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Workplace Safety: A Meta-Analysis of the Roles of Person
and Situation Factors
Michael S. Christian
University of Arizona
Jill C. Bradley
California State University, Fresno
J. Craig Wallace
Oklahoma State University
Michael J. Burke
Tulane University
Recent conceptual and methodological advances in behavioral safety research afford an opportunity to
integrate past and recent research findings. Building on theoretical models of worker performance and
work climate, this study quantitatively integrates the safety literature by meta-analytically examining
person- and situation-based antecedents of safety performance behaviors and safety outcomes (i.e.,
accidents and injuries). As anticipated, safety knowledge and safety motivation were most strongly
related to safety performance behaviors, closely followed by psychological safety climate and group
safety climate. With regard to accidents and injuries, however, group safety climate had the strongest
association. In addition, tests of a meta-analytic path model provided support for the theoretical model
that guided this overall investigation. The implications of these findings for advancing the study and
management of workplace safety are discussed.
Keywords: occupational safety, safety performance, accidents, safety climate, Occupational Safety and
Health Administration
Thousands of deaths and disabilities occur because of occupa-
tional accidents each year in the United States, including 5,804
work-related fatalities and 4.1 million nonfatal occupational inju-
ries and illnesses in 2006 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. De-
partment of Labor, 2007). Given these statistics, researchers have
devoted much effort to studying workplace safety. Although an
impressive quantity of information has resulted, much of the
behaviorally oriented occupational safety research is plagued by
lack of theory, weak methodology, and unclear conceptualizations
of constructs. Moreover, studies of antecedents to safety have
tended to focus on either individual differences or contextual
factors but rarely on both. Additionally, though previous studies
have summarized aspects of this literature (Clarke, 2006a; Clarke
& Robertson, 2005), these efforts have not integrated the array of
situational and individual antecedents to safety nor have they
attended to levels-of-analysis issues that have implications for the
interpretation of findings.
Hence, we have four goals for the current study. First, we
illustrate the benefits of developing clear operationalizations of
safety constructs. Second, we build on existing theory and
research (e.g., Campbell, McCloy, Oppler, & Sager, 1993; Neal
& Griffin, 2004) by detailing a conceptual framework with
which to organize and study relationships between antecedents
and safety criteria. To this end, we organize constructs to
develop a parsimonious description of the person- and
situation-related antecedents of workplace safety. Third, using
this conceptual framework, we meta-analytically estimate hy-
pothesized relationships. Fourth, we use meta-analytic path
modeling to test an exemplar model of the integrated conceptual
Conceptualizing Workplace Safety
One shortcoming in the safety literature is a lack of clear and
consistent construct definitions and conceptualizations, both on
the predictor and criterion sides (cf. Clarke & Robertson, 2005).
As a result, inconsistencies exist between studies, and empirical
findings do not always align with theoretical predictions. Al-
though there have been efforts to overcome this situation in
particular domains (e.g., safety climate; Flin, Mearns,
O’Connor, & Bryden, 2000), no study has comprehensively
addressed such deficiencies. Clear delineation of constructs is a
critical step to facilitate not only the organization of accumu-
lated knowledge, but also the development of theory in the
safety domain. Thus, we begin by clarifying conceptualizations
of safety criteria before presenting a model for classifying and
understanding their antecedents.
Michael S. Christian, Eller College of Management, University of
Arizona; Jill C. Bradley, Craig School of Business, California State Uni-
versity, Fresno; J. Craig Wallace, William S. Spears School of Business,
Oklahoma State University; Michael J. Burke, A. B. Freeman School of
Business, Tulane University.
Michael S. Christian and Jill C. Bradley contributed equally to this
article. We thank Adela Garza for her invaluable assistance throughout the
research process. Also, thanks to Kim Mathe for her help with article
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Michael
S. Christian, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, Depart-
ment of Management and Organizations, McClelland Hall, P.O. Box
210108, Tucson, AZ 85721-0108. E-mail:
Journal of Applied Psychology © 2009 American Psychological Association
2009, Vol. 94, No. 5, 1103–1127 0021-9010/09/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0016172
Problematically, the term safety performance may be used to
refer to two different concepts. At times, safety performance might
refer to an organizational metric for safety outcomes, such as
number of injuries per year. Conversely, safety performance may
refer to a metric for safety-related behaviors of individuals (e.g.,
Burke, Sarpy, Tesluk, & Smith-Crowe, 2002; Neal & Griffin,
2004). Distinguishing safety-related behaviors from the outcomes
of those behaviors is important, because each might have differ-
ential relationships with antecedents. Thus, we consider safety
performance behaviors and safety outcomes to be distinct. In
contrast to safety performance behaviors, safety outcomes are
tangible events or results, such as accidents, injuries, or fatalities.
Conceptualizing safety performance as individual behaviors
provides researchers with a measurable criterion, which is more
proximally related to psychological factors than accidents or inju-
ries. Safety performance behaviors can be predicted with greater
accuracy than outcomes, which often have a low base rate and
skewed distributions (cf. Zohar, 2000). Similar to job performance
in general, safety performance behaviors can be scaled by the
frequency with which employees engage in the behaviors and are
distinguishable in terms of their antecedents and covariation with
safety outcomes (Burke, Sarpy, et al., 2002). However, although
safety performance is conceptually similar to job performance in
general, it does not fit neatly into task, contextual, or adaptive
performance and thus should be treated as a separate domain of job
performance (Burke, Sarpy, et al., 2002; Parker & Turner, 2002).
Several conceptual models of safety performance have been
advanced. The model of safety performance outlined by Burke,
Sarpy, et al. (2002)— defined as “actions or behaviors that indi-
viduals exhibit in almost all jobs to promote the health and safety
of workers, clients, the public, and the environment” (p. 432)—
includes four factors: (a) using personal protective equipment, (b)
engaging in work practice to reduce risk, (c) communicating
hazards and accidents, and (d) exercising employee rights and
responsibilities. Although the factors are distinct (but correlated),
Burke, Sarpy, et al. suggested that under certain conditions, using
the aggregate of the four factors is appropriate. Other conceptual-
izations of safety performance distinguish between safety “com-
pliance” and safety “participation,” with the former referring to
“generally mandated” safety behaviors and the latter referring to
safety behaviors that are “frequently voluntary” (Neal, Griffin, &
Hart, 2000, p. 101). This distinction is similar to that between task
and contextual performance in the job performance literature (e.g.,
Borman & Motowidlo, 1993).
Predicting Safety Criteria: A Conceptual Model
To develop a model of the processes through which situations
and individual difference factors influence safety performance
behaviors and outcomes, we build upon Neal and Griffin’s (2004)
model of workplace safety. This model is grounded in Campbell et
al.’s (1993) theory of performance, which identifies three proximal
determinants of an individual’s performance— knowledge, skills,
and motivation to perform—and suggests that distal antecedents of
performance (e.g., training, organizational climate, personality)
presumably influence performance through increases in these
proximal determinants.
Hence, Neal and Griffin posited that
antecedents like safety climate or personality directly influence
safety motivation and knowledge, which in turn directly influence
safety performance behaviors, which then directly relate to safety
outcomes, such as accidents and injuries. We used a modified
version of Neal and Griffin’s framework for organizing the liter-
ature and studying construct relations (see Figure 1). Accordingly,
we posit that situational factors, individual differences, and atti-
tudes are distal in their relationships with safety performance and
are even more distally related to safety outcomes. These factors are
expected to impact more proximal states or self-regulatory pro-
cesses that directly affect safety performance behaviors. Of im-
portance, this theoretical framework informs not only the magni-
tudes of the relationships we expected to observe between various
antecedents and safety criteria but also the processes through
which workplace accidents and injuries occur.
Antecedents of Safety Performance and Safety Outcomes
At the broadest level, we classified antecedents as person re-
lated or situation related; within each of these areas, we identified
more proximal and more distal antecedents to safety performance
behaviors (see Figure 1). We considered safety knowledge and
safety motivation proximal antecedents to safety performance be-
haviors. In contrast, situation-related factors and individual dispo-
sitional characteristics and attitudes were considered to be more
distal. With regard to safety outcomes,all of the antecedents are
indirect in that they operate through safety performance behaviors.
The only direct antecedent to safety outcomes in the theoretical
model is safety performance behavior. However, for consistency,
we refer to the antecedents as either distal or proximal, indicating
relative distance from either criterion.
As a general rule, proximal factors were anticipated to yield
larger relationships than distal factors. Further, where theoretically
relevant, we distinguish between safety compliance and safety
participation (Neal & Griffin, 2004). Consistent with research on
task versus contextual performance in the general organizational
literature, Griffin and Neal (2000) found that safety motivation
was more strongly related to safety participation than safety
knowledge, whereas the converse was true for safety compliance.
We likewise anticipate that motivation should play a larger role in
discretionary safety participation behaviors, whereas knowledge
should be more related to compulsory safety compliance.
Person Related: Proximal Antecedents
Safety knowledge was the first proximal person-related factor. In
line with our conceptual model, we anticipated that knowledge
would have a strong positive relationship with safety performance
because knowledge is a direct determinant of performance behav-
iors. In short, knowing how to perform safely (e.g., handling
hazardous chemicals, emergency procedures) is a precondition to
enacting safe behaviors. Thus, safety knowledge should be
strongly related to safety performance behaviors. Furthermore,
Kanfer (1990, 1992) proposed that distal traits relate to performance
and outcomes through proximal statelike individual differences and self-
regulatory processes. A great deal of empirical support has been gleaned
for this motivational process as well (e.g., Barrick et al., 1993; Bergman,
Donovan, Drasgow, Overton, & Henning, 2008; Chen, Casper, & Cortina,
2001; Chen, Gully, Whiteman, & Kilcullen, 2000), even in the safety
literature (e.g., Wallace & Chen, 2006).
safety knowledge should exhibit higher correlations with safety
compliance than with safety motivation (cf. Griffin & Neal, 2000).
For safety outcomes, we expected moderate negative relationships,
because knowledge effects should operate through safety perfor-
mance behaviors.
Safety motivation was another direct person-related antecedent
of safety performance behaviors. Safety motivation reflects “an
individual’s willingness to exert effort to enact safety behaviors
and the valence associated with those behaviors” (Neal & Griffin,
2006, p. 947). For the same reasons identified for safety knowl-
edge, we expected safety motivation to be strongly related to safety
performance and moderately related to fewer accidents and inju-
ries. Given the motivation-related conceptualization of safety par-
ticipation, we expected safety motivation would be more strongly
related to safety participation than safety compliance.
Person Related: Distal Antecedents
With a few exceptions, we used the Big Five framework (e.g.,
Costa & McCrae, 1985) to organize dispositional traits. As noted
by Clarke and Robertson (2005) in their meta-analysis of person-
ality and accidents, the Big Five is useful for providing order to a
disordered literature. Still, the occupational safety literature con-
tains too few studies of openness to experience and agreeableness
to consider in a cumulative investigation.
Conscientiousness comprises both achievement and responsibil-
ity (dependability) components (Hough, 1992). Conscientious in-
dividuals are more likely to set, commit to, and strive for personal
goals; they also are more dependable and responsible than less
conscientious individuals. Further, conscientiousness is positively
related to motivation (Furnham, Petrides, Jackson, & Cotter,
2002). Thus, because conscientiousness and safety motivation
should be positively related (e.g., Griffin, Burley, & Neal, 2000),
we anticipated that conscientiousness would indirectly relate to
safety performance behaviors, particularly those that are voluntary
(i.e., safety participation). Because of the distal relationship be-
tween conscientiousness and safety outcomes, we anticipated a
weak negative or equivocal relationship between conscientious-
ness and accidents and injuries, as indicated by Clarke and Rob-
ertson’s (2005) meta-analysis.
People high in neuroticism may have difficulty coping with
threatening situations (cf. Hobfoll, 1989; Kanfer & Ackerman,
1989), in part because they may devote more resources to worry
and anxiety as opposed to the task at hand. Additionally, neurot-
icism is negatively related to intrinsic motivation (Furnham et al.,
2002) and the desire to take control over one’s environment
(Judge, 1993), both of which likely hamper safety performance.
On the other hand, given their vigilance toward negative stimuli in
the environment, people high in neuroticism may be attuned to
signs of danger in the workplace (Mathews & MacLeod, 1985).
Further, in their meta-analysis, Clarke and Robertson (2005) found
that neuroticism had a negligible relationship with accidents. Thus,
we expected a weak negative correlation with safety performance
behaviors and an even weaker positive association with accidents
and injuries.
Extraversion was anticipated to be only weakly or equivocally
related to safety performance behaviors or safety outcomes. On the
one hand, high extraversion could be detrimental because the
sensation-seeking aspect of the trait could lead people to engage in
Figure 1. An integrative model of workplace safety.
risky behavior (e.g., Golimbet, Alfimova, Gritsenko, & Ebstein,
2007). On the other hand, extraversion is closely aligned with
positive affect (Eysenck, 1967; Iverson & Erwin, 1997), which is
associated with high self-efficacy (Judge, 1993) and contextually
oriented behaviors. Moreover, extraversion has been found to be
unrelated to accidents (e.g., Clarke & Robertson, 2005).
Locus of control is the extent to which people feel they person-
ally control the events in their lives as opposed to those events
being controlled by the external environment (cf. Judge, Erez,
Bono, & Thoresen, 2002). The Big Five trait most strongly related
to locus of control appears to be neuroticism (Judge & Bono,
2001). However, given that over half of the variance in locus of
control cannot be explained by neuroticism, we examined these
two categories separately. People who believe they can control
events should be more motivated to learn about and engage in safe
practices than people who do not believe they can control acci-
dents. Given its distal relationship with criteria, we anticipated a
moderate relationship between internal locus of control and safety
performance behaviors (particularly safety participation due to the
motivational component inherent in locus of control) and a weaker
relationship with outcomes.
Propensity for risk taking has been described as an amalgam-
ation of several Big Five traits (Nicholson, Soane, Fenton-
O’Creevy, & Willman, 2005). People high in risk taking tend to be
impulsive sensation seekers (Zuckerman, Kuhlman, Thornquist, &
Kiers, 1991), who might be more apt than their coworkers to
engage in unsafe behaviors either because they underestimate the
chances of accidents or because they are actually stimulated by
risk. Thus, we expected risk taking to have a negative relationship
with safety performance and a positive relationship with safety
outcomes. Further, we predicted risk taking to be moderately
related to safety performance and weakly related to outcomes
because of its distal relationship with the criteria in the theoretical
Attitudes, unlike personality, are presumably fluid and suscep-
tible to change depending on the situation (e.g., Petty & Cacioppo,
1986). Here, we examine general job attitudes that people hold
about their work (i.e., job satisfaction and organizational commit-
ment). In theory, more positive attitudes might lead to greater
motivation to behave safely. However, given research suggesting
that attitudes are a distal and imperfect predictor of behavior (e.g.,
Fazio & Williams, 1986) and the equivocal findings linking job
attitudes with performance (cf. Judge, Thoresen, Bono, & Patton,
2001), we do not offer firm predictions.
Situation Related: Safety Climate
A recent meta-analysis by Clarke (2006a) demonstrated that
safety climate is a meaningful predictor of safety performance
behaviors (particularly safety participation) and is weakly related
to accidents. In the current study, we build on Clarke’s findings by
further differentiating safety climate into psychological safety cli-
mate and group safety climate. We define psychological safety
climate as individual perceptions of safety-related policies, prac-
tices, and procedures pertaining to safety matters that affect per-
sonal well-being at work (cf. L. A. James & James, 1989; L. R.
James, Hater, Gent, & Bruni, 1978; L. R. James & Sells, 1981).
When these perceptions are shared among individuals in a partic-
ular work environment, a group-level climate emerges (L. R.
James, James, & Ashe, 1990). Thus, we define group-level safety
climate as shared perceptions of work environment characteristics
as they pertain to safety matters that affect a group of individuals
(e.g., Neal & Griffin, 2004; Zohar & Luria, 2005).
Further, we view safety climate as having a hierarchical
structure at both the psychological and group levels, on the
basis of theoretical arguments and the confirmatory factor an-
alytic work of L. A. James and James (1989) and Burke,
Borucki, and Hurley (1992). At the higher order factor level, we
conceptualize psychological climate with respect to employees’
perceptions of well-being. That is, at the higher order factor
level, we view first-order climate factors as driven by an
employee’s emotional evaluation of the degree to which the
work environment is perceived as personally beneficial or det-
rimental. In fact, Griffin and Neal’s (2000) factor analytic and
path modeling research, which involved a higher order safety
climate factor, relied directly on L. A. James and James (1989)
and Burke et al.’s (1992) arguments in positing and confirming
that safety climate is driven by a singular, higher order factor
reflecting assessments of well-being. When this perception is
aggregated to the group level, or when the perception refers to
the degree to which the work environment is beneficial or
detrimental to the group as a whole, this higher order factor is
conceptually a group-level factor (e.g., L. R. James et al.,
Safety climate was expected to positively influence safety
performance behaviors (through safety knowledge and motiva-
tion) and to negatively influence outcomes. A positive safety
climate should encourage safe action either through reward or
through principles of social exchange (cf. Clarke, 2006a; Grif-
fin & Neal, 2000; Hofmann, Morgeson, & Gerras, 2003; Zohar,
2000). Further, positive safety climates should enhance safety
knowledge because they are reflective of environments where
safety information is communicated formally through training
and meetings and informally through on-the-job discussion.
Thus, we anticipated that safety climate would be moderately
related to safety performance behaviors and weakly related to
more distal safety outcomes. We further anticipated that safety
climate would be more strongly related to safety participation
than safety compliance, because of the voluntary nature of
participation and the motivational desire of employees to recip-
rocate manager actions regarding safety (e.g., Clarke, 2006a;
Hofmann et al., 2003). We also expected that group-level
climate would have stronger relationships with safety perfor-
mance and outcomes than psychological climate. Zohar (e.g.,
2000) has argued that group-level climate results from patterns
of behaviors and practices as opposed to isolated events or
environmental circumstances. For perceptions to be shared
among individuals, an objective reality in the external environ-
ment must be concrete and influential enough that people can
agree in their perceptions.
To examine specific facets of safety climate, we utilized the
taxonomy put forth by Neal and Griffin (2004). As shown in
Table 1, included within this taxonomy are the following: man-
agement commitment, human resources management practices,
safety systems, supervisory support, internal group processes,
boundary management (for which we found no relevant studies),
risk, and work pressure.
Because each first-order factor is distally
related to safety behavior and outcomes, we anticipated that they
would generally have moderate relationships with safety perfor-
mance behavior and weaker relationships with outcomes.
Situation Related: Leadership
Leadership refers to perceptions of how a manager behaves,
enacts, and achieves organizational or group objectives in general
(as compared with the supervisor support facet of safety climate,
which refers to safety-specific supervisory behaviors; cf. Zohar,
2000). We included constructs such as leader–member exchange
(LMX) and transformational leadership in this category. Employ-
ees who have positive feelings toward their leader are more likely
to reciprocate when possible. As such, leadership quality has been
found to be related to occupational safety and safety outcomes
(Hofmann et al., 2003; Hofmann & Morgeson, 1999; Zohar,
2002a; Zohar & Luria, 2003). Further, Hofmann et al. (2003)
found that high-quality relationships with supervisors predicted
employees’ safety-related citizenship behaviors. Hence, we ex-
pected leadership to have a stronger relationship with safety par-
ticipation than with compliance. However, we expected leadership
to have a moderate relationship with performance and a weak
relationship with accidents.
Literature Search
A search was conducted to identify all peer-reviewed published
articles about predictors of occupational safety performance and
outcomes. Included in our definition of safety outcomes were
accidents, injuries, and fatalities as well as safety performance
behaviors. Keywords for the literature searches included combi-
nations of the following: safe(ty) climate; safe(ty) behaviors;
safe(ty) performance; (workplace, organizational, or occupa-
tional) (injuries, accidents, or fatalities). Through September
2008, we conducted electronic literature searches of databases,
including PsycINFO, Social Science Citation Index, and
MEDLINE. In addition, we conducted manual searches of major
journals relevant to industrial– organizational psychology and oc-
cupational safety (e.g., Academy of Management Journal,Journal
of Applied Psychology,Personnel Psychology, Journal of Safety
Research, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Accident
Analysis and Prevention, Safety Science) to locate articles that did
not surface in the database searches. We also consulted reference
sections of recent review articles to identify additional studies
Many of our first-order climate factors (i.e., first-order climate factors
coming from Neal & Griffin’s, 2004, work) were included in Griffin and
Neal’s (2000) hierarchical model of safety climate (e.g., Internal Group
Processes in our study overlaps with the factor they labeled Safety Com-
munication; Management Commitment in our study was labeled as Man-
agement Values in their earlier work). Notably, our first-order climate
factors, which reflect more specific content related to these work environ-
ment characteristics, are highly consistent with common first-order factors
(e.g., the focus on supervision, work group processes, human resource
practices, role overload, etc.) identified in several reviews of the safety
climate literature (cf. Flin et al., 2000) and reviews of the general climate
literature (e.g., Burke, Borucki, & Kaufman, 2002; L. R. James et al.,
Table 1
First-Order Factors of Safety Climate
Factor Element Example
Management commitment The extent to which people perceive that management values
safety and engages in communication and actions that
support safety
Perceived organizational support, management
safety practices and/or values, managerial
communication of safety
Human resource management
The extent to which people perceive that selection, training,
and reward systems contribute to safety
Selection systems, safety training, perfor-
mance management, reward systems
Safety systems Perceived quality of policies, procedures, or interventions
implemented by an organization with the intention of
improving safety outcomes
Hazard management, incident investigations,
safety policies and procedures
Supervisor support The extent to which people believe their supervisor values
safety as reflected in communication, encouragement, and
Supervisor safety consciousness, supervisory
safety values, supervisor safety
communication, supervisory safety
Internal group processes Perceptions of communication and support for safety within
work groups or the extent to which employees perceive
that their coworkers provide them with safety-related
cooperation and encouragement
Safety backup, safety communication, peer
safety orientation, trust in peers
Boundary management The perceived quality of communication between the work
group and other relevant stakeholders regarding safety
Risk The extent to which workers perceive the work itself as
Perceived job risk, perceived accident
potential, perceived physical hazards,
perceived job safety
Work pressure The extent to which the workload overwhelms one’s ability
to perform safely
Production pressure, pressure to take
shortcuts, workload, time pressure, role
Note. Adapted from Neal and Griffin (2004).
No applicable studies were found that examined the boundary management factor.
(e.g., Burke, Holman, & Birdi, 2006; Clarke & Robertson, 2005).
The initial searches yielded over 500 potential articles.
Criteria for Inclusion
After collecting the articles, two researchers independently as-
sessed each study to determine that (a) the study reported an effect
size between one or more antecedent and one or more safety
outcome, (b) the outcome occurred on the job, and (c) the job or
outcome was not driving related. We excluded driving outcomes
because many studies of driving safety confound work-related
driving with personal-use driving. Moreover, evidence suggests
differences in the antecedents of driving accidents versus other
workplace accidents (Iversen & Rundmo, 2002; Lajunen, 2001;
Wagenaar, 1992). After independent evaluation, agreement about
study inclusion was near 100%, and the researchers resolved
several discrepancies through discussion. At the end of the pro-
cess, 90 studies and 1,744 effect sizes had been identified for the
meta-analysis, 477 of which were utilized in the predictor-criterion
Categorization of Criterion Variables
To categorize criterion variables, two independent raters sorted
them into the predetermined safety criterion categories described
next. After both raters categorized each effect, the results were
compared to establish agreement, initially estimated at 94%. All
discrepancies were resolved through discussion, resulting in 100%
Safety outcomes: Accidents and injuries. Accidents and inju-
ries are often treated interchangeably with regard to their predic-
tors (e.g., Cooper, Phillips, Sutherland, & Makin, 1994; Sulzer-
Azaroff, Loafman, Merante, & Hlavacek, 1990; Tuncel, Lotlikar,
Salem, & Daraiseh, 2006). Moreover, definitions of accidents are
often confounded with injuries, with some researchers labeling as
accidents only those occurrences that result in injuries needing
medical attention (cf. Visser, Ysbrand, Stolk, Neeleman, & Ros-
malen, 2007). Thus, we computed an overall composite of acci-
dents and injuries.
Safety performance. Our conceptualization of safety perfor-
mance refers to individual behaviors; either measured at the indi-
vidual level or aggregated (e.g., rated groups of workers). Safety
performance was defined as safety compliance and safety partic-
ipation (cf. Neal & Griffin, 2004). Safety-related behaviors re-
quired by the organization were classified as safety compliance.
Safety participation consisted of voluntary behaviors that did not
contribute to personal safety but supported safety in the larger
organizational context. We augmented this definition with the six
safety citizenship factors provided by Hofmann et al. (2003):
communication and voice, helping, stewardship, whistle-blowing,
civic virtue, and initiating safety-related change. Finally, we in-
cluded a category representing a higher order safety performance
factor, consistent with Burke, Sarpy, et al.’s (2002) arguments.
This composite included broad, overall measures of safety-related
behaviors in addition to specific task (safety compliance) and
contextual (safety participation) behaviors. This composite vari-
able is conceptually meaningful because in many types of safety-
related work, contextual aspects of work, such as helping cowork-
ers in routine and nonroutine contexts, are requisite tasks for which
individuals often receive extensive training.
Categorization of Predictor Variables
We first generated a list of all predictor constructs and specific
operational measures utilized in each study. From this list, two
independent raters grouped together identical and conceptually
similar predictors based on logic, empirical evidence, and theoret-
ical considerations (e.g., combining neuroticism and negative af-
fectivity, combining conscientiousness and cognitive failures,
which is reflective of poor dependability; cf. Wallace & Chen,
2005). At the broadest level, predictors were sorted into person-
related and situation-related factors. Within each factor, several
domains were created to organize construct categories.
For person factors, the domains included proximal factors (i.e.,
safety knowledge, safety motivation) and distal factors (e.g., Big
Five personality traits, internal locus of control, risk-taking pro-
pensity, and job attitudes). For situation factors, categories were
based on whether the measure was individual level (e.g., psycho-
logical safety climate or leadership) or group level (e.g., work
group or organizational safety climate).
In our categorizing of safety climate, we encountered two con-
ceptual decisions. First, we had to clarify our conceptualization of
climate with regard to its factor structure, and second we had to
create a rule for how to operationalize climate at different levels of
analysis. First, we conceptualized climate as a higher order overall
factor in addition to a more specific set of first-order factors
consistent with Neal and Griffin (2004). Thus, we created a cate-
gory for overall safety climate, which included studies reporting
(a) an overall composite safety climate score or (b) at least two
dimensions consistent with Neal and Griffin (2004), from which
we calculated a composite data point. Next, studies were grouped
into each dimension of safety climate.
The second conceptual decision involved categorizing climate
measures at different levels of analysis. We coded climate at two
levels: individual (psychological) and group (work group, team, and
organizational levels). We defined psychological climate as individual
perceptions of work environment characteristics as they pertain to
safety matters that affect personal well-being (cf. L. R. James et al.,
1978; L. R. James & Sells, 1981), whereas group safety climate was
defined as shared perceptions of the same (e.g., Neal & Griffin, 2004;
Zohar & Luria, 2005) with regard to the work group or the organi-
zation. To be defined as group-level safety climate, a study must have
(a) collected individual-level data and aggregated on the basis of an
acceptable measure of agreement (e.g., r
, .70 or higher; Glick,
1985) or (b) collected data at the group level (e.g., supervisor ratings
of safety climate). Consistent with recommendations by Ostroff and
Harrison (1999), we did not include cross-level effects or nested data.
Rather, we included only correlations obtained from primary studies
that measured the predictor and criterion at the same levels. Table 2
illustrates the levels of analysis at which we coded constructs for each
primary study.
Coding of Studies
The coding process was conducted by three researchers. Ini-
tially, the studies were divided among the researchers such that
(text continues on page 1116)
Table 2
Studies Included in the Meta-Analysis (N ⫽90 Studies)
Study NDesign Industrial sector Sample description
Level of
analysis Coded predictor construct Source (predictor)
Coded criterion
Barling et al.
16,446 Concurrent Misc. industries Australian employees Individual Job attitudes, safety
systems, and work
Self Injuries Self
Barling et al.
174 Concurrent Food service Misc. employees Individual Safety climate and
Self Accidents/injuries
and safety
164 Concurrent Misc. occupations,
88% service
Employees younger
than 25 years old
Individual Safety climate, leadership,
and work pressure
Self Accidents/injuries
and safety
Borofsky & Smith
53 Longitudinal Manufacturing Misc. employees Individual Safety systems Self Accidents Archival
Brown et al. (2000) 551 Concurrent Steel mills Equipment and
Individual Locus of control, risk
taking behavior, safety
climate, and work
Self Safety compliance Self
Burke, Sarpy, et al.
127–133 Concurrent Hazardous waste Operators, technicians,
engineers, handlers,
plumbers, misc.
Individual Safety knowledge Archival Safety performance
(overall), safety
compliance, and
Burke et al. (2008) 31 Concurrent Health care Misc. employees Organizational Safety climate Archival Accidents Archival
67 Concurrent Health care Misc. employees Organizational Safety climate Archival Safety performance
Burt et al. (2008) 104 Concurrent Power generation
N/A Individual Job attitudes Self Safety participation Self
Cellar et al. (2001) 202 Concurrent Varied College students Individual Conscientiousness,
extraversion, and
Self Accidents Self
Clarke & Ward
83 Concurrent Glassware
Misc. employees Individual Safety climate and
Self Safety participation Self
22 Concurrent Glassware
Supervisors Individual Safety climate and
Self Safety participation Self
Clarke (2006b) 109 Concurrent UK car
N/A Individual Safety climate, leadership,
and work pressure
Self Accidents and
Cooper & Phillips
540 Longitudinal Packaging Production employees Individual Safety climate Self Safety performance
Davids & Mahoney
34 Concurrent Industrial plants N/A Individual Extraversion and
Self Accidents Archival
DeJoy et al. (2004) 2,120–2,182 Concurrent Retail stores Retail employees Individual Safety climate, management
commitment, leadership,
internal group processes,
risk, and work pressure
Self Safety performance
Donald & Canter
10 Concurrent Chemical industry Misc. employees Organizational Safety climate Self Accidents Self
Dunbar (1993) 44 Concurrent Chemical
Emergency response Individual HRM practices Self Safety compliance Observer
(table continues)
Table 2 (continued)
Study NDesign Industrial sector Sample description
Level of
analysis Coded predictor construct Source (predictor)
Coded criterion
Eklo¨f (2002) 92 Concurrent Swedish fishermen Swedish fishermen Individual Safety knowledge, locus of
control, and risk
Self Safety compliance Self
92 Concurrent Fishermen Swedish fishermen Individual Safety knowledge, locus of
control, risk-taking
behavior, and risk
Self Safety participation Self
Fallon et al. (2000) 359 Concurrent Home
Sales associates Individual Conscientiousness Self Safety performance
Fellner & Sulzer-
Azaroff (1984) 6 Longitudinal Paper mill N/A Group Management commitment Self Injuries Archival
17 Longitudinal Paper mill N/A Group Management commitment Archival/manipulated Safety compliance Observer
Frone (1998) 319 Concurrent Part-time
employees who
are students
Misc. employees Individual Neuroticism, risk-taking
behavior, job attitudes,
leadership, internal group
processes, risk, and work
Self Injuries Self
Fullarton & Stokes
868 Concurrent Industrial
N/A Individual Safety climate Self Injuries Archival
Geller et al. (1996) 328 Concurrent Plastics
Maintenance/operations Individual Conscientiousness,
extraversion, locus of
control, risk-taking
behavior, and internal
group processes
Self Safety participation Self
202 Concurrent Textile
Maintenance/operations Individual Conscientiousness,
extraversion, locus of
control, risk-taking
behavior, and internal
group processes
Self Safety participation Self
Goldenhar et al.
408 Concurrent Construction Laborers in the Pacific
Individual Neuroticism, safety climate,
HRM practices,
leadership, and work
Self Injuries and safety
Griffin & Neal
326 Concurrent Manufacturing and
Australian employees Individual Safety knowledge, safety
motivation, safety
climate, and HRM
Self Safety compliance
and safety
1,264 Concurrent Manufacturing and
Australian employees Individual Safety knowledge and
safety climate
Self Safety compliance
and safety
Hansen (1989) 362 Concurrent Chemical industry Production and
Individual Neuroticism and risk Self Archival Accidents Archival
Accidents Archival
Harrell (1990) 244 Concurrent Professional and
blue-collar jobs
Canadians Individual Risk and work pressure Self Accidents Self
(table continues)
Table 2 (continued)
Study NDesign Industrial sector Sample description
Level of
analysis Coded predictor construct Source (predictor)
Coded criterion
Hayes et al. (1998) 297 Concurrent N/A Industrial accident
victims seen by
medical consulting
Individual Job attitudes, management
commitment, safety
systems, supervisor
support, internal group
processes, risk, and work
Self Accidents and
301 Concurrent N/A Industrial accident
victims seen by
medical consulting
Individual Management commitment,
safety systems,
supervisor support,
internal group processes,
and risk
Self Accidents Self
156 Concurrent Utilities Telephone line
Individual Management commitment,
HRM practices, safety
systems, supervisor
support, internal group
processes, and risk
Self Accidents and
Hemingway &
Smith (1999)
252 Concurrent Health care Nurses Individual Supervisor support, internal
group processes, risk,
and work pressure
Self Injuries Self
Hofmann &
49 Concurrent Manufacturing Group leaders Individual Management commitment
and leadership
Self Safety participation
and accidents
Self and
Hofmann & Stetzer
21 Concurrent Chemical
operating core
Group Safety climate, internal
group processes, and
work pressure
Self Accidents, safety
compliance, and
and self
Hofmann & Stetzer
159 Concurrent Utility worker Outdoor utility Group Safety climate Self Safety participation Self
1,359 Concurrent Utility worker Outdoor utility Individual Safety climate Self Safety participation Self
Hsu et al. (2008) 256 Concurrent N/A Japanese employees Individual Locus of control,
commitment, safety
systems, supervisor
support, and internal
group processes
Self Safety performance
295 Concurrent N/A Taiwanese employees Individual Locus of control,
commitment, safety
systems, supervisor
support, and internal
group processes
Self Safety performance
Huang et al. (2006) 1,856 Concurrent Manufacturing,
service, and
N/A Individual Locus of control,
commitment, and HRM
Self Injuries Self
Iverson & Erwin
361–362 Concurrent Unionized blue-
Production and
Individual Neuroticism, extraversion,
leadership, internal group
processes, risk, and work
Self Injuries Archival
(table continues)
Table 2 (continued)
Study NDesign Industrial sector Sample description
Level of
analysis Coded predictor construct Source (predictor)
Coded criterion
Johnson (2007) 17 Longitudinal Heavy
N/A Group Safety climate Self Injuries and safety
Jones & Wuebker
280 Concurrent Health care Hospital employees
excluding physicians
Individual Locus of control Self Injuries Self
Krause et al.
73 Longitudinal Misc. plants N/A Organizational HRM practices Other Injuries Archival
Liao et al. (2001) 1,286 Concurrent Emergency
Firefighters, officers Individual Neuroticism and
Self Injuries Archival
Lilley et al. (2002) 367 Concurrent Logging or
Machine operators,
pruners, skid/log
Individual Work pressure Self Injuries Self
Lingard (2002) 14 Longitudinal N/A N/A Individual HRM practices Other Safety compliance Other
Maierhofer et al.
218 Concurrent Beauty Hairstylists Individual Safety motivation and work
Self Safety compliance Self
Supervisor support Supervisor
McLain & Jarrell
234 Concurrent Industrial Misc. jobs Individual Safety climate, management
commitment, and work
Self Safety performance
Mearns et al.
722 Concurrent Offshore oil and
gas installations
production, catering,
Individual Safety motivation and risk Self Accidents Self
Mearns et al.
55 Concurrent Offshore oil and
gas installations
N/A Group Job attitudes and
management commitment
Self Accidents and
13 Concurrent Offshore oil and
gas installations
N/A Group Job attitudes and
management commitment
Self Accidents Self
40 Concurrent Offshore oil and
gas installations
N/A Organizational Management commitment
and work pressure
Self Accidents and
Melamed &
532 Concurrent 8 industrial plants
(power, metal
material, heavy
Nonshift daytime
Group Risk Archival Injuries Archival
Michael et al.
641 Concurrent Wood products
Production employees Individual Job attitudes, supervisor
support, and risk
Self Injuries Archival
Michael et al.
598 Concurrent Wood products
Hourly employees Individual Job attitudes and supervisor
Self Accidents and
Self and
Mohamed (1999) 36 Concurrent Construction Managers Organizational Safety climate Self Safety performance
Neal & Griffin
33 Longitudinal Health care Hospital staff Group Safety climate Self Accidents Archival
Safety performance
135 Longitudinal Health care Hospital staff Individual Safety motivation,
neuroticism, and safety
Self Safety compliance
and safety
(table continues)
Table 2 (continued)
Study NDesign Industrial sector Sample description
Level of
analysis Coded predictor construct Source (predictor)
Coded criterion
Neal et al. (2000) 525 Concurrent Health care Australian hospital Individual Safety knowledge, safety
motivation, safety
climate, and management
Self Safety performance
(overall) and
Paul & Maiti
300 Concurrent Mining Coal miner Individual Neuroticism, risk taking
behavior, and job
Self Injuries and safety
Probst (2004) 136 Concurrent Manufacturing Production employees Individual Safety knowledge and
safety climate
Self Accidents/injuries
and safety
Probst & Brubaker
134–138 Longitudinal Food processing Misc. Individual Safety knowledge, job
attitudes, and supervisor
Self Accidents/injuries
and safety
Prussia et al.
121 Concurrent Steel company Managers/supervisors Group Management commitment,
risk, and work pressure
Supervisor Safety performance
(overall) and
Real (2008) 645 Concurrent N/A Production employees Individual Supervisor support and risk Self Injuries and safety
Ringenbach &
Jacobs (1995)
209 Concurrent Nuclear power
Clerical, operational,
Individual Conscientiousness, safety
climate, and work
Self Injuries and safety
Rundmo (1994) 857–863 Concurrent Offshore
Norwegian Individual HRM practices and safety
Self Accidents Self
Rundmo (1996) 993–1,001 Concurrent Petroleum Sea platform
Individual Risk Self Safety compliance Self
Rundmo (2000) 730 Concurrent Fertilizer, energy,
Misc. employees Individual Neuroticism Self Accidents Self
Rundmo (2001) 814 Concurrent Agricultural,
energy and
Varied Individual Locus of control, risk, and
work pressure
Self Safety compliance Self
Saari & Lahtela
246 Concurrent Light metal
Production employees Individual Work pressure Other (observed by
Accidents Archival
Salminen & Klen
228 Concurrent Forestry Forestry employees Individual Locus of control Self Safety compliance Self
Salminen et al.
185–203 Concurrent Forestry Forestry employees Individual Neuroticism, extraversion,
locus of control, and
risk-taking behavior
Self Accidents Archival
Seo et al. (2004) 620 Concurrent Grain elevators Nonclerical and clerical Individual Safety climate Self Accidents, safety
(overall), and
Simard &
68 Concurrent Manufacturing
Supervisors, managers Organizational Safety systems and
supervisor support
Self Safety compliance
and safety
and self
(table continues)
Table 2 (continued)
Study NDesign Industrial sector Sample description
Level of
analysis Coded predictor construct Source (predictor)
Coded criterion
Siu et al. (2003) 374 Concurrent Construction Construction work,
Individual Management commitment,
HRM practices,
supervisor support,
internal group processes,
and work pressure
Self Accidents/injuries,
compliance, and
Siu et al. (2004) 374 Concurrent Construction Construction
employees: Hong
Individual Neuroticism, job attitudes,
and safety climate
Self Accidents Self
Smith et al. (2006) 33 Concurrent Companies
Misc. Organizational Safety climate Self Injuries Archival
Snyder et al.
253 Concurrent Facilities
food service,
Misc. Individual Safety climate and risk Self Injuries Self
73 Concurrent Pipefitting Pipefitters Individual Safety climate and risk Self Injuries Self
Stephenson et al.
324 Concurrent Mining Miners Individual Safety systems Assigned Safety compliance Self
Storeth (2007) 1,442 Concurrent Transportation Norwegian:
administration, sales,
Individual Supervisor support, risk,
and work pressure
Self Safety performance
Sutherland &
Cooper (1991)
554 Longitudinal Offshore drilling
and production
Misc. Individual Neuroticism Self Accidents Self
Thoms &
23 Concurrent Manufacturing Department managers Group HRM practices and risk Self Accidents Archival
Torp & Moen
436 Longitudinal Garage Managers and
Individual Safety systems Self Safety compliance Self
Trimpop et al.
778 Concurrent Veterinary Vet surgeons,
administration, lab
Individual Job attitudes, internal group
processes, and work
Self Accidents Self
Turner et al. (2005) 334 Concurrent Railway Trackside Individual HRM practices and work
Self Safety participation Self
Varonen & Mattila
8 Concurrent Sawmills,
parquet plants
Finnish Organizational Safety motivation, safety
climate, and supervisor
Self Accidents Archival
Varonen & Mattila
13 Concurrent Wood processing Misc. Group Safety systems Self Accidents Archival
Wallace &
222 Concurrent Military Electrical work Individual Conscientiousness Self Accidents Self
Wallace &
219 Concurrent Production Maintenance/assembly
Individual Conscientiousness Self Accidents and
(table continues)
Table 2 (continued)
Study NDesign Industrial sector Sample description
Level of
analysis Coded predictor construct Source (predictor)
Coded criterion
Watson et al.
408 Concurrent Steel manufacturing Sheet rolling Individual Management commitment,
leadership, internal group
processes, and risk
Self Safety compliance Self
Wogalter et al.
79 Concurrent Misc. Introduction to
psychology students
Individual Safety systems Manipulated Safety compliance Self
Wu et al. (2008) 920 Concurrent University
Faculty, staff,
Individual Safety climate and
management commitment
Self Safety participation Self
Wuebker (1986) 120 Concurrent Hospitality Hotel employees Individual Locus of control Self Accidents Archival
Zacharatos et al.
138 Concurrent Chemical, automotive,
Human resources and
safety directors
Organizational HRM practices Archival Injuries Archival
189 Concurrent Petroleum and
Plant/field operators,
Individual Safety knowledge, safety
motivation, job attitudes,
safety climate,
commitment, and HRM
Self Injuries and safety
Zohar (2000) 53 Concurrent Metal-processing
Fixing heavy
Group Supervisor support and risk Self Injuries and
534 Concurrent Metal-processing
Fixing heavy
Individual Supervisor support, risk,
and work pressure
Self Accidents
Zohar (2002a) 42 Concurrent Metal processing Production employees Group Safety climate and
supervisor support
Self Injuries Self
Zohar (2002b) 33 Concurrent Equipment
Line workers and
Group HRM practices Archival/manipulated Accidents
Work pressure Supervisor
Zohar & Luria
42 Concurrent Military Infantry soldiers Group Safety motivation, safety
climate, supervisor
support, and risk
Self Injuries Archival
Zohar & Luria
36–401 Concurrent Metal, food, plastics,
chemical industry
Manufacturing plant
Group and
Safety climate Self Safety performance
Note. N ⫽number of participants in each independent sample. Misc. ⫽miscellaneous; N/A ⫽study did not provide this information; HRM ⫽human resource management; Other ⫽rated by external observer(s).
two individuals were responsible for coding and double coding, or
verifying the initial coding of each article. In instances of disagree-
ment between the first and second coding, a third researcher also
coded the study and either resolved the issue or the researchers met
to arrive at a consensus through discussion. Following this process,
initial agreement was 89%, and through discussion, 100% consen-
sus was achieved.
Meta-Analytic Calculations
We used the meta-analytic procedures proposed by Raju, Burke,
Normand, and Langlois (1991). Raju et al.’s procedure yields
estimates of construct-level effect sizes by correcting for artifac-
tual error (i.e., sampling error, unreliability of measures), using
sample-based artifact data (i.e., reliability estimates from the pri-
mary studies) as opposed to using artifact distributions. Raju et
al.’s procedures were optimally designed in the sense of estimating
appropriately defined standard errors for corrected correlations
when sample-based artifact values, such as a sample-based crite-
rion reliability estimates (or assumed-fixed population reliability
estimates), are incorporated into the corrections. The reader is
referred to more recent discussions by Raju and Brand (2003) and
Raju, Lezotte, Fearing, and Oshima (2006) on the estimation of the
standard errors for individually corrected correlations with sample-
based and assumed (fixed) artifact values within Raju et al.’s
meta-analytic procedures. In addition, the reader is referred to
Burke and Landis (2003) for the equation used to estimate the
standard error of the mean corrected correlation (assuming a
random effects model) used in this meta-analysis. As noted by
several authors, the utilization of a random effects model results in
more accurate Type I error rates and more realistic confidence
intervals than does a fixed effect model (e.g., Erez, Bloom, &
Wells, 1996; Overton, 1998).
When reliability information was not provided for a particular
effect, we substituted the best estimate of reliability, based on the
population of studies. To arrive at this estimate, sample size
weighted mean reliabilities were calculated from all reported reli-
abilities for each construct measure within the study population.
Because scale reliability estimates may vary at multiple levels
(Zyphur, Kaplan, & Christian, 2008), reliabilities were estimated
within level. For archival criterion data (e.g., number of accidents
during the year), no corrections for unreliability were made. The
estimates of reliability calculated in the current study can be found
in Table 3. Across our analyses, 63% of the reliability data were
sample based.
A number of the studies measured a particular construct cate-
gory in multiple ways (e.g., with different safety climate mea-
sures); in these cases, composite correlations were derived with the
Spearman–Brown formula (Hunter & Schmidt, 2004, pp. 454 –
463). Composite correlations, in comparison to a simple averaging
of correlations, are advantageous in that they provide a higher level
of construct validity and limit downward biasing.
Meta-Analytic Path Analysis
To provide a more comprehensive analysis of the theoretical
relationships among the factors in our conceptual framework (see
Figure 1), we applied path analysis techniques to our meta-analytic
data to test an exemplar path model. As input, we used a correla-
tion matrix containing corrected correlations between each vari-
able in the model. Three decision criteria were applied in the
generation of this matrix: (a) the variables must enable a strong
exemplar test of the model we present in Figure 1 (i.e., they must
represent some theoretically derived combination of indirect
situation-related factors and person-related factors, direct factors,
safety performance, and safety outcomes); (b) the variables should
represent the largest possible combination of sample sizes in each
cell of the matrix; and (c) the variables should all be measured at
the individual level.
Once we had applied these decision rules, we settled on a model
integrating conscientiousness, safety climate, safety knowledge,
safety motivation, safety performance, and safety outcomes. As we
have argued, conscientiousness, although presumably not related
to safety knowledge, should have a direct relationship with safety
motivation. Safety climate should have a direct effect on both
safety motivation and safety knowledge (e.g., Griffin & Neal,
2000). Knowledge and motivation should be directly related to
performance, which is directly related to safety outcomes.
The resulting input matrix consisted of 15 cells. Two cells in our
matrix were empty, between (a) conscientiousness and safety
Table 3
Mean Sample-Based Reliability Estimates Used for Analyses
Construct kN
Mean reliability
Predictor measure
Safety knowledge 8 2,758 .784
Safety motivation 5 1,393 .845
Conscientiousness 7 1,601 .896
Neuroticism 9 3,255 .740
Extraversion 6 1,461 .741
Locus of control 7 2,307 .755
Risk taking 4 1,173 .773
Job attitudes 10 19,780 .766
Psychological safety climate 48 33,739 .794
Management commitment 9 4,352 .889
HRM practices 4 2,964 .772
Safety systems 6 17,442 .769
Supervisor support 16 8,091 .807
Internal group processes 10 4,867 .880
Perceived job risk 14 7,986 .850
Work pressure 13 4,816 .755
Group-level safety climate 14 794 .851
Management commitment 1 121 .880
HRM practices 3 129 1.000
Safety systems 3 219 .851
Supervisor support 8 358 .805
Perceived job risk 1 42 .870
Work pressure 2 63 .803
Leadership 10 4,207 .796
Criterion measure
Accidents and injuries 5 1,800 .784
Safety performance (overall) 18 6,076 .858
Safety compliance 24 7,348 .734
Safety participation 21 5,620 .790
Measures of group-level HRM practices included in the analysis were all
scored dichotomously (i.e., either the organization had or did not have
practices in place), so predictor measures were assumed to contain no error.
All estimates were conducted within level (i.e., group or individual).
HRM ⫽human resource management.
motivation and (b) conscientiousness and safety knowledge. Thus,
following recommendations by Viswesvaran and Ones (1995), we
used assumed corrected population values as estimates of these
relationships. For the relationship between conscientiousness and
knowledge, we used the sample-weighted average of the values
from Colquitt, LePine, and Noe, (2000) and Mauer, Lippstreu, and
Judge (2008). This value (r
⫽.00, N⫽1,908) represented a
combination of declarative and procedural knowledge, which are
both components of safety knowledge (Burke, Sarpy, et al., 2002).
The assumed value between conscientiousness and motivation
⫽.20, N⫽574) represented a combination of goal commit-
ment (Barrick, Mount, & Strauss, 1993), prior participation in
development activities (Mauer et al., 2008), and self-efficacy
(Colquitt et al., 2000). Additionally, we used the harmonic mean of
all the sample sizes contained in the matrix because the harmonic
mean gives much less weight to large sample sizes than the
arithmetic mean and is therefore a more conservative parameter
estimate (Viswesvaran & Ones, 1995). Although we report overall
fit statistics, we emphasize the magnitudes of direct and indirect
effects when assessing model fit.
Descriptive Information
For a complete description of the constructs coded from each
study, the levels of analysis for each construct, and the source of
the ratings of each construct, please refer to Table 2. Also, Table
3 presents sample-weighted mean reliability coefficients computed
at the construct level, using estimates of internal consistency
provided by studies.
Predictor–Criterion Relationships
A corrected mean correlation (i.e., M
) is statistically significant
at the p⬍.05 level when its 95% confidence interval does not
include zero. Unless reported otherwise, for all mean effects re-
ported here, the confidence interval did not overlap zero. In addi-
tion, we report credibility intervals, which indicate the extent to
which individual correlations varied across studies for a particular
analysis distribution (Hunter & Schmitt, 2004). Specific informa-
tion on these intervals and other meta-analytic findings are re-
ported in Tables 4 and 5. In addition, we do not report corrected
predictor– criterion correlations for analyses of fewer than three
General expectations. We expected to find magnitudes of
relationships consistent with the conceptual model in Figure 1,
which posits stronger effects for proximal factors and weaker
effects for distal person-related and situation-related factors. As
shown in Tables 4 and 5, in general these expectations were
supported with regard to safety performance, because the two
proximal factors—safety knowledge and safety motivation—
exhibited stronger effects for the safety performance composite
⫽.61 and M
⫽.57, respectively) than any of the distal
factors (range: M
⫽.18 –.51). Conversely, our expectations were
not supported with regard to safety outcomes, because 20 of the 22
distal factors we examined had stronger magnitudes than the M
.11 (ns) estimate we obtained for the proximal factor safety knowl-
In the next sections, we focus on our expectations for magnitude
and direction regarding each antecedent’s correlation with perfor-
mance and outcomes, discussing correlation magnitudes according
to the guidelines provided by Cohen (1988), which suggest that an
effect size between .1 and .3 be considered weak, an effect size
between .3 and .5 be considered moderate, and an effect size of .5
or higher be considered strong. Further, we interpret our findings
with respect to the magnitudes of each relationship with overall
safety performance and outcomes. We report the findings with
respect to safety participation and safety compliance only for those
variables expected to exhibit differential magnitudes. Also, we
omit reporting expected relationships for which we had insuffi-
cient data to generate estimates. The remaining estimates can be
found in Tables 4 and 5.
Proximal person-related factors. Consistent with expecta-
tions, safety performance was strongly related to safety knowledge
⫽.61) and safety motivation (M
⫽.57). Also, we expected
that safety knowledge would be more strongly related to compli-
ance than participation, which was not supported (M
⫽.60 for
compliance, M
⫽.61 for participation). Further, we expected
safety motivation to be more strongly related to participation than
compliance; however, we obtained sufficient data only for com-
pliance (M
⫽.44). Finally, although we expected a moderate
relationship, safety knowledge was not significantly related to
safety outcomes (M
Distal person-related factors. We expected that conscien-
tiousness, locus of control, and risk taking would be moderately
correlated with safety performance and weakly correlated with
safety outcomes. Expectations were partially supported for safety
performance, because safety performance was moderately related
to locus of control (M
⫽.35) but was weakly related to consci-
entiousness (M
⫽.18) and risk taking (M
⫽⫺.28). We also
expected that job attitudes would be weakly (or equivocally)
related to safety performance, which was supported (M
Finally, we expected locus of control to have a stronger relation-
ship with safety participation than compliance. This was supported
⫽.25 for compliance; M
⫽.43 for participation).
With regard to our expectations for safety outcomes, we again
found partial support. Conscientiousness (M
⫽⫺.26), neuroti-
cism (M
⫽.19), locus of control (M
⫽⫺.26), and job attitudes
⫽⫺.17) were each weakly related to safety outcomes. How-
ever, extraversion (M
⫽⫺.07) and risk taking (M
⫽. 20) were
not significantly related.
Distal situation-related factors. We expected that both safety
climate and leadership would have moderate relationships with
safety performance and weak relationships with safety outcomes.
These expectations were supported for overall safety climate and
safety performance, because safety climate was moderately related
to safety performance at the individual level (M
⫽.49) and at the
group level (M
⫽.51). However, our expectation to find a
stronger relationship with safety performance between group-level
climate and individual-level safety climate was not supported,
although the effects were in the right direction. Leadership’s
relationship with safety performance (M
⫽.31) was in line with
Regarding the first-order safety climate factors, we found sup-
port for our expectation of moderate relationships with safety
performance with the exception of individual-level perceived job
risk (M
⫽⫺.29) and individual-level work pressure (M
⫺.14). Also, we expected to find stronger effects for safety climate
and leadership with safety participation than with safety compli-
ance. As predicted, psychological safety climate was more
strongly related to participation (M
⫽.59) than compliance
⫽.48), as was group-level safety climate (M
⫽.59 for
participation, M
⫽.40 for compliance). This expectation was also
supported for leadership (M
⫽.24 for compliance, M
⫽.35 for
participation). We caution that although the magnitudes of these
relationships are in the expected directions, the respective mean
correlations had overlapping confidence intervals.
Table 4
Results for Meta-Analysis of Person- and Situation-Related Factors With Safety Performance Composite, Safety Compliance, and
Safety Participation
Construct kN M
95% conf. int.
80% cred. int.
Person-related factors
Safety knowledge 9 2,893 .47 .16 .61 .06 .50 .72 .16 .41 .81
Compliance 8 2,803 .46 .17 .60 .05 .50 .71 .14 .42 .79
Participation 4 1,815 .45 .11 .61 .08 .46 .76 .14 .42 .79
Safety motivation 5 1,393 .50 .24 .57 .11 .36 .78 .23 .27 .87
Compliance 4 868 .47 .15 .44 .12 .20 .68 .14 .14 .74
Conscientiousness 5 1,317 .15 .11 .18 .06 .06 .28 .10 .04 .31
Locus of control 9 2,858 .28 .16 .35 .07 .22 .48 .19 .11 .60
Compliance 4 1,685 .19 .11 .25 .08 .10 .41 .15 .06 .44
Participation 3 622 .33 .06 .43 .04 .34 .51 — — —
Risk taking 4 1,173 ⫺.23 .07 ⴚ.28 .04 ⫺.37 ⫺.19 .05 ⫺.35 ⫺.21
Participation 3 622 ⫺.19 .08 ⫺.24 .06 ⫺.36 ⫺.12 .06 ⫺.31 ⫺.16
Job attitudes 4 924 .20 .07 .25 .04 .16 .33 .04 .19 .30
Compliance 3 624 .24 .04 .30 .03 .25 .35 .00 — —
Situation-related factors
Psychological safety climate 31 15,327 .39 .18 .49 .05 .40 .58 .17 .24 .80
Compliance 18 6,783 .36 .19 .48 .07 .35 .61 .11 .28 .85
Participation 9 2,971 .45 .13 .59 .06 .47 .70 .17 .36 .81
Management commitment 12 5,823 .34 .18 .40 .05 .30 .49 .22 .19 .61
Compliance 6 1,949 .33 .13 .41 .08 .25 .57 .19 .17 .66
HRM practices 7 1,656 .31 .16 .42 .09 .24 .60 .23 .13 .71
Compliance 3 544 .40 .17 .57 .14 .29 .85 .24 .27 .88
Participation 3 1,034 .44 .18 .58 .16 .28 .89 .27 .24 .93
Safety systems 8 2,032 .31 .16 .38 .07 .25 .51 .18 .15 .60
Compliance 5 1,292 .22 .11 .27 .05 .16 .38 .10 .14 .40
Supervisor support 9 3,821 .30 .11 .38 .06 .28 .49 .16 .18 .59
Compliance 6 1,591 .32 .14 .43 .09 .26 .60 .20 .17 .68
Internal group processes 9 4,497 .32 .12 .40 .05 .31 .49 .13 .24 .56
Compliance 4 1,235 .38 .07 .48 .05 .38 .59 .09 .36 .60
Participation 3 904 .42 .15 .52 .09 .34 .69 .16 .34 .69
Perceived job risk 10 7,063 ⫺.24 .16 ⴚ.29 .06 ⫺.40 ⫺.17 .18 ⫺.52 ⫺.05
Compliance 6 2,764 ⫺.13 .07 ⫺.16 .04 ⫺.24 ⫺.08 .08 ⫺.26 ⫺.06
Work pressure 12 7,065 ⫺.11 .10 ⴚ.14 .04 ⫺.21 ⫺.07 .11 ⫺.28 .01
Compliance 7 2,771 ⫺.15 .08 ⫺.20 .04 ⫺.28 ⫺.12 .09 ⫺.31 ⫺.08
Participation 3 872 ⫺.17 .06 ⫺.22 .05 ⫺.32 ⫺.12 .04 ⫺.27 ⫺.16
Group-level safety climate 10 598 .43 .22 .51 .08 .36 .66 .24 .23 .79
Compliance 4 250 .33 .22 .40 .12 .17 .64 .21 .13 .68
Participation 3 248 .47 .25 .59 .16 .28 .90 .27 .27 .91
Management commitment 4 233 .45 .22 .51 .12 .27 .75 .22 .23 .79
Compliance 4 233 .45 .22 .52 .12 .28 .76 .22 .23 .81
Work pressure 3 182 ⫺.30 .17 ⴚ.35 .10 ⫺.55 ⫺.16 .11 ⫺.50 ⫺.21
Compliance 3 182 ⫺.32 .15 ⫺.38 .09 ⫺.56 ⫺.21 .07 ⫺.48 ⫺.29
Leadership 9 3,537 .25 .09 .31 .04 .24 .38 .11 .19 .43
Compliance 3 925 .19 .05 .24 .03 .18 .30 .00 — —
Participation 3 154 .30 .05 .35 .04 .27 .43 .00 — —
Note. k ⫽the number of independent effect sizes included in each analysis; N⫽sample size (for individual-level estimates, N⫽number of individuals;
for group-level estimates, N⫽number of groups); M
⫽mean uncorrected correlation; SD
⫽standard deviation of uncorrected correlations; M
corrected correlation (corrected for unreliability in the predictor and criterion); SE
⫽standard error of M
; 95% conf. int. ⫽95% confidence interval
for M
⫽standard deviation of estimated s; 80% cred. int. ⫽80% credibility interval; L ⫽lower; U ⫽upper; HRM ⫽human resource management.
Values in bold indicate mean corrected correlations for safety performance composite.
Our expectations for safety climate and safety outcomes were
partially supported, because overall psychological safety climate was
weakly related to outcomes (M
⫽⫺.14), as was each first-order
climate factor. At the group level, we found moderate relationships for
overall safety climate (M
⫽⫺.39) and for four of the six first-order
climate factors: management commitment (M
⫽⫺.36), human re-
source management practices (M
⫽⫺.46), safety systems (M
⫺.38), and work pressure (M
⫽.33). Group-level supervisor support
⫽⫺.24) and perceived job risk (M
⫽.13) were weaker than
expected. Finally, leadership, as expected, was weakly related to
safety outcomes (M
Moderator Analyses
To further explore our data, we conducted two sets of moderator
analyses of the calculated relationships between predictors and crite-
ria. For the sake of comprehensiveness, we present all available data
regardless of kin Tables 6 and 7. However, here we present meta-
analytic results only for analyses with a kof 3 or more.
Criterion source. To examine the potential effects of common
method biases and other potential sources of error for which we
could not correct (i.e., reporting biases), we considered criterion
source as a moderator. We calculated these estimates for perfor-
mance and outcomes within our two largest predictor distributions
(i.e., individual- and group-level overall safety climate). Readers
may refer to Table 2 for a complete list of the sources of ratings for
each primary study and to Table 6 for the results of our moderator
analyses. At the individual level, 92% of the safety criterion
measures were self-reported, and 8% were archival or observer
ratings. At the group level, 32% of the criterion measures were
self-reported (aggregated to the group level), 5% were supervisor
rated, and 64% were archival or rated by outside observers or
authorities. For safety performance, at the individual level we were
unable to find any conclusive evidence of differential correlations
across criterion source, because the majority of effects were self-
reported. At the group level, we again did not find conclusive
evidence for moderation (i.e., no significant differences), although
archival safety performance had a stronger relationship with safety
climate (M
⫽.69) than did self-reported safety performance
⫽.59). For safety outcomes at the individual level, psycho-
logical safety climate was more strongly related to medical and
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) records
of accidents and injuries (M
⫽⫺.20) than to self-reported acci-
dents and injuries (M
⫽⫺.13), with the difference approaching
significance. At the group level, the same pattern emerged, with
Table 5
Results for Meta-Analysis of Person- and Situation-Related Factors With Accidents and Injuries Composite
Construct kN M
95% conf. int.
80% cred. int.
Person-related factors
Safety knowledge 3 461 ⫺.07 .14 ⴚ.11 .11 ⫺.33 .12 .17 ⫺.32 .11
Conscientiousness 4 852 ⫺.22 .13 ⴚ.26 .07 ⫺.40 ⫺.11 .13 ⫺.42 ⫺.10
Neuroticism 12 5,129 .15 .16 .19 .06 .08 .31 .19 ⫺.06 .44
Extraversion 5 2,083 ⫺.06 .10 ⴚ.07 .05 ⫺.17 .04 .11 ⫺.20 .07
Locus of control 4 2,446 ⫺.20 .04 ⴚ.26 .03 ⫺.32 ⫺.21 .03 ⫺.30 ⫺.22
Risk taking 3 820 .16 .16 .20 .11 ⫺.02 .41 .18 ⫺.04 .43
Job attitudes 9 20,078 ⫺.13 .04 ⴚ.17 .02 ⫺.20 ⫺.13 .05 ⫺.23 ⫺.11
Situation-related factors
Psychological safety climate overall 27 27,639 ⫺.11 .07 ⴚ.14 .02 ⫺.17 ⫺.11 .07 ⫺.23 ⫺.04
Management commitment 7 3,222 ⫺.17 .05 ⴚ.21 .03 ⫺.26 ⫺.16 .04 ⫺.26 ⫺.16
HRM practices 5 3,657 ⫺.15 .04 ⴚ.19 .02 ⫺.24 ⫺.14 .03 .02 ⫺.16
Safety systems 6 17,439 ⫺.12 .03 ⴚ.16 .01 ⫺.19 ⫺.13 .03 ⫺.19 ⫺.12
Supervisor support 12 4,615 ⫺.12 .07 ⴚ.15 .03 ⫺.20 ⫺.10 .07 ⫺.24 ⫺.06
Internal group processes 8 2,839 ⫺.16 .08 ⴚ.19 .03 ⫺.25 ⫺.12 .07 ⫺.28 ⫺.10
Perceived job risk 15 5,693 .15 .13 .18 .04 .10 .26 .15 ⫺.02 .38
Work pressure 15 21,109 .06 .09 .07 .03 .01 .14 .12 ⫺.07 .22
Group-level safety climate overall 13 421 ⫺.34 .14 ⴚ.39 .05 ⫺.48 ⫺.29 ⫺.44 ⫺.33 .04
Management commitment 3 80 ⫺.33 .07 ⴚ.36 .04 ⫺.44 ⫺.27 .00 — —
HRM practices 3 129 ⫺.44 .14 ⴚ.46 .08 ⫺.62 ⫺.30 .06 ⫺.54 ⫺.38
Safety systems 3 219 ⫺.34 .12 ⴚ.38 .08 ⫺.53 ⫺.22 .10 ⫺.50 ⫺.25
Supervisor support 3 129 ⫺.21 .06 ⴚ.24 .10 ⫺.43 ⫺.05 .03 ⫺.28 ⫺.20
Perceived job risk 3 118 .12 .10 .13 .06 .02 .25 .00 — —
Work pressure 3 103 ⫺.27 .15 .33 .11 ⫺.54 ⫺.11 .05 ⫺.40 ⫺.26
Leadership 7 1,585 ⫺.14 .07 ⴚ.16 .03 ⫺.22 ⫺.10 .00 — —
Note. k ⫽the number of independent effect sizes included in each analysis; N⫽sample size (for individual-level estimates, N⫽number of individuals;
for group-level estimates, N⫽number of groups); M
⫽mean uncorrected correlation; SD
⫽standard deviation of uncorrected correlations; M
corrected correlation (corrected for unreliability in the predictor and criterion); SE
⫽standard error of M
; 95% conf. int. ⫽95% confidence interval
for M
⫽standard deviation of estimated s; 80% cred. int. ⫽80% credibility interval; L ⫽lower; U ⫽upper; HRM ⫽human resource management.
Values in bold indicate mean corrected correlations.
medical records and OSHA records of accidents and injuries
moderately related to climate (M
⫽⫺.42), whereas self-reported
outcomes were weak (M
Level of analysis. Next, we investigated the extent to which
operationalizing constructs at different levels of analysis (i.e.,
individual, work group, or organization level) moderates the rela-
tionship between climate and criteria. As depicted in Table 7, for
safety performance, individual-level measures and group-level
measures had similar magnitudes (M
⫽.49). Organizational-level
measures were weaker (M
⫽.38), although the difference was not
significant. For safety outcomes, we found a significant difference
between individual-level measures and higher levels of analysis.
Specifically, psychological safety climate (M
⫽⫺.14) was
weaker than work group safety climate (M
⫽⫺.38) and organi-
zational safety climate (M
Relationships Among Criteria
We also conducted meta-analyses to determine the extent to
which each of the criterion types included in our analyses were
Table 6
Results for Moderator Analyses for Safety Climate by Criterion Source
Criterion and construct kN M
or SE
95% conf.
80% cred.
Safety performance
Psychological safety climate
Self-reported safety behaviors 30 14,787 .38 .17 .47 .01 .45 .49 .43 .24 .51
Archival/observer ratings 1 540 .79 — .88 .02 .85 .91 — — —
Group-level safety climate
Self-reported safety behaviors 5 317 .48 .19 .59 .05 .49 .69 .03 .55 .63
Supervisor-rated safety behavior 1 121 .27 — .35 .11 .14 .56 — — —
Archival/observer ratings 3 93 .63 .15 .69 .06 .57 .81 .65 .03 .73
Psychological safety climate
Self-reported accidents/injuries 24 25,768 ⫺.10 .06 ⴚ.13 .01 ⫺.15 ⫺.11 ⫺.17 ⫺.09 .03
Medical records/OSHA 4 1,920 ⫺.16 .09 ⴚ.20 .03 ⫺.26 ⫺.14 ⫺.24 ⫺.16 .03
Group-level safety climate
Self-reported accidents/injuries 2 63 ⫺.19 .14 ⴚ.21 .12 ⫺.45 .03 — — —
Medical records/OSHA 11 360 ⫺.37 .14 ⴚ.42 .05 ⫺.52 ⫺.33 ⫺.46 ⫺.38 .03
Note. k ⫽the number of independent effect sizes included in each analysis; N⫽sample size (for individual-level estimates, N⫽number of individuals;
for group-level estimates, N⫽number of groups); M
⫽mean uncorrected correlation; SD
⫽standard deviation of uncorrected correlations; M
corrected correlation (corrected for unreliability in the predictor and criterion); SE
⫽standard error of M
; 95% conf. int. ⫽95% confidence interval
for or M
⫽standard deviation of estimated s; 80% cred. int. ⫽80% credibility interval; L ⫽lower; U ⫽upper; OSHA ⫽Occupational Safety
and Health Administration. Values in bold indicate mean corrected correlations. Estimates of individual, disattenuated correlations were estimated with
Equation 2 of Raju, Burke, Normand, and Langlois (1991), and the standard errors for these disattenuated correlations were estimated with either Equation
5 or Equation 9 of Raju and Brand (2003), depending on the availability of sample-based reliability on the predictor or criterion measure. For use of Raju
et al.’s Equation 2 and Raju and Brand’s Equations 5 and 9, the range restriction factor was fixed at 1.0.
Table 7
Results for Moderator Analyses for Safety Climate by Level of Analysis
Criterion and construct kN M
95% conf. int.
80% cred. int.
Safety performance
Psychological safety climate 31 15,327 .39 .18 .49 .05 .40 .58 .17 .24 .80
Work group-level safety climate 6 752 .43 .03 .49 .03 .43 .55 .18 .45 .53
Organization-level safety climate 5 247 .34 .21 .38 .06 .26 .50 .22 .34 .42
Accidents and injuries
Psychological safety climate 27 27,639 ⫺.11 .07 ⴚ.14 .02 ⫺.17 ⫺.11 .07 ⫺.23 ⫺.04
Work group-level safety climate 7 231 ⫺.33 .16 ⴚ.38 .06 ⫺.51 ⫺.26 ⫺.43 ⫺.34 .03
Organization-level safety climate 6 190 ⫺.34 .12 ⴚ.39 .07 ⫺.52 ⫺.26 ⫺.43 ⫺.35 .03
Note. k ⫽the number of independent effect sizes included in each analysis; N⫽sample size (for individual-level estimates, N⫽number of individuals;
for group-level estimates, N⫽number of groups); M
⫽mean uncorrected correlation; SD
⫽standard deviation of uncorrected correlations; M
corrected correlation (corrected for unreliability in the predictor and criterion); SE
⫽standard error of M
; 95% conf. int. ⫽95% confidence interval
for M
⫽standard deviation of estimated s; 80% cred. int. ⫽80% credibility interval; L ⫽lower; U ⫽upper. Values in bold indicate mean
corrected correlations. Because of nonindependence of group- and organization-level effects within some primary studies, the values in this table
may not add up to the totals in Tables 3 and 4.
correlated. As shown in Table 8, the safety performance composite
was strongly related to safety compliance (M
⫽.63) and safety
participation (M
⫽.80). Safety participation was moderately
related to safety compliance (M
⫽.46). The accident and injuries
composite was more strongly correlated with the safety perfor-
mance composite (M
⫽⫺.31) than with safety participation
⫽⫺.15) and safety compliance (M
Exemplar Path Model
Table 9 presents the meta-analyzed individual-level correlations
among the variables in the exemplar path model. We sequentially
tested two nested models, inputting the harmonic mean sample size
of 1,092. We first tested a full-mediation model in which consci-
entiousness and safety climate were exogenous and safety knowl-
edge and safety motivation were endogenous mediators, which
were directly related to safety performance. Safety performance
was, in turn, directly related to accidents and injuries. Although the
path coefficients were significant, this model (Model 1) fit the data
only moderately well,
(9) ⫽622.5, p⬍.001; CFI ⫽.68; GFI ⫽
.86. On closer inspection of our data and modification indices, we
determined that a more accurate theoretical model would include a
path between safety motivation and safety knowledge. Theoreti-
cally, safety motivation should lead to safety knowledge acquisi-
tion. Indeed, motivation has been linked to learning outcomes and
knowledge in many domains (see Colquitt et al., 2000). Thus, we
tested a second full mediation model (Model 2), depicted in Figure 2,
by freeing the path between safety motivation and safety knowl-
edge. This model showed an acceptable fit to the data,
(8) ⫽
313.5, p⬍.001; CFI ⫽.90; GFI ⫽.94. In addition, as shown in
Figure 2, all direct paths were significant ( p⬍.001), providing
further support for the full mediation model. Although modifica-
tion indices indicated that freeing additional paths could improve
overall model fit, we retained the fully mediated model because of
its good fit and our desire for parsimony. Also, in Table 10, we
report the direct, indirect, and total effects for the relationships in
Model 2. Notably, a majority of the indirect effects are moderate
to large, adding further support.
Consistent with the theoretical framework in Figure 1, variables
that are more proximally related tended to be more highly corre-
lated than more distally related variables. Together, the overall
pattern of meta-analytic correlations and path-modeling results
demonstrated support for the veracity of this theoretical frame-
work. In the best fitting path model, safety climate was positively
related to both safety knowledge and safety motivation, whereas
conscientiousness was positively associated with just safety moti-
vation. Safety motivation was related to safety knowledge, and
both of these variables were positively related with safety perfor-
mance. In turn, safety performance was correlated with accidents
and injuries. Although we were limited in our ability to run
multiple iterations of the path model or to test all variables, we
believe the model should hold for the other distal antecedents,
because the magnitudes of the meta-analytic correlations observed
exhibit the patterns expected from the theoretical model. Given the
support for our exemplar path model and the overall pattern of
meta-analytic correlations, we expect that situation-based factors
(e.g., safety climate and leadership) and indirect person-based
factors (e.g., job attitudes and personality) should influence safety
performance behaviors indirectly by way of safety knowledge and
safety motivation and that safety performance behaviors, in turn,
influence accidents and injuries. Later, we discuss more specific
findings in relation to safety outcomes, followed by discussions of
future research and practice directions.
In terms of safety compliance versus safety participation, we
observed that safety climate tended to be more highly related to
safety participation than safety compliance. Because workers must
by definition comply with obligatory or mandatory practices and
procedures, safety climate should not matter as much as for be-
haviors that are compulsory. Consistent with this point, leaders are
likely to have a stronger influence on workers’ safety participation
than safety compliance, which was supported in this meta-analysis.
In effect, the importance that leaders place on safety likely under-
girds the climate for safety and has a critical influence on discre-
tionary safety behaviors.
Turning to safety climate and levels of analysis, we found that
group and organizational safety climate generally had stronger
relationships with safety performance than psychological safety
climate. Psychological safety climate, by nature of its assessment
from the individual person’s perspective, is influenced by unique
nuances of the person. In contrast, because group and organiza-
tional safety climate are shared perceptions of individuals, climate
Table 8
Meta-Analysis of Relationships Between Safety Criteria
Safety compliance Safety participation Safety performance composite
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
Safety compliance — (—) — (—)
k, N ——
Safety participation .32, .46 (.26, .66) .17 (.10) — (—) — (—)
k, N 5 2,909 — —
Safety performance composite .38, .63 (.60, .66) .00 (.00) .57, .80 (.70, .88) .05 (.08) — (—) — (—)
k, N 1 1,264 3 1,448 — —
Accidents and injuries ⫺.11, ⴚ.14 (⫺.20, ⫺.08) .07 (.03) ⫺.12, ⴚ.15 (⫺.18, ⫺.13) .03 (.01) ⫺.25, ⴚ.31 (⫺.54, ⫺.31) .28 (.12)
k, N 8 1,905 4 2,004 6 1,876
Note. k ⫽the number of independent effect sizes included in each analysis; N⫽sample size; M
⫽mean uncorrected correlation; M
⫽mean corrected
correlation (corrected for unreliability in the predictor and criterion); 95% CI ⫽95% confidence interval for M
⫽standard deviation of estimated
s; SE
⫽standard error of M
. Values in bold indicate mean corrected correlations.
at this level is likely to be more potent in that people perceive the
environment similarly and should thus be more influenced by it
than if they had divergent perceptions. These findings are consis-
tent with those in other domains regarding the relative influence of
isomorphic (similar) constructs at the group and individual levels
of analyses (e.g., see Gully, Incalcaterra, Joshi, & Beaubien,
Further, for accidents and injuries, correlations with group and
organizational safety climate were significantly larger than for
psychological climate. In comparing the current results with those
of Clarke (2006a), we found that climate (regardless of level of
analysis) was significantly correlated with safety outcomes,
whereas Clarke’s estimate of ⫺.22 across all levels was not sig-
nificant, a difference that is likely due to the larger sample size of
the current study. Also, our estimate between psychological safety
climate and safety outcomes (⫺.14) is lower than that observed by
Clarke (⫺.22), but our estimates for group and organizational
safety climate were much higher than Clarke’s (⫺.38 and ⫺.39,
Notably, our findings did not support a possible inflationary
(common methods) bias for correlations with self-reported climate
measures and self or supervisory safety performance ratings in
relation to correlations based on self-reported climate measures
and archival and medical recordings criteria. Although the number
of primary studies prevented conclusive findings, our results re-
vealed that common methods bias may not be a major concern in
the safety domain. If bias does exist, the pattern of our findings
would suggest that self-reports for certain types of safety criteria
(e.g., safety performance or accidents/injury reports) may yield
slightly downward biased underestimates of relationships involv-
ing climate as a predictor. With regard to self-reports of accidents
and injuries, the slightly lower relationships may reflect artifactual
or method-induced restriction in range of scores due to underre-
porting. However, we cautiously allude to this possibility given
that the latter relationships, as evidenced by the overlapping con-
fidence intervals, were not significantly different from each other.
In general, the manner in which many variables are measured in
the domain of workplace safety may preclude concerns that the
measurement method greatly distorts relationships between con-
structs. This point is reinforced by the work of Burke, Sarpy, et al.
(2002) who found minimal differences among self-, coworker, and
supervisory ratings of safety performance behaviors and by the
fact that the present safety performance reliabilities are uniformly
higher than average criterion reliabilities reported in the applied
psychology literature for coworker or supervisory ratings.
Practice Implications, Future Research Directions, and
Potential Limitations
The results of this meta-analysis suggest that both the person
and the situation are important factors related to workplace safety.
Workers can be selected, trained, and supported through positive
safety climate to maximize safety motivation and safety knowl-
edge, which in turn leads to safe behaviors and fewer accidents and
injuries. Also, our findings regarding particular individual differ-
ences suggest where to focus personnel assessments (e.g., on
conscientiousness in personnel selection contexts). In addition, our
findings with regard to specific climate dimensions suggest key
intervention points related to enhancing workplace safety. For
Table 9
Meta-Analysis of Relationships Between Variables in Exemplar Path Model
Conscientiousness Safety climate Safety knowledge Safety motivation Safety performance
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
Conscientiousness — (—) — (—)
k, N ——
Safety climate .10, .11 (.06, .16) .00 (.03) — (—) — (—)
k, N 5 971 — —
Safety knowledge .00
(—, —) — (—) .43, .49 (.38, .59) .08 (.05) — (—) — (—)
k, N 10 1,908 3 987 — —
Safety motivation .21
(—, —) — (—) .42, .46 (.38, .54) .05 (.04) .60, .66 (.58, .74) .05 (.04) — (—) — (—)
k, N 3 574 3 849 2 714 — —
Safety performance .17, .19 (.08, .31) .12 (.06) .39, .49 (.40, .58) .17 (.05) .47, .61 (.50, .72) .15 (.06) .50, .57 (.36, .78) .23 (.11) — (—) — (—)
k, N 6 1,421 31 15,327 9 2,893 5 1,393 — —
Accidents and
injuries ⫺.22, ⴚ.26 (⫺.40, ⫺.11) .13 (.07) ⫺.11, ⴚ.14 (⫺.17, ⫺.11) .07 (.02) ⫺.07, ⴚ.11 (⫺.33, .12) .17 (.11) ⫺.16, ⴚ.20 (⫺.29, ⫺.11) .04 (.05) ⫺.25, ⴚ.31 (⫺.54, ⫺.31) .28 (.12)
k, N 4 852 27 27,639 3 461 2 911 6 1,876
Note. k ⫽the number of independent effect sizes included in each analysis; N⫽sample size; M
⫽mean uncorrected correlation; M
⫽mean corrected correlation (corrected for unreliability in the
predictor and criterion); 95% CI ⫽95% confidence interval for M
⫽standard deviation of estimated s; SE
⫽standard error of M
. Values in bold indicate mean corrected correlations.
Assumed values, calculated as corrected sample-weighted mean correlations derived from Barrick et al. (1993); Colquitt et al. (2000), and Maurer et al. (2008).
instance, interventions focused on improving management com-
mitment to safety may meaningfully enhance safety performance
and reduce accidents.
A possible future research avenue might be to examine how
person and situation factors interact to influence safety. One way
to approach the issue of person–situation interactions is with
Schneider’s (1987) attraction–selection–attrition model, which
suggests that individuals are differentially attracted to, selected to,
and retained within different work environments on the basis of
their values, personality, and other individual differences. For
example, thrill-seeking people may be more likely to seek out
high-risk jobs. To the extent that risk-seeking individuals congre-
gate in riskier environments, the organizational climate may be-
come socially constructed to lead to riskier decisions and actions.
Furthermore, although researchers have made progress in defin-
ing and capturing safety performance behaviors (Burke, Sarpy, et
al., 2002; Marchand, Simard, Carpentier-Roy, & Ouellet, 1998),
they have not similarly progressed on outcome criteria. Most
studies examining workplace accidents have operationalized acci-
dents in terms of the number of recordable accidents as defined by
OSHA, meaning those that require more than simple first aid
treatment (e.g., Hofmann & Stetzer, 1996), or as lost work days
resulting from an injury (e.g., Zohar, 2000). Clearly, when an
injury has occurred, an accident has also taken place. However, the
converse is not true; for example, a worker could fail to stabilize
a ladder and suffer a fall (accident) but be fortunate enough to go
uninjured. Thus, by recognizing that injuries are less common than
accidents, future research could investigate how situational factors
might moderate individual difference (predictor) relationships with
accidents and injury criteria. For example, workers low (rather
than high) in conscientiousness might be more likely to acciden-
tally spill a noxious chemical (i.e., accident) but may be no more
likely to be injured by the spill if the organization requires the use
of protective clothing. Along this line, we encourage future re-
search that examines microaccidents, or accidents requiring only
basic first aid treatment (Zohar, 2000, 2002b). We refer the reader
to Wallace and Chen (2006) and Zohar (2000, 2002b), who have
highlighted methodological advantages of studying microaccidents
relative to accidents.
As with any meta-analysis, the current findings are limited by
the primary studies used. In general, the early literature was often
difficult to integrate, in large part because many early studies
failed to provide statistical information (e.g., effect sizes, sample
sizes) required for a meta-analysis. Our inability to analyze such
studies represents a research opportunity in that meta-analytic
distributions with small numbers of effects are ones where more
primary research is clearly needed. Obtaining more stable param-
eter estimates for some meta-analytic distributions will greatly
contribute to researchers’ ability to overcome issues with the use
of mean corrected effects in path analyses. Additionally, the fact
that few of the primary studies (12 out of 90) were longitudinal
field studies limits our ability to make causal statements. For
example, although reverse causality can be ruled out for distal
traits’ relationships with outcomes, the possibility remains that
more proximal states, like safety motivation, have a reciprocal or
reverse-causal relationship with safety performance. Furthermore,
the safety literature on the whole could do better to develop
stronger theoretical rationales and more rigorous research designs
to control potentially spurious or third variable effects that could
explain some of the relationships presented herein. Hence, we
suggest future research is needed to further the understanding of
occupational safety, particularly with an emphasis on theoretically
driven longitudinal research designs.
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Received June 9, 2008
Revision received March 30, 2009
Accepted April 2, 2009 䡲
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