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Abstract and Figures

Canada occupies a special place among the world producers of seaweeds, mostly because it ranked first, from approximately 1950 to 1970, as a producer of the red alga Chondrus crispus (Irish moss), historically the first source of raw material for carrageenan extraction. However, seaweed harvesting along the coasts of the Maritimes is not a long-standing tradition, except in the case of Palmaria palmata (dulse), which has been harvested along the Bay of Fundy (especially on Grand Manan Island) for more than a century (even if the start of this cottage industry is difficult to date precisely). This chapter will focus on the seaweed industry on the Atlantic (East) Coast of Canada, the Pacific (West) Coast industry being treated in a separate chapter by S. Lindstrom. Along the East Coast, the emphasis will be on the Maritimes, which include the provinces of Prince Edward Island (PEI), Nova Scotia (NS) and New Brunswick (NB) (Fig. 1). The two provinces of Québec, and Newfoundland and Labrador are omitted, even though they have been the subject of numerous surveys, exploratory missions and reports, because no significant industry is presently operating there, except the sporadic harvesting of Laminaria sp. (kelp) in Québec (along the St. Lawrence Estuary and the Baie des Chaleurs) which was estimated at 500 wet tons (WT) in 1994 (Bodiguel 1995), and the harvesting of Ascophyllum nodosum (rockweed) and Laminaria sp. by a few small companies in Newfoundland.
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1University of New Brunswick, Centre for Coastal Studies and Aquaculture, Centre for
Environmental and Molecular Algal Research, Department of Biology, P.O. Box 5050, Saint
John, NB, E2L 4L5, Canada.
2Acadian Seaplants Limited, 30 Brown Avenue, Dartmouth, NS, B3B 1H8, Canada
Canada occupies a special place among the world producers of seaweeds, mostly because it
ranked first, from approximately 1950 to 1970, as a producer of the red alga Chondrus crispus
(Irish moss), historically the first source of raw material for carrageenan extraction. However,
seaweed harvesting along the coasts of the Maritimes is not a long-standing tradition, except in
the case of Palmaria palmata (dulse), which has been harvested along the Bay of Fundy
(especially on Grand Manan Island) for more than a century (even if the start of this cottage
industry is difficult to date precisely).
This chapter will focus on the seaweed industry on the Atlantic (East) Coast of Canada, the
Pacific (West) Coast industry being treated in a separate chapter by S. Lindstrom. Along the East
Coast, the emphasis will be on the Maritimes, which include the provinces of Prince Edward
Island (PEI), Nova Scotia (NS) and New Brunswick (NB) (Fig. 1). The two provinces of Québec,
and Newfoundland and Labrador are omitted, even though they have been the subject of
numerous surveys, exploratory missions and reports, because no significant industry is presently
operating there, except the sporadic harvesting of Laminaria sp. (kelp) in Québec (along the St.
Lawrence Estuary and the Baie des Chaleurs) which was estimated at 500 wet tons (WT) in
1994 (Bodiguel 1995), and the harvesting of Ascophyllum nodosum (rockweed) and Laminaria
sp. by a few small companies in
The Maritimes are situated in the
western province of the cold
temperate Atlantic-boreal region
(van den Hoek 1975). Seaweeds in
this region have to survive drastic
changes of temperature. In the
summer seawater can reach 20-
22°C along the shallow coast of PEI
with flat sandstone bottom, while
along the Bay of Fundy it rarely
raises above 14-16°C, because of
the significant mixing of waters due
to the exceptional tidal range (the
largest in the world: up to 16-19 m
in certain parts of the Bay). In the winter, many coastal waters are covered with ice, with the
water below in the vicinity of -1 to 0°C. The most drastic scenario can be low tide around 4:00 or
5:00 am when, in a few minutes, intertidal seaweeds experience a change of temperature from -
20°C when exposed to air to around 0°C when the tide is coming in. Salinity on the Atlantic
coasts of NS and NB varies between 30 and 33‰, but can be locally reduced, especially in the
spring when snow and ice accumulations are melting. The north-east coast of NB and PEI, being
located in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, can experience lower salinity (around 27-28‰).
Currents, mostly associated with tides, can be extremely strong in the Bay of Fundy (2 m.s-1 at
Letite Passage between Deer Island and mainland NB).
The biodiversity richness of eastern Canada is, by no means, exceptional. South (1984)
established a checklist of 354 species, subspecies, and varieties of benthic marine algae -
consisting of 128 Rhodophyceae, 128 Phaeophyceae, 90 Chlorophyceae, 7 species of
Vaucheria (Xanthophyceae) and 1 of Phaeosaccion (Chrysophyceae) - for the coastline from
Cape Chidley, Labrador, in the North to the New Brunswick/Maine border in the South. The
abundance of a few species is, however, remarkable and led to the development of three notable
fisheries: Irish moss (Chondrus crispus), rockweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) and dulse (Palmaria
palmata) harvesting.
This chapter will develop the evolution of these three fisheries/production and then analyse the
emerging trends, especially in the area of cultivation.
Large beds of C. crispus were identified in the Maritimes as early as 1830 (Bodiguel 1995).
Hand-raking for commercial gain was already reported in the mid 1920's in NB (Needler 1947).
However, harvesting both in PEI and NS remained minimal until World War II, mostly for the
production of gels and the popular Acadian dessert blanc mange” at the first North American
seaweed extraction factory in Scituate, Massachusetts, USA. Recollections of local inhabitants
date the starting of “mossing” in the region of Miminegash/Tignish (NW of PEI; Fig. 1) to 1939. In
1941, with the entrance of Japan and the USA in World War II, access to Japanese
phycocolloids and C. crispus from France suddenly became closed to the USA and one of the
less recognised “war efforts” of Canada was initiated. Very rapidly, Canada became the main
supplier, the “carrageenan rakery”, of the USA for medicinal and food applications in which
carrageenans were substituted for agars. From 4.5 dry tons (DT) in 1940 for PEI, the harvest
jumped to 118.3 DT in 1941 and 898.2 DT in 1942 for PEI and NS combined (Needler 1942,
1947). For the period 1943-46, data are partial, but for 1946, Needler (1947) reported a harvest
of 1 307.3 DT for PEI and NS combined, while MacFarlane (1964) reported 1 358.9 DT.
At the end of World War II, the market and prices stabilised again and European and Japanese
competition was reactivated. Provincial and federal governments, without much concerted effort,
tried to consolidate and develop the Irish moss industry. Pringle (1981, 1986) and Sharp et al.
(1993) have divided the evolution of the Irish moss industry into four time periods (Fig. 2).
48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02
Landings (wet tons)
Period I
Period III
Period IV
Fig. 2: Landings (wet tons) of Chondrus crispus in Canada from 1948 to 2002. Landings from 2003 to present are
not available from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. The characteristics of each of the four periods are
explained in the text.
Period I (until 1965)
The mean annual harvest for this period was 3 800 WT with a very slow growth. Harvesting and
preparing the crop for sale (sun-drying of bleached Irish moss before transport to the buying
station) was labour intensive. Irish moss was mainly gathered as beach “storm toss” (Figs. 3-4),
even though some hand-raking from inshore fish boats (6-9 m long) began in the late 1940's.
Drag-rakes on “hauler” boats (Fig. 5), generally handled by one or two people, appeared in the
early 1950's.
Several small, not always long-lived, independent companies were buying the resource for resale
to major extraction companies.
Fig. 3: Harvesting of “storm tossChondrus crispus on
the beach of Cape Gage, near Miminegash, PEI.
Fig. 4: Harvesting of “storm toss” Chondrus crispus,
with a horse pulling a rake, at Cape Gage, PEI.
Fig. 5: Harvesting of Chondrus crispus by a single-
handed “hauler” boat off Cape Gage, PEI. Three
individual rakes, like the one being put back to sea,
are towed on each side of the boat.
Fig. 6: Sun-drying of Chondrus crispus at Pleasant
View, near Miminegash, PEI.
Fig. 7: Harvesting of Chondrus crispus by a “wincher
boat off Cape Gage, PEI. The crew is bringing three
rakes, attached together, on board while three others
are dragged on the other side.
Period II (1965 - 1975)
As demand for Irish moss for an ever diversifying market (Chopin 1986, Chopin et al. 1995)
increased, harvesters decided to spend more time harvesting than preparing the crop for sale
(Fig. 6). After development of an oil-fired, drum-drier at the Marine Plants Experimental Station of
Miminegash from the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) in 1966, the technology
was transferred in 1967 to private industry and company buyers purchased the bulk of the wet
crop at dockside. Fishing intensity and power increased with the introduction of “wincher” boats
(larger lobster boats, equipped with twin winches and booms and generally handled by 2-3
people; Fig. 7), which allowed continuous cropping (while one set of drag-rakes is manually
cleaned on one side, the other is harvesting). As the lobster stocks which were showing signs of
decline and rising prices (because of short supply) were not compensating for decreasing
catches, it was important for fishers to diversify the use of their boats and equipment. In the early
1970's, a group of “full-time mossers” appeared, which grew between 1977 and 1980 during the
federal lobster buy-back programme introduced to reduce the number of lobster fishers. During
Period II, the mean annual landing increased to reach 50 000 WT in 1974 (the comparatively low
landing of 1972 was due to poor weather conditions). Buyers from two Danish extraction
companies (Genu Product Ltd., a subsidiary of Copenhagen Pectin Factory Ltd., and Litex
Industry) and two American extraction companies (Marine Colloids Inc. and Kraft Foods Ltd.)
competed for the limited resource, while small independent buying companies gradually closed
or maintained themselves with difficulty through alliances with the multi-national companies.
Already in the late 1950's, the American companies had started to import a cheaper source of
carrageenans, the red algae Kappaphycus and Eucheuma, from wild harvest in Indonesia, and,
in a lesser quantity, the Philippines. The political instability of Indonesia in the late 1960's,
however, renewed the interest for carrageenans from C. crispus from the Maritimes (mostly in
PEI and NS, but also in NB along the Northumberland Strait; Fig. 8).
48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02
Fig. 8: Landings (wet tons) of Chondrus crispus from 1948 to 2002 per province (PEI: Prince Edward Island; NS:
Nova Scotia; NB: New Brunswick). Landings from 2003 to present are not available from the Department of
Fisheries and Oceans.
In 1969, PEI Marine Plants Co-op. built a factory in Anglo-Tingish, near Miminegash. A lack of
technical expertise, lead to closure within one year of operation, using an inappropriate
technology, in 1971-72. The failure of this venture had serious consequences for the Canadian
seaweed industry: because of this unsuccessful story, no other attempt at developing an
extraction plant was ever undertaken in Canada, which limited its role to a world supplier of raw
material instead of manufactured products, where added values and profits lay.
Period III (1976 - 1990)
As written by Pringle (1986), “the bonanza of Period II was short-lived”... Period III has been
characterised by wild oscillations in annual landings attributable to a combination of international
competition, socio-economic and policy decisions, and biological fluctuations in the abundance of
the resource, as evidence for growth and recruitment over-harvesting was presented (Pringle
and Semple 1984). During that period, annual landings decreased to approximately 20 000 WT.
The decline was abrupt in PEI, which had taken the national lead in terms of landings (60% in
1974 to 75% in 1985), and where approximately 100 families were depending uniquely on this
activity as a source of revenue. The situation became very difficult for the full-time mossers who
were no longer in a position to buy back the lobster licences they sold in the 1970's, nor to
acquire one through transfer, as the lobster fishery had rebounded and unofficial licence prices
had sky rocketed. The impact of the decline was not as strongly felt in NS, where “mossing” had
always been considered a supplementary fishery. Stagnant demand and prices and competing
fisheries gradually drew much of the labour force away. A marked decrease in landings in that
province only became clearly apparent in the late 1980's and people seemed to be ready to
accept it (it never created the upheavals and the social/economic context described below, which
applies to the situation in PEI).
It is quite amazing to realise that a small research group (the Marine Plants Section with two
scientists and three technicians at its peak) was only established in 1974 at DFO to gather stock
assessment and resource science data, while the industrial/resource development of what was
then an under-utilised species had been taking place for already more than 25 years! The
Atlantic Coast Marine Plant Regulations, necessary to control harvesting pressure, were
promulgated in 1978, only after harvesters, buyers, provincial and federal governments realised
the deterioration of the resource base to the point where regulations became needed. This was
also within the context of the establishment of the 200 mile economic zone, which favoured the
development of management structures.
Until the early 1970's, C. crispus represented the main source of carrageenans and Canada
provided 65-70% of the world production (Chopin 1990). In 1992, C. crispus represented only
3.8% of the harvested carrageenophytes (Bodiguel 1996) and Canada provided around 12% of
the world-wide resource (Chopin et al. 1992). This complete reversal of the predominance of C.
crispus and Canada in the carrageenan market found its origins in a major geographical shift in
the production regions of raw material due to a high demand in the late 1960's related to
economic development and changes in food habits throughout the world. It became obvious that
C. crispus alone could not fulfil this increasing demand and a relative shortage of C. crispus
forced the price of raw material up in the traditional supplying countries (Canada, France and
USA). The quest for new sources of similar phycocolloids at a cheaper price was on again, with
the major extracting companies in the USA, France and Denmark looking into countries in Asia,
Africa and South America with fast-growing tropical algae and cheap labour costs. Max Doty,
from the University of Hawaii, recommended to Marine Colloids Inc., a subsidiary of Food
Machinery Corporation (FMC) that they develop the aquaculture of Kappaphycus and Eucheuma
in the Philippines, a country under American influence and more stable than Indonesia at that
time. After intense harvesting of natural beds between 1965 and 1970, it became evident that
only aquaculture could satisfy the demand in carrageenophytes, as natural stocks were in
jeopardy. The programme of Max Doty to introduce extensive low-technology Kappaphycus and
Eucheuma aquaculture was extremely successful and had a major impact on the world
carrageenan market: by 1992, Kappaphycus and Eucheuma represented 88% of the
harvested/cultured carrageenophytes. The village of Miminegash, once the self-proclaimed
“World Capital of Irish moss”, can still argue for keeping this title, but definitely not the one of
“World Capital of Carrageenophytes”!
In the early 1980's, extraction companies started to worry about the near monopoly situation of
the Philippines and looked again at diversifying their supplies both in terms of geographical origin
and algal species. Development of Kappaphycus and Eucheuma aquaculture took place on
several countries/islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans like Indonesia, Fiji, Djibouti,
Madagascar, etc. Chile became an ever-stronger partner on the world market with the harvesting
and treatment of Iridaea/Mazzaella/Gigartina which started in 1973. Treating a single resource as
an essential element is not considered cost effective (Chopin 1986), and extracting companies
are more and more delivering blends of carrageenans, from several carrageenophytes, to their
customers. It appears that, even if its position is much reduced, C. crispus retained a special
status because the phycocolloids it produces (κ-, ι- and µ-carrageenans in the gametophytes, λ-
carrageenans in the tetrasporophytes) have such physical and chemical properties that they
remain irreplaceable in some applications. The Canadian Irish moss (35.1% of the C. crispus
biomass harvested in the world in 1992) is consequently still exported, in reduced volume, to the
USA, Denmark, Spain, and France mainly by three buying companies: Genu Product Ltd.,
Acadian Seaplants Limited (who bought FMC operations in Canada in 1981) and Nelson Shea
(who bought the closed down PEI Marine Plants Co-op plant in 1983). Irish moss, as bleached
raw material, has also retained a strong market for the clarification of beer.
Period IV (1991 - present)
Since the early 1990's, Irish moss harvesting has become more and more a complementary
fishery. Some buying companies closed or dramatically reduced their purchases. Management
mechanisms, at the scientific and social levels, are being challenged with often very different
assessments of the situation and, consequently, very different recommendations being issued.
Not only has the competition with developing tropical countries become more pronounced, but a
new competition has developed between the traditional refined carrageenans and, the less
expensive to produce, semi-refined (or PNG, Philippine Natural Grade) carrageenans introduced
by the Philippines (Shemberg Marketing Corp.) in the 1980's, originally for the pet food markets
(Borja et al. 1991). In 1990, after intense lobbying, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of
the USA allowed their uses in human food. The production of semi-refined carrageenans jumped
immediately to 3 000 tons in 1991 and 18 000 tons in 1993 (Bodiguel 1995). By comparison, the
production of refined carrageenans reached 24 000 tons in 1993. The world commercial
carrageenophyte supply/carrageenan production picture is consequently shifting again. From a
situation in which suppliers and extractors were in the developed world until the 1970's, to a
situation in which suppliers were more and more located in developing countries while extractors
remained concentrated in a few developed countries (mainly the USA, France, and Denmark),
the present situation sees the emergence of suppliers/extractors in countries which are becoming
more and more difficult to categorise as “developing” (Philippines, Indonesia, Chile, for example).
If considering only the refined carrageenans, a clearly unbalanced situation existed in 1993, with
86% of the raw material suppliers in Asia and 78.2% of the extractors in North America and
Europe (Bodiguel 1995). When combining both types of carrageenans, the Philippines ranked
first (13 000 tons semi-refined and 2 000 tons refined carrageenans), followed by Denmark (6
300 tons refined carrageenans), the USA (4 000 tons refined carrageenans) and Indonesia (4
000 tons semi-refined carrageenans), France (3 400 tons refined carrageenans) and Chile (2 300
tons refined and 1 000 tons semi-refined carrageenans). Unfortunately, Canada cannot be listed
among carrageenan producers.
Another significant impact on the Canadian Irish moss industry was a dramatic change in the
algal composition of the so-called “Irish moss beds” in western PEI. Until 1986, the red alga
Furcellaria lumbricalis was gathered as a storm-cast mixture with C. crispus on the north-eastern
shore of PEI. Being mixed with other algae and synthesising a phycocolloid with properties in
between those of carrageenans and agars [the so-called Danish agar, known presently as being
a mixture of κ-, β-, and θ-carrageenans (Craigie 1990a)], this raw material had difficulties finding
a market, especially after the drastic decline of natural free-floating populations of Furcellaria in
Danish waters and, consequently, its very limited extraction by Danish firms. The provincial
government of PEI was in fact buying the harvest and storing it, more as an assistance
programme to harvesters than a business venture. On the western shore of PEI, where the
commercial Irish moss beds are located, F. lumbricalis was, on the other hand, spotted
infrequently (Pringle 1976). For example, in the commercial bed of Pleasant View, 4.6% of the
observations reported the presence of F. lumbricalis in the 1978-80 surveys conducted by DFO,
but this species was never reaching measurable levels of cover.
In the mid 1980's, harvesters around Miminegash observed an increasing abundance of F.
lumbricalis. In the 1991 survey, 67.3% of the observations reported F. lumbricalis and 41.3% of
those observations had more than 20% cover by F. lumbricalis (Sharp et al. 1993). Several
hypotheses have been put forward to explain this change in species dominance from C. crispus
to F. lumbricalis:
1) differential selective pressure of drag-raking between the two species with its impact revealed
after several
decades of intense harvesting targeted at C. crispus,
2) drag-raking increases the dispersal of reproductively mature F. lumbricalis as unattached
fronds can re-attach rapidly due to their fast growing rhizoidal holdfast while C. crispus is not
as successful because of the slow development of a discoidal holdfast,
3) assuming F. lumbricalis is an introduced species, the development of mixed beds with C.
crispus could be a natural succession (Bird et al. 1991),
4) 4) F. lumbricalis appears to colonize space not utilized by C. crispus, and
5) the two species appear to have different nutrient requirements (Chopin et al. 1995).
A ratio of Chondrus to Furcellaria exceeding 20:1 was rejected by buyers and, consequently, the
harvesting effort collapsed very rapidly. Landings for PEI decreased from 16 505 WT in 1990 to 4
830 WT in 1992. Faced with this situation, harvesters created the Furcellaria Raking Committee
whose initial mission was to find means of “eradicating” F. lumbricalis. With the support of the
provincial government and DFO, a few management options were discussed and a four-year
programme was established:
1) drag-rakes could cull the beds of F. lumbricalis during the harvesting season to promote purer
C. crispus harvest and discard F. lumbricalis ashore (no market being available initially), and
2) start the season with an initial harvest of F. lumbricalis which will also delay the start of the C.
crispus harvesting, as was recommended by Chopin et al. (1987) based on reproductive
capacity arguments.
Management options were limited by climatic conditions [ice cover of the sea in winter, period
when spores and gametes are released by F. lumbricalis (Bird et al. 1991)] and conflicting fishing
activities by harvesters implicated in several fisheries.
The DFO issued special harvesting permits, set marker buoys limiting F. lumbricalis harvesting
zones and initiated a monitoring programme. Thirty six harvesters participated; 542 WT of F.
lumbricalis were landed in 1993 and 819 WT in 1994. Concurrently, 5 021 WT of C. crispus were
landed in 1993 and 9 034 WT in 1994. Interestingly, F. lumbricalis, which was originally
considered as a “pest” is finding, since 1995, a market and in the last two years a directed F.
lumbricalis harvest was made possible through the buying company, Acadian Seaplants Limited,
which is now processing and marketing this species. It is too early to identify the causes
responsible for this apparent upsurge in landings of both C. crispus and F. lumbricalis.
Moreover, it is well known that landings reflect cumulative effects of different factors (increased
harvesting effort, extended harvesting season with an early period targeted at F. lumbricalis,
variable strategy by the buyers with fluctuating quality standards, changes in social programmes
for harvesters, natural variations in biomass of the respective species in algal communities,
climatic variations, etc.) without the possibility of establishing their respective contribution. One
key point, that deserves to be noted, however, is the emergence of a co-management
structure/attitude of this fishery: harvesting boundaries and periods were respected and full
cooperation between the different stakeholders was observed. Only the following years will
confirm the sustainability of a dual season/dual species harvest.
In NS, the apparently inevitable decline continues. Deterioration of Irish moss beds had also
been reported in NS, the reasons for this phenomenon never being precisely identified. It seems
to be a conjunction of climatic and oceanographic changes (reduced light availability to the
resource, reduced resource availability to the fishers because of decreasing frequency of low
daylight tides within a 18.6 year tidal cycle (Sharp et al. 1986), and increased ice scouring) and
increased coastal pollution (development in the 1970's and 1980's of fish-processing plants,
especially for herrings, has often been blamed for the “oily effluents” directly released to the
shore). It also appears that not raking beds or lower efforts, especially in sheltered areas, led to
increased abundance of associated species and, consequently, less pure Irish moss beds
(Sharp, pers. comm.). In 1995, only 1 992 WT were landed by 225 harvesters (they were 800 in
1980). In 1994, the buying company Genu Products Ltd. closed because of insufficient supply
and Acadian Seaplants Limited remained the only buyer in the province. Mossing from two hours
before to two hours after low tide, with smaller boats than in PEI (4-5 m long versus 10-20 m; Fig.
9) and long hand rakes (4-5 m long because of high tide amplitude variations and an irregular
substratum preventing dragging of rakes), is a part-time activity, at low capital investment, for
ageing harvesters all involved in other fisheries (no new comers and no full-time mossers).
Harvesting Irish moss in the summer is not necessary to be eligible for unemployment insurance
(UI, see below), like in PEI, as coastal waters are not covered with ice, hence allowing lucrative
lobster fishing during the winter. Moreover, the extension of the UI period in 1983 to the summer
makes mossing a less and less attractive occupation. Changes in life style are also to be
considered: increasingly remote Irish moss beds meant that harvesters were away from home for
several days and slept in camps on small islands; at the same time, increased demand for
Ascophyllum nodosum, of easy shore access, meant day-time jobs and not surprisingly some
harvesters switched from C. crispus to A. nodosum.
The ups and downs of the Irish moss industry, especially in PEI, can be viewed as another
example of a fishery unable to successfully sustain optimal yields from a common-property
marine resource. Considerable knowledge of the biology, ecology, physiology, and biochemistry
of C. crispus has accumulated over the years (for review see, Chopin 1986). Additional resource
science studies (Pringle and Sharp 1986), though not complete (Chopin et al. 1992), have
allowed the development of biological advice for resource management through the Canadian
Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee (CAFSAC). With such a science history, one
would expect that by now there would be in place harvesting strategies to provide near optimal
yields from identified stocks. However, it has long been known, but unfortunately too rarely
recognised or remembered, that good science alone is insufficient to allow good resource
management (Pringle 1986).
Fig. 9: Harvesting of Chondrus crispus with a long hand-rake at Pubnico, southwest NS. (photography by R.
Jurisdiction of Canadian marine resources from coastal waters seaward to the 200 mile
economic zone boundary was ceded to the federal government in the British North America Act
of 1867 (Pearse 1982). The DFO is currently responsible for marine resource management. A
techno-centric model (Larkin 1978) was chosen in which harvest rates by species, area, season,
gear type, etc. are controlled through regulations of the Fisheries Act. It is obvious that such a
parcelled-out approach to marine resources impedes from an integrated ecosystem management
plan. The Atlantic Coast Marine Plant Regulations, promulgated in 1978 under the Fisheries Act,
were developed with input from harvesters, buyers and provincial governments, but have never
been amended to reflect the ever-changing situation since then.
There has been a disagreement for many years between the federal and certain provincial
governments on the interpretation of the British North America Act regarding the extent of federal
jurisdiction and granting of licenses for intertidal resources (we will see that it became more of an
issue for A. nodosum than for C. crispus, which is generally subtidal). For example, NS argues
that the intertidal zone is provincial property (some would argue that it is at low tide, but not at
high tide...!) and, consequently, promulgated in 1959 the Sea Plants Harvesting Act, which
allows the granting of exclusive licenses. These licenses could be conflicting with federal
licenses leading to several individuals/companies claiming rights for the same portions of
coastline. This has resulted in several cases of localised over-harvesting.
In the early 1970's, the DFO’s Atlantic Coast Zone consisted of three Regions - Newfoundland,
Québec and the Maritime Provinces - the latter with headquarters in Halifax, NS. In 1981, a new
Region, the Gulf Region, with headquarters in Moncton, NB (Fig. 1), was created, not based on
biological or oceanographical arguments but rather on political reasons (the headquarters were
located in the election-riding of the Minister of Fisheries of that time...!). This Region
encompassed the Gulf of St. Lawrence beyond Québec waters and includes PEI. The remainder
of the former Maritime Region became the Scotia-Fundy Region. The already small Marine
Plants Section was broken up, but maintained in the Scotia Fundy Region, however, without
direct involvement with PEI. The Gulf Region re-allocated human resources to other fisheries,
leaving the seaweed fishery in this Region without a scientific programme and advice, and
developing a kind of irrational aversion to marine plants (a state of mind which could be
diagnosed as the “zoologist bias” or the “kingdom neutral incorrectness”!). After 8 years and a
loss of data acquisition, experience and a rapport built up with the industry, an obviously much
needed marine plant research programme was revived under a special agreement between the
two Regions (Sharp et al. 1993). In 1995, the Gulf and Scotia-Fundy Regions were reunited
under a resurrected, but dual, Maritime Region (the Marine Plants Section in Halifax is under the
Invertebrate Fisheries Division (!) with the Manager located in Moncton...). Marine plants
continue to receive little support (both financially and in human resources) compared to the other
fishery sectors, emphasising the doubly profound misunderstanding of complementary fisheries,
which have a significant role to play in an integrated approach to fishery management, and of
seaweeds as a significant component of coastal ecosystems.
At the beginning, “mossing” required little sophisticated equipment and, until the early to mid
1970's, buyers provided the gear (rakes, ropes, etc.). With the development of “hauler” and
“wincher” multi-purpose boats, capital investments increased and buyers stopped providing
equipment or preferential loans. The majority of boat owning fishers mossed for at least a few
weeks in the May-July period then became involved in other fisheries, in which prices for the
resource kept increasing and remained competitive, while the price for raw materials for
carrageenans stagnated or, proportionally, decreased because of competition from tropical
countries with reduced labour costs and social protection.
The Atlantic Coast Marine Plant Regulations tried to introduce the concept of limited entry in
1978, but federal government policy and local social and political pressure prevented linking
license number to resource abundance. All fishers producing evidence of harvest activity the
previous two years were granted a license. It is not surprising that, with such a minimally
regulated fishery, the harvesting pressure of approximately 100 licensed fishers over a total Irish
moss bed area of approximately 875 ha in western PEI became intense rapidly. Mean annual
harvest intensity (or the frequency of drag-rake coverage per hectare) for beds in Marine Plant
Harvesting Area 1 (Fig. 1) was calculated as being 22.8 times. season-1. ha-1 (Pringle and
Semple 1984).
Canada’s economy has a long tradition of being based on primary resource development
(fishing, logging, mining, etc.). This type of industry is subject to sudden fluctuations, closures
and insecure income for workers. To protect the latter, a government sponsored insurance plan
(commonly referred to as unemployment insurance or UI) was implemented in 1941. It was
modified in 1960 to include self-employed fishers, and in 1971 to include short-term seasonal
workers in communities where work force unemployment exceeded 20%. Workers, with a
minimum of 12 weeks employment (12 “stamps”) in the year of application, could subsequently
receive benefits for 26 weeks (November-May) while minimally contributing to the fund.
Fishing communities in western PEI easily met these criteria. They were tightly knit and
somewhat isolated with a social structure encouraging a community-based, economic
philosophy. Seaweed harvesting represented the sole source of revenue for approximately 55
fishers and a complement for some 100 others also involved in lobster, herring and scallop
fishing. Approximately 500 families, involved with beach “storm toss”, drying and selling, were
also dependent on this activity. Mossing, consequently, played a key role in the local economy
and the fishery was maintained not only for optimal harvest yield and economic return, but also
for maximum community earnings from a combination of UI and the fishery.
“Interesting” strategies were developed, like selling a good harvest in several lots to obtain the
famous 12 “stamps”, at a lower rate, but then qualifying for the UI. Fishers involved in other
fisheries will moss a few weeks to secure a few “stamps” then move to more lucrative fisheries in
relation with the different season opening dates for the different species; their spouse will sell the
remaining of the harvest so that they can also collect stamps” and consequently UI during the
winter. When on the 1978 season’s opening day the catch rate was again low, as in the previous
years, the harvesters requested an immediate meeting with DFO officials in Miminegash.
Harvesters accepted the concept that the fishing-power of the fleet was too high in relation to the
resource base. They seriously considered reducing rake numbers per boat, hence decreasing
vessel harvest efficiency, but rejected outright the alternative of correlating the number of
licenses to crop abundance. The community, it was later learned, had estimated better financial
returns with 100 boats fishing uneconomically, but qualifying for UI, than 25 efficient harvesters
making reasonable economic returns from the fishery!
A profound change of mentality was taking place in fishing communities: the UI was losing its
role of insurance in case of hardship (loss of job) and becoming institutionalised, a right to a
regular complement, built in an annual revenue based on a seasonal activity. This created a
climate of dependence on government subsidies, which increased viciously as the resource and
the fishing effort declined. In a few cases, it reached the paradoxical situation where government
subsidies (UI) were equal if not higher than revenues from fishing, pulling away work ethic
incentives. Moreover, UI (“stamps”) was calculated at the time of selling Irish moss to a buyer,
which meant that in fact somebody selling a product of a fishery, without fishing it, could also be
eligible for UI...! The human mind is quite imaginative when it comes to fraudulent schemes... it
also means that the system has major deficiencies if it cannot, or does not want to, detect them.
These profound changes in attitude are now affecting the second and third generations for whom
UI is part of every-day life, along with its associated disturbing behaviours (in a nutshell, why go
to school/university when 12 weeks of work provides 7 months of support?).
Provincial governments were not exempt from playing their “little game” either. By buying F.
lumbricalis at the time when it had no market, provincial governments were supporting fishers in
securing their “stamps”, therefore avoiding having them draw from the provincial income-
assistance programmes (“welfare”), as they became eligible for the federal UI.
With the fishery sector coming under more and more scrutiny, especially from non-coastal parts
of Canada, the federal government decided in 1996, not without creating some upheaval and
harsh confrontations, to tighten access to licenses and change the criteria of eligibility to UI, now
called EI (employment insurance!). From 1975 to 1995, the cost of an annual Irish moss license
remained unchanged at $5, to which were added $20 for boat registration and $20 per fisher, for
a total of $45. In 1996, the license was increased to $100 and the boat and fisher registrations to
$50 each, for a total of $200 (in comparison, a lobster license increased from $30 to $1800).
Licenses are now limited, not transferable and could be cancelled in the case of non-regular
participation in the particular fishery.
There are plans to calculate the EI based no longer on the number of labour weeks but on the
total annual revenue with a ceiling. It is obvious that the federal government objectives are to
reduce the numbers of fishers and the entrance in the fishery sector of “part-time” fishers by the
channel of auxiliary fisheries. These reforms will certainly contribute to enlarge the cleavage in
fishing communities between storm toss mossers, crew members on boats and mossing captains
with multiple licenses. This will also impede the transition from one category to another and the
recruitment of properly trained new-comers to the profession.
To these factors can be added the weakness of the Canadian-based industrial sector. Canada
has confined itself in the role of raw material supplier for the carrageenan industry. It never
entered the close circle of the extractors, except, and because of, the aborted PEI Marine Plants
Co-op venture at a critical time when it would have been judicious to enter the circle of the limited
number of transformation companies. Small local buying companies disappeared to be replaced
by a few multinational companies and one remaining Canadian company (Acadian Seaplants
Limited). This lack of competition, associated with a lack of initiative and risk-taking, prevents the
development of a flourishing industry and the necessary concomitant research and development.
Minimal research and development, only when being supported by governmental subsidies, is
not conducive to an entrepreneurial industrial sector and, consequently, reduces severely the
opportunities for partnership. One of the well-known victims of this situation it contributed to
create is certainly the Section working on seaweeds at the Institute for Marine Biosciences of the
National Research Council of Canada (NRCC) in Halifax. This renowned group, of international
reputation, in the 1970's and 1980's, always wavering between an applied and an academic
mission, and limited in the industrial partnerships it could develop with a restricted undiversified
industrial sector, was “sacrificed” in the mid 1990's in favour of timely funding opportunities in the
aquaculture sector. The seaweed industry remains to be convinced that it is currently making
profits on scientific advancements from the 1960's/1970's and that present investments in
research and development would be a wise strategy for its long-term sustainability.
If Canada owes its reputation to the Irish moss industry, one has to recognise that presently it is
in fact the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum, which represents the highest biomass landings
since 1987 (Fig. 10).
62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04
Period I
Period II
Period III
Period IV
Fig. 10: Landings (wet tons) of Ascophyllum nodosum in Canada from 1962 to 2004. The characteristics of each of the
four periods are explained in the text.
Ascophyllum nodosum is the dominant species in the sheltered to semi-exposed intertidal zone
along the Atlantic coastline of the Maritimes. It forms a particularly dense cover in south-western
NS and on the NS and NB sides of the Bay of Fundy. Rockweed was traditionally used as a
natural fertiliser along the Maritime shores.
Harvesting for commercial purposes in south-western NS began in 1959 (Sharp 1987) when the
American company Kelco constructed an alginate extraction plant in Lower Woods Harbour,
Scotia Marine Products Ltd., and the company Bonda Ltd. produced seaweed meals in Yarmouth
(Fig. 1). The NS government issued exclusive harvesting and buying licenses to these two
companies; federal conservation regulations were only promulgated in 1978. The rockweed
industry can also be divided into four periods (Sharp and Semple 1997; Fig. 10).
Period I (1959 - 1971)
Independent harvesters were hand-cutting rockweed with knives and sickles at low tides or from
boats with a toothed-rake with a long wooden pole. This eventually developed into a cutter-rake
with sharp blades. Harvesting was taking place in SW NS and on the NS side of the Bay of
Fundy. The annual landings remained stable and low, between 4 000 and 8 000 WT, from an
estimated summer standing crop of 180 000 - 240 000 WT (MacFarlane 1952, 1964, Sharp
Period II (1972 - 1985)
During this period, the mechanical Aquamarine harvesters (Fig. 11) were introduced by Scotia
Marine Products Ltd. They allowed the extension of the harvesting season and a supply of raw
material for a larger part of the year. This new type of harvesting tool did not change average
annual landings, which remained low based on raw material demand by Scotia Marine Products
Ltd. It, however, replaced hand-cutting which accounted then for less than 20% of annual
landings. The Aquamarine harvesters had the disadvantage of a very limited sheltered-water
operational-area and a low cutting efficiency (below 11%).
Fig. 11: Harvesting of Ascophyllum nodosum with mechanical Aquamarine harvesters from Scotia Marine Products
Ltd. in southwest NS. (photography by J. Pringle).
Period III (1986 - 1992)
The third period started when the Norwegian company Protan bought the Kelco extraction factory
and renamed it Pronova Biopolymers Ltd. The Aquamarine cutters were replaced by the highly
efficient Norwegian suction cutter (Fig. 12), which could harvest 33.6 WT.d-1, whereas a hand-
harvester could gather 3.5 WT.d-1 (Sharp et al. 1994). In 1992, landings of A. nodosum reached
20 000-30 000 WT (Fig. 11), which put Canada in second position in the world after Norway (30
000-40 000 WT) and in sixth position regarding the production of alginates (1 000 T).
Fig.12: Harvesting of Ascophyllum nodosum with a Norwegian suction cutter from Pronova Biopolymers Ltd. in
southwest NS. (photography by J. Pringle).
The sudden increase in landings should have required a stricter management of the resource,
but jurisdictional conflicts over the intertidal zone, and the disparate approaches to resource
management by the provincial and federal governments since the beginning of this industry,
ensured resource mismanagement. During the years of low landings (1959-85), conflicts were
rare between the single provincial licensee (Scotia Marine Products Ltd.), its mechanical
harvester crews, and the federally licensed individual hand-harvesters since there was only one
dominant buyer and processor. However, when Pronova Biopolymers Ltd. increased its capacity
threefold and introduced the Norwegian suction-cutter, and two other companies (Acadian
Seaplants Limited and R.&K. Murphy, Inc.) entered the market for raw material for the production
of liquid fertilisers and animal fodders, severe competitive harvesting developed, especially within
the non-leased “open areas” (Sharp et al. 1994). The NS government, in its Provincial Seaplants
Harvesting Act (1959), had not limited the number of individual licensees nor the geographical
boundaries of their activities (harvesting was now also taking place along the southern and
eastern shores of NS), and had partially transferred the management of the resource to the three
companies, which had the responsibility of developing their harvesting plan. No accurate record
of quantity and location of harvest was kept, and yield and recruitment over-harvesting became a
concern (Sharp and Semple 1991), especially in two well-known “open areas”, the Annapolis
Basin and Saint Mary’s Bay (Fig. 1). Provincial officials responded by redrawing license
boundaries and by licensing previously “open areas” exclusively to companies. Anticipating these
changes, harvesters with a good chance of losing access intensified harvesting. For example,
the number of harvesters in the Annapolis Basin increased from 20 to over 50, landings doubled
within two years, and the exploitation rate reached 95% of the available stocks (Sharp et al.
Meanwhile, federal resource managers continued issuing individual licenses coast wide under
the Atlantic Coast Marine Plant Regulations (1978). The DFO scientist recommended the
acceptance of a controlled, limited-entry management strategy, including harvest rotation or
fallow period (Sharp and Tremblay 1989), but the concept of exclusive harvesting rights was
continually challenged by the provincially licensed companies and the federally licensed
independent harvesters. The provincial government unilaterally developed management plans,
which were ignored by the federal government. Further, because jurisdiction was unclear,
companies and harvesters were unsure as to whom they should lobby or appeal to resolve
conflicts or have regulations enforced and fishery officers and police were not sure of their
respective roles.
Not surprisingly, landings rapidly and dramatically decreased and the three companies were
forced to reach “Gentlemen’s agreements” to leave some of the rockweed beds to recover, as
they started to realise that the sustainability of the resource, on which they had based their
industry, was now in jeopardy.
Period IV (1993 - present)
The fourth period is marked by a reversion to hand-harvesting methods (Fig. 13), the reallocation
of harvesting areas between harvesters/buyers and, in the case of the Annapolis Basin, a partial
closure in 1993-94 and a full closure in 1995. By 1996, four beds had their biomass and plant
length fully recovered and a conditional quota of 500 WT was permitted for these beds (in
comparison, over 2 400 WT were harvested in this area in 1991). New harvesting strategies were
enforced to allow a mean cutting height of 20 cm and a triennial, 50% (3-8 kg.m-2) exploitation
rate. This fallow period allows the canopy of A. nodosum to exceed 50 cm in mean height, which
is a commercially sustainable harvest height (Sharp and Tremblay 1989).
Fig. 13: Hand-harvesting of Ascophyllum nodosum at Pubnico, southwest NS.
Pronova Biopolymers Ltd. argued that their revised allocated biomass did not permit a profitable
year-long operation for alginate processing. After having invested heavily in plant expansion and
modernisation, this company reduced and then ceased activity in 1995. This left only two
companies active in NS in 1996. Rockweed is now used for the manufacturing of liquid fertilisers,
soil conditioner and animal fodders. In 1995 (Bodiguel 1995), Canada was ranked sixth in the
world, with a production of 2 500 T, behind Norway (9 000 T), Ireland (8 500 T), Iceland (4 400
T), the United Kingdom (3 500 T), China (3 000 T), and in front of France (1 700 T). By 2004,
however, Canada had at least triplicated its production (Ugarte unpubl.).
By 1989, the industry had became interested in expanding to the NB side of the Bay of Fundy,
where the untouched resource held the potential to exceed 140 000 WT (CAFSAC 1992).
However, before the province of NB opened the harvest of A. nodosum for the first time in 1995,
there was no legislative structure for marine plants management in that province. Following
discussions on areas of responsibilities, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed in
1991 between DFO and the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
(DAFA) (Ugarte and Sharp 2001). This agreement set terms for shared management of the
rockweed resource (Anon. 1994). There were five goals in this memorandum:
1) to maximize the number of continuing full-time employment opportunities for NB residents,
2) to ensure a sustainable harvest,
3) to promote the development of a commercial viable industry founded on sound business
4) to integrate the rockweed industry with other users of marine resources, and
5) to ensure rockweed harvesting and processing are undertaken in an environmentally
acceptable manner.
Despite the economic benefits associated with the rockweed harvest, the opening of the fishery
was delayed in NB. Although seaweed harvesting was a traditional fisheries activity in PEI and
NS, this activity was new to southern NB. Furthermore, the credibility of DFO was under strong
criticism due to the collapse of the groundfish fisheries in Atlantic Canada. The collapse caused
one of the worst social and economical disasters in Canadian history, threatening coastal
communities throughout Atlantic Canada and Québec (FRCC 97). Therefore, conservation
groups highlighted stakeholder concerns regarding a rockweed harvest in NB. These concerns
included the long and short-term sustainability of harvesting, as well as the cumulative impact
that harvesting would have on the larger Bay of Fundy ecosystem, particularly on existing
fisheries. Ascophyllum nodosum has an important role in the Fundy ecosystem, as it provides
habitat for the prey of some waterfowl (Hamilton 1997). Also, at least 22 species of fish (7 of
commercial importance) are known to be associated with A. nodosum in parts of their life cycle
(Rangeley 1994, Rangeley and Kramer 1995). Managers, cognisant of the need to have a
precautionary approach, designed a five-year management strategy to develop the fishery in a
sustainable way, while protecting the ecosystem. In order to achieve these goals, four phases
were established in this management strategy (Fig. 14) (Ugarte and Sharp 2001).
Fig. 14: Phases in the development of the management strategy for Ascophyllum nodosum in southern NB.
Fig. 15: Ascophyllum nodosum harvesting areas (A, B and C) and an example of a harvesting sector in southern NB.
Phase II
In the second phase (Fig. 14), managers set a pilot harvest quota of 10 000 WT per year (7% of
the estimated standing crop) as a precautionary approach to management. Companies,
individuals, or associations who were interested in harvesting rockweed were asked to submit a
proposal. These proposals were to address how the stated development objectives (maximise
employment, sustainable harvest, sound business principles and environmental acceptability)
would be achieved. Proponents were required to include a harvest management plan outlining a
three year schedule of annual raw material requirements, a map showing which sectors would be
harvested, a plan detailing the projected levels of exploitation by sector, the frequency of re-
harvest, mechanisms to assess the impact of harvesting on the resource, and a description of
the type of controls to ensure effective management. After reviewing the proposals, the
Rockweed Management Committee recommended, in 1994, that one company (Acadian
Seaplants Limited) be awarded an exclusive license for all three rockweed harvesting areas. This
decision was based on the conclusion that this company was the only proponent that
successfully met the proposal criteria.
Phase III
The third phase of the management process began in 1995 with the commencement of the pilot
scale harvest (Fig. 14). In this phase, the company was required to submit a new management
plan for the harvest of rockweed at the beginning of each year. This management plan was to
include the projected annual harvest by sector. At the end of each year the company was to
provide the government vital statistics on the resource including records of monthly purchases
from harvesters, price paid, location, and harvest dates. The Rockweed Management Committee
conducted three reviews of the company’s performance at pre-season, mid-season and post-
season meetings. These reviews were designed to investigate problems with harvesting
strategies and ensure the company was fulfilling its obligations. Finally, an independent third
party was to be hired by the company to audit the recorded landings of rockweed. This review
process was designed to ensure that the company complied with the yearly management
strategy and the overall strategy of harvesting the resource.
Although there was an extensive detailed management plan for the pilot harvest, the provisions
of this plan were not immutable. New information was anticipated annually and changes in
aspects of exploitation levels, seasonal effort, distribution of the effort, and harvest technology
could be integrated into the plan each year. Data inputs were derived from all sources, i.e.
harvesters, researchers, stakeholders and the licensed company. For example, resource
allocation between harvesting areas was modified in 1999 based on a re-assessment of the
resource from the perspective of accessibility and economics provided by the licensed company
in 1998 (Ugarte 1998). In 1995, Acadian Seaplants Limited initiated a major survey of the
harvestable crop. Initially based on satellite imagery, the company is now working with 1:12 500
aerial photographs at low tide, which were digitised and analysed with NIH image analysis
software. This enabled the measurement of area covered by the resource with a higher
resolution than satellite resulting in an error of 2%. In addition, the company ground truthed each
rockweed bed larger than 50 m along the shore of southern NB, obtaining a very accurate
estimation of the total rockweed biomass for the province and within the company lease.
According to this survey, rockweed covers a total surface of 1779 ha, with a total biomass of 146
697 WT in southern NB. Of this total, 129 662 WT are within the company lease.
Fig. 16: Hand-cutter rakes for harvesting Ascophyllum
nodosum in NB. Note the three metal guards to avoid
cutting plants below 25 cm from the substratum.
Fig. 17: Standard vessel, introduced in 1996 by
Acadian Seaplants Limited, to harvest Ascophyllum
nodosum in NB (Ingalls Head, Grand Manan Island,
Fig. 18: Slope variations of Ascophyllum nodosum beds and their accessibility by the
harvesters: (A) short accessibility due to rapid cover by tide in low slope beds; (B)
ideal slope situation for harvesters with enough time to harvest and wide canopy
available; (C) enough time to harvest but low catch-per-unit of effort due to narrow
canopy associated with high slope.
Harvesting began in July 1995 and the season was completed by October 1995. However,
landings for that year reached only 703 WT, out of the 10 000 WT allowed within the pilot plan.
Logistic problems, inherent to the start of a new activity, were the main reasons (Sharp and
Semple 1997). Landings sites, separate from existing wharves, had to be established and
material handling procedures had to be developed. Harvesters had to become familiar with a
new activity requiring new harvesting and handling techniques and skills (Fig. 16). Some vessels
were inappropriate; in 1996, a standard vessel was introduced with adequate power and carrying
capacity (3-5 WT, Fig. 17). The aggressive campaign carried out by conservation groups against
the opening of the rockweed harvest in NB also created an initial reluctance for local people to
participate in this new fishery (Ugarte and Sharp 2001, Sharp and Bodiguel 2003). Severe
competition for labour with other productive sectors such as aquaculture also made the
recruitment of harvesters very difficult (Sharp and Bodiguel 2003). Some individuals, evaluating
their work options, did not remain with this exacting profession. Of the 32 harvesters initially
recruited in early July 1995, only 5 remained until the end of the season. Another important factor
that became evident after the first harvest season was that some sectors, especially in Area A
(Fig. 15), were not only too remote from landing sites, but also too wave-exposed or the slope of
the shoreline did not allow proper functioning of the cutter-rake; a bed with a slope between 25Ε
to 40Ε is ideal as it allows the harvester to access a wider canopy of floating rockweed (Fig. 18)
(Ugarte and Sharp in prep.). The exposure and steep slope reduced the total standing crop
available to the company to 72 290 WT, a 44.2 % reduction.
Regarding the research and monitoring programme, a multifaceted approach was taken to carry
out this component during this phase. This programme focused on the effect of the harvest on
three major components: rockweed biology, the habitat and the associated fauna. The degree of
shoot removal and effect of the harvest on population structure, growth and mortality were
addressed by the licensee. Habitat studies conducted by DFO focused on the invertebrate fauna
of the canopy and primary space. University researchers examined food linkages to wildfowl and
fish use of intertidal zones, as well as nutrient variation in harvested and non-harvested plants.
Personnel from DAFA monitored invertebrate by-catch and clump mortality associated with
rockweed landings for sector and seasonal variability. This was a highly productive period in
terms of seaweed research in NB with several graduate and undergraduate research theses
Phase IV
This phase marked the end of the pilot harvest in October 1998 and the final review of the
information gathered during the research and monitoring plan as well as the general performance
of the company (Fig. 14). In April 1999, a formal peer review committee, the Regional
Assessment Process (RAP), analysed the information gathered during the five-year pilot harvest
and the research and monitoring programme. Although the harvest did not reach 10 000 WT in
1998, the 17% exploitation rate had been achieved in several sectors. The RAP committee
concluded that the harvest impact on the habitat architecture was minimal and of short duration;
however, it was advised to continue the harvest and maintain the precautionary approach of 17%
of the standing crop, annually, in light of other knowledge gaps (Ugarte and Sharp 2001).
The research and monitoring programme provided a considerable amount of information related
to the impact of the harvest on the rockweed structure, degree, extent and duration of change in
the complexity of the habitat (Sharp et al. 1999). However, this information was felt, by some, to
be insufficient to increase the exploitation rate, as some issues related to the long-term impact on
the ecosystem were still unresolved. The possibility of gathering all the ecological information
suggested as knowledge gaps in the CAFSAC document is very unrealistic for any marine
resource in the world. In the case of rockweed, risks are minimised since structural changes in
the habitat are short lived because the reduction in standing crop is compensated for by the
overall production during the summer months, the time of active harvest (Ugarte et al. in press).
During the last few years, the Rockweed Management Committee has also reviewed the
designation of several study sites and exclusion areas set aside during the establishment of the
pilot harvest plan and several changes have taken place since 1999. For instance, areas that
were originally set aside in order to protect the dulse (Palmaria palmata) resource (initially
believed by some stakeholders to be conflicting with rockweed harvesting) were given to the
company in exchange for sectors that were considered more sensitive to migratory birds. Also
the company has yielded several additional harvesting locations at the request of some scientists
carrying out long-term monitoring. The same consideration has been given to some conservation
groups that have purchased land near the shore for long-term protection. To date, 17 035 WT
are locked in these exclusion areas in NB.
Following the RAP review, the harvest of rockweed no longer constitutes a major issue for
environmental groups and local stakeholders in NB, and the company has increased its
rockweed landings from 703 WT in 1995 to 11 801 WT in 2004 in NB (Fig. 19). This increase has
been possible due to a core of experienced harvesters that have been harvesting steadily since
the opening of the fishery. Some of them can harvest up to 600 WT and make more than
CDN$28,000 during the season. Also, a series of new portable unloading equipments have made
possible the harvest in distant locations (Figs. 20-21).
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Fig. 19: Landings (wet tons) of Ascophyllum nodosum in southern NB since the beginning of the fishery in 1995.
Acadian Seaplants Limited has consolidated an important position world-wide with its cultivated
and naturally harvested seaweed products and is currently the main seaweed processing
company in Atlantic Canada. Its demand for rockweed has increased steadily since 1994, and
the opening of the resource in southern NB has certainly helped to alleviate this demand.
However, the 2004 landing is very close to the maximal annual harvest of 12 289 WT (17% of 72
290 WT) for that province and there seems to be little room for expansion, unless the current
exploitation rate is changed or an alternative method of harvesting is allowed in those “non-
accessible areas”. The exploitation rate will probably remain in place for a long period of time as
conservation seems to be getting stronger in current government regulations for natural marine
resources in Canada. Therefore, exploring alternative methods of harvesting appears to be an
option. In NB there are more than 30 000 WT of commercial biomass (over 6 kg.m-2) in exposed
areas or areas of steep slope that could be utilised if a different method of harvesting can be
adapted (Ugarte unpubl.). The province rejects any mechanical harvest method similar to those
used in NS in the past, arguing that this would reduce employment and could produce a negative
habitat impact. Therefore, some proposals which consider these concerns are being evaluated
by the company.
This high demand for rockweed has also produced some changes in the areas that were
traditionally harvested in NS. A detailed biomass survey by Acadian Seaplants Limited carried
out between 1998 and 2000 in its leases located in MPHA 12 (Fig. 1) showed a total summer
rockweed biomass close to 150 000 WT for this area. Contrary to NB, the harvestable biomass in
MPHA 12 is close to 85%. The traditional harvesting areas along Lobster Bay near Yarmouth
continue to be the most productive in terms of landing due to the concentration of resource
(approx. 80 000 WT) in the Bay. However, new landing mobile technology purchased by the
harvesters (Fig. 22) has also expanded the harvest along the south shore (toward Halifax) and
along Saint Mary’s Bay. MPHA 11 is still an open area but its biomass is lower than that of
MPHA 12 (around 30 000 WT).
Fig. 20: Alternative methods of unloading the daily
Ascophyllum nodosum harvest in floating devices
(platforms) in areas of southern NB where access to
wharfs is difficult.
Fig. 21: Alternative methods of unloading the daily
Ascophyllum nodosum harvest in floating devices
(platforms), and towing behind a boat, in areas of
southern NB where access to wharfs is difficult.
Fig. 22: Alternative methods of unloading the daily
Ascophyllum nodosum harvest with mobile equipment
in southwestern NS.
Fig. 23: Sun-drying of Palmaria palmata on a spreading
ground at Roland’s Sea Vegetables, Grand Manan
Island, NB.
Fig. 24: Sale of sun-dried Palmaria palmata (dulse) at
the city market in Saint John, NB.
Fig. 25: Aerial view of Acadian Seaplants Limited
unique land-based cultivated seaweed operation in
Charlesville, NS. (photography by Acadian Seaplants
Fig. 26: Mixed salad of Aka Hana-nori (pink), Ao
Hana-nori (green) and Kiku Hana-nori (yellow), which
are produced from strains of the red alga Chondrus
crispus. (photography by Acadian Seaplants Limited).
Fig. 27: Culture of the kelp, Laminaria saccharina, in
proximity to salmon cages in Bocabec Bay, Bay of
Fundy, NB. (photography by S. Bastarache).
Fig. 28: Culture of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, on a
raft close to salmon cages in Charlie Cove, Bay of
Fundy, NB.
Acadian Seaplants Limited has established an exploitation rate of 25% of the harvestable
resource in its leases of NS, but all the other regulations (harvesting tool, cutting height,
mortality, etc.) are similar to those in NB. Harvesters are assigned a group of sectors as
harvesting areas and they have the freedom to harvest the A. nodosum beds in a sector as they
choose, keeping within the quota limits for the sectors. Harvesters keep daily harvesting logs
recording the sector number and approximate harvest tonnage. These logs are compiled by
individual, sector and landing site by week. At the processing plant the company produces a
more accurate number by weighing each transport container from each landing site (usually the
accumulated harvest from a crew or individual harvester).
For this species it would be more appropriate to talk about a cottage-type industry as landings
have always remained modest and geographically limited. In addition, this fishery has never
been the subject of much attention nor of strict regulations from government agencies. Dulse
harvesting and consumption in coastal communities along the Bay of Fundy (and also in New
England) has a long tradition, the origin of which cannot be precisely dated (1876, according to
Guptill 1992). According to Klugh (1930), 0.327 dry tons (DT) on Grand Manan Island (NB; Fig.1)
and 0.078 DT around Annapolis (NS) were collected in 1921. By 1929, the harvest by 41 people
had already concentrated around Grand Manan Island (0.499 DT versus 0.003 DT around
Annapolis). Annual landings over the ten-year period 1982-91 averaged 38 DT in NB and 2 DT in
NS (Guptill 1992). No commercial harvesting seems to have ever occurred in PEI. At the present
time, most of the dulse (90%) still originates from Grand Manan Island (anyway, a fine
connoisseur would tell you it is the best!), where 50-100 harvesters (and an additional 15-20
people involved in buying, packaging and shipping) harvested approximately 100 DT in 1994,
between 59 and 68 DT in 1996 (R. Cronk, pers. comm.), and approximately 84 DT in 2002 (T.
McEachreon, pers. comm.).
Palmaria palmata is found commonly in the intertidal and subtidal zones along the shores of the
Maritimes, but is particularly abundant in the Bay of Fundy and especially around Grand Manan
Island. Dulse is hand-picked off rocks at low tide in May on the East coast of the Island (Passage
dulse) and from June to October on the West coast (Dark Harbour dulse). Dulse picking is also a
supplementary fishery, with part-time commercial fishers eligible to collect UI (they had to buy a
$5 license until a few years ago; they are not presently buying any licenses). Dulse is taken, the
same day or a day after collection, to a spreading ground (usually an area of rock away from the
shore, with a fish net spread over it; Fig. 23) and spread out in a thin layer to be sun-dried (6-8
hours of sunlight is sufficient to make it crispy). Sun-drying is a critical step. Improper drying
because of rain, fog, overcast or sundown can ruin a crop very rapidly (discolouration or rotting).
Unfavourable drying weather sometimes requires dulse to be “tied down” (held in cages under
water) but for no more than a few days or deterioration occurs. Once dried, dulse is rolled up into
bundles and taken to a buying station to be weighed and sold. There are 3 buyers/processors on
Grand Manan Island (Atlantic Mariculture Ltd., Roland’s Sea Vegetables, and Leroy Flagg and
Sons). Whole dulse is then either packaged in small bags (2 oz plastic bags or paper sacks) or
into tea boxes of 45 kg to be shipped to another distributor/wholesaler or to be sold directly to
grocery stores and markets in the Maritimes and New England for the traditional eaters and
tourists (Fig. 24). Some Maritimers “in exile”, in other provinces or other countries, will also have
dulse mail ordered to them regularly. The dulse which does not dry completely, due to inclement
weather or because it is of inferior quality, is ground into dulse flakes or powder, used for
flavouring in cooking as seasonings or condiments, and for manufacturing smoked/flavoured
corn chips. It is also used for pills of vitamin supplements (vitamins B1, B12, C and D) and as a
source of potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium and iodine, which is sold in health food,
vegetarian and macrobiotic stores in the USA and Canada. Dulse is also claimed to be an anti-
carcinogen and a gentle natural laxative (Guptill 1992). Some dulse is also sent to Australia,
Ireland, Germany and a few other European countries. European markets are, however difficult
to penetrate as harvesting of dulse is also taking place in Iceland, apparently the prime source
for Europe.
It is striking to realise that the dulse industry has remained almost static in sales, production and
processing methods for over 50 years. Suggestions, such as better quality grading and control,
artificial drying, impoundments, and development of aquaculture, to reduce the potentially
negative impact of an unstable supply have repeatedly been recommended for more than 25
years (Chenard 1971, French 1974, Neish 1976, Guptill 1992) but never fully implemented
(despite a few isolated attempts). The major obstacles to innovation in this industry seem to be
due more to sociological and financial rather than biological limitations (even if some buyers will
argue that the market for first quality Dark Harbour dulse is supply-limited). There is resistance to
change of life style by pickers, difficulty in keeping good pickers, difficulty in establishing stable
quality standards and competition with other more lucrative fisheries. There has been no major
investment in advertising and production technology, which would be necessary to bring about
significant change.
According to Guptill (1992), sales could be increased to 200-400 DT per year with appropriate
investments in marketing and promotion. The measures most likely to increase consumption in
the short term would be: consumer and retailer education (cookbooks, for example, and
pamphlets for tourists), advertising and in-store promotions and improved packaging and
labelling. Market expansion seems to be possible by increasing consumption in existing North
American markets, taking advantage of the increased popularity of low fat, healthy and exotic
foods, and by penetrating Asian markets.
To increase the supply, the development of dulse aquaculture (from the simple impoundment to
more sophisticated techniques) has also been recommended several times. Two trials were
conducted but never reached maturity. Atlantic Mariculture Ltd. stopped its experiment in 1986,
not because of biological reasons, but for simple logistic problems (loss of a free-source of
circulating water which would have resulted in major investments in pumps and aeration
systems). Sea King Seafoods, from Amherst, NS, had an extensive culture project, which,
however, never got started because of vigorous opposition by local fishers and pickers (fear of
loss of independence, employment and revenues in case an increased supply would drive prices
down). The conclusion of Guptill (1992) is that any attempt at culturing dulse or radically
changing the structure of the dulse industry (vertical integration) must carefully take into account
the vested interests of the pickers and the other levels in the business (buyer,
processor/manufacturer, distributor/wholesaler and retailer) if it is to succeed.
Aquaculture of Chondrus crispus
To resolve problems of fluctuating supply/demand ratios, risks of over-exploitation of some
natural populations, fluctuating quality of raw material, prices and costs of labour and
protectionism from some producers, seaweed aquaculture was advocated in the 1970's and
1980's (Edelstein et al. 1976, Huguenin 1976, Lapointe et al. 1976, Neish 1976, Waaland 1976,
1978, Neish et al. 1977, DeBoer 1978, Lapointe and Ryther 1978, 1979, Michanek 1978, Ryther
et al. 1978, Fralick et al. 1981, Lapointe 1981, Shacklock and Doyle 1983, van der Meer 1983,
Bidwell et al. 1985, Shacklock and Craigie 1986, Craigie and Shacklock, 1989). It is well known
that it has been extremely successful in tropical environments (for example, Kappaphycus and
Development of C. crispus cultivation in Canada was initiated in the 1970's by the late Arthur C.
Neish, from the Atlantic Research Laboratory of NRCC in Halifax, who believed that the
prospects were good for crops from the sea if modern agricultural principles were applied (Neish
1968). With his team, tank systems were built and numerous parameters were tested: forms and
sizes of tanks; agitation of water and seaweeds; strain selection; inoculum density; water
exchange rates and timing; quality, quantity and frequency of nutrient additions; impact of
nutrients on carrageenan production (the famous Neish effect); carbon dioxide enrichment;
temperature; salinity; light intensity; photoperiod; epiphytism; etc. (Craigie 1990b).
After 15 years of research, some believed that seaweed aquaculture in temperate regions could
not yet compete with the harvest of natural populations, mostly because of the high operation
and labour costs and inadequate solar and thermal conditions (Bidwell et al. 1985). Some others,
however, did believe in it and when Acadian Seaplants Limited was formed in 1981
(, one of its objectives was to complete the commercialisation of C.
crispus cultivation with the support of scientists of the Atlantic Research Laboratory, especially of
Dr. J. Craigie, first at the Sandy Cove Aquaculture Research Station and then at the Acadian
Seaplants Limited facility in Charlesville, south-west NS (Figs. 1 and 24) (Isaacs 1990).
The reason for the development of the aquaculture of C. crispus is the fact that extraction of raw
material harvested in natural beds yields a variable mixture of carrageenans of the κ- and λ-
families. This is directly linked to the ratio of indistinguishable vegetative gametophytes and
sporophytes in the harvest, as gametophytes produce carrageenans of the κ-family and
sporophytes carrageenans of the λ-family (Chen et al. 1973, McCandless et al. 1973, Witt 1985).
If there are ample sources of κ-/ι-carrageenans, mostly from Kappaphycus and Eucheuma in
tropical regions, sources of λ-carrageenans are much more limited and unstable. Carrageenans
of the λ-family are highly viscous, non-gelling phycocolloids well suited to applications in cold,
dry-packaged, instant-mix food products (Witt 1985). However, a low world supply of poor quality
λ-carrageenan (approximately 200 T in 1987) did not justify the development of such a market
(P.S. Laite, pers. comm. to Craigie 1990b). In the hope of alleviating the problem of supply and
consequently develop a market (it could, however, be argued that an abundance of supply is not
a guarantee of market...), two approaches were considered. The first one was to design a
system, based on the different chemical and mechanical properties of the different carrageenans,
which would separate gametophytes from sporophytes in harvested raw material. This was
developed by the company Carratech Inc. in Charlottetown, PEI (Fig. 1). It led to two patents
(Whitaker 1988, 1989) but never found any commercialisation partners. The other approach was
to develop the culture of λ-carrageenan producing plants by inoculating tanks specifically with
sporophytes (Chen et al. 1975).
During the 1980's, the long development process permitted the evolution from small-scale
research tanks to the pilot-stage (six 2 000 m2 tanks) to the full-production stage in late spring of
1987 (17 tanks of 2 000 m2 and 9 tanks of various smaller sizes over 3.4 ha); in 2004 the
commercial operation covered 8 ha (Fig. 25). By October 1987, the selected sporophytic isolate
BH-D (originally from Basin Head, PEI) had produced approximately 300 WT (Craigie 1990b).
During the pilot-operation process, new techniques in dealing with large-scale tanks were
developed, such as the design of tanks and aeration systems to keep seaweeds moving and
refinement of the harvesting strategy (initially thinning excess growth to harvesting entire tanks
followed by re-inoculation). The over-wintering of a large quantity of plants under the cold winter
conditions of the Maritimes was solved with a simple and inexpensive approach: as the water
temperature reached 0°C, both agitation and seawater exchange are interrupted and up to half of
the water in the tanks is allowed to freeze (Shacklock and Craigie 1986, Craigie 1990b). As long
as stocking densities were not exceeding ca. 10 kg.m-3 and nutrient status of the plant was
sufficient to avoid bleaching in case of growth under mild winter conditions, inocula at the bottom
of the tanks could be routinely carried into the next growing season. Problems of weed control
(mostly epiphytic Enteromorpha and Ulva) appeared to be satisfactorily addressed by keeping a
“manageable” population of grazers (Gammarus, Idotea) in tanks. This solution appeared
superior to other techniques, such as increased loading densities, pulse feeding of fertilisers, and
application of algicides (Craigie 1990b). The culture facility was not exempt of outbreaks of
diseases of fungal or bacterial origins, typical of any high-density culture system, and control
strategies were developed.
The net production over a year was 6.27 kg DW.m-2 (Craigie and Shacklock 1989) and the
overall annual conversion of solar irradiance was, therefore, ca. 1.76%, which compared
favourably with photosynthetic efficiencies between 0.5% and 1.3% for terrestrial plants of
temperate regions (after all, it can be argued that a potato field, covered with snow in winter in
PEI, is not producing more than a Chondrus tank covered with ice during the same period!).
However, comparison with subtropical efficiencies of terrestrial plants, ranging from 0.5% to 2.5%
(Hall 1980), was less flattering. Even if domestication of C. crispus had been successfully
achieved by optimising physical, chemical and biological parameters through long-term
committed research and development (mostly supported by government agencies), and the
system had demonstrated sustained high levels of productivity on an annual basis, one was
forced to accept that production costs of such Irish moss were higher than those obtained from
the harvest of natural beds and that the gain in carrageenan purity could not offset these costs.
When supply of λ-carrageenan was finally available on the market, the main client, Marine
Colloids, shied away.
Since then, Acadian Seaplants Limited has reconverted its facility to the culture of a unique strain
of edible C. crispus, Hana-nori™, for the Asian (mostly Japanese) human food market (kaiso
salads, sashimi garnishes and soups) by manipulating the colour and the texture of selected
isolates (Fig. 26). The transformation of the Charlesville operation from an Irish moss cultivation
facility for carrageenans into one for edible seaweeds, with much higher added value, was a
remarkable conversion and a brilliant niche market strategy for the company, which plans to
cultivate other species. Acadian Seaplants Limited invests approximately 10% of its revenue in
resource and product R&D and manufacturing technology annually.
Aquaculture of Nova Scotia Sea Parsley™ and opika-1™
Ocean Produce International (OPI;, from Dartmouth, NS, was founded
in 1995 by a group of investors to bring new and unique sea vegetables to market. OPI entered
into an agreement with NRCC to commercialise two “strains” of dwarf male mutants of Palmaria
palmata isolated in 1978 by the then Atlantic Research Laboratory, in Halifax. The name of these
sea vegetables has been trade marked by OPI as Nova Scotia Sea Parsley™ (because this
short (4-6 cm), highly branched morph can remind someone of the shape of parsley) and opika-
1™, respectively. Initially, it was grown in seawater tanks (sorry... “mariponically”!) in the
greenhouses of the Aquaculture Research Station at Sandy Cove, NS. OPI can now operate a
greenhouse with tanks using a saltwater well system in Shelbourne, NS. The production capacity
is reported to be 20-36 tonnes per year. The company is now looking for licensed growers,
partnerships and joint ventures, while ensuring the quality standards are met and kept by
providing technology transfer and technical assistance. The main applications of Nova Scotia
Sea Parsley™ and Sea Parsley Florets™ seem to be as garnishes and flakes in salads,
seasonings, sauces, soups, pasta, pies, cheese spreads, hence targeting the expanding health
food sector. In 2005, the price of 1 kg of Nova Scotia Sea Parsley™ is US$320. Green Sea
Parsley™ is used in nutraceuticals, functional foods and drinks as an ingredient in “green drink”
powders, and as a source of omega-3 compounds. Sea Parsley Antisensitivity Compound™ is
used in cosmetics and skin care products. The excitatory amino acid products opika-1™ kainic
and dihydrokainic acids are fine chemicals used in neurological research (sold for US$4,400 and
US$6,160 per gram, respectively).
It is presently unclear if the OPI venture will be successful or not. It is also not clear if the
company has license agreements or not with individuals, groups or institutions, which would
operate like franchises. OPI affirms that its long-term plans are to adapt culture techniques,
developed by the now Institute for Marine Biosciences, to bring additional sea vegetables to
discerning customers around the world.
Aquaculture of nori (Porphyra) and kelp (Laminaria) as the inorganic extractive
components of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems
After a rapid expansion throughout the world, and particularly in the Bay of Fundy, the salmon
aquaculture industry is starting to realize that each habitat can carry only a certain level of mono-
activity, and that exceeding the carrying capacity can generate severe disturbances, (including
diseases, eutrophication, toxic blooms and “green tides”) in the receiving waters (Phillips et al.
1985, Gowen and Bradbury 1987, Folke and Kautsky 1989).
One emerging consequence of fish aquaculture activities is a significant loading of nutrients
(especially dissolved nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), and particulate material) in coastal waters
(Beveridge 1987). Several countries, where intensive aquaculture is already an established
industry, are in the process of implementing restrictions on the amount of nutrients allowed to be
discharged to fish farms, as excessive fertilisation can alter significantly the quality of the benthos
and waters, generally sought after by multi-users (Håkanson et al. 1988). Nutrient rich waters, in
the vicinity of fish farms, also favour the growth of opportunistic annual filamentous algae, such
as Ulva, Enteromorpha, Cladophora, and Pilayella, which are causing severe biofouling of cages,
and restricting water and nutrient circulation patterns (Indergaard and Jensen 1983, Rönnberg et
al. 1992). At the same time, the decline of economically valuable perennial algae (Ascophyllum,
Fucus, and Laminaria) has been recorded due to increased competition, decreased light
penetration and increased sedimentation of organic matter (Wallentinus 1981).
Different methods have been used to try to minimize the effect of nutrient loading, such as
reducing nutrients and their leaching from diets and trapping or stabilising of the faecal matter
(Phillips et al. 1993). However, 20-30% of N and 60-70% of P are still not consumed or released
as faeces (Soto 1996). The other approach is to develop polyculture systems by integrating the
culture of macroalgae and suspension-feeders to fish culture (Ryther et al. 1978, Indergaard and
Jensen 1983, Folke and Kautsky 1989, 1991, 1992, Petrell and Mazahari 1992, Petrell et al.
1993, Subandar et al. 1993, Folke et al. 1994, Bodvin et al. 1996, Kautsky et al. 1996a, Chopin
et al. 2001, Troell et al. 2003, Neori et al. 2004). Seaweeds can use the excess nutrient supply
and other animal metabolic by-products, for growth (Chopin et al. 1990a, b, Fujita et al. 1989),
while providing a significant amount of needed oxygen for fish farms through photosynthetic
activity (Wildish et al. 1993). Moreover, by selecting seaweeds of commercial value (for the food,
textile, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, cosmetics and other enterprises), additional profits can
be realised by industry (Petrell et al. 1993). Kautsky et al. (1996b) have developed the interesting
concept of an “ecological footprint”, which is the life support area needed per square meter of
aquaculture activity. For 1 m2 of salmon aquaculture, the N production requires 340 m2 of pelagic
production to be assimilated, and the P production requires 400 m2 of pelagic production. By
integrating the culture of Gracilaria to salmon aquaculture in Chile, these authors were able to
reduce these ecological footprints to 150 m2 for N and 25 m2 for P.
The first author has been developing, with colleagues in New England, a similar programme of
integrated aquaculture in NB and Maine by replacing Gracilaria (for the agar market) by Porphyra
(direct human consumption and biotechnology markets). The salmon/nori integrated aquaculture
project was based on the premises that it should offer several advantages at different levels:
1) The seaweed farming component represents an additional income for the salmon farmer.
Moreover, by diversifying the sources of income and the labour training, the farmer protects
himself/herself from a dangerously fluctuating salmon market at the national and international
level, of which he/she has very little control. Porphyra, either as a source of food for direct
human consumption or for developing biotechnological applications, is a crop with a very high
added value.
2) There should be substantial savings as there should be no fertilisation costs. Nutrients
produced by the salmon farm will fertilise, at no cost, the seaweeds. Consequently, a higher
nori production can be anticipated in an integrated system compared to a uniquely nori farm.
3) Integrated aquaculture improves water and habitat quality of coastal waters by increasing
nutrient removal by seaweeds naturally and, hence, at a net profit.
4) If Porphyra reveals itself as an efficient biological nutrient removal system, one can even
contemplate the
possibility of increasing the number of salmon cages at a particular site, hence, creating even
5) Integration of economically important marine plants in an aquaculture system allows the
management of eutrophication problems associated with present fish mono-aquaculture and
coastal agriculture/urban/industrial practices. Any amount of nutrients that can be utilised by
marine harvested crops will reduce that available for the growth of opportunistic and
undesirable algae such as Ulva, Enteromorpha, and Cladophora - which are responsible for
low-value “green tide biomass, the disposal cost of which becomes rapidly prohibitive
(Fletcher 1990) - or toxic phytoplanktonic species. Moreover, the periodic short-time harvest of
Porphyra assures a constantly renewed removal of nutrients from the coastal ecosystem. This
is not the case with bloom-forming macro- and microalgae, which recycle their nutrients back
to the water column when they die and decay, and consequently perpetuate conditions
favourable for future blooms. Even if the complete replacement of problem species by
introducing this competition for nutrients is not achieved, partial replacement may be sufficient
to reduce the biomass of problem species below the threshold of hypertrophic events (Merrill
Preliminary results in Cobscook Bay, north-eastern Maine, USA, where the nori company
Coastal Plantations International Inc. was located, demonstrated that Porphyra yezoensis is able
to detect high nutrient loading in coastal waters resulting from anthropogenic activities (e.g. fish
aquaculture and intense scallop dragging putting back into suspension nutrients trapped in
sediments). Tissue N levels were between 6.64 and 7.27% DW in Cobscook Bay on November
1, 1996, while the highest contents recorded by Chopin et al. (1996) in A. nodosum were 2.68%
DW, between 4 and 4.5% DW in Polysiphonia lanosa and Pilayella littoralis, and 4.38% DW in C.
crispus (Chopin unpubl.). Tissue P levels were between 7.06 and 8.47 mg P. g DW-1, whereas
the P content of Porphyra purpurea in Dipper Harbour, NB (a location remote from the two above
anthropogenic activities) was 3.24 mg P. g DW-1. Chondrus crispus is known to have tissues
saturated at around 4-4.5 mg P. g DW-1 (Chopin et al. 1995). Consequently, Porphyra could be
used as a bio-indicator for nutrient loading and as a biological nutrient removal system to sustain
and improve the productivity and carrying capacity of coastal waters, especially in regions of
intensive fish aquaculture activities, to contribute to the development of a responsible
management of nearshore coastal waters. Porphyra can be considered as an extremely efficient
nutrient pump, certainly associated with its morphology (thin blade with 1 or 2 layers of cells, all
involved in absorption). It could be argued that this morphology, while creating an efficient pump,
does not allow storage in reserve tissues as in the case of the large brown algae (Laminariales,
Fucales). However, the advantage of Porphyra is its rapid growth, which allows the harvest of a
crop every 9-15 days (I. Levine, pers. comm.). Consequently, frequent harvesting amounts to
significant quantities of nutrients being constantly removed from coastal waters, hence the
concept of using Porphyra as a biological nutrient removal system integrated with salmon
Unfortunately, Coastal Plantations International Inc. ceased operations and the lack of a reliable
source of nori-seeded nets stopped further development of this project. Part of it is continuing as
a land-based experimental summer flounder/nori tank cultivation system in New Hampshire,
USA, with the company Great Bay Aquafarms Inc.
Since 2001, the first author is the principal investigator of an interdisciplinary research project,
with a team of scientists from the University of New Brunswick and the DFO Biological Station in
Saint Andrews, NB, that is developing the concept of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA).
Current marine monoculture production models are premised on the assumption of continual
expansion. This fuels the development of commodity-based systems and the eventual erosion of
environmental quality, as lower profit margins are compensated for by increased volumes within
geographical expansion and carrying capacity constraints (Chopin and Bastarache 2004). The
project, supported by AquaNet, the Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence for Aquaculture,
focuses on a new paradigm: how to optimise aquaculture lease space and biomass production
through biomitigation to reduce environmental impacts, diversification for sustainable economic
viability, and social acceptance of the improved practices (Chopin et al. 1999, 2001, Troell et al.
2003, Neori et al. 2004). It is time to realise that monoculture practices do not offer the best use
of cultivation units. When one considers the seawater volume available at a leased site and the
volume of water column actually occupied by a series of salmon cages, it is obvious that a
cultivation unit (i.e. a site) is not optimised. Developing IMTA systems will not only bring
increased profitability per cultivation unit through economic diversification by co-cultivating
several value-added marine crops, it will also bring environmental and social sustainability and
Phase I tested the feasibility of the IMTA concept by combining inorganic extractive aquaculture
of the kelp, Laminaria saccharina, and organic extractive aquaculture of the blue mussel, Mytilus
edulis, with the fed aquaculture of salmon, Salmo salar, to provide a balanced ecosystem
approach to aquaculture practices (Figs. 27-28). Phase II increased the production of kelps and
mussels towards an industrial, pilot-scale level. Food safety tracking was a significant component
of the second phase. Physical/chemical modelling (especially of the oxygen budget) and the
socio-economic component were initiated. The main results from Phases I and II are:
- Culture techniques, both in the laboratory and a three aquaculture sites with different exposure
characteristics, of the kelp, L. saccharina, have been improved (the lab phase has been reduced
from 113 to 35 days, and the biomass production has been increased from 8.0 to 20.7 kg. m-1 of
rope). Kelps grown in the vicinity of salmon farms increased their growth rates by 46 % in
comparison to kelps grown at reference sites.
- An innovative in situ method (time-lapse underwater video of siphons) to determine the
quantitative feeding rate of the blue mussel, M. edulis, was developed to show that mussels are
not only capable of capturing excess food particles from the fish farm but also increase their
feeding rates in response to the presence of these particles. Seston levels at salmon farms are
elevated by a factor of 2 to 4 over ambient levels and are of very high quality (up to 90 %
organic). Enhanced growth rates at farm sites (50 % more than that of mussels at reference
sites) and accelerated production times to commercial size (approximately 18 months from
socking) reflect this increase in food energy, as mussels ingest fish food particles with
approximately the same efficiency as phytoplankton species.
- None of the therapeutants used in salmon aquaculture have been detected in kelps or mussels
collected from the integrated sites (Chopin et al. 2002, Sephton et al. 2003b, Martin et al. 2004).
- Blooms of the phytoplanktonic species, Alexandrium fundyense, occur during the summer
months and PSP toxins are accumulated by mussels; however, mussels can be safely harvested
with proper management (Sephton et al. 2002, 2003a,b,c). Marketing of the product will have to
occur outside of the toxic algal season, which will modify the final size of the marketed product.
This is a common practice in many shellfish producing countries and implementation of such a
management technique for Canada will need to be investigated.
- The logistics of the kelp and mussel culture portion of an integrated operation appear to fit well
with the day-to-day operations of a regular salmon farm. Mussel seed acquisition was not an
issue as the cleaning of the nets provides an abundant source of juvenile mussels.
- A survey of aquaculture attitudes found that the general public is more negative towards current
monoculture practices and, although relatively unfamiliar with the concept, feels positive that
integration would be successful.
- A study of the seaweed products and markets was conducted and recommended the relatively
small volume/high value-added niche market approach as the most appropriate strategy at this
- Following a successful workshop in March 2004 in Saint John, NB, the network investigators
are working with the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program (CSSP) partners [i.e. DFO,
Environment Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)] to define the
appropriate food safety and the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) -based
policies and procedures, on a pilot basis, for an integrated site. Based on further
industry/government consultation and development, this should allow for the development of
commercial scale integrated operations under an amended/revised CSSP policy framework.
- The interdisciplinary team has been able to deliver a varied set of documents (peer reviewed
papers, book chapters, proceedings of international conferences, non-refereed technical papers,
magazine and newspaper articles, and an English/French bilingual DVD) to disseminate the
knowledge it has gained since 2001 to the different targeted audiences: researchers, federal and
provincial agencies, industry, professional associations, environmental NGOs, and the general
and school public. The bilingual DVD, entitled “Integrated Aquaculture - An Old Recycling
Concept for Renewed Sustainability” can be accessed through the following links:
As current findings support the establishment of IMTA systems in the Bay of Fundy, the team
now plans to proceed with phase III: scaling-up of the experimental systems to commercial level,
extend its application to the West coast of Canada, and increase its trophic components and
links even more by testing and developing the combined aquaculture of other species with similar
or complementary functions in an integrated system.
Recent experimental developments
Recent developments of sea urchin cultures have increased the demand for Laminaria for these
organisms which are also fed with different artificial diets. There are presently 10 experimental
projects of sea urchin farming (Y. Chiasson, pers. comm.) along the Bay of Fundy, the
Northumberland Strait (between NB and PEI) and the Baie des Chaleurs (NE of NB). There are
also 20 applications for licenses in NS (Sharp, pers. comm.). Further development should
certainly contemplate the parallel development of Laminaria culture.
Two companies are also investigating (semi-industrial stage) the feasibility of the production of
herring-roe-on-kelp in the Northumberland Strait by using L. digitata and L. saccharina.
Recent developments in the use of seaweeds in crafts should also be noted. Several people in
the Maritimes are now producing wreaths, baskets, frames, etc. with seaweeds, either simply
dried or preserved through a non-toxic process (M. Henry, pers. comm.).
Writing of this chapter was an opportunity to describe frankly, without compliance, the evolution
of the seaweed industry in Canada. The difficulty in clearly understanding a fishery is that
Science, or the consideration of the biology of one species at a time, will only give one a partial
explanation of its evolution. For a global understanding of a fishery, it is imperative to integrate
scientific data to social, economic and political information within an ecosystem and over a long
period of time. It is very revealing that the present paper would have extreme difficulty in being
published in a biological science journal, being considered not Ahard science@ enough, or a
social/economic/political science journal, being then considered Atoo scientific@! The present
book, hence, appeared the appropriate venue.
The seaweed industry in Canada, when described without circumlocutions, is in fact not that
different from other fisheries (of seaweeds or other species) in other countries. It has its deepest
roots in the concept of the sea as part of the Commons with unlimited resources, gifts to the
Humanity but exploited by a few. When the State, originally with good intentions, starts to
subsidise relatively less developed coastal regions without a long-term strategy, over-
capitalisation, over-attraction for a certain labour force and increased fishing efficiency and effort
appear rapidly and jeopardise the sustainability of the resource. When the situation becomes too
compromised, the industrialisation effort is generally shifted toward the management effort of a
resource then recognised as limited but renewable. Neo-classic economic theories emerge: the
number of fishers and the fishing capacity have to be reduced to face a declining resource.
Fishery strategies are dictated by the economic and biological variations of the resource. Others
argue that the notion of Commons, and the system of monospecific licenses, should be rejected
to swing to the concept of multi-species, individual and transferable quotas, leading to a kind of
privatisation of the sea, which will force fishers to manage the resource in a responsible,
sustainable and profit-earning manner (suppression of UI assistance). Assigning to individuals or
companies exclusive rights to an area can lead to effective management. Guidelines would have,
however, to be developed to ensure acquisition, recording and analysis of fishery management
data. Individual/company management of a common property resource is fraught with risks (fear
of short-term profits prevailing over long-term, optimal-yield objectives) and still requires some
control mechanisms (annual review, renewal subject to proactive observance of a management
plan, etc.), which ultimately come under a governmental agency of one sort or another.
Different models have been constructed over the years. The key problem for all of them is the
apprehension and quantification of the fluctuations, natural or not, of the resource, climatic and
oceanographic conditions, fishing effort and markets. Factors other than Science limit attainment
of optimal yields and, hence, good resource management (Pringle 1985, 1986). One key
parameter, which is surprisingly constantly missing, is the realisation and consideration that to
manage a fishery, one needs not only to have an in-depth knowledge of what is fished but also of
who is fishing. An integrated management, hence, also requires an in-depth sociological and
anthropological knowledge of human societies, and their own fluctuations, to properly manage
one species common to all fisheries: the human species.
Licensing systems are one of the measures often used to reduce over-harvesting. However, their
monospecificity prevents the mobility of fishers from one fishery to another, as a reaction to
fluctuations of the resource or of the markets. Complementary fisheries, like Irish moss, would
then have a useful role of buffer against those fluctuations. The rigidity of licensing systems can,
hence, be viewed in the long term as aggravating over-harvesting by trapping fishers in fisheries
that become less and less viable (Bodiguel 1996). In addition, the rigidity of the season opening
dates does not allow taking into consideration the fluctuations of the resource. A variable season
opening date, based on an evaluation of the resource during the pre-season, was suggested
(Chopin et al. 1987) but never officially implemented because of the nightmare it will create for its
implementation and enforcement, as all the season opening dates of the different fisheries are
tightly linked.
At the present time, fishery resource management in Canada is under severe criticism from all
sides. The federal government, through DFO, is accused of neither providing employment nor
conserving the resource. Critics should, however, remember that fishery resource management
is a relatively young discipline (Pringle 1986), far from an exact science, which requires the
integration of biological, economical, sociological, and political sciences... a difficult task in a
world of over-specialisation. Until now, the emphasis has been put on biological sciences; it is
important to realise that fishery resource management is, in a large part, human resource
management (Pringle and Sharp 1986). All components (fishers, scientists, regulators,
politicians, etc.) should be represented, listened to and active stakeholders in the elaboration and
implementation of an integrated, long-term resource management plan reached by consensus.
This pre-supposes a redistribution of power and responsibilities. The regulation enacting system
must also be flexible enough to allow for swift updating in concert with new socio-economic and
biological information/situations.
Development of a renewable resource should at least be coincidental with stable programmes of
resource science and resource management. Community economic assistance should
complement, not detract from, management of the community=s renewable natural resources.
Politicians and government officials, prior to modifying a system, should use an experimental
approach to determine the long-term consequences of policy changes (for example, a pilot
investigation with a component of the population) and win the confidence of the affected
communities. This requires years of work within a stable, but not unalterable, enforceable
Although resource management, with total jurisdiction awarded to a single government, is not
above criticism, Pringle (1986) found it superior to jurisdiction split between governments. The
quibbling over jurisdiction of the intertidal zone between NS and federal governments, while the
management of a resource and the local economy were at stake, is irresponsible and immature
(after all, the history of the Canadian Federation could be considered quite recent in comparison
to the history of some other countries in the world!). Fortunately, the two governments realised
the negative impact of their conflict and developed a MOU in 1991, which permits joint
management until jurisdiction is decided by the courts. A more rational and co-ordinated
management of the rockweed resource in NB is still in its infancy and, thus, it is too early to
evaluate the success of this multi-lateral approach; early indicators suggest, however, that it has
been a step in the right direction.
The development of seaweed aquaculture in the Maritimes is encouraging. If, in the case of C.
crispus and P. palmata, it is a matter of aquaculture systems for the production of one crop
(edible Irish moss or Nova Scotia Sea Parsley™), what is proposed with Porphyra and Laminaria
is integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, with certainly the production of a valuable algal crop, but
also the use of seaweeds for biomitigation.
Integrated aquaculture is not a new concept! Asian countries have been practising it for centuries
(Chan 1993). Interestingly, civilisations that have been most successful at developing integrated
aquaculture systems are the ones that treat wastes as valuable resources and know the whole
meaning of the word Arecycling@ because they have been living in closed systems, where
everything has to be reusable, for centuries. Western countries are regularly Areinventing the
wheel@ (Ryther et al. 1978, Indergaard and Jensen 1983, Kautsky et al. 1996a, Chopin et al.
2001), culminating now in the use of such buzz-phrases as: Aecological engineering for
environmentally improved and sustainable aquaculture operations@! The determination to
develop IMTA systems, however, will only come about if there is a major change in the
consumer=s attitude related to eating products cultured on Awastes@ and in political and
economical reasoning by seeking sustainability, long-term profitability and responsible
management of coastal waters.
In his effort to promote IMTA in NB the first author realised that a concept, even if it is based on
common sense, will not always necessarily rapidly penetrate minds! To successfully develop an
IMTA industry, a clear commitment from the different players (the aquaculturists, the scientists,
the governmental departments and the funding agencies) is needed, associated with a clear
respect and appreciation of their respective contributions, while recognising their specificities.
The role and mission of research and development should be clearly understood. Presently,
everybody wants to be involved in the famous R&D, but some would like to forget the AR@ as
rapidly as possible or to do it at no cost (or only if it is at the cost of a subsidising agency!). One
has to realise that the order of the letters has its significance: it is R&D, not D&R (the horses
before the carriage!). One should not forget that the prosperous development of nori aquaculture
in Asia is due to the scientific discovery of the life cycle of Porphyra by Drew (1949), not the
reverse. Research and development/monitoring should be conducted in a scientific manner to
obtain and keep credibility and validity. If not properly carried out, it could lead to questionable
data, unfounded speculations and biased conclusions which could jeopardise further
developments for an entire region. Consequently, one has to recognise that R&D/monitoring is a
full component of any economic development plan and associated with a cost. Temptations of
shortcuts and rash handling of the R&D/monitoring component are just a sign of lack of
understanding of the coastal environment and lack of vision for a long-term sustainable
development of integrated aquaculture. One should also not forget that R&D is only justified if a
AC@ (commercialisation) comes next; unfortunately there is frequently a major gap between
R&D and C, often because the appropriate funding structures and incentives are not in place to
take a R&D project to a C reality.
One must also understand that the performance evaluation of integrated systems requires a
different approach from the typical linear growth models used for mono-aquaculture over the last
decades, without consideration of the environmental and social costs. Five-year profitability
models, with the goal of reaching 100% performance for each cultured species in isolation,
should be replaced by total, long-term and sustainable economic models in which the yield per
unit resource input is evaluated (Kautsky et al. 1996a).
Let us not forget that we are still in the infancy of aquaculture and that some agricultural
practices have taken centuries to develop fully.
Thanks to R. Semple for providing Figs. 1, 2, 8, 9, and 10, and J. Pringle for providing Figs. 11
and 12. Figs. 25 and 26 were provided courtesy of Acadian Seaplants Limited. Thanks to S.
Bastarache for providing Fig. 27. We thank the funding agencies for the IMTA project (AquaNet,
the University of New Brunswick in Saint John, the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation and
the Atlantic Canada Opportunity Agency), the industrial partners (Heritage Salmon Ltd., Acadian
Seaplants Limited and Ocean Nutrition Canada), and the government agencies (DFO and CFIA).
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... The current commercial exploitation of P. palmata both in Europe and North America largely relies on harvesting wild populations (Chopin and Ugarte 1998;Mac Monagail et al. 2017). On both sides of the Atlantic, the species is collected at low tide in a way that a portion of the frond is left on its substrate to ensure regrowth and perennity of this activity. ...
... It is then mainly dried locally to be sold either in the form of whole blades, flakes or powder by small local businesses or by wholesalers. This activity is seasonal i.e. from late spring to autumn (Chopin and Ugarte 1998;Rhatigan 2009) and generally characterized by a low level of mechanization limiting the quantity available to the market. In most cases, harvesting P. palmata on the shore is combined with other activities e.g. ...
... In most cases, harvesting P. palmata on the shore is combined with other activities e.g. fishing, farming, foraging shellfish or other macroalgal species (Chopin and Ugarte 1998;Mesnildrey et al. 2012). The amount of harvestable biomass is also limited by interannual variations in population stocks (which may be low due to unfavourable natural conditions) and the accessibility of harvesting sites either by land or by boat. ...
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Palmaria palmata, commonly referred to as dulse, is a well-known and highly valued red macroalga distributed along the North Atlantic shores within a latitude range of approximately 40 to 80 °N. It is a species of commercial importance with historical records of use as food dating back several centuries to the current harvesting of dulse by hand-picking on the foreshore in Western Europe as well as Canada (New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) and USA (Maine). Because the demand for P. palmata increases and future sustainable commercial developments cannot rely solely on wild-harvested biomass, significant efforts have been made by research and industrial actors to cultivate the species. The low rates of spore release and germination, high mortality and epibiont contaminations remain major bottlenecks and point towards the need for optimized hatchery methods to enable upscaling the biomass production. The present review summarizes the available knowledge related to the biology, including the unique life history of the species among the Rhodophyta, the ecology as well as the nutrient composition and quality of P. palmata as food. Recent advances in taxonomy and cultivation techniques are reported along with a status of regulations for the commercial harvest of wild populations. An outlook on future industrial perspectives using biomass of P. palmata is also given.
... World War II and the years immediately following saw seaweed research undergo significant developments in Canada, Scotland, and Norway (Indergaard 2017). Although Irish moss was raked, bleached and dried for export from the mid-1920s in Nova Scotia, significant exports of Irish moss from Canada began in 1940 at approximately 10,000 dry lbs (~18 metric tons wet wt.) and escalated rapidly (Figure 1) to augment the limited supply available from New England (Needler 1947, Tseng 1947, Stoloff 1949, Humm 1951, MacFarlane 1956, Snaith et al. 1969, Naylor 1976, Pringle and Mathieson 1987, Chopin and Ugarte 2006 (MacRae 1977, Gridgeman 1979. The involvement and active support of President Kerr and several influential persons in Halifax including the Right Honorable A.L. MacDonald, Premier of Nova Scotia, are noteworthy. ...
... Throughout the 1960s and early 1970s, Irish moss harvesting increased dramatically to meet the growing industrial demand for carrageenan (Chopin and Ugarte 2006). Data on marine plant harvesting to the mid-1960s showed that Irish moss landings in the Maritimes increased 34-fold from 1943 to 1966 ( Figure 1). ...
... The company had correctly concluded that farming Irish moss to extract bulk carrageenan would not be cost effective (see Pringle and Mathieson 1987, Part 1.1) so the Irish moss cultivation trials at Hey Point were terminated in 1981. The lack of an available supply of Irish moss led Genu to close all Canadian operations in 1994 leaving Acadian Seaplants Limited (ASL) as the sole buyer of this seaweed (Chopin and Ugarte 2006). ...
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Irish moss traditionally has been valued for its hydrocolloid composition. Recognition that natural harvests would not meet the expected demands for its biomass led to experimental pilot-scale cultivation based on principles used in agriculture. Innovative technologies and systems for aquaculture management were devised when those from agriculture or mariculture were not directly transferrable. Periods of rapid progress and of consolidation due to disruptive external events were encountered, a cycle not uncommon during the introduction of a new technology. Certain key decisions in the background matrix that ultimately led to Irish moss cultivation are reviewed together with an overview of the main critical events that affected progress. The Chondrus crispus aquaculture as practiced today is essentially a modified form of precision agriculture operating year-round with c. 3.4 ha of on-land culture tanks and up to 75 employees during the peak season. Beginning with new Irish moss seedstock from the library/nursery, the crop is generated through a closely controlled, vertically integrated system of cultivation that after approximately 18 months increases the biomass more than 50,000-fold. After harvesting it is processed into the final food-grade products to meet the stringent demands of the export market.
... Following its introduction into the Canadian Maritimes in the 1960s (Chopin and Ugarte 2006), the boat and rake (Fig. 3c, d). This harvest method also allows individuals to take advantage of the rising tide offering improved socio-economic opportunities for harvesters. ...
... Older, less efficient mechanical harvesters consisting of a reciprocating cutter mounted on a paddlewheel driven barge (Ugarte and Sharp 2001) were replaced in 1985 by ultra-efficient Norwegian suction cutter harvesters which were capable of harvesting 33.6 wet t day −1 of A. nodosum (Sharp et al. 1994). Since 1993, harvesting has reverted to boat and rake methods in southwestern Nova Scotia (Chopin and Ugarte 2006). Mechanical harvesting has the potential to present challenges for fisheries management in terms of protecting marine biodiversity (Kelly 2005). ...
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The harvesting of wild seaweeds continues to play an important cultural and socioeconomic role for many coastal communities on Ireland’s Atlantic seaboard. Although Irish waters contain a diverse and substantial benthic seaweed flora, only a few species are exploited commercially. Historically in Ireland, seaweed was commercially used as a raw material in the production of high-volume, low-value commodities such as animal feed and raw material for alginate production. Recently, with increasing acceptance of seaweed as a sea vegetable and its ever-increasing role as a raw material in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, there has been a renewed vigour in the Irish seaweed industry particularly with new entrants into the human nutrition and cosmetic markets producing high-quality, high-value products. Although many of Ireland’s native seaweed species can be sustainably exploited if well managed, the fucoid Ascophyllum nodosum maintained its prominent role in the Irish seaweed industry. The traditional harvesting of A. nodosum in Ireland continues, although the recent introduction of new harvesting techniques, along with the expected expansion of the Irish seaweed cultivation sector, undoubtedly marks a shift in the Irish seaweed seascape. We focus here on the seaweed resources in Irish waters and how the industry has changed in the last 20 years.
... In eastern Canada, the harvestable beds occur on shores with mainly epilithic populations (Garbary et al. 2012), and their distribution is affected by the climatic rigors associated with winter cold and ice (Archambault et al. 2010). This seaweed is mainly hand-picked around Grand Manan Island, New-Brunswick (Chopin and Ugarte 2006) and the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec. It is usually sun dried outdoors or in heated greenhouses and sold whole or as flakes. ...
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Seaweeds are a promising biomass resource that contain proteins with high potential for sustainable exploration. Palmaria palmata, one of the main red seaweeds of the Canadian coast, has a high protein content and much interest as an ingredient. Understanding the associations between environmental conditions and P. palmata color and chemical composition is of paramount importance to predict optimum harvesting conditions and thus increase its value. This study investigated the influence of environmental conditions on the composition and color of wild and cultivated P. palmata. Important changes in these parameters were found for P. palmata harvested in the subarctic Canadian transition zone, depending on the harvesting site/month. A marked increase in carbohydrates and decrease in ashes content (up to 2-fold) were observed from June to October, while photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) values have decreased. These associations suggest that wild P. palmata is shade acclimated to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence region. Maximum protein content was found for samples in June and was especially higher for samples from Grande-Rivière. Samples were intensely colored in June, possibly related to the higher protein content found in this month. Although several intricate factors seem to influence color development in this species, data from this study assist harvesting sites and period to maximise dark red color and avoid pigmentation degradation and paleness. In sum, these results may help indicate the best site/period to take commercial advantage of this species and orient future research on the multifactored relationships between environmental factors and macroalgae chemical composition and color.
... a prevalence for certain species whereas others have reported the presence of large variability amongst MM species. Also, there is a tendency of increased MMW production in some countries/areas due to the emergence of non-native species, as observed in Canada (Mazzaella japonica), Argentina (Ulva sp. and Undaria pinnatifida), Caribbean Area, Gulf of Mexico and Western Africa (Sargassum spp.) (Beckles, 2015;Chopin and Ugarte, 1998;Food Safety and Inspection Branch, 2014;Holden et al., 2016;Kingzett et al., 2015;Laffoley et al., 2011;Milledge and Harvey, 2016;Piriz et al., 2003;Resiere et al., 2021;Sterley and Thörnkvist, 2020). The fact that such species present a relevant impact in the natural ecosystem leads to an emergent need to develop a commercial application for their control (as it is observed in Canada with Mazzaella japonica). ...
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The accumulation of Marine Macroalgal Waste (MMW) - drifted marine macroalgae - is a growing phenomenon. The lack of appropriate management protocols for this residual biomass leaves it mostly unmanaged or disposed of in landfills. Such inappropriate solutions lead to negative environmental impacts, health concerns and coastal degradation, representing an opportunity to develop the bioeconomy. Although a relevant number of studies exists on the use of edible marine macroalgae for several purposes, there is generally a lack of information concerning MMW valorisation, at both local and global scales. This review thus explores the ecological and biotechnological potential for the establishment of a new approach for MMW valorisation based in the circular and blue economies. It is supported in literature on the use of residual biomass whenever possible and also includes studies with fresh biomass to extrapolate, considering known characteristics of MMW; consequently, a roadmap for its utilisation is provided. The review includes characteristics of various seaweeds, MMW accumulation worldwide and traditional uses, together with the development of alternative and integrated valorisation strategies. By analysing a large number of studies, it was possible to perceive a clear potential to explore MMW to obtain renewable fuels, especially biogas and bioethanol and for use in agricultural activities. Allied to this, the extraction of value-added compounds, such as lipids, pigments, phenolic compounds and specific polysaccharides is highlighted, aiming to contribute to the development of an economically feasible zero-waste biorefinery approach.
... Furthermore, sustainability has been improved by implementing hand-harvesting into a boat methodology using a specially designed cutting rake. Following its introduction into the Canadian Maritimes in the 1960s (Chopin and Ugarte, 2006), the boat and rake method for commercial A. nodosum harvesting was introduced in Ireland in 2016. A specially designed rake head cuts part of the A. nodosum canopy in a slanted way to produce minimum changes to the habitat architecture following harvest, while leaving most of the seaweed intact (Ugarte and Sharp, 2012). ...
Seaweed utilization, wild harvesting, and cultivation have played an important role in many coastal communities all around the world for centuries. Seaweeds have been used traditionally for food, medicine, or animal feed and fertilizer. Nevertheless, over the last decade, we have observed a strong emergence of seaweed use with many novel applications used in the food, ingredients, and nutraceutical industries; cosmetics, health, and wellbeing industries; to biofuels and bioplastics. Of the circa 10,000 species globally, only a handful are commercially utilized in the seaweed industry, and even less are commercially harvested from wild capture or cultivated in a large scale. With a growing interest in using seaweeds as a renewable sustainable resource, it is vitally important that seaweeds are sustainably utilized, and that natural resources are effectively managed by coastal communities with vested interests around the world. Several aspects of sustainable use of seaweed resources are discussed in this chapter.
... In the early 1970s C. crispus from Canada provided 75% of the world's production of carrageenan but, by 1992, C. crispus represented only 3.8% of the global harvest of carrageenophytes with Canada providing a mere 12% (Chopin, 1998;Pringle & Mathieson, 1987). By the late 1990s, C. crispus from Brittany, Vendée and Normandy represented only 9% of the carrageenophytes supplying the French carrageenan industry (Kaas, 1998). ...
The utilization of nanomaterials, including nanobiostimulants, in agricultural sectors signifies an innovative and effective approach to increase plant growth, improve resilience to stress factors, and eventually maximize total crop production. The application of nanobiostimulants as plant growth regulators and organic compounds in nanoscale carriers depicted the increase in global market demand. This chapter emphasizes the utilization of nanobiostimulants in agricultural sectors including their advantages, commercialization, and global market demand including its future prospect. Furthermore, the basic and dynamic idea behind nanobiostimulants is their capability to overcome the complications along with challenges associated with traditional biostimulant applications. Nanobiostimulants are effective and significant for their positive impact on plant physiology, which includes improved nutrient absorption, stress tolerance, and quality of the crops. The efficiency of the traditional biostimulants is frequently hampered by challenges such as rapid degradation, low solubility, and inconsistency in plant delivery. These challenging factors are now being effectively reduced by the development of nanobiostimulants. In spite of its potential in optimizing the crop production and market profit, nanobiostimulants are facing global challenges about its regulation and legislation, cost-effectiveness, and safety concern. Thus, this chapter includes the global challenges and future prospects of the nanobiostimulants in order to educate consumers and to reduce the knowledge gap about these innovative products. In summary, nanobiostimulants is an innovation that enhances crop production and could be a wise solution to cater global food security challenges. However, safety concern, sustainability, and cost effectiveness of advanced nanobiostimulants require more research and development to gain trust among consumers.