming can be analysed within a biomechanical framework, in reference to the physiological basis of performance. These factors include: active drag forces, effective propulsive forces, propelling efficiency and power output. The success of a swimmer is determined by the ability to generate propulsive force, while reducing the resistance to forward motion. Although for a given competitive stroke a range of optimal stroking styles may be expected across a sample of swimmers, a common element of technique related to a high performance level is the use of complex sculling motions of the hands to generate especially lift forces. By changing the orientation of the hand the propulsive force acting on the hand is aimed successfully in the direction of motion. Furthermore, the swimming velocity (v) is related to drag (A), power input (Pi, the rate of energy liberation via the aerobic/ anaerobic metabolism), the gross efficiency (eg), propelling efficiency (ep), and power output (Po) according to: Based on the research available at present it is concluded that: (a) drag in groups of elite swimmers homogeneous with respect to swimming technique is determined by anthropometric dimensions; (b) total mechanical power output (Po) is important since improvement in performance is related to increased Po. Furthermore, it shows dramatic changes with training and possibly reflects the size of the ‘swimming engine’; (c) propelling efficiency seems to be important since it is much higher in elite swimmers (61%) than in triathletes (44%); and (d) distance per stroke gives a fairly good indication of propelling efficiency and may be used to evaluate individual progress in technical ability.
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The purpose of this study was to measure and compare the durations of exhalation (DE), inhalation (DI), and inhalatory apnea (DAI) expressed as percentage of stroke-cycle duration using two groups (more expert and less expert) of 6 front crawl swimmers each at near 100-m speed (high speed) and 800-m speed (low speed). Two breathing conditions were considered, breathing to the preferred side with and without a nose-clip. The relationships between stroking characteristics (swimming speed, stroke rate, and stroke length) and the three durations of breathing were examined as a function of skill and swimming speed. The data show that use of a nose-clip does not significantly change those measures. At high speed, the more expert group had a lower inhalation and a higher exhalation than the less expert group. The stroke rate correlated with speed .92 (p<.01) and was mainly associated with inhalation (r=-.78, p<.01). Inclusion of exhalation as a second variable improved significantly (p<.01) the accuracy of the regression up to .97. At low speed, the less expert had lower inhalatory apnea than the more expert. Stroke length correlated with speed .86 (p<.01) and was mainly associated with inhalatory apnea (r=.70, p<.05). At high speed, the more expert had a lower inhalation than at low speed, while durations of exhalation and inhalatory apnea did not vary significantly. On the contrary, the less expert had a lower exhalation and a higher inhalatory apnea, while duration of inhalation remained relatively unchanged. The present study shows that these durations and their relations to stroking characteristics could be considered significant indicators of skill in swimming.
Competitive swimmers were asked to swim at a constant velocity (v) for short distances. They wore a collar to which was attached a fine non-elastic steel wire. The wire passed over two wheels of a device attached to one end of the pool. One wheel generated an impulse for every cm of forward movement and another wheel produced an electrical signal which was directly proportional to V. Measurements of distance and time were begun at definable points in the stroke cycle and were discontinued at the end of a predetermined number of strokes. In all of the four competitive strokes, front and back crawl, butterfly, and breaststroke, the V increased as a result of increasing the stroke rate (S) and decreasing the distance per stroke (d/s). In the front crawl, the male and female swimmers who achieved the fastest V had the longest d/S at slow S. The faster male swimmers also had greater percent decrease of the d/S at their maximal V than did the less skilled persons. The back crawl was similar to the front crawl except that maximal S and V were less. Increases of V of the butterfly were related almost entirely to increases in S. Except at the highest V, d/S was decreased somewhat. In the breaststroke increased V was also associated with increasing S, but the d/S decreased much more than in the other stroke styles. Fluctuations of velocity during the stroke cycle were least in the front and back crawl (+/- 15--20%) and greatest in the butterfly and breaststroke (+ 45--50%). The results were compared to the S observed and the values for V and d/S calculated for a large group of swimmers competing in the 1976 U.S. Olympic Trials. The implications of the findings for coaching swimmers are discussed.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of tufts to visualize the flow of water around the trunk and limbs of a swimmer. Numerous pilot studies were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of different tuft materials, dimensions and methods of attachment for recording the characteristics of the flow around a swimmer performing various strokes and drills. Differences in the patterns of flow made visible by the tufts suggested that this method of flow visualization may well be useful in resolving both basic and applied questions concerning swimming techniques.
A knowledge of average water resistance of passive swimmers towed at constant speeds allows few predictions to be made concerning the active stroke. In breast stroke where resistance is a major problem, frontal area and velocity are constantly changing. Tension was recorded continuously while towing 7 male and 6 female British International and National age group swimmers at constant velocities. During each trial a single full power breast stroke was carried out and a family of tension variation curves for each subject allowed a study of intra cycle resistance to be made. During the execution of the stroke, the retarding force was found to reach a peak which was approximately proportional to the square of towing speed.
This study analyzes apnea (A), exhalation (E), and inhalation (I) duration with respect to stroke organization in front crawl as a function of inhalation side, swim velocity and performance level. Thirty-six male subjects comprised two groups based on performance level: more expert (ME) and less expert (LE) swimmers. All swam with one inhalation per cycle to the preferred side at speeds corresponding to two specific race paces: 100-m (V100) and 800-m (V800) velocities. The breathing arm (BA) is located on the inhalation side, and the non-breathing arm (NBA) on the opposite side. The sound of air passing in and out of the swimmers' mouths was captured by a microphone and synchronized with video frames. Stroke phases and arm coordination were identified by video analyses. Arm coordination was quantified using two indices of coordination (IdC) corresponding to the lag time between the beginning of the BA (IdC-BA) or NBA (IdC-NBA) propulsive action and the end of that of the other arm. As velocity increases, the ME are observed to reduce I during BA recovery (-19.4 +/- 31.6 %, p < 0.05) while the LE increase A (+ 34.8 +/- 25.2 %, p < 0.05) during BA entry, catch and recovery and NBA pull and push. These variations are related to a lengthening of the pull for both arms at the expense of BA non-propulsive phases. At V100, the ME have greater E (p < 0.05) during BA entry and catch (+ 21.1 +/- 38.2 %) and NBA push (+ 26.3 +/- 39.5 %) compared to the LE. This increase, at the expense of A, corresponds to a shorter BA push and NBA recovery. At V800, the ME exhibit a longer A (p < 0.05) during BA recovery (+ 19.9 +/- 33.2 %) and NBA pull (+ 24.2 +/- 31.5 %), and decreased I during NBA push and pull. These differences are related to a shortening of BA recovery and pull and a longer push for both arms. These breath and stroke adaptations correspond to an increase in stroke rate and IdC-BA with the velocity and performance level. This study points out the breathing-propelling aspects of coordination that indicate technical skill in swimming.
Effects of controlled frequency breathing on maximal tethered swimming performance
  • M C Peyrebrune
  • J Robinson
  • H K Lakomy
  • M E Nevill
Peyrebrune MC, Robinson J, Lakomy HK, Nevill ME (2003). Effects of controlled frequency breathing on maximal tethered swimming performance. In: Chatard JC (ed.) Biomechanics and Medicine In Swimming IX. Saint-Étienne: Publications de l'Universite de Saint-Étienne, 289-294.