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Análise do uso do solo na microbacia e nas áreas de Preservação Permanente da Água da Limeira por meio de classificação supervisionada e fusão de imagens ALOS


Abstract and Figures

The environment issues and its current situation, is now the subject of many studies and discussions in several areas, and a concern to the world order and crucial to the humankind future. This reality encourages the man to comprehend its interrelationship with the nature and to find means and measures to understand the nature dinamycs, thereby allowing the development of new techniques and methodes, among which stand out the Remote Sensing and GIS. This study used these tools for the analysis and spatial representation of the use and occupation of the Água da Limeira's watersheds, sub-basin of the Rio Pardo, São Paulo State southwest, as well as the analysis of this use in Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) through technical Buffer. Such an analysis was possible by mapping the land use by maximum Likelihood supervised classification algorithm for fused image using images from the Japanese satellite ALOS sensors AVNIR-2 and PRISM, followed by the analysis of the accuracy of mapping land use and occupation by the coefficient Kappa, in order to evaluate the agreement between the ground truth data and thematic map. Through the analysis of land use, it was possible established the predominance of the sugarcane cultivation (50.63%), grassland (19.48%) and areas of exposed soil (16.48%), these areas soil preparation for planting of cultivation, or soil newly harvested crop, while areas of native forests and riparian forests represent only 11.1%. Palavras-chave: land use maps; Kappa coefficient; images classification; image fusion; uso e ocupação; coeficiente Kappa; classificação de imagens, fusão de imagem.
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... O geoprocessamento, entendido como um conjunto de tecnologias utilizadas na coleta e tratamento, manipulação e produção de informações, tem permitido um melhor gerenciamento de grandes áreas com rapidez e precisão a custos bem mais baixos quando comparados a levantamento feitos in loco (Macedo e Rudorff, 2000). Segundo Delatorre et al. (2011) o uso de imagens de satélite possibilita o estudo e monitoramento tanto de fenômenos naturais (erosão do solo e inundações) como fenômenos antrópicos, no caso, os desmatamentos. Estes são registrados nas imagens de satélite, onde, por meio de análises, torna-se possível identificar, calcular e monitorar o crescimento de áreas desmatadas, áreas impermeabilizadas, assim como identificar áreas submetidas a processos de erosão . ...
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The removal of native vegetation near riverbanks, besides affecting the aquatic life and the ecosystem, can accelerate the process of natural erosion, reduce the natural protection against flooding and cause the silting up of water resources. The studies that seek to understand the factors that contribute to siltation aim at an analysis of land use, by means of satellite images and the development of a Geographic Information System, containing all the information available for a region. Thus, this study sought to evaluate and monitor the main areas of occurrence of siltation in the riverbed of the Arroio João Dias, located in the region of Minas do Camaquã, municipality of Caçapava do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul. The João Dias Creek is the main receptor of effluents and tailings from copper mining, an activity that took place there for over a century, until the mine was closed in 1996. The methodology used consisted of a 35-year temporal analysis, where 11 satellite images were compared over the years 1984 to 2019. A 50% reduction in native vegetation, a 35% increase in exposed soil, and a 68% increase in grassland vegetation were observed. Possible causes for the increase in siltation are associated with the removal of Permanent Preservation Areas, the construction of the supply reservoir, and the presence of exposed soil on the banks of the creek and the tailings dam of the former copper mine.
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