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Abstract and Figures

To examine the effect of sedentary behavior on blood pressure (BP) in young children using different indicators of sedentariness. Cross-sectional study. A rural Midwestern US community. Children aged 3 to 8 years (N = 111). Intervention Adiposity was assessed using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. Objective measurements of sedentary activity were obtained from the accelerometers that participants wore continuously for 7 days. Measurements of television (TV) viewing, computer, and screen time (TV + computer) were obtained via parent report. Systolic and diastolic BP. The sample spent a mean of 5 hours per day in sedentary activities, of which 1.5 hours were screen time. Accelerometer-determined sedentary activity was not significantly related to systolic BP or diastolic BP after controlling for age, sex, height, and percentage of body fat. However, TV viewing and screen time, but not computer use, were positively associated with both systolic BP and diastolic BP after adjusting for potential confounders. Participants in the lowest tertile of TV and screen time had significantly lower levels of systolic and diastolic BP than participants in the upper tertile. Sedentary behaviors, particularly TV viewing and screen time, were associated with BP in children, independent of body composition. Other factors that occur during excessive screen time (eg, food consumption) should also be considered in the context of sedentary behavior and BP development in children.
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Associations Between Sedentary Behavior
and Blood Pressure in Young Children
David Martinez-Gomez, BSc; Jared Tucker, MSc; Kate A. Heelan, PhD; Gregory J. Welk, PhD; Joey C. Eisenmann, PhD
Objective:To examine the effect of sedentary behav-
ior on blood pressure (BP) in young children using dif-
ferent indicators of sedentariness.
Design:Cross-sectional study.
Setting:A rural Midwestern US community.
Participants:Children aged 3 to 8 years (N=111).
Intervention:Adiposity was assessed using dual
energy x-ray absorptiometry. Objective measurements
of sedentary activity were obtained from the acceler-
ometers that participants wore continuously for 7
days. Measurements of television (TV) viewing, com-
puter, and screen time (TV computer) were
obtained via parent report.
Main Outcome Measures:Systolic and diastolic BP.
Results:The sample spent a mean of 5 hours per day in sed-
entary activities, of which 1.5 hours were screen time.
Accelerometer-determined sedentary activity was not sig-
nificantly related to systolic BP or diastolic BP after control-
ling for age, sex, height, and percentage of body fat. How-
ever, TV viewing and screen time, but not computer use, were
positively associated with both systolic BP and diastolic BP
after adjusting for potential confounders. Participants in the
lowest tertile of TV and screen time had significantly lower
levels of systolic and diastolic BP than participants in the up-
per tertile.
Conclusions:Sedentary behaviors, particularly TV view-
ing and screen time, were associated with BP in chil-
dren, independent of body composition. Other factors
that occur during excessive screen time (eg, food con-
sumption) should also be considered in the context of
sedentary behavior and BP development in children.
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009;163(8):724-730
in obesity is a major public
health concern.1The clus-
tering of cardiovascular dis-
ease risk factors in over-
weight youth suggests that risks may be
immediate and not just indicative of po-
tential future problems.2The effect of obe-
sity on elevated blood pressure (BP)3,4 is a
specific concern because there is evidence
in favor of tracking BP from childhood into
adulthood.5Although genetic factors are as-
sociated with BP,6-9 a healthy lifestyle—
specifically, diet,10,11 physical activity,12-14
and sleep15—seems to be a relevant con-
tributor to BP levels in children. However,
associations between sedentary behavior
and BP have not been clearly established in
youth,15-18 and no studies have examined
associations in younger children (9 years).
Although often assumed to be correlated,
physical activity and sedentary behavior are
increasingly being viewed as independent
constructs.19 Hamilton and colleagues20
have posited the notion of “physiologic in-
activity,” whereby they differentiated be-
tween too much sitting (physiologic inac-
tivity) and structured exercise (physiologic
exercise). Daily physical inactivity or low
nonexercise activity may be indepen-
dently associated with tangible disease risks.
There is clear evidence of the associa-
tion between adiposity and BP in chil-
dren.21 Given the effects of adiposity on BP
during childhood, attention should be paid
to the adiposity rebound period between
ages 3 and 7 years.22,23 In previous studies,
we have found that adiposity is associated
with BP in 3- to 8-year-old children24 and
that sedentary behaviors were positively as-
sociated with adiposity.25 For these rea-
sons, studies hypothesizing associations be-
tween sedentary behaviors and BP in this
specific period must control for adiposity
to examine the independent influence of
sedentary behaviors on BP.
In most studies, sedentary behavior is
typically identified as time spent watch-
ing television (TV) because it is the most
popular form of media use. Nevertheless,
recommendations for sedentary activity
use the terms of overall media use or screen
time.26 However, results from recent stud-
ies indicate that computer use and video
Author Affiliations:
Department of Kinesiology,
Iowa State University, Ames
(Messrs Martinez-Gomez and
Tucker and Dr Welk);
Immunonutrition Research
Group, Department of
Metabolism and Nutrition,
Institute of Food Science,
Technology, and Nutrition,
Spanish National Research
Council, Madrid, Spain
(Mr Martinez-Gomez); Human
Performance Lab, University
of Nebraska at Kearney
(Dr Heelan); and Departments
of Kinesiology and Pediatrics
and Human Development,
Michigan State University, East
Lansing (Dr Eisenmann).
©2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
at Michigan State University, on August 6, 2009 www.archpediatrics.comDownloaded from
game play may have different metabolic and physi-
ologic effects.27 Hence, time spent in TV viewing, com-
puter use, and screen time should be considered inde-
pendently in health-related research. Sedentary behavior
is most typically assessed with proxy reports by par-
ents,28 but objective data can also be obtained using ac-
celerometers.29 The time spent in specific sedentary be-
haviors cannot be determined, but it is possible to measure
low-energy expenditure levels.30
To our knowledge, no studies have examined the as-
sociations between sedentary behavior and BP in young
children using different indicators of sedentariness (ie,
TV watching, computer use, screen time, and objec-
tively assessed time in sedentary activity). Currently, it
is unknown whether sedentary behavior is associated with
higher levels of BP in children during the adiposity re-
bound period. For effective prevention of hypertension
and cardiovascular disease, it is important to better un-
derstand the influence of sedentary behaviors on BP.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the
associations between sedentary behavior and BP in young
Participants for the current analysis included 57 boys and 54
girls (N=111) aged 3 through 8 years from a rural US commu-
nity in the Midwest (population, 30 000) who completed cor-
rectly assessments of anthropometry, body composition, BP,
and sedentary behavior by accelerometer and parent report. Chil-
dren were recruited from local preschools and elementary
schools through verbal and written advertisements and by word
of mouth. Parental consent and child assent were obtained for
all participants after the study procedures were explained. The
protocol for the present study was approved by the institu-
tional review board of the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
Anthropometric measurements were assessed for each child
using standard procedures. Participants wore light clothing and
removed their shoes before stature and body weight were as-
sessed. Stature was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using a wall
stadiometer, and body weight was measured to the nearest 0.01
kg using a standard balance beam scale. Body mass index was
calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters
Fat mass was assessed using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
with a densitometer (DPX-L; Lunar Radiation Corporation,
Madison, Wisconsin). Whole-body scans were performed on
participants while they were wearing light clothing and lying
supine. The Lunar DPX-L densitometer has been well vali-
dated31 and has been used as the criterion measure for a num-
ber of comparisons with field-based methods (eg, body mass
index, bioelectrical impedance, and anthropometry) in young
children.32 To ensure reliability, a phantom calibration was per-
formed before use. Adiposity measurements were determined
using the pediatric medium scan model in the software for the
densitometer (DPX-L, software version 1.5d; Lunar Radiation
Corporation). Body fat variables derived from dual energy x-ray
absoptiometry included percentage of body fat as well as fat mass
and trunk fat mass (in kilograms). The upper trunk was sepa-
rated from the arms by a line from the axilla to the acromion.
The lower trunk was separated from the legs by an oblique line
through the femoral neck.
Resting BP was measured in accordance with standard proce-
dures and recommendations, as described elsewhere.33 A clini-
cal mercury sphygmomanometer was used in conjunction with
a stethoscope placed over the brachial artery below the bot-
tom edge of the cuff. Appropriate cuff size was determined by
measuring the circumference of the right upper arm at its larg-
est point. Systolic BP (as determined by the first Korotkoff sound)
and diastolic BP (as determined by the fifth Korotkoff sound)
were measured after participants had been seated for 10 min-
utes and with their right arms supported and both feet on the
floor. Three measurements were taken at 1-minute intervals,
and the mean was used for data analysis.
Objective Assessment
Objective sedentary activity was assessed using an accelerom-
eter (ActiGraph, model 7164; Manufacturing Technology, Inc,
Fort Walton, Florida). The ActiGraph is a small (
cm), lightweight (45 g), and uniaxial accelerometer designed
to detect vertical acceleration ranging in magnitude from 0.05g
to 2.00gwith a frequency response of 0.25 to 2.50 Hz. This moni-
tor has been validated in both field and free-living research34
and has been used to assess activity patterns in numerous stud-
ies.35,36 Instructions were given to both the parent and child re-
garding proper placement and wearing procedures for the ac-
tivity monitor. Specifically, the accelerometers were worn over
the right hip, anterior to the iliac crest, and participants were
asked to wear the monitor at all times with the exception of
sleeping and water activities, such as bathing and swimming.
Participants wore the monitor for 7 consecutive days, after which
the monitors were returned and uploaded using software pro-
vided by the manufacturer. For the current study, 30-second
epochs were used in concordance with the recommendations
for this age group.37
Data were exported into a spreadsheet (Excel; Microsoft Cor-
poration, Redmond, Washington) and then imported into SAS
statistical software, version 9.1 (SAS Institute, Inc, Cary, North
Carolina) for processing. Detailed screening procedures were
used to ensure that the accelerometers were worn as directed
and that the monitors were functioning properly. Specifically,
adherence checks were performed by assessing consecutive miss-
ing data during the hours of typical wear time (9 AM to 7 PM).
A day of monitoring was considered nonadherent if it con-
tained 3 or more 20-minute periods of missing data (0 counts).
Children with complete data for at least 2 weekdays and 1 week-
end day were included in the current study. A cutoff point of
less than 50 counts per 30 seconds was used in this study to
estimate time (in minutes) spent in sedentary activity.38 This
threshold has been shown to capture sedentary activities such
as watching TV, playing video games, painting, sitting, and other
activities with low levels of physical activity.30,38
Parental Report
The average time spent each day (weekdays and weekend days
combined) in screen time (TV, video, computer, and video game
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usage) was assessed from parent-reported values. Time spent
watching TV was defined as minutes spent watching TV, vid-
eotapes, or DVDs. Computer use was defined as minutes spent
using a home computer or video game. Screen time was com-
puted by summing minutes spent in TV viewing and com-
puter use.
Descriptive characteristics are presented as mean (SD). All vari-
ables were checked for normality of distribution. Fat mass mea-
surements and parent-reported sedentary behavior were natu-
ral logarithmically transformed. Differences between boys and
girls were examined by 1-way analysis of variance. In prelimi-
nary analyses, no significant interactions were found between
sex and body fat measurements or sedentary activities; there-
fore, all analyses were conducted with girls and boys together.
Linear associations between body fat measurements and BP were
assessed by partial correlation, controlling for age, sex, and
height. The associations between sedentary variables (objec-
tively measured sedentary activity and parent-reported times
spent in TV viewing, in computer use, and in screen time) and
systolic and diastolic BP were measured by linear regression,
adjusting for age, sex, height, and body fat measurements.
Analysis of covariance, controlling for age, sex, height, and
percentage of body fat, was used to examine differences in sys-
tolic and diastolic BP values stratified by tertiles of sedentary
behavior (low, middle, and high). Bonferroni adjustments for
multiple comparisons were used to examine the differences be-
tween the tertiles. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS
statistical software, version 14.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois),
with the level of significance set at P.05.
The descriptive characteristics of the total sample and dif-
ferences between girls and boys are shown in Table 1.
There were no significant differences in age, height, weight,
body mass index, and systolic or diastolic BP between girls
and boys. Body fat measurements were significantly higher
among girls than boys. Parental reported screen time ap-
proximated 1.5 hours per day and objectively measured sed-
entary time 5 hours per day. Boys spent significantly more
time using computers than did girls (P=.004). Other sed-
entary activity measurements did not show significant dif-
ferences between girls and boys. The range of values for
sedentary behaviors should be noted.
Partial correlations, controlling for sex, age, and height,
showed positive associations between body fat measurements
and BP. Systolic BP was significantly associated with percent-
age of body fat (r= 0.344; P.001), total fat mass (r=0.245;
P= .01), and trunk fat (r=0.285; P= .003). Diastolic BP was
also significantly associated with percentage of body fat
(r=0.237; P=.01) and trunk fat (r=0.217; P=.02).
The results of the regression analysis are presented in
Table 2. Accelerometer-determined sedentary activity
was not significantly associated with BP. Time spent in
TV viewing was positively associated with both systolic
BP (P=.001) and diastolic BP (P=.02), whereas time spent
using the computer was not significantly associated with
BP values (P=.18 and P=.23, respectively). Screen time
was positively associated with systolic BP (P=.002) but
not with diastolic BP (P=.15). Age, sex, height, and per-
centage of body fat explained 29% of the variation in sys-
tolic BP (adjusted R2=0.29) and 24% in diastolic BP (ad-
justed R2=0.24). Additional analyses using total fat mass
and trunk fat measurements as confounders instead of
percentage of body fat showed similar results (data not
Systolic BP (F,0.07; P=.94) and diastolic BP (F,1.78;
P=.17) were not significantly different when stratified by
tertiles of objectively measured sedentary activity
(Figure 1). There were significant trends in time spent
in TV viewing, stratified by tertiles for both systolic BP
Table 1. Characteristics of Study Participantsa
(N= 111)
(n= 54)
(n= 57)
Age, y 6.24 (1.52) 6.23 (1.60) 6.24 (1.48)
Height, m 1.17 (0.11) 1.17 (0.12) 1.18 (0.10)
Weight, kg 22.31 (5.54) 22.29 (5.74) 22.34 (5.40)
BMI 15.87 (1.60) 15.90 (1.56) 15.85 (1.66)
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg 101.29 (8.70) 101.06 (8.35) 101.52 (9.05)
Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg 69.29 (7.76) 69.81 (7.79) 68.80 (7.75)
DXA measurements
Body fat, % 24.93 (5.93) 27.36 (5.83) 22.62 (5.08)b
Total fat, kgc5.80 (2.91) 6.59 (3.23) 5.52 (2.34)d
Trunk fat, kgc2.10 (1.30) 2.38 (1.48) 1.83 (1.06)e
Accelerometer-measured sedentary activity, min/d 299.87 (84.17) 295.98 (67.04) 303.56 (98.14)
Parent-reported screen time, min/d
TV viewingc73.84 (69.56) 63.43 (58.67) 83.70 (77.73)
Computer usec20.93 (33.30) 14.27 (30.44) 27.23 (34.89) d
Screen timec94.77 (80.19) 77.71 (69.75) 110.94 (86.50)
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); DXA, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry;
TV, television.
aData are given as the mean (standard deviation).
cValues were transformed (natural log) before analyses, but nontransformed values are presented in this table.
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(F,8.82; P.001) and diastolic BP (F,3.39; P=.04). Sig-
nificant contrasts in systolic and diastolic BP were found
between the lowest tertile and the highest tertile of time
spent watching TV (Figure 2). Values for BP across ter-
tiles of time spent using computers were borderline sig-
nificant for systolic BP (F,3.09; P=.05) and not signifi-
cant for diastolic BP (F,1.20; P=.30) (Figure 2). Systolic
BP (F,6.10; P=.003) but not diastolic BP (F,0.32; P=.72)
was also significantly different across tertiles of screen
time. Analysis of covariance adjusted for confounders also
showed a trend between systolic BP values by tertiles of
screen time (F,6.10; P=.003) but not with diastolic val-
ues (F,0.32; P=.72). Upon individual comparison, a sig-
nificant contrast was found when comparing the lowest
tertile to the highest tertile in diastolic BP (Figure 2). Ter-
tile means, 95% confidence intervals, and ranges of sed-
entary activities measured objectively and via parent re-
port are displayed in Table 3.
The results of this study show that sedentary behavior
was positively associated with BP in young children. More
specifically, TV viewing and screen time (computed by
summing the time spent in TV viewing and computer use)
were associated with BP after controlling for age, sex,
height, and adiposity.
Although previous studies show that sedentary be-
haviors are related to adiposity25,39-43 and adiposity is re-
lated to BP,21,24 this is the first study, to our knowledge,
to examine associations between sedentary behaviors and
BP in children during the adiposity rebound period.
Several similar studies have been conducted in older
children with the same purpose. Guillaume et al16 found
positive associations between TV time and systolic BP in
Table 2. Association Between Blood Pressure and Sedentary Behaviora
Model Predictor Variable
Systolic Blood Pressure, mm Hg Diastolic Blood Pressure, mm Hg
SEM R2PValue SEM R2PValue
1 Sedentary activity 0.064 0.009 0.07 .47 0.030 0.008 0.03 .73
2 Television viewingb0.272 0.365 0.32 .001 0.201 0.346 0.23 .02
3 Computer useb0.117 0.396 0.13 .18 0.108 0.366 0.12 .23
4 Screen timeb0.245 0.372 0.29 .002 0.122 0.355 0.14 .15
aVariables adjusted for sex, age, height, and percentage of body fat.
bValues were transformed (natural log) before analyses.
Sedentary Activity
Systolic Blood Pressure, mm Hg
Sedentary Activity
Diastolic Blood Pressure, mm Hg
Figure 1. Mean systolic (A) and diastolic (B) blood pressure stratified in
tertiles (low, middle, and high) by time spent in sedentary activity, assessed
with an accelerometer. Errors bars represent standard error of the mean.
Data were analyzed by analysis of covariance with Bonferroni adjustment for
sex, age, height, and percentage of body fat.
Systolic Blood Pressure, mm Hg
Television Viewing Computer Use Screen Time
Diastolic Blood Pressure, mm Hg
Figure 2. Mean systolic (A) and diastolic blood pressure (B) stratified in
tertiles (low, middle, and high) by time spent watching television, using a
computer, and screen time, assessed by parent report. Errors bars represent
standard error of the mean. Data were analyzed by analysis of covariance
with Bonferroni adjustment for sex, age, height, and percentage of body fat.
*Significantly different from the low tertile (P=.01). †Significantly different
from the low tertile (P=.001). ‡Significantly different from the low tertile
(P=.002). §Significantly different from the low tertile (P= .047).
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6- to 12-year-old Belgium boys but not girls. Likewise,
Ekelund et al17 examined the associations between TV
viewing and metabolic risk in the samples of 9- and 15-
year-old children from the European Youth Heart Study.
The authors did not find significant associations be-
tween time spent watching TV and systolic or diastolic
BP. In contrast, Wells et al15 found that 1 hour per day
of TV viewing was associated with an increase of 0.35
mm Hg in systolic BP and 0.25 mm Hg in diastolic BP
among 10- to 12-year-old Brazilian children. However,
a limitation of these studies is that they did not control
for adiposity. Pardee et al18 found that time spent watch-
ing TV was associated with risk of hypertension in se-
verely obese children, controlling for individual weight
status. However, a longitudinal study also found no as-
sociation between TV viewing in childhood and BP in
adulthood, independent of adiposity.44
The prevalence rates for elevated BP among US chil-
dren have been increasing in recent years.3,4 Effective pre-
vention strategies are clearly needed given the tracking
of BP and the early development of hypertension, obe-
sity, and other cardiovascular disease risk factors in youth.5
Several studies indicate that the heritability of BP is es-
timated to be about 30%.6Although genetics clearly affect
BP, lifestyle also plays an important role in explaining
the remaining variance in resting BP. Diet10,11 and physi-
cal activity12-14 both have been shown to be associated with
hypertension, but special attention is given here to the
physical activity results. In a study of 5500 children from
the United Kingdom aged 11 to 12 years, higher levels
of accelerometry-determined total physical activity and
moderate-to-vigorous physical activity were associated
with lower BP levels.12 Andersen et al13 also found asso-
ciations between accelerometry-determined physical ac-
tivity and systolic and diastolic BP in children from the
European Youth Heart Study. Similarly, a moderate dose-
response relationship was found between physical activ-
ity and BP in a representative sample of US children par-
ticipating in the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutrition
Examination Surveys.14 Recent findings also indicate that
sleep duration is inversely associated with BP in chil-
dren,15 but additional research is needed to confirm these
Our results indicate that sedentary activity assessed
by accelerometer was not associated with BP. However,
screen time and, more particularly, TV viewing was sig-
nificantly associated with BP, independent of adiposity.
There are several possible explanations for the associa-
tion between TV viewing and BP. First, isolated physi-
cal inactivity watching TV may have direct effects on BP.
Second, isolated unhealthy behaviors that children may
participate in during TV viewing (eg, eating) may indi-
rectly produce the effects on BP. Time spent watching
TV has been associated with behaviors such as in-
creased consumption of high-fat, high-sugar, and salty
foods and decreased consumption of fruits and veg-
etables.45-48 Furthermore, these behaviors are com-
monly associated with adiposity in children and conse-
quently with BP. Third, both inactivity and related
unhealthy behaviors during TV time may produce syn-
ergistic effects on BP. Last, TV viewing may disrupt sleep
hours in children.49 However, these explanations can-
not be directly elucidated from our results.
Besides the possible interactions of diet, sleep dura-
tion, and TV viewing with BP, our findings also suggest
that displacing screen time with even low-intensity physi-
cal activity may be an important preventive factor dur-
ing childhood. Moreover, we observed that participants
in the lowest tertile of TV viewing had significantly lower
systolic and diastolic BP than participants in the upper
tertiles. Participants in the lowest tertile of screen time
were also significantly different in systolic BP than par-
ticipants in the upper tertile of screen time. Participants
in the low-tertile groups spent an average of less than 30
min/d in TV viewing and screen time. Hence, these re-
sults suggest that 30 minute per day of media use may
be a reasonable threshold in young children to prevent
higher levels of BP.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that
parents should limit children’s screen time to no more
than 2 hours per day.26 Our results and those of others
show that young children spend much of their waking
hours in sedentary activities. The youth in our sample
spent an average of 5 hours per day in sedentary activi-
ties, of which 1.5 hours were screen time. Results from
the 1999-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examina-
tion Surveys indicated that 31.4%, 6.1%, and 37.3% of
2- to 5-year-old children spent more than 2 hours per
day in TV viewing, computer use, and screen time, re-
spectively.39 It is worth remembering that the recom-
mendation proposed by the American Academy of Pe-
diatrics only includes sedentary activities related to media
use. In contrast, Corbin and Pangrazi50 recommend lim-
iting extended periods of 2 hours or more of sedentary
activities (whether media use or not) for children, espe-
cially during the daytime. This recommendation is in line
with the idea of the physical inactivity paradigm.20 How-
ever, our findings are limited to screen time, and BP may
be related to diet and sleeping patterns influenced by
screen time, as discussed in the Introduction and the pre-
ceding paragraphs. Nonetheless, reducing sedentary be-
Table 3. Sedentary Activity, TV Viewing, Computer Use,
and Screen Time by Tertile
Tertile Mean (95% CI) Range
Sedentary activity, min/d
Low 224.85 (217.02 to 232.69) 164 to 259
Middle 284.03 (278.30 to 289.77) 259 to 318
High 390.72 (364.31 to 417.13) 318 to 667
TV viewing, min/d
Low 8.57 (4.87 to 12.27) 0 to 30
Middle 63.08 (57.95 to 68.22) 30 to 90
High 155.16 (137.13 to 173.20) 90 to 330
Computer use, min/d
Low 0 . . .
Middle 5.86 (3.10 to 8.61) 0 to 25
High 65.10 (54.75 to 75.45) 25 to 180
Screen time, min/d
Low 10.84 (6.79 to 14.88) 0 to 30
Middle 92.29 (84.32 to 100.26) 30 to 135
High 194.64 (175.99 to 213.50) 135 to 360
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ellipses, not applicable;
TV, television.
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havior is an important and promising strategy to pre-
vent obesity and hypertension in the young. Behavioral
choice theories suggest that reducing sedentary behav-
iors is a way to increase physical activity.51 A current ran-
domized controlled clinical trial examined the effects of
reducing television viewing and computer use on chil-
dren’s adiposity during the adiposity rebound period.52
The results suggested that reducing television viewing
and computer use may have an important role in pre-
venting obesity among 4- to7-year-old children.
The strengths of this study include the use of direct
measures, such as dual energy x-ray absoptiometry, to
evaluate adiposity and to examine sedentary behavior
using several indicators. Field methods to evaluate adi-
posity have significantly underestimated adiposity in
younger children.32 Ideally, these evaluations should be
made using direct measures such as dual energy x-ray
absoptiometry or underwater weighing. On the other
hand, TV viewing is the most common indicator of sed-
entary behavior, although the recommendation from the
American Academy of Pediatrics considers overall me-
dia use. Thus, TV viewing and computer use are gener-
ally summed to obtain screen time. However, metabolic
and physiologic responses, including systolic and dia-
stolic BP values, to video game play among children were
different than time spent watching TV,27 which suggests
that TV viewing and computer use should not be com-
bined exclusively as screen time. Likewise, the new-
generation computer games may promote slight in-
creases in physical activity compared with traditional
sedentary computer games.53 Another strength of this
study was the inclusion of objectively measured time in
sedentary behavior by accelerometer. Sedentary behav-
iors may be defined as “activities that do not increase en-
ergy expenditure substantially above the resting
level.”29(p174) Considering this definition, sedentary be-
havior involves energy expenditure at the level of less than
1.5 metabolic equivalent tasks and includes activities such
as sitting or lying down, regardless of whether screen time
(TV, video games, etc) is occurring. Further research is
warranted to understand the effect of sedentary behav-
ior on health (eg, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and
metabolic syndrome) using this definition.
Our study has 2 limitations that should be considered
when interpreting the results. First, time spent in TV view-
ing and computer use was assessed by parent report. Al-
though parent report is widely used to assess several life-
style indicators in younger children, differences with
objective methods may be large. Recent studies highlight
that parents underestimate their child’s TV time by more
than 3 hours per week compared with an objective method
when the child has a TV in the bedroom and overestimate
television time by 4 hours per week when there is not a
TV in the child’s bedroom.54 Unfortunately, we did not de-
termine whether children had TVs in their bedrooms. Sec-
ond, there is no consensus on the threshold for sedentary
activity using the ActiGraph accelerometer.34 Previous stud-
ies have used different cutoff points in children, and dif-
ferences among published children’s cutoff points have been
described elsewhere.55
In conclusion, the results of this study showed that TV
viewing and screen time were associated with BP indepen-
dent of body composition in children. Given that total ob-
jective sedentary time was not associated with BP, it ap-
pears that other factors, which occur during excessive screen
time, should also be considered in the context of seden-
tary behavior and BP development in children.
Accepted for Publication: February 3, 2009.
Correspondence: Joey C. Eisenmann, PhD, Depart-
ment of Kinesiology, Michigan State University, 3 IM
Sports Cir, East Lansing, MI 48824 (
Author Contributions: Mr Martinez-Gomez and Drs Welk
and Eisenmann had full access to all the data in the study
and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and
the accuracy of the data analysis. Study concept and de-
sign: Heelan and Eisenmann. Acquisition of data: Tucker,
Heelan, and Eisenmann. Analysis and interpretation of data:
Martinez-Gomez, Tucker, Welk, and Eisenmann. Draft-
ing of the manuscript: Martinez-Gomez, Welk, and Eisen-
mann. Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-
tellectual content: Martinez-Gomez, Tucker, Heelan, Welk,
and Eisenmann. Statistical analysis: Martinez-Gomez and
Welk. Obtained funding: Heelan and Eisenmann. Adminis-
trative, technical, and material support: Heelan. Study su-
pervision: Welk and Eisenmann.
Financial Disclosure: None reported.
Funding Support: This work was supported in part by a
York University Faculty of Arts Research Grant, Ameri-
can Heart Association Beginning-Grant-in-Aid No.
0665500Z (Dr Eisenmann), a University of Nebraska at
Kearney Grant (Dr Heelan), and scholarship AP2006-
02464 from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Sci-
ence (Mr Martinez-Gomez).
Additional Information: This research was conducted by
Mr Martinez-Gomez while working at Iowa State Uni-
versity as a visiting scholar.
Additional Contributions: Heather McArel, BSc, Chad
Cook, BSc, Ryan Krueger, BSc, Ashley Scantling, BSc, and
Bryce Abbey, MSc, assisted with data collection.
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Telling a teenager the facts of life is like giv-
ing a fish a bath.
—Arnold H. Glasow
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... In addition, the magnitude of retinal arteriolar narrowing has been associated with each hour daily of TV viewing and was similar to the effect of a 10-mm Hg increase in SBP in children [30]. In children aged from 3 to 8 years TV viewing and screen time, but not computer use, were positively associated with both SBP and DBP after adjusting for potential confounders [31]. Furthermore, there are also studies supporting the influence of screen time on BP levels indirectly through obesity (Schmidt) and through less sleeping time [3,15]. ...
... Time-use diaries or electronic monitoring systems such as automated time-lapse video observations [35] and accelerometers [18,31,36] alone or in combination with self-report questionnaires [2,4,15,27,28] have been evaluated as potential screen time or sedentary time measures. However, whichever method is utilized we may keep in mind that TV time, computer time and total screentime do not represent total sedentary time that better accessed by accelerometers. ...
... Studies have shown that SB is closely related to cardiovascular and metabolic diseases and their risk factors (27), the data measured by the accelerometer that people whose SB was frequently interrupted have better cardiovascular and metabolic status than those who sit for a long time (28). A study of 111 children ages 3-8 in the United States found that there was no significant correlation between children's activity and blood pressure when sedentary, but there was a significant correlation between the amount of time spent watching TV and the total screen time and the systolic and diastolic blood pressure of children (29). Meanwhile, the daily TV-watching time of adolescents was correlated with the increase in systolic blood pressure, showing a significant gender difference, and the correlation was stronger in boys (30). ...
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Background The increase in sedentary behavior (SB) in children and adolescents is one of the major threats to global public health, and the relationship between physical activity (PA) and SB has always been a key topic. Methods The literature search was conducted through PubMed, Web of Science, CNKI, Wanfang, and Scopus, and 121 pieces of literature were included in this study after screening and evaluation. Results (1) SB caused by screen time such as mobile phones and TVs has varying degrees of negative impact on obesity, cardiovascular metabolism, skeletal muscle development, and cognitive, and psychological disorders in children and adolescents. (2) Regular physical activity could effectively prevent, offset, or improve the harm of SB to the physical and mental health of children and adolescents, mainly by reducing the incidence of obesity, and cardiovascular and metabolic risks, promoting skeletal muscle development, and improving cognitive function and mental health. (3) The mechanism of physical activity to prevent or ameliorate the harm of SB was relatively complex, mainly involving the inhibition or activation of neurobiomolecules, the improvement of blood and cell metabolic factors, and the enhancement of brain functional connectivity. Conclusions Children and adolescents should avoid excessive SB, and through a variety of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) to replace or intermittent SB, which could effectively prevent or improve the harm of SB to physical and mental health.
... The World Health Organization (2020), supported by various studies (Martinez-Gomez, 2009;Tremblay et al., 2011;Roberts et al., 2017), emphasize the decline in PA levels among European adolescents, coupled with increased sedentary lifestyles and obesity, posing significant risks for physical, metabolic and mental health during youth and later life. These guidelines estimate that up to 80% of school-age adolescents engage in PA primarily at school (EU Working Group 'Sport & Health', 2008). ...
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Objective: For many adolescents, physical education classes (PE) provide the most relevant opportunity to be engaged in physical activity (PA). Although the evidence suggested low levels of PA in PE few studies have focused their investigation on the contribution of PA performed during PE to daily PA. So, the purpose of this study was to analyze PA levels of adolescents in Porto, Portugal during daily school hours when they attended PE (PED) with 45 min of duration (PED45), PE with 90 min of duration (PED90), school days without PE (NPED) and weekend days (WD). Methods: This study was conducted in four Portuguese public schools with 441 students (253 girls) volunteers, aged between 10 to 18 years (14.31 ± 2.70). PA was assessed using an Actigraph accelerometer for seven consecutive days. Independent and general linear model repeated measures were used to assess differences between PA according to NPED, PED45, PED90 and WD. A logistic regression was used to investigate the contribution of PE to the compliance of adolescents’ daily PA recommendations. Results: PED45 contributed, on average, 16.9% for the daily moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and PED90 accounted for 32.2%. All students engaged in more MVPA on PED than NPED or WD (p<0.05). PE classes were associated with higher odds to accomplished the recommended 60 min of daily MVPA (OR = 2.66, 95% CI = 2.01-3.53). Conclusion: This study suggested that PE increased the daily MVPA levels and played a considerable role in providing PA to accomplish PA guidelines. Keywords: Accelerometer, Physical Activity; Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity; Physical Education; Adolescents.
... Another factor that increases the risk of hypertension is consuming snack foods while sitting still. Types of snack foods consumed are usually high-fat, high-sugar, and salty foods that can elevate blood pressure (11,12). In addition, snacks account for almost half of total daily sodium needs; this is associated with elevated blood pressure in adolescents (13). ...
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Introduction: The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia has continued to increase over the last few years. An unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity can elevate blood pressure, particularly if an unhealthy lifestyle has been followed since adolescence. This study aimed to analyze the correlation between snack consumption and physical activity with blood pressure in adolescent girls. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 349 adolescent girls from seven Islamic boarding schools in West Java, Indonesia. Data on daily food and snack consumption were obtained by the 24-hour recall for 3 non-consecutive days. Blood pressure was measured using a digital blood pressure instrument, and the results were categorized by age, gender, and height. Linear regression analyses were performed to investigate determinants of blood pressure. Results: A total of 120 (34.4%) of the adolescent girls in the study had hypertension. A majority of girls had inadequate daily intake (energy, fat, carbohydrates, and sodium; only total protein intake met Indonesia’s recommended dietary allowance). Snacks were found to be high in protein, fat, and carbohydrates, with consumption levels above 15%. More than half (61.9%) of the subjects’ daily sodium intake came from snacks. Low-fat intake from snacks was associated with an increase in blood pressure in this study. Daily nutritional intake affecting blood pressure included sodium and total fat intake. Lack of physical activity in adolescent girls was not a risk factor for elevated blood pressure. Conclusion: Fat and sodium intake was associated with elevated blood pressure in adolescent girls.
... Hogstrom et al. found a strong correlation between low cardiorespiratory fitness and early mortality in a sample of 700,000 adolescents (2016), while muscular strength is consistently cited as protective mechanism to combat obesity and cardiometabolic risk factors such as blood pressure (Garcia-Hermoso et al., 2019). In addition, although there is a paucity of evidence regarding blood pressure in adolescent populations, correlations indicate a strong relationship between blood pressure that is high and adolescent sedentary behavior (Martinez- Gomez et al., 2009). The predictive capacity of obesity on health indicators and health related physical fitness, as a measure of future health, further illuminates the requirement to monitor these variables during adolescence (Kaminsky et al., 2013). ...
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Background: The aim of this study was to examine the test-retest reliability of the physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing questionnaire, in adolescent populations, administered by teachers in school settings, in the Republic of Ireland. Methods : A cross-sectional, mixed sample of 55 participants (45.5% males: Age, 13.94 (±.40) were included. The participants completed the questionnaire on two occasions (T1 and T2), on the same day and time, one week apart following identical procedures. Variables for testing included physical activity behavior (n=13), health (n=11) and wellbeing (n=2). Test-retest reliability of the questionnaire’s covariates, including family affluence and physical impairments were also examined. Results: Systematic error (Bland-Altman plots) was found to be near to zero for each of the physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing variables. The combined mean coefficient of variation was lower for females (10.19%) in comparison to males (13.01%). Similarly, the combined mean intraclass correlation coefficients were higher for females (>.901) than males (>.822). Conclusions: This study found the physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing questionnaire to be reliable for use in adolescent populations.
Purpose : To investigate the associations between physical activity (PA) intensities, sedentary behavior (SB), and blood pressure (BP) in adolescents, according to sex. Method : This cross-sectional study involved 95 male and female adolescents aged 15–18 years. Accelerometry was used to measure time spent in light-intensity PA (LPA), moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA), and vigorous PA, and SB. The BP was determined using an automated sphygmomanometer. Statistical analyses included multiple linear regression and command margins. Results : Significant associations were found between systolic BP (SBP) and time spent in LPA ( B = −0.08; 95% CI, −0.15 to −0.01) and SB ( B = 0.071; 95% CI, 0.004–0.138), albeit only in boys. Furthermore, an interaction was observed between time spent in SB and MVPA for SBP in boys ( B = −0.002; 95% CI, −0.004 to −0.0008). The main interaction effect of increasing SBP was a combination of <75 minutes per day of MVPA and up to 600 minutes per day of SB. Conclusions : Increased time in LPA and reduced time spent in SB during the day are associated with lower SBP in male adolescents. Additionally, the relation between SB and SBP was attenuated by MVPA. These findings provide crucial insights for PA recommendations to promote cardiovascular health in adolescents.
Background The aim of this study was to examine the test-retest reliability of the physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing questionnaire, in adolescent populations, administered by teachers in school settings, in the Republic of Ireland. Methods A cross-sectional, mixed sample of 55 participants (45.5% males: Age, 13.94 (±.40) years) were included. The participants completed the questionnaire on two occasions (T1 and T2), on the same day and time, one week apart following identical procedures. Variables for testing included physical activity behavior (n=13), health (n=11) and wellbeing (n=2). Test-retest reliability of the questionnaire’s covariates, including family affluence and physical impairments were also examined. Results Systematic error (Bland-Altman plots) was found to be near to zero for each of the physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing variables. The combined mean coefficient of variation was lower for females (10.19%) in comparison to males (13.01%). The combined mean intraclass correlation coefficients were higher for females (0.901) than males (0.822). Similarly, the combined mean Cronbach alpha coefficient were higher for girls (0.908) than boys (0.821). Conclusions This study found the physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing questionnaire to be reliable for use in adolescent populations.
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Background The aim of this study was to examine the test-retest reliability of the physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing questionnaire, in adolescent populations, administered by teachers in school settings, in the Republic of Ireland. Methods A cross-sectional, mixed sample of 55 participants (45.5% males: Age, 13.94 (±.40) years) were included. The participants completed the questionnaire on two occasions (T1 and T2), on the same day and time, one week apart following identical procedures. Variables for testing included physical activity behavior (n=13), health (n=11) and wellbeing (n=2). Test-retest reliability of the questionnaire’s covariates, including family affluence and physical impairments were also examined. Results Systematic error (Bland-Altman plots) was found to be near to zero for each of the physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing variables. The combined mean coefficient of variation was lower for females (10.19%) in comparison to males (13.01%). The combined mean intraclass correlation coefficients were higher for females (0.901) than males (0.822). Similarly, the combined mean Cronbach alpha coefficient were higher for girls (0.908) than boys (0.821). Conclusions This study found the physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing questionnaire to be reliable for use in adolescent populations.
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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of different levels of typical school provision of physical education, physical activity and sports on the physical activity behaviors, health and wellbeing of Irish adolescents (13–14 years). Methods: A cross-sectional sample (n = 795) of adolescents (age: 14.28 ± 0.45), enrolled at schools that are representative of higher (n = 7), moderate (n = 6) and lower (n = 7) levels of a typical school provision of physical education, physical activity and sports was included. A physical activity behaviors, health and wellbeing questionnaire with established test–retest reliability was utilized to measure the variation in physical activity behaviors, health and wellbeing. Results: Data analysis indicated a significant variation in the levels of physical activity behaviors and health across different levels of typical school provision of physical education, physical activity and sports. The evidence was reported both as unadjusted group level analysis and adjusted covariate analysis. Favorable outcomes for higher levels of typical school provision were found for physical activity participation, body mass index, social support from peers to participate in physical activity and enjoyment of physical education for girls and somatic health complaints and enjoyment of physical education for boys. Conclusions: The findings stemming from this inquiry enable schools to optimize their environments for health promotion and, thus, further enhance their contribution to public health policy.
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Background: It is uncertain as to whether physical activity (PA) may influence the body composition of young children. Purpose: To determine the association between PA, media time, and body composition in children age 4 to 7 y. Methods: 100 children (52 girls, 48 boys) were assessed for body-mass index (BMI), body fat, fat mass (FM), and fat-free mass using dual energy x-ray absorbtiometryptiometry (DXA). PA was monitored using accelerometers and media time was reported by parental proxy. Results: In general, correlations were low to moderate at best (r < 0.51), but in the expected direction. Total media time and TV were significantly associated with BMI (r = 0.51, P < 0.05) and FM (r = 0.29 to 0.30, P < 0.05) in girls. In boys, computer usage was significantly associated with FM in boys (r = 0.31, P < 0.05). Conclusion: The relatively low correlations suggest that other factors may influence the complex, multi-factorial body composition phenotype of young children.
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Decreased physical activity plays a critical role in the increase in childhood obesity. Although at least 60 minutes per day of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) is recommended, few longitudinal studies have determined the recent patterns of physical activity of youth. To determine the patterns and determinants of MVPA of youth followed from ages 9 to 15 years. Longitudinal descriptive analyses of the 1032 participants in the 1991-2007 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development birth cohort from 10 study sites who had accelerometer-determined minutes of MVPA at ages 9 (year 2000), 11 (2002), 12 (2003), and 15 (2006) years. Participants included boys (517 [50.1%]) and girls (515 [49.9%]); 76.6% white (n = 791); and 24.5% (n = 231) lived in low-income families. Mean MVPA minutes per day, determined by 4 to 7 days of monitored activity. At age 9 years, children engaged in MVPA approximately 3 hours per day on both weekends and weekdays. Weekday MVPA decreased by 37 minutes per year [corrected], while weekend MVPA decreased by 39 minutes per year [corrected]. By age 15 years, adolescents were only engaging in MVPA for 50 minutes per weekday [corrected] and 36 minutes per weekend day [corrected]. Boys were more active than girls, spending 18 and 14 more minutes per day [corrected] in MVPA on the weekdays and weekends, respectively. The rate of decrease in MVPA was the same for boys and girls. The estimated age at which girls crossed below the recommended 60 minutes of MVPA per day was approximately 13.2 years for weekday [corrected] activity compared with boys at 14.9 years [corrected], and for weekend activity, girls crossed below the recommended 60 minutes of MVPA at 12.7 years [corrected] compared with boys at 13.6 years [corrected]. In this study cohort, measured physical activity decreased significantly between ages 9 and 15 years.
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To examine the inter-relationships of body composition variables derived from simple anthropometry [BMI and skinfolds (SFs)], bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), and dual energy x-ray (DXA) in young children. Seventy-five children (41 girls, 34 boys) 3 to 8 years of age were assessed for body composition by the following methods: BMI, SF thickness, BIA, and DXA. DXA served as the criterion measure. Predicted percentage body fat (%BF), fat-free mass (FFM; kilograms), and fat mass (FM; kilograms) were derived from SF equations [Slaughter (SL)1 and SL2, Deurenberg (D) and Dezenberg] and BIA. Indices of truncal fatness were also determined from anthropometry. Repeated measures ANOVA showed significant differences among the methods for %BF, FFM, and FM. All methods, except the D equation (p = 0.08), significantly underestimated measured %BF (p < 0.05). In general, correlations between the BMI and estimated %BF were moderate (r = 0.61 to 0.75). Estimated %BF from the SL2 also showed a high correlation with DXA %BF (r = 0.82). In contrast, estimated %BF derived from SFs showed a low correlation with estimated %BF derived from BIA (r = 0.38); likewise, the correlation between DXA %BF and BIA %BF was low (r = 0.30). Correlations among indicators of truncal fatness ranged from 0.43 to 0.98. The results suggest that BIA has limited utility in estimating body composition, whereas BMI and SFs seem to be more useful in estimating body composition during the adiposity rebound. However, all methods significantly underestimated body fatness as determined by DXA, and, overall, the various methods and prediction equations are not interchangeable.
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The objective of this study was to cross-calibrate measurements of body composition by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) with chemical analysis of carcasses of pigs in the pediatric range of body weight. Eighteen pigs (25.5 +/- 7.0 kg; 9.9-32.8% body fat) were scanned in duplicate by using DXA with a Lunar DPX-L densitometer in the pediatric medium and adult fast-detail scan modes. Pigs were then killed and their carcasses analyzed completely. Carcass lean and fat contents were highly correlated with DXA measurement in both scan modes (Pearson r values > 0.98). For lean mass, the relation between carcass content and DXA measures was not significantly different from the line of identity in the adult mode, but was in the pediatric mode. For fat mass, the relations between carcass content and DXA measures were significantly different from the line of identity in both the adult and pediatric modes. In duplicate scans, the reliability of DXA measures of lean mass and fat mass was excellent in both scan modes. Because neither the adult nor the pediatric scan mode provided accurate measures of fat and lean mass, we derived specific correction factors to improve the measurement of total fat and lean compartments, thereby calibrating the Lunar DPX-L to the laboratory standard of carcass analysis in pigs.
Background. Understanding the determinants of adiposity in young children may be particularly critical for preventing adult obesity since the age at which body fatness reaches a postinfancy low point (typically 4-6 years) is inversely associated with obesity later in life. Methods. We examined cross-sectional associations among fatness, leanness, and physical activity in 467 children (range 4-6 years). Activity was measured using accelerometry and parental report of children's television (TV) viewing. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry was used to quantify body composition. Results. Minutes spent in vigorous activity and TV viewing were the variables most consistently and most highly associated with adiposity. Children in the lowest quartile for vigorous activity had on average (absolute) body fat percentages that were 4% greater than those children in the highest quartile for vigorous activity. Body fat percentages for children in the highest category for TV viewing were on average 3% greater than those children who watched the least amount of TV. Conclusions. Low levels of vigorous physical activity and high levels of TV viewing are associated with fatness in young children during the adiposity rebound period. This suggests that increasing children's active play may be important in preventing obesity later in life. (C) 2002 American Health Foundation and Elsevier Science (USA).
Objectives. Obesity has become a global epidemic but our understanding of the problem in children is limited due to lack of comparable representative data from different countries, and varying criteria for defining obesity. This paper summarises the available information on recent trends in child overweight and obesity prevalence. Methods. PubMed was searched for data relating to trends over time, in papers published between January 1980 and October 2005. Additional studies identified by citations in retrieved papers and by consultation with experts were included. Data for trends over time were found for school-age populations in 25 countries and for pre-school populations in 42 countries. Using these reports, and data collected for the World Health Organization's Burden of Disease Program, we estimated the global prevalence of overweight and obesity among school-age children for 2006 and likely prevalence levels for 2010. Results. The prevalence of childhood overweight has increased in almost all countries for which data are available. Exceptions are found among school-age children in Russia and to some extent Poland during the 1990s. Exceptions are also found among infant and pre-school children in some lower-income countries. Obesity and overweight has increased more dramatically in economically developed countries and in urbanized populations. Conclusions. There is a growing global childhood obesity epidemic, with a large variation in secular trends across countries. Effective programs and policies are needed at global, regional and national levels to limit the problem among children.
Studies that did not directly measure sedentary behavior often have been used to draw conclusions about the health effects of sedentariness. Future claims about the effects of sedentary, light, and moderate-to-vigorous activities on health outcomes should be supported by data from studies in which all levels of physical activity are differentiated clearly and measured independently.
Accurate information on behavior of young children at home is crucial to the study of child development. The present study compared parent diaries of 5-year-old children's time spent with television to concurrent automated time-lapse video observations. In addition, a number of control groups were employed to assess the effects of observational equipment in the homes. The sample consisted of 334 mostly white middle-class families, of whom 106 had observational equipment installed. Results indicated no systematic subject selection of families who were willing to have observational equipment as compared to the controls. In addition, there were no differences in reported viewing behavior between the observed families and controls. Of 3 types of parent estimates of 5-year-old TV viewing, concurrent diaries correlated best with video observation (r = .84) and produced a very small absolute mean time error. Direct parent estimates of typical time spent viewing produced smaller correlations and large overestimates as compared with diaries.
To follow and predict the evolution of adiposity during growth, individual adiposity curves, assessed by the weight/height2 index, were drawn for 151 children from the age of 1 month to 16 yr. Adiposity increases during the 1st yr and then decreases. A renewed rise, termed here the adiposity rebound, occurs at about 6 yr. Individual weight/height2 curves may differ regarding their percentile range level and age at adiposity rebound. The present study shows a relationship between the age at adiposity rebound and final adiposity. An early rebound (before 5.5 yr) is followed by a significantly higher adiposity level than a later rebound (after 7 yr). This phenomenon is observed whatever the subject's adiposity at 1 yr. The present observations might be connected with the cellularity of adipose tissue.
To test the plausibility of the existence of a genetically based syndrome involving obesity, hypertension, and a central deposition of body fat. Survey of a random stratified sample of the US population. Male and female children aged 13 years or younger (mean, 5.3 years; SD, 3.7 years; median, 4.0 years; range, 6 months to 13 years) were chosen from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey II data. None. Using multivariate commingling analysis, we evaluated the hypothesis that a major gene produces a syndrome involving the phenotypic indicators of body mass index (in kilograms per square meter), subscapular-to-triceps skinfold thickness ratio, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure. Maximum likelihood estimation was used to test competing models. A model with three component distributions and unequal variance-covariance matrices fit significantly better than any competing model. Our findings support the existence of a distinct cardiovascular disease risk syndrome in children and suggest that it may be the result of a major gene with pleiotropic effects.