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All content in this area was uploaded by Subha Ganguly on Nov 06, 2014
Content may be subject to copyright. Vol 3, Issue 9, 2014.
Ganguly World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Subha Ganguly*
Faculty Of Fishery Sciences, West Bengal University Of Animal and Fishery Sciences, 5,
Budherhat Road, P.O. Panchasayar, Chakgaria, Kolkata - 700 094, WB, India.
Cancer, one of the most deadly challenges spreading drastically in 21st
century, has now officially become the most dangerous killer in the
world according to the World Health Organization. Cancer is related to
adversary of modernization and advanced pattern of irregular and
stressed life dominated by Western medicine. Scientists are making
their best efforts to fight this disease; however the sure-shot cure is still
awaited. The excruciating experience of dying cancer patients can be
ameliorated by making use of Ayurvedic principles. Ayurveda can be
helpful in the management of cancer in many ways such as-
prophylactic, palliative, curative and supportive. Ayurvedic medicines
help to improve the quality of life of the patients through various
pharmacokinetic mechanisms.
KEYWORDS: Ayurveda, Cancer, Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy,
Ayurveda, the oldest Indian indigenous medicine system of plant drugs is known from very
early times for preventing or suppressing various tumors using these natural drugs. And
nowadays scientists are keener to researches on complementary and alternative medicine for
the management of cancer. The word ‘cancer’ may be new to the 5,000 year old Indian
system of medicine, Ayurveda, which relies on natural substances for healing. But ancient
Ayurvedic classics are aware of the clinical features, resembling cancer, with the names such
as Apachi, Gulma, Granthi, and Arbuda. Following are names of some of the conditions
mentioned in Ayurvedic classics that have relevance to cancer manifestations in modern
medicine. In Ayurvedic concept, according to ‘Charaka’ and ‘Sushruta Samhitas’ cancer is
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
SJIF Impact Factor 5.045
Volume 3, Issue 9, 1476-1479. Review Article ISSN 2277– 7105
Article Received on
15 September 2014,
Revised on 09 Oct 2014,
Accepted on 02 Nov 2014
*Correspondence for
Dr. Subha Ganguly
Faculty Of Fishery
Sciences, West Bengal
University Of Animal and
Fishery Sciences, 5,
Budherhat Road, P.O.
Panchasayar, Chakgaria,
Kolkata - 700 094, WB,
India. Vol 3, Issue 9, 2014.
Ganguly World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
described as inflammatory or non-inflammatory swelling and mentioned either as ‘Granthi’
(minor neoplasm) or ‘Arbuda‘ (major neoplasm). [1, 2]
Mechanism of Action of Ayurvedic Drugs
Ayurveda helps in reducing the therapeutic doze of the various drugs used as proved in some
studies using cow urine. [3] Some Ayurvedic preparations can fight against tumors. They can
be helpful in targeting the specific tissues as shown in some allopathic studies on nano-
particles of gold. Ayurvedic preparations can act as an adjuvant or a co-therapy along with
chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It is also helpful in post-surgery care. Ayurvedic medicines
help to minimise the side effects of these therapies. Ayurvedic preparations help to slow the
progress of cancer in cases where chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery is contra-indicated,
due to some reasons and patients have no other choice. The cell-protective activity of drugs
prescribed in Rasayana therapy helps to improve comfort and the quality of life of
individuals with cancer. The nervous system (Vata or air), the venous system (Pitta or fire)
and the arterial system (Kapha or water) are three basics of Ayurveda and very important for
normal body function. In malignant tumors all three systems get out of control (Tridoshas)
and lose mutual coordination that causes tissue damage, resulting critical condition.
Tridoshas cause excessive metabolic crisis resulting in proliferation. [2, 4] Ayurvedic drugs
acting as supplements with chemotherapy and radiation therapy in ameliorating cancer
Interestingly, Snehana, i.e., intake of various medicated oil preparations in a classical way a
week or 10 days prior to the start of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, has been found to reduce
the toxic effects of such therapies. Chemotherapy is the first and significant medical modality
of cancer remedy, which involves the introduction of strong chemicals. These chemicals
target the fast-multiplying mutant cells. However, the toxicity they cause to normal tissues of
the body proves as an obstacle. The use of antioxidants during chemotherapy enhances
therapy by reducing the generation of aldehydes. Natural drugs, which are used as Rasayanas
in Ayurveda, have also been proved to have antioxidant properties. The modern cancer
therapy which is known to burdened by drug-induced toxic side effects hoping perfect cure of
disease form the complementary and alternative medicine system. The main goal of
Ayurvedic therapy is to find the ultimate cause of an illness while the therapeutic approach of
Ayurveda is divided into four categories as Prakritisthapani chikitsa (health maintenance),
Rasayana chikitsa, (restoration of normal function), Roganashani chikitsa (disease cure) and
Naishthiki chikitsa (spiritual approach).[2, 4] Vol 3, Issue 9, 2014.
Ganguly World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Various Ayurvedic Herbal Preparations
Commonly used herbal decoctions reported in Ayurveda are made of multiple herbs
possessing great potential for a cancer cure; scientifically these formulations work on
multiple biochemical pathways and influence different organ systems all together and nourish
the body as a whole by supporting body‘s deference systems. Herbs help total healing,
reduces the side effects and cancer-associated complications. [5] Andrographis paniculata,
Annona atemoya, Phyllanthus niruri, Piper longum, Podophyllum hexandrum, Tinospora
cordifolia, Semecarpus anacardium, Vitis vinifera, Baliospermum montanum, Madhuca
indica, Pandanus odoratissimum, Pterospermum acerifolium, Raphanus sativus, Barleria
prionitis, Prosopis cineraria, Amorphopallus campanulatus, Oxoxylum indicum, Basella
rubra, Flacourtia romantchi, Moringa oleifera, Ficus bengalensis, Curcuma domestica,
Allium sativum, Calotropis gigantean, Datura metel, Hygrophila spinosa, Juniperus indica,
Moringa oleifera, Nigella sativa, Picrorrhiza kurroa, Rubia cordifolia, etc. are various plants
having scientific evidence of anticancer property. Nowadays, many herbs are under clinical
studies and being investigated phytochemically to understand their anticancer potential. More
than 25% of drugs used during the last 20 years are directly derived from plants, while the
other 25% are chemically altered natural products. Nine plant-derived compounds including
vinblastine, vincristine, etoposide, teniposide, taxol, navelbine, taxotere, topotecan and
irinotecan have been approved for use as anticancer drugs. 10-hydroxycamptothecin,
monocrotaline, d-tetrandrine, lycobetaine, indirubin, colchicinamide, curcumol, curdione,
gossypol and homoharringtonine are few more plant-derived compounds of high hope. [6, 7]
Each herb contains multiple active principles that often operate synergistically producing
therapeutic benefits and lowering the risks of adverse effects; and avoids the need for
supplemental therapy to manage cancer cachexia. Now it is important to raise awareness and
encourage implementation of Ayurvedic therapies for combating cancer and suggest an
integrated approach in tumor management and treatment.[8]
Most commonly, all the drugs which are used in Rasayana therapy have the ability to reduce
the three doshas or imbalances related to vaata, pitta and kapha. The most commonly
prescribed Rasayana drugs are Triphala (Terminalia Chebula, Embellica officinale, and
Terminalia ballarica), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifoia) and Punarnava (Bohhervia diffusa).
According to clinical studies, such drugs have shown very impressive effects on protecting
body from the side effects (of chemo and radio therapies) like alopecia, nausea, constipation, Vol 3, Issue 9, 2014.
Ganguly World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
anorexia and vomiting. The patients who receive Ayurvedic treatment along with
chemotherapy have shown more regularity in maintaining the chemotherapy cycles as the
hematological levels can be maintained up to a normal state. More than 50 research studies
on cancer carried out at various post-graduate institutes, have shown that Ayurvedic
preparations are very effective as chemo-preventive and radio-preventive agents.
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2. Jain Roopesh, Kosta Susmit, Tiwari Archana. Pharmacognosy Res. Nov-Dec 2010; 2(6):
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3. Jojo Rakesh, Prasad Arun, Tiwary BK, Ganguly Subha. Cow urine distillate as an
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