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The Risks and Benefits of Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: A Systematic Review


Abstract and Figures

Context: The popularity of running barefoot or in minimalist shoes has recently increased because of claims of injury prevention, enhanced running efficiency, and improved performance compared with running in shoes. Potential risks and benefits of running barefoot or in minimalist shoes have yet to be clearly defined. Objective: To determine the methodological quality and level of evidence pertaining to the risks and benefits of running barefoot or in minimalist shoes. Data sources: In September 2013, a comprehensive search of the Ovid MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, and CINAHL databases was performed by 2 independent reviewers. Study selection: Included articles were obtained from peer-reviewed journals in the English language with no limit for year of publication. Final inclusion criteria required at least 1 of the following outcome variables: pain, injury rate, running economy, joint forces, running velocity, electromyography, muscle performance, or edema. Study design: Systematic review. Level of evidence: Level 3. Data extraction: Two reviewers appraised each article using the Downs and Black checklist and appraised each for level of evidence. Results: Twenty-three articles met the criteria for this review. Of 27 possible points on the Downs and Black checklist, articles scored between 13 and 19 points, indicating a range of evidence from very limited to moderate. Moderate evidence supports the following biomechanical differences when running barefoot versus in shoes: overall less maximum vertical ground reaction forces, less extension moment and power absorption at the knee, less foot and ankle dorsiflexion at ground contact, less ground contact time, shorter stride length, increased stride frequency, and increased knee flexion at ground contact. Conclusion: Because of lack of high-quality evidence, no definitive conclusions can be drawn regarding specific risks or benefits to running barefoot, shod, or in minimalist shoes.
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Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary
The online version of this article can be found at:
DOI: 10.1177/1941738114546846
2014 6: 475 originally published online 8 August 2014Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Kyle P. Perkins, William J. Hanney and Carey E. Rothschild
The Risks and Benefits of Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: A Systematic Review
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American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
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SPORTS HEALTHvol. 6 no. 6
[ Sports Physical Therapy ]
The popularity of running in the United States has grown
considerably in the past decade.21 While many enjoy
running as a recreational activity, others participate to
maintain and improve cardiovascular-pulmonary health, body
composition, and overall fitness.34 As participation in running
has grown, so has the number of reported running-related
injuries (RRIs).36 The overall incidence of RRI is estimated to be
between 19.4% and 79.3% annually.36 Despite efforts to reduce
the incidence of RRI, injury rates have yet to decline.7 The
modern running shoe may have a negative effect on foot
546846SPHXXX10.1177/1941738114546846Perkins et alSports Health
The Risks and Benefits of Running
Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes:
A Systematic Review
Kyle P. Perkins, William J. Hanney, PhD, PT, DPT, ATC,
and Carey E. Rothschild, PT, DPT, OCS, SCS, CSCS*
Context: The popularity of running barefoot or in minimalist shoes has recently increased because of claims of injury
prevention, enhanced running efficiency, and improved performance compared with running in shoes. Potential risks and
benefits of running barefoot or in minimalist shoes have yet to be clearly defined.
Objective: To determine the methodological quality and level of evidence pertaining to the risks and benefits of running
barefoot or in minimalist shoes.
Data Sources: In September 2013, a comprehensive search of the Ovid MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, and CINAHL databases
was performed by 2 independent reviewers.
Study Selection: Included articles were obtained from peer-reviewed journals in the English language with no limit for
year of publication. Final inclusion criteria required at least 1 of the following outcome variables: pain, injury rate, running
economy, joint forces, running velocity, electromyography, muscle performance, or edema.
Study Design: Systematic review.
Level of Evidence: Level 3.
Data Extraction: Two reviewers appraised each article using the Downs and Black checklist and appraised each for level
of evidence.
Results: Twenty-three articles met the criteria for this review. Of 27 possible points on the Downs and Black checklist,
articles scored between 13 and 19 points, indicating a range of evidence from very limited to moderate. Moderate evidence
supports the following biomechanical differences when running barefoot versus in shoes: overall less maximum vertical
ground reaction forces, less extension moment and power absorption at the knee, less foot and ankle dorsiflexion at ground
contact, less ground contact time, shorter stride length, increased stride frequency, and increased knee flexion at ground
Conclusion: Because of lack of high-quality evidence, no definitive conclusions can be drawn regarding specific risks or
benefits to running barefoot, shod, or in minimalist shoes.
Keywords: barefoot; minimalist; running
From the Department of Health Professions, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
*Address correspondence to Carey E. Rothschild, PT, DPT, OCS, SCS, CSCS, Department of Health Professions, University of Central Florida, 4364 Scorpius Street, Orlando,
FL 32816-2205 (e-mail:
The authors report no potential conflicts of interest in the development and publication of this article.
DOI: 10.1177/1941738114546846
© 2014 The Author(s)
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Nov Dec 2014
Perkins et al
function despite added cushion and stabilizing features.28
Hence, the efficacy of the modern-day running shoe has been
called into question.
Barefoot running has recently increased because of claims of
injury prevention, enhanced running efficiency, and improved
performance.16,18,19,32 Advocates of barefoot running suggest that
humans should run with bare feet as ancestors did thousands of
years ago.23 The development of “minimalist” footwear has
evolved with the barefoot running movement as a way to mimic
barefoot running yet offer foot protection.19 These newer
running practices have prompted researchers to investigate
injury mechanisms, physiological effects, biomechanical
differences, and performance effects of running barefoot versus
in shoes.19
Much of the recent literature is anecdotal and unclear as to the
specific risks and benefits of running barefoot or in minimalist
shoes.19 A related systematic review investigated the influence
of stride frequency and length on running mechanics; however,
it did not consider the effects of footwear and potential
outcomes that may ensue.33 Sustaining an RRI is multifactorial
and may not result from shoe wear alone; demographic
characteristics must be considered.36 Furthermore, there is no
single factor such as shoe design that will explain more than a
fraction of RRIs.22 Physicians, physical therapists, and athletic
trainers may face difficulties in advising a patient to run with or
without shoes.
Data Sources
In August and September 2013, Ovid MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus,
and CINAHL databases were searched to identify studies
examining running barefoot or in minimalist shoes using the
following keywords independently and in combination:
barefoot, running, and minimalist. The search was restricted to
articles from peer-reviewed academic journals, published in the
English language, and conducted with human subjects. Reviews,
commentaries, case studies, and case series were excluded from
the review.
Study Selection
Studies were initially included if the keywords were found in
the title or abstract and the article met the inclusion criteria.
Criteria for final selection included reporting on at least 1 of the
following outcome variables: pain, injury rate, running
economy, joint forces, running velocity, electromyography
muscle performance (EMG), or edema. A consensus meeting
between the 2 reviewers was held to determine whether the
study met the predetermined criteria. Should the 2 reviewers
disagree on article selection, a third reviewer would be
consulted for mediation. The 2 reviewers fully agreed on the 23
articles included in the systematic review for quality assessment;
therefore, arbitration by a third reviewer was not required
(Figure 1).
Quality Assessment
The methodological quality of each study was independently
assessed by the reviewers using the Downs and Black checklist.
The checklist includes 4 categories of assessment: reporting,
external validity, internal validity/bias, and internal validity/
confounding. The checklist has good interrater (r = 0.75) and
good test-retest (r = 0.88) reliability, as well as high internal
consistency (KR-20 = 0.89).11 Each study was further evaluated
for significant results (P < 0.05) in the outcome categories of
kinetics, kinematics, EMG, and running economy. These results
were pooled, and overall quality of evidence for each outcome
grouping was further classified by “level of evidence” (see
Appendix 1, available at
The initial search of Ovid MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, and CINAHL
resulted in 656, 343, and 110 publications, respectively. After
applying the inclusion criteria and omitting duplicates, 23
articles were identified, from which all articles investigated
kinetic, kinematic, running economy, or EMG differences or a
combination of these 4 variables (see Appendix 2, available at
Quality Assessment
With a maximum total score of 27 points on the Downs and
Black checklist, all articles scored between 13 and 19 points
(mean, 17.4 points), indicative of moderate methodological
quality among the included studies (see Appendix 3, available
at The appraisal of
level of evidence in the outcome categories of kinetics,
kinematics, EMG, and running economy yielded evidence
ranging from conflicting to moderate (Table 1).
Under the reporting section of the Downs and Black checklist
(Table 1), at least 26 of 27 articles scored points from all items
except 3, 8, and 10. In the external validity section, all articles
scored zero points. Items 16 through 20 of the internal validity
(bias) section scored points to all 27 articles, while items 14 and
15 scored none. Finally, items 21, 22, and 26 of the internal
validity (confounding) section scored points to all articles, items
23 and 27 scored partial points, and items 24 and 25 scored
The differences between barefoot and shod running have been
increasingly studied in the literature.2,6,9,18,20,23,25,28,31 Runners
typically contact the ground with the heel first: a rear foot strike
(RFS). In contrast, barefoot runners tend to display a midfoot
strike (MFS) or a forefoot strike (FFS), which may allow for
absorption of collision forces with the ground and avoidance of
excessive pressure at the heel.23 The difference in strike patterns
may be related to potential kinetic and kinematic changes in
ground reaction forces (GRFs), loading rates, joint moments and
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SPORTS HEALTHvol. 6 no. 6
powers, joint range of motion, muscle activation patterns, and
running economy. These alterations in biomechanics and joint
forces while barefoot or in minimalist shoes may protect against
RRI20,29-31 and/or enhance running performance.13,26
Moderate evidence suggests an association between barefoot
running and lowered maximum vertical GRFs.5,6,8,9,17,20,23 This
decrease in peak vertical GRF at initial contact may be
associated with the FFS pattern observed while running
barefoot.8,23 Kinetic analysis of the vertical GRF during the 3
running strike patterns revealed that an RFS yields a defined
impact peak on contact with the surface.6 Forefoot striking
eliminated this impact by loading the posterior calf
musculature.6 Added cushioning found in the modern running
shoe serves to attenuate shock and reduce impact forces;
however, this may influence RFS pattern and ultimately increase
forces to the lower extremity.23,28 Moreover, the length and
direction of the GRF moment arm may be altered by the
geometry of the modern shoe and the thickness of the foot-
ground interface by compression of the midsole.5 Further
kinetic analysis reveals a decrease in the moment arm of both
the vertical and mediolateral GRFs when forefoot striking,
which reduces the tendency to evert during RFS.2
Related to impact force is the impulse, which is equal to the
force times the duration of the collision with the ground.
Impulse represents the effective mass times its change in
velocity over the duration of the impact.23 Very limited evidence
suggests higher braking and pushing impulses as well as higher
preactivation of the triceps surae in forefoot strike runners.9
Very limited evidence also confirms a difference in peak vertical
or medial-lateral impulses while barefoot.27 There is moderate
evidence to support that a runner may experience lower peak
GRFs during barefoot running.18 Whether the absence of an
impact peak in barefoot running correlates with a benefit of
decreased injury rate is not known.
The limited evidence indicating a decreased extension
moment and increased power absorption at the knee when
Figure 1. Summary of search and selection process.
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Nov Dec 2014
Perkins et al
barefoot may have implications for knee injuries because of the
increased length of the GRF moment arm.3,5,20,39,40 As a tradeoff
to less knee extension, limited evidence shows an increase in
power generation and absorption at the ankle in barefoot
running3,39 may be associated with ankle overuse injuries such
as Achilles tendinopathy.15 Hence, the alterations in joint
moments and power may be considered a possible risk factor in
ankle overuse pathology.
Table 1. Level of evidence for outcome categories
Studies Included Conclusion/Level of Evidence
Ground reaction forces 5,6,8,9,17,20,23 Moderate evidence suggestive of lowered maximum vertical GRF
when barefoot
8,17 Limited evidence suggestive of lowered max vertical GRF only during
barefoot FFS
20 Very limited evidence suggesting decreased medial-lateral and
increased anterior-posterior GRF when barefoot
Impulse 9,27 Very limited evidence suggesting greater breaking and pushing
impulses of plantar flexors during FFS
Very limited evidence suggestive of differences in peak vertical or
medial-lateral impulses while barefoot
Rate of loading 1,6,40,41 Very limited evidence suggestive of differences in loading rates when
running barefoot, in minimalist shoe, or shod
Joint moments and power 3-5,20,39 Limited evidence suggesting less extension moment and power
absorption at the knee when barefoot
3,39 Limited evidence suggesting increased power generation and
absorption at the ankle when barefoot
Foot-strike pattern 8,17,26,27,39,41 Limited evidence suggesting FFS is associated with barefoot running
Stride 3-6,10,13,
Moderate evidence suggesting barefoot running is associated with
increased stride frequency, shorter stride length, and less ground
contact time
Joint range of motion 3,18,39,41 Moderate evidence suggestive of decreased foot and ankle
dorsiflexion at initial contact when barefoot
41 Very limited evidence suggesting decreased ankle eversion at ground
5,6,18,28 Moderate evidence suggesting increased knee flexion at ground
contact and less knee flexion during stance when barefoot or in
minimalist shoes
Running economy 10,13,16,27,35,38 Very limited evidence suggestive of significant difference in running
economy between barefoot, shod, and minimalist shoes
EMG 1,26,39 Limited evidence suggests decreased peak tibialis anterior activity
when barefoot FFS
EMG, electromyography; FFS, forefoot strike; GRF, ground reaction force.
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SPORTS HEALTHvol. 6 no. 6
Limited evidence supports a forefoot strike pattern when barefoot,
resulting in a flatter foot placement at contact25 and a more
plantarflexed ankle position.18 Moderate evidence does support
decreased foot and ankle dorsiflexion at initial contact when
barefoot. Runners may adopt this position during barefoot
running3,4,18,39,41 to reduce local pressure underneath the heel.6 In
the shod condition, this local pressure is eliminated by cushioning
through an elevated heel, which enables runners to land with a
dorsiflexed ankle.23 The resulting increase in ankle plantarflexion
moment during barefoot running implies the need for increased
eccentric work of the triceps surae muscles.4 Ultimately, this could
lead to an increased risk for pathology in the Achilles tendon and
may be considered a risk of running barefoot.
At the knee, moderate evidence shows an increase in knee
flexion at ground contact and a decrease in knee flexion during
stance when barefoot or in minimalist shoes. An increased knee
flexion angle at ground contact5,6,23,28 and less knee flexion
during stance3,4,27,41 may reduce the resultant knee extension
moment arm and perhaps lessen the stress across the
patellofemoral joint. Running barefoot with a forefoot strike
pattern may therefore be beneficial for runners suffering from
knee pain and injury.
Other kinematic differences that have been observed with
barefoot running include an increased stride frequency
(cadence), a shorter stride length, and less ground contact
time.3-6,10,13,20,24,26,38,41 Even though the decreased contact time
with the ground may influence a reduction in force, the
increased cadence may actually have a cumulative effect of joint
forces over time. Very limited evidence suggests a decrease in
stride length may reduce the probability of a stress fracture by
3% to 6%.12
Running Economy
For every 100 grams of mass added to the shoe, the volume of
oxygen in the body increases by approximately 1%.14 Other studies
suggest that the additional weight of the shoe is irrelevant and that
other significant factors such as barefoot running experience and
shoe construction may affect the metabolic cost of barefoot and
shod running.13 Limited evidence suggests that barefoot running
may result in lower metabolic demand (Vo2, heart rate, and rating
of perceived exertion) when barefoot or in minimalist shoes.16 This
may be because of the longitudinal arch of the foot permitting
more elastic energy storage and recoil.27 The longitudinal arch
stretches until the heel makes contact with the ground, and then it
recoils until take off.27 An RFS, however, does not stretch the
longitudinal arch until both the rear foot and forefoot make contact
with the ground.27 The foot then recoils until take off.27 Whether
running barefoot benefits running economy and potentially
improves performance is unknown.
Limited evidence suggests decreased peak tibialis anterior
activity in the barefoot FFS condition. Very limited evidence
associates preactivation of the gastrocnemius and soleus when
barefoot.9 The preactivation of these muscles supports the
reduction of heel impact by switching to the FFS technique.9
The resultant increase in muscle activity required by the plantar
flexors may be considered a risk of barefoot running.
Methodological Limitations
The low scores from the quality assessment using the Downs
and Black checklist suggest that improved methodological
quality is necessary to provide strong evidence for minimalist
and shod running.
Common attributes were identified in each of the rated articles
that yielded low scores. First, each study failed to report all
adverse events that may be a consequence of the intervention.
Second, subjects were not randomly selected and therefore
were prone to selection bias. With regard to the internal validity
bias section, subjects and examiners were not blinded except in
1 case.28
Only 10 studies reported actual probability values for their
data.3,4,6,16,17,20,26,35,40,41 Since all of the studies had a relatively
small sample size (between 9 and 68), finding statistically
significant results is less likely.
Clinical Relevance
Changing the foot-ground interface (eg, shoes, no shoes, heel
heights, lateral flares, rocker soles) changes the kinematics and
kinetics of runners in different ways and might also change the
direction of the GRF vector and therefore, the moment arm
length of the GRF.5 Whether this change is beneficial or
increases risks depends on the subject.
The mechanisms underlying the modification of stride
frequency, stride length, foot strike pattern, lower extremity
mechanics, and how they relate to running performance and
injury are not yet fully understood.39 Despite the different
technologies available, minimalist shoe designs cannot entirely
replicate barefoot running, possibly because of differences in
mechanics and economy in barefoot running. No definitive
conclusions can be drawn on the risks or benefits to running
barefoot, shod, or in minimalist shoes.
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... Despite an earlier study showing different activation of the distal musculature in lower limbs (tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius and soleus) with TS vs. MS [26], in the present study we were not able to detect differences in the abdomino-lumbopelvic muscles considered. In the absence of published data on this body region, our results could only be compared to those of a previous study reporting an increase in the electromyographic activity in the GM and gluteus medius in the flight phase, and a pre-activation of the foot support prior to landing [26]. ...
... Despite an earlier study showing different activation of the distal musculature in lower limbs (tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius and soleus) with TS vs. MS [26], in the present study we were not able to detect differences in the abdomino-lumbopelvic muscles considered. In the absence of published data on this body region, our results could only be compared to those of a previous study reporting an increase in the electromyographic activity in the GM and gluteus medius in the flight phase, and a pre-activation of the foot support prior to landing [26]. The fact that in the present study, the phases of the race were not fragmented, and the muscular activity registered at each speed during 30 s. was average without considering the different stages of the race, could be the basis for the differences. ...
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This study aimed to investigate if the characteristics of different running shoes could influence intra-abdominal pressure during running. A single-centre, randomized, prospective cross-over clinical trial was performed measuring activity patterns of internal oblique (IO), lumbar erector (LE), and gluteus maximus (GM) muscles in healthy women when running with minimalist shoes (MS). Participants were randomly allocated into two-sequence (MS/TS or TS/MS) treadmill running at six, nine, and eleven km/h. The surface electromyographic activity of IO, LE, and GM muscles were recorded while running. A repeated measures ANOVA explored the interaction effects of three-muscle x three speeds x two shoes. Significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. Fifty-one healthy nulliparous women (mean age: 26.55 ± 5.11 years; body mass index: 21.29 ± 2.07 Kg/m2) were included. Our findings revealed lower activations of the LE compared to the internal oblique IO and GM, irrespective of running speed and footwear used. Electromyographic activation significantly increased with higher running speeds (p < 0.001) for all muscles, regardless of the type of footwear. Although electromyographic records with MS consistently showed higher values than those with TS, the differences were not statistically significant for all muscles at all speeds. Our results indicate that electromyographic activation patterns vary according to the muscle group, exhibiting higher values with increased running speed. No significant differences were observed between MS and TS.
... [1][2][3][4][5][6] Most studies on barefoot running involve participants from distance running populations and delve into various effects on performance, biomechanics, physiology, and injury-related factors. 3,[7][8][9] For instance, comparisons between acute kinematics of a barbell back squat performed barefoot versus shod revealed both advantages and disadvantages from a biomechanical movement efficiency standpoint. 10 Wolf et al. 11 suggested that prolonged shod walking might inhibit the windlass mechanism due to a significant reduction in medial longitudinal arch length. ...
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A growing body of literature addresses the public and scientific interest in barefoot locomotion as an alternative to footwear for running and enhancing physical performance. Little is known about the effects of barefoot training in youth team sport athletes. This randomized controlled trial assessed the efficacy of a nine-week neuromuscular warm-up program (20 minutes twice per week) on balance, functional jumping, speed, acceleration, and agility, in female youth field hockey players. Players (16.2 ± 1.2 years) from three teams from a high school volunteered, consented to participation and were randomly assigned to either a barefoot or shod intervention group. Mixed model ANOVAs were conducted with the full data set of 34 participants as random effects (to account for repeated measurements), and intervention, time, limb side as fixed effects. No statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) were found between the two groups on performance outcomes with small (ES ≥ 0.2) to medium (ES ≥ 0.4) effect sizes. Both groups significantly improved (p < 0.05) their performance pre-to post-intervention in all tests. Performing the warm-up program barefoot or shod appeared to be equally effective to improve physical performance in habitually barefoot youth athletes.
... The increase of ankle plantarflexion moment when running barefoot increases eccentric work of the triceps surae muscles [43]. Ultimately, this could increase the risk of Achilles tendon injury and may be a risk of running barefoot [44]. Biomechanics of running in minimalist shoes is more similar to that of barefoot. ...
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Minimal shoes may alter ankle kinematics while running. This study aimed to systematically review studies investigating ankle kinematics in runners while wearing minimalist shoes versus traditional shoes and barefoot. Four databases including PubMed (128 studies), Web of science (224), Scopus (242 studies) and Embase (148 studies) were searched from inception to Aug 9, 2022. Two reviewers screened studies to identify studies reporting the effects of minimal shoes on ankle kinematics during running. Eleven studies with a total of 203 (wearing minimal shoes) participants and 18 controls (8 participants wearing minimal shoes without gait training and 10 wearing standard shoes) were included. The study design of the included studies were RCTs (2 studies), prospective study (1), cross-sectional study (5), and crossover (3). The Downs and Black appraisal scale was applied to assess the quality of included studies. The results showed that minimal shoe was capable of changing the kinematics of ankle while running. Uncushioned minimal shoes decreased ankle dorsiflexion at initial contact and ankle adduction, and increased plantarflexion moment, strike index, total ROM and joint excursion in stance phase compared to traditional shoes. Standardizing shoes and speeds are needed for reliable comparisons among studies. Because most studies examining the efficacy of minimal shoes, had a low level of evidence, further studies providing valid and high-quality evidence which include RCTs are required to support clinical practice in the use of minimal shoes. Uncushioned minimal shoes are better replicating barefoot running. Therefore, it is recommended for runners since they can change their foot strike pattern to mid-foot or forefoot and consequently reduce peak impact force, resulting in preventing future injuries especially in the knee.
... In recent years, researchers have investigated the difference between shod and barefoot conditions in other tasks including vertical jump and landing test, but so far, the overview of the studies in this area has not been done (4)(5)(6) The objective of this review is to summarize the studies, which compare the lower extremity biomechanics during vertical jump and landing in barefoot and shod conditions. ...
... Running stakeholders are eager to discover interventions that can prevent RRI. However, interventions such as foot orthoses [12,13], running shoe prescriptions [14][15][16], specific warm-up and cool-down routines, and stretching and strengthening programs have reported conflicting results, and therefore, no clear recommendations can be made. ...
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Background: Running-related injuries (RRI) are common in novice runners. Reducing early training running volume with strengthening activities may improve RRI without impeding running performance. Objectives: 1. Gather feasibility data for a randomized, controlled trial comparing a strengthening-based program to a conventional running program; 2. Assess RRI; and 3. Assess running performance. Methods: Seventy-four university students (38 females, 21 ± 2.3 years, 68.2 ± 10.8 kg, BMI: 22.6 ± 2.97), all novice runners, were randomized in two groups, i.e., a strengthening and running group (INT) and a running group (CON). The completed sessions, RRI, dropout, and maximal aerobic speed were recorded through an online application. Results: The INT group had 52.6% attrition, while the CON group had 41.7%. The INT group had 56.6% adherence, while the CON group had 45.7%. The Chi-square test showed no significant difference in RRI incidence across groups (CHI2 = 2.958, p value = 0.08). A two-way ANOVA showed no significant difference in maximal aerobic speed across groups (p = 0.822) or before and after training (p = 0.304). Conclusions: This pilot study confirmed the feasibility of this randomized, controlled trial with a needed sample size of 194. However, novice runners had greater attrition rates when starting. Based on those limited data, strengthening activities that replaced running volume did not improve RRI or maximal aerobic speed.
... Both experimental shoes affected the biomechanics of our recreational runners. Notably, FLAT involved higher cadence and lower footstrike angles (i.e., less rearfoot) than the two other shoe conditions, which is consistent with previous research on minimalist shoes (Barcellona et al., 2017;Nigg et al., 2020;Perkins et al., 2014). Although the changes in biomechanics were generally of small magnitude with potentially limited impact on load distribution, the minimal cushioning of shoes would increase loading at the foot and ankle (Bermon, 2021), warranting caution in transitioning too quickly to more minimalist shoes from more (maximalist) traditional shoes to minimise injury risk to these structures. ...
Alkol ve SporEmine AYTİŞErgen Sağlığı ve Fiziksel OkuryazarlıkHAKAN GÜÇLÜFiziksel Aktivite, Sağlıkta Hakkaniyet ve Sağlığın Sosyal BelirleyicileriEsma ATALANMerve UCAKardiyovasküler Hastalıkların Sporla ÖnlenmesiYunus Emre GÜLERKoşu Yaralanmalarını Önlemede Ayakkabıların Rolü ve Minimalist AyakkabılarNilgün ÇIRAKSporcularda Pelvik Taban SağlığıBeyza Nur YUMAKSporu Bırakan Sporcuların Karşılaştıkları SorunlarGıyasettin BAYDAŞMerve UCA
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ภูมิหลังและวัตถุประสงค์: การดูแลสุขภาพเป็นกระแสนิยมที่ได้รับความเอาใจใส่มากขึ้น โดยเฉพาะสุขภาพเท้าเป็นสิ่งที่ได้รับความสนใจมากในปัจจุบัน เพราะเท้าเป็นอวัยวะสำคัญที่มีหน้าที่สำคัญในการรองรับน้ำหนักทั้งหมดของร่างกาย อีกทั้งการรองรับแรงกระแทกจากการทำกิจกรรมต่าง ๆ ภายในชีวิตประจำวันที่อาจจะทำให้เกิดปัญหาสุขภาพตามมาได้ หากยังไม่ได้รับการดูแลอย่างถูกสุขภาวะเฉกเช่นอวัยวะส่วนอื่น ๆ ของร่างกาย บทความนี้ จึงมีวัตถุประสงค์ของการศึกษาเพื่อนำเสนอรูปแบบพฤติกรรมและการตัดสินใจเลือกซื้อรองเท้าสุขภาพของผู้บริโภค ระเบียบวิธีการศึกษา: การศึกษาครั้งนี้ใช้วิธีการวิเคราะห์เอกสารและงานวิจัยที่เกี่ยวข้อง ทำการวิเคราะห์เนื้อหาแล้วนำเสนอเชิงพรรณนาความตามวัตถุประสงค์การศึกษา ผลการศึกษา: รูปแบบพฤติกรรมและการตัดสินใจเลือกซื้อรองเท้าสุขภาพของผู้บริโภคในประเทศไทย มีรูปแบบพฤติกรรมการใช้รองเท้าสุขภาพ โดยมุ่งเน้นตราสินค้าที่มีประวัติมาอย่างยาวนาน มีเอกลักษณ์ของสินค้าที่โดดเด่นและแตกต่าง มีความหลากหลายของรูปแบบสินค้า ตามลำดับ อีกทั้ง ผู้บริโภคมีการตัดสินใจเลือกซื้อรองเท้าสุขภาพ ได้แก่ ตราสินค้า คุณสมบัติ รูปแบบการใช้งาน ราคา สถานที่จัดจำหน่าย ตามลำดับ ทั้งนี้ สิ่งสำคัญที่เป็นปัจจัยกระตุ้นให้เกิดการตัดสินใจเลือกซื้อรองเท้าสุขภาพของผู้บริโภค คือ ผลลัพธ์จากการใช้งานจริงของผู้บริโภคที่เคยใช้งานเป็นหลัก ดังนั้นผลการศึกษาดังกล่าวข้างต้น สามารถนำไปประยุกต์ใช้ในการสร้างภาพลักษณ์ตราสินค้ารองเท้าเพื่อสุขภาพ เพื่อให้ตรงกับภาพลักษณ์ที่มีในใจผู้บริโภคหรือเพื่อปรับปรุงให้รับรู้ถึงภาพลักษณ์ที่แท้จริงของตราสินค้าได้อย่างชัดเจนของตลาดรองเท้าสุขภาพในอนาคต สรุปผล: ทางเลือกของผู้บริโภคในตลาดรองเท้าเพื่อสุขภาพของไทยได้รับแรงผลักดันจากความพึงพอใจในแบรนด์ที่มีชื่อเสียงซึ่งมีเอกลักษณ์เฉพาะตัวและการนำเสนอผลิตภัณฑ์ที่หลากหลาย ปัจจัยในการตัดสินใจ ได้แก่ ชื่อเสียงของแบรนด์ คุณลักษณะของผลิตภัณฑ์ รูปแบบการใช้งาน ราคา และช่องทางการจัดจำหน่าย โดยประสบการณ์จริงของผู้ใช้จะมีบทบาทสำคัญ เพื่อกำหนดทิศทางของตลาดรองเท้าเพื่อสุขภาพในอนาคต การสร้างภาพลักษณ์ของแบรนด์ที่แท้จริงซึ่งสอดคล้องกับการรับรู้ของผู้บริโภคถือเป็นสิ่งสำคัญอย่างยิ่งในการส่งเสริมความไว้วางใจและความพึงพอใจของผู้บริโภค
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A high number of recreational runners sustain a running-related injury each year. To reduce injury risk, alterations in running form have been suggested. One simple strategy for running stride frequency or length has been commonly advocated. To characterize how running mechanics change when stride frequency and length are manipulated. In January 2012, a comprehensive search of PubMed, CINAHL Plus, SPORTDiscus, PEDro, and Cochrane was performed independently by 2 reviewers. A second search of the databases was repeated in June 2012 to ensure that no additional studies met the criteria after the initial search. Inclusion criteria for studies were an independent variable including manipulation of stride frequency or length at a constant speed with outcome measures of running kinematics or kinetics. Systematic review. Level 3. Two reviewers independently appraised each article using a modified version of the Quality Index, designed for assessing bias of nonrandomized studies. Ten studies met the criteria for this review. There was consistent evidence that increased stride rate resulted in decreased center of mass vertical excursion, ground reaction force, shock attenuation, and energy absorbed at the hip, knee, and ankle joints. All but 1 study had a limited number of participants, with several methodological differences existing among studies (eg, overground and treadmill running, duration of test conditions). Although speed was held constant during testing, it was individually self-selected or fixed. Most studies used only male participants. Despite procedural differences among studies, an increased stride rate (reduced stride length) appears to reduce the magnitude of several key biomechanical factors associated with running injuries.
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The purpose of this study was to determine if running in a minimalist shoe results in a reduction in ground reaction forces and alters kinematics over standard shoe running. The secondary purpose of this study was to determine if within-session accommodation to a novel minimalist shoe occurs. Subjects were 14 male, rearfoot striking runners who had never run in a minimalist shoe. Subjects were tested while running 3.35 m/s for 10 minutes on an instrumented treadmill in a minimalist and a standard shoe as 3-D lower extremity kinematics and kinetics were evaluated. Data were collected at minute 1 and then again after 10 minutes of running in both shoe conditions to evaluate accommodation to the shoe conditions. Shoe x time interactions were not found for any of the variables of interest. Minimalist shoe running resulted in no changes in step length (p=0.967) nor step rate (p=0.230). At footstrike, greater knee flexion (p=0.001) and greater dorsiflexion angle (p=0.025) were noted in the minimalist shoe. Vertical impact peak (p=0.017) and average vertical loading rate (p<0.000) were greater during minimalist shoe running. There were main effects of time as dorsiflexion angle decreased (p=0.035), foot inclination at footstrike decreased (p=0.048) and knee flexion at footstrike increased (p=0.002), yet the vertical impact peak (p=0.002) and average vertical loading rate (p<0.000) increased. Running in a minimalist shoe appears to, at least in the short-term, increase loading of the lower extremity over standard shoe running. The accommodation period resulted in less favorable landing mechanics in both shoes. These findings bring into question whether minimal shoes will provide enough feedback to induce an alteration that is similar to barefoot running.
Background Barefoot running is slowly gaining a dedicated following. Proponents of barefoot running claim many benefits, such as improved performance and reduced injuries, whereas detractors warn of the imminent risks involved. Methods Multiple publications were reviewed using key words. Results A review of the literature uncovered many studies that have looked at the barefoot condition and found notable differences in gait and other parameters. These findings, along with much anecdotal information, can lead one to extrapolate that barefoot runners should have fewer injuries, better performance, or both. Several athletic shoe companies have designed running shoes that attempt to mimic the barefoot condition and, thus, garner the purported benefits of barefoot running. Conclusions Although there is no evidence that either confirms or refutes improved performance and reduced injuries in barefoot runners, many of the claimed disadvantages to barefoot running are not supported by the literature. Nonetheless, it seems that barefoot running may be an acceptable training method for athletes and coaches who understand and can minimize the risks. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 101(3): 231–246, 2011)
Abstract Barefoot running, which was how people ran for millions of years, provides an opportunity to study how natural selection adapted the human body to run. Because humans evolved to run barefoot , a barefoot running style that minimizes impact peaks and ...
The purpose of this paper is to discuss critically selected aspects of the current discussion on barefoot running, specifically differences between barefoot and shod running in kinematics and kinetics, training effects, performance and economy and injury frequency. The kinematics and kinetics depend on many different factors, including surface, shoe, running speed and subject. In general, hard surfaces are associated with a flatter foot landing. However, the inter-individual differences are substantial and it is not appropriate to associate barefoot running with toe landing and shod running with heel landing. The training effects for the small muscles crossing the ankle joint are small during running and substantially higher for movements such as side shuffling, independent of footwear. The additional mass added to the foot by the shoe seems not to have a negative effect on performance until at a ‘threshold mass’ of about 200 to 250 g. The additional work due to the damping of vibrations of soft tissue compartments seems not to depend primarily on the footwear but rather on the individual comfort of the runner. To the knowledge of the authors, there is no conclusive evidence that barefoot running has more, equal or less injuries than shod running. From a biomechanical point of view, injuries are a result of overloading of a given structure. The internal active forces in the lower extremities are about 500% higher than the internal impact forces. Consequently, these impact forces may not be the major reason for potential running injuries.
Distance running continues to experience increased participation in the Western world, although it is associated with high injury rates. Barefoot running has been increasingly proposed as a means to prevent overuse injury due to various biomechanical differences, including reduced joint loading rates and altered kinematics and muscle activity patterns compared to shod running. The aim of this review was to systematically evaluate biomechanical differences between running barefoot and shod, including the quality of available evidence, in order to provide guidance on the phenomenon of barefoot running to the running and sports medicine communities. A comprehensive search of MEDLINE, Web of Knowledge and EMBASE from inception to January 2013 was performed. Trials evaluating injury-free recreational or competitive adults who participate in long-distance running (≥5 km), where a comparison of barefoot and shod running lower-limb kinetics, kinematics and/or electromyography were included. Studies examining sprinting and studies of single-subject design were excluded. Following initial searching, two reviewers identified a shortlist of relevant studies based on title and abstract, with the full text of these studies being tested against the inclusion criteria. References of included studies were examined and citation tracking was performed in Web of Knowledge. Two independent reviewers evaluated the methodological quality of each included study using a modified version of the Downs and Black quality index. Results of the quality assessment were used to identify high- and low-quality studies, data pooling was completed where possible and levels of evidence were determined based on the van Tulder criteria. Eighteen studies were identified, all of low methodological quality. Effect size (ES) calculation was possible for 12 studies. Pooled results indicate moderate evidence that barefoot running is associated with reduced peak ground reaction force (GRF), increased foot and ankle plantarflexion and increased knee flexion at ground contact compared with running in a neutral shoe. Limited evidence indicates barefoot running is associated with reduced impact GRF, reduced peak knee flexion and varus joint moments, and a higher stride frequency compared to a neutral shoe. Very limited to limited evidence also indicates power absorption at the knee is decreased while being increased at the ankle whilst barefoot running. Additionally, the effects of barefoot running on loading rate appear dependent on strike pattern adopted, with a forefoot strike pattern found to reduce loading rate, whilst a rearfoot strike pattern increases loading rate when running barefoot compared to shod. Key methodological weaknesses that must be addressed in future research were identified. Of particular note were absence of investigator blinding, infrequent intervention randomisation, small sample sizes and lack of evaluation following habituation. Two studies could not be retrieved because of publication in a non-English-language journal. Of particular note is that the validity of the body of work is compromised by the lack of evaluation after habituation, or re-training, of previously shod rearfoot-striking runners to barefoot forefoot-striking running styles. There has been a great deal of publicity for barefoot running, and many claims made about its effects and risks. Despite a large amount of biomechanical data available for meta-analysis, clear guidance for clinical practice is limited because of the low methodological quality of the associated studies. Preliminary biomechanical differences identified suggest barefoot running may be associated with positive biomechanical changes in regards to injury prevention, although this may be dependent on strike pattern adopted. Further research employing more robust methodology, which addresses weaknesses highlighted in this review, is needed to confirm current preliminary evidence. Additionally, prospective research would have higher validity were the biomechanical effects of habituating to barefoot running fully examined alongside an evaluation of prevention of repetitive use injury.
Elevated patellofemoral joint stress is thought to contribute to the development and progression of patellofemoral pain syndrome. The purpose of this study was to determine if running barefoot decreases patellofemoral joint stress in comparison to shod running. Lower extremity kinematics and ground reaction force data were collected from 22 trained runners during overground running while barefoot and in a neutral running shoe. The kinematic and kinetic data were used as input variables into a previously described mathematical model to determine patellofemoral joint stress. Knee flexion angle, net knee extension moment and the model outputs of contact area, patellofemoral joint reaction force and patellofemoral joint stress were plotted over the stance phase of the gait cycle and peak values compared using paired t tests and standardised mean differences calculated. Running barefoot decreased peak patellofemoral joint stress by 12% (p=0.000) in comparison to shod running. The reduction in patellofemoral joint stress was a result of reduced patellofemoral joint reaction forces (12%, p=0.000) while running barefoot. Elevated patellofemoral joint stress during shod running might contribute to patellofemoral pain. Running barefoot decreases patellofemoral joint stress.
Objectives: Running with rocker shoes is believed to prevent lower limb injuries. However, it is not clear how running in these shoes affects the energy expenditure. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to assess the effects of rocker shoes on running economy in comparison with standard and minimalist running shoes. Design: Cross-over design. Methods: Eighteen endurance female runners (age=23.6 ± 3 years), who were inexperienced in running with rocker shoes and with minimalist/barefoot running, participated in this study. Oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, heart rate and rate of perceived exertion were measured while participants completed a 6-min sub-maximal treadmill running test for each footwear condition. The data of the last 2 min of each shoe condition were averaged for analysis. A linear mixed model was used to compare differences among three footwear conditions. Results: Oxygen consumption during running with rocker shoes was on average 4.5% higher than with the standard shoes (p<0.001) and 5.6% higher than with the minimalist shoe (p<0.001). No significant differences were found in heart rate and rate of perceived exertion across three shoe conditions. Conclusions: Female runners, who are not experienced in running with the rocker shoes and minimalist shoes, show more energy expenditure during running with the rocker shoes compared with the standard and minimalist shoes. As the studied shoes were of different masses, part of the effect of increased energy expenditure with the rocker shoe is likely to be due to its larger mass as compared with standard running shoes and minimalist shoes.
: The modern running shoe typically features a large cushioned heel intended to dissipate the energy at heel strike to the knees and hips. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect that shoes have upon the running biomechanics among competitive adolescent runners. We wish to answer the question of whether running style is altered in these athletes because of footwear. : Twelve competitive adolescent athletes were recruited from local track teams. Each ran on a treadmill in large heel trainers, track flats, and barefoot. Four different speeds were used to test each athlete. The biomechanics were assessed with a motion capture system. Stride length, heel height during posterior swing phase, and foot/ground contact were recorded. : Shoe type markedly altered the running biomechanics. The foot/ground contact point showed differences in terms of footwear (P<0.0001) and speed (P=0.000215). When wearing trainers, the athletes landed on their heels 69.79% of the time at all speeds (P<0.001). The heel was the first point of contact <35% of the time in the flat condition and <30% in the barefoot condition. : Running biomechanics are significantly altered by shoe type in competitive adolescents. Heavily heeled cushioned trainers promote a heel strike pattern, whereas track flats and barefoot promote a forefoot or midfoot strike pattern. Training in heavily cushioned trainers by the competitive runner has not been clearly shown to be detrimental to performance, but it does change the gait pattern. It is not known whether the altered biomechanics of the heavily heeled cushioned trainer may be detrimental to the adolescent runner who is still developing a running style.
As a potential means to decrease their risk of injury, many runners are transitioning into barefoot running. Habitually shod runners tend to heel-strike (SHS), landing on their heel first, while barefoot runners tend to mid-foot or toe-strike (BTS), landing flat-footed or on the ball of their foot before bringing down the rest of the foot including the heel. This study compared muscle activity, tibial shock, and knee flexion angle in subjects between shod and barefoot conditions. Eighteen habitually SHS recreational runners ran for 3 separate 7-minute trials, including SHS, barefoot heel-strike (BHS), and BTS conditions. EMG, tibial shock, and knee flexion angle were monitored using bipolar surface electrodes, an accelerometer, and an electrogoniometer, respectively. A one-way MANOVA for repeated measures was conducted and several significant changes were noted between SHS and BTS, including significant increases in average EMG of the medial gastrocnemius (p=.05), average and peak tibial shock (p<.01), and the minimum knee flexion angle (p<.01). Based on our data, the initial change in mechanics may have detrimental effects on the runner. While it has been argued that BTS running may ultimately be less injurious, these data indicate that habitually SHS runners who choose to transition into a BTS technique must undertake the process cautiously.