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First record of Stegomyia albopicta (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) in Germany

  • Kommunale Aktionsgemeinschaft zur Bekämpfung der Schnakenplage e.V. (KABS)


With the help of the international used tyre trade, the Asian tiger mosquito, Stegomyia albopicta, has been able to expand its range world-wide. In 1979, the species was recorded in Europe for the first time in Albania, and has since been reported in 14 European countries. In addition to its rapid spread, St. albopicta is of particular interest due to its vector capacity for certain infectious viral diseases. Due to the increasing threat of an introduction of St. albopicta from neighbouring countries, a national monitoring programme was initiated in Germany by KABS (German Mosquito Control Organization) in 2005. In addition to used tyre trading companies, sampling was carried out at container terminals at inland ports along the Rhine, terminals receiving trains from Italy, and rest areas and parking lots along the German highway A5 coming from the south. At the end of September 2007, five eggs from the non-indigenous species St. albopicta were found on oviposition substrate in an ovitrap in the southern section of this major north-south highway. This is the first report of this non-indigenous species in Germany and demonstrates that live adults can be transported over long distances within motor vehicles.
European Mosquito Bulletin, 26 (2008), 1-5.
Journal of the European Mosquito Control Association
ISSN 1460-6127;
First published online 1 September 2008
First record of Stegomyia a lbopicta (Skuse)
(Diptera: Culicidae) in Germany
Björn Pluskota
, Volker Storch
, Thomas Braunbeck
, Matthias Beck
Norbert Becker
German Mosquito Control Association (GMCA/KABS), Ludwigstr. 99, D-67165 Waldsee, Germany;
Department of Zoology, University of Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 230, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany.
With the help of the international used tyre trade, the Asian tiger mosquito, Stegomyia albopicta, has
been able to expand its range world-wide. In 1979, the species was recorded in Europe for the first
time in Albania, and has since been reported in 14 European countries. In addition to its rapid spread,
St. albopicta is of particular interest due to its vector capacity for certain infectious viral diseases. Due
to the increasing threat of an introduction of St. albopicta from neighbouring countries, a national
monitoring programme was initiated in Germany by KABS (German Mosquito Control Organization)
in 2005. In addition to used tyre trading companies, sampling was carried out at container terminals at
inland ports along the Rhine, terminals receiving trains from Italy, and rest areas and parking lots
along the German highway A5 coming from the south. At the end of September 2007, five eggs from
the non-indigenous species St. albopicta were found on oviposition substrate in an ovitrap in the
southern section of this major north-south highway. This is the first report of this non-indigenous
species in Germany and demonstrates that live adults can be transported over long distances within
motor vehicles.
Keywords: mosquito, Stegomyia albopicta, Aedes albopictus, Germany
The mosquito Stegomyia albopicta, previously
Aedes albopictus (Reinert & Harbach 2005),
originating from Southeast Asia, has
undergone a noteworthy expansion of its range
in the last few decades (Hawley 1988). Mainly
with the help of the international used tyre
trade, the so-called “Asian tiger mosquitohas
been able to travel across very large distances
and between continents (Reiter 1998). Due to
its ability to colonise a wide range of natural
and artificial breeding places, and coupled with
the resistance of its eggs to desiccation and the
relative lack of host preference (Hawley 1988),
this species has been able to rapidly build up
populations in new geographic regions large
enough to successfully establish stable
populations. Once consolidated, national trade
and traffic has facilitated subsequent rapid
spread into further regions within these new
countries (Moore & Mitchell 1997).
In Europe, St. albopicta was first reported in
Albania in 1979 (Adhami 1998) and later in
Italy in 1990, where it was introduced through
the import of used tyres from the USA into the
port town of Genoa (Sabatini et al. 1990, Dalla
Pozza and Majori 1992). Within the next few
years, the species rapidly dispersed to other
regions of Italy (Romi 1994), and in the
meantime it has been reported from France
(Schaffner & Karch 2000), Serbia and
Montenegro (Petric et al. 2001), Belgium
(Schaffner et al 2004), Switzerland (Flacio et
al. 2004), Greece (Samanidou et al. 2005),
Croatia (Klobucar et al. 2006), Spain (Aranda
et al. 2006) and the Netherlands (Scholten et
al. 2007).
Apart from its rapid geographical dispersion,
St. albopicta is of special interest due to its
vector capacity for infectious viral diseases
(Reiter et al. 2006). It is, for example, assumed
that this species was involved in the spread of
chikungunya virus to humans in Italy in 2007
(Beltrame et al. 2007).
An analysis of the literature and preliminary
unpublished laboratory data suggests that,
given the current climatic conditions, the only
region in Germany where St. albopicta might
be expected to establish persistent populations
is the Upper Rhine valley. This region is
located in southwestern Germany, is
approximately 300 km long and on average 30
km wide, and has an especially mild climate
compared to central European standards
(Liedtke 2002).
In May 2005, KABS (German Mosquito
Control Organization) initiated a project to
take action against the increasing threat of St.
albopicta introduction into and its
establishment in Germany. The primary goal
of the project is to analyse the pathways of
introduction into Germany, thereby identifying
sites that have the highest probability of being
colonized by St. albopicta, and to regularly
monitor these “hot spots”.
The primary mode of dispersal of St. albopicta
by human activity has been through transport
of desiccation-resistant eggs with cargo that
previously contained water serving as breeding
sites. The most important type of cargo is old
tyres that have been stored outdoors (Knudsen
1995). Therefore, companies processing or
trading used tyres are most likely to introduce
St. albopicta and were therefore given high
monitoring priority.
Another type of cargo in which a large number
of eggs or larvae can be transported over great
distances is the so-called Lucky Bamboo
(Dracaena spp.). For instance, the trade in this
ornamental plant, which is boxed with standing
water, permits an “ideal insectary in transit
and was the reason for the introduction of St.
albopicta from Asia to California (Madon et
al. 2004). Similarly, multiple introductions of
the Asian tiger mosquito to the Netherlands in
greenhouses of horticulture companies could
be traced back to intensive trade of this plant
(Scholten et al. 2007). However, we were not
able to locate any intermediate trading
companies for Lucky Bamboo within our
monitoring area or in other parts of Germany.
Due to high humidity and cool air temperature,
freight containers offer conditions suitable for
the transport of living insects (Reiter 1984).
Therefore, container terminals at inland ports
along the Rhine as well as terminals receiving
trains from Italy were regularly monitored.
Rest areas and parking lots along the German
highway A5 have a high potential to serve as
sites of introduction and were, therefore, major
components of the monitoring programme.
This highway runs from south to north through
the entire Upper Rhine valley and is part of the
most important continuous south-north
highway in Europe, running from Sicily to
Stockholm. It is a main truck and tourist route
for those returning from Italy and southern
France to Germany, the Benelux and
Scandinavia. Transportation of adult St.
albopicta by cars and trucks was documented
during a monitoring programme in 2003, when
the species was detected for the first time in
Switzerland (Flacio et al. 2004). Since then,
multiple introductions of Asian Tiger
mosquitoes from Italy to southern Switzerland
have been observed, and, in autumn 2007, it
was first recorded in northern Switzerland
(Bundesamt für Gesundheit 2007). There are
indications that the number of mosquitoes
transported correlates with traffic volume
(Flacio et al. 2006).
Materials and Methods
During 2007, the monitoring programme
employed 80-100 ovitraps at 47 trapping sites.
The number of ovitraps used per location
varied between one and six, depending on
suitable habitats and the probability of St.
albopicta being introduced to the site.
From the beginning of May to the end of
September of each year, potential sites are
monitored using ovitraps, which are examined
for eggs and larvae every 14 days. In addition,
in the areas surrounding the traps, promising
shrubs and trees are checked for mosquitoes
using the human bait method. Eggs are
preliminarily identified microscopically and
are kept in the laboratory at 25°C and 80%
humidity for one week to ensure complete
embryonic development. Deoxygenated tap
water, enriched with a small amount of
brewer’s yeast, is used as a hatching stimulus.
Following hatching, larvae are reared to the
adult stage, if possible. Identification keys of
Becker et al. (2003) are used to determine the
In total, four species from the family Culicidae
have been collected since the monitoring
programme was initiated. Most of the
mosquitoes collected were of the indigenous
dendrolimnobiotic species Ochlerotatus
geniculatus and Anopheles plumbeus, as well
as Culex pipiens in isolated cases. During the
last trap inspection, at the end of September
2007, five eggs from the non-indigenous St.
albopicta were found on the oviposition
substrate in one of the traps at a parking lot in
the southern part of the German highway A5
(Latitude 47°42’22”N, Longitude 7°31’28”E).
Only two of the eggs hatched after being
flooded three times for 72 hours at weekly
intervals and partial drying between flooding.
Both hatched larvae developed into adults and
were conclusively identified as St. albopicta.
No St. albopicta eggs were found in the second
ovitrap at the same site, nor were adults found
up to 200 m around the traps using the human
bait method.
The discovery of eggs of St. albopicta! in an
ovitrap located at a parking lot on a highway
used by tourists and transport vehicles coming
from southern Europe is the first documented
case of this non-indigenous species in
Germany. Furthermore, it demonstrates that
living adults can be transported over extended
distances within these vehicles. Through
regular monitoring and the initiation of control
measures, St. albopicta!has only been reported
sporadically and in small numbers in parts of
southern and, since autumn 2007, also in
northern Switzerland. The female, which laid
the above-mentioned eggs, thus most likely
came from more distant populations in
northern Italy.
Particularly at the end of vacation periods in
Germany, Scandinavia and Benelux, a large
number of tourists drive back from Italy on the
German highway A5, a major south-north
route. In vacation areas St. albopicta! is most
likely attracted to the campers and caravans by
human olfactory cues. Since these mobile
living spaces are mostly unused while driving,
mosquitoes attempting to feed during transport
are less likely to be discovered than in cars and
truck cabins.
The fact that only five eggs were found in only
one trap and that no adults were collected
implies that the eggs were laid by a single
transported female that was already
inseminated. According to Gubler (1970), St.
albopicta! females lay an average of 62.5 eggs
and tend to deposit these in multiple
oviposition sites (Hawley 1988). Therefore, it
is likely that more eggs from this female could
have been found in natural or human-made
containers at this site. Nevertheless, the
probability of successful colonization of an
empty habitat patch depends, besides species-
specific and environmental factors, mainly on
the number of immigrants and the initial size
of the founder population (Hanski 1999).
Therefore, the establishment of a stable
population on the basis of such a small number
of eggs the next spring is rather unlikely.
Cornel & Hunt (1991) also assumed that, even
though St. albopicta!has been reported to have
been transported into South Africa several
times, due to the small numbers transported at
each occurrence, a breeding population has not
been established there.
However, additional mosquitoes introduced in
the next year could supplement the small
founder population genetically as well as
quantitatively, preventing them from dying
out. Such a mechanism, by which so-called
“sink populations” with negative population
growth (r < 0) do not expire due to regular
immigration from distant “source populations
(r > 0), is known from metapopulation ecology
(Hanski 1999) and is also described as the
“rescue effect” in island biogeography (Brown
& Kodric-Brown 1977). In addition, with
increasing population density and an
expanding range in Italy, the number of “blind
passengers and consequently successful
introductions to hitherto unsettled areas and
also immigrations in existing small founder
populations along human-made distribution
routes increases. For example, Flacio et al.
(2006) reported that the invasion of the
mosquitoes from Italy to southern Switzerland
continues to grow; the number of positive
cases increased by 35% from 2005 to 2006.
It has been shown that, after an introduction
and establishment of a sufficiently large
population, St. albopicta! can rapidly increase
its population size and range (Fontenille &
Toto 2001). If control measures are initiated
too late, there is a great risk of stable
establishment of an originally small and
locally restricted population and dispersion of
St. albopicta! to other climatically suitable
Therefore, in 2008, the number of surveillance
traps will be increased at the positive site,
potential breeding sites will be mapped and
appropriate control measures will be
implemented. Furthermore, monitoring will be
intensified in general and international
cooperation will be initiated, especially with
the countries neighbouring Germany. Public
relations measures such as an information
homepage and information brochures will be
prepared in order to activate community
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... Actually, A. albopictus mosquitoes are often transported as desiccated eggs on attractive containers (e.g. used tires and lucky bamboo) (28,(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39). Eggs hatch whenever the containers get flooded after being introduced in a new area. ...
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During biological invasion process, species encounter new environments and partially escape some ecological constraints they faced in their native range, while they face new ones. The Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus is one of the most iconic invasive species introduced in every inhabited continent due to international trade. It has also been shown to be infected by a prevalent yet disregarded microbial entomoparasite Ascogregarina taiwanensis. In this study, we aimed at deciphering the factors that shape the global dynamics of As. taiwanensis infection in natural Ae. albopictus populations. We showed that Ae. albopictus populations are highly colonized by several parasite genotypes but recently introduced ones are escaping it. We further performed experiments based on the invasion process to explain such pattern. To that end, we hypothesized that (i) mosquito passive dispersal (i.e. human-aided egg transportation) may affect the parasite infectiveness, (ii) founder effects (i.e. population establishment by a small number of mosquitoes) may influence the parasite dynamics and (iii) unparasitized mosquitoes are more prompt to found new populations through active flight dispersal. The two first hypotheses were supported as we showed that parasite infection decreases over time when dry eggs are stored and that experimental increase in mosquitoes’ density improves the parasite horizontal transmission to larvae. Surprisingly, parasitized mosquitoes tend to be more active than their unparasitized relatives. Finally, this study highlights the importance of global trade as a driver of biological invasion of the most invasive arthropod vector species.
... Firstly, the occurrence of the initial autochthonous outbreak of chikungunya in Europe, specifically in the Italian region of Emilia Romagna Rezza et al. 2007), underscored the necessity for a more comprehensive understanding of the mosquito ecology, distribution, and behaviour. Secondly, the ongoing spread of Ae. albopictus to new territories in Europe, even in Northern and Central European countries (Scholte et al. 2007;Pluskota et al. 2008), intensified the urgency to conduct research aimed at monitoring the species' expansion. As it continues to extend throughout Europe, this mosquito has prompted the need for scientists to investigate its population dynamics and potential risks to public health. ...
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The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), is an invasive species native to Southeast Asia. This insect, which is an important vector of arbovirus such as dengue, Zika, and chikungunya, has spread rapidly to several parts of the world over the last few decades. This study employed a bibliometric approach to explore, for the first time, Ae. albopictus research activity and output in Europe. We used the Web of Science Core Collection data source to characterize the current scientific research. A total of 903 publications from 1973 to 2022 were retrieved. We also provided a comprehensive analysis by year of publication; distribution by most productive European countries, institutions, and authors; collaboration networks; research topics; most productive journals; and most cited publications. Results showed a notable increase in the number of studies after the chikungunya virus outbreak in Northeast Italy in 2007. More than 60% of these publications across the entire European continent originated from France and Italy. Research output related to ‘population and community ecology’ topics was significantly high. The most common type of collaboration was national, which occurred between institutions in the same European country. By providing an overview of Ae. albopictus research in Europe, this work contributes to upcoming debates, decision-making, planning on research and development, and public health strategies on the continent and worldwide.
... These results corroborate previous findings regarding the importance of geographical proximity in fostering the spread of this mosquito species, particularly through passive transportation in ground vehicles (Ibáñez-Justicia, 2020; Swan et al., 2022;Tatem et al., 2006). At continental and national scales, this form of passive transportation has been identified as a main pathway for mosquito introduction in Germany (Pluskota et al., 2008), Czech Republic (Šebesta et al., 2012) and Croatia (Klobučar et al., 2006), and it has fostered regional dispersal within Spain (Eritja et al., 2017) and Switzerland , travelling along major roads and highways. The timeframe predicted for the UK, above 10 years, is a surprising result, considering the recent detection of the species through surveillance actions in the southern part of the country (Medlock et al., 2017;Vaux et al., 2019), although without confirmation of its establishment and still absent in the available databases. ...
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The mosquito Aedes albopictus is a highly invasive species, which continues to widen its range worldwide. International trade is a major driver of its dispersal, in particular the imports of tyres and live plants. As a competent vector of numerous diseases, among which Zika and dengue, the spread of this species raises public health concerns. Based on indicators of trade volumes and trends along 15 years, combined with climatic similarity and geographic distance between countries, we tested a model aimed at estimating the time of arrival of the species in new countries. We used partial least squares regression to model the year of first recording of the species in previously invaded countries. The fitted model was subsequently applied to predict the expected time of arrival in countries where the species is still absent. The model was able to estimate the year of first recording of the species with up to 2 years difference for 90% of the countries. Temperature differences among countries and the number of exporting countries where the species is present were the most important predictors. Estimates indicate that Aedes albopictus might enter all countries assessed by 2035, earlier in Africa and South America than in Eastern and Northern Europe. However, passive transportation by ground vehicles may accelerate the dispersal of the species, whereas environmental suitability may have seasonal limits, factors that were not integrated in the model. Policy implications: Surveillance and control strategies require timely adjustments to curb the spread of this species, and public health policies must adapt to tackle the potential exposure to vector‐borne diseases. Our study highlights that, in the absence of transnational strategies to contain the dispersal of the species, a large number of new countries will be colonized in the coming years, in different regions of the world, where the implementation of timely preventive measures is paramount.
Vector-borne diseases are a major global health problem. Individual vector-borne diseases such as malaria or dengue fever are among the most important infectious diseases in childhood. Overall, a spread of these diseases can already be observed as a result of climate changes. In particular, numerous arboviral infections have significantly spread in recent decades and are now also occurring as autochthonous infections in Europe. This makes preventive strategies, which include mosquito control, individual mosquito protection, immunization of reservoir hosts and vaccination of people in endangered areas, all the more relevant. Climate change and the associated spread of vector-borne diseases therefore represent one of the outstanding challenges for international child health in the coming years.
In February 2024, a resident of Mannheim, Germany, collected aggressively attacking mosquitoes in her home and forwarded them to the “Mueckenatlas” citizen science recording scheme. The specimens turned out to be Aedes albopictus. Upon discussing the situation and consultation on the biology of the Asian tiger mosquito, the submitter found numerous developmental stages in the water of a flowerpot with an orchid in her living room. The occurrence of adult tiger mosquitoes during wintertime in Central Europe has never been described before and is probably just an indoor phenomenon. Ideal conditions provided and continued indoor breeding and activity might be an exceptional way for the species to overwinter.
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Plasmids (circular DNA molecules) represent an ingenious strategy for horizontal gene transfer in prokaryotes and eukaryotic cells. Plasmids harbored in bacteria are responsible for the spread of traits such as antibiotic resistance, virulence factors, and the machinery for the horizontal gene transfer e.g., type IV secretion systems. Remarkably, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cryptic plasmids encode and carry genes that, under the host environment, replicate and concomitate with sporulation, producing parasporal crystalline proteins of two major types, crystalline (Cry) and cytolytic (Cyt), the former toxic against different orders of insects such as Lepidopterans, Coleopterans, and Dipterans (Cry proteins, MW 50–130 KDa); Cyt proteins, produced by B. thuringiensis subspecies israelensis ( Bti )(MW 27-kDa) are toxic against Dipterans, i.e., mosquitoes and black flies. The X-Ray tridimensional structure for both types of toxins, formed by three domains, mostly of beta sheets antiparallel (Domain II and Domain III) linked through loops of different lengths. Domain I is a bundle of alpha helices. This structure is characterized by five conserved blocks, implying a conservation in the mode of action. Cyt proteins possess two alpha helices and some beta sheets with a structure similar to the antimicrobial peptides. Indeed, the mode of action proposed is mediated by the toxin-lipid interaction that hypothetically could result in transmembrane ionic channel formation. Several pieces of evidence support the action of both toxins in insects and mammals. The question is to what extent these Bt / Bti plasmid-encoded Cry or Cyt genes can be applied as bioinsecticides individually or in combination with Lysinibacillus sphaericus . The feasibility of being considered a promising and safe biological strategy for crop pests and vector-borne neglected infectious diseases is an issue pinpointed in the present review.
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In February 2023, German public health authorities reported two dengue cases (one confirmed, one probable) and four possible cases who travelled to Ibiza, Spain, in late summer/autumn 2022; the infection was probably acquired through mosquito bites. Case 1 visited Ibiza over 1 week in late August with two familial companions; all three developed symptoms the day after returning home. Only Case 1 was tested; dengue virus (DENV) infection was confirmed by presence of NS1 antigen and IgM antibodies. Case 2 travelled to Ibiza with two familial companions for 1 week in early October, and stayed in the same town as Case 1. Case 2 showed symptoms on the day of return, and the familial companions 1 day before and 3 days after return; Case 2 tested positive for DENV IgM. The most probable source case had symptom onset in mid-August, and travelled to a dengue-endemic country prior to a stay in the same municipality of Ibiza for 20 days, until the end of August. Dengue diagnosis was probable based on positive DENV IgM. Aedes albopictus , a competent vector for dengue, has been present in Ibiza since 2014. This is the first report of a local dengue transmission event on Ibiza.
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The global distribution of the “Asian Tiger Mosquito”, Aedes albopictus, is rapidly expanding which has contributed to the emergence and re-emergence of dengue outbreaks. Dengue fever is an arboviral illness estimated to have increased 30-fold in the past 50 years, to a global burden of 390 million annual infections. Within the Indo-Pacific region, Ae. albopictus is now widespread. Within Australia, Ae. albopictus populations were first found on numerous islands of the Torres Strait (Queensland, Australia) in 2005, subsequently vectoring multiple dengue outbreaks in recent years. To prevent the establishment of this species on the Australian mainland, Queensland Health implements ongoing mosquito suppression strategies on Thursday and Horn islands (these islands represent the main points of entry from the Torres Strait onto the Australian mainland). These mosquito suppression strategies have thus far prevented the establishment of this species onto the Australian mainland. However, current manpower and funding limit extending the successful Ae. albopictus suppression strategies employed on Thursday and Horn islands to other islands in the Torres Strait. To more effectively control Ae. albopictus, and ultimately prevent establishment on the Australian mainland, there is a need to understand how this species is being dispersed and also to strengthen mosquito surveillance and control activities. This thesis strategically addresses each of these interlinked factors: mosquito dispersal, surveillance and control. The first research chapter maps Ae. albopictus dispersal and population genetic structure both within and between villages of the Torres Strait. The second research chapter describes the potential of a low-powered mosquito sound trap to provide a simple and efficient surveillance tool that could be rolled out over longer periods of time and larger geographies, than the current more labour-intensive mosquito surveys. Data in the third research chapter provides a foundation for assessing the feasibility of attractive targeted sugar baits (ASTBs) for controlling Ae. albopictus, by determining the prevalence of sugar in Ae. albopictus, a parameter critical to the success of ATSBs. Throughout the Torres Strait, Ae. albopictus exhibited weak population genetic structure, indicative of high levels of gene flow and frequent dispersal within and between islands. Within islands, fine-scale active dispersal of Ae. albopictus occurred. Between islands, evidence of intragenerational dispersal of Ae. albopictus was observed, with dispersal of close kin within and between near and distant islands (31–203 km apart). To improve Ae. albopictus surveillance, male Ae. albopictus can be effectively captured with the low-powered Male Aedes Sound Trap (MAST). MASTs with sound lure frequencies between 500 and 650 Hz were effective for capturing male Ae. albopictus with higher capture rates in woodland habitats than those near houses. The sugar feeding patterns of Ae. albopictus on Masig Island showed that significantly more male than female Ae. albopictus were sugar-fed with both fructose prevalence and content higher in mosquitoes caught in the morning than the afternoon. The outcomes of this thesis improve our understanding of Ae. albopictus dispersal in the Torres Strait and provide insights for improving surveillance and control of this mosquito. High levels of gene flow and close kin dispersal of Ae. albopictus between islands highlight the clear need for improved surveillance tools, that can be widely deployed not only in remote island settings but also on the Australian mainland. In such locations, MASTs have great potential to improve surveillance of Ae. albopictus and to detect incursions in areas where this species is not established. There is potential to improve mosquito control throughout the Torres Strait by ATSBs. Suppression of mosquito populations could also reduce the likelihood of dispersal between islands and to the Australian mainland—both outcomes of potential benefit to the existing Ae. albopictus control program.
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Background Mosquito research in Europe has a long history, primarily focused on malaria vectors. In recent years, invasive mosquito species like the Asian tiger mosquito ( Aedes albopictus ) and the spread of arboviruses like dengue virus, chikungunya virus or bluetongue virus have led to an intensification of research and monitoring in Europe. The risk of further dissemination of exotic species and mosquito-borne pathogens is expected to increase with ongoing globalization, human mobility, transport geography, and climate warming. Researchers have conducted various studies to understand the ecology, biology, and effective control strategies of mosquitoes and associated pathogens. Main body Three invasive mosquito species are established in Europe: Asian tiger mosquito ( Aedes albopictus ), Japanese bush mosquito ( Ae. japonicus ), and Korean bush mosquito ( Aedes koreicus ). Ae. albopictus is the most invasive species and has been established in Europe since 1990. Over the past two decades, there has been an increasing number of outbreaks of infections by mosquito-borne viruses in particular chikungunya virus, dengue virus or Zika virus in Europe primary driven by Ae. albopictus . At the same time, climate change with rising temperatures results in increasing threat of invasive mosquito-borne viruses, in particular Usutu virus and West Nile virus transmitted by native Culex mosquito species. Effective mosquito control programs require a high level of community participation, going along with comprehensive information campaigns, to ensure source reduction and successful control. Control strategies for container breeding mosquitoes like Ae. albopictus or Culex species involve community participation, door-to-door control activities in private areas. Further measures can involve integration of sterile insect techniques, applying indigenous copepods, Wolbachia sp. bacteria, or genetically modified mosquitoes, which is very unlike to be practiced as standard method in the near future. Conclusions Climate change and globalization resulting in the increased establishment of invasive mosquitoes in particular of the Asian tiger mosquito Ae. albopictus in Europe within the last 30 years and increasing outbreaks of infections by mosquito-borne viruses warrants intensification of research and monitoring. Further, effective future mosquito control programs require increase in intense community and private participation, applying physical, chemical, biological, and genetical control activities.
Since the first detection of the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) eggs in Germany in 2007, several populations of this species have established in Germany. Although colloquially Ae. albopictus is called an 'invasive species', it is not considered 'invasive' and therefore to be controlled according to the European Union (EU) Environmental and Nature Protection Act since evidence of displacement of native species is missing. To test the competitive potential of Ae. albopictus towards mosquito species native to Germany, laboratory experiments were conducted with larvae of this species and indigenous Cx. pipiens complex species/biotypes. First instar larvae of Ae. albopictus and of one of the native taxa were exposed to different temperatures and fed with different food sources. The ratio of individuals developing into adults as well as the time the larvae needed for development were taken as a measure of competitive outcome. In addition, the size of emerging adults was compared between control and experimental groups. Regarding developmental time, no significant differences were found between treatments and controls while significant differences were found regarding developmental rate and average wing size of individuals. Because no evidence of competitive repression of the native species was found, Ae. albopictus cannot be included in the EU list of invasive species.
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The first record of Aedes albopictus in metropolitan France has been made in a village of Orne (Basse-Normandie). A few larvae were collected in October 1999, in the used tire stock of an important tire recycling company, importing in particular from the USA and Japan. Reproduction of the species has taken place in France, and the environmental conditions make the implantation of the species probable.RésuméLa première observation d’Aedes albopictus en France métropolitaine a été effectuée dans un village de l’Orne (Basse-Normandie). Plusieurs larves ont été récoltées en octobre 1999, dans le stock d’une entreprise de recyclage de pneus usagés, pratiquant l’importation notamment des États-Unis et du Japon. L’espèce s’est reproduite sur place, et les conditions environnementales sont favorables à l’implantation de l’espèce.
Mosquitoes and Their Control presents a wealth of information on the bionomics, systematics, ecology, research techniques and control of both nuisance and disease vector mosquitoes in an easily readable style, providing practical guidelines and important information for professionals and laymen alike. Ninety-two European species and more than 100 globally important vector and nuisance species are included in the book. Most of them, including all European species, are described in the fully illustrated identification keys, followed by a detailed description of the morphology, biology, distribution and medical importance of each species, including over 700 detailed drawings. Mosquitoes and Their Control includes: systematics and biology, medical significance, research techniques, illustrated identification keys for larval and adult mosquito general, morphology, ecology, and distribution of the species identified in the keys, biological, chemical, physical and genetic control of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes and Their Control is a valuable tool for vector ecologists, entomologists, and all those involved with mosquito control, biology, ecology, and systematics world-wide. It will especially benefit those professionals, scientists and students dealing with mosquitoes and their control on a day-to-day basis. Society as a whole stands to gain from improved, environmentally responsible mosquito management programs designed on the basis of a broader understanding of mosquitoes and their control, as provided in this enlightening book...(AU)
In August-October 1979, infestations of the mosquito Aedes albopictus were discovered at a number of widely separated sites in Albania. Used tires were the principal larval habitat. The species was probably introduced from China in the mid-1970s. The initial infestation was probably at a rubber factory adjacent to the port of Durres (Durazzo), from where the mosquito was shipped in tires to recapping plants in other parts of the country. This is the first recorded infestation of Ae. albopictus outside Oriental and Australasian regions. Albania (Albanian name, Shqiperia; latitude, 39"38'N to 42'39'N; longitude, 19'18'E to 21"04'E; area, 28,748 km2; population (1990), 3.26 million) is a republic on the western shore of the Balkan Peninsula, across the Adriatic/IO&n Sea from the heel of Italy (Pig. 1) Seventy percent of the terrain is mountainous, with a mean altitude of 708 m. Summers are hot and dry. In lowland areas (below 300 m altitude), mean daily temperatures range from 23°C to 26°C in July and August. Winters are harsh and cold, with frequent subzero temperatures except in the coastal regions. The capital, Tirana (Albanian name, Tirane; 41"2l'N, 19"50'E; popu- lation ( 1990),253,000), is at the edge of the coastal plain, 27 km from the sea.
Written by a world renowned biologist, this volume offers a comprehensive synthesis of current research in this rapidly expanding area of population biology. It covers both the essential theory and a wide range of empirical studies, including the author's groundbreaking work on the Glanville fritillary butterfly. It also includes practical applications to conservation biology. The book describes theoretical models for metapopulation dynamics in highly fragmented landscapes and emphasizes spatially realistic models. It presents the incidence function model and includes several detailed examples of its application. Accessible to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, Metapopulation Ecology will be a valuable resource for researchers in population biology, conservation biology, and landscape ecology.