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Das Teachlet-Konzept: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Lehrform für Software-Entwurfsdiskussionen



Teachlets als innovative Lehrmethode befinden sich seit 2004 im Praxiseinsatz, Literatur ist zum Thema allerdings kaum vorhanden und nicht auf dem aktuellen Stand. In dieser Arbeit wird die Teachlet-Praxis der letzten Jahre resümiert, die bisherige Definition des Begriffs auf ihre Zukunftsfähigkeit untersucht und erweitert, aktuelle Entwicklungen dargestellt und konzeptuelle Grenzen sowie weitere Möglichkeiten von Teachlets als Lehrform für Inhalte der Softwaretechnik diskutiert.
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Conference Paper
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Teachlets are a new method originally developed to teach design patterns. Based on executable code, a problem is set that is to be solved collaboratively and interactively by all the participants of a teaching unit. A moderator is on hand to operate the computer, the development environment and video projector when called upon to do so. While deployable in themselves as an innovative teaching method, teachlets can also be used as a design object in seminar-like workshop events. In the course on advanced concepts of object-oriented programming described here, the participants themselves developed and used teachlets in a so-called teachlet laboratory.
This paper presents an experience report on a novel approach for a course on intermediate and advanced computer graphics topics. The approach uses Teachlet Tutorials, a combination of traditional seminar–type teaching with interactive exploration of the content by the audience, plus development of self-contained tutorials on the topic. In addition to a presentation, an interactive software tool is developed by the students to assist the audience in learning and exploring the topic's details. This process is guided through set tasks. The resulting course material is developed for two different contexts: (a) for classroom presentation and (b) as an interactive, self-contained, self-learning tutorial. The overall approach results in a more thorough understanding of the topic both for the student teachers as well as for the class participants. In addition to detailing the Teachlet Tutorial approach, this paper presents our experiences implementing the approach in our Advanced Computer Graphics course and presents the resultant projects. Most of the final Teachlet Tutorials were surprisingly good and we had excellent feedback from the students on the approach and course.
Algorithmen -Eine Einführung
  • Thomas H Cormen
  • Charles E Leiserson
  • Ronald L Rivest
Cormen, Thomas H. ; Leiserson, Charles E. ; Rivest, Ronald L.: Algorithmen -Eine Einführung. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2004