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lnland Sand Ecosystems: Dynamics and
restitution as a consequence of the use of
different grazing systems
Angelika Schwabe', Dominique Remy', Thorsten Assmann', Anselm Kratochwil',
Albrecht Mährleinn, Michael Nobis', Christian Storm', Andreas Zehm', Harald
Schlemmert, Robert Seußt, Sabine Bergmann', Carsten Eichbergr, Uwe Menzelt,
Markus Persigehl', Kai Zimmermann', Mareike Weinert2
rDepartment of Biology, Geobotany/Vegetation Ecology, Darmstadt University of
Technology, Germany
'Dep. of Biology/Chemistry, Division of Ecology, University of Osnabrück,
'Institute for Ecology and Environmental Chemistry, University of Lüneburg,
nGreven, Germany
'Institute of Geodesy, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
In Germany, sand ecosystems zue irmong the endangered habitats, particularly the open and
the ecotone-rich forms including open oak and pine woodland. A practicable nature
conservation concept has to take into account the often anthropo-zoogenically caused
dynamics of sand ecosystems. The conservation of these ecosystems is problematic, as they
form dynamic systems which lose relevance for species and habitat conservation if they are
not used or if they are intensively used or fertilized.
Therefore, apart from existing sandy regions, restitution areas are studied, among them
an inland dune complex the morphology of which was altered in the context of a trial and
development project. The areas studied are located in the north-German lowland plain
("Hase valley", "Ems valley" in the Emsland region) and in the northem Upper Rhine
valley (sandy regions near Darmstadt). Differentiated grazing systems with cattle, sheep,
goats, horses, Mangalitza pigs and donkeys are employed.
The central aim of the project is to analyse the effects of different grazing systems on
the vegetation, on nutrient dynamics, on selected animal groups and on socio-economics.
The article presents conclusions for nature conservation and socio-economic aspects.
1 Background
Most open habitats developed as a result of human activities, especially as a
consequence of the many and diverse forms of land use practised in historical
times. Consequently, there was a wide variety of such habitats in Central Europe;
many of them, however, have now disappeared.
Pasture Landscapes and Nature Conservation
B. Redecker, P. Finck, W Härdtle, U. Riecken, E. Schröder (Eds.)
@ Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
240 Angelika Schwabe et al.
In Germany, sand ecosystems are among these endangered habitats, particularly
the open types and those rich in ecotones including open oak and pine woodland.
A practicable nature conservation concept has to take into account the often
anthropo-zoogenically caused dynamics of sand ecosystems. The conservation of
these ecosystems is problematic, as they form dynamic systems which are no
longer of relevance for species and habitat conservation if they are not used or if
they are intensively used or fertilized. Mosaic complexes need certain disturbance
factors to also retain pioneer stages (BAKKER et al. 1983, Or-rn et al. 1999, WHrTE
and JeNtsctt 2001, KRATocHwTL and ScHwesE 2001). Many poorly competitive
plant species as well as xerophilous and thermophilous arthropods depend on such
early successional stages.
Tabelle 1. The concepts of redynamization and restitution in sand ecosystems (schematic)
status quo management oractices
changes of abiotic
conditions ("abiotic
transfer of diaspores
(vascular plants,
grazing impacl
dominance of
species (e.g.
rncrease ln specles
of early
stages (indirect
effects through
the initiation of
selective grazing
on nutrient-rich
species, increase
in some avoided
species (e.g.
Koeleria glauca,
specific effects:
flower phenology
(e.g. induction of
second flowering
after srazins)
= b0'=
E€ E
arable field,
fallow land
(e.g. former
Zea mays
manipulation of the
upper soil layer (0-60
cm) which is rich in N
and P: transfer of the
upper layer or
substitution by the lower
layer poor in N and P,
modelling of dune
structures. hollows
the study sites are
treated with diaspores of
higher plant species and
cryptogams by transfer
of hay, litter or sods of
vegetation, seed bank
and seed rain are studied
selective grazing on
especially ruderal
species, therefore
increase in some
avoided endangered
species which are
poor in nutrients,
grazing of
endangered species
will be analysed
Inland Sand Ecocsystems: Dynamics and restitution 241
Table I (cont.)
target species/communities which still occur in intact sand
ecosystems (at the top) and target species/communities for the
restitution ereäs (af the hollnml /erennlcs)
vesetation. nlant snecies animal snecies
gaps, dune
structures Corynephoretalia and Armerion
elongatae (e.g. Corynephorus
cane sc ens, Te e sda lia nud.ic au I i s,
Dianthus deltoides,
R: Phleum arenarium, Silene
conica, Veronica praecox, V.
verna, Arme ria* e longata)
R: Koelerion glaucae (e.9. Jurinea
cyanoide s, Koe le ria glauca,
Alys sum* gme linii, Medicago
minima, Bassia laniflora, Poa
R: Oenanthe oenanthe (Aves),
Oedipoda caerulescens
(Caelif era), H ar pal us ne g le c tu s
R, H: My rme leote ttix mac ulatus
(Caelifera), C i c i nde Ia hyb r i da
s.l. (Cicindelidae), Poecilus
le pidus, Masore us we r I e r halli i
R: Eresus cinnaberinus s.l.
(Araneida), Bembix rostrata
(S phecidae), N o m i o i d e s
minutissimus, Andrena
carbonaria s.1., Halictus
R, H: Andrena barbilabris
.E€ E
of dune
in the floodplain
dry habitats: Corynephoretalia
/Armerion elongatae
R: Koelerion glaucae, elements of
H (moisUwet habitats): e.g. Elatine
species, different Nanocyperion
dry habitats: Poecilus lepidus,
Masoreus wetterhallii
(Carabidae) (question of
translocation experiments with
Harpalus neglectus (H)
(wingless species),
H = moist/wet habitats:
Agonum viridicupreum
R = Upper Rhine valley near Darmstadt; H = Ems/Hase region (NW Germany)
* = abbr. for species name
A management form aiming to maintain dynamic systems but also considering
economic aspects has to be devised. It should be applicable to both remnants of
these habitats and to restitution areas, i.e. areas where the re-establishment of
such ecosystems is attempted. Especially the latter aspect is of great importance in
regions where remnants of sand ecosystems are so small and fragmented that a
gene exchange has become almost impossible. Therefore, apart from existing
sandy regions, restitution areas are studied, among them an inland dune complex
upmodelled in the framework of a trial and development project. "projects that
combine protection and utilization aspects are of special significance" (FEDERAL
AcsNcy FoR NATURE CoNsenvlrroN 2000).
Angelika Schwabe et al.
The areas studied are representative oftheir respective regions; they are located
in the north-German lowland plain ("Hase valley", "Ems valley,'in the Emsland
region) and in the northern upper Rhine valley (sandy areas near Darmstadt).
Differentiated grazing systems with cattle, sheep, goats, horses, Mangalitza
pigs and donkeys are employed.
The Darmstadt University of Technology, the University of Osnabrück, the
University of Lüneburg and the university of Göttingen take part in this research
2 Hypothesis, questions and the concept of restitution
and redynamization
Our hypothesis is that grazing systems with extensive management (< 0.7 live-
stock units/ha) and hardy breeds are suitable to promote dynamic processes:
- to redynamize sand ecosystems which have become consolidated and contain
mono-dominant species such as Poa angustifulia, Calamagrostis epigejos,
Cynodon dactylon and
- to develop restitution areas e.g. by selective grazing of nutrient-rich, especially
ruderal species; therefore populations of endangered plant species - often
avoided by grazing stock - may increase. (Possible negative effects will be
taken into consideration, see "Outlook".)
The following questions need to be addressed:
- which dynamic effects are caused by grazing in existing and restituted sand
- which effects can be identified concerning abiotic and biotic resource
availability and preservation?
- How are the dispersal strategies in redynamised and restituted sand ecosystems
for selected plant and animal species?
- which effects are important for nature conservation management and for socio-
To summarize: which dynamic responses of abiotic and biotic structures can be
identified, given the impact of the grazing regime employed, and what
consequences for nature conservation and socio-economics can be deducted from
Table I summarizes the concepts of redynamization and restitution including
the proposed hypothesis and relevant questions.
Inland Sand Ecocsystems: Dynamics and restitution 243
3 Some information about study sites and sampling
The sandy sites in the Upper Rhine valley near Darmstadt (R) and in the
Ems/Hase valley (H) still contain a number of endangered species and vegetation
types (e.g. R: Bromo tectori-Phleetum arenarii, Jurineo-Koelerietum, Armerio-
Festucetum trachyphyllae, H: Spergulo morisonii-Corynephoretum, Diantho
deltoidis-Armerietum), as well as larger populations of endangered plant and
animal species (e.g. R: Jurinea cyanoides, Bassia lanifTora, Nomioides
minutissimus, H: Harpalus neglectus); see Table L In the Ems/Hase region we
have endangered mosaic complexes consisting of inland dunes and temporarily
flooded hollows. r'*es
Fig. l. Example of a fenced 14 x 14 m exclosure and the grazed plots outside the fence
(colour infrared aerial photograph, May 2000, pixel size: 7 cm; "Ehemaliger August-Euler-
Flugplatz von Darmstadt" in the Upper Rhine valley). The grazed area is dominated by
flowering Cereutium arvense (white) and open structures which are very rich in
therophytes, such as Silene conica; the fenced area (since March 1999) already has a
different structure. The pathways for the study of flower phenology (exclosure: bottom left)
are clearly discernible
244 Angelika Schwabe et al.
E Bnün-Bhquct plot Elth plotl fd' phtn0toglcC sildrr (dotfcd)
I ptotr for nndüt rcolosr
[l vcücrt vcgrttlü cmcürr
n hor{zcüel YcAatalo lructlrr
a loggqß(tcmprnhc)
..... fdcc ddoroc
l---1o o
l--1a a
Fig. 2. Diagram of the experimental design shown in Fig. L In our project about 35 fenced
exclosures will be studied
In open habitat sites, monodominant stands of Poa angustifulia, Calamagrostis
epigejos and, in the recent past, an increase in the Ca grass Cynodon dactylon have
been observed (R), especially when the land was not utilized.
The study areas in the Emsland region are grazed extensively with cattle and/or
horses. In the Darmstadt region mainly sheep grazing regimes with different sheep
breeds can be compared (hardy indigenous sheep breeds such as Rhoen sheep,
Skudde, Moorschnucke); Zatr,t et al. (2002). No supplementary feeding is
provided during the pasture period (for Rhoen sheep: May - December).
In addition to classic approaches (e.g. vegetation mapping) we have been able
to study replicated fenced and grazed plots in different vegetation complexes (e.g.
typical and ruderalised Koelerion glaucae complex, Armerio-Festucetum
trachyphyllae complex, Spergulo-Corynephoretum complex, Diantho-Armerietum
compfex and others) (see Figs. I and2).In both regions two replicated exclosures
were established in each vegetation complex. In a further step the data will be
scaled up in order to obtain results for the landscape level (see below).
Inland Sand Ecocsystems: Dynamics and restitution 245
4 Structure of the proiect
The investigations focus on the impact of the different grazing animals on
vegetation structure, nutrient dynamics and selected arthropod groups, as well as
on agricultural yield, applied economics and socio-economics. Moreover the
colonization dynamics of arthropod species in "habitat islands" (original situation
of restitution sites) is studied as an important aspect in nature conservation
management. The data are processed, analysed in a four-dimensional Geographic
Information System (GIS) and scaled up for larger areas.
4.1 Modute: Vegetation - structure and dynamics
The effects of grazing (mainly with cattle, sheep, goats, horses and Mangalitza
pigs) on the vegetation and structure of the stratified sampling plots are studied
and compared to reference plots. Existing sand ecosystems and restitution areas
are studied with respect to their horizontal and vertical vegetation structure, their
flower and fruit phenology and the diaspore dynamics. Relationships between
vegetation structure and animals like grasshoppers (Ensifera/Caelifera) and bees
(Hymenoptera Apoidea) are also studied. Two examples of grazing preferences
are given in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Grazing preferences demonstrated using wicker baskets (examples from the nature
reserve "Ehemaliger August-Euler-Flugplatz von Darmstadt"). Vegetation undemeath a
wicker basket of I x 2 m (right) and after two weeks of Rhoen sheep grazing (left).
Example I (left): Bromo-Phleetum-/Koelerion glaucae-complex with 6 endangered species
(e.g. Koeleria glauca, Medicago minima, Silen^e conica, Veronica verna, Veronica
praecox); standing crop (above stubbles): 87 glm'dry weight, grazed percentage of dry
weight26%o, nearly no endangered species grazed.
Example 2 (right): Armerio elongatae-Festucetum rich in the leguminous plant species
Medicago falcata with one endangered species (Medicago minima); standing crop (above
stubbles): 585 g/m2dry weight, grazed percentage ofdry weight6lVo
246 Angelika Schwabe et al.
4.2 Module: Nutrient dynamics
Nutrient dynamics of intact or ruderalised sand ecosystems: investigation of the
influences of grazing, particularly on the nitrogen and phosphorus regime of sand
ecosystems. Statements on the sustainability of use and a possible compensation
ofeutrophying influences can be made.
Nutrient dynamics of restituted sand ecosystems: whether and to what extent
the restitution of oligo-mesotraphent vegetation complexes is possible after former
intensive agricultural use or other interventions. Tumover and reduction of the
nutrients accumulated in soil during the intensive agricultural use as well as their
translocation to the groundwater are studied.
4.3 Module: Dynamics of selected arthropod populations
The stenotopic arthropod fauna of sand ecosystems contains many endangered
species. For the restitution of habitats, the following aspects are important from
the point of view of animal ecology:
- to analyse the dispersal types of arthropod species with regard to the potential
for colonizing new habitat, and to assess the importance of the ability to fly for
the dispersal of a species,
- to ascertain the individual numbers required for the establishment of a
- to determine the source populations and their distance,
- to analyse the establishment of new populations in the habitats, the migration
patterns, and the utilization of available space by individuals.
4.4 Module: Agricultural yield, applied economics, socio-economics
This interdisciplinary module aims at recording and analysing the agricultural
aspects of the project, i.e. agricultural production and keeping of livestock, in their
micro-economic and socio-economic dimensions. with the help of wicker baskets
(Fig. 3) the production of the pastures can be calculated, including essential
nutrients. Aspects of nature conservation agricultural and economic aspects have
to be brought together.
4.5 Module: Geographic lnformation Systems (GlS): Generation of a
four-dimensional GIS
Using a GIS, geocoded data from other modules are gathered, depicted, analysed
and summarized. This requires in part the spatial extrapolation of the data of
representative sites to areas with a size of many hectares. The results are partly
shown in the form of scenarios, i.e. the development in non-grazed areas is
compared to that in grazed parts.
Inland Sand Ecocsystems: Dynamics and restitution 247
5 lnvestigating different scales
We use the following approaches to study different scales:
Population level: Quantitative data of the flower and fruit phenology are
sampled in some fenced/unfenced plots following the method established by
KRATocHwIL (1984). Especially the seed production of threatened species, such
asVeronicaverna, Silene conica, Silene otites and others, will be studied.
Level of population micro-patterns: The horizontal structure of vegetation
and the dynamic processes in the time axis are studied using a very fine grid (5 x
5, l0 x 10 cm) and the positiometer method after Nosls (1999). The vertical
structure is recorded by taking digital images (after Zelnv 1997 and in prep.) of
fenced ungrazed and grazed plots and is analysed with specially elaborated
Level of plant communities and vegetation complexes: Plant communities
and vegetation complexes are sampled and mapped using the 'classic' methods.
Broad scale investigations: These are based on special aerial photographs
(colour infrared film material, pixel size 7 cm) and taken annually prior to the start
of the grazing season (May). The vegetation pattem will be quantified. For this
purpose different methods of digital image processing as well as different
analytical tools of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are used. In
combination with the results of the detailed examination it will be possible to
describe some dynamic processes.
6 The main restitution proiect: Extensively grazed pasture
landscape in the Emsland region (north-western
This part of the project aims at the restitution and redynamization of a typical
semi-open pasture landscape in north-western Germany. On the sandy soils of the
Hase river floodplain, complexes of inland dunes and temporarily flooded hollows
will be restored. In a first step the dikes of two oxbows ("Hammer Schleife" and
"Wester Schleife"), which are at present used as maize fields and fertilized
pastures, will be completely removed. In an area of about 37 ha, the morphology
of structures such as small inland dunes and temporarily flooded hollows will be
modelled (example Fig.4) and these will then be extensively grazed by cattle and
In the base-poor sandy regions of the north-western German lowlands
complexes of inland dunes, temporarily flooded hollows or abandoned channels in
river meadows are typical elements of pasture-woodlands. In the study area, this
landscape type is characterized by a mosaic of nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor
grasslands of variable humidity, containing, amongst other vegetation types,
seasonally flooded grassland with Dianthus deltoides and sandy dry meadows
interspersed e.g. with blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) and juniper (Juniperus
248 Angelika Schwabe et al.
communis). River engineering like the building of dikes hydrodynamically
separated the riparian grassland from the river. The frequency and duration of
floods was thus reduced and the ground-water level lowered. The region was then
intensively used agriculturally, leading to a quantitative and qualitative reduction
of the semi-open pasture landscapes and their biocoenoses.
We assume that it is possible to restore a levelled, heavily fertilized agricultural
area to an extensively used complex of inland dunes and temporarily flooded
hollows and to develop this complex as a dynamic system in the long term. Under
an extensive grazing regime site-typical plant and animal species with their
communities should develop from residual populations, from persistent seed
banks, from transferred diaspores (hay, sods; see Table l) or immigrate from the
Fig. 4. Concept for the restitution (including abiotic redynamization) within the "Hammer
Schleife" (Ems region, north-westem Germany)
4a Situation around 1900 (survey: Königlich Preußische Landesaufnahme)
4b Present situation (from topographic map I : 25,000)
4c Future relief of the restitution area adapted from the historic situation and considering
the local deposits of sandy material (relief modelling using the Surfer Software). (Height
given in m)
Inland Sand Ecocsystems: Dynamics and restitution 249
The biotic targets for the ecological restoration (BAKKER et al. 2000) have been
defined according to typical vegetation types (BerreR and BERENDSE 1999) and
animal communities of nutrient-poor sand ecosystems (target
species/communities, see Table l). For this reason the impact of grazing on intact
vegetation complexes of the Ems and Hase valley has also been studied. Grazed
and ungrazed (fenced) plots were set up in different vegetation units in these study
areas (different types of Spergulo-Corynephoretum, Diantho deltoidis-
Armerietum) with the experimental design shown in Fig. 2.
The restitution project has been divided into three phases: 1. Planning and
preliminary investigations; 2. Restoration and initial phase; 3. Phase of dynamic
In the first phase, completed at the end of the year 2000, models of the
landscape including the abiotic target structures (Table l) were developed. A plan
for altering the dune morphology were drawn up (Fig. 2) on the basis of historical
data (maps, aerial photographs) and the models as well as the available soil masses
were assessed with regard to quantity and quality (soil type, nutrient content).
Ground modelling was completed in a short second phase in the winter of 2001 :
an artificial relief is to be created and simultaneously natural hydrodynamics are to
be restored. The upper soil layer (0-60 cm) which is rich in N and P was
transferred to the deeper part of the dune structures and was substituted by layers
poor in nutrients. Immediately after having moved the soil, site typical grassland
species are to be sown in the main area to prevent ruderalization. The reshaped
dune areas (Fig. a) are to be "inoculated" through the transfer ofhay or sods from
sand-specific vegetation. Sporadically, site-typical shrubs will be planted (e.g.
Prunus spinosa). Eight permanent plots will be established, four of which will be
ungrazed fenced areas. Measurement devices for hydrogeological / geochemical
investigations (WetNrnr et al. 2000) was placed in the soil (soil moisture samplers
with nylon cups, water-level indicators, lysimeters).
In the third phase of the development of natural morphological structures and
biocoenoses under the influence of abiotic processes and extensive grazing, these
systems will be studied carefully (monitoring). "Monitoring is a conditio sine qua
non for the evaluation of the effects of ecological restoration" (Bnrxen et al.
Other restoration projects in smaller areas (l-2 ha) were initiated in the
Darmstadt-Dieburg region. One project has already been running since 1998 and
demonstrates the effects of grazing by sheep preferring nutrient-rich plant species
and neglecting e.g. Corynephorus canescens, Koeleria glauca and other
endangered species.
7 Outlook
Having completely analysed and summarized the data, recommendations for
nature conservation measures can be formulated, which should be applicable to
250 Angelika Schwabe et al.
other sand ecosystems and restoration projects. The measures are to be judged as
to their efficiency, also considering economic aspects.
Following the first year of study there are some initial results;
- an increase in plant species biodiversity in mono-dominant stands of
competitively aggressive grasses, such as Calamagrostis epigejos, after grazing
(Zzuvt et a1.,2002)
- an increasing number of gaps and therefore of therophytes in the grazed plots
(e.g. Silene conica)
- strong structural changes in both grazed and ungrazed plots. Results concerning
connections e.g. between structural changes, plant and animal populations will
be outlined.
Possible negative effects of local overgrazing and grazing of endangered
species as reported by RosEN and vnN DER MAAREL (2000) for the Alvar
vegetation (Öland) will be taken into consideration. In our extensive grazing
systems local overgrazing probably does not play a role. Grazing of endangered
species will be analysed, such as Armeria*elongata and Dianthus deltoides.In the
case of Armeria a second flowering induction phase after grazing can be observed.
We are confident that our project can contribute empirical and synoptic data to
answer questions on the importance of dynamic processes in landscapes grazedby
hardy breeds (Rncr et al. 1998).
8 German summary
In der Landschaft sowohl der nördlichen Oberrheinebene als auch des Emslandes sollten
Sandstandorte Beispiele von Ökosystemen darstellen, die z.T. noch großflächigeren
dynamischen Prozessen unterliegen. Die Sandstandorte des nördlichen Teils der
Obenheinebene weisen eine Reihe extrem gefährdeter Vegetationstypen, Pflanzen- und
Tierarten auf (s. Tab. l). Im Zuge von Ruderalisierungen nehmen in den letzten
Jahrzehnten unduldsame Gräser wie z.B. Schmalblättriges Rispengras (Poa angustifulia)
und Sandrohr (Calamagrostis epigejos) überhand. Die flußnahen Sand-
Vegetationskomplexe im Ems-/Hase-Gebiet bergen mit Sand-Pionierfluren und -Rasen in
ihrer Verzahnung mit Flutmulden ebenfalls eine Fülle gefährdeter Vegetationstypen,
Pflanzen- und Tierarten (Tab. l).
.. Das typische Vegetationsmosaik der gefährdeten Pflanzengesellschaften von Sand-
Okosystemen bildet sich in der Regel nur bei vorhandenen Störungen aus, die die
Sukzessionsprozesse immer wieder initiieren; so kommen konkunenzschwache Pionier-
Pflanzenarten zur Entwicklung und xero-/thermobionte Arthropoden finden entsprechende
offene Lebensräume.
Neben einer möglichen Redynamisierung gewachsener Ökosysteme spielt für den
Naturschutz die Frage der Restitution eine bedeutende Rolle. Unsere Hypothese ist, daß
Beweidung ein tragftihiges Konzept darstellt, um konsolidierte Sandstandorte zu
redynamisieren und um Restitutionsflächen im Sinne des Naturschutzes zu entwickeln.
In einem BMBF-Projekt werden in der nördlichen Obenheinebene und im Emsland
neben bestehenden Sandgebieten auch Restitutionsflächen untersucht, darunter eine in dem
E+E-Vorhaben ,,Hasetal" aufmodellierte Binnendünenfläche. Differenzierte Weidesysteme
Inland Sand Ecocsystems: Dynamics and restitution 25r
(u.a. mit Rindem, Schafen, Ziegen) werden eingesetzt. Wesentliches Ziel des Projektes ist
die Untersuchung der Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Weidesysteme auf die Vegetations-
entwicklung, die Nährstoffdynamik und ausgewählte Tiergruppen. Ertrags- und
betriebswirtschaftliche sowie sozioökonomische Untersuchungen ermöglichen eine
Bewertung der ökonomischen Gesichtspunkte der verschiedenen Beweidungsvarianten.
Unter Berücksichtigung der naturschutzfachlichen und sozioökonomischen Aspekte wird
eine Szenarienbildung mit Hilfe eines vierdimensionalen GIS (Raum und Zeit) erarbeitet.
In allen Gebieten wurden neben größerflächigen Untersuchungsansätzen (Luftbilder,
Vegetationskartierungen) nicht beweidete Vergleichsfl ächen eingerichtet.
Nach vollständiger Analyse der Daten sollen Empfehlungen für den Naturschutz
gegeben werden, die auch auf andere Sandökosysteme und Restitutionsprojekte übertragbar
sind. Hierbei wird auch dieEffrzienz der möglichen Maßnahmen betrachtet.
Acknowledgements and corresponding authors
We are grateful to the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research
(Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF; funded 2000-2003, No.
01LN0003) and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz,
BfN) for supporting our projects. The studies have been made possible by the cooperation
of the competent authorities; in some instances cooperation contracts exist with these
authorities. We would especially like to thank the Weser-Ems regional administration, the
Darmstadt regional administration and the Darmstadt-Dieburg district authority. We are
also grateful to the livestock owners in both study areas for their cooperation.
More information about the project can be found at: FSTAR.htm.
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