
O Programa Microempreendedor Individual: uma alternativa para a redução do emprego informal

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Este artigo objetiva apresentar o programa Microempreendedor Individual (MEI) como uma alternativa para redução da incidência do emprego informal no Brasil, apontando-a como um mecanismo viável para o aumento do número de trabalhadores legalizados juntos às autoridades governamentais. O trabalho foi desenvolvido utilizando-se dois métodos de pesquisa: documental e bibliográfi co, fazendo uso de publicações ofi ciais do governo e de especialistas no assunto em livros e periódicos, além de resultados de pesquisa do Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (SEBRAE). Percebeu-se que o MEI oferece aos interessados vantagens consideráveis que motivam os trabalhadores a procurarem a formalização da sua situação profi ssional, vislumbrando a possibilidade de obter os mesmos benefícios dos demais e oportunidades que a informalidade não lhes proporciona, bem como o acesso à Previdência e a possibilidade de expandir seu empreendimento.

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... The main goal of this law was to reduce informality in the Brazilian market, allowing the federal government to increase its revenue, as well as increasing people's access to benefits that only formal workers otherwise enjoy (Paiva et al., 2013). ...
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In the business world, the management of an organization calls for the development of information to support decisions. However, this is not a reality for a significant part of micro and small enterprises in Brazil, as several studies have shown. On this theme, with a focus on individual micro-entrepreneurs, the present study investigated how these businesspeople manage their finances and development. Methodologically, the study was supported by field research with 21 entrepreneurs in different business segments from the city of Volta Redonda (Rio de Janeiro state). Results indicated that 19% of respondents do not control cash flow and 76% do not analyze their financial results. Of those that use some kind of control, 67% monitor their finances by handwritten notes in notebooks. Regarding the sales forecast, less than half of the surveyed people do this type of control. Therefore, the surveyed micro-entrepreneurs need to develop financial and accounting management systems, focusing on a better financial control of their businesses. Although not conclusive, we believe the results obtained are related to the respondents’ low level of education.
... principalmente, pela convers?o dos seus rendimentos (orientado para a sua sobreviv?nc ia) em capital (orientado para a sua reprodu??o em si mesma) ?, mas constatou-se que Paiva et al, 2013). Contudo, como diversos estudos apresentam (Castro & Nunes, 2014; Malagutti, 2001), a sa?da do pauperismo pelo empreendedorismo constitui-se em uma fal?cia: por um lado, permanece a submiss?o ...
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After production restructuring, the heterogeneity of labour has increased and, consequently, the rates of informal labour (salaried without formal registration and selfemployed). The allocation of workers in that context is mediated by ideology, which corresponds to the ideas that act upon the individuals’ social praxis towards conflict resolution, which in turn reach individual consciences through the meanings. This research aims to analyse the characteristics of ideology within informal labour context through the meanings attributed by self-employed workers. Twelve (12) semistructured interviews were performed with market workers from the street small Businesses Shopping Mall from Alecrim (locally known as “camelódromo”), a neighbourhood in Natal, Brazil, and the number of participants was determined by theoretical saturation. The meanings of labour have been analysed based on the biographical contexts of the participants, their relationship with social context and the ideological function they perform. It was identified that the participants who worked during childhood, motivated by their families’ subsistence, had been through more than four different professional experiences, including a previous experience as informal market workers and precarious formal labour. They establish contradicting relations of competition and cooperation owards other market workers and do not plan to interrupt their current work in the foreseeable future. They attribute meanings to work as a source of income as well as a form of time occupation, the salaried work as a place of humiliation and the selfemployment as a way to satisfy their own demands. These meanings all agree with the conditions to which those individuals have been subjected and with how work is conceived within capitalism (labour as a monetary source and the center of social relations). They perform three ideological functions: fixing the workers under the mentioned work conditions, preventing the development of class conscience and the critics to wage labour. It is necessary that the organisms of workers’ representation become aware of the potentialities self-employed workers can create by taking part in the broader struggles of the working class.
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