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Bioaccumulation and histopathological alterations of the heavy metals in Orechromis niloticus fish


Abstract and Figures

Copper, lead, cadmium and mercury concentrations were recorded in water and tissues of Oreochromis niloticus from Egyptian fish farms in 2007 -2009. Histopathological alterations in fish tissues were also studied. Bioconcentration factors of copper, lead, mercury and cadmium in liver and muscle tissue were (3.93 & 3.87), (8.10 & 7.60), (0.79 & 50.0) & (38.25 & 30.25), respectively. Mercury was the most bioaccumulated and biomagnified metal in the muscles, while Cu was the least. The concentration of cadmium, lead and copper were highest in liver and lowest in kidney tissue, while mercury (Hg) concentrations were highest in muscles, lowest in kidney tissue. Several histopathological changes were noted in muscles, liver, gills, kidney and intestine tissue attributable to heavy metals exposure. [Nature and Science. 2010;8(4):1 47-156]. (ISSN: 1545-0740).
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Nature and Science 2010;8(4)
Bioaccumulation and histopathological alterations of the heavy
metals in Oreochromis niloticus fish
H.A. Kaoud* and A.R. El-Dahshan
Department of Veterinary Hygiene and Environmental Pollution, Faculty of VeterinaryMedicine, Cairo University,
Abstract: Copper, lead, cadmium and mercury concentrations were recorded in water and tissues of Oreochromis
niloticus from Egyptian fish farms in 2007-2009. Histopathological alterations in fish tissues were also studied.
Bioconcentration factors of copper, lead, mercury and cadmium in liver and muscle tissue were (3.93 & 3.87), (8.10
& 7.60), (0.79 & 50.0) & (38.25 & 30.25), respectively. Mercury was the most bioaccumulated and biomagnified
metal in the muscles, while Cu was the least. The concentration of cadmium,lead and copper were highest in liver
and lowest in kidney tissue, while mercury (Hg) concentrations were highest in muscles, lowest in kidney tissue.
Several histopathological changes were noted in muscles, liver, gills, kidney and intestine tissue attributable to
heavy metals exposure. [Nature and Science. 2010;8(4):1 47-156]. (ISSN: 1545-0740).
Key words: Bioconcentration, copper, lead, cadmium, mercury, Tilapia, Pollution, histopathology.
Metal contamination of aquatic ecosystems has
long been recognized as a serious pollution problem.
When fish are exposed to elevated levels of metals in a
polluted aquatic ecosystem, they tend to take these
metals up from their direct environment (Seymore
1994). Heavy metal contamination may have
devastating effects on the ecological balance of the
recipient environment and a diversity of aquatic
organisms (Farombi et al. 2007).
Transport of metals in fish occurs through the blood
where the ions are usually bound to proteins. The metals
are brought into contact with the organs and tissues of
the fish and consequently accumulated to a different
extent in different organs and tissues of the fish. Most
heavy metals released into the environment find their
way into the aquatic environment as a result of direct
input, atmospheric deposition and erosion due to
rainwater, therefore aquatic animals may be exposed to
elevated levels of heavy metals due to their wide use for
anthropogenic purposes (Kalay and Canli, 2000). Heavy
metals are non-biodegradable and once they enter the
environment, bioconcentration occurs in the fish tissue
in the case of aquatic environment, by means of
metabolic and biosorption processes (Wicklund-Glynn
Heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, cupper and
more specifically mercury are potentially harmful to
most organisms even in very low concentrations and
have been reported as hazardous environmental
Pollutants able to accumulate along the aquatic food
chain with severe risk for animal and human health.
Toxic heavy metal contamination mostly occurred in
aquaculture farms and frequently occurs in groundwater,
rivers, estuaries, wetland and coastal areas. Of particular
concern are the highly toxic non-nutrient elements such
as mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd).
The presence of pollutants have been associated
with decreased fertility and other reproductive
abnormalities in birds, fish, shellfish and mammals and
also altered immune function. Heavy metals like
mercury and cadmium are known to accumulate in
marine organisms and cause rapid genetic changes
(Nimmo et al. 1978, Nevo et al. 1986).
The toxicity of these elements is due to their ability
to cause, oxidative damage to living tissues. Damage
includes enhanced lipid peroxidation, DNA damage,
enzyme inactivation and the oxidation of protein
sulfydryl groups (Taiz and Zeiger 1998). Toxic heavy
metal can cause dermatological diseases, skin cancer
and internal cancers (liver, kidney, lung and bladder),
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and anaemia, as well as
reproductive, developmental, immunological and
neurological affects in the human body. Metal
contamination sources are typically derived from natural
sources: mining, industrial waste discharges, sewage
effluent, harbor activities and agrochemicals etc.
It is also possible that environmental toxicants may
increase the susceptibility of aquatic animals to various
diseases by interfering with the normal functioning of
their immune, reproductive and developmental
processes (Couch and John,1978).
Prolonged exposure to water pollutants even in very
low concentrations have been reported to induce
morphological, histological and biochemical alterations
in the tissues which may critically influence fish quality.
According to EPA guidelines, "the BCF
Nature and Science 2010;8(4)
(Bioconcentration Factors) is defined as the ratio of
chemical concentration in the organism to that in the
surrounding water. Bioconcentration occurs through
uptake and retention of a substance from water only,
through gill membranes or other external body surfaces.
In the context of setting exposure criteria it is generally
understood that the terms "BCF" and "steady-state BCF"'
are synonymous. A steady-state condition occurs when
the organism is exposed for a sufficient length of time
t h a t t h e r a t i o d o e s n o t c h a n g e .
The present study was carried out to investigate the
bioaccumulation of heavy metals (lead, copper,
cadmium and mercury) in the tissues of Oreochromis
niloticus and to determine the histopathological changes
caused by the residues of these metals in their organs.
2. Material and Methods
The water samples were obtained from different
farms derived their water supply from some River Nile
ramifications. Forty eight water samples and one
hundred adult freshwater tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus )
ranged between 100- 150 g in weight were collected
from 12 Tilapia farms located in 6 Governorates (Kafer
Al-Sheikh, Ismailia, Kaliobea, Damiatta, Al-Fayum and
Behera) during 2007-2009. At laboratory, the fish
samples were washed with deionized water and wrapped
separately in acid washed polyethylene bag and stored
frozen at -20°C until analysis was carried out.
The analysis of water samples was carried out ac-
cording to A.P.H.A. (1992). The water samples were
preserved by the addition of one ml of concentrated
nitric acid per liter until the time of analysis. The water
samples were filtered through 0.45µl membrane filter.
The required volume (100 ml) of the filtrate was
collected to measure lead, cadmium, mercury and
copper levels in water samples by using Air/Acetylene
Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
(UNICAM 696 AA Spectrometer). Flameless Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer equipped with (MHS)
mercury hydride system "Cold Vapour Technique" was
used for determination of mercury levels in examined
water samples.
Procedure (A): Each sample was represented by one
gram of tissues dissected from the gills, liver, kidney
and muscles, then placed in a clean screw-capped tube
and digested according to the method described by
Finerty et al. (1990). The obtained solutions were then
analyzed by using Air/ Acetylene Flame Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer (UNICAM 696 AA
Spectrometer) for determination of copper (Cu), lead
(Pb), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) levels in
examined samples.
Procedure (B): The measurement of the mercury
concentration in examined fish samples was carried out
at minimal temperature for all fish samples where 0.5
gram macerated fish tissues was digested according to
the technique described by Diaz-Ravina et al. (1994).
About 5 ml stannous chloride solution were added to the
obtained solutions to reduce mercury to elemental form
and then analyzed by using Flameless Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer equipped with "MHS"
mercury hydride system "Cold Vapour Technique".
Tissue specimens from fresh Nile Tilapia were
taken (gills, muscles, livers, intestine and kidney) and
fixed in 15 % buffered neutral formalin. They were
processed to obtain five micron thick paraffin sections
then stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (Bancroft et
al., 1996) and examined under light microscope.
Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) and means were separated by Duncan at a
probability level of < 0.05 (SASInstitute 2000).
3. Result
Results are shown in Table 1 (Heavy metal
concentrations in water of Nile Tilapia farms) and Table
2 (Concentration of heavy metals in fresh Nile tilapia
tissues). Figure A-1-12 (The histopathological
alterations in Tilapia tissues) , Figure (B)-2(Mean
concentrations of Cu, Pb, Cd and Hg in water of fish
farms in different Governorates and the permissible
limits according to WHO,1984) and Figure (C)-3 (Mean
residual accumulations of Cu, Pb, Cd and Hg in tissues
of Oreochromis niloticus and the permissible limits
according to WHO,1984).
Table 1, showed that the mean concentration of
copper in water of Tilapia farms was 0.65 ± 0.01 ppm,
while Table 2 showed the mean concentrations of
copper in gills, liver, kidney and muscles of Tilapia
(were 4.8 ± 0.05 , 2.56 ± 0.21, 1.52 ± 0.06 and 2.54 ±
0.05 ppm, respectively). The BCF of copper in liver and
muscles was 3.93 and 3.87, respectively. The mean
concentration of lead in water of Tilapia cultures was
0.20 ± 0.07 ppm, whiles the mean concentrations of lead
in gills liver, kidney and muscles, were 0.483 ± 0.05,
1.523 ± 0.02, 0.155 ± 0.02 and 1.521± 0.02 ppm,
Nature and Science 2010;8(4)
respectively. The BCF of lead in liver and muscles was
8.10 and 7.60 ppm, respectively. The mean
concentration of cadmium in water of Tilapia farms was
0.04 ± 0.009 ppm, while the mean concentrations of
cadmium in gills liver, kidney and muscles were 0.891 ±
0.05 , 1.523 ± 0.02, 0.212 ± 0.02 and 1.21 ± 0.05
ppm, respectively. The BCF of cadmium in liver and
muscles was 38.25 and 30.25 ppm, respectively.
The mean concentration of mercury in water of Tilapia
farms was 0.07 ± 0.009 ppm, while the mean
concentrations of mercury in gills liver, kidney and
muscles were 0.04 ± 0.002, 0.055 ± 0.003, 0.020 ±
0.005 and 3.50 ± 0.22 ppm, respectively. The BCF of
mercury in liver and muscles was 0.79 and 50 ppm,
respectively. The histopathology of different Tilapia
tissues revealed that there are several histopathological
changes in different Tilapia organs (muscles, liver, gills,
kidney and intestine) as shown in Figure (A1).
Gills showed mild congestion and edema of the
primary lamellae (Figure A1-8). Severe edema,
hyperplasia, fusion and focal desquamation of the
epithelial lining of the secondary lamellae as seen in
Figure (A1)-9. The gill arch, especially at the bases of
the gill filaments, showed numerous mononuclear
leukocytic infiltration, edema and congestion. The
apex of gill filaments showed congestion, hyper
activation of the mucous and chloride cells with
epithelial vacuolation of the secondary lamellae.
Liver showed degeneration of the hepatocytes and
intravascular haemolysis in blood vessels as shown in
Figure (A1 -2), congestion of central vein, hemorrhages
(Figure A1-3), nuclear pyknosis in the majority of
hepatic cells (FigureA1-4) and the metal-binding
proteins were accumulated in the nuclei of hepatocytes
42% of the examined adult freshwater tilapia
(Oreochromis niloticus) were showed histopathological
Kidney The kidney is composed normally of
numerous renal corpuscles with well developed
glomeruli and a system of tubules. The proximal
segment is covered by tall columnar epithelial cells with
basal nuclei and brush border located along the cell
apices. The distal segment was lined with large,
relatively clear columnar epithelial cells with central
nuclei and the brush border was reduced or not present.
The glomerulus is larger in diameter than the distal
segment, containing columnar epithelial cells with basal
nuclei and no brush border (Figure A1-10). In our study,
the kidney showed hydropic swelling of tubules,
sometimes with pyknotic nuclei and many necrotic areas
as well as swollen proximal epithelial cells with necrotic
nuclei as noticed in Figure A1- 11.
Muscular tissues Several histopathological
alterations were seen in the muscles of Tilapia which
included degeneration in muscle bundles with
aggregations of inflammatory cells between them and
focal areas of necrosis. Also, atrophy and edema of
muscle bundles as well as splitting of muscle fibers
were seen as in Figure A1-6.
The pathological findings in the intestine
included atrophy in the muscularis, degenerative and
necrotic changes in the intestinal mucosa and
submucosa with necrotized cells aggregated in the
intestinal lumen, edema and atrophy in the submucosa
as shown in Figure A1-12.
Table 1. Heavy metal concentrations in water of Nile
Tilapia farms.
In water samples (mg/L)
Metal Min. Max. Mean ± SE Occurren
0.65 ± 0.01
0.20± 0.07
0.04± 0.009
0.07 ± 0.009
Nature and Science 2010;8(4)
Table 2. Concentration of heavy metals (ppm ) in fresh Nile Tilapia tissues.
Figure A-1 (1-12).1: Liver of Tilapia nilotica fish showing the normal structure (X400). 2: Liver of Tilapia
nilotica fish showed degeneration of the hepatocytes and intravascular haemolysis in blood vessels. 3: Liver of
Tilapia nilotica fish showing haemorrhage (X400). 4: The liver showed congestion and central vein, nuclear
pyknosis in the majority of hepatic cells. (X400). 5: Muscle bundles of Tilapia nilotica fish showing the normal
structure (X400). 6: Degeneration in muscle bundles with focal area of necrosis (X400). 7: Gills: Gills of Tilapia
nilotica fish showing the normal structure (X100). 8: Degenerative and necrotic changes in the epithelium of gill
filaments and secondary lamellae (X400). 9: Edema in secondary lamellae and gill filaments (X400). 10: Kidney
showing the normal structure (X400). 11: Severe degenerative and necrotic changes in the renal tubules with
focal areas of necrosis(X400) and aggregations of inflammatory cells. 12: Degeneration, haemorrhage in the
submucosa and aggregations of inflammatory cells in the mucosa and submucosa (X400).
Metal Copper Lead Cadmium Mercury
Mean 4.8±0.05 0.483±0.05 0.891±0.05 0.04±0.002
Min 1.32 0.02 0.11 0.002
Max 6.22 1.21 1.82 0.24
Mean 2.56 ± 0.21 1.523 ±0.02 1.523 ± 0.02 0.055 ± 0.003
Min 1.22 0.01 0.20 0.001
Max 3.55 3.20 2.43 0.72
Mean 1.52±0.06 0.155±0.02 0.212±0.02 0.02±0.05
Min 0.21 0.11 0.09 0.002
Max 2.42 2.02 0.89 0.12
Mean 2.54±0.05 1.52±0.02 1.21±0.05 3.50±0.33
Min 0.21 0.892 0.55 1.32
Max 2.8 1.00 1.780 5.240
Nature and Science 2010;8(4)
AlSheikh Ismailia Sharkia Kaliobea Damiatta Behera WHO
TilapianiloticaandthePermisipleLimitsof WHOof culturewater
Figure (B)-2: Mean concentrations of Cu, Pb, Cd and Hg in water of fish farms in different Governorates and the
permissible limits according to WHO (1984) .
Table 3. Permissible limits of various heavy metals
Country and referencePermissibleMetal WHO (1984)
South Africa (Foodstuffs, cosmetics and disinfectants Act. No. 54 of 1972)
Spain: Boletin Official del Estado (1991)
1.00 ppm
20.0 ppm
20.0 g/g
WHO (1984)
Egypt "E.O.S.Q.C. (1993)
FAO/WHO (1992)
Spain: Boletin Official del Estado (1991)
0.05 ppm
0.1 mg/kg
0.5 ppm
5.0 g/g
WHO (1984)
FAO/WHO (1992)
Egypt "E.O.S.Q.C. (1993)
Spain: Boletin Official del Estado (1991)
0.005 ppm
0.05 ppm
0.1 mg/kg
1.0 pg/g
WHO (1984)
Egypt "E.O.S.Q.C. (1993)
FAO/WHO (1992)
Spain: Boletin Official del Estado (1991), Schuhmacher and Domingo (1996)
0.001 ppm
0.5 mg/kg
0.5 ppm
1.0 g/g
Mean residual accumulationof Cu,Pb,Cd and Hg
Gills Liver kidney Muscles WHO
Figure (C)-3: Mean residual accumulations of Cu, Pb, Cd and Hg in tissues of Oreochromis niloticus and the
permissible limits according toWHO (1984).
Nature and Science 2010;8(4)
Mean copper concentration in water of Tilapia
farms was 0.65 ± 0.01 ppm and the maximum permis-
sible limits recommended by WHO (1984) is 0.05
ppm, while in flesh was 2.54 ± 0.05 ppm. The recorded
results of copper concentrations in fish were lower
than the permissible limits intended by Foodstuffs,
Cosmetics and Disinfectants (1972) [20.0 ppm] and
Boletin Official del Estado (1991) in Spain [20.0 µg g–
1] and Schumacher and Domingo (1996). The BCF
were; 3.93 and 3.87ppm in liver and muscles,
It is shown from Table.1 that the lead
concentration in Tilapia tissues was exceed the
permissible limit recommended by E.Q.S.Q.C. (1993).
This result was nearly higher than those reported by
Seddek et al. (1996) and Marouf and Dawoud (2006),
they recorded levels ranged from 0.42 to 0.74 ppm.
This result was much higher than those recorded by
Suppin et al., (2005) and Celik and Oehlenschlager
(2007), they recorded levels varied from 0.04 ppm to
76.1 ppb.
High levels of lead may be attributed to presence
of industrial and agricultural discharges, motor boat
traffics and also from mine and smelting operations.
Lead is non-essential element and higher
concentrations can occur in aquatic organisms close to
anthropogenic sources. It is toxic even at low
concentrations and has no known function in
biochemical processes (Burden et al., 1998). It is
known to inhibit active transport mechanisms,
involving ATP, to depress cellular oxidation reduction
reactions and to inhibit protein synthesis (Waldorn and
Stofen 1974). Lead was found to inhibit the impulse
conductivity by inhibiting the activities of monoamine
oxidase and acetylcholine esterase to cause
pathological changes in tissue and organs (Rubio et al.,
1991) and to impair the embryonic and larval
development of fish species (Dave and Xiu, 1991).
Mean cadmium concentration in water of Tilapia
farms was 0.04 ± 0.009 ppm and the maximum permis-
sible limits recommended by WHO (1984) is 0.005
ppm, while in flesh was 1.21 ± 0.05 ppm. The recorded
results of cadmium concentrations in fish were higher
than the permissible limits intended by Boletin Official
del Estado (1991) in Spain [l.0 µg g–1], FAO/WHO
(1992) [0.05 ppm] and Egyptian Organization for
Standardization and Quality Control "E.O.S.Q.C".[0.1
mg kg–1]. The BCF were; 38.25 and 30.25ppm in liver
and muscles, respectively. This result agree with that
obtained by Daoud (1999) who reported that the
cadmium concentrations in water and fish were higher
than the maximum permissible limits recommended by
WHO (1984). The presence of cadmium in fish in
Egypt was detected by Seddek (1996) with mean levels
of 0.62 ppm in Oreochromis fish and 0.39 ppm in
Bagrus Byad fish. Our result was nearly parallel to
those reported by Celik and Oehlenschlager (2007)
who recorded Cd concentration with levels varied from
0.1 to 0.8 ppm. Cadmium is highly toxic non-essential
heavy metal and it does not have a role in biological
processes in living organisms. Thus even in low
concentration, cadmium could be harmful to living
organisms (Burden et al., 1998). The value of cadmium
accumulation in liver of Tilapia was (1.523 ± 0.02) μg
g–1 dry weight. High accumulation of cadmium in liver
may be due to its strong binding with cystine residues
of metallothionein.
The high levels of Cd may be attributed to industrial
and mining operations as well as the phosphate
fertilizer which is considered the main source of Cd in
the environment (Dimari et al. 2008).
Mean mercury concentration in water of Tilapia
cultures was 0.07 ± 0.009 ppm and the maximum permis-
sible limits recommended by WHO (1984) is 0.001 ppm,
while in flesh was 3.50 ± 0.22ppm. The recorded results
of mercury concentrations in Tilapia tissues were higher
than the permissible limits intended by Boletin Official
del Estado (1991) in Spain [1.0 µg g–1], FAO/WHO
(1992) [0.5 p.p.m] and Egyptian Organization for
Standardization and Quality Control (E.O.S.Q.C) (1993)
[0.5 mg kg–1]. The BCF were; 0.79 and 50.0 in liver and
muscles respectively. These findings coincide with those
reported by Daoud et al. (1999) and Tantawy (1997).
Conama (2005) recommend a maximum
concentration of 0.0002 mg Hg l–1 in water supplies
used for rearing fish species destined for human
consumption in Brazil. This value is very similar to
those recommended by Malaysia National Water
Quality Standards (Doe-Um, 1986). Meanwhile, the
most notorious mercury compounds in the
environment are monomethyl and dimethyl salt of
mercury which are soluble. They are produced from
inorganic mercury in sediment by anaerobic bacteria
through the action of methyl-cobalamine and
intermediate in the synthesis of methane and get into
natural water (Manahan, 1989). The average (88.9%)
of total mercury in fish musculature was in the form of
methyl mercury (Bishop and Neary, 1974) which is
lipid soluble and easily absorbed and distributed
through biological system.
This element is one of the most toxic metals,
which are introduced into the natural environment by
human interferences (Buhl, 1997). Some papers have
reported situations where high mercury levels were
detected in water, mainly nearby gold extraction
locations (Maurice-Bourgoin et al. 2000; Dolbec et al.
2001) and industrial zones (Kime 1998, Sunderland
and Chmura 2000). According to Allen (1994), the
exposure of Orechromis aureus to 0.5 mg Hg l 1 caused
Nature and Science 2010;8(4)
a raise in the number of leukocyte and erythrocyte
within 24 hours. Gill and Pant (1985) also reported
hematological anomalies in Barbus conchonius
exposed to 0.18 mg Hg l–1 in acute test.
It can be noticed that the highest bioaccumulation
were observed in the organs mainly implicated in
metals metabolism. The concentration of cadmium
(Cd),lead and copper in tissues was high in the
following order; liver> muscles > gills > kidney, while
mercury (Hg) concentrations were high in the muscles
> liver > gills > kidney. Oladimeji and Offem (1989)
noticed that the gills of Oreochromis niloticus
consistently accumulated higher amount of lead as lead
BCF obtained for Pb, Cu, Cd and Hg in the
muscles of Tilapia were all greater than 1.00ppm which
indicated that the metals were highly bioaccumulated
and biomagnified (according to Falusi and Olanipekun
2007). Mercury was the most bioaccumulated and
biomagnified of all metals studied in the muscles of the
O. niloticus, while Cu was the least one.
From the results of this study, the concentrations
of different metals investigated in the tissues of Tilapia
(gills, liver, kidney and muscle) except copper exceed
the acceptable levels proposed for human consumption
(USEPA 1995).
The histopathological alterations attributed to the
prolonged exposure to heavy metals resulted in
respiratory, osmoregulatory and circulatory impairment.
These findings were demonstrated by Fernandes et al.,
(2008). Moreover, Alvarado et al. (2006) reported that,
the dramatic increase of chloride cells in the gills that
produces epithelial thickening of the filament
epithelium enhances migration of chloride cells up to
the edge of the secondary lamellae and provokes the
hypertrophy and fusion of secondary lamellae. These
could be considered as unspecific biomarker responses
of heavy metals exposure and disturbed health of fish.
Gills showed edema of the primary lamellae;
severe edema, hyperplasia, fusion and focal
desquamation of the epithelial lining of the secondary
lamellae were observed. According to Mallatt (1985),
the edema of the gill epithelium is one of the main
structural changes caused by the exposure to heavy
metals. Our results confirm this lesion of heavy metals
exposure. These alterations have been reported for
other species exposed to heavy metals particularly Cd
(Gardner and Yevich 1970; Karlsson-Norrgren et al.
1985; Pratap and Wendelaar Bonga 1993; Thophon et
al. 2003) and sometimes referred as a first sign of
pathology (Thophon et al. 2003). Cellular proliferation
in the gill epithelium is also observed in fish exposed
to different pollutants as described by Gardner and
Yevich 1970 and Thophon et al. 2003. Lifting,
swelling, and hyperplasia of the gill epithelium could
serve as a defense function, as these alterations
increase the distance across which waterborne irritants
must diffuse to reach the bloodstream. Lamellar fusion
could be protective once it reduces the amount of
vulnerable gill surface area (Mallatt 1985). However,
branchial responses that serve to slow entry of
toxicants have the undesirable side effect of impairing
gas exchange. This was described by Benson et al.,
(1987) who observed a fall in respiratory function of
Notemigonus crysoleucas exposed to Cd.
The liver showed degeneration of the hepatocytes,
congestion of central vein and nuclear pyknosis in the
majority of hepatic cells. These findings were apparent
as the liver considered the organ of detoxification,
excretion and binding proteins such as metallothionein
(MTs). The metal-binding proteins were present in the
nuclei of hepatocytes suggested that the increase in the
cell damages (De Smet and Blust 2001). Similar results
were observed by Van Dyk (2003) and Mela et al.
(2007). Liver of fish is sensitive to environmental
contaminants because many contaminants tend to
accumulate in the liver and exposing it to a much
higher levels than in the environment, or in other
organs (Heath 1995).
Pandey et al., (1994) described the alterations in
liver and intestine of Liza parsia exposed to Hg Cl2
(0.2 mg Hg l–1) for 15 days. Similarly, Oliveira Ribeiro
et al. (2002) reported serious injuries in gills and
olfactory epithelium of Salvelinus alpinus exposed to
0.15 mg Hg l–1.
Similar alterations in muscles and kidney of
Tilapia were observed in several species of fish
exposed to heavy metals and these alterations were
described by Oliveira Ribeiro et al. (2002),
Jiraungkoorskul et al. (2003), Thophon et al. (2003)
and Gupta and Srivastava (2006).
The result indicates that the heavy metal
contamination definitely affects the aquatic life of the
fresh water fish. Hence, a scientific method of
detoxification is essential to improve the health of
these economic fish in any stressed environmental
conditions. However, the high concentrations of the
analyzed metals in the whole body tissues investigated
could be due to the storage role played bythese tissues.
Fish contaminated by heavy metals suffers
pathological alterations, with consequent inhibition of
metabolic processes, hematological changes, and
decline in fertility and survival.
It can be conclusively deduced from this study
that fish has the tendency to bioaccumulate heavy
metals in a polluted environment. Since virtually all
metals investigated were found in higher concentration,
so government should intact laws that will ensure that
industries make use of standard waste treatment plants
for the treatment of their wastes before they are being
discharged into water bodies.
Nature and Science 2010;8(4)
This research was sponsored by Department of
Animal Hygiene and Environmental Sanitation (Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University). We thank
Dr. Kawkb A. Ahmed, Dept. of Pathology, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University for technique
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... PSS-131 I depuration data in B. spirata is presented as retention shown in Figure 3. Based on Figure 3(A), the PSS-131 I accumulated in B. spirata decreased at all concentration variations. According to Kaoud (2010), contaminants that accumulate first accumulate in the gills or other external body surfaces and have not entered the digestive system, this is what causes PSS-131 I to decay quickly. PSS-131 I was still retained by B. spirata on the last day of the elimination process in B. spirata, accounting for 26.8%, 27.4%, and 37.5% at 0.96, 1.9, and 3.85 mg·L −1 , respectively. ...
The purpose of this study is to measure the bioaccumulation of iodine-131-labeled polystyrene sulfonate as a microplastic model using nuclear techniques. The biokinetic analysis in this study includes bioaccumulation and depuration of iodine-131-labeled polystyrene sulfonate influenced by the variation of seawater salinity and microplastic concentration. Biokinetic calculations include concentration factor, uptake constant, depuration, elimination constant, and biological half-life. The experimental results showed that the highest bioaccumulation of iodine-131-labeled polystyrene sulfonate was found at a salinity of 32 g·L−1 (5.1 × 10−5 mL·g−1) and at a microplastic concentration of 3.85 mg·L−1 (2.88 × 10−5 mL·g−1). The experimental results show that microplastics were accumulated in B. spirata, and might enter the food chain in the marine ecosystem.
... The fish was euthanized by immersion in MS-222 solution of 250 mg/l water for 10 min. After 2 weeks of acclimatization, fish was reared in water polluted with Pb at a concentration of 51 µg/l (Farouk et al. 2020;Kaoud and El-Dahshan 2010;ECS (Egyptian Chemical Standards) 1994), which is equal to 1/1000 of 50% lethal concentration (LC 50-96 h (this study); 360 fish were distributed into 18 glass aquaria forming six groups (G1-G6) in triplicates (20 fish/aquarium) as follows: G1, control fish cultured in clean unpolluted water; G2, fish received dietary nanocomposite form of 1 g chitosan containing 400 mg CVC-NPs/kg fish feed for 1 week; G3, fish received dietary a half dose of CVC-NPs for 1 week; G4, fish cultured in polluted water (51 µg Pb/l); G5, fish exposed to pollution and treated with 400 mg CVC-NPs for 1 week; and G6, fish exposed to pollution and treated with 200 mg CVC-NPs for 1 week. Fish feed (crude protein 40.72% and digestible energy 3000.62 kcal/kg) was offered at a rate of 5% body weight and equally divided at 10:30 a.m. and 04:30 p.m. ...
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Fish cultivated in a polluted environment usually face complicated disease cases. Pollution is an evitable event in aquaculture that weakens surface immunity, delaying and lowering the immune responses of aquatic animals. In an indoor experiment, Nile tilapia were reared in water polluted with lead (Pb) at a concentration of 51 µg/l for 8 weeks. A trial was conducted to mitigate the immunosuppression using pre-acclimatized Nile tilapia that were subdivided into six groups in which the exposed fish treated with nanocomposite (chitosan-vitamin C-protected nanoparticles (CVC-NPs)) consisted of 1 g of chitosan nanoparticles containing 400 mg vitamin C/kg fish and 200 mg vitamin C/kg fish feed for 1 week. Fish exposed to Pb pollution were immunocompromised as gene expression of immune-related cytokine and antioxidant enzymes significantly declined. Innate immunity was drastically impacted as OBA, phagocytosis and serum antibacterial activity (SAA) showed low values compared to the control fish; meanwhile, exposed fish was challenged against Streptococcus agalactiae and showed a high mortality rate (MR%). Dietary nanocomposite could restore normal immune status, and supplemented fish achieved low MR% with significantly high gene expression of proinflammatory cytokines. It was concluded that adding 200 mg of CVC-NPs/kg fish feed for 1 week could effectively protect Nile tilapia from S. agalactiae, having superiority over the high dose of 400 mg of CVC-NPs.
... Channa punctatus, Cyprinus carpio, Labeo rohita, and Clarias batrachus, and heavy metal exposure has been shown to induce hydropic swelling of renal tubules, pyknotic nuclei, and necrotic areas, along with swollen proximal epithelial cells with necrotic nuclei.Kaoud and Dahshan (2010). The exposure toFig. 2. Necrosis in tubular cells of control and treated fish Cirrhinus mrigala during each experimental duration i.e., 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. (I) Control; (II) Treated on 7 th day; (III) Treated on 14 th day; (VI) treated on 21 st day; (V) 28 th day. Magnification 40 X.lead and cadmium in Anabas testudineus resulted in ...
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Water is indispensable for sustaining life. The present study aimed to find out the lethal concentration (LC50) of aluminium chloride (AlCl3) and its histological alterations in the kidney of freshwater fish Cirrhinus mrigala. A study was based on an experiment design based on lethal concentration. The LC50 of aluminium chloride in fish was reported to be 0.087ml/L after 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. To do further evaluation, the fish were exposed to AlCl3 sublethal concentration 1/10th of LC50, i.e., 0.0087ml/L, for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. After exposure to aluminium chloride, changes in behaviour, including erratic swimming, heightened sensitivity to stimuli, irregular fin movements, congregating at the tank, loss of balance, aggressiveness and respiratory distress, were noticed in C. mrigala. The kidneys of control fish showed no significant changes, while in the treated group, morphological changes were observed in each experimental duration, including a decrease in the number and size of tubular cells, expansion of tubular lumen, degeneration and damage in epithelial cells, necrosis, expanded Bowman’s space, blood cell around tubular and interstitial cells and glomerulus enlargement were observed in kidney tissues. This histological analysis showed that the degree of alterations in fish kidneys increased time-dependent. These histological changes are early warning signs of environmental health risks, showing that even low levels of heavy metal contamination can severely impact aquatic life and the entire food chain, with direct and indirect consequences for human lives and nature.
... Fish living in water have the ability to accumulate heavy metals, which have detrimental effects on environmental and ecosystem health. It can also affect human health through the food chain system (Kaoud et al., 2010). The brain is the target organ for aluminum toxicity, as it has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. ...
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Water is the lifeline of our planet, essential for all forms of life to thrive. Its presence sustains ecosystems, regulates climate, and is crucial for human health and agriculture. As a universal solvent, water plays a vital role in shaping landscapes and supporting biodiversity, making it indispensable for the health and sustainability of both life and Earth. The present study exposed the freshwater fish Cirrhinus mrigala to aluminum chloride to evaluate its toxicological effects. This study determined the lethal concentration (LC50) of aluminum chloride in the freshwater fish Cirrhinus mrigala to be 0.087 ml/L after 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours. In order to evaluate the toxicological effects of aluminum chloride on brain tissues of Cirrhinus mrigala, the sublethal concentration (1/10th of LC50),.e., 0.0087 ml/L, was given to the fishes for 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. After exposing the fish Cirrhinus mrigala to aluminum chloride for 7, 14, 21, and 28 days, we observed behavioral changes like erratic swimming, hyperventilation, and aggressiveness. In the present study, after the exposure of aluminum chloride sublethal concentration to Cirrhinus mrigala, observed histological alterations in the brain tissues revealed by the necrosis in nerve cells, edema, aggregation of glial cells, and structural degeneration during the acute study, when compared to the control group. The overall results emphasize the necessity of rigorous monitoring and regulation to mitigate the adverse effects of pollutants on freshwater ecosystems and their inhabitants. by prioritizing the preservation of water quality to safeguard the delicate balance of aquatic life within these vital habitats for the benefit of both current and future generations. More studies on the effects of such chemical substances are required to be done in the fields of aquatic toxicology.
... They used total protein, albumin, and globulin tests to monitor the course of diseases such as immune disorders, liver dysfunction, and impaired kidney activity [17]. Toxicants cause severe pathological alterations in fish, mainly gill lesions and protein level changes, which are indications of exposure to pesticides [27][28][29]. protein reduction, Al, and globulin concentrations because liver function may be decreased and no longer produce Al or proteins. The total protein was reported as an index of liver disturbance [30]. ...
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The excessive and unwarranted use of pesticides at different stages of crop production can pose a great danger to the aquatic environment, and particularly to fish. Haematological parameters are indicated to be important for environmental pollution. Blood parameters respond to low doses of pollutants, so hematological changes in common carp fish are used for assessing the effects of contaminants. Toxicological effects of Goldate and Alexander individuals combined as a mixture were observed by monitoring hematological parameters in common carp fish. There were 3 concentration groups (1/10, 1/100, and 1/200) for every pesticide (Goldate, Alexander, and mixture of Goldate and Alexander) exposed to juvenile fish (60-80 gm. in weight) for 6 weeks. During the experimental period, the results showed a significant decrease in the red blood cell mean value (RBC), hemoglobin mean value (Hb), and total protein mean value (TP). While there was a significant increase in the white blood cell mean value (WBC) and albumin mean value (Al) after six weeks of exposure, It was found that these changes increase with increasing pesticide concentrations and exposure periods when they are single. However, these changes are more severe when the fish are exposed to a mixture of pesticides at the same time. This experiment found that these changes increase with increasing pesticide concentrations and exposure periods when they are single, but these changes are more severe when the fish are exposed to a mixture of pesticides at the same time, which is evidence of the synergistic action of these pesticides.
... The higher concentration of Pb and Cr in the gills of the two fish species examined may be due to the known fact that fish accumulate metals from the water through their respiratory organs (e.g.gill) and assimilation depends on the concentration level in the environment (Maurya & Malik, 2019). The findings of Kaoud and El-Dahshan (2010), Shivakumar et al. (2014), and Olayinka-Olagunju et al., (2021) reveal that fish muscle is not always a good indicator of whole fish body contamination compared to the gills and liver. This is in line with the studies of Olayinka-Olagunju et al., (2021) who worked on bioaccumulation of metals in pelagic and benthic fish of Ogbese River, Ondo State, South-Western Nigeria concentration of Pb in gill samples ranges from 0.004 to 0.030 ppm. ...
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Bagega community is an artisanal mining community with a history of Pb poisoning. The community is served by a small lake as an important source of water for cattle watering, irrigation, washing, and fishing among other uses. The concentration of Cd, Cr, and Pb in soil and plants at the bank, surface water, sediment, and fish of the lake were analysed using Agilent 4210 MP-AES machine after microwave digestion using the Advanced Microwave Digestion System model (Ethos easy). The concentrations of Pb and Cr in water from Bagega Lake were found to be above the WHO acceptable limits. This presents a health risk to humans and other animals that utilize directly or indirectly utilize the water in the lake. Catfish (Clarias anguillaris) and Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) had higher Pb and Cr concentrations in the gills than in the liver and h muscle (flesh). The concentrations of Cr, Cd and Pb of soils in the bank and sediment of Bagega Lake were below the WHO acceptable limits. A total of thirteen (13) plant species belonging to seven (7) families were identified to be dominant around the Bagega Lake during the time of study and they all show the potential of bioaccumulation of Cr and Pb based on their BCF.
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This study assessed the annual fish consumption among the households in Singida Municipality. This was due to the long-time of unsatisfactory pupil performance in joining secondary schools which may be linked to a lack of Long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The study used a questionnaire based on a random household consumer survey of 204 households. The questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS statistical software version 27 and the results were reported using descriptive statistics including means, standard deviations, percentages, and frequency distributions. The results showed that the highest mean annual consumption was 25.92 kg and 23.00 kg per person for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) respectively. Manyara tilapia (Oreochromis amphimelus) had a consumption rate of 22.27 kg annually per person. Nile perch (Lates niloticus) had the lowest consumption of 18.98 kg annually per person. The trend of respondents' perceptions on occurrences of non-communicable diseases was blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, marasmus, and inflammation of the lungs, epilepsy and Cancer. It was concluded that fish consumption in this study area varies with the type of fish and is higher than the national average fish consumption rate of 8.5 kg in 2020. Although unsatisfactory school performance may be attributed to other factors, more research should be conducted on fish omega-3 quantities from this study area.
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Here I quantitatively review the literature on how fish gill morphology is affected by chemical and physical irritants in the surrounding water (e.g. various toxicants, extremes of temperature or pH). I catalogued histopathological gill lesions that were reported, and used statistics to explore how such lesions relate to the irritant-exposure conditions under which they occurred (specifically, to dose and class of irritant, to temperature, and to salinity of the surrounding water). Frequently recorded histopathologic lesions include changes in gill epithelium (lifting, necrosis, hyperplasia, hypertrophy, rupture), bulbing or fusing of gill lamellae, hypersecretion and proliferation of mucocytes, and changes in chloride cells and gill vasculature. I conclude that these lesions are largely nonspecific in nature, as each was detected under many different exposure conditions. The lesions are not entirely independent of exposure conditions, however, as my statistical analysis discerns these trends: (1) Most gill lesion types have been reported more frequently after lethal than after sublethal exposure to irritants. (2) Some lesions were more frequently detected in studies employing heavy metals than in studies using organic toxicants or other irritants; such lesions include necrosis and hypertrophy of gill epithelial cells, plus mucous hypersecretion. (3) Lifting of the branchial epithelium, the most commonly reported lesion, was reported more often in freshwater than in marine fish, suggesting that osmolarity of the ambient water influences this lesion. Little relation was found between recorded lesion frequencies and temperature. Following my statistical analysis, the etiology of irritant-induced gill lesions is considered. The nonspecificity of branchial alterations suggests that they primarily represent stereotyped physiological reactions of gills to stress, and many of them are logically considered defense responses. Some branchial alterations have been considered inflammatory, but I conclude that the literature cannot support that hypothesis. Ultrastructural studies have detected irritant-induced disruptions of branchial epithelial cells, including cytoplasmic vacuolization, autophagosomes and inclusions, loss of microvilli, and abnormal mitochondria and nuclei.
The last half-century has shown a dramatic increase in the standard of living of millions of people in Europe, North America and many parts of the Third World. This has, in many ways been brought about by scientific and technical developments which were initiated in the 1940s and 1950s. Promises were then made that nuclear energy would provide electricity so cheap that it would not need metering, pesticides would end malnutrition throughout the world and plastics and other synthetic chemicals would revolutionise our manufacturing industry and our way of life. Whilst some of these promises have been fulfilled, the problems of long-term health risks to humans and wildlife arising from the use, production and disposal of these products were either unknown or deliberately understated. Nuclear power is rendered economically unviable when the real cost of decommissioning and storage of waste for several millenia is included, and the effects on health of both humans and wildlife of early pest eradication programmes with organochlorine pesticides were well documented in Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring". Evidence of the effects of aerosols and refrigerants on depletion of the ozone layer has led to restriction on the use of CFCs, and there is now increasing evidence of climate change resulting from our profligate use of fossil fuels.
Five species (Orechromis niloticus, Clarias lazera, Labeo niloticus, Synodontis sp. and Bagrus bayad) of Nile fish were collected from fish sources, twenty samples from each were weighed and muscles were removed, digested and analyzed for cadmium, lead, fluorine, nickel, copper and manganese. The mean levels of cadmium were 0.26, 0.33, 0.37, 0.33 and 0.39 ppm in the five species, respectively. The average levels of lead were 0.32, 0.45, 0.86, 0.64 and 0.12 ppm, respectively. Fluorine mean values were 0.38, 0.20, 0.33, 0.12 and 0.16 ppm, respectively. Mean nickel levels were 1.20, 2.48, 0.75, 0.83 and 0.84 ppm, respectively. The copper averages were 4.22, 5.55, 2.16, 3.78 and 1.68 ppm, respectively, while manganese averages were 2.8, 3.2, 2.2, 2.9 and 1.2 ppm, respectively. The results indicate an increase of cadmium and lead levels and a slight increase in copper and nickel. The results are discussed with other previous reports and its hazardous health effects.
Compared with the studies on reproductive function, relatively little is known about the effects of pollutants on the functions of the thyroid and interrenal tissues. This is undoubtedly due to the fact that in fish, unlike mammals, these tissues do not form distinct glands, but are scattered in small clumps which makes experimental isolation and examination more difficult. There is considerable overlap in function between the thyroid and interrenal with regard to control of growth and metabolism. It is therefore appropriate to consider these tissues together with related endocrine functions such as the stress response, which also involves the chromaffin tissue analogue of the mammalian adrenal medulla, osmoregulation and factors affecting growth.
Plasma osmolality was found to be the most responsive blood parameter with respect to inorganic mercury intoxication. This preceded changes in other blood parameters when Oreochromis aureus (Steindachner) was exposed to 0.1 ppm and 0.5 ppm mercury. 0.5 ppm mercury caused elevated leucocyte and erythrocyte counts within 24 hr. 0.1 ppm mercury did not produce these effects over 24 hr. 0.1 ppm mercury, however, resulted in decreased MCV (mean corpuscular volume) and increased MCHC (mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration) after an exposure of 1 week.