Dyslexia affects 5%-8% of the population of the Western world. While reading, different eye movements are required. Compared to other persons, dyslexics have more and longer fixations, shorter saccade amplitude, a higher percentage of regression, and more fixation disparity when reading. In non-reading situations, dyslexics do not have more binocular problems than others. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether computerized orthoptic vergence training could improve reading ability for dyslexic children.
The study was conducted at Ängkärrskolan, Solna, an elementary school exclusively for dyslexic children. Twelve subjects, aged 13-14 years, were trained with RetCorr, a computerized vergence training program. Reading speed was assessed before and after treatment. The results were compared with an age-matched control group.
The dyslexic subjects conducted on average 11.75 sessions (±2.53 SD) of orthoptic training over a 5-week period. On average, the number of words read per minute before training were 87.83 (±16.80 SD) and after training 95.58 words (±18.08 SD). The difference was statistically significant (p=0.0066). In the control group, the change was from 85.00 (±19.68 SD) words to 89.37 words (±19.71 SD) over the same time period. This difference was not significant (p=0.1235).
Most scientists agree that dyslexia is mainly a phonological impairment. Nevertheless, the results show that vergence treatment might help dyslexics. Larger studies are required to provide guidance in this area.