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Abstract and Figures

Queso Fresco, a popular Hispanic cheese variety, was prepared and its chemical, rheological, textural, functional, and sensory aspects were evaluated during storage at 4 and 10°C to determine changes in quality. Decreases in lactose and pH levels were observed and attributed to activity by spoilage microorganisms. The appearance of volatile compounds derived from lipids indicated that lipolysis was taking place, and some proteolysis was also noted. Minor variations in texture profile, torsion, color, and melt analyses were seen throughout 8 wk of storage. No microstructural changes were observed. A consumer taste panel generally liked laboratory-made and two commercially-made cheeses, and could not distinguish one of the commercial samples from the laboratory sample. The results provide a basis for assessing the quality traits of Queso Fresco during storage.
Content may be subject to copyright. Journal of Food Research Vol. 1, No. 1; February 2012
ISSN 1927-0887 E-ISSN 1927-0895
Characterization of Queso Fresco during Storage at 4 and 10°C
Michael H. Tunick (Corresponding author), Diane L. Van Hekken, Susan K. Iandola & Peggy M. Tomasula
Dairy & Functional Foods Research Unit, Eastern Regional Research Center
Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
600 E. Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, PA 19038, USA
Tel: 1-215-233-6454 E-mail:
Received: November 29, 2011 Accepted: December 12, 2011 Published: February 1, 2012
doi:10.5539/jfr.v1n1p308 URL:
Queso Fresco, a popular Hispanic cheese variety, was prepared and its chemical, rheological, textural, functional,
and sensory aspects were evaluated during storage at 4 and 10°C to determine changes in quality. Decreases in
lactose and pH levels were observed and attributed to activity by spoilage microorganisms. The appearance of
volatile compounds derived from lipids indicated that lipolysis was taking place, and some proteolysis was also
noted. Minor variations in texture profile, torsion, color, and melt analyses were seen throughout 8 wk of storage.
No microstructural changes were observed. A consumer taste panel generally liked laboratory-made and two
commercially-made cheeses, and could not distinguish one of the commercial samples from the laboratory
sample. The results provide a basis for assessing the quality traits of Queso Fresco during storage.
Keywords: Queso Fresco, Rheology, Texture, Microstructure
1. Introduction
Queso Fresco, a rennet-set soft white cheese, is gaining popularity in the US. It is often eaten fresh, hence its
name, but many consumers and retail outlets would like the option of refrigerating it for a few weeks. To do this,
the characteristics of Queso Fresco have to be investigated over time at typical storage temperatures. Home
refrigerators in the U.S. are usually maintained around 4°C, but a significant number are kept at 10°C, and the
average in Europe is 6.7-7.0°C (Pouillot, Lubran, Cates, & Dennis, 2010). Warehouse storage and delicatessen
dairy cases may also be above 4°C. Changes with time on textural properties previously reported for this variety
compared 4°C storage for 1 and 8 d (Sandra, Stanford, & Meunier Goddick, 2004) and 4°C storage for 1 and 8
wk (Guo, Van Hekken, Tomasula, Shieh, & Tunick, 2011a). Earlier research on Queso Fresco in our laboratory
compared rheology, texture, and microstructure of commercial samples made from raw and pasteurized milk
(Tunick & Van Hekken, 2010). Queso Fresco made in our laboratory and containing 0-2.5% NaCl has been
evaluated for color, melt, rheology, and microstructure (Guo et al., 2011a) and for microbial count and
proteolysis (Guo, Van Hekken, Tomasula, Tunick, & Huo, 2011b). Volatile compound identification has not
been reported for this variety.
Queso Fresco has a pH over 6.0 and is commonly milled before salting. It is characteristically a crumbly cheese
(Hwang & Gunasekaran, 2001) and a non-melting cheese (Guo et al., 2011a). Sensory tests revealed that
Hispanics and those familiar with Queso Fresco preferred samples with high NaCl and pH levels, and consumers
who had little previous experience with Queso Fresco preferred low NaCl and pH levels (Clark, Warner, &
Luedecke, 2001). Its acceptability relies in part on its color (bright white), texture, and structure (Van Hekken &
Farkye, 2003). This paper describes the quality traits of Queso Fresco from starter-free, pasteurized,
homogenized milk and stored for up to 8 wk at 4 and 10°C. The research was divided into two phases: in Phase I
the main focus was on the functional properties of color and melt, and in Phase II the emphasis was on consumer
sensory tests and effect of storage on protein profiles and volatile compounds.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Cheese preparation
Queso Fresco cheeses were manufactured in eight production runs in the Dairy & Functional Foods Research
Unit laboratory. Locally-obtained milk was standardized to 3.5% fat and pasteurized at 72°C for 15 s. After Journal of Food Research Vol. 1, No. 1; February 2012
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education 309
two-stage homogenization at 6.9 and 3.4 MPa, 180 kg of milk containing 180 g of added CaCl2 was adjusted to
32°C in a stainless steel vat. The milk was coagulated with chymosin (14 mL Chy-Max, Chr. Hansen,
Milwaukee, WI, USA; diluted in 200 mL water) and cooked at 39°C for 30 min. Approximately one-third of the
whey was drained and the curd was salted in three applications at 1.1% NaCl (w/w). The rest of the whey was
drained and the curds were cooled to 21°C, finely milled into small (< 1 cm) pieces with a grinder (Bosch
universal kitchen machine, Robert Bosch Hausgeräte, Dillingen, Germany), and hand-packed into molds for
storage overnight at 4°C. Cheeses were removed from the molds the next day, sliced into three blocks, and
vacuum packaged. Samples were stored for up to 8 wk at 4 or 10°C. Phase I cheeses consisted of Queso Frescos
from the first five production runs, and Phase II cheeses were from the last three runs.
2.2 Composition
The following compositional analyses were run in triplicate: moisture (forced-draft oven, AOAC Official
Method 948.12; AOAC International 1998), protein (EA1112 nitrogen analyzer, CE Elantech, Lakewood, NJ,
USA; nitrogen result multiplied by 6.38), ash (heating in muffle furnace at 550°C for 16 h; AOAC Official
Method 935.42; AOAC International 1998), lactose (YSI 2700 biochemistry analyzer, YSI, Yellow Springs, OH,
USA), and pH (Orion model 611, Orion Research Corp., Cambridge, MA, USA). The following were run in
duplicate: fat (Babcock method; Kosikowski & Mistry, 1997), NaCl (chloride titrator strip, Hach Co., Loveland,
CO, USA, AOAC Official Method 971.19; AOAC International 1998), and titratable acidity (titration, AOAC
Official Method 920.124; AOAC International 1998). Ash and titratable acidity were assayed on Phase II
cheeses only.
2.3 Protein profiles
Protein profiles of Phase II cheeses were obtained by SDS-PAGE using the procedure of Van Hekken, Tunick,
Tomasula, Molina Corral, and Gardea (2007) and Tunick, Van Hekken, Call, Molina Corral, and Gardea (2007).
The PhastSystem (American Pharmacia Corp., Piscataway, NJ, USA) was used to separate proteins on 20%
homogeneous gels. Gels were stained with Coomassie blue and scanned with a model 375A Personal
Densitometer SI (Molecular Dynamics, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). Protein distributions were calculated with
ImageQuant software version 4.2 (Molecular Dynamics). Lanes were analyzed in duplicate with bands being
identified as αs1-, αs2-, β-, and para-κ-caseins, and minor whey proteins. Casein fragments were grouped into
molecular mass ranges of 22, 22-18.5, 18-15, and <14 kDa.
2.4 Volatile compounds
In a preliminary study, volatile compounds in Phase II cheeses were identified qualitatively by GC-MS. Samples
were removed from a -80°C freezer and a 5-g portion was finely diced and sealed in a 20-mL glass vial. The vial
was incubated at 60°C for 10 min, and a SPME fiber (50/30 μm DVB/Carboxen/PDMS Stableflex, Supelco,
Bellefonte, PA, USA) absorbed volatiles from the headspace at 60°C for 30 min. The sample was desorbed for 5
min into a 30 m x 0.250 cm ID column (Agilent Technologies, Wilmington, DE, USA) inside a 7890A GC
equipped with a 5975C MS detector (Agilent). The injector temperature was 250°C and the splitless flow was 1
mL min-1 ultrapure He. The column temperature was held at 40°C for 10 min, ramped at 5°C min-1 to 225°C, and
held for 5 min.
2.5 Texture
Texture profile analysis (TPA) was performed as previously described (Tunick & Van Hekken, 2002). Four
cylinders measuring 14 mm diameter and 14 mm height were cut from the samples and compressed twice by
75% in a Sintech 1/G universal testing machine (MTS Systems, Eden Prairie, MN, USA) operating at a
crosshead speed of 100 mm min-1.
2.6 Rheology
Torsion gelometry and SAOSA were conducted as previously described (Tunick & Van Hekken, 2002). Torsion
analyses were performed using a torsion gelometer (Gel Consultants, Raleigh, NC, USA) operating at 2.5 rpm.
Four plugs were bored from each sample, milled to a capstan shape, and twisted until fracture. SAOSA was
performed using an AR-2000 rheometer (TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA) with parallel aluminum plates.
Three disks measuring 25 mm in diameter and 4 mm thick were used. Strain sweeps were run to determine the
linear viscoelastic range and frequency sweeps were then performed from 1 to 100 rad s-1 at 0.8% strain. Data for
elastic or storage modulus (G) and viscous or loss modulus (G) were obtained; values at 10 rad s-1 (1.6 Hz) are
reported. Journal of Food Research Vol. 1, No. 1; February 2012
ISSN 1927-0887 E-ISSN 1927-0895
2.7 Color and melt
Color and melt properties were analyzed on Phase I cheeses based on the procedure described by Olson, Van
Hekken, Tunick, Soryal, and Zeng (2007) as modified by Guo et al. (2011a). Briefly, six disks (5 mm thick, 38
mm in diameter) were prepared from each sample and initial color values for L*, a*, and b* were measured
using a Hunter Lab ColorQuest XE 2382 colorimetric spectrophotometer (Hunter Associates Laboratory, Reston,
VA, USA). Four measurements for each disk were made. Three disks were heated at 232°C for 5 min or at
130°C for 30 min. After cooling, color measurements were collected again and used to calculate total color
change (ΔE), hue angle, and color saturation or chroma.
Meltability was determined in triplicate using the Schreiber Melt Test as described by Kosikowski and Mistry
(1997). The extent of melting was measured on the disks that were heated to 232°C for 5 min and used to collect
color data.
2.8 Microscopy
The microstructure was examined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as previously described (Tunick,
Van Hekken, Cooke, Smith, & Malin, 2000). Cubes measuring about 5 mm on a side were cut from the interior
of the cheese and fixed in glutaraldehyde. They were then dehydrated, defatted in a graded series of ethanol
solutions, freeze-fractured, critical-point dried, and imaged in a Quanta 200 field emission gun SEM (FEI Co.,
Hillsboro, OR, USA) operated in the high vacuum, secondary electron imaging mode.
2.9 Sensory analysis
Hedonic, difference, and ranking evaluations were conducted on Phase II cheeses to compare the flavor and
overall acceptance of laboratory-made Queso Frescos to commercial samples. Three cheeses were tested by an
untrained consumer taste panel in booths on the same day using protocols for a large group (over 50 people)
established by Meilgaard, Civille, and Carr (1999). The laboratory cheeses were evaluated 8-10 d after
manufacture, following testing by an independent certified laboratory to ensure their microbial safety. Two
commercially available 5-kg wheels of Queso Fresco were obtained. One sample, designated C-1, was received
directly from the manufacturer < 24 h after it was made, and within 24 h of the manufacture of the laboratory
cheese. Sample C-2 was obtained from a local distributor and estimated from its sell-by date to be 14-21 d old.
The morning of the taste panel, cheese were removed from their packaging, cut into 2.5 cm3 cubes, placed in
3-oz (84 mL) coded, lidded soufflé cups, and allowed to warm to 20°C. Sixty-five panelists were obtained
in-house and received unsalted crackers and distilled water to cleanse their palates between samples.
In hedonic tests, samples were graded on a nine-point scale where 1 was “dislike extremely” and 9 was “like
extremely.” Triangle tests were used as difference tests; panelists tasted three cheeses, two of which were the
same, and asked to identify the different one. In ranking tests, panelists tasted all three samples and ranked them
by preference. Results are reported as raw numbers in accordance with Meilgaard et al. (1999).
2.10 Statistics
Statistical analyses were performed by analysis of variance with mean separation using the LSD technique (SAS
2004). Differences are described as significant when P < 0.05.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Composition
The composition of all samples was similar to Queso Frescos containing 2.5% NaCl that were prepared in earlier
studies (Guo et al., 2011a, 2011b). The protein and lactose content of the Phase II cheeses were lower than those
of Phase I and the NaCl content was higher (Tables 1 and 2). The fat, protein, and ash did not vary significantly
over the 8 wk. The NaCl values were virtually identical for 4 and 10°C at each storage time, and the values
significantly decreased with aging. Although the moisture levels were unchanged in the 4°C samples, all of the
cheeses exhibited loss of whey during storage, and it is probable that some of the NaCl was dissolved in the lost
The pH decreased and the lactose content and titratable acidity increased in the 10°C samples during storage.
These results indicate that microorganisms were breaking down lactose and generating lactic acid at 10°C, but
that this activity was insignificant at 4°C. The pH was above 6.0 in all of the samples.
3.2 Protein profiles
SDS-PAGE of Phase II cheeses revealed that αs1- and β-caseins decreased and casein fragments increased with
storage (Table 3). Chymosin cleaves αs1-, β-, and κ-caseins, and plasmin, an indigenous milk proteinase, Journal of Food Research Vol. 1, No. 1; February 2012
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education 311
hydrolyses αs1-, αs2-, and β-caseins (McSweeney, 2004). Over the 8 wk, the αs1-casein decreased by one-fourth in
the 4°C cheeses and by one-third in the 10°C cheeses. The levels of β-casein during storage went down by
two-fifths at 4°C and by a half at 10°C. Similar results were reported previously (Guo et al., 2011b). Since no
starter culture was used, the increased breakdown of casein at 10°C was apparently due to spoilage microbes
introduced by contamination during processing. In the earlier study on Queso Fresco, which used the same
facilities and procedures, bacteria found in the cheeses were identified as typical spoilage organisms found in
dairy products: Pseudomonas mandeli, Pseudomonas putida, Paenibacillus polymyxa, and Microbacterium
oxydan (Guo et al., 2011b). Microbacterium spp. is highly proteolytic (Hantsis-Zacharov & Halpern, 2007), and
may have hydrolyzed the αs1- and β-caseins.
3.3 Volatile compounds
GC-MS of the Phase II cheeses showed that a number of volatile compounds were generated during storage.
Nonalactone and the methyl ketones 2-heptanone and 2-nonanone were noted at each storage time, and
δ-dodecalactone appeared at 4 and 8 wk. The 10°C samples tended to contain more of these. The alcohols
3-methyl-1-butanol, phenyl ethyl alcohol, and 2,3-butanediol were present at 8 wk, and they were detected in the
10°C samples after 4 wk. The aldehydes pentanal, hexanal, and heptanal were present in the cheeses at 1 and 4
wk only, and presumably degraded into smaller compounds over the final 4 wk. Phenylacetaldehyde and
3-methyl butanal were present after 4 and 8 wk in the 10°C cheeses and after 8 wk in the 4°C samples. Nonanal
and decanal appeared in every sample at every storage time. Acetic acid was observed at 4 and 8 wk.
Many of the volatile fatty acids normally found in cheese were also detected. Octanoic, decanoic, and
dodecanoic acids were found throughout. An ester of propionic acid was also observed throughout, and nonanoic
acid was seen at 8 wk, but butanoic and hexanoic acids were not observed. These results indicate that lipolysis
was occurring. The major products of lipolysis and fatty acid catabolism include methyl ketones and secondary
alcohols from β-ketoacid breakdown, lactones from hydroxyacid degradation, aldehydes from unsaturated fatty
acid cleavage, and free fatty acids (Le Quéré & Molimard, 2002). All of these classes of compounds appeared in
the samples. The cheesemilk was pasteurized, which should have inactivated lipolytic enzymes that may have
been present, and starter culture and lipase were not added, so the lipolysis may have arisen from either the
chymosin or from spoilage microorganisms. Lipolytic activity has not been reported for the brand of chymosin
used in this study, implying that spoilage microbes are responsible. Pseudomonas spp. are known to have
lipolytic activity in dairy products (Hantsis-Zacharov & Halpern, 2007), and it is possible that these
microorganisms were responsible for products from lipid degradation.
3.4 TPA
Hardness is the amount of force required to compress a specimen, and cohesiveness is the ratio of the force-time
areas from the two compressions. Hardness values were between 12 and 15 N for all of the samples (Tables 4
and 5), which was slightly higher than the 9.4-10.7 N range observed in a previous study (Guo et al., 2011a) but
was low compared with other cheeses. For example, hardness values for fresh Cheddar, Gouda, and Mozzarella
are 47, 77, and 68 N, respectively (Tunick & Van Hekken, 2002). The cohesiveness was between 0.13 and 0.21,
in contrast to 0.21, 0.28, and 0.41 for fresh Cheddar, Gouda, and Mozzarella. Queso Fresco is thus quite
compressible and not very cohesive, providing evidence for a crumbly texture. Using different experimental
conditions than ours, Hwang & Gunasekaran (2001) and Sandra et al. (2004) determined Queso Fresco to be a
crumbly cheese by TPA, finding consistency with sensory results. Springiness is a measure of the rebound of the
specimen after the first compression, and ranged from 5.0 to 8.4 mm. In comparison, the Cheddar, Gouda, and
Mozzarella have springiness values of 8.5 to 10.0 mm, meaning that Queso Fresco does not recover from
compression very well. Chewiness is calculated by multiplying hardness, springiness, and cohesiveness, and the
values of 10-24 mJ were much lower than those of other fresh cheeses (Tunick & Van Hekken, 2002). The
cohesiveness, springiness, and chewiness values were within the ranges observed previously (Guo et al., 2011a).
None of the 10°C cheeses exhibited significant changes in the TPA values during storage, but the cheeses stored
at 4°C lost some springiness and chewiness between 1 and 4 wk. The changes in the 4°C samples may have been
due to loss of water during the test. The results were analogous to compressing a sponge. After 1 wk at 4°C, the
first TPA compression squeezed a small amount of water from the specimen, which was able to recover
somewhat for the second compression like a wrung-out sponge. More water was squeezed out of the other
samples, and, like a saturated sponge, the specimens recovered less. The hardness was unaffected by water loss
since it only measures the force required for the initial compression. Except for the springiness and chewiness
values for the 4°C samples, the TPA data did not show significant differences from 1 to 8 wk despite the
proteolysis that was observed. The β-casein levels decreased by half, but it is αs1-casein that provides structural Journal of Food Research Vol. 1, No. 1; February 2012
ISSN 1927-0887 E-ISSN 1927-0895
strength to the cheese matrix. The lesser degradation of αs1-casein did not affect the hardness or cohesiveness to
a significant extent.
3.5 Rheology
The torsion shear stress is a measure of the force required to twist a sample until fracture, the torsion shear strain
indicates the angular deformation at fracture, and the torsion shear rigidity (shear stress divided by shear strain)
is a measure of the sample brittleness. The values for shear stress for the Queso Fresco samples were between 9
and 13 kPa (Tables 4 and 5); the values for fresh Cheddar, Gouda, and Mozzarella are between 42 and 50 kPa
(Tunick & Van Hekken, 2002), which shows that Queso Fresco fractures easily. The shear strain values of 0.69
and 0.87 were similar to that of fresh Cheddar (0.83), but much lower than Gouda (1.13) and Mozzarella (1.56).
The shear rigidity values were between 11.2 and 17.3 kPa, lower than those of Cheddar, Gouda, and Mozzarella
(52, 44, and 31 kPa, respectively). Queso Fresco therefore does not undergo much deformation before breaking,
and is rather brittle. These results are consistent with the crumbly characteristics of a typical Queso Fresco.
The shear strain for all samples increased from 1 to 8 wk, which may be a reflection of wheying off affecting the
ability to twist the specimen. The 10°C samples had significantly higher shear stress and shear rigidity values at
4 wk than at 1 or 8 wk, which may have been due to a combination of wheying off and lack of sample
homogeneity. The torsion values were all within the ranges found previously (Guo et al., 2011a).
In SAOSA, G is a measure of the energy stored and recovered per oscillation and G is a measure of the energy
dissipated and lost as heat per oscillation. The G values for all of the cheeses were between 11.6 and 17.4 kPa,
and G values were from 3.2 to 4.5 kPa (Tables 4 and 5); the ranges found in an earlier study were 14.5-19.0 kPa
for G and 4.1-5.3 for G (Guo et al., 2011a). In comparison, the G and G values for fresh Mozzarella cheese
were 36 and 14 kPa, respectively, and the values for Cheddar and Gouda were higher (Tunick & Van Hekken,
2002). Relatively low values for G and G indicate that bonds between particles are being made and broken
during the observation time, either spontaneously or from applied forces (Tunick, 2010). The SAOSA data
indicate that the structure of Queso Fresco is granular and crumbly. The SAOSA results did not vary with
storage temperature or time.
3.6 Color and melt
None of the Phase I samples melted, which is expected of this style of cheese. The high pH levels ensured that
colloidal CaPO4 would remain in the casein matrix, preventing melting.
The color properties changed significantly upon heating (Table 6). The change in a* values upon heating from
positive (magenta) to negative (green) resulted in large changes in hue, which is based on the ratio of b* to a*.
The largest decrease in whiteness (L*) was measured in samples heated at 130°C for 30 min (baking conditions)
and resulted in ΔE values 2.5 times higher than those for samples heated at 232°C for 5 min (broiling conditions).
Chroma values averaged 8.9 before heating, 14.6 after heating at 130°C, and 14.1 after 232°C heating. The
corresponding values found in a previous study were 7.7, 15.6, and 12.0, respectively (Guo et al., 2011a). The
only significant ΔE increase during storage was for cheese heated at 130°C for 30 min, where the values
increased to 29.37 at wk 8. All other values were stable over 8 wk of storage at 4°C (P > 0.05).
3.7 Microstructure
In the SEM images, the round dark areas correspond to fat globules and the light areas correspond to the casein
matrix (Figure 1). All specimens exhibited the same patterns of fat globules 0.5-2.0 μm in diameter, surrounded
by a granular and rough-surfaced matrix. The microstructure was similar to that seen in an earlier study (Tunick
& Van Hekken, 2010). The fused matrix commonly found in semi-hard and hard cheeses that have pH levels
from 5.0 to 5.6 was not observed. The microstructure of the Queso Fresco did not change appreciably with
storage at 4 or 10°C. If the protein matrix had degraded with time, which occurs with ripened cheeses, the
images at 8 wk would have revealed a more open structure and possibly aggregation of fat globules. No
microorganisms were observed in any of the images. The SEM results were indicative of cheeses that were not
very cohesive and did not show structural damage during storage, which was consistent with the rheological
3.8 Sensory analysis
A total of 65 participants (33 males, 32 females) evaluated the Phase II cheeses. Six were 30 yr old and under, 19
were 31-50, and 40 were at least 50 yr old. All panelists reported they consume cheese; 51 eat cheese multiple
times a week and 35 consume Hispanic cheese at least once a month. Based on the hedonic scale results, all three
cheeses were generally liked (Figure 2). The laboratory samples had the highest number of “like extremely” but Journal of Food Research Vol. 1, No. 1; February 2012
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education 313
also had the highest number of “dislike slightly;” the overall average was “like slightly.” The two commercial
cheeses were in the “like moderately” category with C-1 having the highest number of “like very much.”
In triangle tests, panelists could correctly distinguish laboratory from C-1 cheeses (P < 0.001) but could not
separate laboratory and C-2 cheeses (P > 0.1). In ranking, C-2 was the first choice (average 1.74 of 3) whereas
C-1 and laboratory were at 2.11 and 2.14, respectively. This result is interesting since C-2 had the highest score
for liking and in ranking but could not be separated from laboratory cheese in side-by-side comparisons. The
most common comment on ranking cheeses differently was perceived salt content. The laboratory cheeses, at
2.5% NaCl, were saltier than the commercial Queso Fresco at 1.8% NaCl.
4. Conclusions
Queso Fresco manufactured with pasteurized milk and without starter culture was analyzed throughout 8 wk of
storage at 4 and 10°C. The cheese was crumbly and did not melt, and cheeses made in the laboratory could not
be distinguished from a commercial sample by a consumer panel. Proteolysis and lipolysis occurred during
storage, as evidenced in changes in lactose, pH, protein profiles, and volatile compounds, but had little or no
effect on texture, rheology, melting, or microstructure. Cheesemakers and consumers can therefore store Queso
Fresco for at least 2 mo without significant degradation of quality.
The authors thank Ray Kwoczak for preparing the cheeses; Latasha Leggett, Ling Guo, and Danielle Tilman for
their assistance in cheese preparation; James Shieh for the compositional analyses; Brien Sullivan for the
SDS-PAGE analyses; Guoping Bao and Doug Soroka for performing the SEM experiments; and John Phillips
for the statistical analyses. We also thank Nana Y. Farkye, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis
Obispo, CA, USA for his guidance on commercial manufacturing details of Queso Fresco. We also thank DMI,
Inc. for partial support of this project, 1935-41000-091-01R. Mention of trade names and commercial products
in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing information and does not imply recommendation or
endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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Tunick, M. H., Van Hekken, D. L., Call, J., Molina Corral, F. J., & Gardea, A. A. (2007). Queso Chihuahua:
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Queso Chihuahua: rheology of fresh cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 60, 5-12.
Table 1. Composition of Phase I Queso Fresco cheeses during storage at 4°C (means from five production runs ±
standard deviation)
Storage time (wk)
1 4 8
Moisture (%) 56.4a ± 0.9 56.0a ± 1.1 55.0a ± 1.0
Fat (%) 21.9a ± 1.4 21.2a ± 1.1 22.0a ± 1.2
Protein (%) 17.8a ± 1.0 18.0a ± 0.7 18.0a ± 0.9
NaCl (%) 1.79a ±
1.70a ± 0.20 1.51a ±
Lactose (%) 3.12a ±
3.31a ± 0.17 3.01a ±
pH 6.39a ±
6.27ab ±
abValues with different superscript letters within the same row are different (P < 0.05). Journal of Food Research Vol. 1, No. 1; February 2012
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education 315
Table 2. Composition of Phase II Queso Fresco cheeses during storage at 4 and 10°C (means from three
production runs ± standard deviation)
Storage time (wk)
1 4 8
Moisture (%)
4°C 56.2ab ± 1.7 55.9ab ± 2.9 56.7ab ± 2.3
10°C 56.9a ± 1.5 55.2ab ± 1.9 54.9
± 1.9
Fat (%)
4°C 21.8a ± 0.9 21.0a ± 0.9 21.5a ± 1.0
10°C 22.1a ± 0.5 21.6a ± 1.7 22.1a ± 1.3
Protein (%)
4°C 15.2ab ± 1.0 15.7a ± 1.5 15.1ab ± 1.1
10°C 14.7
± 0.8 15.3ab ± 1.6 15.0ab ± 0.5
NaCl (%)
4°C 2.48a ± 0.04 2.30ab ± 0.32 2.13
± 0.29
10°C 2.48a ± 0.04 2.30ab ± 0.30 2.12
± 0.30
Ash (%)
4°C 3.15a ± 0.35 3.39a ± 0.13 3.30a ± 0.43
10°C 3.21a ± 0.42 3.26a ± 0.30 3.26a ± 0.39
Lactose (%)
4°C 2.71a ± 0.17 2.58a ± 0.20 2.68a ± 0.15
10°C 2.73a ± 0.26 2.50ab ± 0.25 2.45
± 0.38
Titratable acidity
4°C 0.15a ± 0.02 0.17a ± 0.03 0.20ab ± 0.03
10°C 0.14a ± 0.01 0.18a ± 0.04 0.33
± 0.17
4°C 6.34a ± 0.07 6.38a ± 0.16 6.32a ± 0.18
10°C 6.32a ± 0.10 6.28a ± 0.18 6.10
± 0.30
abValues with different superscript letters within the same group are different (P < 0.05). Journal of Food Research Vol. 1, No. 1; February 2012
ISSN 1927-0887 E-ISSN 1927-0895
Table 3. Percentages of caseins and casein fragments in Phase II Queso Fresco cheeses during storage at 4 and
10°C (means from three production runs ± standard deviation)
age time (wk)
1 4 8
Caseins 4°C storage
αs2 7.46 ± 3.05 6.39 ± 1.85 6.15 ± 1.85
αs1 37.98 ± 6.45 33.67 ± 7.37 29.40 ± 7.11
β 32.35 ± 3.69 25.27 ± 3.35 19.39 ± 2.11
10.35 ± 0.68 11.36 ± 0.98 11.44 ± 1.42
Fragments (kDa)
22 0 6.67 ± 2.62 8.32 ± 2.48
22-18.5 4.10 ± 2.88 7.85 ± 3.31 11.55 ± 1.97
18-15 3.02 ± 2.22 3.24 ± 2.83 4.86 ± 2.85
< 14 2.64 ± 1.32 4.79 ± 1.87 7.63 ± 2.44
10°C storage
αs2 7.00 ± 2.08 6.78 ± 1.49 6.06 ± 1.40
αs1 36.09 ± 1.73 28.17 ± 4.14 23.05 ± 7.89
β 30.99 ± 0.55 19.08 ± 6.85 15.79 ± 1.58
11.17 ± 0.83 12.71 ± 2.19 12.62 ± 1.37
Fragments (kDa)
22 0 8.41 ± 3.22 12.00 ± 5.49
22-18.5 5.45 ± 1.86 9.82 ± 1.69 12.82 ± 2.06
18-15 3.51 ± 0.86 4.32 ± 2.80 4.74 ± 2.71
< 14 3.76 ± 0.67 9.40 ± 4.28 11.64 ± 2.20
Table 4. Texture profile analysis and rheology of Phase I Queso Fresco cheeses during storage at 4°C (means
from five production runs ± standard deviation)
Storage time (wk)
1 4 8
Hardness (N) 14.1a ± 3.0 14.4a ± 3.3 13.0a ± 2.6
Springiness (mm) 7.97a ± 1.21 6.73
Cohesiveness 0.20a ± 0.04 0.19a ± 0.03 0.20a ± 0.05
Chewiness (mJ) 22.8a ± 7.8 18.0a ± 5.7 18.3a ± 7.8
Shear stress (kPa) 10.42a ± 4.25 10.91a ± 2.77 9.62a ± 2.08
Shear strain 0.69a ± 0.06 0.82
Shear rigidity (kPa) 15.21a ± 6.57 13.47a ± 4.20 11.65a ± 2.88
Elastic modulus (kPa) 17.39a ± 6.32 16.80a ± 5.48 16.78a ± 5.79
Viscous modulus (kPa) 4.51a ± 1.60 4.42a ± 4.73 4.50a ± 1.24
abValues with different superscript letters within the same row are different (P < 0.05). Journal of Food Research Vol. 1, No. 1; February 2012
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education 317
Table 5. Texture profile analysis and rheology of Phase II Queso Fresco cheeses during storage at 4 and 10°C
(means from three production runs ± standard deviation)
Storage time (wk)
1 4 8
Hardness (N)
4°C 13.3
a ± 3.0 12.5a ± 4.0 14.1a ± 3.5
10°C 12.2a ± 2.7 13.0a ± 4.4 13.1a ± 2.1
Springiness (mm)
4°C 8.35a ±
± 0.35 5.61
± 0.54
10°C 6.41
± 1.21 6.19
± 1.78
4°C 0.17a ±
0.15a ± 0.04 0.13a ± 0.06
10°C 0.19a ±
0.18a ± 0.04 0.17a ± 0.09
Chewiness (mJ)
4°C 23.8
a ± 4.0 10.1
± 2.9 11.1
± 5.6
10°C 15.3
± 7.1 14.1
± 7.3 13.9
± 8.3
Shear stress (kPa)
4°C 10.0
ab ± 1.8 11.7ac ± 2.6 10.9ab ± 1.9
10°C 9.4
± 2.1 13.0c ± 3.9 9.4
± 3.0
Shear strain
4°C 0.71a ±
0.81ab ± 0.08 0.83
± 0.12
10°C 0.76ab ±
0.76ab ± 0.05 0.87
± 0.22
Shear rigidity (kPa)
4°C 14.5
ab ± 3.9 14.9ab ± 4.2 13.7
c ± 4.4
10°C 12.9
c ± 4.1 17.3a ± 5.8 11.2c ± 4.0
Elastic modulus (kPa)
4°C 11.66
a ± 6.13 11.59a ± 4.58 13.58a ± 6.66
10°C 13.09a ± 6.60 16.27a ± 8.78 15.42a ± 6.09
Viscous modulus (kPa)
4°C 3.19a ±
3.27ab ±
3.89ab ± 2.00
10°C 3.50ab ±
± 2.29 4.28ab ± 1.70
abcValues with different superscript letters within the same group are different (P < 0.05). Journal of Food Research Vol. 1, No. 1; February 2012
ISSN 1927-0887 E-ISSN 1927-0895
Table 6. Color properties of Phase I Queso Fresco cheeses after 1 wk storage at 4°C (means from five production
runs ± standard deviation)
Color properties1 Before heating After heating
130°C for
30 min
232°C for
5 min
ΔE 26.89a ± 4.56 9.96
± 2.29
Hue 86.12a ± 1.21 -82.31
± 3.93 -86.02
± 3.25
Chroma 8.88
± 0.63 14.57a ± 1.96
14.08a ± 1.34
L* 92.48a ± 0.93 67.53c ± 5.88 84.04
± 3.77
a* 0.607a ±
± 0.66 -1.01
± 0.82
b* 8.87
± 0.633 14.29a ± 1.95 14.09a ± 1.32
1ΔE = total color change, hue = hue angle, chroma = color saturation, L* = whiteness, a* = magenta/green, b* =
abcValues with different superscript letters within the same row are different (P < 0.05).
Figure 1. Scanning electron micrographs of Queso Fresco cheeses stored at 4 or 10°C for 1 or 8 wk
Upper left: 4°C, 1 wk. Upper right: 10°C, 1 wk. Lower left: 4°C, 8 wk. Lower right: 10°C, 8 wk. Bars at lower
right of each micrograph measure 2.0 μm. Journal of Food Research Vol. 1, No. 1; February 2012
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education 319
Figure 2. Hedonic scores for fresh Queso Fresco cheeses. C-1 and C-2 are two commercial samples and DFF
was made in the Dairy & Functional Foods Research Unit laboratory
... Queso fresco was made according to procedures described by Tunick et al. (2012). Some modifications to this technique were made in an effort to replicate the conditions used by artisanal queso fresco producers. ...
... The registered pH values were near to the neutrality point and there was no difference between the analysed samples ( Table 1). The pH values found in cheeses International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022 were higher than 6.0 in all cases, which is usual for this type of cheese, as reported by other authors (Tunick et al., 2012). ...
... Cohesiveness values ranged from 0.14 to 0.30, which are in line with those reported for this parameter in QF (Van Hekken et al., 2013), and were lower in the treatments with added WC equal to or lower than 4 g per 100 g. These results coincide with the values reported in other studies and are indicative of higher crumbliness in treatments with a lower addition of WC in the milk used to make cheeses compared with the rest of the samples (Tunick et al., 2012). Since crumbliness is a desired trait in queso fresco (Van Hekken et al., 2013), its reduction could be considered negatively by consumers if detected. ...
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In this work, the yield of queso fresco (QF) made in a laboratory after the addition of Whey Cheese (WC) at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 g per 100 g raw milk was analysed. Physicochemical and sensory characteristics along with acceptance of laboratory made products were also compared with a commercially available product. Yield, moisture, and protein values increased as the level of WC in milk increased (P < 0.001). Colour in QF was whiter as the level of WC added to milk increased (P < 0.05). Cheeses made with 6 and 8 g WC per 100 g raw milk were softer than the rest of the samples but showed similar cohesiveness to the commercial QF. Sensory description provided by 120 consumers coincided with physicochemical parameters registered in QF and partly explained the consumers' preference for QF made with 6 g WC per 100 g raw milk and the commercial product.
... The texture profile of Ricotta cheese is characterized as a viscoelastic food (Fox et al., 2000) not pasty and friable with fragile characteristics (Tunick et al., 2012). Texture profile analysis (TPA) analysis of Ricotta cheese at different ratios of algae emulsion was carried out on fresh samples and after 21 days of storage at 5 °C (Table 4). ...
... At the end of the storage period, this secondary attribute increased and exhibited similar behavior with primary attribute of hardness. Our TPA results are in agreement with literature (Tunick et al., 2012;Hesarinejad et al., 2021) who described that Ricotta cheese texture is very soft consistency, compressible, and not too cohesive. In terms of textural parameters, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, and springiness, which are essential for preserving product acceptance over its shelf life, there were no significant changes observed after 21 days of refrigerated storage and the texture profile was generally stable. ...
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Microalgae are a remarkable source of essential biomolecules with several uses that may be exploited for commercial applications. The objective of the present work was to prepare a novel Ricotta cheese supplemented with Dunaliella salina algae emulsion formula containing mint essential oil (mint EO) as a functional food ingredient. Total phenolic compounds (TP), total flavonoids (TF), DPPH antioxidant capacity, and identification of phenolic and flavonoids compounds of algae were determined. Moreover, the chemical, physical, rheological, microbiological, organoleptic characteristics, and chemical score of the resulted Ricotta cheese were investigated. The results showed that TP, and TF contents in D. salina algae crude extract are 8.48 (mg GAE/g DW), and 5.93 (mg QE/g DW), respectively. Also, D. salina has high levels of phenolic acids (e.g., gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, and rosmarinic acid); as well as high flavonoid content (e.g., catechin, naringenin, quercetin, rutin, and hesperetin). The DPPH procedure showed that D. salina algae antioxidant activity is 42.19±0.39 mg/ml as IC50 value. The amino acids profile revealed that D. salina algae contains 17 amino acids with the highest value of threonine, as well as total amino acid (TAA) is 949.69, which contains 424.2 essential amino acids (EAA) with a 0.447 TAA/EAA ratio. However, D. salina algae/Mint EO emulsion was prepared using a non-ionic surfactant (Tween 80). Ricotta cheese supplemented with an algae emulsion formula 0.25%(I), 0.5%(II), and 1.00%(III) showed gradual adequate free radical scavenging ability as the algae level increased. The incorporation of D. salina algae emulsion into Ricotta cheese processing led to an increase in their protein, fat, and mineral levels compared to control cheese. Also, all color attributes were decreased for algae Ricotta cheese in comparison to the control sample. Texture profile of cheese showed that algae Ricotta cheese had lower hardness, gumminess, and chewiness than control cheese with opposite trends for other textural parameters; while no significant (p≤0.05) changes in adhesiveness, cohesiveness and springiness parameters were recorded after 21 days of storage at 5 °C. The total bacterial counts were significantly (p≤0.05) lower in the algae cheese samples than the control. The yeast and mold count in control cheese appeared after 14 days, whereas it didn't appear in II and III algae Ricotta cheese until day 21 of storage. However, the addition of an algae emulsion formula improved all sensorial attributes of Ricotta cheese during storage at 5 °C for 21 days, especially at the level of 0.5% (II), and the same level of algae emulsion led to an increase in most amino acid content, and the chemical score of amino acids (e.g., methionine + cysteine, histidine, and isoleucine) compared to control cheese.
... Textural properties of cheese were defined as follows: hardness is the amount of force required for compression (N); cohesiveness is the ratio between the force and time in the areas of two compressions (dimensionless); elasticity is the recovery measure after the first compression (dimensionless); gumminess is the product of cohesiveness by hardness (N), and chewiness is the product of gumminess by elasticity (N) (Tunick, Van Hekken, Iandola & Tomasula, 2012). ...
... It was also reported higher chewiness value in ricotta cheese made with mozzarella cheese whey (2.15 N) (Ciabotti, Barcelos, Cirillo & Pinheiro 2009). According to the TPA results, ricotta cheese can be considered as a viscoelastic food (Fox Guinee, Cogan & McSweeney 2000), with a very soft consistency, not pasting and friable, compressible and not too cohesive, and with brittle characteristic (Tunick et al., 2012). ...
In order to get insights on the effect of temperature (25-60 °C) and selected hydrocolloids (gelatin and guar gum) on the ricotta cheese, the physicochemical, appearance, textural, and rheological properties of this dairy product were studied. The chemical properties influenced on the textural and rheological properties, in which the lower value of cohesiveness attributed to the low fat/protein ratio in ricotta cheese. Increasing the temperature from 25 to 60°C, the elastic, viscous, and complex moduli were decreased, which is the against of the rheological properties of heat-sensitive cheeses. Gelatin/guar gum inclusion to the ricotta cheese did not increase the structural strength (G'), and the utmost G' was obtained in lack of carbohydrates. Although, the highest fracture/yield stress was obtained for gelatin 4%-guar gum 1%, the high elastic modulus was achieved at gelatin 5%-guar gum 0.5%. Mechanical spectra of the ricotta gels elucidated shear-thinning behavior with a highly interconnected elastic gel structure (G'>G", n ∼ 0.20). Consequently, it can be ascribed the elastic modulus lonely is insufficient to characterize gel systems without obtaining yield and fracture properties. The findings confirmed that the gelatin/guar gum inclusion did not develop a strong ricotta gel.
... It is compressible and not overly cohesive, with brittle characteristics. The texture remains stable during storage, which is important for marketing and sensory acceptance [50]. Table 5 presents the impact of PPP addition on the textural profile parameters (hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, gumminess, springiness, and chewiness) of cheese samples over a 21-day storage period. ...
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Pumpkin, a nutritious and economical product with health benefits, is harvested worldwide. This study investigates the feasibility of incorporating fiber-, carotenoid-, and mineral-rich pumpkin pomace powder (PPP), a by-product of pumpkin processing, into whey cheese to enhance its nutritional profile without affecting consumer acceptability. The cheese was enhanced with varying concentrations of PPP (3% and 6%), and each variant was analyzed for its nutritional content, minerals, phytochemicals, color, and sensory properties. The results demonstrate that PPP addition increased the phytochemicals (45.44–82.83 mg GAE/100 g dw) and antioxidant activity (470.25–977.41 µmol TE/g dw) of the enriched cheese. The findings show that the addition of PPP improved the nutritional, color, and minerals of the enhanced whey cheese. The sensory evaluation indicates that with up to a 3% addition of PPP, the obtained cheese was well-received by consumers, who appreciated the subtle changes in flavor and the enhanced color of the product. The structural analysis reveals that including PPP improved the moisture retention of the cheese, contributing to a creamier texture, which is a desirable attribute in cheese. The study concludes that PPP can be effectively used to enrich cheese, offering a phytochemical-enriched cheese that caters to health-conscious consumers while also addressing the issue of food waste in the pumpkin processing industry.
... SEM images for CC (Figure 1c-d) exhibited more open, relaxed, and more compact structure with less fused protein matrix. This behavior is associated to the lower sensitivity to cheddarization in samples made with cow's milk rather than goat's milk (Islam et al., 2022;Zady et al., 2019;Tunick et al., 2012). Regarding the maturation time evaluated in the CC (Figure 1c-d), a more compact protein matrix was found without significant changes on the structure in CC at 60 and 90 days, however, a reduction in the spaces where fat globules were housed can be observed. ...
... Te force applied to deform paneer upto 30% of its original size is termed as hardness [14][15][16]. It was observed from Table 3 that the vinegar-based cow milk paneer recorded the hardness value of 117.3183 to 144.9238 N at 70°C, when the pneumatic pressures were in the range of 0.3 to 0.6 MPa. ...
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Paneer is an acid coagulated concentrated indigenous Indian dairy product. The texture of paneer manufactured from a developed automatic machine was studied with respect to the processing parameters such as coagulation temperature (70–90°C), pressure (0.3–0.6 MPa), types of coagulant (vinegar and citric acid), and milk (cow, buffalo, and full cream milk). The paneer samples were analysed for texture profile analysis of hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, gumminess, chewiness, and cohesiveness. An inscribed central composite design was used to optimize the desired textural characteristics of paneer such as minimum hardness and maximum springiness of paneer. The optimization result concluded that the full cream milk at the coagulation temperature of 88°C with citric acid at pneumatic pressure of 0.3 MPa would result on minimum hardness of 105.84 N and the springiness value of 0.6073, and the result was validated.
... The force required for the compression of cheese samples (up to 30%) of it's original height is termed as hardness. The ratio of area of two compressions in between force and time is designated as cohesiveness (Tunick et al., 2012). Gumminess is the product of both hardness and cohesiveness. ...
... The force required for the compression of cheese samples (up to 30%) of it's original height is termed as hardness. The ratio of area of two compressions in between force and time is designated as cohesiveness (Tunick et al., 2012). Gumminess is the product of both hardness and cohesiveness. ...
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Abstract Milk is an excellent source of nutrients. It is a balanced diet. Cheeses are fermented milk product. There are hunderds of cheese types. Cottage cheese is fermented dairy product made by the coagulation of milk. It is nutritionally most suitable diet for lactose intolerant people. It contains all essential nutrients. Recently cottage cheese was made with the use of tatri and lemon juice. The use of tatri and lemon do not produce good quality end product. This project was aimed to standardize cottage cheese using food grade coagulants. Cottage cheese was analyzed for physicochemical, textural, functional and sensorial analysis. The use of food grade organic acids produced strong results. The increase in acid level increases the yield but it is not remains good organolaptically. Sensory results reveals that the use of acetic acid has a bitter aftertaste. The use of citric acid at the level of 0.4% was found best on all aspects.
... The analysis by region showed differences (P < 0.05). Mazat an showed the highest concentration of TS, fat and NaCl; Pueblo de Alamos was highest in moisture, ashes and pH; meanwhile, Ures was the lowest values in fat, NaCl and pH.These differences could be attributed to the milk composition, as well as the lack of standardisation of processes ( Overall, the physicochemical results were similar to Fresco, Panela and Blanco cheeses (Tunick, 2007;Tunick et al. 2012). Indeed, these three kinds of cheeses have similar manufacturing processes and only may vary in presentation (size and shape). ...
The aim of the present study was to characterise the physicochemical and the microbiota composition of the artisanal Fresco cheese from Sonora. For this, cheeses of 18 small‐scale artisanal dairies were analysed. The chemical composition and the microbiological quality were determined by standard methods, and bacterial diversity by high‐throughput sequencing. The physicochemical composition showed differences (P < 0.05) among dairies, and the principal component analysis aggrupation of 66% dairies. The analysis by region did not show difference (P < 0.05).The microbiota most abundant were Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and lactic acid bacteria in phyla and genera, respectively. These results provide insights on the characterisation of the Fresco cheese from Sonora.
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Queso Fresco (QF), a high-moisture Hispanic cheese which can contain up to 2.5% salt, was made from pasteurized, homogenized milk with no added starter cultures and dry salted at levels of 0, 0.5,1,1.5, 2 and 2.5% NaCI, w/w, to determine the impact of reduced salt on the microbial count and proteolysis in the cheese during 8 weeks of 4 0C storage. The fresh QF, containing 55.4-56.6% moisture, decreased in water activity as salt content increased. Fresh QF had pH 6.42-6.31 and decreased (P < 0.05) 0.6-0.35 units over 8 weeks of storage in cheeses containing 1.0% or less added salt. Fresh QF had total aerobic plate counts of 2.28 ± 0.05 log cfu-g -1 which increased (P < 0.05) 2-4 logs within the first 4 weeks; counts increased as salt levels decreased. Bacteria identified in the cheese were Pseudomonas, Microbacterium, and Paenibacillus and contributed to noticeable β-casein proteolysis. Results indicated that salt levels in QF could be reduced to 1.5% before excessive microbial growth occurred and will be useful in developing low-salt Hispanic cheeses with optimum quality traits.
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Four replicate batches of high- and low-salt queso fresco cheeses were made to comnpare consumer preferences. Seven trained panelists judged specific attributes of the eight cheeses. Untrained consumers (395) at three Washington state locations noted how much they liked or disliked the same cheeses. Thirty-three percent of the surveyed population was Hispanic, and 45% were familiar with queso fresco. All cheeses, except the one containing the highest percent salt and the highest pH, were liked slightly to moderately. Traditional consumers (either Hispanic or those familiar with queso fresco) preferred high-saltlhigh-pH cheeses to a greater extent than nontraditional consumers. Nontraditional consumers preferred low-salt/low-pH cheeses. The same preference trends were noted for all ages and at all three geographical locations. Queso fresco with 1.4-2.4% salt and a pH between 5.4-6.1 was most acceptable to the widest range of consumers.
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Fresh semihard raw milk (RM) and pasteurized milk (PM) cheeses made by Mennonite communities in Chihuahua, Mexico were sampled in early winter, mid-spring and late summer and evaluated during storage to determine if rheological properties were affected by the season the cheese was produced. Seasonal effects were observed in the rheology of the RM cheeses, which underwent more extensive proteolysis than the PM cheeses. The rheological properties of the PM cheeses and the composition of all cheeses were consistent throughout the year. The texture of the RM cheese is affected by season, whereas the variability in texture and composition of PM cheese is minimal, allowing for the manufacture of a uniform product.
Various aspects of the Hispanic cheeses, manufactured by modification of European cheese, are discussed. The manufacturing step of Hispanic cheese accommodates various environmental and cultural influences to produce cheeses that have unique combinations of flavors, textures and cooking properties. The growth of the Hispanic population in the U.S. and in the consumption and sale of speciality Hispanic foods is expected to continue to drive the growth in Hispanic cheeses.
Crumbliness is an important textural property of Queso Fresco-type Latin American cheeses. It is a measure of how readily the cheese can be fragmented into small particles, suitable for even spreading. Currently, crumbliness is measured subjectively. Our objective was to develop an instrumental method to measure crumbliness in comparison to sensory evaluation. Instrumental tests included texture profile analysis, uniaxial compression, and shear tests. The samples crushed in the compression tests were subsequently subjected to particle analysis to estimate total number of crumbled particles. Statistical correlations were obtained using ANOVA with Tukey multiple comparison between the sensory parameters (firmness, moistness, crumbliness, particle size, particle size uniformity) and instrumental-test parameters (hardness, toughness, modulus, fracture stress, fracture strain, number of particles, etc.). The sensory perception of crumbliness, described as the ease of fragmenting the cheese, was used as the primary indicator defining the cheese crumbliness. Among the many properties measured, total number of particles determined from particle analysis correlated the best with sensory crumbliness.
Microstructure was compared in low-fat and full-fat mozzarella cheeses prepared from milk homogenized by microfluidization at various temperatures and pressures. Milk heated to 10, 43, or 54°C and containing 1.0 or 3.2 g fat/100 g fluid milk was homogenized at 34, 103, or 172 MPa prior to cheesemaking. Scanning electron microscopy was performed after 1 d and 6 wk of storage at 4°C. The micrographs showed that relatively large fat globules were dispersed throughout the casein matrix in each of the cheeses made from milk homogenized at 10°C, and in each of the nonhomogenized controls. As expected, fat globules were much smaller in the cheeses made from milk homogenized at the higher pressures. Increasing the milk temperature also caused the globule size to decrease since the fat became liquid and more easily fragmented. The results indicate that both homogenization temperature and pressure affect development of microstructure in mozzarella cheese.
Queso Frescos made in Mexico from raw milk (RM) were compared with cheeses made in Mexico and the U.S.A. from pasteurized milk (PM) to determine textural and rheological differences. RM cheese, considered the ideal Queso Fresco, contained more moisture than PM cheeses, displayed higher cohesiveness and shear strain and exhibited lower hardness and shear stress. The U.S.‐made cheeses were harder and more brittle and crumbly than the Mexican cheeses. The shear stress decreased as fat content increased in all samples, and the shear strain decreased as the pH increased in the Mexican cheeses. An understanding of the differences between the RM and PM versions should allow cheese makers to adjust manufacturing procedures so that PM Queso Fresco cheeses will meet consumer expectations. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Hispanic cheeses such as Queso Fresco are gaining in popularity in the U.S.A. The milk for making Queso Fresco in the U.S.A. must be pasteurized, and the resulting cheese is perceived by some consumers to be inferior in flavor and texture to the traditional variety made from raw milk. Queso Fresco samples made in Mexico from both kinds of milk and made in the U.S.A. from pasteurized milk were analyzed to see if there were differences in texture, structure, and the ability to twist and break pieces of the cheese. The cheeses made in the U.S.A. contained less moisture and were too hard, crumbly, and brittle when compared to the raw milk cheeses. The differences observed should enable U.S. companies to make Queso Fresco with properties close to those of the raw milk variety.