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Improved Sentence Alignment
for Building a Parallel Subtitle
Building a Multilingual Parallel Subtitle Corpus
org Tiedemann
University of Groningen
In this paper on-going work of creating an extensive multilingual parallel corpus of movie
subtitles is presented. The corpus currently contains roughly 23,000 pairs of aligned subti-
tles covering about 2,700 movies in 29 languages. Subtitles mainly consist of transcribed
speech, sometimes in a very condensed way. Insertions, deletions and paraphrases are very
frequent which makes them a challenging data set to work with especially when applying
automatic sentence alignment. Standard alignment approaches rely on translation consis-
tency either in terms of length or term translations or a combination of both. In the paper, we
show that these approaches are not applicable for subtitles and we propose a new alignment
approach based on time overlaps specifically designed for subtitles. In our experiments we
obtain a significant improvement of alignment accuracy compared to standard length-based
Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands
Edited by: Peter Dirix, Ineke Schuurman, Vincent Vandeghinste, and Frank Van Eynde.
Copyright c
2007 by the individual authors.
org Tiedemann
10.1 Introduction
The value of parallel corpora has been shown in various NLP applications and
research disciplines. Some of them are data-driven machine translation (Brown
et al. 1993, Brown 1996), multilingual lexicon/terminology extraction (Gale and
Church 1991, Smadja et al. 1996, Hiemstra 1998, Gaussier 1998, Tufis and
Barbu 2001), word sense disambiguation (Ide 2000, Diab and Resnik 2002) and
general translation studies (Johansson 2002) to mention just a few. However, in
contrast to monolingual language corpora there are still only a few parallel corpora
available especially ones containing more than two languages. Often they origi-
nate from specialized domains such as legislation and administration or technical
documentation and cover only a few “high density” languages. On the other hand,
the amount of translated documents is increasing on the Internet even for lower
density languages. In the past years several projects working on the collection of
multilingual material from the web have been reported (Resnik 1999, Tiedemann
and Nygard 2004).
One of the fastest growing multilingual resources are on-line databases of
movie subtitles. There is a huge demand for subtitles on the Internet and users
provide them to others in various languages via download services on-line. They
are available in form of plain text files for modern as well as for classical movies
and they are usually tagged with extra information such as language, genre, release
year, user ratings and download counts. Subtitles are different to other parallel
resources in various aspects: Most of them are (at least close to) transcriptions of
spontaneous speech. They include plenty of idiomatic expressions and slang. They
can easily be divided into different genres and time periods. There are even dif-
ferent subtitles versions (in the same language) for the same movie. Translations
are usually very free and show a lot of cultural differences. They are aligned to the
original movie and can therefore be linked to the actual sound signals. However,
subtitles often summarize spoken utterances instead of completely transcribing
them. Hence, they can also be used to study text compression and summarization
(Daelemans et al. 2004). To summarize the discussion, subtitle databases provide
a unique multilingual resource with various kinds of valuable information encoded
in the texts.
In the following we will concentrate on building a parallel subtitles corpus
from one on-line resource. In particular, we obtained the entire database of about
308,000 files from, a free on-line col-
lection of movie subtitles in many languages. We are very grateful for the support
by the providers of this website.
The paper is focused on the alignment of sentences and sentence fragments
which is an essential step for building a parallel corpus. However, in the next
section we first discuss necessary pre-processing steps to clean up the original
database and to convert subtitle files into XML-based corpus files. Thereafter, we
describe the details of the sentence alignment approaches in detail applied to our
data. Finally, we present evaluations of the automatic alignment and provide some
conclusions and prospects for future work.
Improved Sentence Alignment for Building a Parallel Subtitle Corpus
10.2 Pre-processing
Pre-processing the original subtitle files is necessary because of several reasons:
First of all, the database entirely consists of user uploads and, therefore, the content
is not as clean as we want it to be. For example, movies are sometimes not tagged
with the correct language, they are encoded in various character encodings, and
they come in various formats. In our corpus we require a consistent format in
a uniform encoding. In particular, we decided to use a simple standalone XML
format and Unicode UTF-8. A sample output after all steps including tokenization
is shown on the right-hand side of figure 10.1. Pre-processing consists of the
following steps:
Subtitle format detection & conversion: We accepted two popular subti-
tle formats: SubRip files (usually with extension ‘.srt’) and microDVD subti-
tle files (usually with extension ‘.sub’). For the conversion to XML we re-
lied on the SubRip format which is more frequently used in the database we
got. An example is shown in the left part of figure 10.1. microDVD subti-
tle files were converted to SubRip format using a freely available script sub2srt
Removing doubles: The database contains a lot of repeated subtitles; i.e. cre-
ated for the same movie in the same language. We simply took the first one in
the database and dismissed all the others. In future, we like to investigate possible
improvements by other selection principles, e.g. taking download counts or user
ratings into account.
Character encoding: All files are converted to Unicode UTF-8 to have a uni-
form encoding throughout all data files. This is especially useful when working
with aligned data where several languages have to be put together. Unfortunately,
we are not aware of a reliable classifier for automatic detection of character encod-
ings and, therefore, we manually defined an incomplete encoding conversion table
after inspecting sample data in various languages (see table 10.1).
Certainly, using a fixed language encoding table is only an ad-hoc solution
causing errors in the conversion. However, using the language filter described
below we remove most of the subtitles for which the encoding conversion failed.
This, at least ensures high quality in our data as a trade-off for some quantity. In
the future we would like to use an automatic classifier for better encoding detection
of individual files.
Language Checking While processing the data we realized that many uploads
are not correct and, for instance, contain text in a language different to the one
specified. In order to filter them out we used an automatic classifier to check the
language before accepting a subtitle file. For this we used textcat a freely avail-
able and trainable classifier designed for language identification (van Noord 2006).
org Tiedemann
00:00:26,500 --> 00:00:28,434
Spend all day with us.
00:00:28,502 --> 00:00:30,436
There are two--
pardon me--
00:00:30,504 --> 00:00:34,440
two of everything in
every Noah’s arcade.
00:00:34,508 --> 00:00:36,361
That means
two of Zantar,
00:00:36,361 --> 00:00:36,884
That means
two of Zantar,
00:00:36,962 --> 00:00:40,454
Bay Wolf, Ninja Commando,
00:00:40,532 --> 00:00:41,464
Psycho Chopper...
00:00:41,533 --> 00:00:43,467
It’s really good
seeing you, Benjamin.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s id="1">
<time id="T1S" value="00:00:26,500" />
<w id="1.1">Spend</w>
<w id="1.2">all</w>
<w id="1.3">day</w>
<w id="1.4">with</w>
<w id="1.5">us</w>
<w id="1.6">.</w>
<time id="T1E" value="00:00:28,434" />
<s id="2">
<time id="T2S" value="00:00:28,502" />
<w id="2.1">There</w>
<w id="2.2">are</w>
<w id="2.3">two</w>
<w id="2.4">--</w>
<w id="2.5">pardon</w>
<w id="2.6">me</w>
<w id="2.7">--</w>
<time id="T2E" value="00:00:30,436" />
<time id="T3S" value="00:00:30,504" />
<w id="2.8">two</w>
<w id="2.9">of</w>
<w id="2.10">everything</w>
<w id="2.11">in</w>
<w id="2.12">every</w>
<w id="2.13">Noah’</w>
<w id="2.14">s</w>
<w id="2.15">arcade</w>
<w id="2.16">.</w>
<time id="T3E" value="00:00:34,440" />
Figure 10.1: A short segment of English subtitles of the movie “Wayne’s World” from 1993
in SubRip (.srt) format (left) and a tokenized XML version of the first two sentences (right).
It uses N-gram models trained on example texts and, therefore, relies on the given
encoding used in the training data. We applied the language checker after encoding
conversion and, therefore, built language models for UTF-8 texts. For simplicity
we used the training data from the textcat package converted to UTF-8 by
means of the free Unix tool recode. Altogether, we created 46 language models.
The classifier predicts for each given input file the most likely language according
to the known models. The output of textcat is one of the following: (1) a cer-
tain classification of one language, (2) a ranked list of likely languages (in cases
where the decision is not clear-cut), and, (3) a “resign” message in cases where the
language classifier does not find any language that matches sufficiently enough.
We accepted subtitles only in the case where the language classifier is certain that
the language is the same as specified in the database.
Tokenization and sentence splitting: We used simple regular expressions for
tokenization and sentence splitting. Tokenization of subtitles is a challenging task.
First of all, there are various languages in the corpus and both, tokenization and
sentence splitting are highly language dependent. However, for most languages
Improved Sentence Alignment for Building a Parallel Subtitle Corpus
Table 10.1: Character Encoding Table
encoding languages (ISO-639 codes)
cp1250 alb, bos, cze, pol, rum, scc, scr, slv, hrv
cp1251 bul, mac, rus
cp1252 afr, bre, cat, dan, dut, epo, est, fin, fre, ger, hun, ita, nor, pob, pol, por,
spa, swe
cp1253 ell, gre
cp1254 tur
cp1255 heb
cp1256 ara
cp1257 lat, lit
iso-8859-4 ice
big5-eten chi
shiftjis jpn
euc-kr kor
tokenizers and sentence boundary detectors are not readily available. We opted for
a general solution using patterns in terms of regular expressions. For this we used
Unicode character classes hoping to cover various languages equally well. The
following patterns where defined:
split between a non-punctuation character and a punctuation that is followed
by either space, another punctuation or end-of-string.
split between a punctuation and a non-punctuation character if they are
preceeded by either start-of-string, another punctuation symbol or a white-
space character.
split punctuation symbols if they are not identical (leaving, for example ‘...’
split on all white-space characters
Note, that subtitles may contain HTML-like tags for formatting issues (like
font ...
). These tags have to be treated in a special way to avoid their
Sentence boundary detection is also done with general patterns due to the lack
of available tools for all languages involved. An issue specific to our data is the
fact that subtitles contain many sentence fragments instead of well-formed gram-
matical sentences. Hence, even more sophisticated sentence splitters available for
some languages will fail in many cases.
Table 10.2 shows the basic patterns used for detecting sentence boundaries. For
Chinese, Korean and Japanese we simply split at standard punctuation symbols
!? :
” which works to some extent but, of course, is by far not an optimal solution
for these languages. Note that sentences may span over several screens and may
also stop in the middle of a screen. Figure 10.1 shows an example sentence (with
org Tiedemann
id=2) that spans over two screens. Hence, the patterns above are applied in a
sliding window running through the data.
Table 10.2: Sentence splitting patterns using Perl regular expressions
pattern 1: split between “sentence end” and “sentence start”
sentence end:
(a dot following a non-dot OR one of the following punctuation symbols “
!? :
possibly followed by single or double quotes and white-space characters)
sentence start:
(one or more white-spaces possibly followed by a hyphen, possibly followed
by white-space characters and quotes followed by either a number, an opening
punctuation or an uppercase letter.)
pattern 2: split between “sentence end” and “sentence start”
sentence end:
(one of “
!? :
” possibly followed by quotes, a hyphen and white-spaces)
sentence start:
(one or more spaces, possibly followed by quotes and either an inverted initial
question/exclamation mark or an uppercase letter)
The reason for applying two separate patterns is to combine different types of
evidence when making decisions about sentence boundaries. Pattern 1 has stronger
end-of-sentence constraints (hyphens and multiple dots are not allowed) in combi-
nation with a slightly relaxed sentence-start constraint (allowing for example dig-
its and opening brackets) whereas pattern 2 has stronger sentence-start constraints
(no digits and opening brackets) but relaxed sentence-end constraints (allowing
hyphens and some closing brackets).
Shortcomings of our simple pattern based approach are obvious but they work
reasonably well for many subtitle files and languages. However, both, tokenization
and sentence splitting have to be improved in future work. It is impossible to find a
general solution especially if we want to keep the collection as open as possible in
terms of languages and genres. One general cue for sentence splitting might come
from the time tags. Long pauses between subtitles may help to determine sentence
boundaries. This is (only) one reason why we like to keep the time information in
our corpus1.
1Note that we decided to encode time slots as two separate “time events”, one for the starting time and
one for the end. In this way we can handle sentences and time slots that cross each other which would
otherwise not be possible to encode in XML.
Improved Sentence Alignment for Building a Parallel Subtitle Corpus
Selection for alignment: Of course, not all movies are covered in all languages.
Furthermore, there are several versions of movies around (for instance various
video encodings, movie splits, etc) and, hence, several versions of subtitles fitting
specific movie files. In order to yield the highest alignment quality, we selected
only those subtitles that have been produced for exactly the same physical movie
file.The original database we obtained contains 232,643 subtitles for 18,900
movies in 59 languages. After pre-processing and filtering as described above
we were left with 38,825 subtitle files in 29 languages. From that we selected
22,794 pairs of subtitles for alignment covering 2,780 movies in 361 language
pairs. Altogether, this corresponds to about 22 million sentence alignments.
10.3 Subtitle alignment
Essential for building a parallel corpus is the alignment at some segmentation level.
At least two segmentation approaches are possible for our data: alignment of subti-
tle screens (time slot segmentation) and alignment of sentences (using the sentence
boundaries detected in the pre-processing phase). We decided to use the latter for
three reasons: First, sentence alignment is a well established task that usually
yields high accuracy with language independent methods. Secondly, sentences are
linguistically motivated units and, therefore, more suitable for further processing
than subtitle fragments shown together on screen. Very often these fragments are
not coherent units; for example they may come from various speakers in one scene.
Finally, the format of subtitles is very different in various languages due to visibil-
ity constraints and cultural differences. There will be lots of partial overlaps when
comparing the contents of subtitle screens across different languages. This makes
it more difficult to align these units.
There are many challenges when aligning subtitle sentences as illustrated in
figure 10.2.
Subtitles often contain summarized information instead of literal transcriptions
or translations. Hence, we can observe a lot of insertions, deletions and para-
phrases when comparing various translations. Furthermore, sentence splitting in-
troduce errors that make it difficult to solve certain alignment problems. For exam-
ple, in figure 10.2, the first three Dutch subtitle screens are marked as one sentence
although the first one actually corresponds to the movie title that should not be
connected to the following sentences (and which is not included in the English
version of the subtitles). Furthermore, there are untranslated fragments such as the
third and the sixth screen in English which are embedded in other sentences. How-
ever, sentences are treated as units and, therefore, the only solution is to align such
fragments together with the surrounding ones even though they do not have cor-
responding fragments in the other language. From this little example it becomes
obvious that we cannot expect the same quality of standard sentence alignment
approaches as reported in the literature for other text types. Nevertheless, it is
interesting to see how far we can get with standard approaches and how we can
improve them for our purposes.
org Tiedemann
Figure 10.2: Alignment challenges: An example with English and Dutch subtitles.
10.3.1 Length-Based Sentence Alignment
There are several standard approaches to sentence alignment among them the pop-
ular length-based approach proposed by Gale and Church (1993). It is based on
the assumption that translations tend to be of similar lengths (possibly factorized
by a specific constant) with some variance. Using this assumption we can apply a
dynamic algorithm to find the best alignment between sentences in one language
and sentences in the other language. Another necessary assumption is that there
are no crossing alignments (i.e. alignment is monotonic). Furthermore, align-
ments are restricted to certain types (usually 1:1, 1:0, 0:1, 2:1, 1:2 and 2:2) with
prior probabilities attached to each type to make the algorithm more efficient and
more accurate. In the default settings, there is a strong preference for 1:1 sentence
alignments whereas the likelihood of the other types is very low. These settings
are based on empirical studies of some example data (Gale and Church 1993).
It has been shown that this algorithm is very flexible and robust even without
changing its parameters (Tjong Kim Sang 1996, Tiedemann and Nygard 2004).
However, looking at our data it is obvious that certain settings and assumptions
of the algorithm are not appropriate. As discussed above, we can observe many
insertions and deletions in subtitle pairs and typically, a length-based approach
cannot deal with such cases very well. Even worse, such insertions and deletions
may cause a lot of follow-up errors due to the dynamic algorithm trying to cover
the entire text in both languages. Nevertheless, we applied this standard approach
with its default settings to our data to study its performance. Figure 10.3 shows an
example of the length-based alignment approach.
As the figure illustrates there are many erroneous alignments using the stan-
Improved Sentence Alignment for Building a Parallel Subtitle Corpus
English Dutch
Spend all day with us . There are two – par-
don me – two of everything in every Noah’ s
arcade .
De wereld van Wayne Er zijn twee , excuseer
me , twee van Zantar . ... gestoorde heli-
copters ...
That means two of Zantar , That means two of
Zantar , Bay Wolf , Ninja Commando , Snake-
azon , Psycho Chopper ...
Het is goed om je weer te zien , Benjamin .
It’ s really good seeing you , Benjamin . Je bent al heel lang niet meer in Shakey’ s ge-
weest .
You haven’ t been into Shakey’ s for so long . Ik heb het heel erg druk .
Well , I’ ve been real busy . It’ s two for you ’
cause one won’ t do . Het zijn er twee voor jou , want eentje zal
het niet doen .
All this week , kids under 6 get every fifth –
There’ s a new pet . De hele week , krijgen kinderen onder de
zes elke vijfde ...
Ch- Ch- Chia Chia Pet –the pottery that
grows . Er is een nieuw huisdier Het Chia huisdier .
They are very fast . Simple . Het aardewerk dat groeit .
Plug it in , and insert the plug from just about
anything . Zij zijn erg snel .
Simple . Simpel .
Even for our customers in Waukegan , Elgin ,
and Aurora – We’ ll be there right on time . Plug het in .
Figure 10.3: Length-based sentence alignment - text in italics is wrongly aligned.
dard length-based approach. In fact, most of the alignments are wrong (in ital-
ics) and we can also see the typical problem of follow-up errors in this example2.
An obvious idea to improve the alignment quality is to optimize the parameters
of the original alignment approach. For example, we might want to change the
prior probabilities of alignment types supported by the algorithm. Furthermore,
we might also want to include other alignment types that frequently occur in the
data. However, such a tuning would have to be done for each language pair and
even within one language pair it is questionable if these parameters will be consis-
tent to a large degree.
A second idea is to use the time information given in the subtitle files. As we
have discussed before, there are many insertions and deletions in various subtitles
and therefore the correspondence between source and target language is often not
so obvious in terms of sentence lengths. However, subtitles usually span the entire
movie and, therefore, they cover more or less the same amount of time. Assuming
that corresponding text segments are shown roughly at the same time we can use
the time length of each slot (screen) instead of sentence length to match source
and target language sentences. Here we have to interpolate between “time events”
in cases where sentences do not start or end at time slot boundaries. For this,
we used simple linear interpolation between the two nearest time events. Now,
the same algorithm using dynamic programming can be used only with lengths in
time instead of lengths in characters. Figure 10.4 shows the result of our example
2Note, that ’Simpel’ in the end of the example is aligned to the wrong instance of ’Simple’ in English.
org Tiedemann
movie when using time lengths for alignment.
English Dutch
Spend all day with us . There are two – par-
don me – two of everything in every Noah’ s
arcade .
De wereld van Wayne Er zijn twee , excuseer
me , twee van Zantar . ... gestoorde heli-
copters ...
That means two of Zantar , That means two of
Zantar , Bay Wolf , Ninja Commando , Snake-
azon , Psycho Chopper ...
Het is goed om je weer te zien , Benjamin .
It’ s really good seeing you , Benjamin . Je bent al heel lang niet meer in Shakey’ s ge-
weest .
You haven’ t been into Shakey’ s for so long . Ik heb het heel erg druk .
Well , I’ ve been real busy . Het zijn er twee voor jou , want eentje zal het
niet doen .
It’ s two for you ’ cause one won’ t do . De hele week , krijgen kinderen onder de zes
elke vijfde ...
All this week , kids under 6 get every fifth –
There’ s a new pet . Er is een nieuw huisdier Het Chia huisdier .
Ch- Ch- Chia Chia Pet –the pottery that
grows . Het aardewerk dat groeit .
They are very fast . Zij zijn erg snel .
Simple . Simpel .
Plug it in , and insert the plug from just
about anything . Plug het in .
Figure 10.4: Sentence alignment based on time lengths - text in italics is wrongly aligned.
Unfortunately, the time length approach also produces a lot of errors. A strik-
ing difference is that in the end of the example the algorithm synchronizes well
between source and target language which reduces the amount of follow-up errors
from this point on. However, the accuracy is still unsatisfactory concluding from
our first impressions. This will also be supported by our evaluations presented in
section 10.4.
10.3.2 Alignment with Time Overlaps
As seen in the previous sections, length-based approaches cannot deal very
well with our data collection. Let us now consider a different approach directly
incorporating the time information given in the subtitles. The intuition in this
approach is roughly the same as in the previous one based on time lengths: cor-
responding sentences are shown at roughly the same time because they should be
synchronized with the movie. However, in the previous approach we only used
the time length to match sentences but now we will directly use the absolute time
values. Using start and end time for each sentence (using the same interpolation
technique as before) we can measure the overlap between source and target lan-
guage segments. We can now sequentially go through the subtitles and try to find
segments with the highest overlap. This can be done efficiently in linear time
without recursions because we use absolute times that cannot be shifted around.
Again, we define a set of alignment types that we like to support in our alignment
Improved Sentence Alignment for Building a Parallel Subtitle Corpus
Figure 10.5: Sentence alignment with time overlaps
program. In particular, we use 1:1, 1:0, 0:1, 2:1, 1:2, 3:1, 1:3, 1:4, and 4:1 align-
ments3. Using these settings we can check possible alignments at each position
and its surroundings and select the one with the highest overlap before moving to
the next positions. The general principle of time overlap alignment is illustrated in
figure 10.5.
One of the big advantages of this approach is that it can easily handle insertions
and deletions at any position as long as the timing is synchronized between the two
subtitle files. Especially initial and final insertions often cause follow-up errors in
length-based approaches but they do not cause any trouble in the time overlap
approach (look for example at the first English sentence in the example in figure
10.5). Remaining errors mainly occur due to sentence splitting errors and timing
differences. The latter will be discussed in the end of the following section. The
result of the alignment with time overlaps for our example data is shown in figure
10.4 Evaluation
In order to see the differences between the alignment approaches discussed above
we manually evaluated a small sample of our aligned data. We selected two lan-
guage pairs, Dutch-English and Dutch-German, and randomly selected five movies
3Note that the set of alignment types is different to the standard length-based sentence alignment ap-
proach. The impact of these additional types on the alignment quality has not been investigated.
org Tiedemann
English Dutch
Spend all day with us .
There are two – pardon me – two of every-
thing in every Noah’ s arcade . That means
two of Zantar , That means two of Zantar ,
Bay Wolf , Ninja Commando , Snake- azon
, Psycho Chopper ...
De wereld van Wayne Er zijn twee , excuseer
me , twee van Zantar . ... gestoorde heli-
copters ...
It’ s really good seeing you , Benjamin . Het is goed om je weer te zien , Benjamin .
You haven’ t been into Shakey’ s for so long
.Je bent al heel lang niet meer in Shakey’ s
geweest .
Well , I’ ve been real busy . Ik heb het heel erg druk .
It’ stwo for you ’ cause one won’t do . Het zijn er twee voor jou , want eentje zal
het niet doen .
All this week , kids under 6 get every fifth –
There’ s a new pet . De hele week , krijgen kinderen onder de
zes elke vijfde ... Er is een nieuw huisdier
Het Chia huisdier .
Ch- Ch- Chia Chia Pet –the pottery that
grows . Het aardewerk dat groeit .
They are very fast . Zij zijn erg snel .
Simple .
Simpel . Plug it in , and insert the plug from
just about anything . Plug het in . Het is simple !
Figure 10.6: Sentence alignment based on time overlaps - text in italics is wrongly aligned.
for each of them4. In order to account for differences in alignment quality at dif-
ferent positions we selected 10 initial, 10 final sentence alignments, and 10 align-
ments in the middle of each document for each of the three alignment approaches.
The evaluation was carried out by one human expert using the following three
grades: correct, partially correct and wrong.
The overall result of our evaluation is shown in table 10.35.
As expected, the length-based approaches are much less accurate than the time-
overlap approach. Surprisingly, the scores for alignments based on time lengths
performs even worse than the standard sentence length based approach. The fact
that Dutch-German performs much better for the time overlap approach should not
be seen as a general tendency. The difference is due to the selection of movies
which is different for the two language pairs. This is illustrated in table 10.4
showing the detailed scores per movie and language pair using the time overlap
We can see that there are three movies that perform very poorly with our time-
overlap approach, two in Dutch-English and one in Dutch-German. This explains
the difference in total scores when comparing the two language pairs. The scores
4Each sub-corpus contains different movie pairs according to the subtitles available for the particu-
lar language pair. We did not want to restrict the selection to movies that have subtitles in all three
languages. Hence, we obtained different sets of movies for both language pairs for our evaluation.
5We omit details over alignment positions. There are no striking differences in accuracies between
initial, final and intermediate alignments with one exception: Time-length alignments performed much
worse for the final sentence alignments than for the other ones. The reason for this is unclear to the
Improved Sentence Alignment for Building a Parallel Subtitle Corpus
Table 10.3: Evaluation of alignment accuracy per alignment approach
alignment type languages correct partially wrong
sentence length dut-eng 64.2% 9.2% 26.6%
sentence length dut-ger 62.3% 12.3% 25.3%
time length dut-eng 54.6% 6.9% 38.6%
time length dut-ger 57.5% 9.8% 32.7%
time overlap dut-eng 73.1% 8.7% 18.2%
time overlap dut-ger 85.7% 6.8% 7.5%
Table 10.4: Evaluation of accuracy of time-overlap alignment per movie
languages movie correct partially wrong
dut-eng Cube Zero 22.4% 14.3% 63.3%
dut-eng Finding Nemo 36.8% 18.4% 44.7%
dut-eng Grizzly Man 84.1% 12.7% 3.2%
dut-eng Training Day 96.8% 3.2% 0.0%
dut-eng Win a Date with Tad Hamilton 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%
dut-ger Batman 92.6% 0.0% 7.4%
dut-ger Cidade de deus 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%
dut-ger Peggy Sue got married 82.8% 10.3% 6.9%
dut-ger Rush Hour 2 93.5% 6.5% 0.0%
dut-ger The Ring 33.3% 26.7% 40.0%
also show that the time-overlap approach either works very well (around or above
90% correct) or very poorly (below 40% correct). Here we see a clear effect of
timing differences. If the timing is (only slightly) different for the two subtitle
files to be aligned, the performance of the time-overlap approach drops dramati-
cally. That means, if both subtitles are not synchronized very well with each other,
almost everything goes wrong using the time-overlap approach whereas length-
based approaches are not effected by this. These timing differences appear due to
two factors: (1) the subtitle speed might be different, and, (2) the time offset for
starting the subtitles might be different.
The solution to the problem mentioned above is to adjust the time values in one
of the subtitles to synchronize it with the other one. In other words, we have to
find the parameters for time offset and speed difference. In fact, appropriate values
can easily be computed using two fixed anchor points at different positions in the
movie, preferably far away from each other. Using the current time values at these
fix-points it is a matter of simple maths to calculate offset and speed difference (or
time ratio) assuming that the speed is constant in both subtitles.
org Tiedemann
The difficulty now is to find such reference points. One way is to add them
by hand. We developed a simple tool for interactive sentence alignment, ISA
(Tiedemann 2006), which can be used for this task. The tool allows to add break
points at any place in subtitle pairs to be used for offset and speed calculation.
Table 10.5 shows the results after manually adding such fix-points (one in the be-
ginning and one at the end of the movie) to the three problematic movie pairs and
re-aligning them after synchronization. The evaluation is done in the same way as
before (using 10 initial, 10 final and 10 intermediate sentence alignments).
Table 10.5: Sentence alignment with speed and time offset adjustments using manual fix-
points (time ratio refers to the speed difference and offset is the time offset in seconds).
movie time ratio offset correct partially wrong
Cube Zero 0.9997 2.378 76.2% 9.5% 14.3%
Finding Nemo 0.9996 0.470 84.1% 4.5% 11.4%
The Ring 0.9589 0.302 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%
All alignments have been improved significantly with only very little human
intervention. The speed and offset parameters fixed most of the alignment errors.
Remaining errors are often due to little shifts in displaying subtitles and could
easily be fixed using ISA as well. It is interesting to see that both parameters are
very close to their default values (1 for time ratio and 0 for offset) but still have a
significant impact on the alignment quality. It shows how brittle the time-overlap
alignment approach is with respect to subtitle synchronization.
Although the manual intervention helped to improve the alignment quality sig-
nificantly it is not reasonable to run the alignment in this way on the entire corpus
with its more than 22,000 subtitle pairs. However, simple heuristics could be used
to detect pairs for which an inspection would be desirable. For example, subtitle
alignments with surprisingly many empty alignments (1:0 or 0:1) are likely to con-
tain errors. They could be selected and presented to users via the ISA interface for
Another technique to add break points for synchronization is to look for cog-
nates in source and target language subtitles. Subtitles can be scanned from the
beginning and from the end to find appropriate cognates. Simple string matching
techniques and fixed thresholds can be used to spot candidate pairs. Assuming
that they appear at the same position in the movie they can be used for calculating
the two parameters necessary. However, experiments have shown that using such
a technique in general decreases the overall alignment performance significantly.
This is due to false hits where cognates are found but they do not refer to true
reference positions. A reason for this is that names are often repeated in various
contexts but not in the same way in all translations. Hence, correct matches but
at non-corresponding positions frequently occur. However, cognate based tech-
niques can again be combined with the same heuristics presented above: using
Improved Sentence Alignment for Building a Parallel Subtitle Corpus
this approach only in cases where the alignment seems to contain errors indicated
by many empty alignments. This combined approach will be investigated in future
10.5 Conclusions
In this paper, a new multilingual parallel corpus consisting of movie subtitles in
29 languages has been presented. The corpus contains about 23,000 aligned subti-
tle pairs with altogether about 22 million sentence alignments. The data has been
tokenized and sentences boundaries have been marked to be stored in a uniform
XML format. We investigated three approaches to automatic sentence alignment,
two based on length correspondence and a novel algorithm based on time over-
laps. The latter yields significantly higher accuracies than traditional length-based
alignment approaches. Remaining errors can be fixed to a large degree with minor
human intervention. The corpus is available for research purposes and we will
work on its extension in the future.
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