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Based on morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies we present three new species in Cortinarius. Species descriptions are provided, along with discussions of phylogenetic and morphological affinities to similar taxa. Cortinarius majoranae, Cortinarius aquilanus and Cortinarius lepistoides spp. nov. are described. The first taxon is placed in section Percomes, whereas the last two belong to section Caerulescentes.
Volume 106, pp. 469–477 October–December 2008
Three new species of Cortinarius subgenus Phlegmacium
 &
Botanical Museum
Gothersgade 130, DK–1123 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Abstract — 
    Cortinarius      
    Cortinarius
majoranae,Cortinarius aquilanus  Cortinarius lepistoides 
 Percomes,    
Keywords —
   Cortinarius       
           
     Cortinarius   
          
         Cortinarius  
aquilanusC. lepistoidesC. majoranae
Material and methods
 
          
   
           
 
         
       
      
 
      
         
    
Taxonomic descriptions
Cortinarius aquilanus , sp. nov.
Pileo 35–80 mm lato, hemisphaerico, dein plano-convexo, glutinoso, fibrilloso, ochraceo-
brunneo vel luteo-brunneo, ad marginem pallido ochraceo, KOH ope indistincto. Velo
universale sparso. Lamellis emarginatis, griseis. Stipite 35–65 × 8–20 mm, albido, dein
interdum luteo maculato, bulboso, bulbo distincte marginato, vel 35 mm lato. Carne albida,
in apice stipitis pallida grisea, sapore subnullo, KOH ope luteo in stipe, aurantio-brunneo
in bulbo, Sporis amygdaliformibus, ellipsoideis, distincte verrucosis, 9–10.5 × 5.5–6.5 µm.
Typus: DENMARK: Horsens, Elbæk skov, 21 Oct 2006, T.S.J., TSJ2006-110* (holotype C).
Cortinarius ... 
  Cortinarius glaucopus
        
            
     
        
Cortinarius aquilanusFagus
   TSJ2000-044 
TSJ2004-059   loc. cit.    TSJ2005-002  
       TSJ2006-110    
 TF2006-070
  Cortinarius aquilanus     Phlegmacium
    
           
Cortinarius xanthoochraceus     
  
   Cortinarius multiformium   
C. graciliorC. luteoimmarginatus
Cortinarius saporatus
   Cortinarius langeorum    
Cortinarius talus
Cortinarius multiformis
   C. aurantiotinctus     
   C. aurantiotinctus      
C. xanthoochraceus
C. aurantiotinctus
          
 C. xanthoochraceus       
C. aquilanus        
Cortinarius xanthoochraceus
C. langei
           
C. aquilanus
Cortinarius majoranaesp. nov.
Pileo 35–100 mm lato, hemisphaerico, dein plano-convexo, interdum umbonate, glutinoso,
primo luteo, dein ad centro olivaceo vel olivaceo-brunneo, minuto granulato, KOH ope
virido vel olivaceo. Velo universale indistincto. Lamellis emarginatis, viridi-luteis vel
luteis. Stipite 50–80 × 15–25 mm, clavato vel clavato-bulboso, bulbo interdum indistincto
marginate, virido-luteo vel luteo, ad basis e velo aurantio-luteo vel brueeno, mycelium
virido-luteo. Carne virida-lutea, sapore subnullo, KOH ope in stipite et pileo indistincto
olivaceo, in bulbo indistincto roseo. Odore distincto, ad C. percomis. Sporis ellipsoideis vel
amygdaliformibus, grosse verrucosis, 11–12.5 × 7–8 µm. Typus: SWEDEN: Öland, Åstad,
21 Sept 2003, T.S.J., TSJ2003-034* (holotype C).
 
          
        
        
            
C. percomis
           
  
          
Cortinarius ... 
    Cortinarius majoranae   
        Tilia  Quercus 
        
            
  
  Cortinarius majoranae      
         
C. percomis.Cortinarius majoranae
           
C. percomis          Picea.
Cortinarius aurilicisC. xanthosuavis
C. majoranae
         
C. percomis
    
 CaerulescentesGlaucopodes  CalochroiFulvi   
C. aurilicis
           
C. majoranae
 C. majoranae     Percomes  
    C. nanceiensis  C. aurilicis C. percomis 
 C. mussivus         
C. nanceiensisC. aurilicis
           
           
C. majoranae
         
Cortinarius lepistoidessp. nov.
Pileo 30–70 mm lato, hemisphaerico, dein plano-convexo, glutinoso, primo violaceo-
caeruleo vel violaceo-griseo, dein griseo, ad centro brunneo-griseo, KOH ope luteo-
brunneo. Velo universale indistincto, brunneo. Lamellis emarginatis, griseis, ad marginem
distincto violaceo. Stipite 40–60 × 8–15 mm, caeruleo, dein pallido-caeruleo, bulboso,
bulbo distincte marginate, vel 25 mm lato. Margine bulbi e velo lilaceo-violaceo. Carne
albida, in apice stipitis caerulea, interdumin bulbo lutea, sapore subnullo, KOH ope luteo-
brunneo. Odore sub-nullo, Sporis limoniiformibus, distincte verrucosis, 8.5–10 × 5–6
µm. Typus: DENMARK: Jylland: Vosnæs Havskov, 30 Sept 2000, TF & TSJ, TF2000-056
(holotype C).
Lepista,Lepista nuda
    
  
         
         
           
    Cortinarius lepistoides   
         Fagus sylvatica,
QuercusCorylus, 
         
        
 TSJ1999-094loc. cit
TF2000-056       
  DB628
IK 98-2650
Cortinarius lepistoides
    ,
C. viridocoeruleus
Cortinarius ... 
C. camptoros
        C. camptoros 
    Cortinarius lepistoides
C. viridocoeruleus. Cortinarius viridocoeruleus    
C. lepistoidesC. camptoros.
Cortinarius imperialisC. subhygrophanus 
C. lepistoides
    C. subhygrophanus      
Cortinarius arcifoliusC. moënne-loccozii
C. lepistoidesC. imperialis
C. subhygrophanus
Cortinarius lepistoides         
C. imperialis
          
C. camptoros       
    C. lepistoides
Cortinarius lepistoides
C. viridocoeruleus
       C. camptoros  C. virido-
     Glaucopodes
 C. lepistoides
         
  
           
Literature cited
  Quercus  Comarostaphylis       
 
   Cortinarius  Phlegmacium  Phlegmacium  
         
 Cortinarius CalochroiBasidiomycota, Agaricales
           
CortinariusBasidiomycota, Agaricales
            
CortinariusBasidiomycota, Agaricales
       Cortinarius sordidemaculatus
 C. anisatusC. neofurvolaesus Basidiomycota,
Cortinarius saniosus
C. aureovelatusBasidiomycota, Agaricales
          Dermocybe  
Cortinarius         
Cortinarius aureopulverolentus
rubrovioleipesC. hinnuleoarmillatusBasidiomycota, Agaricales
Cortinarius ... 
Cortinarius lustrabilisBasidiomycota, Agaricales
            
Cortinarius  Agaricales, Basidiomycetes      
CortinariusAgaricales, Basidiomycota
      Cortinarius  Myxacium 
DefibulatiMyxacium. 
... Measurements were made using the Leica Application Suite (version 3.2.0) programme and identified according to Cortinarius literature (Lange 1938;Zerova & al. 1979;Arnolds & Kuyper 1995;Phillips 2006;Frøslev & Jeppesen 2008;Brandrud & al. 2012Brandrud & al. , 2014Liimatainen & al. 2014;Soop 2018). Specimens were deposited in the Fungarium of Van Yüzüncü Yıl University (VANF). ...
... Macroscopically, C. osmophorus resembles C. aquilanus. However, C. aquilanus, which grows under Fagus sylvatica, is distinguished from C. osmophorus by its fairly sparse veil remnants and yellowish spots on the stipe (Frøslev & Jeppesen 2008). Additionally, C. caesiocortinatus and C. cruentipellis are separated from C. osmophorus by their purple-colored lamellae (Soop 2018). ...
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Three Cortinarius species, C. barbatus, C. osmophorus, and C. Saturninus, have been identified as new records for the Turkish mycota based on macro-and micromorphological characters, and their identifications were supported by molecular (rDNA ITS) phylogenetic data. The Turkish specimens are illustrated, and their diagnostic characters are compared with published descriptions of the same species and related taxa.
... Measurements were made using the Leica Application Suite (version 3.2.0) programme and identified according to Cortinarius literature (Lange 1938;Zerova & al. 1979;Arnolds & Kuyper 1995;Phillips 2006;Frøslev & Jeppesen 2008;Brandrud & al. 2012Brandrud & al. , 2014Liimatainen & al. 2014;Soop 2018). Specimens were deposited in the Fungarium of Van Yüzüncü Yıl University (VANF). ...
... Macroscopically, C. osmophorus resembles C. aquilanus. However, C. aquilanus, which grows under Fagus sylvatica, is distinguished from C. osmophorus by its fairly sparse veil remnants and yellowish spots on the stipe (Frøslev & Jeppesen 2008). Additionally, C. caesiocortinatus and C. cruentipellis are separated from C. osmophorus by their purple-colored lamellae (Soop 2018). ...
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Three Cortinarius species, C. barbatus , C. osmophorus, and C . Saturninus, have been identified as new records for the Turkish mycota based on macro- and micromorphological characters, and their identifications were supported by molecular (rDNA ITS) phylogenetic data. The Turkish specimens are illustrated, and their diagnostic characters are compared with published descriptions of the same species and related taxa.
... Like Cortinarius, it is one of the few remaining "mammoth-genera" which (at least in Europe) is still kept as one single genus and not split into several smaller genera, despite the large morphological, genetic and ecological variation across the numerous lineages (cfr. monographs of subgenera such as Morgado et al. 2013, Morozova et al. 2014, and regional fungas such as Jeppesen et al. 2012, Krieglsteiner and Gminder 2003, Ludwig 2007. The reasons for this comprehensive approach are manyfold, but are mainly based on the fact that variability in Entoloma is complex and still not fully understood, and more specifically, many clades in phylogenetic analyses show low support with the genetic markers applied so far (see e.g. ...
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The rhodopolioid species of Entoloma (subgen. Entoloma) in Norway are presented. The rhodopolioid clade consists of tricholomatoid or collybioid, rarely omphalinoid, ectomycorrhizal species. Altogether 24 species of the rhodopolioid clade were recorded and verified by rDNA ITS sequence data, of which 10 are here reported as new to Norway, including three apparently undescribed species. Four different eco-geographical elements can be distinguished from our material; (i) the southern (boreonemoral) Tilia-Quercus-Coryluselement, (ii) the boreal-arctic-alpine Salix-Alnus-Betula element, (iii) the arctic-alpine Salix(-Dryas) element, and (iv) the boreal Betula(-Picea) element. All 24 species are commented in the taxonomic part, arranged according to the five well-supported clades from phylogenetic analyses.
... Sequencing and analyses of different genetic markers have proven extremely valuable for elucidating the genetic diversity of fungi and establishing more robust taxonomies for many groups of Agaricales and other fungi. Beginning with Høiland and Holst-Jensen (2000), the genus Cortinarius has been the subject of many phylogenetic studies at different taxonomic levels (e.g., Frøslev et al. 2006a, b;Frøslev and Jeppesen 2008;Garnica et al. 2005;Niskanen et al. 2009Niskanen et al. , 2012aOrtega et al. 2008). A comparison of ITS data with that of other markers (Frøslev et al. 2005) and comparisons of intra-and interspecific differences (Frøslev et al. (2007) suggest ITS as the choice for a general species level marker-DNA barcode-for Cortinarius. ...
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Cortinarius koldingensis is described as a new species based on several collections from a small area in Denmark. Sequence data from the ITS marker places it in the Sulfurini group of the large Calochroi clade of Cortinarius subgenus Phlegmacium, along with C. sulfurinus and two North American taxa. It is phylogenetically distinct from the other species in the Sulfurini and differs from C. sulfurinus by several deviating morphological characteristics. The species has been collected on several occasions over the last 15 years from only one Danish locality. Despite extensive molecular screening of numerous possible conspecific specimens, including holotype and comparison with all publicly available ITS sequence data from specimens and environmental DNA alike, no match with specimens from elsewhere has been encountered, and we hypothesize that the species is rare in Europe.
... Recently, attempts have been made to stabilize the taxonomy of the subgenus Phlegmacium by massive sampling and analyses of type material (Liimatainen et al. 2014). Concurrently, many new Phlegmacium species supported by molecular evidence have been described in Europe in recent years, often proving quite subtle morphological differences from the related species (Frøslev et al. 2006;Frøslev and Jeppesen 2008;Ortega et al. 2009;Vizzini et al. 2012;Fernández-Brime et al. 2014). ...
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A new species, Cortinarius prodigiosus, is reported from the Czech Republic and Hungary. This medium-sized Phlegmacium is distinguished by a yellow pileus and lower part of stipe, by greyish-violet lamellae, and by strikingly bicolorous flesh: yellow in most parts of stipe and whitish in pileus. On the basis of its morphological and molecular characters (ITS rDNA and LSU D1/D2 domain), this novel taxon can be assigned to the Splendentes group of the section Calochroi; it occurs in thermophilous oak forests on calcareous bedrock.
Phlegmacium kausaricum is a new species in the genus Phlegmacium reported from the Kashmir Himalaya, India, based on distinct morphological characters and molecular phylogenetic analysis of nrITS sequences. The species is characterized by pileus that is glutinous, glabrous with brownish universal veil remnants scattered over the surface, with incurved and entire thick margin. Lamellae are pale yellow, moderately crowded, adnate with crenulate margins. Stipe clavate (pear-shaped), greyish and tapering towards the end. Basidiospores 8.7–10.3 × 5.5–6.4 µm, amygdaliform. The odor is strong, pleasant like a banana. Molecularly, the ITS sequences differ from other species by at least 11 substitutions and 9 indel positions.
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In this study, we investigate the phylogeny and taxonomy of the /Camptori clade sensu Soop et al. (2019a). Based on combined nrDNA ITS phylogenetic, morphological, and ecological analyses, the clade includes six species in Europe, four of which are described here as new to science: Cortinarius malavalii, C. marklundii, C. violaceoserrulatus, and C. viridocaelestinus. We also provide a taxonomic revision of the two known species in the clade, C. camptoros and C. viridocoeruleus. In its current concept, the /Camptori clade is mostly represented in frondose woodlands of southern Europe and none of the species is found in the boreal coniferous zones of Northern Europe. Three species are strictly thermophilous Mediterranean-submediterranean species associated mainly with southern Quercus spp., whereas C. camptoros is found mainly in montane Abies forests, and C. marklundii reaches boreonemoral Tilia-Corylus sites in S Scandinavia and alpine Dryas sites in Spain. An identification key to the species is presented.
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This article deals with our personal records of Cortinarius percomis Fr. and its distribution in the Czech Republic. It provides detailed macro­ and microscopic descriptions based on specimens collected by the authors in Ransko National Nature Reserve (NE Bohemia), including photographic documentation. A list of Czech localities known of this species, with reference to the main herbaria (BRNM, CB, HR, PRM and private) is provided. Characters distinguishing this species from other, similar taxa are discussed. The authors propose changing the status of this species in the next edition of the Red list of fungi (macromycetes) of the Czech Republic from the current Data Deficient category to the Endangered category.
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We clarify the taxonomy and nomenclature of several taxa of the genus Cortinarius subgenus Phlegmacium. To this aim, we have used a combination of morphological and molecular data. The evolutionary relationships of the species were inferred by comparison of the nuITS by means of weighted maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and two different types of Bayesian methods (with and without a priori alignments). Phylogenetic resolution and support of all or most of the species included in this study and their relationships were possible only when including the phylogenetic signal from ambiguously aligned regions in weighted maximum parsimony analyses (recoded INAASE characters) and when the analysis simultaneously optimized alignment and phylogeny (with BAli-phy). Three species are described as new, Cortinarius mediterraneensis, C. cistoglaucopus and C. palazonianus, and C. olivaecodionysae is proposed for C. dionysae f. olivaceus. Descriptions are provided for these taxonomic and nomenclatural novelties, along with discussions of morphological and phylogenetic affinities to closely related taxa. Scanning microphotographs of the basidiospores are provided for the discussed taxa, and color pictures of the basidiomes in their natural habitat are provided for C. cistoglaucopus, C. mediterraneensis and C. palazonianus.
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Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences of 27 species of Cortinarius representing the subgenera Cortinarius, Dermocybe, Leprocybe, Myxacium, Phlegmacium, Sericeocybe, and Telamonia were studied and compared with ITS rDNA of Rozites caperatus and three outgroup taxa: Gymnopilus sapineus, Hypholoma capnoides, and Tricholoma equestre. With two different gap treatments, the sequence data were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of Cortinarius using maximum parsimony (PAUP). Alternative outlines of the subgenera compiled from literature were used to create phylogenetic constraints which were subjected to parsimony analysis using the ITS data. Unconstrained and constrained parsimony trees were compared using a maximum likelihood method (DNAML/PHYLIP). In the ITS based phylogenies Cortinarius s. 1. was consistetly divided into two lineages, one centered around the members of the subgenus Telamonia, the other comprising the majority of ingroup taxa including Rozites. Because additional data are needed before nomenclatorial changes are considered, we present an outline of what may be regarded as two separate genera, Cortinarius s. s. and “Telamonia.” The status of Rozites will depend on similar future studies.
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Studies of the Cortinarius saniosus (Fr.: Fr.) Fr. complex and a new closely related species, C. aureovelatus (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) The variation of the widely spread Cortinarius saniosus is described with respect to morphological, ecological and molecular characteristics. C. chrysomallus D. Lamoure and C. aureomarginatus P.D. Orton are regarded as synonymous with C. saniosus based on morphological and molecular data. A new closely related species C. aureovelatus Bendiksen, K. Bendiksen & H. Lindstr., growing in coniferous and mountain birch forests, is described. A taxonomical and nomenclatural treatment of the complex, based upon present knowledge, is proposed.
Phylogenetic relationships of two sections from subgenus Myxacium in the brown-spored agaric genus Cortinarius were studied using nuclear DNA sequence data from the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) and the 5.8S rRNA gene of 23 species of Cortinarius, including seven subgenera. Of these, ten species represent the focal study group from sections Defibulati and Myxacium, three species represent three additional sections within subgenus Myxacium, and ten species represent six remaining subgenera within Cortinarius. Phylogenies inferred using parsimony and maximum likelihood strongly supported the two sections as monophyletic, but did not support the subgenus Myxacium as a distinct lineage. Neither method of analysis resolved relationships below the sectional level. Morphological traits were examined for the two monophyletic groups traditionally classified as sections Defibulati and Myxacium. Absence of clamp connections is a synapomorphy of section Defibulati. Cladistic analyses confirm that members sampled from subgenus Myxacium in other sections are more closely allied with other subgenera, suggesting the current taxonomy needs revision to reflect phylogenetic relationships.