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it. j. anat. embryol. Vol. 111, n. 2: 000-000, 2006
A histological study of the deep fascia of the upper limb
Carla Stecco
M.D., Andrea Porzionato
M.D., Veronica Macchi
Cesare Tiengo
M.D., Anna Parenti
M.D., Roberto Aldegheri
Vincent Delmas
M.D. and Raffaele De Caro
Section of Anatomy, Department of Human Anatomy and Physiology, University of Padova, Italy
Section of Orthopedics, Department of Medical Surgical Specialities, University of Padova, Italy
Section of Pathologic Anatomy, Department of Oncological and Surgical Sciences, University of
Padova, Italy
Normal Anatomy Institute, Rene´Descartes University, Paris
Key words: fascia, collagen, proprioception, myokinetic chain, motor coordination, over-use
Post-mortem specimens taken from the antebrachial and brachial fasciae of 20 upper limbs
were studied by histological and immunohistochemical staining in order to evaluate collagen fibre
bundle arrangement, the presence of elastic fibres, and the density of innervation in deep muscular
fascia. The study demonstrated that the fasciae are formed of numerous layers of undulating colla-
gen fibre bundles. In each layer, the bundles are parallel to each other, whereas adjacent layers show
different orientations. Each layer is separated from the adjacent one by a thin layer of adipose tissue,
like plywood. Many elastic fibres and a variety of both free and encapsulated nerve endings, espe-
cially Ruffini and Pacini corpuscles, are also present, suggesting a proprioceptive capacity of the
deep fascia.
Thanks to the undulating collagen fibre bundles and elastic fibres, the fasciae can adapt to
stretching, but this is only possible within certain limits, beyond which nerve terminations are acti-
vated by stretching. This mechanism allows a sort of “gate control” on the normal activation of in-
trafascial receptors. The capacity of the various collagen layers to slide over each other may be al-
tered in cases of over-use syndrome, trauma or surgery. In such cases, the amortising mechanism of
the fascia on the nervous terminations is lost, causing incorrect paradoxical activation of nerve re-
ceptors within the fascia, resulting in the propagation of a nociceptive signal even in situations of
normal physiological stretch. At the same time, the layered collagen fibres allow transmission of ten-
sion according to the various lines of force. This structure of the muscular fascia guarantees percep-
tive and directional continuity along a particular myokinetic chain, acting like a transmission belt be-
tween two adjacent joints and also between synergic muscle groups.
In recent years, the deep muscular fascia has attracted increasing interest and is
currently indicated in the pathogenesis of a wide variety of conditions. Bednar et al.
(1995) found inflammation and micro-calcification of the thoracolumbar fascia in
patients with chronic lumbalgia, suggesting the role of the fascia in the aetiology of
lower back pain. In the transverse fascia of patients with inguinal hernia, Pans et al.
(2001), Rodrigues et al. (2002) and Rosch et al. (2003) verified the presence of a web
of disorganised collagen fibres and an increase in vascularisation in comparison to
healthy control subjects. It has been suggested that the fascia is implicated in the
regulation of posture (Palmieri et al., 1986), muscular biomechanics (Gerlach and
Lierse, 1990), peripheral motor coordination (Stecco, 2004) and proprioception
(Stecco et al., 2006). For some authors (Rolf, 1997; Paoletti, 1998), the fascia has the
capacity to adapt to physical stress, and manual therapies can influence its tone, vis-
cosity or structure.
Despite growing interest in the fascia, a comprehensive anatomical and histo-
logical description of this tissue is still lacking. The deep fascia of muscles is de-
scribed in most texts as a lamina of dense connective tissue surrounding muscles
(e.g. Moore and Agur, 2001), with the sole function of an inert structural support
(Kuslick et al., 1991). Some authors (e.g. Yahia et al., 1993) have expressed the need
for a histological study of the fascia.
Hence, the aim of this study was to clarify the histological structure of the deep
muscular fascia of the upper limb, with particular reference to its content and ar-
rangement of collagen and elastic fibres and types of innervation.
The study was performed on 20 upper limbs (12 right, 8 left) from 13 subjects
(10 males, 3 females; mean age 79.9 years) on the basis of research approved by the
Normal Anatomy Institute of the Rene´ Descartes University in Paris. No limbs
showed any evidence of traumatic lesions or pathologies, and had not been em-
balmed or frozen prior to examination. For each limb, 4 different samples of the
same size (1 x 1.5 cm) of the middle thirds of the anterior brachial fascia and of the
anterior antebrachial fascia. The samples were mounted on cardboard to avoid de-
formation artefacts.
All specimens were immediately preserved in formaldehyde 4% in phosphate
buffer saline (PBS) 0.1 M, pH 7.0, embedded in paraffin, and then cut into 10-αm
thick sections, which were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H.E.), azan-Mallory,
Weigert’s Van Gieson stain for elastic fibres and silver impregnation. Anti-S100 im-
munohistochemistry was also performed. The intrafascial vascular network was also
2C. Stecco et alii
Immunohistochemical method: Five-αm thick sections were treated with H
0.15% for 15 minutes in order to inhibit endogenous peroxidase activity. After
washing in PBS, the sections were incubated with normal goat serum 1:100 for 30
minutes and then with polyclonal antibodies raised against S100 (DAKO, Italy) for
nervous tissues, diluted 1:500 in PBS at 37°C in a humid chamber for 60 minutes.
Repeated washings were performed and the sections were then incubated with sec-
ondary antibody (goat anti-rabbit IgG peroxidase-coniugated antibodies DAKO)
1:50 for 30 minutes. Lastly, the reaction was enhanced with 3,3’-diaminobenzidine
(DAB substrate tablets, Sigma, 0.1% v/v H
). The preparations, contrasted with
hematoxylin, were dehydrated and mounted on Canadian balsam (BDH, Italy).
Negative controls were obtained by omitting the primary antibody. All preparations
were observed under a Leica DM 4500B microscope.
The deep fasciae of the arm and forearm presented analogous histological char-
acteristics. Both fasciae had a mean thickness ranging from 100 to 200 αm, and were
formed of multiple layers of collagen fibre bundles. They were of variable size,
showed an undulating course, and were parallel to each other. Fibroblasts, at times
exhibiting star-shaped cytoplasmic elongations, were arranged between the collagen
fibre bundles and parallel to them. The alignment of the bundles differed from layer
to layer (Fig.1a). Each layer was separated from the adjacent one by a thin layer of
adipocytes. At some points, these laminae were packaged and connected with the
underlying epimysium, without interposing adipose tissue (Fig.1b). Numerous elas-
tic fibres were also evidenced by van Gieson stain. They appeared as short, branched
fibres, not arranged in bundles, arranged between the collagen bundles and the vari-
ous layers in a less orderly manner, to form an irregular mesh (Fig. 1c). Numerous
vessels also followed rather tortuous paths through the collagen layers of the muscu-
lar fascia.
Some small nerve branches were highlighted with silver impregnation, and,
with anti-S100 immunohistochemistry, nerve fibres were found in all specimens of
the deep fascia. Although they were particularly numerous around vessels, they were
also distributed throughout the fibrous components of the fascia. Some nerve fibres
were connected to collagen fibres, others were surrounded by loose connective tis-
sue. In some specimens, Ruffini, Pacini and rare Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscles were
also highlighted (Fig. 1d).
From a histological viewpoint, some authors (Geneser, 1986; Standring et al.,
2005) consider the deep muscular fascia as consisting of dense, regular, connective
A histological study of the deep fascia of the upper limb 3
tissue similar to aponeurosis, characterised by extremely well-ordered, parallel bun-
dles of inelastic collagen fibres, although for Standring et al. (2005) the fascia is
sometimes also irregular loose connective tissue. Conversely, Gerlach and Lierse
(1990) described the muscular fascia of the lower limb as composed of intertwined
bundles of collagen fibres. For other authors (Bogduk and Macintosh, 1984; Martini
et al., 2004), it is formed of numerous laminae of dense connective tissue in which
collagen fibres may be aligned in several directions, whereas for yet others (e.g.
Fawcett, 1986), the laminae are difficult to distinguish because the collagen fibres
often pass from one lamina to the adjacent one.
Our results show that the fascia is essentially composed of numerous layers of
parallel, undulating collagen fibre bundles, intermingled with many elastic fibres.
Thin layers of adipocytes separate adjacent layers, allowing single layers to slide over
Fig.1—a)Layered arrangement of deep muscular fascia and its connections with epimysium (azan-
Mallory stain, magnification 5x).
b) Undulating collagen fibres interspersed with fusiform fibrocytes. Layered arrangement is clearly
evident, layers being separated from the next by adipose tissue. In each layer, collagen fibres
are parallel, but their direction varies from one layer to the next. Numerous small vessels are
also visible between bundles of collagen fibres (azan-Mallory stain, magnification 10x).
c) Note numerous fine elastic fibres with differing orientation, interspersed with collagen fibres (van
Geison stain, magnification 20x).
d) Ruffini corpuscle immersed in loose connective tissue, between two bundles of collagen fibres
(anti-S100 stain, magnification 40x).
4C. Stecco et alii
each other. The alignment of the collagen fibres varies from layer to layer. As a
whole, this type of structure may be compared with that of plywood, as in the de-
scriptions by Bogduk and Macintosh (1984) and Martini et al. (2004). Instead, the
significant quantity of elastic fibres found means that the description of Geneser
(1986) is not in agreement with ours. In addition, the deep muscular fascia of the up-
per limb cannot be considered as loose, areolar, connective tissue (Standring et al.,
2005), due to its significant collagen component.
The structural organisation of the fascia allows strong resistance to traction,
even when it is exercised in different directions, due to the differing orientations of
the collagen fibres in the layers. At the same time, the fascia can adapt to stretching,
thanks to the elastic fibres together with the undulating arrangement of the collagen
fibres. Once traction stops the same elastic fibres probably allow the fascia to return
to its resting state.
In 1899, Testut wrote that “although the fasciae are extremely pliable, at the
same time, they are very resistant and almost inextensible”. The histological struc-
ture described in our study represents the anatomical basis of this apparent func-
tional contradiction.
The presence of many free and encapsulated nerve terminations, particularly
Ruffini and Pacini corpuscles, indicates that the deep muscular fascia probably plays
a proprioceptive role. The capsules of these corpuscles are connected to the collagen
fibres that surround them and are therefore probably also subjected to stretching
(Stecco, 2006). Instead, the larger nerve fibres are often surrounded by loose con-
nective tissue, which preserves the nerve from the traction to which the fascia is sub-
jected. Adaptation of the fascia is only possible within certain limits, beyond which
the nerve terminations are activated by stretching. This mechanism allows a sort of
“gate control” on normal activation of the intrafascial receptors. Further studies will
be necessary to reveal the presence of fibres of the autonomic nervous system and to
determine whether such innervation pertains to the vessel walls or if is specifically
related to the muscular fascia.
The capacity of the various collagen layers to slide over each other may be al-
tered in cases of over-use syndrome, trauma or surgery. In such cases, the amortising
mechanism of the fascia on the nervous terminations is lost, causing incorrect para-
doxical activation of nerve receptors within the fascia, resulting in the propagation
of a nociceptive signal even in situations of normal physiological stretch.
Paoletti (2002) and Stecco (2004) hypothesise that the deep fascia between two
joints guarantees perceptive and directional continuity along a specific myokinetic
chain, acting as a transmission belt between two adjacent joints and also between
synergic muscle groups. The layered arrangement of the collagen fibres of the deep
muscular fascia, allowing the transmission of traction, is the anatomical basis to this
Received 12/05/2006. Accepted 20/05/2006
A histological study of the deep fascia of the upper limb 5
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For correspondence:
Prof. Raffaele De Caro,MD
Section of Anatomy, Department of Human
and Physiology, University of Padova,
Via A Gabelli 65, 35127 Padova, Italy
Tel +39 049 8272327;
Fax +39 049 8272328;
6C. Stecco et alii