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This paper was first published in Precision Agriculture '05, Proceedings of the 5 th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, ed. J.V. Stafford, Wageningen Academic Publishers. It is reproduced here with the permission of the editor. Please acknowledge the original source when referencing.] Abstract An on-harvester protein sensor has been tested for two seasons on a commercial combine harvester in Australia. Operators report that sensor and software were relatively easy to use especially since the model used is still a prototype set-up. Some problems with operation were noted and have been addressed for future commercial development. Output from the Zeltex NIT protein sensor was coherent and often strongly correlated to yield response, giving a good indication that the observed protein patterns are real. Absolute protein values however appeared suppressed and a new calibration curve for Australia has been developed for the Zeltex AccuHarvest ® sensor.
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Precision Agriculture ’05 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
Monitoring Wheat Protein Content On-Harvester:
Australian Experiences
James Taylor1, Brett Whelan1, Lars Thylén2, Mikael Gilbertsson2 and James Hassall3
1Australian Centre for Precision Agriculture
McMillan Building A05, University of Sydney NSW 2006
2 Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (JTI)
Box 7033, SE-750 07 Uppsala
3 “Kiewa”, Gilgandra, NSW, Australia
[This paper was first published in Precision Agriculture ’05, Proceedings of the 5th European
Conference on Precision Agriculture, ed. J.V. Stafford, Wageningen Academic Publishers. It is
reproduced here with the permission of the editor. Please acknowledge the original source when
An on-harvester protein sensor has been tested for two seasons on a commercial
combine harvester in Australia. Operators report that sensor and software were
relatively easy to use especially since the model used is still a prototype set-up. Some
problems with operation were noted and have been addressed for future commercial
development. Output from the Zeltex NIT protein sensor was coherent and often
strongly correlated to yield response, giving a good indication that the observed protein
patterns are real. Absolute protein values however appeared suppressed and a new
calibration curve for Australia has been developed for the Zeltex AccuHarvest® sensor.
Keywords: Real-time protein monitoring, Australia, nitrogen budget
In Australia, protein content is an important consideration in grain sale price,
particularly wheat varieties. A bonus/discount payment is made on a 0.1% sliding scale
beyond the base rate for each grade. Knowledge of the variability in protein content
prior to marketing could be used in many tactical ways to optimise farm gate returns.
However, while the opportunity to raise profits does exist, the actual return to the
grower is dependent on market forces (Long et al. 2002) and the cost/effort required for
differential harvest, which may deter contract harvesters from the practice. Information
on nitrogen use and removal, in conjunction with yield data, would also be useful in the
strategic management of nitrogen fertiliser and the development of more accurate site-
specific gross margin analysis. This may be of greater benefit to growers in the short
term due to tangible savings in fertiliser cost, which may be upwards of 30% of
production costs.
The potential benefits of protein maps, particularly for nitrogen management, have
prompted a great deal of interest in the development of both on-the-go and remote-
sensing based protein measurement in Australia, as well as North America (Long et al.
1998. For the 2001, 2003 and 2004 winter cropping seasons, the Australian Centre for
Precision Agriculture ’05 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
Precision Agriculture (ACPA), in conjunction with growers in Conservation Farmers
Incorporated (CFI), has been collaborating with Zeltex and the Swedish Institute of
Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (JTI) to test a prototype Near-Infrared
Transmission (NIT) on-harvester grain protein and moisture sensor. This paper reports
on some of our experiences with the sensor and the development of a calibration for
Australian conditions.
Sensor Mounting and Operation
In Australia, grain tends to be harvested at a lower moisture content (generally <13%) to
avoid post-harvest drying. Climatic conditions at harvest are generally dry and dusty
with temperatures often above 40ºC. In 2001, dust and light contamination created
problems with sensor operation. As a result very little useful data was recorded. The
sampling system was subsequently redesigned to minimise dust and light
The sampling system has been designed to mount on the side of the clean grain elevator
housing. Grain is sampled from the up elevator shaft and deposited into the down
elevator shaft. The inlet and outlet are controlled by two trapdoors driven by
windscreen wiper motors. The trapdoors close tightly to seal the chamber and avoid
contamination in the sensor. Figure 1 illustrates the mounting and sampling
mechanism. The trapdoors are activated by LED fill sensors at the top and bottom of
the NIT sensor measurement chamber. When the top fill sensor is triggered the top door
closes and the NIT sensing protocol is initiated. Once the NIT sensing is complete the
bottom trapdoor opens to purge the NIT sensor of grain. The bottom trapdoor closes
once the lower fill sensor is activated and the top trapdoor opens completing the cycle.
If the cycle gets stuck at a particular stage for >30s, the sensor has an override function
to open the bottom trapdoor and restart the cycle. In initial testing this option was not
available and the sensor had to be manually restarted if it stopped functioning. The
sensor takes a reading at approximately 12s intervals, which equates to 65-70
points/hectare at normal harvesting speeds. The actual NIT sensor is a 14-band Near
Infrared Transmission whole grain analyser (Zeltex AccuHarvest®) operating 14
wavelengths between 893 and 1045nm.
The data from the sensor is currently being logged onto a laptop computer installed in
the cabin of the harvester. The software is written in LabView. The software is easy to
use and provides a graphical and numerical indication of how grain protein and
moisture is varying over a 3-4 minute window. The growers had no problem interacting
with the software and the only drawback was the current use of a laptop to log the data.
The cabin environment in combine harvesters is not particular suited to laptops and a
more robust, simpler data logger will be required for any commercial release.
At the time of writing the second full harvest of protein data has been collected with the
Zeltex sensor. The same system has now been used for 2 Australian and 2 European
harvests. For the 2004 harvest in Australia, the sensor was run at two locations over a
period of 6 weeks. The sampling system that was used is an early prototype that has not
been updated. As a result some hardware fatigue issues were identified from overuse
that will be addressed in future models. In general, however, the system worked well
Precision Agriculture ’05 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
and for the second year running a large amount of data has been collected. Both
growers that operated the sensor had no problems apart from the hardware fatigue.
Without having analysed, visualised and discussed the data from 2004, the information
displayed in real-time on the software interface generally concurred with the growers’
knowledge of the field.
Figure 1: The sensor and sampling system mounted on the clean grain elevator (left)
and a close-up of the sensor and sampling system (right)
Sensor Calibration
The Zeltex NIT sensor is currently calibrated using data from the Northern Hemisphere
(North America and Europe). One of the aims of this study was to determine if the
calibration is applicable to Australian conditions. The null hypothesis was that the
calibration is the same for both Australian and Northern Hemisphere wheat production.
This hypothesis was initially tested in the field and later in the laboratory.
Field Testing
For the field situation, two transects in a wheat field near Gilgandra, NSW, were used.
As the combine harvester harvested the two transects, the Zeltex sensor was used to
measure grain protein on-harvester. At the same time 15 samples were manually
collected from the bubble-up auger near the top of the clean grain elevator. These
samples were taken at approximately the same recording interval (12s) as the on-
harvester protein sensor. The manually sampled grain was analysed using desktop NIT
spectrophotometers at the Gilgandra silo and the Australian Bread Research Institute
(BRI) using the FOSS Infratec 1229 (Global calibration No. WH000003). The mean
protein values of the two transects from the different measurements are given in Table
Precision Agriculture ’05 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The comparison of the desktop results with the on-harvester sensor indicated that the
on-harvester sensor was underestimating both grain protein and grain moisture content.
The mean protein difference between the desktop sensors (at the Gilgandra Silo and
BRI) and the Zeltex was 0.94%. The mean moisture difference was 0.62%. There may
be some error in this approach as it was not possible to manually collect the same grain
that was sampled by the Zeltex sensor. It is hypothesized that this underestimation is a
bias from the use of the Northern Hemisphere calibration curve. To test this a
laboratory experiment was conducted.
Table 1: Comparison of protein results from samples taken along two transects and
analysed with three different NIT sensors. (NB. The Gilgandra silo and BRI sensors
analysed the same grain samples. *The adjusted Zeltex response is discussed in the
following section)
Sensor Transect Protein % (σ) Moisture % (σ)
Silo 1 14.64 (0.58) 10.32 (0.13)
2 14.50 (0.96) 9.58 (0.12)
BRI 1 14.70 (1.13) 10.30 (0.15)
2 14.46 (0.62) 9.63 (0.16)
Zeltex 1 13.70 (1.11) 9.33 (0.26)
2 13.57 (1.19) 9.35 (0.13)
Zeltex (adj)* 1 14.54(1.07) 10.39 (0.35)
2 14.88 (0.72)
Laboratory Experiment
The results from the field trial indicated that a new calibration would be required for
Australian conditions. This was not unexpected given the different climate conditions,
wheat varieties and moisture content at harvest in Australia. The new Australian
calibration for the Zeltex sensor was derived using 99 Australian grain samples sourced
from different regions of the Australian grain belt, including North-West NSW, the
Riverine district on the NSW/Victoria border and the Yorke Penisula in South Australia.
The grain samples were analysed using the FOSS Infratec 1229 protein content under
standard conditions (25ºC) at the Australian Bread Research Institute (BRI) at North
Ryde, NSW. The FOSS Infratec 1229 analyses the grain at 2nm intervals between 850
and 1048nm. The spectra were extracted and a protein and moisture value determined
using the standard calibration (WH000003) for Australian wheat developed for the
FOSS Infratec 1229
The same samples were then run through the Zeltex sensor, mounted in a laboratory at
the University of Sydney, at two temperatures, 25°C and 40°C. The two temperatures
were selected as temperature has a known effect on NIT and it was desirable for the
calibration to encompass the probable temperature ranges at harvest. The raw output
from the sensor (14 wavelengths) was extracted. From this analysis 5 readings gave
strange values and were discarded. This left 193 readings (from the 99 samples at two
temperatures). A Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) was performed to predict the BRI
protein % using the wavelength response from the Zeltex sensor. Similarly the moisture
Precision Agriculture ’05 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
% was also predicted. Alternative regression models, Multiple Stepwise Linear
Regression (MSLR) and Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS) were also tried with no
additional benefit.
Results and Discussion
The protein and moisture calibration resulting from the MLR is shown in Figure 2. The
r2 and standard error of prediction (SEP) are given on the graphs. The SEP value for
protein is similar to those derived using the Northern Hemisphere data set (Thylén and
Algerbo, 2001), however the moisture SEP is higher. This may be due to the lower
moisture contents at harvest or the different grain varieties. The protein shows a strong
1:1 linear response over a large range of protein values (9-17%).
Figure 2: Plots of measured vs predicted protein (left) and moisture (right) using
derived calibration equations.
For the general calibration curve the transect data from the within field transects was
used. The transect data was excluded from the dataset and a new calibration curve
derived (n=134). The new calibration curve was then applied to the transect data to
predict protein and moisture for the transect data above. The mean results are shown in
Table 1 (Zeltex adj.). After transformation the absolute mean difference in percent
protein measurement between the standard laboratory measurements and the Zeltex
instrument decreased from 0.94% to 0.14%. For moisture the absolute mean difference
was slightly increased from 0.29% to 0.41%. The Australian calibration curve appears
to be giving a better protein prediction than the Northern Hemisphere calibration for the
data from these two transects.
For the 2004 harvest, field samples were again taken to help validate the accuracy of the
protein sensor. These data were not analyzed at the time of this writing and cannot be
presented here.
Nitrogen Budgeting.
One of the principal benefits of a protein monitor identified by Australian growers is the
ability to better identify nitrogen use within fields and variably replenish nitrogen. The
Precision Agriculture ’05 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
amount of nitrogen removed from a system is a function of the amount of grain (yield)
and the amount of nitrogen in the grain. For Australian conditions the relationship
between protein, yield and nitrogen removed in wheat has been quantified by Kelly et.
al. (2003) as;
1.75 (%)Protein Grain (Mg/ha) YieldGrain (Mg/ha) removal N
= (1)
The relationship in North America has also been quantified (see Long et al. 1998) but is
not used here due to different varieties and growing conditions. Since both yield and
protein data have been collected on-the-go the data can be interpolated (block kriged
using local variograms) onto a common grid and the nitrogen removed from the
cropping system calculated using Equation 1.
Figure 3: Interpolated maps of Grain Yield (Mg/ha) (left) and Grain Protein (%) right.
The interpolated grain yield and protein maps are shown in Figure 3. Both maps show
similar spatial patterns with a negative response between grain and protein (highlighted
by the boxed areas). This negative relationship is not unusual in Australia and generally
reflects either insufficient nitrogen or soil moisture to achieve yield potential. The
nitrogen removed map is shown in Figure 4.
As well as calculating the amount of nitrogen removed a site-specific nitrogen budget
can be determined using Equation 2.
removed N -input N present N budget N
= (2)
Precision Agriculture ’05 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
This is similar to the approach of Long et al. (1998) except that the inherent soil
nitrogen pre-sowing is considered. In Australia this is important as the variable rainfall
means that crop failure is quite possible and in drought situations there may be a large
amount of residual nitrogen stored in the soil. For Field 3, the pre-sowing soil nitrogen
levels were only available as a field average of 60kgN/ha. A pre-sowing application of
80kg/ha Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) (12%N) was applied. The majority of the
field, except for the panhandle in the southeast corner, was also top-dressed with
50kg/ha urea (46% N). This means that the majority of the field received 32.6kg N/ha
(assuming an even distribution) and the panhandle received 9.6kg N/ha. The panhandle
was not top dressed due to the spreader running out of fertiliser. The crop response to
this missed application is clearly evident with grain protein suppressed in the panhandle
although grain yield was not (Figure 3).
Figure 4: Map of Nitrogen removed (left) and the Nitrogen Budget (right) for Field 3
derived from the interpolated yield and protein maps (Figure 5)
Figure 4 shows a continuous nitrogen budget map for Field 3. In reality, field
management, including fertiliser, is being managed at a zone level. To facilitate
adoption the ACPA intends to develop a protocol to incorporate this information into
management class response functions as proposed by Whelan et al. (2005). The
nitrogen budget is currently limited by the use of a mean response for initial soil N.
Without real-time soil N-sensors, it is an expensive soil sampling exercise to obtain an
accurate map of soil available N prior to sowing. Management zones represent an
approach that allows the grower to determine the mean zone ‘N present’ in a cost and
time effective manner at a similar resolution to which management is being applied
(Whelan et al. 2002).
Precision Agriculture ’05 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
While Equation 2 allows for the calculation of a nitrogen budget, the actual level of
nitrogen applied will be dependent on the availability of soil moisture. Determining
rainfall and soil moisture availability is difficult, however, in Southern Australia where
top dressing (within season fertilising) is common, earlier season rainfall can be a strong
indicator of total seasonal rainfall (Peter Stone, CSIRO Land and Water, pers. comm.)
The output from the protein sensor shows strong spatial patterns that are consistent with
what the grower expects, observed yield variations and management decisions.
Growers are enthused about the quality of data being generated by the sensor while
combine operators are happy with the ease of performance of the sensor and data
collection software on-harvester. There seems little reason from an engineering
perspective not to commercially release a limited number of units for the next harvest.
Preliminary investigations into deriving an Australian based protein and moisture
calibration curve appear to give better results, in Australian conditions, than the current
global calibration curves. However further validation is needed over a wider
distribution of grain samples. Accurate site-specific determination of protein content
will provide growers with confidence in calculating site-specific or zonal nitrogen
budgets as well as trying to determine the reasons for spatial patterns in their crop
The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance and in-kind support given to this
project by Todd Rosenthal and the staff at Zeltex Inc. Maryland, USA.
Kelly, R., Strong, W., Jensen, T., Butler, D., Town, B. and Adams, M. 2003 Recurrence
of yield and protein variation in the northern grains region. Proceedings of the
11th Australian Agronomy Conference, Australian Society of Agronomy,
Geelong, February, 2003 (
Long, D.S., Carlson, G.R. & Engel, R.E. 1998 Grain protein mapping for precision
manangement of dryland wheat. In P.C. Robert, R.H. Rust & W.E. Larson (eds)
Precision Agriculture, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on
Precision Agriculture ASA/CSSA/SSSA, Madison, WI, USA pp787-796
Long, D.S., Carlson, G.R. & Engel, R.E. 2002 Gross value of spring wheat under
precision nitrogen management as influenced by grain protein. In P.C. Robert,
R.H. Rust & W.E. Larson (eds) Precision Agriculture, Proceedings of the 6th
International Conference on Precision Agriculture, ASA/CSSA/SSSA, Madison,
Thylén, L. and Algerbo, P.A. 2001 Development of a protein sensor for combine
harvesters. In G. Grenier & S. Blackmore (eds) ECPA 2001, Proceedings of the
3rd European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montpellier, June, 2001,
Precision Agriculture ’05 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
Whelan, B.M., Cupitt, J. & McBratney, A.B. 2002. Practical definition and
interpretation of potential management zones in Australian dryland cropping. In
P.C. Robert, R.H. Rust & W.E. Larson (eds) Precision Agriculture, Proceedings
of the 6th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, ASA/CSSA/SSSA,
Madison, Wisconsin, pp325-329
Whelan, B.M. and Taylor, J.A. 2005. Local response to inputs: advancing SSCM in
Australia. In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Precision
Agriculture. Ed J.V. Stafford, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The
... The ability to segregate grain into quality grades at harvest is contingent on accurate monitoring of grain quality, spatial zoning compatibility with machinery logistics, and sufficient economic advantage. For wheat, real-time grain protein concentration (GPC) sensors on harvesters and historical GPC maps are currently utilized for defining nitrogen (N) management zones and harvest strategies for segregation (Stewart et al., 2002;Taylor et al., 2005). A comprehensive study of wheat fields in Australia determined that strong autocorrelation typically occurs for GPC (Whelan et al., 2009), which validates the use of predefined zones to inform harvest segregation. ...
... Early examples of managing crop variability at harvest within broad-acre applications was through harvester mounted yield and grain protein monitors defining spatial variability within wheat fields and grain segregation based on market quality targets (Taylor et al., 2005), although such technologies have not always proven robust (Bramley & Trengove, 2013). Factors including the need for seasonal near infrared calibrations, inaccurate scanning due to contamination of the grain sample, or mechanical failures all provide operational challenges. ...
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For broad‐acre crops grown in Mediterranean‐type environments, variation in lentil (Lens culinaris) yield and quality occurs due to seasonal abiotic and biotic stresses. Because grain quality affects the price paid to growers, in‐season assessment of likely final quality using remote sensing technologies could limit economic losses by informing spatial management at harvest. For a survey of lentil crops grown in southern Australia, in 2019 and 2020, Moran's I analysis identified significant field spatial autocorrelation for the grain quality traits of grain protein concentration (GPC), grain size, and grain brightness (CIE L*, where CIE is International Commission on Illumination), indicating an opportunity for zoning at harvest. Partial least squares calibration models of observed grain quality and proximal reflectance spectra were successfully derived for grain weight (R² = 0.80), GPC (R² = 0.80), and CIE L* (R² = 0.86). For late senescence, Sentinel‐2 satellite canopy reflectance, grain size was best predicted (R² = 0.79) and GPC was poorer (R² = 0.42). Spatial maps of fields for grain size, informed by models, could be derived and determined that for the market critical threshold (38 mg), field area that exceeded this threshold ranged between 30% and 94%. Overall, we determined that sensing technologies had utility for mapping lentil grain quality across fields, providing a potential tool for growers to selectively harvest to achieve best aggregate price based on grain quality targets. Further calibration and validation with multiple years and locations is also needed to test model stability and application to varying environments.
... Therefore, wheat price is dependent on protein content. Based on this, bonus payments or discount offers are being made on top of the base rate for each grade [85]. Before the application of HSI, Nearinfrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used as the digital method to investigate the wheat protein content. ...
... In Australia, grains are traditionally harvested at a lower moisture content (mostly under 13%) after it has been sun dried to avoid the extensive drying process post harvest [85]. Although post maturity sun drying can decrease the quality and early harvesting with higher moisture can increase the yield [88], the lower the moisture content, the higher advantage for buyers as higher moisture wheat are prone to insect infestation, mould growth, reduced germination [89]. ...
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Wheat is one of the major staple crops across the globe. Therefore, it is mandatory to measure, maintain and improve the wheat quality for human consumption. Traditional wheat quality measurement methods are mostly invasive, destructive and limited to small samples of wheat. In a typical supply chain of wheat, there are many receival points where bulk wheat arrives, gets stored and forwarded as per the requirements. In this receival points, the application of traditional quality measurement methods is difficult and often very expensive. Therefore, there is a need for non-invasive, non-destructive real-time methods for wheat quality assessments. One such method that fulfils the above-mentioned criteria is hyperspectral imaging (HSI) for food quality measurement and it can also be applied to bulk samples. In this paper, we have investigated how HSI has been used in the literature for assessing stored wheat quality. So that the required information to implement real-time digital quality assessment methods at the different stages of Australian supply chain can be made available in a single and compact document.
... Yield maps from monitors on combine harvesters are already used as a tool for farmers to evaluate crop management and for guidance in precision management in coming seasons, e.g. by splitting fields into management zones (Mulla 1993;Martínez-Casasnovas et al. 2018;Miao et al. 2018). Combine harvesters equipped with NIT sensors for CP mapping during harvest are also available (as described in Taylor et al. (2005) and Thylén and Algerbo (2001)), however, these are not yet as widely used as the yield mapping counterpart. Field zoning based on expected CP is an alternative method. ...
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Prediction models for crude protein concentration (CP) in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on multispectral reflectance data from field trials in 2019 and 2020 in southern Sweden were developed and evaluated for independent trial sites. Reflectance data were collected using an unpiloted aerial vehicle (UAV)-borne camera with nine spectral bands having similar specification to nine bands of Sentinel-2 satellite data. Models were tested for application on near-real time Sentinel-2 imagery, on the prospect that CP prediction models can be made available in satellite-based decision support systems (DSS) for precision agriculture. Two different prediction methods were tested: linear regression and multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS). Linear regression based on the best-performing vegetation index (the chlorophyll index) was found to be approximately as accurate as the best performing MARS model with multiple predictor variables in leave-one-trial-out cross-validation (R² = 0.71, R² = 0.70 and mean absolute error 0.64%, 0.60% CP respectively). Models applied on satellite data explained to a small degree between-field variations in CP (R² = 0.36), however did not reproduce within-field variation accurately. The results of the different methods presented here show the differences between methods used and their potential for application in a DSS.
... Thus, the amount of nitrogen removed is a function of yield and protein content. The recommended equation related to the amount of nitrogen removed and site specific nitrogen budget are given in the following equations (Taylor et al., 2005): ...
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Population explosion and the need to provide food for humankind and to increase the quality and quantity of food products in order to ensure food security with regard to its managerial, environmental, and developmental aspects has led to the use of new agriculture methods and technologies. Today, different approaches, such as plant breeding, genetically modified foods, in vitro planting, and the spread of closed ecological systems, are applied as a solution to increase food accessibility. In addition to these methods, using modern technologies under the title of precision agriculture have been proposed as ways to achieve food security. Early intervention to prevent the occurrence of unwanted events with the ability to monitor crops in all stages of production, from tillage to post harvest, are provided by using various methods, such as remote sensing and geographic information systems. In addition to the economic and environmental impacts of precision agriculture, expanding farmers' awareness through the use of modern technologies and the integration of scattered lands to achieve sustainability are known as social impacts of precision agriculture. In this manuscript we have tried to summarize the different methods of precision agriculture that could affect food security in its multiple branches.
... The observed inverse relationship between seed weight and nitrogen doses revealed that nitrogen application favoured vegetative growth and by extension, seems to hinder seed yield. This result was in contrast to the work of Taylor et al. (2005) and Mehmet (2008) which showed that as nitrogen level increases, there was increase in weight of 100 seeds. It was also reported that 100 seeds weight is not affected by nitrogen application (Barker & Sawyer, 2005) as observed in Ipapo field. ...
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Nitrogen (N) is essential for the growth and development of crops. It is a major soil nutrient for soybean. Deficiency of nitrogen in soil before soybean root nodule formation constitutes the most limiting factor after soil moisture for its production. This study was undertaken to determine starter N application rate for optimum soybean yield for two soybean varieties; assess Cropgro-soybean model and project soybean yield under different N use. Two field experiments were set up in a 5 × 2 split-plot arrangement in a randomized complete block design in 2009 and 2010. The N doses of 0 (control), 5, 15, 25 and 35 kg N/ha were applied one week after planting using urea to form the main plot and soybean varieties (TGx1485-1D and TGx1448-2E) constituted the sub-plot with three replications. Designated samples were used to evaluate 100 seed weight, plant dry biomass and harvest index. Data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance and means separated with least significant difference at p ? 0.05. Crop phenological data and yield at harvest were used for Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) Cropgro-Soybean model calibration and yield projection under different N use. Root mean square error (RMSE) and percentage error (PE) were used to analyze model outputs. The soil water balance output of the model was reviewed for explaining the components of water output in the environment. Field studies showed significant differences (p ? 0.05) in varietal response to seed weight and biomass production where variety TGx1448-2E produced a significantly higher 100 seed weight and higher plant dry biomass. Genotypic superiority of TGx1448-2E over TGx1485-1D is suggested. There was high accuracy in prediction of soybean phenology (i.e. PE < 10%) for both varieties, although high PE (> 15%) were obtained for yields of TGx1448-2E. The model accurately predicted soybean phenology to within 0-1 day of the field observed values. The soil water balance indicated 39-45 % loss of the total seasonal rainfall to runoff and 3-11 % through deep drainage. The application of N starter-dose was not effective in enhancing yield of soybean in the study-sites owing to the occurrences of intensive rainfall events that led to runoff and the loss of applied N during the cropping season.
... Both transmittance 7 and reflectance 8 sensors have been developed, and sensors mounted on the grain-conveying lines of conventional combines were introduced into the market. Taylor et al. 20 and Long et al. 11 succeeded in measuring wheat protein content as it was being harvested using a conventional combine (r=0.67 to 0.77 and SEP=0.65 to 0.99%) and constructed protein maps based on a transmittance sensor. Similarly, Maertens et al. 13 and Long et al. 12 mounted a reflectance device on a conventional combine and reported successfully measuring wheat protein (r=0.55 to 0.71 and SEP=0.56 to 0.90%). ...
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We have developed a near-infrared (NIR) spectrometer mountable on a head-feeding combine for measuring rice protein in real time while harvesting. The developed sensor employs reflectance optics instead of the more usual transmittance optics because (1) it operates under severe vibration and dust conditions; (2) it performs measurements in high moisture contents, low fluidity of rough rice; and (3) because of low light transmittance due to absorption by husks. The light source was a tungsten halogen lamp, with a diffusion cylinder installed so that uniform light would illuminate the sample. An Si-CCD measured the spectrum from 740 nm to 1140 nm with a post-dispersive grating. We made a calibration curve of brown rice protein from a spectrum of rough rice examined in a laboratory. The calibration curve accuracy was r= 0.87 and SECV (Standard Error of Cross-Validation) =0.47%. In the adopted measurement method, the sensor loaded the rough rice into a wide sample chamber by gravity and analyzed the loaded grain at the bottom using a reflected signal. The developed sensor was able to measure the protein content of brown rice from spectra of rough rice taken under severe conditions, e.g., a high-vibration, high-dust harvesting environment. In addition to the protein content, the rice weight and moisture content could be displayed on the monitoring terminal in real time. The accuracy of the protein content measurements in these field examinations was r=0.65 and SEP (Standard Error of Prediction) =0.22%. The SEP was far better than the SECV of the calibration, but the protein content fell in a narrow range in the field examination. Thus, we concluded that the actual accuracy was the same as the calibration.
... Using a low-cost Vis/NIR, it has been found that the top section can achieved a good r 2 of 0.89 for CCS prediction. The future research should focus on developing and evaluating a suitable automatic system for extracting and scanning billet samples in the sugarcane chopper harvesters for direct in-field quality measurement and initial field mapping (Wright et al., 2002;Taylor et al., 2005). ...
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With the increasing adoption of Precision Agriculture (PA) technique in the sugarcane industry, there is a growing need for a reliable method of in-field quality measurement. However, current PA monitoring systems can only monitor cane yield and have no ability to measure the product quality. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of the spectroscopic techniques as a rapid and non-destructive tool to predict quality properties of sugarcane in the field. Both handheld Vis/NIR (350-1075 nm) and full range (350 -2500 nm) spectroradiometers were used to determine the quality attributes of sugarcane by scanning the cross-sectional surface of the stalk. NIR calibration models were constructed using a set of 100 stalks, each which were further cut into three sections of top, middle and bottom sections. After preprocessing treatments, Partial Least Squares (PLS) method was used to interpret spectra and to develop calibration model for sugarcane quality. The overall coefficient of determination (r 2) for Brix, Pol, CCS and fibre as predicted by the Vis/NIR for all sample sections were 0.68, 0.71, 0.70 and 0.56 respectively. The corresponding r 2 for Brix, Pol, CCS and fibre as predicted by the FRs were 0.76, 0.76, 0.81 and 0.68 respectively. It was found that by using Vis/NIR, the top section can achieve r 2 of 0.89 for CCS prediction. The results suggested that spectroscopy based on stalk cross-sectional scanning is a feasible method for mapping and predicting sugarcane quality in the field.
Wheat is one of the major staple crops across the globe. Therefore, it is mandatory to measure, maintain, and improve the wheat quality for human consumption. Traditional wheat quality measurement methods are mostly invasive, destructive, and limited to small samples of wheat. In a typical supply chain of wheat, there are many receival points where bulk wheat arrives, gets stored, and then gets forwarded as per the requirements. In these receival points, the application of traditional quality measurement methods is difficult and often very expensive. Therefore, there is a need for non-invasive, non-destructive real-time methods for wheat quality assessments. One such method that fulfils the abovementioned criteria is hyperspectral imaging (HSI) for food quality measurement and it can also be applied to bulk samples. In this article, we have investigated how HSI has been used in literature for assessing stored wheat quality. So that the required information to implement real-time quality assessment methods at the different stages of the Australian supply chain can be made available in a single and compact document.
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Differential Harvesting (DH) is performed to differentiate the product according to a precise quality standard in order to gain an economic advantage from temporal and spatial field variability. In agriculture this technique has been extensively applied in grape harvesting. There are fewer examples for extensive crops, since DH is mostly used for products with a value at harvest that differs depending on their quality characteristics. DH can be achieved through the use of sensors applied on the combine or through qualitative yield maps. The aim of this paper is to compare the technical and economic feasibility of five DH methods identified in the literature and a new technique proposed by the authors. The analysis was conducted using yield and protein maps obtained in two years of experimentation growing durum wheat. Results highlight how management zone harvesting allows an increase of about 28 % of high-protein wheat, with a subsequent growth in gross revenue.
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From a number of fields studied over two seasons, it is emerging that site-specific responses to inputs is indeed a plausible outcome under Australian conditions. Empirical response function data from two fields are used here to provide initial financial estimates of the potential economic and environmental implications under some Australian conditions. Not unexpectedly, the potential benefits are site-specific. A simple approach is used to partition between potential financial and environmental benefits which suggests that for a particular field, both may be of a similar order of magnitude. However, the variability in seasonal conditions (particularly quantity and timing of rainfall in relation to evapotranspiration processes) makes the assessment of site-specific crop management (SSCM) in Australia problematic. It appears that the construction of useful decision support systems (DSS) for the variable-rate application of nitrogen will require information on seasonal changes in the soil moisture regime and more complete tracking of the fate of applied and indigenous nitrogen. On-harvester protein sensing systems should play a vital role in nitrogen DSS for Australia.
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Grain yield and protein maps of sorghum and wheat were collected over consecutive seasons at Jimbour (southern QLD) and at Gurley (northern NSW) to identify spatial and temporal changes in nitrogen (N) removal and N supply. The Jimbour site was cropped with sorghum for 3 years (1999-2001), and the Gurley site with wheat (1999) then fallowed into sorghum (2001). Grain yield variation was moderate to high; coefficients of variation (CV) ranged from 12 to 30%. Protein variation was low for each site and season with CVs below 10%. At Jimbour, high applications of N fertiliser minimised temporal variation in grain protein. At Gurley, matching of N fertiliser with yield potential (based on soil depth) also resulted in a low temporal variation in protein. The low protein variation, both within seasons and between seasons, then contributed little to the temporal variations in N removal. Both sites had areas of stable variation but low supplies of N; these were related to areas where moisture had pooled or where soil depth, and hence available soil moisture, limited yields. Unstable variation was associated with isolated trees, contour, or edge effects. Under these conditions, protein data may need to only be collected every 2-3 years.
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Uptake of the Precision Agriculture philosophy in Australia will be driven by the development of systems that complement or improve the efficiencies in existing farming operations. Of most interest is the possibility for variable-rate application of crop inputs and ameliorants at the within-field scale, mainly due the dominance of inorganic fertiliser and pesticides in the variable costs budget. Variable-rate application options will be governed by quantifiable yield and soil variability along with the operational specifications of the application technology. However, the current accuracy in monitoring and application technology suggests variable-rate application is best served in Australia by the discrimination of significantly different production zones, followed by directed exploratory sampling, and then treatment or experimentation depending on the site-specific nature of the causes of variability. A process for delineating potential management zones is provided that is based on differences in yield, soil electrical conductivity and elevation information. A significance test for the zonal yield differences is shown that uses the kriging prediction variance. Stratified random sampling is subsequently shown to confirm significant differences in influential soil properties between these zones in two dryland paddocks. Introduction Site-Specific Crop Management (SSCM), should be considered as part of the continuing evolution in arable land management. Recent developments in technology (satellite navigation systems, geographic information systems, real-time yield and soil sensors) have essentially improved the scale at which we can observe variability in production.
Gross value of spring wheat under precision nitrogen management as influenced by grain protein Development of a protein sensor for combine harvesters
  • D S Long
  • G R Carlson
  • R E Engel
  • Cssa
  • Sssa
  • Madison
  • Usa Wi
  • Cd-Rom Thylén
  • L Algerbo
Long, D.S., Carlson, G.R. & Engel, R.E. 2002 Gross value of spring wheat under precision nitrogen management as influenced by grain protein. In P.C. Robert, R.H. Rust & W.E. Larson (eds) Precision Agriculture, Proceedings of the 6 th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, ASA/CSSA/SSSA, Madison, WI, USA, CD-ROM Thylén, L. and Algerbo, P.A. 2001 Development of a protein sensor for combine harvesters. In G. Grenier & S. Blackmore (eds) ECPA 2001, Proceedings of the 3 rd European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montpellier, June, 2001, pp869-873
Practical definition and interpretation of potential management zones in Australian dryland cropping
  • B M Whelan
  • J Cupitt
  • A B Mcbratney
Whelan, B.M., Cupitt, J. & McBratney, A.B. 2002. Practical definition and interpretation of potential management zones in Australian dryland cropping. In P.C. Robert, R.H. Rust & W.E. Larson (eds) Precision Agriculture, Proceedings of the 6 th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, ASA/CSSA/SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, pp325-329
Gross value of spring wheat under precision nitrogen management as influenced by grain protein
  • D S Long
  • G R Carlson
  • R E Engel
Long, D.S., Carlson, G.R. & Engel, R.E. 2002 Gross value of spring wheat under precision nitrogen management as influenced by grain protein. In P.C. Robert, R.H. Rust & W.E. Larson (eds) Precision Agriculture, Proceedings of the 6 th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, ASA/CSSA/SSSA, Madison, WI, USA, CD-ROM
Development of a protein sensor for combine harvesters
  • L Thylén
  • P A Algerbo
Thylén, L. and Algerbo, P.A. 2001 Development of a protein sensor for combine harvesters. In G. Grenier & S. Blackmore (eds) ECPA 2001, Proceedings of the 3 rd European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montpellier, June, 2001, pp869-873